I hadn’t heard before that former Hippies were so easily swayed by coronamania but that captures my father perfectly. Long time Hippie, lived in the Daniel Boone National Forest for 20 years, grew his own food and weed. Was an independent carpenter all his life. Fiercely anti government all his life. Then Obama offered him free healthcare and, since he had failed in all his life responsibilities, he started to turn towards pro state. When the great covid con hit, my dad went full Nazi. He went along with everything, got the jabs and got lots of nasty side effects but didn’t believe there was a connection. One of the few times I have seen him the last 4 years I mentioned many people had died and he said “Nobody has died from the shots!” How can the death and destruction be missed? Ask my dad, apparently he has found a way to avoid all truth because he believes the state loves him and wants to protect him.
same as my dad. Everything but the shots. Seeing football players drop dead or have heart attacks on the field every weekend does not change his mind. that is because all the drugs they take nowadays... trying to avoid anything that touches the hot subjects, but hot subjects abound and he does not do small talk LOL. You can imagine, when mom was home we called 45 minutes or more. Now I get short-cut after 15 minutes.
All of Walton's health problems were from his vegan diet. If he had only eaten meat and eggs, then he would have had strong and healthy bones and feet. And getting vaxxed and boosted was probably the cause of his cancer. And it is very strange how all the anti-establishment folks from the 60s and 70s became the most compliant of all the sheep during Covid.
I am (was) one of those anti-establishment types, but I didn't go along with the government narrative. How uncomfortable (and strange) it was for me to see all my "leftist" cohorts and how odd to see all those TDS sufferers embrace the shot and extoll its virtues -- just like Trump. How bizarre to be accused of being a Trump supporter when I declined to partake of the poison and lectured to not make it political. Illogic abounds.
It has been bizarre how those vehemently anti-Trump took the shots he espoused. I have even tried reasoning with some but to no avail. Insanity abounds.
it must have been going on quite some time with the needle worshipers here in the US. Not only kids, but I know several adults who run whenever a new juice comes out :because I don't want to get sick ! A few weeks later they get what they have been jabbed for, but it would have been so much worse...
In Europe kids get a couple jabs. Here they look like pincushions. When immigrating, I got 7 jabs. Might not have come had I known this was part of the package! ( I came legally 20 years ago)
Hi Ingrid….I was required to get the Tetanus shot/booster.. .this was in 2004. Just curious what the required 7 were for you. I had Measles, Mumps, Rubella and chicken pox as a child so no need for vaccines then. Thank you.
I had 2 as a kid, pox and polio. But I had natural immunity because I had almost all of the children's illnesses including whooping cough. They did not even ask, they just jabbed me without even telling me what it was. I had to look it up afterwards ! Bad luck, my first attempt was refused, and thankfully the second time I applied I was back in Belgium and the doc there only gave me 4. Px and polio were certainly in the first batch, the Belgian doc knew we had that as kids. This is now 20 years ago, so I forgot. I think tho, that they could at least tell you that is part of the immigration! (although I know several who did not get them)
Thank you Ingrid. That was awful to jab you without informing you first. I am just grateful that the C19 vax were not available then as it is now required! Thanks again.
Possibly, but doncha know that according to the recently released Endocrine Society guidelines, docs should only rarely test for Vit D deficiency and that universal testing may not benefit the 'societal' good? /s
if you read through obituaries, before the scamdemic you would read one or two in their 50s who died. Now almost all the obits are from 50s and 60s and even 40 and younger. Lots of cancer, quite a few ALS, and recently I read more and more diabetes and kidney failure.
no one can. Doctors sure don't know. Very little exams on the dead too. That is why can not rely on sites like MC Miller's died suddenly, and I am glad he states that too - people could have died from anything. There have always been sudden deaths, turbo cancers, but now there seem to be many, many more. DR Makis checks the jab status, which is clearer.
“And if you needed a test to tell you were sick, how sick were you, really?” This is so true….people went nuts. It was really something to live through the Covid craziness. Now everyone just wants to forget. Not me- I’ll never forget what they did to us. None of us should forget. I want Justice for those killed or disabled. By the way I feel the same way about golf as you do about basketball. Winning is fun but getting outdoors and playing is the best regardless.
