I live in a small city on the gulf coast of florida. we are having a primary election which will include new hospital board members. During covid, the hospital adhered to the draconian non treatment protocol except for remdesivir and vents. Our esteemed florida surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Ladapo has recommended that all hospitals include…
I live in a small city on the gulf coast of florida. we are having a primary election which will include new hospital board members. During covid, the hospital adhered to the draconian non treatment protocol except for remdesivir and vents. Our esteemed florida surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Ladapo has recommended that all hospitals include on their website, a statement explaining the risks of vax. He has recommended discontinuing its use statewide. Our medical freedom board representative, Victor Rohe, proposed a resolution to include that information and warning on the hospital website. None of the traditional, so -called conservative candidates have endorsed the proposed resolution. We do have four authentic medical freedom candidates: Rosenwein, Guffanti, O’ Neill and Parus. They have a snowball’s chance in hell getting in based on the lies, big mo ey, and ignorance of the significance of this issue. Our supposed conservative columnist in our small local paper, Matt Walsh ( not the same as the journalist famous for speaking at board of ed meetings) has stated that covid is over, get over it, it is not an issue now. I write this to remind people that although the virus has mutated milder, the danger of sweeping the policies of those three years under the rug is as signifiant as ever. Two renowned doctors, Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory had their certifications revoked by the American Board of Internal Medicine for prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The persecution and lies continue. Do not comply!
Bless Guffanti especially for his efforts. His testimony on the madness in the hospitals was among the first I encountered. And he made the point that it would be very important to get doctors and nurses on the hospital boards. Here goes:
Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19
DR. STEPHEN GUFFANTI: OK. I'm Dr. Stephen Guffanti. I was minding my own business. I'm an emergency room doctor so my job is to find people who are dying and stop that. And I was admitted to the hospital with covid 10 days after I contracted it, which means I was no longer contagious. My doctor told me I was no longer contagious, but he had no explanation for why I was in isolation or why I was getting remdesivir, which is an anti-viral evidently used in this protocol.
The fact that my doctor could not explain his treatment plan meant that it was not his treatment plan. So whoever's pulling the strings, it was not the MD whose name was on the order.
So this young man [indicates a photograph], 20 years younger than me, a marathon runner, became my roommate. And I watched him get sicker and sicker. Now I'm an ER doc with my own two cents in the 80s, but I can recognize when somebody's, you know, having a hard time breathing. So I grabbed my IV pull, I went over to him, I tested his inspiration volume, and he's running on one fourth of a lung, and I say to him, Keith! Why are you so sick? And he says, I don't know. I said, Do you want me to be your patient advocate? He said, sure.
So I go to the nurse, I say, I'm his patient advocate, let's take a look at his lab. The guy's got a bacterial pneumonia for the last 4 days and nobody's giving him any antibiotics! They're not even working him up! They're just watching his pneumonia get worse, watching his white count go up, and they're doing nothing!
So I say, well, the doctor's probably missed this pneumonia. Even though he's the one that ordered the lab! So let's talk to the doctor. Twelve hours later they still would not talk to the doctor. Keith is now looking like this [indicating photograph]. He's drowning in pus and I say to the night nurse, this man needs to see his doctor. She would not tell us who his doctor was.
I got an infectious disease doc on the phone at 3 in the morning because in the emergency room you're allowed to do that. So I did that. And they wouldn't tell the infectious disease doc which of his colleagues was taking care of this guy.
They tied me to my bed and they put me in isolation. And the only reason I can have for them doing that to an MD who is on the spot—- right—- in medical protocol the MD who is at the bedside has priority over the nurses and any of the other, you know, personnel. The only doctor that could have had protocol over me would have been the patient's doctor—- if he showed up at the bedside.
Well, I got tied to my bed. I got put in isolation. I was [inaudible] even though I told them, you know, you don't have to do any of this, I'll sign out AMA [against medical advice]. They wouldn't let me sign out AMA. Finally, some doc came by and said, Why are you here? I said, I'm being held against my will. He released me and let me go home.
