This week, I listened at 1.75x to the two-and-a-quarter-hour Tucker Carlson podcast with the pro football player, Aaron Rodgers, which tens of millions of other people have also heard.
As someone who has experienced abuse at the hands of a husband and the government, I've thought a lot about the topic of forgiveness. I don't want to type a long essay on this, here, but basically it's a process, and it can't be forced -- yet, at the same time, it can be desired and pushed forward.... just not more rapidly than people can do it. This depends on a number of factors.... none of which we have control over, because it involves more people than ourselves.
The spiritual forgiveness we do in our hearts, where we develop the capacity for compassion, is very helpful -- but it requires letting go of the wounds, and especially if we were harmed -- then it can be complicated by learning how to avoid such harm in the future. Not stay stuck in the same patterns that invite more of the same abuse.
One thing I've learned is that holding onto righteous anger and resentment will hold you back from experiencing joy and peace. But it is still possible to live a nice enough life, consumed with irritation towards others, never knowing the difference. It's just that -- once you are able to let go, then finally you "see" -- aha! But impossible to figure this out, while you are still mired in resentment which is totally justified. It even feels offensive to hear people say, "forgiveness is for YOU, not the other person." (which also isn't true, by the way -- it's for everyone). As though it were so easy to do.
Turning the other cheek doesn't mean, "here's another cheek for you; slap me again!" It can also mean turning your backside to them and walking away so they can't hurt you again. But there are other layers of meaning, such as finding a place of peace in the eye of the storm where you can dwell, so that you see the storm swirling around you, but you are not part of it (yet, still able to be present in reality).
Yes, I do want justice. But above all, I want truth. So sick of the lies, and this is not over yet. Because it is not over, forgiveness is premature for the perpetrators. For people who have woken up, who repent, then forgiveness is appropriate and helpful.
several of the doctors who have woken up are in that compartment. They should have known of course, but most suddenly woke up from a dear who died, or from finding no answers. And lots of people realized what was going on after 2 or even 1 jab. But if they continued after the first 2, I usually forget it. Only 2 people of that group are left in my contact cicle (except for Dad, who is on the other side of the ocean). I am considering to give them a book... although it might be wasted on them. We'll see, next week I give out a couple to jab-free people !
Also yes to your last paragraph re: forgiveness, but what is not mentioned here, nor in Mark's stellar article, is "trust". While I may forgive those who truly "wake up & repent", I will NEVER trust them, as I would trust those of us who told the whole lot of wankers to "piss off" over this delusion & tyranny.....& unfortunately, this includes my eldest son & his wife.
Also unfortunately, tho desperately needed, a Nuremburg 2.0 will never happen here, & most, as Mark wrote, will never see the light on what they have done. It is too big a river of truth to ford for them, as it would make them face their own faults, & most just cannot do that.
My anger, like Mark's, stays in the corner, but does not hinder my enjoyment of bit! No one has the power to make me angry, sad, or even happy, I choose my emotional state &'s all on me! Many of those who survived time in the concentration camps knew this, as have many of those we see as heroes. Who can forget the young Nathan Hale's last words before he was hung by the Brits: "I regret that I have but one life to give for my Country!"
Pardon me Dani for continuing on now about the article, unrelated to your post, but I only have time for one post!!!
I couldn't agree more with you Mark re Rodgers, Tucker, & Trump. I am not a Trumptard, & know very well the man has numerous "warts", & has made many errors in judgement....but I am not the one to cast the first stone, here. His actions on the Coronamania were best, & he has failed in the mea culpa department.....abysmally.
However, he is not a medically educated man, & the ones in charge of informing him, & knowing what was right, were all lying to him, as admitted by Scarf Lady back in 2022:
The levels of lying & what the Dems love to accuse us of: Mis, Dis, & Mal information, which was fed to Trump, & all of us, are truly shocking, & deserving of nothing less than that Nuremburg 2.0.
I don't know if any of you are familiar with the group that calls itself "After Skool", but I have found their numerous youtube videos to be very edjumicational & thought provoking for my non College indoctrinated self.
these two were yesterday's lunchtime views, & I hope y'all find them highly worthwhile as well.
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
The VERY apropos opening quote is from the Frenchman, Dr. Gustave Le Bon
"The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions, is always their victim."
What causes Delusion?
"The prevailing view is that people adopt false beliefs because they’re too stupid or ignorant to grasp the truth. But just as often, the opposite is true: many delusions prey not on dim minds but on bright ones. And this has serious implications for education, society, and you personally.
In this video in collaboration with Gurwinder, we explore the reasons why intelligent people believe irrational things and what can be done to avoid the allure of delusion."
Very well written. This is a tough one for me. People can be as stupid as they want and put whatever toxic shit in their bodies they want but the second their stupidity infringes on my life, it becomes a big problem. The second they want to force me to put the same toxic shit in my body or in my kids’ bodies we have a bigger problem.
All I wanted was to be left alone but they took that away from me, too. I lost a coaching job I loved more than anything because I refused to mask or force them on players. I had been coaching over 20 years and was not just really good at it but it was the relationships I built through coaching that was the real value. All gone. Former players and families ghosted me. All over a lie. Family gone. Friends gone. How do you forgive people that took everything from you over an absurd lie, then bragged about how much smarter they were and hoped you’d die because you weren’t as smart?
