I tried to explain to someone I am dating why I would never take these "vaccines." Fell on deaf ears, as he trusts the government and the media. He took the shots because his "smart" cousin, a cancer researcher and screaming, obnoxious liberal, took them. No independent research and no regrets for his decision. I respect him less now and think things will probably end. He is a smart guy in many ways but it's hard to be with someone who cannot or will not see reality. There are a lot of "smart" stupids out there. Crazy and lonely times.

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I wrote about that two weeks ago. I said that if you didn't see the scam, you're not that smart.

I feel for you and for other people looking for sane, smart mates.

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I would add that many otherwise smart people didn't see the scam because they were so emotionally (and otherwise) heavily invested in it not being a scam. Such are the wages of pride and sloth.

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A large part of that emotional investment is plain old fear. A lot of these dopes allowed themselves to become terrified early on and that irrational fear has never abated in them. Not excusing them. They are contemptible cowards.

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They are contemptible cowards but I don't believe fear was the primary motivator no matter how many psychology PhDs say so. And the military can get bent. Their military grade "nudging" is likely a PsyOp. I've been watching these clowns in Ukraine and the West appears to be the worst military strategists and tacticians that physical reality allows. If they were any worse they'd spontaneously combust. And I haven't even mentioned their garbage weapons. It's a death trap.

And I don't know what caused the Covidian mindset but I'm more aware of the cognitive biases, the habit of imposing a single causal explanation with near absolute certainty on near infinitely complex situations ("it's all about money, control, the Jews, viruses don't exist, it was 5G and PCR"), reasoning by grabbing the evidence at hand rather than searching for disconfirmatory evidence ("okay, so you found a black swan but I found 5 white swans, so swans only come in white"), ignoring facts in favour of how warm and fuzz the story teller makes you feel (I'm looking at you Naomi Wolf), etc.

I've been reading up on electromagnetism and physics lately. I've found out that electromagnetism and thermodynamics are both fundamentally wrong and Feynman and other physicists knew it all along. Maxwell's equations were 20 equations with 20 variables and written in Quarternion Algebra (this is the math needed to understand most Tesla machines).

It got dumbed down afterwards to make it easier to calculate and then accepted as incontrovertible basic physics. Thermodynamics was developed even earlier and therefore has even more issues. Turns out all this stuff is based on one or two unprovable fundamental precepts in the beginning and the theory builds up from there. And I'm not saying these theories don't work in most situations. It's when they don't work that we find out they are fundamentally wrong (but good luck fixing it). Classical Electromagnetism states that charge is the cause and charge is the effect. They then play with terminology to conceal this and then wonder why most students can't make sense of it.

Now, if we can screw up the 2nd and 3rd law of thermodynamics and over 150 years later only the top theoretical physicists know it, what's the chances medical scientists know any more than 2% of how a human works?

And I'm not some crackpot reading weird books and taking them as gospel. I could build a case but would have to write out quotes and build a bibliography. But my point is we have a crisis in thinking and reasoning and as society becomes more technological the cracks are really starting to show. And we in the antinarrative crowd have almost as many problems with this as the others. If we were the experts we'd be screwing up almost as much. Look at the reaction to the Jordon Walker videos or Sy Hersh article. We lost the plot in minutes over Jordon Walker and it's never coming back.

Are they bombarding us with 5G or adding some frequencies to the electrical grid to control our minds? Maybe. But my best guess is this has been a gradual erosion of our reasoning abilities that is non linear so it's really ramping up now. Like near the end of a monopoly game where the eventual winner has so many pieces in place that the losing accelerates.

Anyway, that was an excellent article.

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I was telling a friend that I sense emotional fragility in Covidiens when talking about anything Covid. He says "It's pride." I thought about it and realized pride was the root or more fundamental cause. The two causes exist simultaneously. And I'm just guessing. I don't have any certainty. In this case wouldn't slot be justified by pride, making pride primary again? This is new thinking for me.

