‘ One nursing home visit or a season tending a garden would be far more educational: people and plants grow, live vitally, then wear out and die. ’
That is so true, particularly the first part. I worked for 5 years as a diagnostic radiographer in hospital service and I can tell you geriatric wards are hellish places. Many patients are old, immobile, demented, blind, hard of hearing, have bed-sores, arthritic, in constant pain, few if any visitors - their quality of life is so low many don’t want to live. The annual Winter ‘flu/pneumonia season was seen as a blessing by nurses particularly, who cared daily for people they knew, no matter how diligent their care, were not going to get better, just worse and worse. Many, like my own father in care, 80+ simply gave up on life. He refused food, would not be persuaded to eat, defeated efforts to feed him intravenously, and by consent of all was left with just pain relief and died quietly with as much dignity as he had left within a few days.
These are the people - the 95% who get CoVid seriously and die - for whom we have shut down our economies, trashed society and our Rights, blighted and endangered the lives of children, prevented early diagnosis and treatment of younger people to leave resources free for the hoards of CoVid patients that never came, killed people - all in the name of ‘protecting the vulnerable’ who have less than a year to live anyway and many hope they won’t last that long.
All the talking heads and the lockdown, jab and mask crazy fools should be made to work as auxiliary nurses on geriatric wards so they can see what they have destroyed our lives for and then maybe reality will dawn.
And the medical profession is to be condemned for not speaking out about the insanity they knew was just not right.
You are so right. I once worked in a kitchen at a “fancy” retirement home. I was there for one day because I was mortified at how SHITTY the food was, I wouldn’t feed my dog that stuff I just couldn’t do it. When my parents reached that stage in their life I was like Oh Hell No! They stayed home and died there, with ME.
My MIL had advanced dementia, but fortunately, her sister agreed to take care of her at her home (she's a rather spry old bird). All through 2020, when horrendous things were happening in America's old folks homes, my MIL was lovingly cared for with close family nearby. She did pass away near the end of 2020, but NOT from COVID. Weird how all those totally isolated old folks in nursing homes were dying of COVID, while my MIL, with unmasked adult and child visitors in and out several times a week, managed to never get "the coof"...
You are correct about the silence of official medicine. They let the bravest among them get crucified and crushed. I'll never look at them the same way again.
Trust, once broken, takes an unlimited amount of time and good deeds to restore, if it is possible to restore at all. Same goes for respect. I have lost all respect for the medical bots doctors and nurses have become.
As a family physician who as worked through all of this, I have counseled my patients wisely regarding unknown risks, as well as counseled the patients I've seen injured by the vaccine. I would caution you from making such broad generalizations. We, on the front lines, were identified to be attacked from the outset. Threats of losing your license to practice and mandating of these experimental shots are just the obvious indicators. There is an effort, in my opinion, to destroy the sanctity of the physician/patient relationship, to everyones peril I can assure you. I have lost a job and friends over speaking the truth. Am I saddened by the institutional responses within medicine? You bet. What I can tell you though is the insights I have, both from practicing for 25 years as well as being on the front lines of this pandemic, offer me a perspective few else share. And it holds value to be communicated to my patients. But alas, I am but one person.
I feel for you, but I feel you are among the exceptions. I am but one woman of no import. The sanctity of the physician/patient has been destroyed in MY one mind. The only physicians I have ANY respect for are the ones who have spoken out against the mandates and the ones who move mountains to treat patients with inexpensive, repurposed medications that have proven to rid the body of the wu. In 1988, my cardiologist friend said he would never treat an AIDS patient. That's when my hackles first rose. I married into a family of doctors who cut their teeth in the armed services and trained at the Mayo Clinic. To them, there was no such thing as choosing NOT to treat anyone. They have done backflips in their graves for the past 2 years over lockdowns, masks, and 'forced" experimental chemicals being injected into ANYONE! The there will be a lot of collateral damage from all of this. And one loss is trust in the medical community.
I am a doctor,too, who tried my best to educate everyone about the medically reckless and immorally developed from aborted fetal cells vaccines, and also the efficacy of Ivermectin but alas, I am practically the only one who is not vaccinated among my peers. I gave my resignation letter when the vax mandate was passed, yet I am still employed today. I did not give in and God does not abandon those who stand up for Him. Ad Jesum per Mariam.
If there was one law I'd want passed, it would be the "Medical Freedom Act", which would let doctors be doctors, without fear of losing their licenses, and leave patients free to choose the providers and treatments they agree are best.
I sure hope this will happen as a result of the oppressive rule they’ve experienced since CoViD (once the tyrannical rulers have been indicted and thrown into the dungeons)
100,000 doctors have spoken out to oppose the injections. Many have cowarded to the pressure to go along with the narrative, but there are an ever increasing number who can no longer turn a blind eye. In Governments, O have zero trust, but I still have some faith in the medical community.
How about zero confidence in the medical community and pharmacies (100%) in my county in NC? People had to leave the county (a big, major county) to get monoclonal antibodies. My husband needs to fly to Tanzania for work, but "all resources must go to Covid", so there is no Yellow Fever vaccine here, even the Health Department, though websites say they do have it. He might be able to get one in Turkey where he is working now. I'm sick of them all. Small minded people with very limited cognitive mapping skills.
I worked for 25 years in the pharma/medical device industry - they are a venal bunch and not the brightest buttons in the box, and like you I have very low trust in them.
I got a good cataract surgery (just barely before 15 days, uh, centuries, to slow the spread). While near a hospital (I think the one Mark is associated with), it wasn't done in a hospital.
April 2020 the Assisted Living where my mom lived with ALZ, in MI, was in lockdown and 6 people died in my mothers locked, end-of-life wing of 18 rooms. The family was desperate with fear for my 82 year old mom. I spoke to the medical director, who gave me a perspective akin to what you described. She said, very kindly, quietly, reassuring, “oh, those who died were my most frail people.” And “For us, it isn’t unusual to have a number of deaths in a bad year. Your mom is not unhealthy. I think your mom will be just fine.” She spoke of them all with compassion. She said “one of those 6 patients was on hospice for 2 years. They gave her 6 months to live 2 years ago. The others were like her, too.”
She explained that these are typically an “unseen” population, the most frail, and also typically families simply did not know that in some years the flu that took their loved one may also have taken several others. COVID is different because we were told of the deaths.
Think about this: My 82 year old mother with dementia in a locked ward in an Assisted Living was not seen by the professionals as particularly vulnerable, because the ones they were concerned about were MUCH more infirm.
Her perspective helped me realize the incredible, weird disproportion of our response.
I am a gardener, too. I live on the shores of Lake Michigan. Imagining we can stop a virus is like imagining we can stop the waves. It’s hubris. It’s panic. It was my understanding of nature that made me decide to stand on Team Grounded.
My mother died in November 2020. She never got COVID, despite it being on her ward, despite being exposed to sick workers, despite 2 hospital stays. What killed her was Gov Whitmer’s cruel and draconian lockdown orders. We watched through the window - a window they refused to crack so we could talk - while she withered from confusion and isolation. They were locked in their rooms. No communal activities. I still cannot absorb the cruelty, the despair we felt. She died of a sudden onset of aggressive cancer 6 months later. We know she died from loneliness.
