Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

My chiropractor told me that the true measurement of cholesterol is the ratio of the two types… he must know something since he and his wife never jabbed and never got sick. Personally I haven’t gotten a vaxx since I left family home as a teen nor have I ever take pharmaceuticals. I don’t have a doctor per se because they’re dumbed down and useless and frankly dangerous. Ive never donned a mask either. I lived in NYC for 35 years and rarely got sick, certainly never the flu. I don’t listen to the blather and use my own experience as my guide. I’ve lost nearly all my friends from elementary school til now, retirement. They’ve disowned me and several maligned me to my face. Im not on social media so I don’t know how many of them still live and breathe. It must be something in the water.

Enjoyed your article.

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Nancy, you didn't lose friends, you lost acquaintances. True friends would not disown or malign you. You are better off without them.

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Very true. We had "friends" of 20+ years that disowned us because of different views towards the Scamdemic.. The woman was my wife's best friend and they talked at least once a week on the phone and we both stayed at each other's homes numerous times over the years. It broke my wife's heat when they stopped talking together.

As for some other very good friends that we still socialize with and talk to, I wonder how close we really are to them?

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Yeah, never thought of that. Must be the water.

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The Sun actually helps us fight skin cancer, (UV- melanin as antioxidant), and those who don't get Sun are more likely to die from skin cancer:


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AMD wrote this great piece:

Dermatology's Disastrous War Against The Sun

The forgotten side of skin health and the necessity of sunlight


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I read this. I live in florida. Have worked outdoors for 30 years. Go to the beach regularly. I used to passively use sunscreen and go to the dermatologist every few years. They would always cut something off me. It was “pre cancer” or “looked funny”. After the 3rd time of getting cut up like 6-7 years ago, I said f this and said I’m not going back. After reading this by AMD, I felt vindicated. I’ll die a shriveled up tan prune I guess. The sun always heals me, and the salt air.

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Great article!

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Hey, RSS.

Yeah, it's almost like all the S--T we've been told for about oh, 40 years or so, has been exactly the WRONG advice!!! Go fig.

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I was going to mention you! I didn’t have to, here you are!

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Ha! Thanks so much Karen for thinking of me(: How's your tan coming along?

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Ha! Going out for a hike almost every day without sunscreen, but can’t get past the whole sunglasses thing 😉

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Love your writing style and the way you think. Keep it up.

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Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie


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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I noticed a couple of summers ago after dutifully applying sunscreen on my child at the pool, my gel nail polish began peeling off. This type of polish only comes off with acetone at a nail salon! Makes me wonder what sunscreen is doing to our bodies. Literally, everyone in the pool is swimming in it.

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Sunscreens are like vaccines in that there is plenty of useful info about their harms, but only if you look for it in the alt-media. MSM is locked into the narrative, nothing but propaganda.

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Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I stopped using sunscreen and shaving creme many years ago. I am still clean shaven, somewhat tanned and enjoying life without popping pills, getting shots or slathering questionable glop on my bod.

Good read, Mark. I spent many years playing basketball in various Ys and military gyms. I knew my role as a garbage man / rebounder.

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If I may ask, what do you use when shaving? Anything?

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My whiskers are probably of average thickness. I just use water. It’s softer after a hot shower but I give it a dry going over before bed and it come off easily never a rash or irritation. When I have a goatee or stache in need of removal I might use some hand or bar soap suds never a problem.

IMO shaving creme and the fancy razors are a total scam. How much longterm chemical testing of skin do you think the makers of Rise did before its release. And the shaving gels? Lol. Who knows what kind of effect using those for 30+ years might have on a person? The manufacturers sure don’t. Been over ten years since I gave it up. I buy cheap grocery store brand double edge razors which work just fine.

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Thanks for responding. I usually use store bought shaving cream, but you've made good points. There must be some "natural" products (made from bee's wax, goat's milk and cow poop, for example) to try.

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I just use soap.

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If you put poop on your face, you'll be a shit head! ;)

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You can make your own sunscreen with zinc oxide. It's easy to do. I only use a bit on my nose where I had basil cell years ago. I am out in the sun a lot playing sports. I only use more sunscreen if I'm out long enough and feel my skin is burning, which isn't often. Covering up with long sleeves is preferable to wearing sunscreen though, even the homemade stuff. Our vitamin D level should be somewhere between 60-80 optimally. People who say you shouldn't get too much sun are wrong. If any doctor looks at my tan and makes a negative comment I correct them quickly.