I don’t know the answer. But I do know what will happen with the truth of what they did. I know because I lived it for 23 years since 9/11 already. Our own government did 9/11, just like they did covid. They blew up those buildings to start a trillions of dollars of profits “war on terror” and they continue to lie about it to this day. And STILL today you can’t hardly turn on the television or open a newspaper or read an editorial or listen to a blog without somebody from both sides talking about the ridiculous false narrative of 9/11. Hell, most of those who know covid is all lies somehow still believe the government on 9/11.
It’s like each of these global false flags caused a split from the natural timeline and we are living in alternate fake realities that we’re now stuck in.
That’s why I advocate for complete collapse and start over. I want those people who knowingly participated in this crime purged from my reality.
I can't imagine how awful this was for you. Thank you standing up for freedom, and for standing against the mask. I know that took incredible fortitude at the time.
Speaking of realities-- I hope I'm wrong, but I think a lot of the deluded will be "purged from this reality" before their time, especially the ones who are continuing to take whatever jabs their assisted living facility / nursing home / school / worksplace / doctor pushes on them. Many may survive in this reality for a long while, however, effectively removed from much of their previous professional, social and civic life by their burdens of having to care for their own ruined health and also those of family members. I speak as one who, in pre-covid times, helped care for a relative with cognitive decline. Growing up, I'd had elderly grandparents and elderly aunts and uncles with dementia, but they had been cared for by my grandmother or other relatives, so I really had no idea how brutal it would be. I did it gladly, but it was much more physically, emotionally, and financially exhausting than I ever could have imagined.
As for collapsing and starting over— Oftentimes this whole covid catastrophe strikes me as akin to the 16th century Protestant Reformation and, of course, the wars that came in the wake of that dragged on for centuries. The covidians speak in terms of faith and heresy-- they don't use those words, they talk about "I trust the science" and "those anti-vaxxers" (as a slur), but really it's about belief-- it's certainly not about logic, common sense, or actual elephantine evidence, never mind anything that would be science without the quotation marks.
If the Reformation serves as any sort of guide to what is to come after covid, it's going to be a very, very, very long, ugly, mostly boring slog of discord and constantly morphing alliances, and with occasional outbursts of turbulence and bloodshed. But who knows, maybe there's another, more apt analogy.
Personally, at this point in time, a key part of my strategy for survival and a good life is to simply stay curious, stay nimble, expect the unexpected.
I think about this often too. What does the future look like after this covid nightmare. This is the first commentary I have read that I think hits close to the mark. History doesn't just repeat it rhymes.
Like you, Matt, I lost so much because of the covid masquerade and destruction. I figured it was a deadly scam right from the start, only because I read alternative media sites who were on top of it.
I am convinced the covid disaster plays but a small segment of a globalist agenda of depopulation and enslavement. The complete collapse for which you advocate is rapidly approaching. AI will hasten its deployment.
Another great read, Mark. IMO Trump is the biggest and therefore most dangerous deceiver of all. The master of false hope. I hate being such a pessimist in my “golden years,” but similar to you I compartmentalize and find lots of goodness in everyday life.
I couldn’t agree more, especially about finding goodness and joy in my life. Thank God for my incredible wife and kids and that I am an independent business owner that doesn’t have to take orders from anyone or I’d probably already be in jail or dead.😂😬
I’m with you…”complete collapse and start over”….things are sooo f***ed up beyond repair…they need to be ‘blown up’ (metaphorically) just like they were on 9/11. From the ground up.
This is the most difficult moral decision this country will ever make, whether to forgive and who should pay. I will forgive but only when someone asks for forgiveness and only after that individual repents. That includes my two grown children. The law, however, has another priority which should be used against those who ran the program of coronavirus lies. Those men and women deserve nothing less than public trials and the ruination of their lives and careers for their crimes. The rest of us have our marching orders: rebuild the country and its institutions; it’s on us .
Forgiveness comes at the end of a very long process, Mary. The problem is that we haven't even started that process yet. It begins with accusation of a crime and a criminal trial. It then moves to admittance of guilt, contrition and punishment. When those steps have been taken - if it ever is - then we can start talking about forgiveness.
That "process" will not happen anytime soon. These deviants are still planning to take out as many of us as they can. If they get their way, there will be none of us remaining to forgiver them which is their stated goal.
This day seems like it will never come. Almost all of the bad actors continue to gaslight, and double down on the assertions they made. Even when they try to offer an apology, it is insincere, and filled with more ifs and buts. These people are mentally ill at this point, or just sociopaths. And don’t think they won’t do it again, the real question is will the masses fall in line like sheep again??? I hope not, but I have little faith in my fellow citizens after watching what happened the first time.
The “first world” - Europe, Canada, USA, Australia, NZ, Japan, is filled with spoiled, godless hedonists. Not everyone, mind you, but a critical mass of lazy, overgrown children ostensibly “raising” children of their own.
The result is what we’re seeing: human sheep ready to be shorn.
What’s happening seems sad, but must come to pass.
Despite all our talk about diversity and inclusiveness, we still think, too quote Michael Jackson that "We are the World!" We're not. We're only 10% of the global population, and the other 90% don't want anything to do with us beyond basic economic trade.
Yeah, nah... no forgiveness without genuine apology, remorse, admission of guilt. Even if it was simply being guilty of falling for the wrong message, and over-reacting. Like my aunt, for example, who, along with her Bible-study group in her unit complex, decided to ban the unvaxxed from visiting their units.