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I sense that pride was the hook that caught many people into taking the jabs-- especially those who wanted very much to be seen as educated and good and oh-so-modern. And now some of them realize they were fooled, and they feel ashamed. And for an unvaxxed person to point that out to them, that they were fooled and/or that they have damaged rather than protected their bodies, it's just rubbing salt in the wound. That said, unvaxxed people aren't all immune to the lures of pride, either. The lures of pride are legion.

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The 7 deadly sins don’t discriminate, for sure. I’m unvax’d but would never tell a covidiot they were wrong. If they realize it, they’ll suffer enough

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Pride in not admitting they were duped or what they’ve subjected their lives to, perhaps

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“Street smarts” (w/ or w/out a degree) wins every time....

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As a former paramedic I’ve witnessed fort hand that street smart cops and EMS are far better than book smart. And yet book smart started taking over about 2004-2005, which has led to this disastrous road!

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All one has to see is the “leadership” globally - all Harvard, Yale, ad nauseum. And look where we are w/ the “smart set”. Living Idiocracy

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Yep, the 'experts' have arrived 🤣 🤮

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Folks are lacking horse sense.

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But the CDC told us "we are not horses." Explains why we have no sense anymore.

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Adams is posturing for the big shots in the democrat party. He aspires. All of this tyranny brings to mind something Jordan Peterson said years ago. He said that all societies from which totalitarian regimes emerge are characterized by dirt/germ phobias and collectively have a very low threshold of disgust. That's the gist of it anyway. Makes sense when you think about the history of the 20th Century. And here we are falling into it again. For no other reason than because "I SAID SO."

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And then an unfortunate group to blame as unclean & vectors of the scary disease du jour

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Run the other way Di .... lonely is a matter of perspective.

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Lots of things worse than being alone.

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Hit the nail on the head Canny Granny

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on one's own (not quite the same as alone), but yeah, you're right.

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I am widowed and had a happy marriage. I prefer to be on my own now. I don’t want to take care of anyone else or anyone else’s kids.

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I've come to see our not-unhappy and on-their-own lot as witches, but the good kind. traveling by broom doesn't need a vaxx-ID and we know a lot about potent herbs, even if it's mostly for making super-delicious soup ;-))

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I make pretty good soup and try to sweep every day! I’ve been called a witch and a word that rhymes with it! Lol

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My daughter and granddaughters will always be my priority.


But I’m old. Young people need a compatible mate they can grow and prosper with. Pick the right one.

You can’t change people; you can only change yourself.

And that ain’t easy.

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Wise words!

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I just read about a dating service starting up in Hawaii for unvaxxed singles - this could be the next big thing!

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I read that too. It’s based in Hawaii, but it has worldwide clients.

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They are also affiliated with non c19 vax blood bank.

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Can you share any info about the blood bank

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“As the world’s “first unvaccinated dating platform,” Thomson said “Unjected” is part of an unvaccinated blood matching coalition that includes the Pureblood Registry, Blessed by His Blood, and Safeblood, founded by Swiss naturopathic physician George Della Pietra.

Thomson refers to the coalition as the “Blood Superteam.”

Epoch Times

I would think you may be able to search for website “Unjected” for information. According to article, they also have business links and places to make friends.

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Awesome, many thanks

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I think I saw it on epoch times about that article. Not sure. I can try to find it.

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My husband (who is himself brilliant, I think) had many "smart" friends that tried to convince him but thankfully after 30 yrs he trusts my instincts the most. He's so thankful now.

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Be glad you weren't already married to him.

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He's a fool, even though he may have some degree of sharp intellect. Ditch him. You'll regret it later if you don't. Your principles and his are in fundamental misalignment.