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I resisted the Covid Nazis to the fullest extent possible and lost a lot of money and income. However, can I just add a word of caution about separating the world into pill swallowers and natural remedy folks? I have two chronic conditions for which the only real help are prescription meds. Without these, I'd be dead many years back. Before everyone jumps on my back, I'd like to say that, apart from hating Big Pharma and wanting to see Fauci et al hang, I've tried every alternative health care option out there for these two conditions. And by every, I mean "every", including living on diets that a self-respecting bird would reject, and eating up every medicinal herb within a ten mile radius. None of them worked. As I said, I hate Big Pharma and what they did to our world, but I don't want us either to go too far the other way.

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I'm not saying all meds are bad. But too many people are medicated to their detriment.

I don't foresee this trend reversing any time soon.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 9

All drugs have side effects since they're synthetic (thus patentable) and we have not evolved efficient clearance pathways. These drugs, alongside the hundreds of endotoxins in plants, cause chronic diseases. The drugs are designed specifically for pharma profit, not to help people. A few help, but the vast majority cause more problems than benefits. Pharma's most profitable drug, prescribed to all, are Statins. They decrease all-cause mortality by 4.1 days but increase diabetes by 28% and have other nasty effects.

The only good drug is a placebo, not kidding.

"Placebos are extraordinary drugs. They have some effect on almost every symptom known to humankind, and work in at least a third of patients and sometimes in up to 60 percent. They have no serious side-effects and cannot be given in overdose.

They hold the prize for the most adaptable, protean, effective, safe, and cheap drugs in the world’s pharmacopeia.”

- Robert Buckman, clinical oncologist and professor of medicine https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/306437#clinical-usage-of-placebos

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I second your comment.

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Oh, agreed, Mark. I wasn't implying that you thought that. Yes, there's a definite pavlovian instinct amongst modern man to rush to the pharmacy or nearest doc instead of letting the wonderful bodies God gave try their stuff first. As you've said many times, it's a massive business. If illness didn't exist, they'd invent it.

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I agree Jane. Because I had thyroid cancer, I no longer have a thyroid and am very grateful for Synthroid. I can choose not to take statins or antidepressants however. There are drugs such as aspirin and antibiotics which have greatly extended our health and life expectancy but the industry has become too big and dangerous. Congress needs to stop pharma from advertising anywhere in the media, ban donations to congressional campaigns, and remove the amnesty they enjoy from vaccine injuries. What an enormous change this would usher in to our healthcare system. If only…..

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I wonder if the media CV coverage would have been more honest if Pharma wasn't such a big advertiser.

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I don't wonder. As I understand it, Pharma provides the largest single chunk of media income. As I daily make the "Follow the Money" speech, this one is a no-brainer.

Same with the entire sun thing. When I began school, the department of dermatology was the department of dermatology and syphilology. A major share of what dermatologists did was chase down secondary syphilis problems which generally result in bizarre skin manifestations. With the rise of antibiotics and the decline of syphilis, much of the dermatology financial base went poof. Dermatology was among the lowest paid of the specialties.

Then, someone had the brilliant idea (sort of like climate change) that no one could escape the sun so we will make everyone afraid of it and have them give us money if they are not afraid enough. Now, dermatology is among the most highly compensated specialties.

Always follow the money...virtually everything else you see is a grift or a lie or both...especially if it is from the government.

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Part of the reason dermatology is now such a robust medical profession has to do with things like allergies to toxins, which result in eczema and skin rashes, hives, and other dermatological manifestations presenting throughout the entire age spectrum. They are also all now linked together to toxicologists , otolaryngologists and allergists where one can get their Regimen of shots on a routine basis. For a fuller list of side affects just check out all of those listed on any pharmaceutical intervention/therapy/vaccine.

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So they created a market. So honorable of them. Not!

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Snake oil, much?! *yark*

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A lot of media are controlled by the Government (Mocking bird) and would still follow orders.

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Mockingbird is CIA, not the govt. They answer to No One.

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SEE EYE AY controls the Gubment, don't they? Does it matter if the left or right foot kicks you in the nuts?

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yeh! cubber yu nutz!!! And bite dey face arf! grrrrroooof! ;)

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They don't call it the Medical Industrial Complex for nothing.