I don't blame anyone who got conned and decided to get the shot and still believes it is helpful - though I can't find a lot of energy to be sympathetic about the results, even when it is just an extended bout of "long covid" in the super-boosted.
I think you are right about it being harder for those of us with kids, or other close family who suffered from the coercion. By the grace of God my son was able to avoid it, and his kids also. But it is still very raw for me, this medical coercion and societal lockdowns that did so much damage to those 2 generations... and will likely continue to do damage, if all the reports of genetic damage turn out to be even partly true.
We probably can't do much about the psychopaths who control our societal institutions, but people who go along with it and then try to excuse themselves because they "couldn't have known" need to be called on it.
It wasn't that hard to predict that lockdown of entire societies would cause economic and social damage. All those benefit cheques - where was that money coming from?
Oh yes, it was being created into thin air as debt that would be payable, as the inflation we are currently seeing and worse to come, for decades to come.
And the disruption to education, to social development of young children, teenagers, young adults... it makes my blood boil to think about it again.
I think "no amnesty" is a better term for how i feel about all this as well. People refused to think. But it doesn't absolve them for the way they CHOSE to treat OTHERS... The "othering" is what ruined lives, families,jobs, kids, schooling. THAT WAS A CHOICE MADE LIKE JR HIGH GIRLS. The Sneetches even learned to get along eventually...🙄 The psy-op that was covid, was run like nazi germany, and given that most people knew that was a "what not to do" response, no amnesty seems like its far more appropriate. Forgiveness is generally a heartfelt internal dialog that doesn't require acknowledgement from the offender. Sad state the world is in.
i am conflicted about this…on the one hand, to carry hatred is a heavy and irritating burden, and wrong in my belief as a God-loving person…but on the other hand, to let down ones guard against such flagrantly mean/authoritative/vindictive/unhealthy attitudes as those who imposed the jab/lockdown folly is perhaps to invite it again, with even more horrible impacts. i will keep my guard up, but be sensitive to those who are truly sorry for their ill-advised choices.
The only vaxxs I ever recd were in grade school 70 years ago. Since then no jabs never had the flu even though I lived in Manhattan most of my life. I witnessed the nightmare of AIDS and watched Fauci push his deadly poisonous ideas and drugs. So when the craziness took hold I was astounded mostly by the animosity of my so called organic farmers artists yoga friends who were cruel and condescending and clueless. One friend called me a “trumper” when I simply tried to discuss the jabs with him … of course we know trump ushered in op warp speed even though I’d lay odds neither he or his family got the jab. One organic farmer chided me for not wearing a rag in an open air market, accusing me of jeopardizing her entire farming operation. All the people I considered free thinkers turned out to be the worst zealots. There’s no going back, nearly everyone who jumped on the stupid train will suffer physically in some awful way now or in the future. And most will never understand or admit what they’ve done, to themselves to their children or anyone who disagreed with them. Personally, I lost nearly every friend I’ve ever had, from childhood, high school or my years in NY. Here in Maine too. Fortunately and luckily I found community and support with new and well informed like minded people. It’s been a learning curve for sure. Forgiveness, forget it.
Oh, Nancy Lynn...I absolutely love this comment. Ex-New Yorker here and escapee from Boston where I landed for nearly 30 years after grad school. Had virtually the identical experience, including the friendships you describe.
I appreciate Carlson's interviews and commentaries that have highlighted the "crazy train" that billions of passengers jumped on. It did take courage to call out Big Pharma, Fauci et al in the sense that he was the only prominent journalist willing to do this. He must have written those monologues and booked his black-listed guests knowing this could have detrimental effects to his career. (This did ultimately get him fired from Fox News, although this turned out to be a lucrative career move for him as he's now probably making more money with his podcast shows on X. Plus, his audience grew dramatically after he was fired).
This said, Mark is right to highlight the historical significance of Tucker's March 2020 visit with President Trump. It's very possible Tucker played the most-important role in convincing President Trump to embrace the lockdowns and, then, the warp-speed vaccines. If Carlson did, in effect, help "flip" Trump, this would qualify as one of the most influential meetings in recent American history.
As far as I am aware, Carlson has NOT apologized for this, nor provided details of what he told the president or why he felt compelled to share this "advice" with the President. (Apparently, someone else in government fed Carlson some horror stories of impeding Covid doom ... and Tucker, for some reason, swallowed this spill/bait hook, line and sinker ... which makes me think someone "used" Carlson to help get the President on board said "crazy train.")
It's odd Tucker hasn't been more forthcoming about this event because he has been very candid about how he was completely wrong when he enthusiastically endorsed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and sang from the neocon hymnal. He did publicly apologize for this, which didn't hurt him either. People admired the fact he admitted he was wrong and asked for forgiveness.
Tucker, far more than Trump, has tried to make amends by later booking so many important and influential critics of the lockdowns and vaccines. So, he has made amends in concrete and important ways. One might ask what the mainstream narrative would be like if Tucker Carlson had NOT become such a high-profile critic of the lockdowns and vaccines.
Since he reaches tens of millions of people and has given a big platform to so many Covid Contrarians, his work has been very important and no doubt has saved lives as more people now know to avoid the booster shots.
But at the same time, Mark's right that Carlson apparently played a key role in causing this crazy train to leave the station.