We were able to hug and hold her in hospice. Even then there were rigid rules and restrictions. It was all wrong wrong wrong. It haunts me to think of how many others died alone. I am grateful my mother and family were spared that agony.
Now my focus is to pray for the children. Because if vaccine injuries start to hurt our babies and young adults in the prime of life, the pain and outrage we now feel toward the treatment of the most fragile and aged will be eclipsed by a rage that I shudder to imagine. Like other grounded people, I hope that I am wrong. I pray every day that the young be spared the harm from the stupidity and vanity of my generation.
First of all I am so sorry about your mom.My mom has her boyfriend of 10 years in Nursing home with 2 kinds of dementia.She had been devastated, because for a whole year or more,she couldn't see Neil.By the time they lifted a life of the restrictions,he is now in the end stages and is bedridden.Before the cruel nursing home policies,my mom would visit Neil every day for almost 4 hours.It is disgusting what they have done to these residents and their families.It breaks my heart and makes me angry.My mom is a healthy 83 year old and we live together,but she feels robbed of what should be her golden years.
Thank you for your condolences. Hearing about your mom and Neil reminded me of other families separated on my moms wing, including a dear husband and wife. He came there every single day and stayed for supper, then left. Their devotion was beautiful. Bless your mom, I am happy to hear she is well and able to be with you! I would treasure that.
@Zee - My condolences on the passing of your mother. THIS is where COVID stupidity hurt the most. Whitmer is slime and I hope she suffers in the afterlife for what she did to people like your mother. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thank you. I can’t say I wish hellish suffering upon her (we all need mercy), but I do wish the agony that would come from realizing how much pain and suffering she caused.
Agreed we all need mercy and I suppose I was a bit harsh but I was angry after reading your posting. However, it is my opinion (no way to prove this) that most politicians have some level of sociopathic behaviors as to do things like this and not feel any guilt just amazes me. Look at Cuomo in NY and of course Whitmer in MI. We have Bush the second and all the dead in Iraq war. Obama and the drone strikes killing innocents. None of these folks care or are affected by it...at least not by any public statements or actions. I could not live with myself if I was responsible for these atrocities.
I totally agree - the sociopathic thing. Including bureaucrats like Fauci. Thank you for being angry for her sake, that is touching to hear. In MI there were "Thank you Whitmer!" signs up in some yards that sickened my whole family. (They competed with "Our governor is an idiot" signs!) I think it's sheer arrogance and lack of remore that she would even be running again.
My heart breaks hearing your story. This is one of the elements of the Covid story that get my blood boiling, because they kept repeating over and over again that they were the heroes, saving lives by locking down the nursing homes and hospitals. The nurses could all go in and do their 8 hours and see your loved one every day while you had to view them, suffering, on face time or through a cracked window.
By the way my husband travels to Michigan a lot and is always in disbelief how draconian the measures were over there for a time, and how now everyone is fancy free and maskless. He is convinced the freedom "granted" was a pure political move by Whiter for reelection purposes.
So well stated....sorry about your Mom having to be isolated...what cruelty, and even more disheartening to know it wasn't necessary. I too worry about all the children.
My dad passed away 5 years ago, after one chemotherapy treatment, and mom in 2020 of dementia. Both spent their thankfully brief final few months in their house, watched over by their kids and some wonderful caregivers. Mom wasn’t aware of the Scamdemic, thankfully.
And on top of all that, they actually sent covid patients to the nursing homes! At my last physical, the nurse that was taking my vitals told me how she just transferred to primary care after working in the elderly care unit (VA). She said so many elderly patients died after all the covid patients were transfer there. She has nightmares about it and was ready to quit if they didn’t transfer her out of that unit. Where the accountability? We have a virus that is primarily dangerous to the elderly…let’s send the infected to live with them. 🙄
What was done to older folks in residential care in 2020 will someday be written up as one of the great examples of man's inhumanity to man. My MIL had advanced dementia; she was perpetually lost and confused, and terrified to be left alone even for a few moments. I can't imagine if she had been locked in a room by herself 24/7,,, as so many were. I don't understand why no one is paying a price for these crimes.
Somebody likened that to the practice in former times when a besieging army would catapult the bodies of decaying animals over the city walls to start a plague.
My own dad, who is now 88 but quite healthy and active, has told me repeatedly, "When the day comes that I don't know who you are, stop feeding me!" I hate even thinking about it, but I'll do it. I get it, and I know I'll want the same some day--the chance to die with dignity.
My dad is 89. Sadly, my mom convinced him to get the first two shots, but I think he refused the booster.
He’s a tough old man. Other than having his (endless) skin cancer cut off and shots for MD (*shudder*), he refuses most medical care. He pulled four of his own teeth (he was a dentist for years; he knows what he’s doing). He goes to church every week, helps Mom with meals and cleanup, does a little woodworking, gardens, and still drives a little (very slowly, and not far). And he NEVER complains, but I know the state of the country (US) has broken his heart.
He’s my hero…and you sound just like him. They don’t make ‘em like you anymore. 🌻
My dad’s name is Jack. He was raised in a small farming town in MI, but he landed in Los Angeles in the late 50s. My dad has a “John Wayne” spirit, but he’s quieter, like Clint Eastwood, only without the edge.
You are inspirational! So many people aspire to long life and staying clear and active like you. You won’t be a burden. It sounds like you are well loved. My mother feared the same thing. She was never a burden. I felt honored to be able to demonstrate my living love and gratitude by helping her. From her I learned that facing becoming vulnerable with grace and hope may be one of the last lessons our parents can teach us. Mom loved life til the end. She also loved Jesus and looked forward to the next one. You have so much to share that many people would find illuminating. I hope you’ve written for your family what you learned by being blessed with such long life!
You remind me of my dad! He left of his own choosing which I respected and I expect others to do the same for me and my fellow humans. Hugging you from afar❤️❤️❤️
It’s not biology class that failed them—it is the intentional absence of courses that teach, hone, and encourage critical thinking, independent-mindedness, and skepticism. It is the cultural valuing of conformity over dissidence, obedience over questioning. It is the immersion in social media, television, and other media that cultivate constant social pressure, mass hypnosis, and hive thinking.
I’m really sorry you have to worry about your kids experiencing after-effects from the injection. I, too, worry about my mom and step-father, who were among the earliest to get injected, despite my warnings. They didn’t do it because they trust BigPharma and believe in the injection; they did it because their doctors pressured them to do so against their wills, and it was easier to just go along. They regretted their decision and promised not to get the booster or any subsequent injections; I just hope they won’t suffer for their initial failure to stand up to the coercive efforts of their doctors.
I agree Margaret Anna Alice, however, some doctors told their patients not to get the jab. There are clinics , set up by the government almost everywhere you turn. Some places, no consent needed by parents. Free donuts and French fries for all! Just like the lollipops or the erasers, shaped like animals I got when I was little and went for my vaccination. Thanks again Mark!😘
🥳🥳🥳Yes, please! Use it, share it, it’s so moving. Can you believe it STILL makes me cry, I had to remove it as my screen saver…I do have a bit of vanity left
Do you have any confidence that writing to the cowardly PM will help? On another Substack there were suggestions that writing to HM Queen Elizabeth II might be worthwhile. My thought is that the Governor General might be the better correspondent, as she actual holds the Vice-Regal responsibility in Canada.
