All of us, I am quite sure, have at least one family member who we would like to see the reality of all of this, but who won't talk about it with us, or read any of the "Conspiracy Theory, tin foil hat articles", like yours, that would lead them to enlightenment.
For my wife & I, it is son #1 & his wife, the parents of our only 2 Gkids. Not only were we kept from seeing all of them for 18+ mnths - no jabs, no masks, test refusal.....we were "unclean" - but in addition to jabbing themselves multiple x's, they jabbed the 4 & 2 yr old's, 2x's!!
Despite my wife being a thinking Physician, & myself having medical training, they refused to heed our pleas, nor read any of the common sense we proffered.
Thankfully, after multiple jabbed, & sometimes even double masked #1 son caught the KungFlu & was much sicker than I had been back in Feb of '21, did they finally relent & "allow" us back into their lives.
Of course, they admit nothing, & refuse to engage on the my question to you, & even to this whole community is: how do we ever break thru these walls of "dis, mis, & mal-reality", they have enclosed themselves within?
It's very hard to change people. The best one can do is model the behaviour you would like to see. I'd rather give these people the critical thinking skills and curiosity, that we naturally possessed, that enabled us to make the right decision. I only think you can show, not tell.
Not that this will really help - except perhaps by getting you to approach the problem in a different way - but I think this is wisdom from RFK Jr who says - about changing other people: "The only thing I have control over is the little piece of real estate inside of my own shoes." I keep thinking about it - just as for years I thought about the expression, "What you resist, you become." Sometimes I understood it - other times, not so much. I do think what Kennedy says is totally true - and perhaps allowing yours kids their (admittedly erroneous) judgement will actually free them to rethink things.
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts, MarciaT.
I agree with RFK Jr's quote, but not so much the other.....I have resisted the collective for over 2 decades, & I am nothing like they are!
I have never placed any demands upon my son or D-in-Law, only tried to discuss the issues in a calm & rational manner, which was not returned, so I dropped it.
I did let them know, in no uncertain terms, how disappointed I was in their myopia, & refusal to discuss, or to read any of the materials proffered, tho I was always open to reading anything they might want to discuss, & I also made it very clear that I would respect their decisions about their children, even tho I might vehemently disagree. The only thing I did say after they finally "allowed" us to see the Gkids again & have them spend a few days to a week at a time with us - sans parental units, was that I would never place a useless, dehumanizing face diaper upon either my Gdaughter or Gson. If the Gkids had swallowed the fear porn from their parents & requested a face diaper from either of us before we went in somewhere, I would not argue with the kids, but we would then not go there, & would find something else to do. The Gkids have never asked for a face diaper, so it was a non-issue, even tho early on, many were still wearing the face diaper.
I have made it very clear that I am always open for discussion, but they would have to initiate. The few times we have been together & reactions by the Left to the Plandemic have arisen from an outside source who has seen the light, I have watched them physically tighten up with that "fight or flight" type of reaction. At that point I will converse freely with the other party, & while watching them out of the corner of my eye, not include them in the conversation. I can envision this possibly happening more in the near future tho, because I will make it a point to wear Mark's t-shirt EVERY time we visit them, even to just pick up the Gkids.
I already wear some type of "Piss off the Liberals"/Freedom supporting/I will not comply type of t-shirt everyday, because I have never believed in disguising who you are, & this has led to great discussions, & new friends, across the Country! :--D should see the back window on my pick-up truck!
Molon - I have two older brothers (75) who have bought into the lies. My sister and I desperately tried to share information with them which they refused to even look at. Our once close relationship is non-existent. One of them that is local to me told me I was in a cult. I tried sharing Bobby Kennedy's book A LETTER TO LIBERALS with him. I thought the part about Galileo would speak to him because he is an amateur astronomer and also a Democrat. He told me Bobby was a charlatan and an opportunist and that Galileo's fellow scientists were "not scientists". This brother has an IQ of 148 and the other has his name on many patents.
Not sure if you follow A Midwestern Doctor on Substack, but he told me you are just "going to have to wait for the world to change". I'm inclined to agree. Tragically I think that as more and more people - especially young people - die suddenly or have serious illnesses, it will no longer be able to be ignored. The brother that is not local to me has a daughter-in-law whose brother (50) die suddenly. I don't know any details - my sister saw it on Facebook, but I assume it was because he was jabbed. Once more of these types of things hit close to home for those still asleep, it is then that their awakening will begin. And sadly, it will be excruciatingly painful.
I'm so very sorry for your situation. I find that the love of my sister and the fact that she and I are on the same page gives me comfort. And prayer - so much prayer.
Thank you for sharing your heart wrenching story with have my sympathies, & my fellowship, as our experiences are mirrored in many aspects. I am glad you & your sister have each other for love & support, as I have my wife, youngest son, & am very lucky that I also have a group of very close friends who I've known for years, & some wonderful new friendships whose strong bonds have been formed in this time of insanity who are also, as we are.
Yes, I too follow A Midwestern Doctor, & like Mark, they both bring reason, rationale, & light to this insanely dark time we are currently in, lightening the strain of "standing our ground" against the masses of "covidiots" who are addicted to the well planned & executed fear porn from our own Government, & the almost innumerable institutions we may formerly have misplaced our trust in. I do hope many eventually "awaken" from the "woke" somnambulance of their lives, tho I am not holding my breath.
At 63, I now realize that I have been extremely lucky to have lived during a time when many of the evils mankind seems to have a predilection for, had been put back into chains by those who fought hard against them before I was born, & many since then, but too much ground has been lost by too many of us who took our freedoms for granted, & didn't heed President Reagan's prescient words of:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
I for one, do not want to tell that bleak tale to our Gkids, so I will never cease to "rage against the dying of the light", & while it will take all of us to "stand our ground" against this evil for some time to come, I take sustenance in knowing that I am not alone, that this is not the first, nor the last time a tyranny like this has reared its ugly head in our World, & that so far, even tho it may cost us greatly, when people like us continue to fight, we will eventually regain that hill of freedom & truth!
Let's not forget that these people are constantly bombarded with actual Intel agency propaganda through their agitprop mouthpieces, the mainstream media. The CIA and the others literally *paid* major media to spin it their way and censor anyone who questioned the accepted "truth" about COVID.
It's a very rare person who has the strength to stand up to the ridicule of those who won't "know" what "everybody knows."
While we are rare, those who chronicled history used to cast "us" as heroes, & of great strength & wisdom. While I purport to be none of those, & only a man of solid, moral character who has a set of ethics & standards I strive to live up to, for without them... who am I, those who chronicle recent history today, will have none of that.
Maybe it was that was also for those men & women of great character, & only thru the passage of time, have their "truths", been discovered & lauded?
I think we are blessed/cursed with something called Sentinel Intelligence, which puts us "in the know", when everyone else is "in the fallacy".
Here, Jessica Wildfire does an excellent job of explaining our "condition":
One of the "truths" I have used for solace, is that neither are we alone, or is this an aberration in human history. I think we're kind of on a "wash, rinse, repeat" hamster wheel with this, as here's just two quotes from times gone by.
“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by a majority”
Booker T. Washington
"Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it."