When I left that hospital my oxygen saturation was 81. Normal oxygen saturation is between 95 and 100, and if you've got normal lungs and you hold your breath you will never break it down below 90. You'd be lucky to break it down below 95. So my lungs were really damaged. Turned out I had a bronchitis. I started treating myself, I went and got some oxygen and then — [indicating photo] This happens to be a FaceBook post done at 3 in the morning. The other FaceBook post I did was the last nurse walking out on the patient that he desperately needed.
That got me here because for some odd reason people think if you're a retired doctor and you've had covid, you know how to treat it. So I talked to Dr. Littell,[1] I don't know, about a month after I got out, and I just started picking his brain.
All I'm telling you is this is not real medicine. Medicine does not give mandates. We give advice. Whenever you hear medicine mandate, that's not doctors, that's the government. And I've had patients worse than me that I've brought oxygen to and given them Ivermectin and given them high-dose Vitamin C. And now there's this wave of long-haul covid.
If you take anything from my story, understand this: The hospital has become a jail. Based on the nurses reaction, the doctor is not in charge, and 6 nurses willing to abandon a patient drowning in pus means that this is a systemic problem.
So what have I done? You know, I'm an ER doc so I do whatever it takes. I have replaced half the hospital board. [Inaudible] is the fifth board member. If I get [inaudible] on Sarasota Memorial Hospital's board we can do an investigation into what laws created this chaos.
Now, you're probably not from Sarasota. But out of the 67 counties in Florida, 21 of them have elected hospital boards. So if you belong to a county that has that I highly recommend you go to the board and find out who's going to listen and who's not.
I went of course to doctors and nurses to get on the board because if you get a businessman on the board he has no clue what you're talking about when you talk medicine. We had a guy on the board for 20 years, we asked him, what's informed consent? And he had no idea. Can you imagine being on a hospital board and not knowing what informed consent is?
I've probably talked more than my 3 minutes. Thank you very much for coming here and telling your stories.
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See also: "Doctor Restrained, Put Into Solitary Confinement After Advocating For Mistreated COVID Patient"
I live in a small city on the gulf coast of florida. we are having a primary election which will include new hospital board members. During covid, the hospital adhered to the draconian non treatment protocol except for remdesivir and vents. Our esteemed florida surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Ladapo has recommended that all hospitals include on their website, a statement explaining the risks of vax. He has recommended discontinuing its use statewide. Our medical freedom board representative, Victor Rohe, proposed a resolution to include that information and warning on the hospital website. None of the traditional, so -called conservative candidates have endorsed the proposed resolution. We do have four authentic medical freedom candidates: Rosenwein, Guffanti, O’ Neill and Parus. They have a snowball’s chance in hell getting in based on the lies, big mo ey, and ignorance of the significance of this issue. Our supposed conservative columnist in our small local paper, Matt Walsh ( not the same as the journalist famous for speaking at board of ed meetings) has stated that covid is over, get over it, it is not an issue now. I write this to remind people that although the virus has mutated milder, the danger of sweeping the policies of those three years under the rug is as signifiant as ever. Two renowned doctors, Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory had their certifications revoked by the American Board of Internal Medicine for prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The persecution and lies continue. Do not comply!
Bless Guffanti especially for his efforts. His testimony on the madness in the hospitals was among the first I encountered. And he made the point that it would be very important to get doctors and nurses on the hospital boards. Here goes:
Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19
October 13, 2022
DR. STEPHEN GUFFANTI: OK. I'm Dr. Stephen Guffanti. I was minding my own business. I'm an emergency room doctor so my job is to find people who are dying and stop that. And I was admitted to the hospital with covid 10 days after I contracted it, which means I was no longer contagious. My doctor told me I was no longer contagious, but he had no explanation for why I was in isolation or why I was getting remdesivir, which is an anti-viral evidently used in this protocol.
The fact that my doctor could not explain his treatment plan meant that it was not his treatment plan. So whoever's pulling the strings, it was not the MD whose name was on the order.