Good one, Mark. The way I see it, Walton's generation grew up with the famous mantra: "Question Authority"--that is, until they (we?) became the authority. So we seem to be walking in lock-step with the covid and warmongering fatwas issued by OUR authorities. This seems to be where we are now. And it's a terrible trap into which we've willingly walked. "Safe and Effective," "Correlation isn't causation," and "prevent the spread" are the new mantra of people who forgot how to laugh at themselves.
That generation were "peacenicks", "flower children". Most stayed stoned out of their gourds! "Make love, not war!" They were so out of touch with reality, in a dream world. They were anti-establishment because.... it was there. As a teenager I determined I NEVER wanted to be as purposeless, air brained as they seemed to me. And now they are leaders of countries with no f--king clue how to blend their values with reality. So they fall back on radical teachings and leaders from "back in their day". NOT WORKING.
When Fauci and his minions (the media, Twitter and Facebook algorithms, DOD, CIA...) promoted and screamed "6 feet social distancing" all we needed was one comic to say: "I can smell a fart from 30', what gives?" And Fauci's only possible response would have been: "I am the Science!" I think that would have had a wonderful impact. When the algorithms, the weaponized piles of money, censor humor, that's the canary in the coal mine.
I read recently that "the vaccine was not made for covid, covid was made for the vaccine." This is the only way the past four years makes any sense to me. It was all a set-up to get as many shots into as many arms as possible. Why?
There is a video of Fauci at an HHS panel discussion on October 29, 2019 where Fauci laments that mRNA vaccines (that have just been developed under his watch) need a "disruptive event" to side-step the necessary testing that is required by the FDA to approve it for use. In that same video, the BARPA director talks about "a novel Avian virus could occur in China somewhere" that could be that "disruptive event". That video along with the fact that Fauci funded the Covid gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab through Eco-Health Alliance pretty much seals the deal that "Covid was made for the vaccine". It's just too obvious to ignore. It's a slam dunk. Fauci, HHS in 2019 Plotting “Disruptive” New Outbreak in “China Somewhere” to “Blow the System Up” and Enforce Universal mRNA Vaccination.
I suspect we'll be asking why and getting different answers, and then nuances of answers, and then whole new answers until Kingdom Come. After all, historians are still rewriting [fill in the bank with any episode you care to]. As for me, I don't have the One Big Answer to "why," just bits and pieces that make sense to me as good, better, and best possibilities. Some answers that are widely retailed I know (not guessing, know) to be false. But getting into all that argument about this narrative and that narrative, that's not my thing. My thing is simply making the transcripts for the historical record. And for me personally, the main thing I've concluded is that government officials and most doctors (with counted heroic exceptions) are fine with throwing their fellow human beings, including me, and including you, and including children, under the bus when they have the incentive to so do. Ergo, it will be an Arctic Day in Hell before I ever trust them again.
Yes, the historical record is essential, especially since there is such a vigorous attempt to memory hole everything. I think the monetary incentives you cite were downstream from the permission we all received to "other" and therefore demonize the unvaccinated. We were told it was ok, and even morally acceptable to ostracize them and even kill them by withholding care because they were responsible for spreading disease. The same justification was used to isolate the 'dirty' Jews in ghettos and concentration camps so they wouldn't spread their disease to the rest of us. In my opinion the permission to view others as a threat was the linchpin of the all the injustices that followed. The monetary incentives just sealed the deal.
Right you are. I should have added, it was was also my experience that some friends (ex-friends) and family members (ex-family members) were also willing to throw fellow human beings, including children, under the bus for noncompliance— they had no monetary incentives to do so, but they certainly were heavily encouraged by the TV and MSM. I was not born yesterday, I have not seen such stupidity up close in all my life.
As many have pointed out, it's given me a clear understanding how NSDAP Germany (I avoid the word N@%! as it's an overused slur) happened. Different content but the same form of scapegoating and dehumanization.