I’m sad to hear about your family situation :((. Being denied access to your grandchildren for the *crime* of using reason and awareness, for seeing the scamdemic as the world-class propaganda that is that is extreme, cruel and (for me) unimaginable. And now the strained relationships and continuing concern about the future health of your beloved grandchildren and their parents....I’m truly sorry :((.
Based on what you’ve described - your in-laws still buying into this madness and unwillingly to face the facts even at this point, it seems to me they’ve suffered cult-level brainwashing and it was totally successful in their case. I’ve seen many ppl here on Substack making the case that the only possible solution for waking up victims like this (unless you’re resigned to simply avoiding the topic with them altogether, which I could understand) is to approach them with the cult deprogramming mindset. Prepare yourself ahead of time by learning what you can from others who have built successful approaches and methodologies in this area. I’m sure there are many great sources out there outlining the methods that have shown some success with deprogramming cult victims. It must take extreme patience and perseverance, with no guarantee of success in the end, but as a concerned and devoted father and granddad you have the strongest and purest motivation there could ever be♥️
(I can’t remember the exact quote but I read a great one recently about this very thing - something to the effect that you cannot use reason to talk someone out of a belief that wasn’t acquired using reason in the first place. Absolutely true, unfortunately, and I think that’s where many of us miss the mark when trying to wake up hard-core believers using facts).
And devout prayer - in my experience, every sincere effort is improved by prayer🙏🏻♥️. I sincerely wish you the very best.
Much steel in those words of yours CuiBono, & thanks for making me the recipient "of much benefit"!! (Great handle, BTW.)
Upstring a bit, Davia rightly advised me to think outside the "reins", & I replied that I couldn't even find 'em! I think you just handed me those reins with your suggestion to look into the Cult De-programming Strategies. I will speak of this to my wife, & I will move forward down this avenue.
Thanks for such an open-minded and gracious response, Molon :)) I almost worried my comment might be seen as offensive (cult reference) but I certainly didn’t mean it that way and I’m happy to see it didn’t strike you that way.
I genuinely wish you success, I hope to see you here talking about your success and improved situation someday!🙏🏻😊
I always smile when someone remarks on my name here - it’s a term I was completely unfamiliar with until just a few years ago (I had to look it up when I came across it😁) so I’m always impressed when ppl recognize the meaning right away and comment on it :).
I’m actually a “sister” BTW but your closing struck me as complimentary and made me chuckle 😁 Best back at ya!
🤣 Mea Culpa, & thanks for the enlightenment, my SFAM (Sister From Another Mother)! So, in that vein: Appreciate ya', sister!
I also had to look up your handle, but it is now indelibly etched upon my brain, thank you!
Those folks knew the same universal truths we wrestle with today, & even millennia afterwards, their sayings quotes we find & use today, mirror our recognition of those truths.
I found some pinky extensions for the magazines on my wife's latest CC pistol, that I gave her a couple Hanukkahs ago.
A deep purple in color (she likes a little bling), & I had them inscribe on the bottom: Amat Victoria Curam - Victory Loves Preparation -
I don't think you can. When they have gone to the extreme of denying you physical contact with them then it has strayed into unreasonable behaviour and they will have to come to terms with it themselves. As you know avoidance is a coping strategy and it may be this is their way forward.
Why does this matter? The next fake pandemics are only months or maybe a year away. By then, 70% of the population will be ready to re-engage with the madness that they so welcomed in 2020-2022. Many will have forgotten the treachery of the past.
And we have WHO and the UN waiting in the wings to take over world power that supersedes all governments so that they can declare ANY emergency they want.
With the fake elections coming in about 15 months, the global elites and Marxists are going to ensure a democrat victory at all costs. Even if they have to convict Trump and murder him and assassinate RFK.
We are at the point where anything goes as these government terrorists push us closer and closer to the abyss of Hades. I don't see much pushing back from the people of the world.
Though your statement may seem a bit shocking, I tend to agree that some or all of it may come to pass. FDR confiscated Americans gold in the 1930's- they could do the same with paper dollars overnight. Then go to digital currency. Our only power is revolution.
Belgian press yesterday stated, that a next pandemic is very unlikely. In a country that is 85 % jabbed, I thought that was worth noting! The govt did exactly everything they were ordered, from masking distancing jabbing, even no more than 4 people could gather (and it had to be the same 4, which made thing difficult for my elderly parents). So I was relieved to read that may be at least one small country has learned something. Let us hope.
Im always amazed at your thematic relevance and prescience. I was just reading a Meryl Nass article this morning referring to the uncovering of Slack commo among the Usual Coronamania Suspects proving their duplicity as it were with regards to asserting zoonosis over lab leak for fear of disrupting global political balance if the highlighted the obvious idiotic dangers of the thrusts of their careers in genetic manipulation. It struck me while reading that article that yes obviously this is important and those complicit "experts" deserve repudiation and in some cases prosecution that willnever occur but over-archingly that they were over ascribing the level of danger to the common constellation of human respiratory distress. The data proves so. The Diamond Princess. The Dunce Birx Doctrine (A Liberal Approach to counting deaths) etc etc etc.
🗨 In the beginning was the Lie and the Lie was made news and dwelt among us, graceless and false.
Back in the day, Malcolm Muggeridge said this of western media aiding communism. The keen observation has since returned to its western home coop to roost.
Mark, the following snippet from your piece is so perfect and succinct. ;
“Most fundamentally , the study shows that Democrats base their worldviews and their “Science” on political affiliation and race. But did anyone need a study to learn that?”
In the summer of '21, we went for dinner with friends. They took the vaxx and could not understand why we were reluctant. With no prodding the woman stated "we are no longer Republicans." She took the shot because "they said it is safe." When I asked who "they" was, she rolled her eyes and said "Oh Nancy....I trust the government." That's when I started to realize something really crazy was going on.
It really was crazy. So many times I thought, wow, no one in the future will believe this. What happened to people? It was like a switch had been flipped in their brains. And it was all get-the-vax-get-the-vax-get-the-vax.
Me: But it's experimental, I think I'll wait and see.
Them: Don't be a Trumpista conspiracy theorist, get-the-vax-get-the-vax-get-the-vax.
Me: I'm not a Trump voter, and it's right there stated in the Emergency Use Authorization, it's experimental.
Them: Don't be a Trumpista conspiracy theorist, get-the-vax-get-the-vax-get-the-vax.
In my experience, it was more a religion for people who follow communities like churches and political parties, but who aren't too concerned for consistency in their own beliefs. In other words, they trust authority and the crowd they are in more than either reason or observation.
It's the conventional that bought into this. In my (limited) circle, it was both the atheists and the committed Christians that either resisted from the beginning or came to repudiate it later. What we have in common, unlike the merely churchy or left-activist types, is that we have clashed with authority and fellowman before, and are perfectly capable of doing so again when they obnoxiously make no sense.
Unfortunately, the past tense isn't really appropriate in this excellent description of covidians. Never mind family members (the ones who didn't die from the jabs) with whom it is still impossible to have a conversation on the subject and the constant worry about what long-term effects are awaiting them, so many people out there who are being largely quiet for the moment haven't changed at all.
