Truth be told, I’m not sure what substances people can ingest to protect themselves against the effects of Coronavirus infection. I haven’t done focused reading on this topic.
But I suspect that even the vaunted peer-reviewed studies re: therapeutics are tainted by either funding—or confirmation—bias, or just bad design. When I see that nearly all colleges require all students—who are at functionally zero risk of Covid death—to thrice (so far) inject an experimental substance, I can only conclude that colleges don’t value data, truth or free inquiry and are, instead, driven by a child-like faith in Pharma, corporate donations/soft money, and/or PC authoritarianism.
My beliefs re: the relative merits of shots versus natural immunity or therapeutics are shaped by: 1) a Biology framework I’ve developed through formal and informal study, 2) basic, undisputed Covid statistics, 3) observation of the Covid experiences of those whom I know and 4) having personally had better outcomes with self-care than with allopathic treatment. The Medical Industrial Complex is vastly overrated but, because it’s lavishly subsidized by government and insurance, it can fund relentless PR. On top of all the drug and hospital ads, Americans have always loved TV doctor shows.
I’m not— and have never been— scared of this respiratory virus. The facts don’t justify fear; 99.98% of those under 65 survive a Coronavirus infection without any treatment. After two years, I still directly know zero reasonably healthy people who have died with “The Virus(!);” I know, indirectly, of five people said to have died from it, but each was old and firmly infirm before infection. Simultaneously, I know many unhealthy people who are still alive. Human immunity, unadulterated by so-called “vaccines,” is an intricate, yet powerful force.
Without trying, I’ve stumbled upon many Net posts recommending the use of various substances to prevent or remedy Coronavirus infections. While I’ve used some of these over the past two decades, I do so to generally promote vitality. I’m not recommending here that anyone else use, or decline to use, these. It’s up to you.
Much has been written about Ivermectin, Hydroxchloroquine, Colloidal Silver, Theraflu, Fluvoxamine, Pepcid, and even Benadryl with milk. Many say that any one of these substances will knock out an infection. You can get either Ivermectin or Benadryl at Walmart. Like HCQ, Benadryl and Ivermectin are super cheap; so cheap that Pharma might have made tens of billions fewer “vaxx” dollars if these therapeutics had been more widely used.
For prevention, many support the use of supplements such as Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, Quercetin, NAC, Niacin and Melatonin, and Extracts of Grapefruit Seeds, Reishi Mushrooms or Elderberry.
In addition, some advocate nasal sprays containing diluted Iodine, Hydrogen Peroxide or Xylitol.
Some say substances like Black Seed Oil, Oil of Oregano, Astragalus, Goldenseal and Turmeric and Garlic and probiotics like Acidophilus/Bifidus, Yogurt, Kefir, Sauerkraut and Kimchi also help. Like the therapeutics and supplements, these foods are eminently affordable.
Even Marijuana/CBD Oil and Viagra have recently received favorable mention.
I wrote the above list from memory. Please tell me what I’ve omitted.
If you believe such reports as those to which I’ve just alluded, it seems as if just about anything works. Given the range of purportedly effective substances, one might almost anticipate future headlines that some other comestibles, from avocadoes to zucchinis, or modalities, from acupuncture to yoga, will also be said to prevent or quell Covid. And maybe they do. Just like good soil and well-timed water make healthier plants, healthy bodies repel disease.
One corollary of the notion that many things work is that Coronaviruses are not such formidable foes, and that the government and media have greatly overstated viral lethality.
Another potential explanation for ostensible therapeutic efficacy is that many of the illnesses and deaths attributed to the virus simply reflect poor baseline health and nutrition. I have read, and believe, that foods that elevate blood sugar also suppress immunity. Immune suppression, plus systemic inflammation among the obese may be why the diabetic and the overweight are more prone to serious infection.
But Americans love magic bullets. People feel entitled to eat as much and as indiscriminately, and to move as little, as they want. Many believe they can overcome the effects of living carelessly, simply by taking some pills or shots. Conversely, if you’re in decent health to begin with, and, once infected, you use some ostensible therapeutic and your symptoms fade, you or your doctor may falsely credit that therapeutic for your recovery, when your immune system really did the work.
While I can’t prove or disprove the efficacy of any of the above-listed natural and/or low-cost remedies or preventive substances, none of the above-listed approaches seem to present any potential for harm. Nor could maintaining a healthy weight by eating sensibly and getting some outdoor exercise do anything but good. But government officials don’t even mention more exercise or better nutrition, much less mandate it.