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My missus refused to hear anything negative about the covid scam for quite a while, but lately she let slip that she has started googling (oof wrong search engine, but that's another battle) some of the issues that I try to slide into our conversations (I have to be subtle or I face her wrath for bumming her out with the news). I too, have lost respect for my partner, but I have taken responsibility (emotionally, at least) to help raise my step-granddaughter since she has a single mom and no other man in her life. My missus is still a good egg overall, but my respect for her and her intellect will never be the same. Good luck moving forward, and welcome to your new life!

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You sound like a good man; thanks for helping to raise granddaughter.

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Di, You said, "There are a lot of 'smart' stupids out there." Love that.

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Most of our credentialed experts at universities and the like. Sophomores, at best. Wise fools.

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Get a D-dimer if you have been heavily near the vaxxed.

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"I respect him less now and think things will probably end." Yes, do it sooner, rather than later, for your sake and sanity.

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He's a regime toadie. Of course you respect him less. Drop him like a hot potato. Cruel to be kind.

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I can see why you expect this relationship to end. It’s hard to be around someone you don’t respect.

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There are dating sites for unvaxed ppl. Havent explored them but they are out there. I’m glad I’m not lonely cuz there is zero chance I could date someone who fell for this and still believes.

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Agreed, and I am lonely. I would rather be lonely, though, than date, or continue to date, some toady for the regime.

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He has a lot of other wonderful characteristics that drew me in at the beginning. He is very smart, but also very "smart" I am now, unfortunately, finding.

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It will be painful to separate, but, if you're anything like folks on these red-pilled Substack websites, you will be grateful, in the long run, for ending a relationship with someone who bought into the greatest fraud of our lifetimes, perhaps ever. This constitutes the single greatest crime ever perpetrated against humanity as a whole (not this or that group or set of groups, but against ALL human beings everywhere).

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You are right.

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Today smart means=being able to memorise lots of dogma

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Feb 16, 2023
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I'm so sorry. My parents both died shortly before covid and I'm thankful we didn't have to navigate those dark waters. They probably would've been similar.

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That's sad. I'm sorry.

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As a New Yorker (Brooklyn) born to New Yorkers (Brooklyn) born to immigrants (Ireland and Hungary) who arrived early in the last century, the level of compliance on the part of those now calling themselves New Yorkers astounds me. They're not the New Yorkers I remember -- or at least not the New Yorkers my parents were and so many others. Or the New Yorkers everybody loves to hate.

96% cave vs. 96% telling degraded scum like Eric what's his name to pound sand? It's New York City, for Pete's sake! Noise, dirt, smelly crowded subways, crowded buses, people everywhere from everywhere, garbage, rats and other vermin lurking in the background -- and New Yorkers caved over the off-chance they might get a respiratory infection? And obeyed??

After all that venting, another wonderful piece, Mark.

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Thanks, She.

Yeah, that NYC-tough thing turned out to be a crock.

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Yep, we did a lot better here in Detroit.

There is something to be said for a population that has deep distrust of government coupled with a multi-generational, at-this-point-almost-genetic disregard for ALL rules.

One of my neighbors commented, "I can just hear the ads now from the lawyers 'Did you or someone you know received Pfizer's..?' ". I don't know if we will ever get to sue, but she smelled the hustle right off the jump.

I think we are probably the least vaxxed large city (I'm not sure Detroit is considered large anymore) in the country, and they never got anywhere with their vax mandates. And there was a quite-solvent underground business in vax cards, good for a few $$ while it lasted, so even their official numbers aren't quite accurate.

They did put heavy pressure on the public school folks though. My wife, who teaches there had to get a "religious" exemption. They were paying family members to get their kids injected. We have an Uber-woke scummy superintendent Vitti, a refugee from Florida.

Thanks for your work!

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In Canada no religious exemptions and no medical exemptions were granted. It was shameful.

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Sad, but very true. I mean, do all those millions not notice where they live and in what they live and survive in every day? Then news hits about a respiratory infection??? Seriously???

Then scum of the earth like DeBlobbio and the new guy come along and New Yorkers comply?

