Last week, I received from a printing company, the first run of an anthology of 55 of the 170 Coronamania story/essays posted on Medium or Substack over the past four years. Many thousands of people read my weekly Substack posts. Medium de-platformed me in 2021 for writing things that have been shown to be undeniably true.
I like the 246-page book. Via true stories, it spans the themes of the Covid overreaction/nightmare: the dislocation caused by lockdowns, the relevant biology, the obvious phoniness of the response, the hysteria and groupthink, the media/government/Pharma conspiracy, the lost relationships, the vaxx scam and injuries. And more.
Many readers have told me I’m a good storyteller. If I am, it’s not because I have a vivid imagination. I don’t; all of the stories are 100% true. I guess people like the way that I describe reality.
Holding the book in my hand and opening it for the first time hit me harder than did the recent earthquake. I felt a deep sadness about all that’s happened and all that's been stolen from people, especially the young, via four years of government and media lies and overreaction and widespread public gullibility. It's still hard to believe that so many fell for so many obvious lies.
I’ve sold all of the first batch within four days, sending them all over the US. I will reorder this week. If you want a copy, please let me know.
Mark Oshinskie, 240 Wayne St., Highland Park, NJ 08904.
forecheck32 at gmail dot com
The first copy of each book costs $20, postpaid to US addresses. Extra copies are $16 each.
Brilliant cover - that mask covers the entire face! Says it all.
Here's the hard to argue with data from Denis Rancourt using All-Cause Mortality to essentially prove the covid shots caused 17 million global deaths and saved no one.
I speculate that everyone not killed dead has subclinical damage that will shorten life. But at least we can be glad this will boost Healthcare profits for years to come.
Mark, I give good books out as Christmas/Hanukkah gifts each year. I will be giving yours to the especially deserving. So reserve 10 for me. Easier for me to Paypal/Zelle the funds if you have a bank account that can accommodate that; others may want to know if that is an option as well.
Or, assuming you are coming to the retreat in the fall, I will just give you cash there.
And signed books have disproportionate value -- so I will want them all signed, of course.
Thrilled you did this.