The other day I attended a rally for Pastor Pawlowski, the Canadian pastor arrested and persecuted for keeping his church open and for feeding the homeless. I spoke to one respectable-looking woman passing by who thought it was absolutely fine and right to deny children education and the right to play outside in order to protect her as a member of the "vulnerable" elderly--who in fact looked considerably younger than I am--and who jumped back in fear and shock when I answered her question whether I'd been vaxxed in the negative. She had clearly assumed that someone who looked as "normal" as I apparently did must have been.
A friend spoke to another passerby who, when he learned what it was about, declared angrily that he hoped the paster would rot in prison for the rest of his life, whether for "endangering lives" or for not following government orders, or for both, I'm not sure.
There are still plenty of fascists out there on the down-low, just waiting for the next trigger.
Well those on board with medical fascism may be just waiting for the next trigger, but they will find that next time they will get a far, far, far more ferocious and savvy pushback.
I certainly hope so. I need to remind myself that I live in NYC, and my neighborhood is one of the most covidian in this deep blue city, which surely tends to warp my sense of where Americans as a whole actually are.
Grandma Bear, check this out, what's happening in Florida with the ban the jabs movement. Here is just one of several speakers backing a proposed ban the jab ordinance:
Jane Santangelo Testifies Before the Lee County Commissioners 8-1-23
JANE SANTANGELO: Good morning. Thank you for listening to me today. So from where I stand, and from where I see you standing, I can see that you're, you think public safety is really important. And I, I really appreciate that. But with that comes following the science.
But who's telling us what the science is? When we first got up here I, I saw a a bit of cognitive dissonance. It seemed to me. That was my perception of this committee. I didn't really feel you were looking at us. You were looking down.
What if the approved science that you were told to look at and to go by is incorrect? What if it wasn't allowed to be stated, what was and what wasn't?
Don't you owe us— [turns to address audience behind her] I see snickering coming from this side here. I apologize if that's not what you were laughing about or talking about or [inaudible] about—
MALE VOICE FROM PODIUM: M'am, just address your comments to the chamber.
JANE SANTANGELO: OK. Sorry about that. But for public safety you, you owe it to us to do your due diligence. There are many experts out there that will go against what the science, [makes air quotes with her fingers] the science is telling us and that you're allowed to go by.
I go to meetings and I hear [she claps several times] we got 90% of people in Bonita got the jab!
You talk to Dr. McCullough, you talk to Dr. Mikovits, these are all highly credentialed doctors. Dr. Jonathan Martin, Karen Kingston. These are all people that have many, many years of experience in these realms. You need to look at that for yourself. You're the one calling the shots for us.
So I hereby ask you to please, do your due diligence and look at this and allow this ordinance to go through.
Wow, you sure hit that nail on the head! Well said, G-Bear!
3 cheers for the heroes Artur for his brave stance, & for his son who went before the EU to discuss/inform them of his father's case, & the fascists in the Trudeau government!
Yeah I mentioned to a fully jabbed friend the other day how it took eleven months to develop and distribute the covid vaccines when vaccines usually take 10-15 years. He blinked like someone who just woke up. In hindsight I think many think they behaved quite strangely.
Funny enough, I'm about to renounce my GOP affiliation because I'm tired of the GOP v. Dem scam, and the former party's lack of effort to oppose the leftists.
For just one of many possible examples, Rand Paul, whom I formerly thought was a hero, has said there's not enough evidence to impeach Biden.
My wife and I have observed a strange phenomenon the past 2 1/2 years. The very people most committed to trendy organic foods and holistic medicine and lifestyle, i.e. the "Whole Foods" types, were the most fanatical and bought in Covidians. Certified Organic required but they had no problem injecting experimental gene therapy into themselves, their kids and grandkids, and also demanding it as a mandate.
The organic wholefoods thing is often just another part of the green/social justice religion that fills the hole left behind in people who reject traditional religions.
Yes and no. Many people I know who didn't buy covidianism use holistic medicine (not to be confused with trendiness and shopping). But the "Whole Foods" types tend to be laptop class who praise the commercial aspect of it and virtue signaling, marketing messages, anything "green", "animal rights" etc. "Organic" and "plant based" doesn't mean inherently healthy, far from it. The plandemic managed to separate real healthy lifestyles from their fake pretense versions. Like, the majority of vegans (which diet is, actually, patently unhealthy) were totally sucked into the lockdowns and shots, while Weston A. Price Foundation members were meeting with no masks and thrived.
I was always willing to be wrong but wanted to err on the side of caution. The shot enthusiasts had no concept they could be wrong. It was so dystopian.
I don't know what conclusion you modified, but as someone who grew up in a family of alcoholics--both parents and two siblings--I appreciated the analogy. It is definitely apt.
It occurs to me on thinking about this in the light of your excellent article, that this may be one of the reasons I have so much trouble letting go of my anger and impatience with covidians, and the deep grief I feel over family members who cannot and will not free themselves from that addicting cult.
I've been getting emails on "Covid updates" from Leonhardt for years. I wish I could have de-bunked every one of his false claims, but, alas, like every NYT journalist his email address is not published (by design).
You reference "natural immunity." As you know, nobody knows how many Americans had already developed natural immunity by the lockdowns because nobody will seriously "investigate" the copious evidence of early spread.
"Two weeks to flatten the curve" was a logical fallacy as nobody knows when the "curve" actually started to spike. Said curve probably grew like a big wave in late December 2019 or maybe late January 2020. That curve was falling off a cliff on its own by mid-March 2020.
I've emailed the NY Times "news tip" address at least four times, providing copious evidence of "early spread" and asking someone from our nation's "newspaper of record" to investigate this evidence. I've never received one response to these emails or any critiques of the evidence I provided.
So it's what the Fourth Estate CHOOSES to not investigate that gives us our greatest tell about the state of real journalism in this country. The authorized scientists are also oddly incurious about this this topic (and all other important areas of possible inquiry).
And all the journalists (like Leonhardt) accept as gospel truth the pronouncements of the "authorities." So we have zero journalists in the corporate press who are skeptical of those with great power.
When that's the truth, we're never going to "confirm" any truths that de-bunk any of the authorized narratives.
I love Mark's point about how even an accepted narrative can later be edited/revised. So we first got the narrative that the vaccines were effective at preventing new cases and virus "spread." When everyone knew that was a whopper, the narrative became, "No, they just prevent severe cases."
As Mark points out, why do people believe the past liars' knew statements of "fact?" If the experts were wrong (or lied) about vaccines stopping transmission, maybe they are lying about them preventing deaths and severe cases?
Most people obviously don't ask these type questions.
This reminds me of my deep dive into flu cases and bad flu seasons. I've read hundreds of stories about these flu outbreaks. The fact these stories were written in the first place should tell every reader that their "flu shot" didn't work that flu season.
But, still, every single one of these stories includes some version of this sentence: "Officials stress it's not too late to get your flu shot."
I think it's some kind of law that sentence has to be included in every flu article and that every public health official has to write this in their press releases or stress this when they do interviews with "journalists."
Why does this matter to our Covid coverage? Because if everyone knew the stupid flu shots didn't actually work, maybe more people would have thought the Covid vaccines wouldn't work either.
So the "watchdog" press lets us all down again by not reporting the truth. But it's worse than that: Regarding the efficacy of the flu vaccines, they also spread obvious untruths and lies ... which is actually the correct definition of "disinformation" or "malinformation."