He needs to come clean on what really happened and, my opinion, publicly apologize for this terrible and tragedy-causing blunder.
Carlson also behaved abominably toward people who questioned the official story of Sep 11. Though he has issued a somewhat lukewarm acknowledgement of that, it still rankles me to think of it. I ignored him for years because of his disgraceful, moronic, and rude conduct on that subject and all those who tried to bring truth to it.
The moral failure of this nation's people to face truth has cost trillions, as well as billions of lives to come. And Tucker had a part to play in that...
Tucker and Rodgers have a financial incentive to forgive and (possibly) forget. Their, at least Tuckers, popularity depends on the percentage of ALL people that support their position.
Don't get me wrong....I think Tucker is a national treasure, having exposed so much corruption, but, unlike him, my income depends on hard work and pride in that workmanship not necessarily popularity.
This WILL NOT END without corrective measures. Yuge and lasting corrective measures.
Therefore, I'll repeat what I've said all through this scam.
If Rogders had said too much or said it too forcibly, his team would have dropped him and the rest would have colluded to NOT pick him up. He would have turned into a pariah like Colin Kaepernick.
I agree he is one of the few who would NEVER be normal times. But if he had spoke out too much against the jabs during the height of CoronaMania, I'm certain TPTB would have silenced him somehow. There was too much at stake for them. Sorry, I usually take a dim view on people and their actions.
P.S. I'm still reading your book. Enjoying it so far.
Frankly, feel the forgiveness by Carlson and Rogers is suspicious. More so of Carlson ~ and sadly so because his reach is huge. Forgiveness is earned, not awarded like a trophy.
There is nothing either in the political or medical arena that suggests they are sorry for anything ~ except being caught and possibly sued.
They will turn on us again on a dime ~ this time with the power of the WHO and sanctioned through our compromised politicians.
Amen and amen, Maggie. "Forgiveness is earned, not awarded like a trophy."
Yes, indeed. It's a two-stage process, as well. (In Islam, it's four stages -- all involving he who has sinned...) The "sinner" asks for forgiveness -- and then must act to repair to the greatest extent possible. How does one forgive someone who can't even recognize he has sinned? Or committed a crime??
One unforgivable sin in Christianity is 𝒊𝒎penitence, and we see that everywhere. So. If someone needs a justification for their lack of willingness to forgive? Tell them an unforgivable sin -- at least in Christianity -- is impenitence.
I can forgive my teenage son for stealing the car keys, going on a joy ride and wrecking the family car ... But it would be irresponsible of me to forget that and give him the keys again next week.
I thought it was telling that when 'forgiveness' entered the covid lexicon, it came from the pro-vaccine faction - and was coupled with 'mutual'. Both sides had to forgive each other, because... well... can we get back to you on that? Forgive us vax supporters now, save the tough questions for later.
That call didn't get far before it was smothered in raspberries. Rightly so. But plan B was ready: Accusation! The vaccine resistant people knew ALL ALONG that something wasn't right! WHY didn't they tell us?
That was even more risible. Scott Adams destroyed whatever credibility he still possessed when he insisted that 'I literally want to know how the people who were right knew it in advance. They know but won't explain it.'
I love "Dilbert". I thought Scott Adams was a smart man. However, I've seen many smart individuals fall for the Scamdemic BS, including friends and family. I guess it's more important to never admit you were wrong, that you failed. I certainly won't forget that fact. Like Mary Ann Caton said above "I will forgive but only when someone asks for forgiveness and only after that individual repents". Repentance is key, it's saying "I was wrong and I want to change my ways". Without it, it's just wasted time.
Excellent. Carlson and Rodgers live on another planet far from their adoring fans. They have so little in common with the average human struggling to survive and thrive. Neither are anyone I would blindly trust.
Do I want to forgive those who wanted to murder me? Don't forget that even though the fake pandemic has lost its luster, they still want us dead and gone.
If each and everyone one of them promise to never do it again, I will forgive them their sins. But that will never happen so they can all go to hell. I will fight these monsters to the death.
All we need to do is forgive ourselves for allowing ourselves to be walked over, and step into honor of our purpose. Honoring thyself with a command of the facts as you say, and control of our health, is how we transcend any meaningless forgiveness.
Otherwise, forgiveness gives power to the perpetrator.
As someone who has experienced abuse at the hands of a husband and the government, I've thought a lot about the topic of forgiveness. I don't want to type a long essay on this, here, but basically it's a process, and it can't be forced -- yet, at the same time, it can be desired and pushed forward.... just not more rapidly than people can do it. This depends on a number of factors.... none of which we have control over, because it involves more people than ourselves.
The spiritual forgiveness we do in our hearts, where we develop the capacity for compassion, is very helpful -- but it requires letting go of the wounds, and especially if we were harmed -- then it can be complicated by learning how to avoid such harm in the future. Not stay stuck in the same patterns that invite more of the same abuse.
One thing I've learned is that holding onto righteous anger and resentment will hold you back from experiencing joy and peace. But it is still possible to live a nice enough life, consumed with irritation towards others, never knowing the difference. It's just that -- once you are able to let go, then finally you "see" -- aha! But impossible to figure this out, while you are still mired in resentment which is totally justified. It even feels offensive to hear people say, "forgiveness is for YOU, not the other person." (which also isn't true, by the way -- it's for everyone). As though it were so easy to do.
