I have lived in Ottawa, Ontario (-40F overnight warming up to a balmy -30F during the day for three weeks one January), Montreal, Quebec where, if one parked one's car alongside the road, it would be plowed completely under and be invisible after a snow storm and Rimouski, Quebec where I endured a blizzard that reached a wind chill factor of -80F which shut the city down for three days. Even cars that were plugged in didn't start as their engine blocks were frozen. I had frostbite in both Montreal and Rimouski.

So, to all the weather fear mongerers, I say, "It's Winter. It happens every year up here in the Northern hemisphere. Get used to it and plan accordingly."

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Canadians should be toughened up by the weather.

Why were they so emotionally frail about CV-19?

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Not this one.

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Great question!! So disappointed in my country of birth! Grateful to be a naturalized American. Canadians lost their ever loving minds during COVID and have not yet recovered. I do think winters are not as cold as when I was a child but weather has is constantly changing. Bring back critical thinking!

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I am not Canadian, but I have the impressions that Canadians are very susceptible to appeals to collectivism and propriety.

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living in middle GA USA we had a 5.5 inches of snow, more than 50 years since there was this much I am told. When I was still working in another country, I did not like snow and ice. This time, retired, the dog and I had a great time. We were outside almost all day walking in the woods, for her it was a first ! Snowy landscape is beautiful. Indeed, we were warned and of course, the schools closed, but luckily our school is not panicky, only closed those 2 days, just like during the scamdemic, only close the 2 weeks to flatten the curve - and went on for 2 weeks during May. Glad to live in a small town with some smart people at the driving wheel. A lovely meme appeared the snowy day - southerners, do not go outside in the cold, specially not with exposed skin. Do not drive, stay put. Northerners - put your winter coat on. Since I used to be a Northerner, I put my winter coat on and enjoyed !

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Ha, brought back old memories of rare snow in Georgia.

I like living in the North. Winter adversity brings out a lot of positive aspects of people, mutual assistance, a sense of appreciation for warmth and food, etc.

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If those that scream "climate change" the loudest honestly believed that people were responsible then there would be no more recreation- trips, sporting events, concerts, leisurely shopping/restaurant trips, schools bussing kids, etc etc. Especially purchases of mansions along bodies of water! "They" would not participate in any of this- but they don't- it's all talk/grifting and jumping on the $ bandwagon. Like you I remember growing up in the Cleveland area and slip-sliding all over the interstate in weather that would make your hair curl, but people went to work, school, traveled to see g'ma and g'pa- my fondest memory was being stuck at their house because there was two feet of snow and more falling one visit. We invited the mailman in for coffee. He was on foot carrying the large mail bag. "Through rain, snow and all kinds of weather"- that creed has disappeared...and they are driving around in trucks now!~ It's a wimpy world we live in these days!

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Our Midwest City recently experienced a snowfall of about 10 inches. We've had worse in the past. But this time no mail was delivered for several days and UPS failed to deliver packages, even managing to lose one of mine during their weather delay. It's all an excuse to cover for lack of responsibility and competence in performing one's job.

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You're so right! The USPS has been on my shit list for years because of this. Every time I track a late/missing package on their stupid website, I can count on seeing a red banner at the top of the page, with an idiotic warning about delayed deliveries because of a weather event or other emergency in Timbuktu. And when the package finally makes it to my neighborhood, it STILL gets mis-delivered and they expect me to track it down. I'm always flabbergasted that organizations like that can keep running. Oh, and their delivery vehicles still have a warning plastered on them to remain six feet away. We're living in the twilight zone for sure.

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My father's income 4K Tax refund got "lost" in the mail.

It was later found, cashed in Chicago, by someone who misspelled my father's name when he endorsed it.

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Dislike! Inefficiency and grift at its finest.

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I remember this story! DISLIKE! ugh...total loss right? (banks are complicit in this as they just accept the "check by phone" b.s. Forged checks and actually FAKE checks are okayed through phones...it shouldn't even be a "thing"!

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It is that, but everyone is so lawsuit happy, and if the slightest thing related to the weather happens...you can see where that goes. Businesses are covering their butts.

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Yes, those PI lawyers and juries have taken away a lot of fun.

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yup!!! any excuse to not do your job...I blame all the covid crap for this!

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the fact that all the super rich people buy and bought oceanside mansions is telling ! they all know the truth but prefer their oceanside between them and not share them with us, the commoners.

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One would think that if everyone (especially those folks jetting around claiming to "fix things") on the planet was really concerned about climate change and polluting the atmosphere, war - with it's bombs and fires and ruination of whole areas of the world - would be something we could forego. No?