Fantastic summary of the Covid “pandemic” scam. The complicit might be more like kidnap victims than alcoholics in that they seem to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, protecting their captors with continued trust and affection in an effort to rationalize their own complicity in the crime, assuaging their failure to fight to the death to avoid capture.
A very insightful statement- especially concerning the herd that refuses to stop and think. Denial and rationalization rarely lead to real truth or improvement.
Walensky stated last year that only 5 percent died of it. The rest tested positive or died from something else. Yesterday I read that Italy is going to investigate the excess deaths in the first 2 weeks after injection. See what comes of that.
Amazing letter as always and a true insight in the psychology of the immediate deceivers. The ultimate deceivers would never reveal themselves. They pay a lot (of our money) to make certain that they remain hidden and behind the scenes while their hand-picked bought and paid-for puppets (like Biden, Trudeau and Macron) take the incoming fire (in exchange for a lifetime of monetary support). It is interesting that the monetary support for the Biden family is becoming clear while that for the Obama's has been largely secret. There is a story behind the apparent "worse than I thought" aspect of the Biden family corruption.
The owners of the Federal Reserve (and owners of most if not all US and many other country's politicians) can literally print money at will as long as they have a "good reason". The "Scamdemic" was a perfect reason. More US dollars as a fraction of the total were printed from 2020 to 2022 than at any time in history. This is the reason for the huge spike in inflation - anything was window dressing. Unfortunately, all those trillions and trillions of fake "fiat" US dollars, the vast majority was used for an evil purpose. They were used to purchase controlling interest in all the major corporations on the planet under the purported ruse of "stabilizing the financial markets". A good excuse because it worked. Very few people actually believe that in fact this was an outright purchase of the world economy with printed money that resulted in a huge inflation spike (tax on the poor and middle class) . Unfortunately, one other EVEN MORE evil purpose of the printed fiat dollars was to bribe the medical system at least in the USA to prescribe certain drugs and treatments, e.g. ventilators and remdesivir, that was designed to kill many thousands of people ON PURPOSE. YES, they are mass murderers, among other things. I believe the number was $55,000 per medicare patient who was "tested" (HA HA- PCR tests!!!) to be a "Covid Patient". That was many times what the hospital system would be paid for a medicare patient otherwise.
The harm profile of the "Jabs" (m-RNA) was extremely disproportionate. The number I have seen is that 37% of those shots were placebos and that 2% of the shots had as much as 80% of the deaths. The graph I saw of the various batches vs. side-effects profiles implies direct experimentation to determine "killing doses" of various additives and the m-RNA itself. This implies experimentation on a truly massive scale, i.e. literally the whole world. It makes the Nazi monster Mengele look like an amateur. They killed hundreds of thousands at least (probably millions), made gigantic profits from these "jabs" AND at the same time allowed a HUGE smokescreen of which the Jabs were only a part, to allow the purchase of the world's major corporations - now all owned by Vanguard, Blackrock or State Street and ultimately by the 13 original families of the ownership of the Federal Reserve.
Yes, this is a financial, propaganda and biowar perpetrated on the whole world by megalomaniacs intent on further consolidating their already unprecedented power in a direct attempt to kill a large fraction of the world's population, sterilize many of the remainder, and increase their stranglehold on the politics, markets, corporations and minds of the world. The slogan: "You will own nothing and be happy" says a great deal, but it should also include the caveat: "If you are still alive after we have killed off most of your family members and friends."
If you want a great insight into the propaganda mechanism that was used so "successfully" (diabolically successfully), I cannot help but recommend this EXCELLENT interview by Tucker Carlson with Matthias Desmet, author of "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" - see link below. A truly excellent book. I wholeheartedly recommend both the book and the interview below IF you are willing to face the ugly truth about our world. I would despair except for Faith in the ultimate victory of God over the Devil in this war. In the interim, we all must battle with our demons and ask for God's help. Retreating into passivity or worse yet, acceptance of the Devil's plan, is madness and death. Yet courage in the face of that assault is not easy at all. Hence the need to ask for and trust in God's help in these truly perilous times.
May God Bless you and your families in these truly troubled times!
Once again, a great breakdown of what the Scamdemic was and how the denial continues. The alcoholic really believes he can "manage" his next drinking incident, but rarely does he succeed. Events continue to worsen- critical thinking is replaced by denial and the horror continues. The only way to reverse the death wish is normally rehab. But rehab means admitting you need help- many can't take the embarrassment, the shame that others crush them with.
The brain trust behind this evil scam has no remorse- but they do have an agenda that doesn't end with Covid. We are but underlings who "need to be controlled because we're not capable of taking care of ourselves". We cannot trust this system anymore- we must be skeptical of everything.
Mark, I hope your friends can turn the corner and get better. Thanks for sharing with us.
Before the jabs, I was following the total death count until Jan 2021. It was looking to be like 2019... Aiming at 2.9 million deaths. In January, the result was changed +300k, and we got around 3.2 million. But other nations had 2020 the same as previous years.
Funny how they relabeled deaths above life expectancy as "covid" deaths.
It makes you wonder about viruses. If they tend to kill those already sick or above life expectancy, is that the real cause of sickness or is that a relabeling of the cause of death?
This is what came to mind the whole time I was reading your post. Romans 1: 21-22
21For even though [d]they knew God [as the Creator], they did not [e]honor Him as God or give thanks [for His wondrous creation]. On the contrary, they became worthless in their thinking [godless, with pointless reasonings, and silly speculations], and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Claiming to be wise, they became fools
Thanks for this. Your analogy of covidian denial to alcoholic denial is very apt.
I don't think of NYT writers as journalists but as "journalists"-- kind of like, you know, there's science and then there's "science." I guess such "journalists" will continue to espouse "science" and continue to take their jabs. Time will tell how that works out for them.
I keep making the same point, TB. The "journalists" aren't really journalists and the "scientists" aren't really engaging in real science.
This actually explains how the accepted or authorized narratives became accepted in the first place ... and how they can never be de-bunked ... because once the authorized narrative is set in stone, it's almost impossible to belatedly de-bunk this.
Another fine piece of work, thank you.
I have a question.....
All of us, I am quite sure, have at least one family member who we would like to see the reality of all of this, but who won't talk about it with us, or read any of the "Conspiracy Theory, tin foil hat articles", like yours, that would lead them to enlightenment.
For my wife & I, it is son #1 & his wife, the parents of our only 2 Gkids. Not only were we kept from seeing all of them for 18+ mnths - no jabs, no masks, test refusal.....we were "unclean" - but in addition to jabbing themselves multiple x's, they jabbed the 4 & 2 yr old's, 2x's!!
Despite my wife being a thinking Physician, & myself having medical training, they refused to heed our pleas, nor read any of the common sense we proffered.
Thankfully, after multiple jabbed, & sometimes even double masked #1 son caught the KungFlu & was much sicker than I had been back in Feb of '21, did they finally relent & "allow" us back into their lives.
Of course, they admit nothing, & refuse to engage on the my question to you, & even to this whole community is: how do we ever break thru these walls of "dis, mis, & mal-reality", they have enclosed themselves within?
Sadly to utmost degree, seems all we can do is keep leading the proverbial horses to water—with great patience, goodwill and compassion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I appreciate & understand your reply Daiva, but I can't even find the reins!
