In Frank Capra’s 1946 black and white classic, It’s a Wonderful Life, Jimmy Stewart plays the film’s hero, George Bailey. In the movie’s denouement, George’s world is collapsing around him. Because his drunken uncle goofed, George’s family-run Building and Loan—which, out of loyalty to his deceased father, George gave up his dreams to manage—will fail. George will take the fall and be imprisoned for embezzlement. With Christmas Eve turning into his Dark Night of the Soul, George stands alone on an iron truss ridge in a blizzard. In order to end his misery, he leaps to his death in the rushing, icy river below.
But wait! George’s aspiring guardian angel, Clarence, dives in and miraculously rescues George. Instead of being grateful, drenched, cold George angrily tells Clarence that he, George, wishes he had never been born.
In order to earn his angel’s wings, Clarence must convince George his life had been worth living. Clarence escorts George through a hometown dream sequence where George sees specific, anecdotal examples of the sad lives that would have been lived by people George knew if George hadn’t done various good works. Beyond George’s direct assistance to those whom he knew, Clarence also points out the cascading negative effects to many other, unfamiliar people if George had never left his imprint. Via these examples, George sees that his life was very worthwhile.
George returns to his home, packed with adoring family and friends whose lives he had enriched. They all embrace George and bail him out by taking up a big collection. Everyone sings a rousing, piano accompanied Christmas carol. The End.
It’s all very corny. Yet, the movie endures because it expresses a core truth: a well-lived life benefits many people one knows, and many strangers besides.
But logically, and historically, the inverse is also true: the bad acts of one person, or a small group of people, can wreck many lives.
With great power comes great responsibility. In the past 22 months, far too much power was ceded to “experts,” who have caused nothing but tremendous harm.
Remembering Wonderful Life made me consider how the architects and exponents of Coronamania: principally Fauci, but also Ferguson, Birx, Walensky, Collins, Gates, Biden, media execs and talking heads and the lockdown/mask/vaxx mandating governors and mayors would fare if they, like George Bailey, were forced to confront the consequences of their actions over the past 22 months? What if Fauci, et al. had to face all those whose lives they have arrogantly damaged, ruined and even ended via their dishonest, power-tripping, terrorizing, politically-driven, powerfully dysfunctional Covid overreaction; to say nothing about funding “gain of function” research. From “two weeks to flatten the curve” to “vaxxes will prevent you from getting sick or spreading infection,” and at all points between, they have lied to, oppressed and badly hurt multitudes in every conceivable way.
Lockdowns, masks and other “mitigation measures” have caused mass scale isolation, depression and anxiety. They’ve divided couples, families and friends, worsened domestic and substance abuse and prompted many other unhealthy behaviors, including widespread weight gain which, along with recently increased homicides and overdoses, themselves raise mortality. Tens of millions of Americans lost jobs and tens of thousands of businesses permanently closed. As the Lockdown economy shrank, poverty and hunger intensified in many parts of the world. At least 90,000 Americans have been hospitalized and over 20,000 have died shortly after “vaxxing.” These are VAERS-derived numbers, which, historically, are vastly understated.
Beyond those effects, the Lockdowns and masks have deprived hundreds of millions of people—especially youths—-of hundreds of millions of irreplaceable life experiences. Aside from losing chunks of education, tens of millions of grade school, high school and college students missed out on making new friends and an array of memories, e.g., participating in school plays or concerts, team sports, parties, dances, etc. that, under normal circumstances, they would have learned from and/or reflected happily upon, at various times throughout their lives. Instead, school closures and masked existences have set kids up for lasting anxiety and social maladjustment. Kids were never at risk and Fauci, his fellow tyrants, teachers’ unions and anyone else paying attention knew it. Stealing time from kids has been pure evil.
None of the Covidmania theater has saved lives. Rather, these interventions, including “vaxxes” and ventilator misuse, have cost lives for many reasons. How much long-term harm from the injections will follow the many deaths and injuries already temporally linked thereto? The lockdowns have also driven fertility to record lows. Because of the lockdowns’ social and economic upheaval, many couples postponed conception. Young people did not meet other young people, and thus aren’t paired up, as they would have been. Consequently, millions of kids already weren’t, and won’t be, born. CNN could—but won’t—display a running count of the difference between normal, cf. actual, birth rates over the course of five-plus years.
The Covid overreaction has also shifted at least six trillion dollars, and much societal focus, away from many genuine social and economic problems. America has spent more inflation-adjusted money on two years of Covid overreaction than it did during four years of World War II. The money printed to fund this overreaction has already caused sharp inflation that has made hundreds of millions of people permanently poorer. How much more long-term harm from the “vaxxes” will follow the tens of thousands of deaths, and many more injuries, already temporally linked to the shots?
Overall, it’s undeniable: the world would have been a much better place if Fauci and other Team Coronamania members had not been born. They have only sown widespread, unwarranted fear. They can show no public health gains from their authoritarian, talismanic interventions. Their fear mongering has been reprehensible.
A realistic Wonderful Life remake/sequel about the Coronamania engineers could be entitled It’s a Totalitarian Life. It would be film noir with a very unhappy ending, the depths and duration of which are presently unknown. If each of the hundreds of millions of Coronamania victims was identified, the scene of reckoning would be endless.
Though Hollwood and the Pharma-sponsored media will rewrite history to portray the Covid villains as saviors of humanity.
I'm glad you bring up the issue of human fertility, a massive elephant in the room that nobody is talking about. When was the last time you saw a pregnant woman?
Last minute Christmas shopping took me to a local mall last night. It looked a lot better than last Christmas. Every small and large store was open, the parking lots were jammed, and a slight majority were unmasked (Tempe, AZ area). So that was great, but I haven't seen one obviously pregnant woman there or in supermarkets in at least a month.
I think this is part of what's going on:
But only about half of Arizonans are vaxxed. Likely fewer after subtraction of propaganda effect, counterfeits, saline shots, full vial dumps, etc. So is spike protein shedding from the vaxxed also contributing to reduced fertility? I will be looking into this more in 2022, IF any reliable data will be available.
The large players don't care about the lives they have destroyed, these psychopaths think they are saving humanity by depopulating 90% of the earth.
It's the useful idiots, the mid-level and low-level bureaucrats, who will eventually realize their hubris ultimately killed hundreds of thousands. Those people will end up losing grip on their sanity, sink into despair, ultimately kill themselves, unless their cognitive dissonance and narcissism is so strong (looking at you Gavin Newsom), they never realize what they are responsible for and have helped create.
I have no sympathy for either group, their crimes against humanity are so vast, they shall reap what they have sown.
One thing that is truly unsettling is the public's support for Fauci. He is responsible for killing thousands during the AIDS crisis, poisoned the last few generations of children through childhood vaccination, has moved on to murdering millions with covid and even the revelation of puppy torture hasn't changed his public idolization. Terrifying.