Not directly, but these letters are always about far more than the overt recipients and are usually more for inspiring, bolstering, and providing resources for my readers as well as for awakening the sleeping.
Interesting ideas for more effective recipients—I’ll add those ideas to my queue for future possibilities :-)
Good article Mr Oshinskie! Yes, no matter what, you always have the power to choose. I have one adult child that took the Shot and one that will never do so.
I am, selfishly, grateful that I’m in my 50s and not is the 20-40 spin zone. No shot for me. Not now and not ever. And Never a flu shot either.
“They value demographic diversity, but not diversity of opinion”. With a minor tweak for “quippability,” this should be on posters, t shirts, etc.
Groupthink (or hive mind) is a trillion times more dangerous than c-19 (I’m so sick of the word I can’t even write it anymore). Only the injections surpass it!
My heart goes out to you after reading this post. It hit me rather close to home. I’ve been fighting this “vaxx” or no “vaxx” war with my teenage son since they rushed the potions out there. I would awaken in the middle of the night in cold sweat worrying about him getting shot up behind my back. The coercion is mesmerizing, peer pressure among un/misinformed kids appalling. Teachers telling students it’s their duty to society, mobile shot clinics at the school. WTF! Since my kid is a minor I decided to plant a flag on a hilltop for this one, sadly not an option for you. I hired a lawyer to send cease and desist letters to my ex and healthcare provider, the latter who “mysteriously “ kept scheduling him for the shots. I emailed the principal informing him I would not give consent to these shots.
And then there was the boy. For the first year of this covid thing I was regarded as a conspiracy believing curmudgeonly kook about everything pandemic. We even had some violent episodes over mask wearing and yes, the shots. Desperate, I started paying him monthly bounties not to take them. He laughed at the start about easy dough and warned he’d get them if the payments stopped. Here we are a year later and after making him read some articles and engaging in countless talks, he thinks taking those shots is not just risky but borderline insane.
I’m not writing this as a tribute to my efforts or looking for ‘atta boys. It’s just my way of venting and offering sympathy to parents such as yourself who’ve struggled mightily with their children making this unwise, uninformed decision. There is evil aplenty afloat with these shots and people who cannot fathom a corrupt government and wicked elite agenda just don’t realize the propaganda power of the mainstream media. I’d like to think my generation would not have swallowed all this horseyshit, but attitudes were different then.
This weekend, watching the Olympics with my youngest and my husband I just “lost it” and was screaming “THOSE AREN’T SAFE” at the “psa commercials” featuring paediatricians pushing shots.
The medical practice I have gone to for 20 some years for my kids is aligned with one of the biggest mNRA shot pushing Children’s Hospitals on the planet. I doubt a dissenting doc would dare to be honest with a parent.
I’ve lost so much faith in our healthcare system lately. These “professionals” pushing the spike spikes are either totally corrupt, intellectual slackers or hypnotized zealots of a broken system. I will avoid going to a hospital at any cost. It’s open season on seniors.
So fortunate that your strategy worked!!! My kids are a bit younger but even I have had nightmares about each one of us being poked against my wishes. It’s absolutely a hill to die on.
I'm impressed with your diligence, but I get the "hill to die on". Fortunately, I didn't have to do that, but I would have! It absolutely is the hill to die on, and I'm glad your son has come to see that for himself. He will not forget how his crazy mom fought for him!
Three out of my four kids are vaxxed. They range from 20-25 years old. SUNY schools made two of them do it, the other is afraid of everything. My three girls consistently talk about social injustice but put up no fight when it came to taking the vaxx. My son held out not willing to harm his heart and remains unvaxxed with my husband and I. My girls live in NY and we are in Florida. My words meant nothing when I begged them to fight. Those evil overlords won and I am left to worry everyday what will happen to them in the future. My eyes well up with tears as I write this. My hatred for these people has hardened my heart.
Yes it will be very hard to “forgive and forget” with these folks. But we have to round em up first as they still hold the cards. I am constantly in a state of rage or despair - but thinking clearly.
I am so sorry..it's an upside down world at the moment and you are not alone....my whole family took the shots, I and my kids not. It is scary having that worry on your mind.
You have spoken to my heart throughout this "dispatch". I cannot speak or share in any way any information about the scandemic with my sons. I was so proud of them throughout their 41 and 40 years! They grew up well-rounded, did a bit of healthy rebelling, graduated from college, began jobs, married wonderful gals, and one fathered 2 grandchildren. I have marveled in the past at how "smart" and capable they all are. Until last year. Now I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach at the mere thought or sight of my "boys" and my grandchildren, 9 and 12 (also vaxxed). Our communications, which used to be wide ranging and frequent, are now stilted and rare. One son is rather conservative, the other rather liberal. Matters not apparently. Their peers, especially those in the medical field have trumped the advice or opinions of their Mom they so often sought. To their credit, neither son has urged me to get the shot. They know me well enough to know I won't. There is a distance between us all now that I've never known or felt. It makes me so sad. Like you, I just pray I am wrong about the possible outcome for one or all of my family members.
As I stood in line at my church yesterday waiting to hear James O’Keefe speak to the congregation, I engaged in numerous conversations with others sweltering in the blessed So Cali winter heat. Seems the powers that be have already achieved at least one of their sinister goals: To make critically thinking people miserable.
I'm so sorry to hear that, B Bulluck. This is what the elites want--for the wise and cautious to be ignored, and for families to be torn apart. Please hang in there. I feel the tide is turning, to where at least a modicum of skepticism is being allowed again, and even though you can't unvax your children & grandchildren, hopefully, the relationship can be repaired, so you can enjoy being with them again.
Thank you Maria. Thank you for your kind words. You are correct that this is how the elites divide and conquer. There are many "kindred spirits" on this sub stack! It is comforting to know we aren't really alone in this morass.
I completely agree and am in the same situation with my adult children. Our relationships have become stilted. It makes me sick and so sad. And also the change in relationships with friends. So few now that I can speak my heart to. I thank God for the opportunity to connect with others through the internet. I wonder if I could have kept my sanity without this.
Sad isn’t it? I’ve lost contact with so many friends and family. Some I just had to let go after finding out they still got the shots in spite of countless conversations and warnings not to do it. I found out one pal of 30 years was calling me a kook behind my back. After writing a couple of letters to the editors of my two small city papers in March of 2020 calling the whole covid thing very suspicious and advising people to turn off TV and read alternative news, I was widely shunned. A year later I moved - weary of covidiots.
So thankful my church fought closures and stayed open, never masking. All the fines the county illegally “levied” on them were quietly overturned, go figure.
The best you can do is pray. I was able to convince my mother and my teenage daughter to avoid the jabs, but my warnings fell on deaf ears to most others. I have one boosted friend who recently expressed how scared he is for my mother since she's unjabbed. I told him I worry about you more! I would be frightened if my mother winds up in the hospital for any reason though- those places can kill you. Critical thinking is not taught in school anymore. It's all memorization and multiple choice. A life behind screens grants very little real world knowledge about universal life lessons about the passage of time or the inevitability of death. When was the last time a logics course was taught?