Well, think out of the box—oops, reins—then 😉
Been tryin', will keep at it, thanks.
This could be my story. I pray a lot. And love covers a multitude of sins.
It's very hard to change people. The best one can do is model the behaviour you would like to see. I'd rather give these people the critical thinking skills and curiosity, that we naturally possessed, that enabled us to make the right decision. I only think you can show, not tell.
Not that this will really help - except perhaps by getting you to approach the problem in a different way - but I think this is wisdom from RFK Jr who says - about changing other people: "The only thing I have control over is the little piece of real estate inside of my own shoes." I keep thinking about it - just as for years I thought about the expression, "What you resist, you become." Sometimes I understood it - other times, not so much. I do think what Kennedy says is totally true - and perhaps allowing yours kids their (admittedly erroneous) judgement will actually free them to rethink things.
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts, MarciaT.
I agree with RFK Jr's quote, but not so much the other.....I have resisted the collective for over 2 decades, & I am nothing like they are!
I have never placed any demands upon my son or D-in-Law, only tried to discuss the issues in a calm & rational manner, which was not returned, so I dropped it.
I did let them know, in no uncertain terms, how disappointed I was in their myopia, & refusal to discuss, or to read any of the materials proffered, tho I was always open to reading anything they might want to discuss, & I also made it very clear that I would respect their decisions about their children, even tho I might vehemently disagree. The only thing I did say after they finally "allowed" us to see the Gkids again & have them spend a few days to a week at a time with us - sans parental units, was that I would never place a useless, dehumanizing face diaper upon either my Gdaughter or Gson. If the Gkids had swallowed the fear porn from their parents & requested a face diaper from either of us before we went in somewhere, I would not argue with the kids, but we would then not go there, & would find something else to do. The Gkids have never asked for a face diaper, so it was a non-issue, even tho early on, many were still wearing the face diaper.
I have made it very clear that I am always open for discussion, but they would have to initiate. The few times we have been together & reactions by the Left to the Plandemic have arisen from an outside source who has seen the light, I have watched them physically tighten up with that "fight or flight" type of reaction. At that point I will converse freely with the other party, & while watching them out of the corner of my eye, not include them in the conversation. I can envision this possibly happening more in the near future tho, because I will make it a point to wear Mark's t-shirt EVERY time we visit them, even to just pick up the Gkids.
I already wear some type of "Piss off the Liberals"/Freedom supporting/I will not comply type of t-shirt everyday, because I have never believed in disguising who you are, & this has led to great discussions, & new friends, across the Country! :--D should see the back window on my pick-up truck!
Molon - I have two older brothers (75) who have bought into the lies. My sister and I desperately tried to share information with them which they refused to even look at. Our once close relationship is non-existent. One of them that is local to me told me I was in a cult. I tried sharing Bobby Kennedy's book A LETTER TO LIBERALS with him. I thought the part about Galileo would speak to him because he is an amateur astronomer and also a Democrat. He told me Bobby was a charlatan and an opportunist and that Galileo's fellow scientists were "not scientists". This brother has an IQ of 148 and the other has his name on many patents.
Not sure if you follow A Midwestern Doctor on Substack, but he told me you are just "going to have to wait for the world to change". I'm inclined to agree. Tragically I think that as more and more people - especially young people - die suddenly or have serious illnesses, it will no longer be able to be ignored. The brother that is not local to me has a daughter-in-law whose brother (50) die suddenly. I don't know any details - my sister saw it on Facebook, but I assume it was because he was jabbed. Once more of these types of things hit close to home for those still asleep, it is then that their awakening will begin. And sadly, it will be excruciatingly painful.
I'm so very sorry for your situation. I find that the love of my sister and the fact that she and I are on the same page gives me comfort. And prayer - so much prayer.
Miss Laura,
Thank you for sharing your heart wrenching story with have my sympathies, & my fellowship, as our experiences are mirrored in many aspects. I am glad you & your sister have each other for love & support, as I have my wife, youngest son, & am very lucky that I also have a group of very close friends who I've known for years, & some wonderful new friendships whose strong bonds have been formed in this time of insanity who are also, as we are.
Yes, I too follow A Midwestern Doctor, & like Mark, they both bring reason, rationale, & light to this insanely dark time we are currently in, lightening the strain of "standing our ground" against the masses of "covidiots" who are addicted to the well planned & executed fear porn from our own Government, & the almost innumerable institutions we may formerly have misplaced our trust in. I do hope many eventually "awaken" from the "woke" somnambulance of their lives, tho I am not holding my breath.
At 63, I now realize that I have been extremely lucky to have lived during a time when many of the evils mankind seems to have a predilection for, had been put back into chains by those who fought hard against them before I was born, & many since then, but too much ground has been lost by too many of us who took our freedoms for granted, & didn't heed President Reagan's prescient words of:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
I for one, do not want to tell that bleak tale to our Gkids, so I will never cease to "rage against the dying of the light", & while it will take all of us to "stand our ground" against this evil for some time to come, I take sustenance in knowing that I am not alone, that this is not the first, nor the last time a tyranny like this has reared its ugly head in our World, & that so far, even tho it may cost us greatly, when people like us continue to fight, we will eventually regain that hill of freedom & truth!
Dearest Molon - My sister and I are 64 (twins) and so are our brothers. I used to think our family was exceptional and not just for that reason.
Boy have I been humbled.
Interesting that you quoted Ronald Reagan. My sister and I used that very same quote in an email to them 18 months ago. It fell on deaf ears.
My sister and I will also “rage against the dying of the light”.
This is the hill we are willing to die on.
Thank you for your comments. They truly are inspiring.
God bless you and those you love. 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks Miss Laura, Yes, this is my Hill also.
And may Adonai bless you & those you love...too!
I share your frustration.
Let's not forget that these people are constantly bombarded with actual Intel agency propaganda through their agitprop mouthpieces, the mainstream media. The CIA and the others literally *paid* major media to spin it their way and censor anyone who questioned the accepted "truth" about COVID.
It's a very rare person who has the strength to stand up to the ridicule of those who won't "know" what "everybody knows."
Well said, Fred.
While we are rare, those who chronicled history used to cast "us" as heroes, & of great strength & wisdom. While I purport to be none of those, & only a man of solid, moral character who has a set of ethics & standards I strive to live up to, for without them... who am I, those who chronicle recent history today, will have none of that.
Maybe it was that was also for those men & women of great character, & only thru the passage of time, have their "truths", been discovered & lauded?
I think we are blessed/cursed with something called Sentinel Intelligence, which puts us "in the know", when everyone else is "in the fallacy".
Here, Jessica Wildfire does an excellent job of explaining our "condition":
One of the "truths" I have used for solace, is that neither are we alone, or is this an aberration in human history. I think we're kind of on a "wash, rinse, repeat" hamster wheel with this, as here's just two quotes from times gone by.
“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by a majority”
Booker T. Washington
"Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it."
Moses Maimonides 1138-1204
Great quotes Molon - thank you!
I’m sad to hear about your family situation :((. Being denied access to your grandchildren for the *crime* of using reason and awareness, for seeing the scamdemic as the world-class propaganda that is that is extreme, cruel and (for me) unimaginable. And now the strained relationships and continuing concern about the future health of your beloved grandchildren and their parents....I’m truly sorry :((.