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Yes, and how about not covering the scenic & food producing lands + oceans with eyesores of giant wind turbines or acres of solar panels which produce far too little electricity at around 5 times the cost of dependable sources like coal, oil, & gas. The climate lie totalitarians don't mind arranging deaths from driving up costs for heat & food. Obviously, if they didn't get enough of us with the bioweapon jabs, starvation & going without adequate heat or electricity are definitely killers.

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I agree completely with your point about the media sensationalizing and dramatizing everything they can.

They did the same about fires in San Diego recently.

The biggest problem with all this “crying wolf “ is that when a REAL emergency arrives many people will ignore the warnings.

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It's good to hear from you, Neil.

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absolutely right Neil. When an emergency arrives, it arrives without warning. That is why it is called an emergency. All other things are propaganda.

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I'm certainly guilty of your statement "A snowy day provides an excuse to shirk responsibilities, hide from others, binge watch, eat comfort food and drink hot beverages and behold the blanketed stillness." The excitement kept building in me as I watched the snow get deeper and deeper outside until I finally dressed up go to explore the winter wonderland and shovel the driveway. However, the scamdemic had 10x more hype on TV, was 1,000x longer but there was nothing to see. I didn't know anyone that died of the "virus" and when I tested positive, it was a big nothing-burger of a bold ... but the government, the news and the medical community hyped it beyond imagination.

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A snow day lasts one day.

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Here in the great NW corner of Florida which is, thankfully, far more Alabama than Florida, we did have an "emergency." The Governor declared one, which I thought was apropos. There ain't no going anywhere in Florida when there's an inch on the ground -- never mind six or even nine as in some parts of Pensacola. No plows. No sanders. No salters. Police and emergency personnel only. Everything was closed.

Fought the urge as the big flakes accumulated to get dressed, grab the shovel, and start shoveling. Except one problem: We don't have snow shovels anymore. I laughed at myself a couple of times. The decades of ingrained response to snow still lingers -- get out there and start clearing.

In the ensuing bright sunshine, hubs used a garage broom to broom the driveway and sidewalk. By late afternoon, both were dry. By Friday, every speck of white was gone. One for the record books. Kids here loved it. Snowmen of various sizes and garb dotted our neighborhood. Makes you smile. In Florida of all places.

"Emergency" over.

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"When the lockdowns began, many people looked at this as a two-week snow day. Stop the world, I want to get off."

I couldn't believe my neighbors' reaction to lockdowns, it was exactly this! Maybe because I had seven children at home, whose lives were all suddenly and unceremoniously upended, that I certainly did not look at the "stay at home" orders as a vacation! I still can't believe I believed them the first two weeks. So naive.

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First mistake was attending Indiana University, clearly you have overcome a lot; second was hitchhiking in a snow storm. As a Purdue alumna and retired faculty I can attest that there are a lot of humorless engineers there (not me.) I've adopted the view of one of my favorite PU climate professors, "I believe in climate change," e.g. the ice age, the little ice age, the dinosaur age....and yes, in Indiana as well, the snow was very prevalent in the 1950-1990, a bit less in the last 30 years though we had sub zero last week? Sorry you could not have found shelter from the storm in West Lafayette and kudos for writing, and writing, and writing some more.

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Being from NJ, I never bought into that rivalry.

The IU campus was nice and so was Bloomington. I transferred to Cornell after second year. Long story.

Those two Indiana winters were cold. I think the whole northern half of the US was. I had 8 AM classes every day at the far end of campus.

Ithaca was also cold. But I expected that. There was a snow squall off the lake nearly every winter afternoon. I studied in a place where you could see it roll in. A bunch of flurries, lasting about 30 minutes.

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Pretty much everything is a scam when it comes to government. These control freaks believe bigger government is the answer to everything.

The fact is that when one comes to rely on government, government does what it does best:


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In 2019 I moved into a rental townhouse while my new house was being built. I couldn't clap a satellite dish onto the roof there, didn't want cable, and got pissed AF with the Roku streaming service I tried, so I went without TV and have ever since. I make do with DVDs of old movies and shows, once in a while. On the rare occasions when I'm in a public place and have TV or the equivalent forced on me--like at gas pumps, FFS--it's unbearable. Insipid, lame, needlessly overdramatic, badly written, cliched, or all of the above.

When I was in college my mother sent me a clipping from the local newspaper, copies of which sold out after a snowstorm because under the photo the caption said, "A shitload of snow fell on McHenry County yesterday."

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...as if those in McHenry County didn't notice this by looking outside.

Yes, TV needs to sell ads so they put junk on every night.

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The only thing that has ever needed saving is humanity from government.

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"Isolation and inactivity are low-yield life strategies." You are right about this. There are actually a lot of risks involved living life by avoiding risk.

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That's so true, Beverlee. I've seen it in some people I know.