I drew the line when I realized there were doctors "committing suicide" for coming up with natural means of curing cancer... That was the BIG turnaround for me.

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I totally believe it would have been!

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Since Congress is under complete Pharma capture (think CoV) and their primary role is to protect corporations (the USA is also a corporation) you’ll be lucky to ever hear back from any of them other than to ask you for a campaign donation.

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I don't NEED to be governed, and certainly not by some wallowing, vastly pork-addled bunch of do nothing thieves who are PLACED, not "voted in," and sitting in a palace all the way on the other side of the country... Central Govt. is USELESS, in my view. Go local is my motto, and not with a "Govt." but with rotating groups of citizens who deal with problems and will talk to people without any riff raff corporate lobbyists prancing around waving money and generally mucking up the works... Grrrrrr. Woof! said the dog. (Wanna go walkies?? ha ha harf!)

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Campaign contributions - how about this? NO corporation, company, Unions, or other organizations, including PACs, can contribute to a politician. ONLY individual CITIZENs (not the word) can contribute and have it capped at no more than $10,000 per year. All lists of contributors are PUBLIC.

Just my thoughts.

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I likey, but why do we need politicians???

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NOW you're talking, my friend!

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Great points about what Congress should do. Sadly will never happen. Politicians love their 💴 too much.

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Absolutely. I also tried just about every natural/alternative remedy and diet for my inflammatory bowel disease without success. I also believed as part of the ideology that holistic medicine treats "the whole person" that it was all wrapped up together with my personal/emotional difficulties. Different issues altogether and if I had to guess on a cause it would be the tetracycline that I took as an adolescent for acne upon insistence by my dear mother. I suspect that screwed up my GI flora.

I've been taking a low-dose immunosuppressant for over two decades and have been in complete remission for that time, with no side effects. This was after many years of suffering needlessly. I also happen to be defying my gastroenterologist by taking a lower dose than she recommends. Something that happened by accident as the prescription was incorrectly filled around a year ago.

Holistic/natural/alternative medicine is rife with scams and scammers, full of treatments that have never been adequately tested. There are modalities that are highly touted that, given what we know about biology and physics, couldn't possibly be what they're cracked up to be and as far as I am concerned are nothing but elaborate, expensive placebos. Of course I'm not going to change the minds of their enthusiasts and that's not my intention here. Just my two cents.

At this stage of the game it's going to take a lot for any health practitioner to gain my trust.

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Tried the carnivore diet yet? That cures every chronic disease because it directly solves the three causes of disease; insulin resistance, inflammation, and stress.

People wonder about stress. It's not just psychological. Chronic stress physically constricts the small blood vessels decreasing nutrient and oxygen absorption while decreasing removal of waste products.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Nope, doesn't appeal to me at all. I have no interest in any specific diets, other than eating a variety of foods in moderation. And honestly, any time I hear a claim that something cures every disease, my skeptical meter goes way off the dial.

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If you're healthy, happy, and having no problems, then you're probably doing FINE. ;)

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deletedJun 6·edited Jun 6
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Given up? What an arrogant, presumptuous comment. But that's not atypical coming from fervent adherents to particular health practices.

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"I have no interest in any specific diets." Yes, you've given up.

Yet I put in the time to present a logical case with cities that would pretty much save your life.

Are you not just like someone who believes the covid vaxx is safe and effective and refuses to listen to those Far Better Informed. Such people are not worth saving.

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I like your thinking! It seems our allopathic friends have tried very hard, and succeeded a LOT, in convincing us all that our lifestyles, how we feel, whether we like our jobs, family issues, etc etc... mean nothing in regard to our health! Insane. Metaphysics are important, maybe even more than most other things, in my view.

And I like plenty of protein, too... Carnivore only is okay for a while, but if one ONLY does that, they'll be deficient in necessary vitamins you get from vegetables. I'm a serious meat eater (being a dog), but I also eat leafy greens and some fruit, and try to keep the grains to a very dull roar. But for a brief period, just meat is okay, until one can sort of clear out the garbage-y stuff... If you're gonna go Keto, tho, I'd only say EAT APPLES, too.