Based on what you’ve described - your in-laws still buying into this madness and unwillingly to face the facts even at this point, it seems to me they’ve suffered cult-level brainwashing and it was totally successful in their case. I’ve seen many ppl here on Substack making the case that the only possible solution for waking up victims like this (unless you’re resigned to simply avoiding the topic with them altogether, which I could understand) is to approach them with the cult deprogramming mindset. Prepare yourself ahead of time by learning what you can from others who have built successful approaches and methodologies in this area. I’m sure there are many great sources out there outlining the methods that have shown some success with deprogramming cult victims. It must take extreme patience and perseverance, with no guarantee of success in the end, but as a concerned and devoted father and granddad you have the strongest and purest motivation there could ever be♥️
(I can’t remember the exact quote but I read a great one recently about this very thing - something to the effect that you cannot use reason to talk someone out of a belief that wasn’t acquired using reason in the first place. Absolutely true, unfortunately, and I think that’s where many of us miss the mark when trying to wake up hard-core believers using facts).
And devout prayer - in my experience, every sincere effort is improved by prayer🙏🏻♥️. I sincerely wish you the very best.
Much steel in those words of yours CuiBono, & thanks for making me the recipient "of much benefit"!! (Great handle, BTW.)
Upstring a bit, Davia rightly advised me to think outside the "reins", & I replied that I couldn't even find 'em! I think you just handed me those reins with your suggestion to look into the Cult De-programming Strategies. I will speak of this to my wife, & I will move forward down this avenue.
Appreciate ya', brother!!!
Thanks for such an open-minded and gracious response, Molon :)) I almost worried my comment might be seen as offensive (cult reference) but I certainly didn’t mean it that way and I’m happy to see it didn’t strike you that way.
I genuinely wish you success, I hope to see you here talking about your success and improved situation someday!🙏🏻😊
I always smile when someone remarks on my name here - it’s a term I was completely unfamiliar with until just a few years ago (I had to look it up when I came across it😁) so I’m always impressed when ppl recognize the meaning right away and comment on it :).
I’m actually a “sister” BTW but your closing struck me as complimentary and made me chuckle 😁 Best back at ya!
🤣 Mea Culpa, & thanks for the enlightenment, my SFAM (Sister From Another Mother)! So, in that vein: Appreciate ya', sister!
I also had to look up your handle, but it is now indelibly etched upon my brain, thank you!
Those folks knew the same universal truths we wrestle with today, & even millennia afterwards, their sayings quotes we find & use today, mirror our recognition of those truths.
I found some pinky extensions for the magazines on my wife's latest CC pistol, that I gave her a couple Hanukkahs ago.
A deep purple in color (she likes a little bling), & I had them inscribe on the bottom: Amat Victoria Curam - Victory Loves Preparation -
Gaius Victorious Catullus - 1st Century BC
I don't think you can. When they have gone to the extreme of denying you physical contact with them then it has strayed into unreasonable behaviour and they will have to come to terms with it themselves. As you know avoidance is a coping strategy and it may be this is their way forward.
Unfortunately, I think you are right.
Thanks, Amat.
Why does this matter? The next fake pandemics are only months or maybe a year away. By then, 70% of the population will be ready to re-engage with the madness that they so welcomed in 2020-2022. Many will have forgotten the treachery of the past.
And we have WHO and the UN waiting in the wings to take over world power that supersedes all governments so that they can declare ANY emergency they want.
With the fake elections coming in about 15 months, the global elites and Marxists are going to ensure a democrat victory at all costs. Even if they have to convict Trump and murder him and assassinate RFK.
We are at the point where anything goes as these government terrorists push us closer and closer to the abyss of Hades. I don't see much pushing back from the people of the world.
Though your statement may seem a bit shocking, I tend to agree that some or all of it may come to pass. FDR confiscated Americans gold in the 1930's- they could do the same with paper dollars overnight. Then go to digital currency. Our only power is revolution.
People need to say NO. For most of the past three years they've said, YES or tried to live non-confrontationally.
Belgian press yesterday stated, that a next pandemic is very unlikely. In a country that is 85 % jabbed, I thought that was worth noting! The govt did exactly everything they were ordered, from masking distancing jabbing, even no more than 4 people could gather (and it had to be the same 4, which made thing difficult for my elderly parents). So I was relieved to read that may be at least one small country has learned something. Let us hope.
Im always amazed at your thematic relevance and prescience. I was just reading a Meryl Nass article this morning referring to the uncovering of Slack commo among the Usual Coronamania Suspects proving their duplicity as it were with regards to asserting zoonosis over lab leak for fear of disrupting global political balance if the highlighted the obvious idiotic dangers of the thrusts of their careers in genetic manipulation. It struck me while reading that article that yes obviously this is important and those complicit "experts" deserve repudiation and in some cases prosecution that willnever occur but over-archingly that they were over ascribing the level of danger to the common constellation of human respiratory distress. The data proves so. The Diamond Princess. The Dunce Birx Doctrine (A Liberal Approach to counting deaths) etc etc etc.
🗨 In the beginning was the Lie and the Lie was made news and dwelt among us, graceless and false.
Back in the day, Malcolm Muggeridge said this of western media aiding communism. The keen observation has since returned to its western home coop to roost.
Mark, the following snippet from your piece is so perfect and succinct. ;
“Most fundamentally , the study shows that Democrats base their worldviews and their “Science” on political affiliation and race. But did anyone need a study to learn that?”
In the summer of '21, we went for dinner with friends. They took the vaxx and could not understand why we were reluctant. With no prodding the woman stated "we are no longer Republicans." She took the shot because "they said it is safe." When I asked who "they" was, she rolled her eyes and said "Oh Nancy....I trust the government." That's when I started to realize something really crazy was going on.
It really was crazy. So many times I thought, wow, no one in the future will believe this. What happened to people? It was like a switch had been flipped in their brains. And it was all get-the-vax-get-the-vax-get-the-vax.
Me: But it's experimental, I think I'll wait and see.
Them: Don't be a Trumpista conspiracy theorist, get-the-vax-get-the-vax-get-the-vax.
Me: I'm not a Trump voter, and it's right there stated in the Emergency Use Authorization, it's experimental.
Them: Don't be a Trumpista conspiracy theorist, get-the-vax-get-the-vax-get-the-vax.
...and round & round & round
It was a religion for those who disdain religion.
Something has to fill that void.
Still is. And they're more committed to their saints and sacred rites than ever.
In my experience, it was more a religion for people who follow communities like churches and political parties, but who aren't too concerned for consistency in their own beliefs. In other words, they trust authority and the crowd they are in more than either reason or observation.
It's the conventional that bought into this. In my (limited) circle, it was both the atheists and the committed Christians that either resisted from the beginning or came to repudiate it later. What we have in common, unlike the merely churchy or left-activist types, is that we have clashed with authority and fellowman before, and are perfectly capable of doing so again when they obnoxiously make no sense.
Unfortunately, the past tense isn't really appropriate in this excellent description of covidians. Never mind family members (the ones who didn't die from the jabs) with whom it is still impossible to have a conversation on the subject and the constant worry about what long-term effects are awaiting them, so many people out there who are being largely quiet for the moment haven't changed at all.