There is so much to say, but what can you say? Really?

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Eric’s other bad choices as he governs NYC should be an eye-opener to know how inept he actually is. Don’t even know how he got elected after putting up with corrupt and insane DeBlasio (not even his real name🤦‍♀️). Eric Adams has been wrong over and over, now bordering on tyrannical if he brings back mandates.

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Yikes, I've even seen bbq'd rats recently on social media. ugh. And they're worried about a virus.

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I am also a native NYer, lived there from my birth in 1969 till 10 yrs ago, grew up in the wild & dangerous 70s and 80s, also a child of immigrants, and i just need to second your comment: I have been in deep shock for years now at how docile, passive and conformist all my friends in NYC have become.

i think it's partially because after the Giuliani/Bloomberg cleanup, the city became a safe space for suburbanites, who are more 'go along to get along' types, and also because now that we live in the age of the media- and technology-moderated hivemind, people pay more attention to approved tribal dogma rather than their own ears, eyes and brains.

Our NYC was rooted in humans and their communities; this NYC is rooted in consumers and their smartphones.

But we'll always have 20th century NYC...now that was the place to be!

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"...approved tribal dogma." Sad but true, it seems...and a little scary that critical thinking and self reflection has been over-shadowed by that.

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we like to think that our brains are these pure & detached reason machines, but our brains are first and foremost designed to meet the needs of the bodies they're attached to: status, security, tribal belonging, sex and other mating rituals, our general well-being.

and in times of tribal warfare (which i guess we're in, w the warfare being mostly virtual) nothing matters more than being seen as an obedient member of your tribe while also despising the other tribe.

the sad part (at least for me) isn't so much brains being tribal as brains being tricked into becoming tribal by obviously false & stupid media-generated narratives.

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"...brains being tricked into becoming tribal by obviously false & stupid media-generated narratives." Unfortunately that is also the way society gets divided and exploited preceding attempted fascistic and other authoritarian takeovers...if the trick works well enough. The trick may be backfiring however. Time will tell.

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Watching from afar, the whole New York story astounded me....and not in a good way.

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I remember right after hearing Cuomo's plans for a "lockdown" saying with a laugh to a friend in a crowded elevator that of course New Yorkers would never go along with such nonsense, and being stunned by the stoney silence that fell on everyone around me. I was shocked and continue to be nonplussed by the passivity and compliance of New Yorkers that other commenters have noted.

I'm inclined to wonder if it's a side effect of the past few decades of New York City's success in attracting a class that when I was younger would have fled to or stayed in the suburbs.

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Yes, these are not my mother's New Yorkers. :)

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Your writing is some of the most crystal-clear and hard-hitting writing I've ever read. A nice salute to Kyrie Irving.

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Thanks, T. Yes, Kyrie is a very skilled, clever player. And willing to think and stand up for himself.

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One clear upshot of Vaxxathon/Vaxxfest is that it fuels so much incredibly incisive creative writing! Some curbside/courtside justice 😊


Again and again ↓↓

🗨 Perhaps the most important question facing our civilization over the next 40 years is not how inadequate leaders become inadequate leaders, but what characteristics of human nature cause us to so consistently choose the most inadequate among us and elevate them to positions where they can do the most harm. ~~Charles Pellegrino, Ghosts of the Titanic, 2000(!)

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Thanks, Daiva.

And that quote is painfully true.

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* 'stackside justice 😇

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“The Peter Principle”...old old book on how the mediocre are advanced.

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Mediocre would be a much welcome upgrade 😏

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Yes, the leaders are inadequate, but what choice is there? If the choices are usually between a rock or a hard place, Tweedledee or Tweedledum, what are you going to do? I say DON'T VOTE.

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The problem is our selection is between Tweedledumb or Tweedledumber. I wasn't too sure about Trump when I voted for him the 1st time. I figured that he may be like throwing a grenade into a nest of snakes in DC. Wow, was I right. Didn't realize how many snakes there were in DC and how absolutely corrupt every facet of our Federal government is.

