With Coronamania having taken a sledge hammer to social life, one has to expend greater effort to have face to face contact with family and friends. If your past 22 months have resembled mine, some of your peeps have deeply internalized the madness. They no longer view you as someone who has shared important life experiences, or a thousand laughs, with them. Your new identity is as a viral vector: someone who will likely infect them and land them in the hospital, where they will die!
I call this group of people “ex-friends.” I wrote about them a while ago.
I didn’t think it was possible, but Covid Era life has gotten even weirder since the 2021 Vaxx Crusade began. People who know me tend to know, or suspect, that I have not injected. Nor will I. Though I’m not like a vegan who is driven to tell everyone about his status.
Since you asked, here are my reasons, summarized: I’m at functionally zero risk of dying from a Coronavirus infection. So are you. I don’t know what’s in those shots, nor do I know their long term effects. Neither do you. Further, everyone I know who’s been infected in the past six months has been injected; the population of injected/infected swells each week. Yeah, yeah, I know: “It woulda been worse if they hadn’t ‘vaxxed.’”
Except that it wouldn’t have been.
Pharma deserves no credit for saving humanity. Its shots were not needed in the first place: 99.98% of those basically healthy and under 65 survive infection, even without treatment.
And many 100%-injected sports teams have thoroughly passed the infection to each other, as if were a ball or a puck. By way of comparison, no “unvaxxed” person I know has been infected.
Plus, the shots have already injured or killed hundreds of thousands.
But facts haven’t mattered for two years. All that’s mattered are greatly exaggerated fear, politics and virtue signaling.
A few weeks before Christmas, a former co-worker e-mailed me and told me he wanted to treat me to lunch before Christmas. This seemed like a convivial, festive idea. (Incidentally, I treat more often than I’m treated). We agreed to meet on December 21. I looked forward to it.
On December 20, I received a follow-up e-mail. My friend told me he was going to travel with his wife for Christmas and he didn’t want an infection to cause them to stay home. Accordingly, he asked if I was OK with postponing the lunch. Without mentioning any data about how the vaxxes don’t prevent either infection or spread, I said that postponement was fine and wished him a good trip and a Merry Christmas.
When he returned from his trip, he re-contacted me and we agreed on a new date, January 6. I looked forward to that date. On January 5, he sent me another e-mail. His wife was still nervous about him meeting with me. He asked if it was OK for me to take a second rain check, this time with no proposed alternate date.
I e-mailed him back: “Sure. Just drop ten bucks in my mailbox and I’ll go out for lunch by myself.”
The food turned out to be pretty good. Though there wasn’t much of a conversation.
I am not vaccinated.
I have had covid and wasn’t terribly sick. I am 57 and active.
I live in the mountains and exercise in the outdoors daily. My sister and her family will not allow me in their home or around them in any setting.
Even her young adult children are boosted and her daughter took a moderna booster in her last trimester of pregnancy.
The baby is born and seems fine.
Although I have yet to see a picture of him with his eyes open.
I really hope he is okay.
Imagine for a moment if a woman told her friend that she has to cancel a lunch date because her husband doesn’t want her to go. You’d worry there was some abuse going on. What kind of a man says “I can’t go. My wife doesn’t want me to”? What kind of a woman feels the need to control her spouse like that? Both are truly pathetic and I guess belong together.