So this young man [indicates a photograph], 20 years younger than me, a marathon runner, became my roommate. And I watched him get sicker and sicker. Now I'm an ER doc with my own two cents in the 80s, but I can recognize when somebody's, you know, having a hard time breathing. So I grabbed my IV pull, I went over to him, I tested his inspiration volume, and he's running on one fourth of a lung, and I say to him, Keith! Why are you so sick? And he says, I don't know. I said, Do you want me to be your patient advocate? He said, sure.
So I go to the nurse, I say, I'm his patient advocate, let's take a look at his lab. The guy's got a bacterial pneumonia for the last 4 days and nobody's giving him any antibiotics! They're not even working him up! They're just watching his pneumonia get worse, watching his white count go up, and they're doing nothing!
So I say, well, the doctor's probably missed this pneumonia. Even though he's the one that ordered the lab! So let's talk to the doctor. Twelve hours later they still would not talk to the doctor. Keith is now looking like this [indicating photograph]. He's drowning in pus and I say to the night nurse, this man needs to see his doctor. She would not tell us who his doctor was.
I got an infectious disease doc on the phone at 3 in the morning because in the emergency room you're allowed to do that. So I did that. And they wouldn't tell the infectious disease doc which of his colleagues was taking care of this guy.
They tied me to my bed and they put me in isolation. And the only reason I can have for them doing that to an MD who is on the spot—- right—- in medical protocol the MD who is at the bedside has priority over the nurses and any of the other, you know, personnel. The only doctor that could have had protocol over me would have been the patient's doctor—- if he showed up at the bedside.
Well, I got tied to my bed. I got put in isolation. I was [inaudible] even though I told them, you know, you don't have to do any of this, I'll sign out AMA [against medical advice]. They wouldn't let me sign out AMA. Finally, some doc came by and said, Why are you here? I said, I'm being held against my will. He released me and let me go home.
When I left that hospital my oxygen saturation was 81. Normal oxygen saturation is between 95 and 100, and if you've got normal lungs and you hold your breath you will never break it down below 90. You'd be lucky to break it down below 95. So my lungs were really damaged. Turned out I had a bronchitis. I started treating myself, I went and got some oxygen and then — [indicating photo] This happens to be a FaceBook post done at 3 in the morning. The other FaceBook post I did was the last nurse walking out on the patient that he desperately needed.
That got me here because for some odd reason people think if you're a retired doctor and you've had covid, you know how to treat it. So I talked to Dr. Littell,[1] I don't know, about a month after I got out, and I just started picking his brain.
All I'm telling you is this is not real medicine. Medicine does not give mandates. We give advice. Whenever you hear medicine mandate, that's not doctors, that's the government. And I've had patients worse than me that I've brought oxygen to and given them Ivermectin and given them high-dose Vitamin C. And now there's this wave of long-haul covid.
If you take anything from my story, understand this: The hospital has become a jail. Based on the nurses reaction, the doctor is not in charge, and 6 nurses willing to abandon a patient drowning in pus means that this is a systemic problem.
So what have I done? You know, I'm an ER doc so I do whatever it takes. I have replaced half the hospital board. [Inaudible] is the fifth board member. If I get [inaudible] on Sarasota Memorial Hospital's board we can do an investigation into what laws created this chaos.
Now, you're probably not from Sarasota. But out of the 67 counties in Florida, 21 of them have elected hospital boards. So if you belong to a county that has that I highly recommend you go to the board and find out who's going to listen and who's not.
I went of course to doctors and nurses to get on the board because if you get a businessman on the board he has no clue what you're talking about when you talk medicine. We had a guy on the board for 20 years, we asked him, what's informed consent? And he had no idea. Can you imagine being on a hospital board and not knowing what informed consent is?
I've probably talked more than my 3 minutes. Thank you very much for coming here and telling your stories.
# # #
See also: "Doctor Restrained, Put Into Solitary Confinement After Advocating For Mistreated COVID Patient"
The Stew Peters Show, August 13, 2021
[1] Dr. John Littell's website is https://www.johnlittellmd.com/