It was going to take a world wide vaccine experiment to prove once and or all that vaccines and pharmaceuticals in general are not good for health but only the wealth of those that profit by them.
It was to make huge amounts of money and control to bring about the end time scenario and expose all the evil ones in the world for judgement.
Having a basic understanding of biology is nice, but unnecessary. Having a modicum of courage and commitment to freedom is "all" one needs -- your own, but as importantly that of others.
Does one need to know biology in order to know that ordering someone out of his or her job is unLawful and immoral? Whatever the reason? You'd better have a damned good reason for doing so -- and that excludes the chance of "catching" a respiratory infection.
The absence of both confirmed what I feared, that I kinda knew in my bones, about my "countrymen." Unteachable, sanctimonious (a particular "specialty" of Bay Staters), and complete infidelity to liberty. And that's what got me. I finally had to admit beyond any doubt that the nation is one of fools and cowards. One-on-one, lots of "nice" people, but en masse?
En masse, the nation proved the exact opposite of the song it likes to sing to itself.
American ideals of liberty don't need biology. Free and brave doesn't need biology. They need courage -- by definition -- and "Americans" proved they don't have it. And that? That scares the shit out of me.
Once you subtract from the "official" Covid death data all of the iatrogenic harm, misattribution of "cases", at-home deaths, data fraud etc. is there any excess mortality to talk about?
“Covid-19″ has never been about an epidemiological emergency it is about providing cover for the collapse of the financial systems of the West and installing a biosecurity apparatus to get ahead of the massive social unrest.
“Covid19”, the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives.
There is no pandemic, there never was.
Those who reify this lie by stating there was a “mismanaged pandemic” (RFK e.g.) or that there was a need for “early treatment” (see: Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough and many others) or that there was some “lab leaked” pathogen that swept across the globe in Spring 2020 (too many to name off here) cover up the crimes of what actually happened in the hospitals and nursing homes, cover up the staged events that created the illusion of a medical emergency and provide cover for those who designed and executed this operation.
All of this was easily accomplished through incentives and mandatory protocols. The mass murder program was used to create the perception that there was some illness "sweeping" through and killing people rather than the administrative slaughter being done by technocrats and medical professionals.
As for the iatrogenic deaths in early 2020 in the US- it was mainly midazolam (not just a UK thing), propofol, fentanyl, DNR's and neglect- as well as other types of hospital barbarism including vents/over oxygenation. Also at-home deaths rose sharply as a result of the fear campaign and new policies that mandated emergency personnel NOT attend to patients as they had in the past. At- home cardiac arrest went way up as a result. Listed as "Covid deaths" of course.
Data on NY hospital medications used- note the massive uptick per patient of aforementioned drugs:
"Medication utilization in patients in New York hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic"
What was the main motive for this global operation? That is not so difficult to assess given what we know of those involved in planning this operation and given what we witnessed during the Covid Operation and what we are seeing unfold right before our eyes.
"When 99.8% of those under 60 were known to survive infection without injection...". I remember trying to explain to a pro-jabber that the possibility of dying from covid was miniscule and even if the jabs worked as advertised, they wouldn't bring your death rate to zero. 99.8% survival rate not good enough! I must take my chances on an experimental injection to get it up to 99.9%!!! Of course, facts and logic had no impact on the emotionally manipulated and math illiterate.
Of course, they have full control of a car but are defenseless against invisible pathogens that can leap six feet and are on every surface and all the air we breath! The other thing that bugged me (no pun intended) was the fact that people treated the death rates as randomly distributed. For example, for a given survival/death rate for a given age group - it didn't apply equally to everyone of that age. The deaths were mostly or all attributed to the most unhealthy in that age group. In other words, unless you already had severe comorbidities, your survival rate was even higher than the already very high survival rate.
I don't believe they can prove one covid death. There are so many different invented diseases that have very similar symptoms, that a "covid" assigned death could have been from dozens of other ailments. Since most of those who died had multiple symptoms and medical diseases/afflictions, who can say who died from what? Certainly not the medical community because they are always agenda driven and hardly partial as long as the payoffs are good.