I'm a cook, so I tell my clients this: Eat the way your great grandparents ate, you'll be fine. We need GOOD fats (lard, butter, bacon fat and I also use coconut and avocado oil, and a little olive oil sometimes; DON'T fear salt; eat a high protein, diet, with leafy greens and a wide variety of other veggies (anything orange is generally good), try to eat plenty of RAW veggies, and very small amounts of grains... quinoa is good, especially red quinoa. If you MUST have sweets, eat fruit, but not tons of it, but apples, apples, apples. The fiber of fruit is helpful to taking in the fructose, which is not advised to be eaten when it's NOT in fruit. Like your great grandparents... No 64 oz sodas!!! ;) Cheers. PS I'm saying this for everyone, it just ended up being connected to your comment!

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All that's good advice. I occasionally eat apples with smoked Maldon salt flakes and sharp cheddar cheese. Just like a dessert.

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Aw, MAAAAN. Now I'm snackish. lol

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My son would be dead now if he didn't take his seizures medications (3 altogether) so I understand your point. There are some good drugs that save lives. We have taken the pill popping to an unsustainable level though. People don't try to improve their health with proper food, exercise and supplements first. People want a fast cure. Zero critical thinking skills anymore.

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You speak with good sense! And nobody sane will be advocating doing NOTHING. Pharmaceuticals cause side effects, even if they're minor. There are ALWAYS natural substances that will do the SAME thing we need, it's just a matter of finding out what those natural things ARE. If you were curious you could go to a naturopath or homeopathic practitioner and seek their counsel... It's nothing to mess around with, I agree!! So you'd have to do your due diligence, if you wanted to investigate. I don't know, I'm not trained in this, but I am intrigued by it, and I do know, none of these "medicines" of pharma are miracles that float from the sky, they come from SOMETHING natural, and are synthetic versions of same. I imagine you know that, too! Good luck.

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Mark, Great article. You may enjoy this read for a midwestern doctor on his substack The Forgotten Side of Medicine: "Dermotologys Disasterous War Against the Sun"

Lots of parallels to Coronamania.


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Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I was going to post the same recommendation. Thanks for posting link. I’ve never used sunscreen as much as I’m told to nor do I avoid the sun and enjoy being outside. Yet, here I am still alive. The article also opened my eyes how dermatology has turned into skin cancer fear theatre.

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Yes they have. Dermatologists have gone overboard. They threw the baby out with the bath water, but that's understandable because they see the daily devastation of melanoma which is no joke; it can kill you dead in six weeks.

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Yes, they do see a skewed sample.

I've been a roofer, a garbageman, a camp counselor and a private park maintenance worker. And I've played much baseball and swam in the ocean, lakes and pools with no sunscreen. Must be (tens of?) thousands of hours w/o any sunscreen in mid-day summer sun.

I have some damage. The dermatologist acts like I'm a mess. But I'm not a young person.

I know someone who died of melanoma in his mid-thirties. But I know many people and he's the only one that happened to.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Melanoma is a tough one because it grows fast, gets into the lymph nodes, and goes everywhere. It's not just the sun, although genomic studies find that is a primary causative factor.

I believe UVB must be combined with seed oils that distort function and signaling in cell membranes, genetics, and likely other factors like chronic inflammation and insulin resistance.

What dermatologists should do is mention melanoma is on the rise (as are all cancers after the Vaxx) and strongly advise high dose D3, and also give a D3 blood test - which none do.

Interesting, the western states use less sun screen yet have lower rates of melanoma. Oddly, Vermont is one of the highest melanoma states while sunny New Mexico is 3rd lowest. On the other hand, Alaska is one of the lowest and Hawaii is the highest.

Sunscreens often have Octinoxate, which absorbs UVB. Too bad it also causes cancer.

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I agree. The first time I read the article I was completely shocked.

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LOL that's me! enjoy the sun while you can! soon it will be too hot here in S GA to sit outside, but we walk several times a day. Usually starting while it is still a bit dark, just to get some fresh air. Many people have forgotten that sunshine is what we live from, that our skin and our body needs sunshine. I wonder how many would be alive had they enjoyed it! I know a few pill addicts in the old country (Belgium) but I know quite a few more here in the US. People adore doctors and the medical establishment. Had I been able to escape Medicare I would have - the premium goes up 10% a year tho, so I counted that, if I grow to be real old and need to go to a retirement home... now I have begun to think if I had refused and just saved the money, I might have been better off! Sun, woods, peace, quiet, best medicine in the world !