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Could you imagine what the world would be if in 2021, EVERYONE said NO to the vaXX together, stopped going into work. Stopped paying bills. And just went outside to play. Think about it. WAR would have been over within 48 hours

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And what would our economy look like now? I think it would be booming uncontrollably. And how much better off all the children would be. Unfortunately I think if it started all over again right now, it would mostly play out the same way.

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Yup, agreed. Even those who couldn't believe you would need a " vax" card to get into a restaurant in NYC. The next go round, they'll get chipped instead. Mark of the Beast.

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I love your word: VaxxFest. Thanks for another great dispatch!

(It’s now capitalized!)

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Thanks. Don't forget to capitalize the F.

The avatar is me in my homemade t-shirt..

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Here in my blue state, we are spelling it VaxxxxFest (x=number of jabs to date). 🙄

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I love it too. Hereby stealing it.

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Ha! I already trademarked it!

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OK then, sigh, I shall have to type

VaxxFest (TM Mark Oshinkie)

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What Adams did was criminal. May he be held accountable before the law.

I very much agree, as you say, "Too bad that more workers didn’t understand their worth, bargaining power and ability to refuse the shots."

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Adams, DeBlasio, Cuomo, Whitmer, Fauci, HRC: these are all powerful and wealthy members of the American Oligarchy that are too rich to fail. In 2023, the law only affects poor white people.

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Deceit is widespread and everywhere. Covid simply exposed It. I do not believe we will ever return to “normal.”

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The past three years have deepened my sense of pessimism.

I didn't think that so many people could be so stupid and so passive.

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It’s really shocking isn’t it? At times I felt I was living in a movie like They Live or Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I didn’t feel smart to see through it all, just normal. It scared the hell out of me, to be honest.

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Their Ancestors, who suffered things only God can comprehend, surely would be ashamed of them.

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I didn't think people would fall for that cringe slogan, "we're all in this together."

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Why would we want to return to "normal"? "Normal" was a naive blindness to the forces that coalesced in the darkness over decades to bring us to where we are today. Our trust was misplaced, our "saviors" are our enslavers, and as Mark so beautifully describes here, any individual who is willing to stand up and say "no" has the power to change the world.

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Good insight

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Healthcare has been corrupt for quite a while, perhaps as far back as the 80s, and COVID has simply exposed that fact to a wider audience. We don't want to go back to normal, it wasn't good to begin with. We need to create a new normal that benefits the ordinary people and takes the power back from the corrupt institutions. It all started with the brainwashing in the so called institutions of higher learning.

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I wish more people had his courage and conviction.

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"Adams replied, “Because I say so.”

This is not following the science it was blindly following an authoritarian edict based on a failed scientific experiment imposed on healthy populations, who were purposely lied to and never told the deleterious effects of a "computer generated gene therapy" tested for decades but never proven successful; killing all animal subjects.

This experiment was injected by mandate into the unwitting and mostly unwillingly. In addition, each batch of this toxin was different as quality control was not a consideration since early on the crooked pharmaceutical CEO'S knew the jab was not effective at preventing contraction or transmission. And tragically those who received an especially tainted batch suddenly died, or developed irreparable adverse reactions.

The politicians, the pharmaceutical industry, and DARPA must be held accountable or they will brazenly commit the same crimes against humanity in the not too distant future.

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re: Adams replied, “Because I say so.”

Yeah, that also worked for the King of France, until it didn't.

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He literally said this. I saw the video.

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I know I saw it too.

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and for the King's wife, who wanted us to eat bugs, no sorry, cake.

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"Because I say so."

Which means, "Because I'm bought and paid for - now go away while I count my ill gotten gains."

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Easy to be a bossy bully or bully boss when you have NO liability.