Turning the other cheek doesn't mean, "here's another cheek for you; slap me again!" It can also mean turning your backside to them and walking away so they can't hurt you again. But there are other layers of meaning, such as finding a place of peace in the eye of the storm where you can dwell, so that you see the storm swirling around you, but you are not part of it (yet, still able to be present in reality).
Yes, I do want justice. But above all, I want truth. So sick of the lies, and this is not over yet. Because it is not over, forgiveness is premature for the perpetrators. For people who have woken up, who repent, then forgiveness is appropriate and helpful.
I like the last paragraph the best.
I try to compartmentalize. I'm not angry all day. Just parts of every day
This I like
Describes it well for me
several of the doctors who have woken up are in that compartment. They should have known of course, but most suddenly woke up from a dear who died, or from finding no answers. And lots of people realized what was going on after 2 or even 1 jab. But if they continued after the first 2, I usually forget it. Only 2 people of that group are left in my contact cicle (except for Dad, who is on the other side of the ocean). I am considering to give them a book... although it might be wasted on them. We'll see, next week I give out a couple to jab-free people !
Also yes to your last paragraph re: forgiveness, but what is not mentioned here, nor in Mark's stellar article, is "trust". While I may forgive those who truly "wake up & repent", I will NEVER trust them, as I would trust those of us who told the whole lot of wankers to "piss off" over this delusion & tyranny.....& unfortunately, this includes my eldest son & his wife.
Also unfortunately, tho desperately needed, a Nuremburg 2.0 will never happen here, & most, as Mark wrote, will never see the light on what they have done. It is too big a river of truth to ford for them, as it would make them face their own faults, & most just cannot do that.
My anger, like Mark's, stays in the corner, but does not hinder my enjoyment of bit! No one has the power to make me angry, sad, or even happy, I choose my emotional state &'s all on me! Many of those who survived time in the concentration camps knew this, as have many of those we see as heroes. Who can forget the young Nathan Hale's last words before he was hung by the Brits: "I regret that I have but one life to give for my Country!"
Pardon me Dani for continuing on now about the article, unrelated to your post, but I only have time for one post!!!
I couldn't agree more with you Mark re Rodgers, Tucker, & Trump. I am not a Trumptard, & know very well the man has numerous "warts", & has made many errors in judgement....but I am not the one to cast the first stone, here. His actions on the Coronamania were best, & he has failed in the mea culpa department.....abysmally.
However, he is not a medically educated man, & the ones in charge of informing him, & knowing what was right, were all lying to him, as admitted by Scarf Lady back in 2022:
& more recently, this bombshell dropped....
May 21st:
May 22nd:
The levels of lying & what the Dems love to accuse us of: Mis, Dis, & Mal information, which was fed to Trump, & all of us, are truly shocking, & deserving of nothing less than that Nuremburg 2.0.
I don't know if any of you are familiar with the group that calls itself "After Skool", but I have found their numerous youtube videos to be very edjumicational & thought provoking for my non College indoctrinated self.
these two were yesterday's lunchtime views, & I hope y'all find them highly worthwhile as well.
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
The VERY apropos opening quote is from the Frenchman, Dr. Gustave Le Bon
"The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions, is always their victim."
What causes Delusion?
"The prevailing view is that people adopt false beliefs because they’re too stupid or ignorant to grasp the truth. But just as often, the opposite is true: many delusions prey not on dim minds but on bright ones. And this has serious implications for education, society, and you personally.
In this video in collaboration with Gurwinder, we explore the reasons why intelligent people believe irrational things and what can be done to avoid the allure of delusion."
Yes trust was destroyed
Just today, M. Desmet on Truth…
Karen, you are missing part of the link, so it just goes to the substack home page. Hope to see the full link, when you find it! ;-)
Hope this one works! My error!
Yes, thank you!
Just as an FYI: most of the time in a link, the ? and all that comes after it, are trackers, & can be eliminated when going to the webpage.
i.e. here is Desmet's link, minus the tracking:
and this will take you straight to the page, unless Desmet has some tracking of his own.
Yes, I know that, you should have seen all the trackers I deleted! 🤣 just missed those.
Well perceived thank you, and from experience, which is the REAL understanding, not dependent on the opinion of someone else
Thank you
Very well written. This is a tough one for me. People can be as stupid as they want and put whatever toxic shit in their bodies they want but the second their stupidity infringes on my life, it becomes a big problem. The second they want to force me to put the same toxic shit in my body or in my kids’ bodies we have a bigger problem.
All I wanted was to be left alone but they took that away from me, too. I lost a coaching job I loved more than anything because I refused to mask or force them on players. I had been coaching over 20 years and was not just really good at it but it was the relationships I built through coaching that was the real value. All gone. Former players and families ghosted me. All over a lie. Family gone. Friends gone. How do you forgive people that took everything from you over an absurd lie, then bragged about how much smarter they were and hoped you’d die because you weren’t as smart?
I don’t know the answer. But I do know what will happen with the truth of what they did. I know because I lived it for 23 years since 9/11 already. Our own government did 9/11, just like they did covid. They blew up those buildings to start a trillions of dollars of profits “war on terror” and they continue to lie about it to this day. And STILL today you can’t hardly turn on the television or open a newspaper or read an editorial or listen to a blog without somebody from both sides talking about the ridiculous false narrative of 9/11. Hell, most of those who know covid is all lies somehow still believe the government on 9/11.