The other day I attended a rally for Pastor Pawlowski, the Canadian pastor arrested and persecuted for keeping his church open and for feeding the homeless. I spoke to one respectable-looking woman passing by who thought it was absolutely fine and right to deny children education and the right to play outside in order to protect her as a member of the "vulnerable" elderly--who in fact looked considerably younger than I am--and who jumped back in fear and shock when I answered her question whether I'd been vaxxed in the negative. She had clearly assumed that someone who looked as "normal" as I apparently did must have been.
A friend spoke to another passerby who, when he learned what it was about, declared angrily that he hoped the paster would rot in prison for the rest of his life, whether for "endangering lives" or for not following government orders, or for both, I'm not sure.
There are still plenty of fascists out there on the down-low, just waiting for the next trigger.
Thank you for standing for freedom.
Well those on board with medical fascism may be just waiting for the next trigger, but they will find that next time they will get a far, far, far more ferocious and savvy pushback.
I certainly hope so. I need to remind myself that I live in NYC, and my neighborhood is one of the most covidian in this deep blue city, which surely tends to warp my sense of where Americans as a whole actually are.
Grandma Bear, check this out, what's happening in Florida with the ban the jabs movement. Here is just one of several speakers backing a proposed ban the jab ordinance:
Jane Santangelo Testifies Before the Lee County Commissioners 8-1-23
Lee County Commissioners 8-1-23
joesansone, posted August 3, 2023
JANE SANTANGELO: Good morning. Thank you for listening to me today. So from where I stand, and from where I see you standing, I can see that you're, you think public safety is really important. And I, I really appreciate that. But with that comes following the science.
But who's telling us what the science is? When we first got up here I, I saw a a bit of cognitive dissonance. It seemed to me. That was my perception of this committee. I didn't really feel you were looking at us. You were looking down.
What if the approved science that you were told to look at and to go by is incorrect? What if it wasn't allowed to be stated, what was and what wasn't?
Don't you owe us— [turns to address audience behind her] I see snickering coming from this side here. I apologize if that's not what you were laughing about or talking about or [inaudible] about—
MALE VOICE FROM PODIUM: M'am, just address your comments to the chamber.
JANE SANTANGELO: OK. Sorry about that. But for public safety you, you owe it to us to do your due diligence. There are many experts out there that will go against what the science, [makes air quotes with her fingers] the science is telling us and that you're allowed to go by.
I go to meetings and I hear [she claps several times] we got 90% of people in Bonita got the jab!
You talk to Dr. McCullough, you talk to Dr. Mikovits, these are all highly credentialed doctors. Dr. Jonathan Martin, Karen Kingston. These are all people that have many, many years of experience in these realms. You need to look at that for yourself. You're the one calling the shots for us.
So I hereby ask you to please, do your due diligence and look at this and allow this ordinance to go through.
Wow, you sure hit that nail on the head! Well said, G-Bear!
3 cheers for the heroes Artur for his brave stance, & for his son who went before the EU to discuss/inform them of his father's case, & the fascists in the Trudeau government!
This Grandma never expected sacrifices from anyone. This is shocking and sad. And discouraging.
Yeah I mentioned to a fully jabbed friend the other day how it took eleven months to develop and distribute the covid vaccines when vaccines usually take 10-15 years. He blinked like someone who just woke up. In hindsight I think many think they behaved quite strangely.
Exactly. 1984 happening now.
Funny enough, I'm about to renounce my GOP affiliation because I'm tired of the GOP v. Dem scam, and the former party's lack of effort to oppose the leftists.
For just one of many possible examples, Rand Paul, whom I formerly thought was a hero, has said there's not enough evidence to impeach Biden.
I mean, COME ON.
I understand that sentiment. Trump badly messed up re: CV. Locked down and spent money like a drunken sailor.
Wow Nancy. I think we all have a story similar to yours. I know you’re disappointed.
My wife and I have observed a strange phenomenon the past 2 1/2 years. The very people most committed to trendy organic foods and holistic medicine and lifestyle, i.e. the "Whole Foods" types, were the most fanatical and bought in Covidians. Certified Organic required but they had no problem injecting experimental gene therapy into themselves, their kids and grandkids, and also demanding it as a mandate.
The organic wholefoods thing is often just another part of the green/social justice religion that fills the hole left behind in people who reject traditional religions.
It is odd, isn't it?
Yes and no. Many people I know who didn't buy covidianism use holistic medicine (not to be confused with trendiness and shopping). But the "Whole Foods" types tend to be laptop class who praise the commercial aspect of it and virtue signaling, marketing messages, anything "green", "animal rights" etc. "Organic" and "plant based" doesn't mean inherently healthy, far from it. The plandemic managed to separate real healthy lifestyles from their fake pretense versions. Like, the majority of vegans (which diet is, actually, patently unhealthy) were totally sucked into the lockdowns and shots, while Weston A. Price Foundation members were meeting with no masks and thrived.
No amnesty.
The families of alcoholics are the victims and they are numerous.
I know that's true because I know some of these family victims. Thanks for properly emphasizing this.
I modified my conclusion to take into account what you said.
I admit my mistakes.
I was always willing to be wrong but wanted to err on the side of caution. The shot enthusiasts had no concept they could be wrong. It was so dystopian.
I don't know what conclusion you modified, but as someone who grew up in a family of alcoholics--both parents and two siblings--I appreciated the analogy. It is definitely apt.
It occurs to me on thinking about this in the light of your excellent article, that this may be one of the reasons I have so much trouble letting go of my anger and impatience with covidians, and the deep grief I feel over family members who cannot and will not free themselves from that addicting cult.
No alcoholics in my close family, and I suffer the same trouble.
A friendly amendment, JFly?
".....are also the victims...."
Yes, agreed.
Wow. That was some impressive de-bunking, Mark!
I've been getting emails on "Covid updates" from Leonhardt for years. I wish I could have de-bunked every one of his false claims, but, alas, like every NYT journalist his email address is not published (by design).
You reference "natural immunity." As you know, nobody knows how many Americans had already developed natural immunity by the lockdowns because nobody will seriously "investigate" the copious evidence of early spread.
"Two weeks to flatten the curve" was a logical fallacy as nobody knows when the "curve" actually started to spike. Said curve probably grew like a big wave in late December 2019 or maybe late January 2020. That curve was falling off a cliff on its own by mid-March 2020.
I've emailed the NY Times "news tip" address at least four times, providing copious evidence of "early spread" and asking someone from our nation's "newspaper of record" to investigate this evidence. I've never received one response to these emails or any critiques of the evidence I provided.
So it's what the Fourth Estate CHOOSES to not investigate that gives us our greatest tell about the state of real journalism in this country. The authorized scientists are also oddly incurious about this this topic (and all other important areas of possible inquiry).
And all the journalists (like Leonhardt) accept as gospel truth the pronouncements of the "authorities." So we have zero journalists in the corporate press who are skeptical of those with great power.
When that's the truth, we're never going to "confirm" any truths that de-bunk any of the authorized narratives.
I love Mark's point about how even an accepted narrative can later be edited/revised. So we first got the narrative that the vaccines were effective at preventing new cases and virus "spread." When everyone knew that was a whopper, the narrative became, "No, they just prevent severe cases."