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Kyrie is a modem day hero. I know people that have not nearly as much to risk as he, that stood silent. Then under whispered hands, said, I agree with him.😐

So much fear, paralysed and still silences so many. I only hope at some point people realise...#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget

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As is Djokovic. Both were called all sorts of terrible names. I can’t even listen to the tennis commentators anymore. Watch on mute. Pam Shriver was one of the worst. I am patiently awaiting vax karma to hit her like it did evert and navratilova. I’m ashamed of the sport at this point.

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I'm having trouble with the whole exemption concept. Why should I participate in stupidity? No is no.

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This is a fair point.

I told my boss that if I didn't get an exemption, I was done. And I meant it. That's a "No."

But no one should have to explain their reasons

I believed the mandates wouldn't last and that those who rejected them would be rehired, with back pay.

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I submitted my exemption, but although it was not questioned, they said they couldn’t accommodate me. I used my lowercase fu money to survive a 6 month unpaid leave of absence. With no guarantees. Somehow they changed course, and welcomed me back unjabbed with no mask or test requirements. I was one of 40 out of 7000 that followed this path. I bought a Kyrie Irving toy figure to set on my desk. Your articles are excellent. Thank you!

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Thanks, Steshu. And thanks for standing your ground.

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the pressure to get jabbed really ramped up in November 2021. I had avoided answering the employer's questionnaire (not anonymous) about my jab status, and finally was summoned to HR (35-person small company). I was beyond appalled that my employer would demand such personal info about my health, with the attitude that they were fully within their rights to do so, and also with the attitude that I was the foolish, recalcitrant one.

They had stated a few months earlier that they "strongly urged and recommended" (because it's the right and smart thing to do, to protect self and everyone) the jabs, but would "not mandate." I bet they had looked into the legal ramifications of that.

In November 2021 they were loosening their masking requirements, with differential treatment for vaxxed people who would now be allowed to take their masks off, but unvaxxed people would be required to still keep it on. I said I didn't want it to be obvious that I was the sole holdout (I told them a convenient truth: "these shots are contraindicated for me, because I might die from anaphylaxis") because it could lead to discrimination and shunning. And that my employer was not allowed to "out" me to others (per certain federal laws, etc., my medical info must be protected by HR).

HR scoffed dismissively at my concerns. This is somewhat my point: that those who took these jabs for whatever reason, honestly had no clue of what we were going through in terms of being systematically shut out of full participation in society. Many venues and restaurants required proof of jabbing to enter. Many community members were quite vocal that the unvaxxed people were not welcome. Horrible things were said in my presence by people who did not know my (private, none of their business) status.

I had even raised my hand to volunteer (there was a shortage of volunteers) to mentor a young child at a local school for a reading program, and once they discovered my jab status, they said "no -- we don't want you." Hopefully they found another caring mentor.

November 2021 was the height of the worst shunning. It did not start to get better until Omicron caused most people to get sick. February 2022 the pressure started to recede. But -- here's my next point: the damage from the shunning was already done. I, and others, will never forget what that was like, and who participated. And it is the most horrible thing that the jabbers now act as though none of that happened, and have absolutely zero clue of the "good German" behaviors they exhibited.

And so, it can happen again.

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I love your comment. September 2021 was the peak pressure at my work. April 2022 they magically turned it all off and back to normal. No apologies, since they all complied and I didn’t. You would not believe how many are having various health issues and I am not. Anecdotal evidence of jabs being bad for your immune system.

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same here, regarding observed health issues. Several of my coworkers now have chronic, mystery illnesses. One has woken up because he developed a cardiac problem following his third jab. One still voluntarily wears her mask all the time. Everyone around me catches flu-like things frequently (some are moderate-severe) and I am around all of these "germs," yet I never get sick.

I had a mild "something" around Christmas 2021 (Omicron?) -- so mild I barely noticed. Other than that -- I've not been sick in several years.

To my advantage, perhaps: I am older and have never had a flu shot. I have a functioning immune system.