It’s like each of these global false flags caused a split from the natural timeline and we are living in alternate fake realities that we’re now stuck in.
That’s why I advocate for complete collapse and start over. I want those people who knowingly participated in this crime purged from my reality.
I can't imagine how awful this was for you. Thank you standing up for freedom, and for standing against the mask. I know that took incredible fortitude at the time.
Speaking of realities-- I hope I'm wrong, but I think a lot of the deluded will be "purged from this reality" before their time, especially the ones who are continuing to take whatever jabs their assisted living facility / nursing home / school / worksplace / doctor pushes on them. Many may survive in this reality for a long while, however, effectively removed from much of their previous professional, social and civic life by their burdens of having to care for their own ruined health and also those of family members. I speak as one who, in pre-covid times, helped care for a relative with cognitive decline. Growing up, I'd had elderly grandparents and elderly aunts and uncles with dementia, but they had been cared for by my grandmother or other relatives, so I really had no idea how brutal it would be. I did it gladly, but it was much more physically, emotionally, and financially exhausting than I ever could have imagined.
As for collapsing and starting over— Oftentimes this whole covid catastrophe strikes me as akin to the 16th century Protestant Reformation and, of course, the wars that came in the wake of that dragged on for centuries. The covidians speak in terms of faith and heresy-- they don't use those words, they talk about "I trust the science" and "those anti-vaxxers" (as a slur), but really it's about belief-- it's certainly not about logic, common sense, or actual elephantine evidence, never mind anything that would be science without the quotation marks.
If the Reformation serves as any sort of guide to what is to come after covid, it's going to be a very, very, very long, ugly, mostly boring slog of discord and constantly morphing alliances, and with occasional outbursts of turbulence and bloodshed. But who knows, maybe there's another, more apt analogy.
Personally, at this point in time, a key part of my strategy for survival and a good life is to simply stay curious, stay nimble, expect the unexpected.
I think about this often too. What does the future look like after this covid nightmare. This is the first commentary I have read that I think hits close to the mark. History doesn't just repeat it rhymes.
Well said (as usual) ... with some apt historic analogies!
I like that!
Like you, Matt, I lost so much because of the covid masquerade and destruction. I figured it was a deadly scam right from the start, only because I read alternative media sites who were on top of it.
I am convinced the covid disaster plays but a small segment of a globalist agenda of depopulation and enslavement. The complete collapse for which you advocate is rapidly approaching. AI will hasten its deployment.
Another great read, Mark. IMO Trump is the biggest and therefore most dangerous deceiver of all. The master of false hope. I hate being such a pessimist in my “golden years,” but similar to you I compartmentalize and find lots of goodness in everyday life.
I couldn’t agree more, especially about finding goodness and joy in my life. Thank God for my incredible wife and kids and that I am an independent business owner that doesn’t have to take orders from anyone or I’d probably already be in jail or dead.😂😬
Keep moving forward.
Rhetorical question: Do we ever really have anything? These "friends"?
Seems illusory. Feels illusory.
Press on, thanks for sharing.
They were illusory unfortunately but the good news is I found new and real friends through this.
And so did I…I have found far better friends, than the ones of 30 plus years I said bye bye to!
I’m with you…”complete collapse and start over”….things are sooo f***ed up beyond repair…they need to be ‘blown up’ (metaphorically) just like they were on 9/11. From the ground up.
This is the most difficult moral decision this country will ever make, whether to forgive and who should pay. I will forgive but only when someone asks for forgiveness and only after that individual repents. That includes my two grown children. The law, however, has another priority which should be used against those who ran the program of coronavirus lies. Those men and women deserve nothing less than public trials and the ruination of their lives and careers for their crimes. The rest of us have our marching orders: rebuild the country and its institutions; it’s on us .
Forgiveness comes at the end of a very long process, Mary. The problem is that we haven't even started that process yet. It begins with accusation of a crime and a criminal trial. It then moves to admittance of guilt, contrition and punishment. When those steps have been taken - if it ever is - then we can start talking about forgiveness.
Your use of the word ’contrition’ is key.
That "process" will not happen anytime soon. These deviants are still planning to take out as many of us as they can. If they get their way, there will be none of us remaining to forgiver them which is their stated goal.
This day seems like it will never come. Almost all of the bad actors continue to gaslight, and double down on the assertions they made. Even when they try to offer an apology, it is insincere, and filled with more ifs and buts. These people are mentally ill at this point, or just sociopaths. And don’t think they won’t do it again, the real question is will the masses fall in line like sheep again??? I hope not, but I have little faith in my fellow citizens after watching what happened the first time.
On point as usual, Mark. Kudos
The “first world” - Europe, Canada, USA, Australia, NZ, Japan, is filled with spoiled, godless hedonists. Not everyone, mind you, but a critical mass of lazy, overgrown children ostensibly “raising” children of their own.
The result is what we’re seeing: human sheep ready to be shorn.
What’s happening seems sad, but must come to pass.
All people must learn to:
- think critically,
- cherish and respect life, and
- wage peace daily.
Despite all our talk about diversity and inclusiveness, we still think, too quote Michael Jackson that "We are the World!" We're not. We're only 10% of the global population, and the other 90% don't want anything to do with us beyond basic economic trade.