Wow. I am so sad and so sorry (and also quite stunned) to hear that you’ve had this experience with your kids, Mark 💔💔💔. It’s disheartening to know that someone as informed and well-spoken as yourself (whose thoughts and insights have immensely helped so many of us throughout this ordeal) is facing this situation within your own family? It’s hard to even wrap my mind around the disconnect. Your kids were so fortunate to have someone like you advising them...it’s jolting to know they were still able to be brainwashed. It really illustrates the power and effectiveness of the propaganda machine. Very discouraging :((.
I can’t even tell you how sad this makes me💔💔💔. It’s very apparent what an incredibly wise, loving and devoted dad you are. Your kids are blessed beyond measure to have parents like you and your wife. Only pure evil could confuse their thinking to that extent when they had all the guidance and truth they needed (provided by loving parents) to resist the propaganda. I sincerely pray they will all escape any serious harms from the shots and I know this whole community here will be doing the same 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I feel this comment! I have only ever worked part time since having kids and regard rearing them well as my greatest contribution to society. I am petrified of “failing.” But we can only do what we can do and despite your heroic efforts, they ultimately have their own path. It is the devil who would remove our agency. Whatever comes, their souls will take something from the experience. Well done good and faithful servant! And thank you for sharing your stories and wisdom and cultivating a community that does the same!
Our son and his wife( both 36) not only self injected, but also had all 3 of their kids injected. When I found out about the kids I asked him, “how could you?” He shut me down immediately and our relationship has been cool since. When he was a kid, he and I loved a good debate, since he’s been married he watches Rachel Maddow every night and debate is no longer allowed.
I feel for you. I’m 65, relatively healthy, no jab. My husband 66 relatively healthy, jabbed. My child and her hubs, no jab. They’re children (2 and 4) will NEVER get the jab. I shudder at the thought they want to make it mandatory for all young children. They’re already seeing weird autoimmune and cancer diseases.
I’ll take my chances, I had covid Jan 2020 and no one knew what I had. I pray all will be well with those who had to, or chose to get this experimental treatment.
I can so relate to this. Of 4 children 2 vaxed (their wives are a PharmD & MD - and totally support all this). Our daughter says no way, tho' her husband did as he works for fed govt & was required. (They all got covid - kids were non-events, daughter very mild, vaxxed hubby sick). Our other son & wife had covid and recovered (didn't realize it was covid until they gave blood) so see no need to consider it.
One son won't let us visit unless I get vaxxed - my hubby got vaxxed cuz dr told him he should, but won't do the booster - said it was a game he wasn't playing. I feel so bad I can't see our granddaughters, but I know too many folks with problems with the vaccine and I just won't do it. I have some neurological issues that are under control and don't feel the vax would do me any good. I've been majorly exposed, negative antibody tests and never tested pos with antigen. My husband and I do take some supplements and have for years. No co-morbidities except age. FWIW I've never had the flu and don't take that vaccine either.
I have a background in clinical lab and microbiology - this whole thing is a racket and it makes me sad and mad at the same time.
Thank you Mark...I love your posts and really appreciate your motivation to remind us we are indeed awake and aware! We can only work on our patience for others to see the truth.
So the same thing you see in your children - I see in young physicians. The complete lack of physiology/knowledge, the lack of curiosity and the inability to look at data. They simply pull up some App on the iPhone, like Up to Date - and then say so and so says this is the way to treat X or Y.
Is it because they have so much info at their fingertips so easily? Is it because they are lazy? Is it because they don't care? And your comment on when the data turns against their narrative - they dont want to hear it. Thats the most disturbing. They don't want to be held accountable. They want to believe whatever - and never be proven wrong.
Its this fundamental lack of accountability. Thats what is destroying our nation and our society. When someone does something that is unacceptable - we need to tell them - its unacceptable. Instead of waxing and yarning about equity etc.
It's because this is how the medical personnel are being trained! They're no longer taught to think critically about anything. It's all just about how you look up the answers that "they" -- those medicine Gods on high -- have laid down. Investigating, utilizing data, and drawing conclusions is looked down upon. My own sister is an MD, and she is "all in" on the vaxxes--won't even see me or her much-loved nieces, because we are unvaxxed and might infect her with COVID. It's so beyond illogical, it boggles my mind.
Illogical stunts like this make me feel these people were looking for an excuse to diminish contact. I’ve seen it happen in my family before Covid even. There is no rhyme or reason and it may or may not be permanent. But it most certainly has more to do with them than you.
Years ago, as my children went through school, it struck me that the manner of education had changed. I would become frustrated when helping them study. They were being spoon fed. Before a test they would be told almost verbatim what would be questioned. If I asked them in review of subject matter about something outside of the "official teacher's review" I was told "I don't need to learn that". I tried to counter the attitude and push for valuing knowledge, logic and curiosity as well as healthy skepticism but my young adult children (highly educated) don't want to hear anything outside of the official narrative.
I think this training to not question began very early and continues on through higher education these days. They are basically just trained parrots.
I appreciate this. I am not alone. There is a mix in my family. Those that are vaccinated and worry about us (61 years old and healthy active adults). A few that are just like us and will not take it. It is worse than our family political divide. With politics, we just didn't talk it when we were around. Now, there are those in our family that will not be around us even though they are the ones that are vaxed. It is a weird world. It is though we have the plague.
Always a pleasure to read your substack Mark, insightful and poignant. I have 2 sons and pray daily, that’s what we have left of this madness. ☮️❤️🩹⛹🏼🌻🙏🌞
I’m lucky my kids are still young enough to listen and we are fortunate to associate with a fair number of vax skeptics but it is chilling to imagine what you went through with yours.
Education is all reductionist drivel it seems with ever increasing opacity. I am endless frustrated with my teen’s lack of use of printed textbooks. They use various online sources and occasional handouts. I think this is intentionally done to create the uncritical future workplace conformists.
The official line on the virus has been insanely reductionist (as if it is your only possible health
concern) yet there was a massive, system wide, all-in, whole of govt and media effort to convince us to take the vax regardless. Both of these diametrically opposing features should have alarmed us all.
Thanks for writing such a beautiful piece that must have been difficult.
‘ One nursing home visit or a season tending a garden would be far more educational: people and plants grow, live vitally, then wear out and die. ’
That is so true, particularly the first part. I worked for 5 years as a diagnostic radiographer in hospital service and I can tell you geriatric wards are hellish places. Many patients are old, immobile, demented, blind, hard of hearing, have bed-sores, arthritic, in constant pain, few if any visitors - their quality of life is so low many don’t want to live. The annual Winter ‘flu/pneumonia season was seen as a blessing by nurses particularly, who cared daily for people they knew, no matter how diligent their care, were not going to get better, just worse and worse. Many, like my own father in care, 80+ simply gave up on life. He refused food, would not be persuaded to eat, defeated efforts to feed him intravenously, and by consent of all was left with just pain relief and died quietly with as much dignity as he had left within a few days.
These are the people - the 95% who get CoVid seriously and die - for whom we have shut down our economies, trashed society and our Rights, blighted and endangered the lives of children, prevented early diagnosis and treatment of younger people to leave resources free for the hoards of CoVid patients that never came, killed people - all in the name of ‘protecting the vulnerable’ who have less than a year to live anyway and many hope they won’t last that long.
All the talking heads and the lockdown, jab and mask crazy fools should be made to work as auxiliary nurses on geriatric wards so they can see what they have destroyed our lives for and then maybe reality will dawn.
And the medical profession is to be condemned for not speaking out about the insanity they knew was just not right.