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Fortunately my employer never mandated but strongly suggested so I never had to lose my job. We were all remote though the office was open to those who wanted to go in. If you did go in you needed to provide vax proof or negative test. I was not going to be a participant in that clown circus so stayed remote even as hungry as I was to be out of my house. I manage a team of 5 and as each of them got jab after jab, losing a day of work or more after each one from the side effects. One late 30s lost a whole week as in his words he time travelled. I’ve now see them getting sick over and over again while I’ve had one cold in 3 years.

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how dare our employers think they have the authority and license and training and expertise to offer us medical advice!

All of these strong suggestions and urgings..... they had absolutely no authority nor right to do that. Enforcing illegal government mandates; they should all be sued.

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My employer never "mandated" it, but was floating the idea of increased health care premiums for us unwashed. They finally dropped the mask mandate at work for the 'vaxxed' around June 2021. I was not going to be "othered" by having to be the only one in a mask, so I just didn't wear one. There was some 3rd party software that I was supposed to upload my "evidence" to, but I just played dumb. That whole no-mask charade lasted exactly 2 weeks when the "case count" went up. Cue the circus music. Who has a cold/sniffles outbreak in the middle of summer in the Midwest ? That and Alex Berenson's writing in late summer of 2021 of vax failure in Israel and the UK made me question the safety of this whole mRNA fiasco.

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"...and have absolutely zero clue of the "good German" behaviors they exhibited.

And so, it can happen again."

Absolute Truth. It WILL happen again.

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unless we don't comply.

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I am glad you avoided their HR questionnaire. I wish I had had the courage to do that. I filled mine out: They made me mark that I was refusing to take the "vaccine". Now some "third party" web site has all my personal information. They said if I sought a religious exemption I would have to present a note from a pastor. My faith teaches that one must obey their conscience. So they don't even understand the people who make up the citizenry. YES! Now it's like none of it happened. Not right!

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religious exemptions (for schools) in Maryland: you need only state that you have a "sincerely held spiritual/religious belief." You do not have to describe or justify it. It's no one's business what it is, and attending church (or having a pastor) is certainly no proof that one has strongly held spiritual convictions against being jabbed.

I think many non-"religious" people think that "it is because of the aborted fetal cell tissue" is the reason that anyone who claims a religious exemption is going to give. While that may be one reason (and we shouldn't have to give any), it is by no means the only reason.

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A note from a pastor. Like a note from your mommy excusing you from school? SMH.

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Nov 2021 - that's when I left my job. The harassment was non-stop. I was the ONLY one in my company harassed as a leper (out of 300). I will never be employed again and I'm glad for that. Good riddance to the workplace.

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I hope this means that you have found alternative opportunities that work better for you. Or, if not - then you will soon.

Even though the time of the shunning and harassment was relatively brief (depending on where one lives), and even though it is no longer the intensity that it was around Fall 2021, it's festering under the surface. Until and unless those who participated in the shunning realize and admit and atone, this is going to be a huge obstacle in our interpersonal relations (workplace, friends, family, community, etc.). As long as they keep pretending that they didn't do that, or they never felt that way, or that they were just going along with the crowd (so that makes it somehow ok)..... it's a problem.

My heart goes out to you.

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Sorry to hear that Napoleon.

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Recently I was invited to my first in person meeting with clients since the scandemic. My company is fully remote now but there is a vaccine policy for travel and in person meetings. I said yes to the meeting to see what would happen.

An hour later I get the email from HR to download my vax card. I replied “I didn’t know we were still doing that as clients have lifted their mandates. I will have to pass on the meeting.”

HR said they would work with me on an exemption and sent me a ridiculous form to fill out. I replied that I wouldn’t qualify for an exemption and that I would have to pass on the meeting.

Then came the reply that they would make an exemption for me on the grounds of medical freedom and bodily autonomy. No forms to fill out.

A victory yes but it still rankles me that they had to “approve” me to sit in a room with people I’ve worked with for five years.