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I did a lot of hitch hiking when I was in college. We would bring sleeping bags and a small suit case with sandwich food and camp in the ditch when we got stranded between towns.

Noam Chomsky commented that the powers control us when they control the debate, by offering two competing stories for us to argue about, both premised on the same falsehood. Concerning the"viral pandemics", the two arguments are "the virus" jumped out at us from bats in China, or it jumped out from a lab run by mad scientists trying to make "the virus" more dangerous.

What is not mentioned by the propaganda organs is "the virus" has never been found and physically isolated. Is this an issue one can disregard, while worrying about "gain of function" and CIA revelations, or zoonotic dangers all around us? Not if one just wants to know what is true or not true.

Virologists don't speak of "physical isolation" and "finding" a physical virus, because they can't find it. Christine Massey of Canada queried over 225 "public health" organizations world wide: do you have actual physical isolate of "the virus"? Do you have studies proving physical isolation? What about studies proving infectivity, or self replication, or pathogenicity, or transmissibility of "the virus"? Well, no, we don't have any of those. Try the library.

Virologists do make a lot of studies, numbering in tens of thousands, of "virus isolation" of every "virus" ever conceived. Such studies always claim to demonstrate the presence of some "virus" indirectly, by inference, because as virologists admit, they cannot find or see or gather up any physical "viruses". The most common method, their "gold standard", is to put together half a dozen mostly non human biological substances, add antibiotics, antifungals and other chemicals, withhold nutrition from this cell "culture", and then inoculate it with a specimen from a sick person believed to be "infected" with a "virus" they can't find. Sometimes the cells die after a few days, which virologists announce as Proof of Virus, or Viral Isolation.

But this gold standard method of "viral isolation" has been falsified many times. When inoculate is withheld from their cell culture preparation, meaning that no hypothetical "virus" has been added, cells still die, just as much as in the "infected" cell culture. The die off is from the poisoning by antibiotics and chemicals, as well as by starvation.

Is this important? Yes, because it proves their assumption of "infection" is false. There is no scientific evidence for the existence of any "virus".

But what about CIA revelations and "gain of function" research? The "virus" does not exist in nature, which means virologists cannot possibly enhance its alleged dangers. Maybe they believe that's what they're working on, but who cares? These are not ruthlessly logical people dedicated to using the scientific method to falsify false hypotheses to get closer to the truth. They're establishment climbers mostly.

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I did the same thing, sleeping in all kinds of places: woods, parks, cemeteries, etc. Sometimes, people would invite me to their houses.

I agree that the origins of any virus matter little compared to all of the overreaction.

I don't know--can't know--if viruses have been isolated or not. No one has shown me proof that I can trust or understand. I have seen people in my house fall sick consecutively. That makes me suspect that there are viruses that sicken people.

But again, virus or no, society should not have been shut down for one minute over the allegations that there was some terrible virus.

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As I have aged, I have become more skeptical but that is not bad since I was pretty naive growing up. The biggest casualty of the Scamdemic, in my mind, is how much trust has been lost. Being skeptical isn't bad but I think I am not the only one who came away from the last five years with almost zero trust of media, the medical community, politicians and society as a whole. So few had a backbone.

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Hey Mark- I laughed out loud at some of these comments. I used to hitchhike a bit when I was in college, but never as far as you- glad you survived the trip south from Notre Dame! We had 3 inches of snow in Hattiesburg during the same storm- same as you! Our first snow since 2017.

You are spot on to talk of the media drama and scare tactics, both now and back during Covid. They know fear tactics work- they've used for a long time. Hope you have skated a time or two this winter.

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On the subject of the relationship of temperatures and atmospheric carbon levels, sensible scientists have a more reasonable explanation. The oceans are vast carbon "sinks" and release carbon into the atmosphere when the surface temperatures rise (caused by the sun). They have data on temperature and carbon levels going back many centuries derived from ice core samples and have plotted the curves for both on a time graph. The consistent pattern is that the carbon levels rise AFTER the rise in surface temperature and decline AFTER the temperatures cool. In other words, the climate fanatics have completely confused cause and effect.

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The narrative* of "climate change" is used, as was COVID-19, as grand theoretical justification for collectivist action, agglomeration of power by governments and other large entities, and the enrichment of its shills. So also "racism" (whatever that means).

The "Great Reset" etc. "Never let a crisis go to waste." The Shock Doctine, etc.

You are right that it is hard to find honest brokers for climate research information. Near the beginning of this whole mess I recall reading about an Israeli researcher who had found that the ozone layer situation wasn't as bad as presumed; they pounced on him horribly and tried to suppress the work. This was before the current intellectual pogroms. Even if you think he's wrong based on some good knowledge, wouldn't it seem reasonable to actually do science? (as opposed to worshipping The Science).

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