I speak to, and get e-mails from, those whose family members disagree about the Covid “vaxxes.” Sometimes, spouses disagree strongly. Thankfully, my wife and I are on the same—unwilling—page regarding the shots.
Sometimes, injected adult kids are displeased with/concerned about parents who haven’t submitted to the jabs.
And in some families, like mine, parents didn’t want their adult “kids,” between 20-40, to inject. To parents like me, it seemed a poor idea for anyone non-obese under 70—and therefore at functionally zero risk—to take experimental shots for an infection that, at worst, might cause flu-like symptoms. “Boosting” would be even worse, because effects from the shots might accumulate.
I so advised my adult “kids,” who are very lovable, decent and respectful and have made many good decisions in life.
They injected anyway.
Reciting talking points they got from some PC media source, my daughters insisted that the shots had been proven “safe and effective.” I told them that tens of thousands of people had already been injured or had died shortly after injecting. I asked them how they knew the shots were safe over the long-term when they had only been used for a few months. Even though they got very high SATs and excelled in HS and college, they couldn’t answer that unanswerable question. No one can.
Beyond young people simply not being at risk of dying from the virus, the shots obviously don’t stop people from getting or spreading infection, even though Biden, Fauci, Maddow, et al. assured everyone the shots would have this effect. It’s at once astounding, and telling, that the government is still mega-hyping the shots just as the shots are failing so spectacularly. It’s also disappointing that many young adults continue to support the injections while infections surge among the injected.
I strongly suspected the vaxxes would fail. I saw them as politically and commercially-driven. I knew that, historically, Coronavirus vaxxes have been elusive, that mass mRNA injections were experimental, that the drug companies’ self-serving clinical trials were flawed and unconvincing, and that viruses evolve. I, an uncredentialed, unpaid private citizen was right and the rich and famous government “experts” were wrong. Clearer analysis occurs when one’s thinking isn’t clouded by money or politics.
I hate it that my kids injected. While they know plenty about various sociopolitical issues, their science knowledge has big gaps. Like most students, they were taught only the reductionist Biology that high schools and colleges pass off as sufficient. But being able to name phyla or mitosis phases or to transcribe Krebs Cycle doesn’t help you to decide whether you should take the Covid shots. One nursing home visit or a season tending a garden would be far more educational: people and plants come into being, grow, live vitally, then wear out and die. It’s how life is. Some—a tiny fraction—of old, obese people die with, not from, Covid, just as some die with pneumonia. Reasonably healthy young people almost never do.
School-taught Biology also fails to develop an overarching awareness of the complexity of ecosystems and human bodies. One intervention to either can cause many unintended—and often delayed—effects. Most people, including young people, know this only in the most abstract sense. Ultimately, they don’t believe deeply enough in physiological complexity that they think taking an experimental mRNA shot might have a wide array of side effects on their seemingly fit, but delicately balanced bodies.
Other than knowing snippets about climate change, DDT and bird eggs, and Thalidomide and short arms, young people lack historical awareness of Chem/Pharma’s many failures. Few know about DES, Vioxx, Fen Phen, HRT and many other “wonder drugs,” chemicals or technologies that were promoted as techno-marvels and were later found to cause widespread damage.
Most parents are heavily invested in their kids’ well-being. Most parents strive to promote their kids’ health even before conception. My wife ate carefully during pregnancy. Thereafter, she breastfed the kids for extended periods. We steadfastly fed them healthy food and encouraged physical activity. After two decades of parental groundwork, it’s painful to watch kids jeopardize their long-term health over a shot that does them no good.
Aside from their unawareness of scientific, data-based criticisms of the vaxxes, my kids’—and their peers—are generally willing to believe the legacy and Net media and the government. These sources have shown tremendous bias favoring foolish lockdowns. masking, testing and the jabs. They aggressively censor opposing views and facts.
Moreover, those between 20-40 have been conditioned to follow the crowd and to apply political litmus tests to members of their social circles and even dating choices. They value demographic diversity, but not diversity of opinion. The media deemed it politically correct to correct to inject, so most young people bought in.
While raising the kids, our dinner table talk typically focused on our daily lives. But on many occasions, we discussed human, social or moral themes. I would often stake out unconventional positions and defend them. I typically believed what I said. But more importantly, I was trying to teach them to think critically and independently. It didn’t work. PC culture, media distortions and peer pressure have outdistanced me.
My wife says that, no matter what they might have learned about the vaxxes’ shortcomings, our kids were powerless to swim against the vaxx tide: they injected because they needed jobs and social lives.