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Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I've known a few of the long-sleeve, wide-brim hat when it's 90 degrees crowd, who left this earth prematurely. Like jab deaths, hard to prove, but I suspect they'd still be with us if they hadn't been so easily manipulated by anti-sun BS. They probably thought rice cakes and frosted flakes are healthier than steak and eggs, too.

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Yes, and I note for the record that some of the Coronamaniacs I know drive very recklessly.

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Huummm...sounds like the workings of a new post?

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Read what Roman has to say about morning sun 😊💪

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❤️pickup games . The Highland Park HS gym was open all summer for various activities , . Right by your house was an indoor pool at the Jewish community center and swam there a lot in the winter. Our town was filled with sports and outdoor activities ! Great place to grow up . Covid did so much damage physically and mentally to people it will take a few generations to change if ever, (with still weirdos wearing masks ) . Our freedom is slowly deteriorating and not sure people notice . Btw get all the sunshine 🌞 we can exercise,eat well and stay medication free!!! Thanks Mark , love your positivity . More pick up games the better !!

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Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Amen Bro! I’m headed out soon on this beautiful sunny day today to sit in the sun sans sunscreen. 🥰

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Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I was headed towards a life of prescription drugs, they sometimes are an easy fix for what is a lifestyle problem. In my late fifties I had gained weight and was heading for an existence on my couch. Blood sugar was on the rise as was my blood pressure, I had already been prescribed statins. I do not know why but I became aware where this road of inactivity and self indulgence was going to take me. I very reluctantly got off my couch and just started walking, I at first hated it but I persisted and now 10 years down the line I walk cheerfully every day with my weighted vest. I lost weight, threw away my statins and now am proudly free of prescription drugs and will try and maintain this for as long as possible. It was not a massive change but it shows even a small change can make a big difference in your life, and it is never too late to change.

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This is good to hear, Amat.

I had a similar experience in my early thirties, not with weight but with digestion. I used prescriptions for six months and they caused a wider range of problems. I cut my carbs and quickly improved.

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Good on you.

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Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I love how you spin a beautiful story from a 'simple' encounter.

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My same thought and why I always enjoy his articles. 😊👍🏼

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Thanks, Ruth and AnnMarie.

One can observe much about life and culture from just participating in daily life among other people. That's another thing I hated about the Scamdemic: too little time among other people.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

A paranoid comment from a guy who is probably going to go be eating high carb ,seed oil infested ,fast food meals indoors. He can't understand that the most "vulnerable " during lockdown were those eating high carb meals all day and not getting sunlight (hospitals,nursing homes,prisons ).

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You can't fix stupid, only let it die.

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Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

My wife and I have always loved being in the sun, it's good for you, and if you're Caucasian, makes you look better as a bonus. She still turns heads at 68, especially in cutoffs, and I'm doing OK at 73, so we ain't changing. No meds in our house, either. Sun avoidance is as brainless as covidiocy. Just try not to burn. Even an occasional slight burn is way better than being a paleface. I'm with you that bursts are best. Sprints are invigorating, nothing makes me feel better than all-out hill sprints, huffing and puffing, hands on knees gasping for breath. What passes for sprints for a 73-year-old, anyway. LSD (long slow distance) is boring drudgery, just something to get through. Any exercise is way better than none, though. If LSD works for someone, don't change a thing. That said, I don't think avoiding sun, and slathering sunscreen, works for anybody.

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Agree on all points.

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Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Living in the North, the sun offers limited shining especially with all the wacko chemtrails. I don't worry about being in the sun and haven't used sunscreen in 30 years. My brother passed away from skin cancer in 1997 and everyone said watch out, it might be hereditary. Balderdash...I get as much sunshine as I can without going overboard. It is much more precious than any drug.

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Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie
Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Mentally, I'm far-right. Physically, I'm a fat slob, so I'm far-left.

I'm so conflicted..... :(

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HNinKS- you are our perfect under (lots of)cover agent.

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Jun 6Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Fearing the sun is another giant scam, methinks.

I too have 6 decades under my belt and boy have they been awesome; adventures galore and more.

I have no PCP, I'm not interested about my blood pressure or cholesterol. I don't care about lines on my face. I love the sun.

Fear of death? It's the most definite, natural, and necessary thing after a certain number of years have passed. To die young or to lose someone young is soul crushing. But not when one reaches what should be anticipated; the winter of one's life. Then, it's sayonara, baby.

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