I can’t forgive anyone who preferred to think of me as stupid and a bad person rather than have a rational conversation about my reasons.
There was def a lot of that.
Still is.
Yeah, nah... no forgiveness without genuine apology, remorse, admission of guilt. Even if it was simply being guilty of falling for the wrong message, and over-reacting. Like my aunt, for example, who, along with her Bible-study group in her unit complex, decided to ban the unvaxxed from visiting their units.
I don't blame anyone who got conned and decided to get the shot and still believes it is helpful - though I can't find a lot of energy to be sympathetic about the results, even when it is just an extended bout of "long covid" in the super-boosted.
I think you are right about it being harder for those of us with kids, or other close family who suffered from the coercion. By the grace of God my son was able to avoid it, and his kids also. But it is still very raw for me, this medical coercion and societal lockdowns that did so much damage to those 2 generations... and will likely continue to do damage, if all the reports of genetic damage turn out to be even partly true.
We probably can't do much about the psychopaths who control our societal institutions, but people who go along with it and then try to excuse themselves because they "couldn't have known" need to be called on it.
It wasn't that hard to predict that lockdown of entire societies would cause economic and social damage. All those benefit cheques - where was that money coming from?
Oh yes, it was being created into thin air as debt that would be payable, as the inflation we are currently seeing and worse to come, for decades to come.
And the disruption to education, to social development of young children, teenagers, young adults... it makes my blood boil to think about it again.
I think "no amnesty" is a better term for how i feel about all this as well. People refused to think. But it doesn't absolve them for the way they CHOSE to treat OTHERS... The "othering" is what ruined lives, families,jobs, kids, schooling. THAT WAS A CHOICE MADE LIKE JR HIGH GIRLS. The Sneetches even learned to get along eventually...🙄 The psy-op that was covid, was run like nazi germany, and given that most people knew that was a "what not to do" response, no amnesty seems like its far more appropriate. Forgiveness is generally a heartfelt internal dialog that doesn't require acknowledgement from the offender. Sad state the world is in.
I agree. No amnesty.
But I have a different problem that I wonder if any of you have.
Every single time I meet someone new my brain’s very first thought is - were you a masker?
- did you take the poison?
I don’t ask aloud, but I do put them in one box or the other pretty quickly depending on things they say about other issues.
I don’t see that ever stopping.
i am conflicted about this…on the one hand, to carry hatred is a heavy and irritating burden, and wrong in my belief as a God-loving person…but on the other hand, to let down ones guard against such flagrantly mean/authoritative/vindictive/unhealthy attitudes as those who imposed the jab/lockdown folly is perhaps to invite it again, with even more horrible impacts. i will keep my guard up, but be sensitive to those who are truly sorry for their ill-advised choices.
The only vaxxs I ever recd were in grade school 70 years ago. Since then no jabs never had the flu even though I lived in Manhattan most of my life. I witnessed the nightmare of AIDS and watched Fauci push his deadly poisonous ideas and drugs. So when the craziness took hold I was astounded mostly by the animosity of my so called organic farmers artists yoga friends who were cruel and condescending and clueless. One friend called me a “trumper” when I simply tried to discuss the jabs with him … of course we know trump ushered in op warp speed even though I’d lay odds neither he or his family got the jab. One organic farmer chided me for not wearing a rag in an open air market, accusing me of jeopardizing her entire farming operation. All the people I considered free thinkers turned out to be the worst zealots. There’s no going back, nearly everyone who jumped on the stupid train will suffer physically in some awful way now or in the future. And most will never understand or admit what they’ve done, to themselves to their children or anyone who disagreed with them. Personally, I lost nearly every friend I’ve ever had, from childhood, high school or my years in NY. Here in Maine too. Fortunately and luckily I found community and support with new and well informed like minded people. It’s been a learning curve for sure. Forgiveness, forget it.
Oh, Nancy Lynn...I absolutely love this comment. Ex-New Yorker here and escapee from Boston where I landed for nearly 30 years after grad school. Had virtually the identical experience, including the friendships you describe.
Best wishes...
I appreciate Carlson's interviews and commentaries that have highlighted the "crazy train" that billions of passengers jumped on. It did take courage to call out Big Pharma, Fauci et al in the sense that he was the only prominent journalist willing to do this. He must have written those monologues and booked his black-listed guests knowing this could have detrimental effects to his career. (This did ultimately get him fired from Fox News, although this turned out to be a lucrative career move for him as he's now probably making more money with his podcast shows on X. Plus, his audience grew dramatically after he was fired).
This said, Mark is right to highlight the historical significance of Tucker's March 2020 visit with President Trump. It's very possible Tucker played the most-important role in convincing President Trump to embrace the lockdowns and, then, the warp-speed vaccines. If Carlson did, in effect, help "flip" Trump, this would qualify as one of the most influential meetings in recent American history.
As far as I am aware, Carlson has NOT apologized for this, nor provided details of what he told the president or why he felt compelled to share this "advice" with the President. (Apparently, someone else in government fed Carlson some horror stories of impeding Covid doom ... and Tucker, for some reason, swallowed this spill/bait hook, line and sinker ... which makes me think someone "used" Carlson to help get the President on board said "crazy train.")
It's odd Tucker hasn't been more forthcoming about this event because he has been very candid about how he was completely wrong when he enthusiastically endorsed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and sang from the neocon hymnal. He did publicly apologize for this, which didn't hurt him either. People admired the fact he admitted he was wrong and asked for forgiveness.