Ah, Bill Walton. I attended the Clippers’ first game at the L.A. Sports Arena after they moved north from San Diego in 1984. Walton was already a shadow of his former self, but even a 60% Big Bill could throw a roundball better than any other center in the NBA besides Wes Unseld. IMO he was the most entertaining and informative color man ever during college basketball TV broadcasts. His play-by-play sidekick Dave Pasch knew how to push the redhead’s buttons to get him started on a rant, or reel him in when he was swerving into outer space. I hated Walton for his corona bologna gullibility and ignorance, yet made peace with him later.
However I will never staunch my enmity for Jay Bilas, the self-declared covid expert/ defeatist, who despite having a law degree, used his humongous platform to basically shutdown college basketball during the mania. His nonsensical rants magnified the mainstream hysteria as he pushed for the total elimination of the best tournament ever formulated for an entire season. To this day, I have never heard an apology or even a slight admission of a mistake from him for causing such disingenuous blatant harm to college basketball.
A moment of keyboard “silence” for the “Zeke from Cabin Creek” - a hardwood legend in every sense of the words. I read “West by West” a few years ago, and it took some surprisingly strange turns.
Regarding your games at the Y - I find it a bit odd that the victors don’t have to win by two.
I think the notion is that winning by 1 adds to the drama.
What I dislike most is that they count the long shot as 2 points and drives and mid-rangers as 1. Thus, the "three point shot" is like a four point shot.
To me, the best buckets are shots off moves and nice passes.
But again, I can't get these guys to play by old school rules.
The DOD ordered a million doses of the vaccine from Pfizer and then had them distributed to the general populace. When the DOD orders a weapons system they call it a 'countermeasure'. The Covid vaccines were referred to as 'Bio-Medical Countermeasures'. I live on a tropical Island where the vaxxes became available much earlier than they were in USA major population centers. Guinea Pigs ? I didn't go for the shots. I did get Covid (Delta and later Omicron) and treated it with Ivermectin, vit C, zinc, quercetin, vitamin D3, etc. I was 68 and had 2 co-morbidities. When people questioned why I wasn't taking the vaccines... I simply asked: Please tell me what the vaccine ingredients are, because unless I know that, I'm not injecting a mystery potion into my body. And so it goes. This sounds harsh, but I believe that the whole Covid thing was a MASSIVE idiot test. And most people failed. I remember that the CDC put out a notice that masks stopped particles as small as .1.micron. So I looked up the size of the covid-19 virus. It was .03 microns. Too small for masks to have any effect on ! Amazing. Apparently, other citizens were not able to investigate this for themselves. And in fact, there are still people where I live who wear masks ! Sorry about Bill Walton. May he RIP...
Thank you again, Mark, for such excellent thinking and writing. Your essays always quiet the angry incoherence in my brain. A friend of 45 years just abandoned me because I politely refused to ‘support’ her grandson’s decision to become female. My friend was a rabid Scamdemic participant and I’m now beginning to wonder if general insanity has somehow been sown in the last few years.
Another well-written and effective explanation of the logic of down-grading or fighting the control impulses of biased and conflicted state and medical monopoly actors. The key extra point to make is that all those NPIs and Vaxxes were not simply pushed and pushed and pushed for short term profit (although that was part of it). They were pushed and pushed and pushed because of their ultimate backer's orders. Politicians have no real power except that which we give them. They are owned by their funders and the ultimate funders are the banks that can literally print their own money and the owners of those banks. The pharmaceutical industry is also owned by the banks (and their owners). The banks own the federal reserve which printed 40% of the US dollar global money supply in 18 months during the "pandemic". It is ironic that the incredible damage to our health and our society was mostly a smokescreen to justify the printing of all that money. We have been paying the inflation price for all that printing ever since - i.e. a direct payment of our hard earned wages to pay for the scary printing of all that cash - many many trillions of US dollars. So what did they use all that money printing for?? Only SOME of it (less than half) was spent on the crazy "Covid measures" and paying for hospitals to kill people with Remdesivir and Ventilators and other drugs to suppress the respiratory process. The MAJORITY of that 40% of the US dollar money supply was spent on purchasing ownership in all the major corporations on the planet and giving control of those companies to the largest hedge funds on the planet, i.e. Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street. Yes, it is hard to believe but under the guise of "fighting the collapse of the stock market" "during the pandemic panic", trillions of our money (yes our money) was spent to buy control of all the major corporations on the planet and give it to the bankers themselves!! Hard to believe but true. The reason for the greatest theft in the history of the world is Power. Power-hungry sociopaths who love to maintain and increase their power bequeathed to them in part by their rich ancestors. They are parasites - yes they are human too, but they are parasites that we must fight (non-violently but forcefully) with all our determination and knowledge for the sake of our children and grandchildren. So many have been deceived and yes even killed. This is a financial, propaganda and biological/medical war. We are losing this war. Central bank digital currencies (slavery) is next. Start praying and acting as if your life and the lives of your children and grandchildren depended upon it - because it does. Even if we are losing, it is still worth trying to fight back (non-violently - violence would be used an excuse for further repression). It is a cause worthy of our efforts.