You are so right. I once worked in a kitchen at a “fancy” retirement home. I was there for one day because I was mortified at how SHITTY the food was, I wouldn’t feed my dog that stuff I just couldn’t do it. When my parents reached that stage in their life I was like Oh Hell No! They stayed home and died there, with ME.
Bless you for that
My MIL had advanced dementia, but fortunately, her sister agreed to take care of her at her home (she's a rather spry old bird). All through 2020, when horrendous things were happening in America's old folks homes, my MIL was lovingly cared for with close family nearby. She did pass away near the end of 2020, but NOT from COVID. Weird how all those totally isolated old folks in nursing homes were dying of COVID, while my MIL, with unmasked adult and child visitors in and out several times a week, managed to never get "the coof"...
My dads situation was similar.
You are correct about the silence of official medicine. They let the bravest among them get crucified and crushed. I'll never look at them the same way again.
Trust, once broken, takes an unlimited amount of time and good deeds to restore, if it is possible to restore at all. Same goes for respect. I have lost all respect for the medical bots doctors and nurses have become.
As a family physician who as worked through all of this, I have counseled my patients wisely regarding unknown risks, as well as counseled the patients I've seen injured by the vaccine. I would caution you from making such broad generalizations. We, on the front lines, were identified to be attacked from the outset. Threats of losing your license to practice and mandating of these experimental shots are just the obvious indicators. There is an effort, in my opinion, to destroy the sanctity of the physician/patient relationship, to everyones peril I can assure you. I have lost a job and friends over speaking the truth. Am I saddened by the institutional responses within medicine? You bet. What I can tell you though is the insights I have, both from practicing for 25 years as well as being on the front lines of this pandemic, offer me a perspective few else share. And it holds value to be communicated to my patients. But alas, I am but one person.
I feel for you, but I feel you are among the exceptions. I am but one woman of no import. The sanctity of the physician/patient has been destroyed in MY one mind. The only physicians I have ANY respect for are the ones who have spoken out against the mandates and the ones who move mountains to treat patients with inexpensive, repurposed medications that have proven to rid the body of the wu. In 1988, my cardiologist friend said he would never treat an AIDS patient. That's when my hackles first rose. I married into a family of doctors who cut their teeth in the armed services and trained at the Mayo Clinic. To them, there was no such thing as choosing NOT to treat anyone. They have done backflips in their graves for the past 2 years over lockdowns, masks, and 'forced" experimental chemicals being injected into ANYONE! The there will be a lot of collateral damage from all of this. And one loss is trust in the medical community.
I am a doctor,too, who tried my best to educate everyone about the medically reckless and immorally developed from aborted fetal cells vaccines, and also the efficacy of Ivermectin but alas, I am practically the only one who is not vaccinated among my peers. I gave my resignation letter when the vax mandate was passed, yet I am still employed today. I did not give in and God does not abandon those who stand up for Him. Ad Jesum per Mariam.
Agreed 💯
I feel the same way.
Me too! My go to is to research myself, and stay far away from both doctors and hospitals.
This is the craziness of it, the 99.9% It seems like once the paranoic
fear mongering started somehow people forgot that hundreds of
thousands died very year, including from all kinds of medications, misdiagnosis, illnesses of all kinds etc, etc all suddenly forgotten.
The fact that you had 99.9% chance of surviving it totally disappeared
from people's minds. One could be forgiven to think that only
well planned, prepared and executed global action could've achieved
We've been had. In a big way.
Quite so: Abracadabra!
I have ZERO respect for the medical profession. I cannot trust them for anything.
I woudn't say zero. Though I think the industry is very overrated and overfunded.
If doctors cannot practice medicine (i.e. prescribing horse paste) due to fear of losing their medical license, it HAS to be zero.
If there was one law I'd want passed, it would be the "Medical Freedom Act", which would let doctors be doctors, without fear of losing their licenses, and leave patients free to choose the providers and treatments they agree are best.
I sure hope this will happen as a result of the oppressive rule they’ve experienced since CoViD (once the tyrannical rulers have been indicted and thrown into the dungeons)
100,000 doctors have spoken out to oppose the injections. Many have cowarded to the pressure to go along with the narrative, but there are an ever increasing number who can no longer turn a blind eye. In Governments, O have zero trust, but I still have some faith in the medical community.
Bravo! Appreciate the support. More division is not what we need. Skepticism is merited. Judgement of the entire community is foolish.
How about zero confidence in the medical community and pharmacies (100%) in my county in NC? People had to leave the county (a big, major county) to get monoclonal antibodies. My husband needs to fly to Tanzania for work, but "all resources must go to Covid", so there is no Yellow Fever vaccine here, even the Health Department, though websites say they do have it. He might be able to get one in Turkey where he is working now. I'm sick of them all. Small minded people with very limited cognitive mapping skills.
I worked for 25 years in the pharma/medical device industry - they are a venal bunch and not the brightest buttons in the box, and like you I have very low trust in them.
After my dad died my doctors office called for me to have a check up. I was like “how about I call YOU when I need you?” Asswipes
Nor should you.
I totally agree with you 100 percent!
I got a good cataract surgery (just barely before 15 days, uh, centuries, to slow the spread). While near a hospital (I think the one Mark is associated with), it wasn't done in a hospital.
Exactly! Spinal fusion merely delays the pain.
They have let us down terribly with their fear and silence if they know what's going on!! First, "DO NO HARM". My rose-colored glasses are off.
April 2020 the Assisted Living where my mom lived with ALZ, in MI, was in lockdown and 6 people died in my mothers locked, end-of-life wing of 18 rooms. The family was desperate with fear for my 82 year old mom. I spoke to the medical director, who gave me a perspective akin to what you described. She said, very kindly, quietly, reassuring, “oh, those who died were my most frail people.” And “For us, it isn’t unusual to have a number of deaths in a bad year. Your mom is not unhealthy. I think your mom will be just fine.” She spoke of them all with compassion. She said “one of those 6 patients was on hospice for 2 years. They gave her 6 months to live 2 years ago. The others were like her, too.”
She explained that these are typically an “unseen” population, the most frail, and also typically families simply did not know that in some years the flu that took their loved one may also have taken several others. COVID is different because we were told of the deaths.
Think about this: My 82 year old mother with dementia in a locked ward in an Assisted Living was not seen by the professionals as particularly vulnerable, because the ones they were concerned about were MUCH more infirm.
Her perspective helped me realize the incredible, weird disproportion of our response.
I am a gardener, too. I live on the shores of Lake Michigan. Imagining we can stop a virus is like imagining we can stop the waves. It’s hubris. It’s panic. It was my understanding of nature that made me decide to stand on Team Grounded.
My mother died in November 2020. She never got COVID, despite it being on her ward, despite being exposed to sick workers, despite 2 hospital stays. What killed her was Gov Whitmer’s cruel and draconian lockdown orders. We watched through the window - a window they refused to crack so we could talk - while she withered from confusion and isolation. They were locked in their rooms. No communal activities. I still cannot absorb the cruelty, the despair we felt. She died of a sudden onset of aggressive cancer 6 months later. We know she died from loneliness.
We were able to hug and hold her in hospice. Even then there were rigid rules and restrictions. It was all wrong wrong wrong. It haunts me to think of how many others died alone. I am grateful my mother and family were spared that agony.