Tucker, far more than Trump, has tried to make amends by later booking so many important and influential critics of the lockdowns and vaccines. So, he has made amends in concrete and important ways. One might ask what the mainstream narrative would be like if Tucker Carlson had NOT become such a high-profile critic of the lockdowns and vaccines.
Since he reaches tens of millions of people and has given a big platform to so many Covid Contrarians, his work has been very important and no doubt has saved lives as more people now know to avoid the booster shots.
But at the same time, Mark's right that Carlson apparently played a key role in causing this crazy train to leave the station.
He needs to come clean on what really happened and, my opinion, publicly apologize for this terrible and tragedy-causing blunder.
Carlson also behaved abominably toward people who questioned the official story of Sep 11. Though he has issued a somewhat lukewarm acknowledgement of that, it still rankles me to think of it. I ignored him for years because of his disgraceful, moronic, and rude conduct on that subject and all those who tried to bring truth to it.
The moral failure of this nation's people to face truth has cost trillions, as well as billions of lives to come. And Tucker had a part to play in that...
Excellent comment.
I think he is simply credulous.
Tucker and Rodgers have a financial incentive to forgive and (possibly) forget. Their, at least Tuckers, popularity depends on the percentage of ALL people that support their position.
Don't get me wrong....I think Tucker is a national treasure, having exposed so much corruption, but, unlike him, my income depends on hard work and pride in that workmanship not necessarily popularity.
This WILL NOT END without corrective measures. Yuge and lasting corrective measures.
Therefore, I'll repeat what I've said all through this scam.
Fuck'em. Take no prisoners.
If Rogders had said too much or said it too forcibly, his team would have dropped him and the rest would have colluded to NOT pick him up. He would have turned into a pariah like Colin Kaepernick.
He was too good to drop.
There are only a handful of people that can do what he does as well as he does.
I agree he is one of the few who would NEVER be normal times. But if he had spoke out too much against the jabs during the height of CoronaMania, I'm certain TPTB would have silenced him somehow. There was too much at stake for them. Sorry, I usually take a dim view on people and their actions.
P.S. I'm still reading your book. Enjoying it so far.
Which proves my point completely.
Frankly, feel the forgiveness by Carlson and Rogers is suspicious. More so of Carlson ~ and sadly so because his reach is huge. Forgiveness is earned, not awarded like a trophy.
There is nothing either in the political or medical arena that suggests they are sorry for anything ~ except being caught and possibly sued.
They will turn on us again on a dime ~ this time with the power of the WHO and sanctioned through our compromised politicians.
Amen and amen, Maggie. "Forgiveness is earned, not awarded like a trophy."
Yes, indeed. It's a two-stage process, as well. (In Islam, it's four stages -- all involving he who has sinned...) The "sinner" asks for forgiveness -- and then must act to repair to the greatest extent possible. How does one forgive someone who can't even recognize he has sinned? Or committed a crime??
One unforgivable sin in Christianity is 𝒊𝒎penitence, and we see that everywhere. So. If someone needs a justification for their lack of willingness to forgive? Tell them an unforgivable sin -- at least in Christianity -- is impenitence.
I can forgive my teenage son for stealing the car keys, going on a joy ride and wrecking the family car ... But it would be irresponsible of me to forget that and give him the keys again next week.
I thought it was telling that when 'forgiveness' entered the covid lexicon, it came from the pro-vaccine faction - and was coupled with 'mutual'. Both sides had to forgive each other, because... well... can we get back to you on that? Forgive us vax supporters now, save the tough questions for later.
That call didn't get far before it was smothered in raspberries. Rightly so. But plan B was ready: Accusation! The vaccine resistant people knew ALL ALONG that something wasn't right! WHY didn't they tell us?
That was even more risible. Scott Adams destroyed whatever credibility he still possessed when he insisted that 'I literally want to know how the people who were right knew it in advance. They know but won't explain it.'
It was kinda obvious:
Scott, I don't take meds I don't need. Especially new ones.
And preventing people healthy from interacting for the first time in human history is a terrible idea.
I love "Dilbert". I thought Scott Adams was a smart man. However, I've seen many smart individuals fall for the Scamdemic BS, including friends and family. I guess it's more important to never admit you were wrong, that you failed. I certainly won't forget that fact. Like Mary Ann Caton said above "I will forgive but only when someone asks for forgiveness and only after that individual repents". Repentance is key, it's saying "I was wrong and I want to change my ways". Without it, it's just wasted time.
Excellent. Carlson and Rodgers live on another planet far from their adoring fans. They have so little in common with the average human struggling to survive and thrive. Neither are anyone I would blindly trust.
Do I want to forgive those who wanted to murder me? Don't forget that even though the fake pandemic has lost its luster, they still want us dead and gone.
If each and everyone one of them promise to never do it again, I will forgive them their sins. But that will never happen so they can all go to hell. I will fight these monsters to the death.
I want you on my team.
I'll show compassion to the people behind this. I'll put flowers on their grave. After they've been hung for crimes against humanity.
All we need to do is forgive ourselves for allowing ourselves to be walked over, and step into honor of our purpose. Honoring thyself with a command of the facts as you say, and control of our health, is how we transcend any meaningless forgiveness.
Otherwise, forgiveness gives power to the perpetrator.