Mark, the excellent Tucker Carlson interview (last year) with Mattias Desmet about the "Psychology of Totalitariarism" (1 hour long), explained that the mass hypnosis of the population ("Mass Formation") was a deliberate and well planned tactic to coerce sufficient followers (25-30%) of the population to gain traction politically, when 60-65% of the population "went along to get along" (went with the flow). Only 5-10% of the population stood up to object. You and I are among that 5-10%. The interview gave the example of people during the Iranian revolution of 1979 believing that the Ayatollah's face could be seen on the face of the moon and a Mother betraying her son to revolution for not exhibiting sufficient revolutionary zeal and actually pressing the buttom to kill him.
Mass Hypnosis is a serious and effective strategy!
So how does one go from "“the practice of noncooperation with the existing government because of the inherent evil of that government.” to "“There’s fewer fans in the building because people are dying of Covid!” ? Was it fear? You would think his original assessment of the evils of government would have solidified as he became older. I can't explain it, but I've seen it happen to others, a complete change in world-view. It's sad and frightening.
p.s. Mark, do you have any hockey stories to tell? I'm more of a Puck-Nut.
Good Q about the transformation. I think maybe both Walton stances are based on the inability to consider the costs of various government interventions and reflect an unwillingness to acknowledge that life can sometimes be beyond constructive human control.
I have some hockey stories. But fewer. I've played more BB. It's easier to find BB games at normal hours.
I know a place just across the Delaware River from Trenton and back in the woods that has great ice when the temp is right. I go there with stick and puck and it's like Heaven on Earth.
I hadn’t heard before that former Hippies were so easily swayed by coronamania but that captures my father perfectly. Long time Hippie, lived in the Daniel Boone National Forest for 20 years, grew his own food and weed. Was an independent carpenter all his life. Fiercely anti government all his life. Then Obama offered him free healthcare and, since he had failed in all his life responsibilities, he started to turn towards pro state. When the great covid con hit, my dad went full Nazi. He went along with everything, got the jabs and got lots of nasty side effects but didn’t believe there was a connection. One of the few times I have seen him the last 4 years I mentioned many people had died and he said “Nobody has died from the shots!” How can the death and destruction be missed? Ask my dad, apparently he has found a way to avoid all truth because he believes the state loves him and wants to protect him.
same as my dad. Everything but the shots. Seeing football players drop dead or have heart attacks on the field every weekend does not change his mind. that is because all the drugs they take nowadays... trying to avoid anything that touches the hot subjects, but hot subjects abound and he does not do small talk LOL. You can imagine, when mom was home we called 45 minutes or more. Now I get short-cut after 15 minutes.
Funny that 'hippies' (and in some instances, leftists) are quick to buy into what they are told. Look at the entertainment industry, as a whole.
All of Walton's health problems were from his vegan diet. If he had only eaten meat and eggs, then he would have had strong and healthy bones and feet. And getting vaxxed and boosted was probably the cause of his cancer. And it is very strange how all the anti-establishment folks from the 60s and 70s became the most compliant of all the sheep during Covid.