Now my focus is to pray for the children. Because if vaccine injuries start to hurt our babies and young adults in the prime of life, the pain and outrage we now feel toward the treatment of the most fragile and aged will be eclipsed by a rage that I shudder to imagine. Like other grounded people, I hope that I am wrong. I pray every day that the young be spared the harm from the stupidity and vanity of my generation.
First of all I am so sorry about your mom.My mom has her boyfriend of 10 years in Nursing home with 2 kinds of dementia.She had been devastated, because for a whole year or more,she couldn't see Neil.By the time they lifted a life of the restrictions,he is now in the end stages and is bedridden.Before the cruel nursing home policies,my mom would visit Neil every day for almost 4 hours.It is disgusting what they have done to these residents and their families.It breaks my heart and makes me angry.My mom is a healthy 83 year old and we live together,but she feels robbed of what should be her golden years.
Thank you for your condolences. Hearing about your mom and Neil reminded me of other families separated on my moms wing, including a dear husband and wife. He came there every single day and stayed for supper, then left. Their devotion was beautiful. Bless your mom, I am happy to hear she is well and able to be with you! I would treasure that.
Hugs to you 🤗
@Zee - My condolences on the passing of your mother. THIS is where COVID stupidity hurt the most. Whitmer is slime and I hope she suffers in the afterlife for what she did to people like your mother. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thank you. I can’t say I wish hellish suffering upon her (we all need mercy), but I do wish the agony that would come from realizing how much pain and suffering she caused.
I do blame her.
Agreed we all need mercy and I suppose I was a bit harsh but I was angry after reading your posting. However, it is my opinion (no way to prove this) that most politicians have some level of sociopathic behaviors as to do things like this and not feel any guilt just amazes me. Look at Cuomo in NY and of course Whitmer in MI. We have Bush the second and all the dead in Iraq war. Obama and the drone strikes killing innocents. None of these folks care or are affected by it...at least not by any public statements or actions. I could not live with myself if I was responsible for these atrocities.
I totally agree - the sociopathic thing. Including bureaucrats like Fauci. Thank you for being angry for her sake, that is touching to hear. In MI there were "Thank you Whitmer!" signs up in some yards that sickened my whole family. (They competed with "Our governor is an idiot" signs!) I think it's sheer arrogance and lack of remore that she would even be running again.
My heart breaks hearing your story. This is one of the elements of the Covid story that get my blood boiling, because they kept repeating over and over again that they were the heroes, saving lives by locking down the nursing homes and hospitals. The nurses could all go in and do their 8 hours and see your loved one every day while you had to view them, suffering, on face time or through a cracked window.
By the way my husband travels to Michigan a lot and is always in disbelief how draconian the measures were over there for a time, and how now everyone is fancy free and maskless. He is convinced the freedom "granted" was a pure political move by Whiter for reelection purposes.
The witch should have shoved her into the oven rather than the other way around.
So well stated....sorry about your Mom having to be isolated...what cruelty, and even more disheartening to know it wasn't necessary. I too worry about all the children.
My dad passed away 5 years ago, after one chemotherapy treatment, and mom in 2020 of dementia. Both spent their thankfully brief final few months in their house, watched over by their kids and some wonderful caregivers. Mom wasn’t aware of the Scamdemic, thankfully.
And on top of all that, they actually sent covid patients to the nursing homes! At my last physical, the nurse that was taking my vitals told me how she just transferred to primary care after working in the elderly care unit (VA). She said so many elderly patients died after all the covid patients were transfer there. She has nightmares about it and was ready to quit if they didn’t transfer her out of that unit. Where the accountability? We have a virus that is primarily dangerous to the elderly…let’s send the infected to live with them. 🙄
The sad thing is Cuomo was disgraced because of sex crimes and not murder. What a twisted world this is...
What was done to older folks in residential care in 2020 will someday be written up as one of the great examples of man's inhumanity to man. My MIL had advanced dementia; she was perpetually lost and confused, and terrified to be left alone even for a few moments. I can't imagine if she had been locked in a room by herself 24/7,,, as so many were. I don't understand why no one is paying a price for these crimes.
Somebody likened that to the practice in former times when a besieging army would catapult the bodies of decaying animals over the city walls to start a plague.
You are so right.
My own dad, who is now 88 but quite healthy and active, has told me repeatedly, "When the day comes that I don't know who you are, stop feeding me!" I hate even thinking about it, but I'll do it. I get it, and I know I'll want the same some day--the chance to die with dignity.
I had to do it, it was the hardest thing but it was time. He’s still with me❤️
I want to hang out with you, William.
Me too
Me too!
My dad is 89. Sadly, my mom convinced him to get the first two shots, but I think he refused the booster.
He’s a tough old man. Other than having his (endless) skin cancer cut off and shots for MD (*shudder*), he refuses most medical care. He pulled four of his own teeth (he was a dentist for years; he knows what he’s doing). He goes to church every week, helps Mom with meals and cleanup, does a little woodworking, gardens, and still drives a little (very slowly, and not far). And he NEVER complains, but I know the state of the country (US) has broken his heart.
He’s my hero…and you sound just like him. They don’t make ‘em like you anymore. 🌻
My dad’s name is Jack. He was raised in a small farming town in MI, but he landed in Los Angeles in the late 50s. My dad has a “John Wayne” spirit, but he’s quieter, like Clint Eastwood, only without the edge.
So glad to meet you!
You are inspirational! So many people aspire to long life and staying clear and active like you. You won’t be a burden. It sounds like you are well loved. My mother feared the same thing. She was never a burden. I felt honored to be able to demonstrate my living love and gratitude by helping her. From her I learned that facing becoming vulnerable with grace and hope may be one of the last lessons our parents can teach us. Mom loved life til the end. She also loved Jesus and looked forward to the next one. You have so much to share that many people would find illuminating. I hope you’ve written for your family what you learned by being blessed with such long life!
You remind me of my dad! He left of his own choosing which I respected and I expect others to do the same for me and my fellow humans. Hugging you from afar❤️❤️❤️
God bless you William Swan
People who cuss are the best kind of people! xo
My grandfather was a long shoreman,my dad a merchant marine...I could really cuss up a blue streak.
It’s not biology class that failed them—it is the intentional absence of courses that teach, hone, and encourage critical thinking, independent-mindedness, and skepticism. It is the cultural valuing of conformity over dissidence, obedience over questioning. It is the immersion in social media, television, and other media that cultivate constant social pressure, mass hypnosis, and hive thinking.
I’m really sorry you have to worry about your kids experiencing after-effects from the injection. I, too, worry about my mom and step-father, who were among the earliest to get injected, despite my warnings. They didn’t do it because they trust BigPharma and believe in the injection; they did it because their doctors pressured them to do so against their wills, and it was easier to just go along. They regretted their decision and promised not to get the booster or any subsequent injections; I just hope they won’t suffer for their initial failure to stand up to the coercive efforts of their doctors.
I agree Margaret Anna Alice, however, some doctors told their patients not to get the jab. There are clinics , set up by the government almost everywhere you turn. Some places, no consent needed by parents. Free donuts and French fries for all! Just like the lollipops or the erasers, shaped like animals I got when I was little and went for my vaccination. Thanks again Mark!😘
I applaud those brave rare doctors who resisted the pressure to coerce!