As Mark points out, why do people believe the past liars' knew statements of "fact?" If the experts were wrong (or lied) about vaccines stopping transmission, maybe they are lying about them preventing deaths and severe cases?
Most people obviously don't ask these type questions.
This reminds me of my deep dive into flu cases and bad flu seasons. I've read hundreds of stories about these flu outbreaks. The fact these stories were written in the first place should tell every reader that their "flu shot" didn't work that flu season.
But, still, every single one of these stories includes some version of this sentence: "Officials stress it's not too late to get your flu shot."
I think it's some kind of law that sentence has to be included in every flu article and that every public health official has to write this in their press releases or stress this when they do interviews with "journalists."
Why does this matter to our Covid coverage? Because if everyone knew the stupid flu shots didn't actually work, maybe more people would have thought the Covid vaccines wouldn't work either.
So the "watchdog" press lets us all down again by not reporting the truth. But it's worse than that: Regarding the efficacy of the flu vaccines, they also spread obvious untruths and lies ... which is actually the correct definition of "disinformation" or "malinformation."
"Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia"
Fantastic summary of the Covid “pandemic” scam. The complicit might be more like kidnap victims than alcoholics in that they seem to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, protecting their captors with continued trust and affection in an effort to rationalize their own complicity in the crime, assuaging their failure to fight to the death to avoid capture.
A very insightful statement- especially concerning the herd that refuses to stop and think. Denial and rationalization rarely lead to real truth or improvement.
Capture by the enormous beast that was their own government.
Walensky stated last year that only 5 percent died of it. The rest tested positive or died from something else. Yesterday I read that Italy is going to investigate the excess deaths in the first 2 weeks after injection. See what comes of that.
Amazing letter as always and a true insight in the psychology of the immediate deceivers. The ultimate deceivers would never reveal themselves. They pay a lot (of our money) to make certain that they remain hidden and behind the scenes while their hand-picked bought and paid-for puppets (like Biden, Trudeau and Macron) take the incoming fire (in exchange for a lifetime of monetary support). It is interesting that the monetary support for the Biden family is becoming clear while that for the Obama's has been largely secret. There is a story behind the apparent "worse than I thought" aspect of the Biden family corruption.
The owners of the Federal Reserve (and owners of most if not all US and many other country's politicians) can literally print money at will as long as they have a "good reason". The "Scamdemic" was a perfect reason. More US dollars as a fraction of the total were printed from 2020 to 2022 than at any time in history. This is the reason for the huge spike in inflation - anything was window dressing. Unfortunately, all those trillions and trillions of fake "fiat" US dollars, the vast majority was used for an evil purpose. They were used to purchase controlling interest in all the major corporations on the planet under the purported ruse of "stabilizing the financial markets". A good excuse because it worked. Very few people actually believe that in fact this was an outright purchase of the world economy with printed money that resulted in a huge inflation spike (tax on the poor and middle class) . Unfortunately, one other EVEN MORE evil purpose of the printed fiat dollars was to bribe the medical system at least in the USA to prescribe certain drugs and treatments, e.g. ventilators and remdesivir, that was designed to kill many thousands of people ON PURPOSE. YES, they are mass murderers, among other things. I believe the number was $55,000 per medicare patient who was "tested" (HA HA- PCR tests!!!) to be a "Covid Patient". That was many times what the hospital system would be paid for a medicare patient otherwise.
The harm profile of the "Jabs" (m-RNA) was extremely disproportionate. The number I have seen is that 37% of those shots were placebos and that 2% of the shots had as much as 80% of the deaths. The graph I saw of the various batches vs. side-effects profiles implies direct experimentation to determine "killing doses" of various additives and the m-RNA itself. This implies experimentation on a truly massive scale, i.e. literally the whole world. It makes the Nazi monster Mengele look like an amateur. They killed hundreds of thousands at least (probably millions), made gigantic profits from these "jabs" AND at the same time allowed a HUGE smokescreen of which the Jabs were only a part, to allow the purchase of the world's major corporations - now all owned by Vanguard, Blackrock or State Street and ultimately by the 13 original families of the ownership of the Federal Reserve.
Yes, this is a financial, propaganda and biowar perpetrated on the whole world by megalomaniacs intent on further consolidating their already unprecedented power in a direct attempt to kill a large fraction of the world's population, sterilize many of the remainder, and increase their stranglehold on the politics, markets, corporations and minds of the world. The slogan: "You will own nothing and be happy" says a great deal, but it should also include the caveat: "If you are still alive after we have killed off most of your family members and friends."
If you want a great insight into the propaganda mechanism that was used so "successfully" (diabolically successfully), I cannot help but recommend this EXCELLENT interview by Tucker Carlson with Matthias Desmet, author of "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" - see link below. A truly excellent book. I wholeheartedly recommend both the book and the interview below IF you are willing to face the ugly truth about our world. I would despair except for Faith in the ultimate victory of God over the Devil in this war. In the interim, we all must battle with our demons and ask for God's help. Retreating into passivity or worse yet, acceptance of the Devil's plan, is madness and death. Yet courage in the face of that assault is not easy at all. Hence the need to ask for and trust in God's help in these truly perilous times.
May God Bless you and your families in these truly troubled times!
Ian in Vancouver
Once again, a great breakdown of what the Scamdemic was and how the denial continues. The alcoholic really believes he can "manage" his next drinking incident, but rarely does he succeed. Events continue to worsen- critical thinking is replaced by denial and the horror continues. The only way to reverse the death wish is normally rehab. But rehab means admitting you need help- many can't take the embarrassment, the shame that others crush them with.
The brain trust behind this evil scam has no remorse- but they do have an agenda that doesn't end with Covid. We are but underlings who "need to be controlled because we're not capable of taking care of ourselves". We cannot trust this system anymore- we must be skeptical of everything.
Mark, I hope your friends can turn the corner and get better. Thanks for sharing with us.
Before the jabs, I was following the total death count until Jan 2021. It was looking to be like 2019... Aiming at 2.9 million deaths. In January, the result was changed +300k, and we got around 3.2 million. But other nations had 2020 the same as previous years.
Funny how they relabeled deaths above life expectancy as "covid" deaths.
It makes you wonder about viruses. If they tend to kill those already sick or above life expectancy, is that the real cause of sickness or is that a relabeling of the cause of death?
Thank you. I look forward to reading your work.
Not mine, but Denis Rancourt's
the last paragraph is gold.
This is what came to mind the whole time I was reading your post. Romans 1: 21-22
21For even though [d]they knew God [as the Creator], they did not [e]honor Him as God or give thanks [for His wondrous creation]. On the contrary, they became worthless in their thinking [godless, with pointless reasonings, and silly speculations], and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Claiming to be wise, they became fools
Thanks for this. Your analogy of covidian denial to alcoholic denial is very apt.
I don't think of NYT writers as journalists but as "journalists"-- kind of like, you know, there's science and then there's "science." I guess such "journalists" will continue to espouse "science" and continue to take their jabs. Time will tell how that works out for them.
I keep making the same point, TB. The "journalists" aren't really journalists and the "scientists" aren't really engaging in real science.
This actually explains how the accepted or authorized narratives became accepted in the first place ... and how they can never be de-bunked ... because once the authorized narrative is set in stone, it's almost impossible to belatedly de-bunk this.