I don’t agree. To begin with, only one of them, an urban schoolteacher, had to inject to keep her job. I suspect that all three of them—and many of their peers—work hard, and skillfully. In the near term, their employers need them more than they need their employers. Most young adults don’t have kids to feed or mortgages. If they and their peers had walked off their jobs in protest—as “progressive” workers have done for centuries—the vaxx mandates would have collapsed. And those who knew when to say “No” would have been the best people to with whom to be friends, and to date.
My kids, and many others, were in classes that did skits about how Rosa Parks resisted racism. They didn’t take away from that curriculum the broader message that governments can do other immoral things, and that a revolt can start with one person, who gains supporters given the righteousness of her/his cause. They admire Rosa Parks, but they weren’t willing to emulate her.
My son’s rock band’s first song was The Clash’s Guns of Brixton. The song is a not-so- friendly warning to London police: if you mistreat us, we’ll bust caps on you. You would think that such a take-no-shit message might cause him, and other 20-40s fans of rebellious musicians, to question and, where appropriate, disobey their government. But I guess Guns of Brixton was just another catchy, vicariously rebellious, easily learned three-chord tune. Many kids—though not mine—rocked radical haircuts/colors, piercings and t-shirts. But when push came to shove, no matter how they groomed and dressed themselves, most of the 20-40 rebels were extremely conformist; oxymoron deliberate.
Having jobs, my adult kids have begun to invest their income. I tell them that if I knew a lot about investing, they would have listened to my investment advice. I’m not a savvy investor, so I’ve offered no financial counsel. But health is way more important than money. When I forward to them news stories about the lack of Covid risk among young people, and vaxxes’ failures and injury data, they ask me not to send more. I should put one of those signs in my yard: “Debate Has No Home Here.”
Aside from knowing my own kids, I work with college students. With regard to the virus and to their social and political analysis in general, young adults rely on anecdotes and exceptions, not data and trends. They invoke some example they heard from some PC news source or a friend regarding one, fundamentally unhealthy college student who died with--not from--Coronavirus somewhere. Public policy can’t sensibly be predicated on anecdotal exceptions. But increasingly, it is.
It would be predictable and understandable for today’s young urban-dwelling liberal youths to eventually “sell out” and do trite things like get cars, move to the suburbs and raise kids there. But it’s a very different thing to give in and inject a substance that delivers no benefit and might cause life-long harm.
So, although I’m generally not a big worrier in life, parents like me wait and hope and worry. I’ve never wanted so strongly to be wrong about anything as I want to be wrong about the long-term risks of these shots.
But I’ve been right before.
The past two years have been a Hellish scam.
‘ One nursing home visit or a season tending a garden would be far more educational: people and plants grow, live vitally, then wear out and die. ’
That is so true, particularly the first part. I worked for 5 years as a diagnostic radiographer in hospital service and I can tell you geriatric wards are hellish places. Many patients are old, immobile, demented, blind, hard of hearing, have bed-sores, arthritic, in constant pain, few if any visitors - their quality of life is so low many don’t want to live. The annual Winter ‘flu/pneumonia season was seen as a blessing by nurses particularly, who cared daily for people they knew, no matter how diligent their care, were not going to get better, just worse and worse. Many, like my own father in care, 80+ simply gave up on life. He refused food, would not be persuaded to eat, defeated efforts to feed him intravenously, and by consent of all was left with just pain relief and died quietly with as much dignity as he had left within a few days.
These are the people - the 95% who get CoVid seriously and die - for whom we have shut down our economies, trashed society and our Rights, blighted and endangered the lives of children, prevented early diagnosis and treatment of younger people to leave resources free for the hoards of CoVid patients that never came, killed people - all in the name of ‘protecting the vulnerable’ who have less than a year to live anyway and many hope they won’t last that long.
All the talking heads and the lockdown, jab and mask crazy fools should be made to work as auxiliary nurses on geriatric wards so they can see what they have destroyed our lives for and then maybe reality will dawn.
And the medical profession is to be condemned for not speaking out about the insanity they knew was just not right.
It’s not biology class that failed them—it is the intentional absence of courses that teach, hone, and encourage critical thinking, independent-mindedness, and skepticism. It is the cultural valuing of conformity over dissidence, obedience over questioning. It is the immersion in social media, television, and other media that cultivate constant social pressure, mass hypnosis, and hive thinking.
I’m really sorry you have to worry about your kids experiencing after-effects from the injection. I, too, worry about my mom and step-father, who were among the earliest to get injected, despite my warnings. They didn’t do it because they trust BigPharma and believe in the injection; they did it because their doctors pressured them to do so against their wills, and it was easier to just go along. They regretted their decision and promised not to get the booster or any subsequent injections; I just hope they won’t suffer for their initial failure to stand up to the coercive efforts of their doctors.