Hey Sirka! I used your adorable pic in the piece I just published:
• Letter to Justin Trudeau (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-justin-trudeau)
🥳🥳🥳Yes, please! Use it, share it, it’s so moving. Can you believe it STILL makes me cry, I had to remove it as my screen saver…I do have a bit of vanity left
😆 You are such a tender-hearted soul 💗
Do you have any confidence that writing to the cowardly PM will help? On another Substack there were suggestions that writing to HM Queen Elizabeth II might be worthwhile. My thought is that the Governor General might be the better correspondent, as she actual holds the Vice-Regal responsibility in Canada.
Not directly, but these letters are always about far more than the overt recipients and are usually more for inspiring, bolstering, and providing resources for my readers as well as for awakening the sleeping.
Interesting ideas for more effective recipients—I’ll add those ideas to my queue for future possibilities :-)
Good article Mr Oshinskie! Yes, no matter what, you always have the power to choose. I have one adult child that took the Shot and one that will never do so.
I am, selfishly, grateful that I’m in my 50s and not is the 20-40 spin zone. No shot for me. Not now and not ever. And Never a flu shot either.
Me neither, and somehow, and thankfully, not my 2 adult kids either.
“They value demographic diversity, but not diversity of opinion”. With a minor tweak for “quippability,” this should be on posters, t shirts, etc.
Groupthink (or hive mind) is a trillion times more dangerous than c-19 (I’m so sick of the word I can’t even write it anymore). Only the injections surpass it!
Hey Mark,
My heart goes out to you after reading this post. It hit me rather close to home. I’ve been fighting this “vaxx” or no “vaxx” war with my teenage son since they rushed the potions out there. I would awaken in the middle of the night in cold sweat worrying about him getting shot up behind my back. The coercion is mesmerizing, peer pressure among un/misinformed kids appalling. Teachers telling students it’s their duty to society, mobile shot clinics at the school. WTF! Since my kid is a minor I decided to plant a flag on a hilltop for this one, sadly not an option for you. I hired a lawyer to send cease and desist letters to my ex and healthcare provider, the latter who “mysteriously “ kept scheduling him for the shots. I emailed the principal informing him I would not give consent to these shots.
And then there was the boy. For the first year of this covid thing I was regarded as a conspiracy believing curmudgeonly kook about everything pandemic. We even had some violent episodes over mask wearing and yes, the shots. Desperate, I started paying him monthly bounties not to take them. He laughed at the start about easy dough and warned he’d get them if the payments stopped. Here we are a year later and after making him read some articles and engaging in countless talks, he thinks taking those shots is not just risky but borderline insane.
I’m not writing this as a tribute to my efforts or looking for ‘atta boys. It’s just my way of venting and offering sympathy to parents such as yourself who’ve struggled mightily with their children making this unwise, uninformed decision. There is evil aplenty afloat with these shots and people who cannot fathom a corrupt government and wicked elite agenda just don’t realize the propaganda power of the mainstream media. I’d like to think my generation would not have swallowed all this horseyshit, but attitudes were different then.
We do what we can.
I pray that your kids received placebos.
This weekend, watching the Olympics with my youngest and my husband I just “lost it” and was screaming “THOSE AREN’T SAFE” at the “psa commercials” featuring paediatricians pushing shots.
The medical practice I have gone to for 20 some years for my kids is aligned with one of the biggest mNRA shot pushing Children’s Hospitals on the planet. I doubt a dissenting doc would dare to be honest with a parent.
I’ve lost so much faith in our healthcare system lately. These “professionals” pushing the spike spikes are either totally corrupt, intellectual slackers or hypnotized zealots of a broken system. I will avoid going to a hospital at any cost. It’s open season on seniors.
So fortunate that your strategy worked!!! My kids are a bit younger but even I have had nightmares about each one of us being poked against my wishes. It’s absolutely a hill to die on.
I'm impressed with your diligence, but I get the "hill to die on". Fortunately, I didn't have to do that, but I would have! It absolutely is the hill to die on, and I'm glad your son has come to see that for himself. He will not forget how his crazy mom fought for him!
Bravo Al. I say it was absolutely worth your sacrifice.
Three out of my four kids are vaxxed. They range from 20-25 years old. SUNY schools made two of them do it, the other is afraid of everything. My three girls consistently talk about social injustice but put up no fight when it came to taking the vaxx. My son held out not willing to harm his heart and remains unvaxxed with my husband and I. My girls live in NY and we are in Florida. My words meant nothing when I begged them to fight. Those evil overlords won and I am left to worry everyday what will happen to them in the future. My eyes well up with tears as I write this. My hatred for these people has hardened my heart.
Yes it will be very hard to “forgive and forget” with these folks. But we have to round em up first as they still hold the cards. I am constantly in a state of rage or despair - but thinking clearly.
I am so sorry..it's an upside down world at the moment and you are not alone....my whole family took the shots, I and my kids not. It is scary having that worry on your mind.
You have spoken to my heart throughout this "dispatch". I cannot speak or share in any way any information about the scandemic with my sons. I was so proud of them throughout their 41 and 40 years! They grew up well-rounded, did a bit of healthy rebelling, graduated from college, began jobs, married wonderful gals, and one fathered 2 grandchildren. I have marveled in the past at how "smart" and capable they all are. Until last year. Now I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach at the mere thought or sight of my "boys" and my grandchildren, 9 and 12 (also vaxxed). Our communications, which used to be wide ranging and frequent, are now stilted and rare. One son is rather conservative, the other rather liberal. Matters not apparently. Their peers, especially those in the medical field have trumped the advice or opinions of their Mom they so often sought. To their credit, neither son has urged me to get the shot. They know me well enough to know I won't. There is a distance between us all now that I've never known or felt. It makes me so sad. Like you, I just pray I am wrong about the possible outcome for one or all of my family members.
Yes, B. I feel your pain.
As I stood in line at my church yesterday waiting to hear James O’Keefe speak to the congregation, I engaged in numerous conversations with others sweltering in the blessed So Cali winter heat. Seems the powers that be have already achieved at least one of their sinister goals: To make critically thinking people miserable.
I'm so sorry to hear that, B Bulluck. This is what the elites want--for the wise and cautious to be ignored, and for families to be torn apart. Please hang in there. I feel the tide is turning, to where at least a modicum of skepticism is being allowed again, and even though you can't unvax your children & grandchildren, hopefully, the relationship can be repaired, so you can enjoy being with them again.
Thank you Maria. Thank you for your kind words. You are correct that this is how the elites divide and conquer. There are many "kindred spirits" on this sub stack! It is comforting to know we aren't really alone in this morass.
I completely agree and am in the same situation with my adult children. Our relationships have become stilted. It makes me sick and so sad. And also the change in relationships with friends. So few now that I can speak my heart to. I thank God for the opportunity to connect with others through the internet. I wonder if I could have kept my sanity without this.
Sad isn’t it? I’ve lost contact with so many friends and family. Some I just had to let go after finding out they still got the shots in spite of countless conversations and warnings not to do it. I found out one pal of 30 years was calling me a kook behind my back. After writing a couple of letters to the editors of my two small city papers in March of 2020 calling the whole covid thing very suspicious and advising people to turn off TV and read alternative news, I was widely shunned. A year later I moved - weary of covidiots.