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Awesome Vernon!

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You are lucky they folded.

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Well, I wouldn't have been fired. Our company is fully remote, and half my teammates are in cities other than the one our main client is in, so they can't go to in person meetings ever. Honestly, there wasn't much at stake except for maybe my reputation.

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Awesome writing Mark ... boom 💥 , no means no ... and nobody’s business... Amen to that .

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Thanks, Brandon.

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You were lucky!

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Mark is a blessed man .

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Agree. While the mandates never went through, my company was preparing for them with relentless propaganda emails and a request to upload our vax status to a third party app (workcare, I think?). I ignored the auto generated emails and when I finally got an email from a real person, I stated that I would not put personal sensitive information (buzzwords I lifted directly from our in house data privacy training!) on a third party app. No response. Nothing came of it. Covid isn't mentioned anymore.

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During the Corona shenanigans it was demonstrated AGAIN that Lysander Spooner was right in the 19th century - government is illegitimate and has *no right* to rule over people. The Constitution does not grant “emergency powers” to government. Yet government implements it like a tyrant. Sad part is, that this will happen all over again (and again) because of the endless brainwashing since childhood that repeats that this is the best system on the planet and peasants believe it. The mind is the battlefield exactly as William Sargant stated.

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I agree with you Anna. But I’m hopeful that we and reality will win this particular information war.

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Perhaps we will. But if/once we do how will “we the people” change the system to ensure this will not happen again? How will we (the people) actually hold the criminals responsible for what they did and to prevent them from doing it in the future?

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Why are you being so realistic? :). Maybe the public will be so exhausted from the incompetence and corruption of MOST of our elected officials, they’ll decide to vote for principled, intelligent leaders? Maybe a chastened MSM will report honestly? It sounds like a pipe dream, I know. But we are currently right in the middle of a battle between reality and manufactured narratives. What can we do but press on?

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What’s realistic? None of us know what’s gonna happen next. Often the best of times come out of the worst of times.

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Ah. Voting... we have been voting for how long now? And where did voting get us exactly? Why do we think that doing the same thing over and over (voting) will yield different results? It was demonstrated what happens to “principled and intelligent leaders” when JFK was eliminated. Also, how can corruption happen under *any* administration if there are “checks and balances” and the Constitution limits government?? Does the government look limited? Has it looked limited the past decades? Ah, so much to say and not enough time to type up a novel. Peasants need to come to the realization that our government is THE EMPIRE and we are nothing but (disposable) servants of The Empire. Should be crystal clear by now.

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I care nothing for basketball but will be rooting for Mr. Irving for exposing the irony and hypocrisy. Speaking of irony, I was just reading that the FDA pulled a brand of dog food from the market after two dogs got sick (and thankfully recovered). 🤡 🌎

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Contrast Kyrie to Damar who refused to answer Michael Strahan’s question if doctors had told him what happened when he’s so young, healthy & athletic. The fact that there is no plausible explanation unrelated to Vax injury says it all. I’m glad he survived but what a coward.

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Loved this. I welcome Irving to Dallas!

I am so grateful my husband resisted here in Texas. He was working at a Fortune >500 company, his only regret is that he told them he wasn’t getting the jab and would never get the jab instead of just telling them to buzz off. They made him (and one other unvaxxed employee) wear a mask in the. building. They banned him from the company gym. His supervisor called him and said he was “concerned” about his health- my husband is perfectly healthy, we eat a very clean diet, he exercises and doesn’t drink (in an industry rife with overweight alcoholic good ol boys). They banned him-last minute- from traveling to a major industry conference and from meeting face to face with clients. I watched him going from enjoying his job to being so worn down from being consistently shat on in a 2 month period. He quit. It wasn’t fun but imagine how pissed he’d be if he capitulated.

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I hope that, by your husband's absence, it cost his former company much time, effort, and money to fill the void he left behind.

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