Even if none of the above-listed therapeutic or preventive measures work, a society and economy should not have been destroyed in an ostensible, and ineffective attempt to very slightly extend the lives of fundamentally old, sick people. Given the unreliability of the information and advice dispensed to date by Fauci, Walensky, Collins, Biden, and the media—and their willingness to wreck a society and an economy (Trump also deserves some economic blame, because he authorized trillions of the CARES Act potlatch) to sway an election—I trust the alternative approaches far more than I trust any of the government, Big Med/Pharma-sponsored media narrative, including the hype about the forthcoming Pfizer pill.
In comparison to natural/low-cost remedies, and as I suspected and predicted in summer 2020, it’s clearer each day that the relentlessly hyped (including by Trump) vaxxes neither stop infection nor spread. The shots have also been temporally linked to many tens of thousands of injuries and deaths. Nonetheless, and incredibly, Democrat politicians, celebrities and party apparatchiks have mandated, and still hector, everyone to submit to injection.
The insistence that everyone take these shots—plus boosters—is another desperate attempt to falsely claim credit for crushing a cyclical, seasonal respiratory virus, to which tens of millions of Americans have already become naturally immune, and which continues to evolve to weaker forms. The past 23 months have been a Milgram Experiment to see, by degrees, just how gullible Americans are. So far, many have shown themselves to be very gullible; perhaps limitlessly so. Thank you, sir, can I have another?
Just as Britannia ruled the ocean waves during the colonialist era, Democrats and Pharma now rule the neocolonial air waves, plus social media. After having sponsored, in direct contravention of his Inaugural Oath, yet another unconstitutional mandate— this time requiring all to either vaxx or lose their jobs—our clueless President now openly urges Net and media censorship regarding self-care and the injections. Despite all of the data showing the shots’ shortcomings, his commensurately clueless supporters vilify and wish to imprison, non-vaxxers, and fantasize that the non-vaxxers will die.
Meanwhile, the vaxxmanic say, or know, nothing of simple therapeutics or self-care.
This is life in Covid-1984.
I’ve been saying that this is one big IQ test, or test of both IQ and character (which most are failing). Calling it a Milgram Experiment captures that well!
While the hapless fool in the Oval Office has indeed broken his promises and acted in ways so much more reproachable that I could ever had imagined, it is the people pulling his strings I fear the most. It scares me that so many insightful writers, like eugyppius, for instance, see nothing more organized and sinister behind this than incompetence. I fear a WEF-lead or inspired China-style system with complete control and exploitation of citizens may the the ultimate goal here. What do you think, Mark?
This will probably be my one and only comment. Mark - since I found you, I read everything you write because it's well-written, puts a smile on my face, and confirms that I am not the only lawyer around who has rejected the covidiocy since it began and who uses logic, hard-earned research skills, and personal experience to make sense of the craziness. Since we shut down for 2 weeks to flatten the curve, I have tried to continue to live my life with the fewest number of changes possible. No masks other than to avoid unnecessary trouble or to be polite, social distancing as normal which is nothing new for me, no mRNA vaccine or other experimental vaccines for a virus that almost all healthy people easily survive, of course no vaccine for my teenage boys, continue to encourage my boys to participate in athletics as much as possible here in Northern NE, no hydroxychloroquine, no ivermectin, no snorting iodine, and no tests. Despite no tests, I'm reasonably certain that my family of four had wild covid in late January 2020 and recently went through omicron after a trip to a free state down South over the holidays - kids and wife were generally fine, but I had a scratchy throat, followed by one-day of headache and low-grade fever and chills, then followed by a week or so of fatigue, light cough and light congestion. The fatigue didn't stop me from working, or my workouts (strength training and running). My retired but active and unvaccinated father was infected with Delta this summer and basically had night sweats for a night and lost his appetite for a while and dropped 15 pounds, and all in all is probably better off now. My elderly inactive but vaccinated mother-in-law who has at least nine lives was infected and survived. No relatives or friends have succumbed to covid, but I do have a niece who experienced lung and breathing issues within days of her second jab as required by her job and which all her doctors of course concluded could not be vaccine-related, and I do know a few vaccinated, very unhealthy acquaintances who were infected when they passed. Anyway, although you may have thought you would be done by now, thanks again for continuing to write.