So thankful my church fought closures and stayed open, never masking. All the fines the county illegally “levied” on them were quietly overturned, go figure.
The best you can do is pray. I was able to convince my mother and my teenage daughter to avoid the jabs, but my warnings fell on deaf ears to most others. I have one boosted friend who recently expressed how scared he is for my mother since she's unjabbed. I told him I worry about you more! I would be frightened if my mother winds up in the hospital for any reason though- those places can kill you. Critical thinking is not taught in school anymore. It's all memorization and multiple choice. A life behind screens grants very little real world knowledge about universal life lessons about the passage of time or the inevitability of death. When was the last time a logics course was taught?
Wow. I am so sad and so sorry (and also quite stunned) to hear that you’ve had this experience with your kids, Mark 💔💔💔. It’s disheartening to know that someone as informed and well-spoken as yourself (whose thoughts and insights have immensely helped so many of us throughout this ordeal) is facing this situation within your own family? It’s hard to even wrap my mind around the disconnect. Your kids were so fortunate to have someone like you advising them...it’s jolting to know they were still able to be brainwashed. It really illustrates the power and effectiveness of the propaganda machine. Very discouraging :((.
Again, I’m so sorry 💔
Thanks, Cui.
Man, I read or sang those kids to bed every night.
I can’t even tell you how sad this makes me💔💔💔. It’s very apparent what an incredibly wise, loving and devoted dad you are. Your kids are blessed beyond measure to have parents like you and your wife. Only pure evil could confuse their thinking to that extent when they had all the guidance and truth they needed (provided by loving parents) to resist the propaganda. I sincerely pray they will all escape any serious harms from the shots and I know this whole community here will be doing the same 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I feel this comment! I have only ever worked part time since having kids and regard rearing them well as my greatest contribution to society. I am petrified of “failing.” But we can only do what we can do and despite your heroic efforts, they ultimately have their own path. It is the devil who would remove our agency. Whatever comes, their souls will take something from the experience. Well done good and faithful servant! And thank you for sharing your stories and wisdom and cultivating a community that does the same!
Our son and his wife( both 36) not only self injected, but also had all 3 of their kids injected. When I found out about the kids I asked him, “how could you?” He shut me down immediately and our relationship has been cool since. When he was a kid, he and I loved a good debate, since he’s been married he watches Rachel Maddow every night and debate is no longer allowed.
I feel for you. I’m 65, relatively healthy, no jab. My husband 66 relatively healthy, jabbed. My child and her hubs, no jab. They’re children (2 and 4) will NEVER get the jab. I shudder at the thought they want to make it mandatory for all young children. They’re already seeing weird autoimmune and cancer diseases.
I’ll take my chances, I had covid Jan 2020 and no one knew what I had. I pray all will be well with those who had to, or chose to get this experimental treatment.
I can so relate to this. Of 4 children 2 vaxed (their wives are a PharmD & MD - and totally support all this). Our daughter says no way, tho' her husband did as he works for fed govt & was required. (They all got covid - kids were non-events, daughter very mild, vaxxed hubby sick). Our other son & wife had covid and recovered (didn't realize it was covid until they gave blood) so see no need to consider it.
One son won't let us visit unless I get vaxxed - my hubby got vaxxed cuz dr told him he should, but won't do the booster - said it was a game he wasn't playing. I feel so bad I can't see our granddaughters, but I know too many folks with problems with the vaccine and I just won't do it. I have some neurological issues that are under control and don't feel the vax would do me any good. I've been majorly exposed, negative antibody tests and never tested pos with antigen. My husband and I do take some supplements and have for years. No co-morbidities except age. FWIW I've never had the flu and don't take that vaccine either.
I have a background in clinical lab and microbiology - this whole thing is a racket and it makes me sad and mad at the same time.
Thank you for all your posts!
You're welcome. I'm writing to remind the sane people that they're sane.
I know four people who have been hospitalized post-vaxx. I also know well someone who died under mysterious circumstances.
It's sad and crazy for anyone to think young people are at any risk. The whole thing is such a consequential scam. Horrible.
Thank you Mark...I love your posts and really appreciate your motivation to remind us we are indeed awake and aware! We can only work on our patience for others to see the truth.
So the same thing you see in your children - I see in young physicians. The complete lack of physiology/knowledge, the lack of curiosity and the inability to look at data. They simply pull up some App on the iPhone, like Up to Date - and then say so and so says this is the way to treat X or Y.
Is it because they have so much info at their fingertips so easily? Is it because they are lazy? Is it because they don't care? And your comment on when the data turns against their narrative - they dont want to hear it. Thats the most disturbing. They don't want to be held accountable. They want to believe whatever - and never be proven wrong.
Its this fundamental lack of accountability. Thats what is destroying our nation and our society. When someone does something that is unacceptable - we need to tell them - its unacceptable. Instead of waxing and yarning about equity etc.
It's because this is how the medical personnel are being trained! They're no longer taught to think critically about anything. It's all just about how you look up the answers that "they" -- those medicine Gods on high -- have laid down. Investigating, utilizing data, and drawing conclusions is looked down upon. My own sister is an MD, and she is "all in" on the vaxxes--won't even see me or her much-loved nieces, because we are unvaxxed and might infect her with COVID. It's so beyond illogical, it boggles my mind.
Yeah - unfortunately - I think you are right. Its all about comfort and sensitivity now.
Illogical stunts like this make me feel these people were looking for an excuse to diminish contact. I’ve seen it happen in my family before Covid even. There is no rhyme or reason and it may or may not be permanent. But it most certainly has more to do with them than you.
Years ago, as my children went through school, it struck me that the manner of education had changed. I would become frustrated when helping them study. They were being spoon fed. Before a test they would be told almost verbatim what would be questioned. If I asked them in review of subject matter about something outside of the "official teacher's review" I was told "I don't need to learn that". I tried to counter the attitude and push for valuing knowledge, logic and curiosity as well as healthy skepticism but my young adult children (highly educated) don't want to hear anything outside of the official narrative.
I think this training to not question began very early and continues on through higher education these days. They are basically just trained parrots.
I appreciate this. I am not alone. There is a mix in my family. Those that are vaccinated and worry about us (61 years old and healthy active adults). A few that are just like us and will not take it. It is worse than our family political divide. With politics, we just didn't talk it when we were around. Now, there are those in our family that will not be around us even though they are the ones that are vaxed. It is a weird world. It is though we have the plague.
Always a pleasure to read your substack Mark, insightful and poignant. I have 2 sons and pray daily, that’s what we have left of this madness. ☮️❤️🩹⛹🏼🌻🙏🌞
Thanks Mark. It is a sad, yet beautiful piece.
I’m lucky my kids are still young enough to listen and we are fortunate to associate with a fair number of vax skeptics but it is chilling to imagine what you went through with yours.
Education is all reductionist drivel it seems with ever increasing opacity. I am endless frustrated with my teen’s lack of use of printed textbooks. They use various online sources and occasional handouts. I think this is intentionally done to create the uncritical future workplace conformists.
The official line on the virus has been insanely reductionist (as if it is your only possible health
concern) yet there was a massive, system wide, all-in, whole of govt and media effort to convince us to take the vax regardless. Both of these diametrically opposing features should have alarmed us all.
Thanks for writing such a beautiful piece that must have been difficult.