I am (was) one of those anti-establishment types, but I didn't go along with the government narrative. How uncomfortable (and strange) it was for me to see all my "leftist" cohorts and how odd to see all those TDS sufferers embrace the shot and extoll its virtues -- just like Trump. How bizarre to be accused of being a Trump supporter when I declined to partake of the poison and lectured to not make it political. Illogic abounds.
Yeah, they think by calling people MAGA they nullify all you have to say.
It has been bizarre how those vehemently anti-Trump took the shots he espoused. I have even tried reasoning with some but to no avail. Insanity abounds.
Crazy then and crazy now! That was also quite a nutty time to live through!
I am a proponent of the theory that it has ALWAYS been a crazy time to live. There has NEVER been a non-crazy time. The crazy-ness just changes.
I would agree, but... for me, the last 4 years take the hippopotamus-sized cake.
Shouldn't that be hippy-potty-mus!
I see that 'hippopotamus' anagrams to 'atishoo ppm up'. Suitable for the Covid war, atishoo of lies. :)
This is the strangest life I've ever known.
- Morrison
it must have been going on quite some time with the needle worshipers here in the US. Not only kids, but I know several adults who run whenever a new juice comes out :because I don't want to get sick ! A few weeks later they get what they have been jabbed for, but it would have been so much worse...
In Europe kids get a couple jabs. Here they look like pincushions. When immigrating, I got 7 jabs. Might not have come had I known this was part of the package! ( I came legally 20 years ago)
Hi Ingrid….I was required to get the Tetanus shot/booster.. .this was in 2004. Just curious what the required 7 were for you. I had Measles, Mumps, Rubella and chicken pox as a child so no need for vaccines then. Thank you.
I had 2 as a kid, pox and polio. But I had natural immunity because I had almost all of the children's illnesses including whooping cough. They did not even ask, they just jabbed me without even telling me what it was. I had to look it up afterwards ! Bad luck, my first attempt was refused, and thankfully the second time I applied I was back in Belgium and the doc there only gave me 4. Px and polio were certainly in the first batch, the Belgian doc knew we had that as kids. This is now 20 years ago, so I forgot. I think tho, that they could at least tell you that is part of the immigration! (although I know several who did not get them)
Thank you Ingrid. That was awful to jab you without informing you first. I am just grateful that the C19 vax were not available then as it is now required! Thanks again.
You may be right about that!
Vitamin D might have prevented his cancer.
Possibly, but doncha know that according to the recently released Endocrine Society guidelines, docs should only rarely test for Vit D deficiency and that universal testing may not benefit the 'societal' good? /s
if you read through obituaries, before the scamdemic you would read one or two in their 50s who died. Now almost all the obits are from 50s and 60s and even 40 and younger. Lots of cancer, quite a few ALS, and recently I read more and more diabetes and kidney failure.
Those are all a possibility. Who can say for sure what he died from?
no one can. Doctors sure don't know. Very little exams on the dead too. That is why can not rely on sites like MC Miller's died suddenly, and I am glad he states that too - people could have died from anything. There have always been sudden deaths, turbo cancers, but now there seem to be many, many more. DR Makis checks the jab status, which is clearer.
“And if you needed a test to tell you were sick, how sick were you, really?” This is so true….people went nuts. It was really something to live through the Covid craziness. Now everyone just wants to forget. Not me- I’ll never forget what they did to us. None of us should forget. I want Justice for those killed or disabled. By the way I feel the same way about golf as you do about basketball. Winning is fun but getting outdoors and playing is the best regardless.
Yes, 80% of covid positives had no symptoms. They had to be told they were sick. Not like getting the Black Plague (50% fatality rate).
Good one, Mark. The way I see it, Walton's generation grew up with the famous mantra: "Question Authority"--that is, until they (we?) became the authority. So we seem to be walking in lock-step with the covid and warmongering fatwas issued by OUR authorities. This seems to be where we are now. And it's a terrible trap into which we've willingly walked. "Safe and Effective," "Correlation isn't causation," and "prevent the spread" are the new mantra of people who forgot how to laugh at themselves.
That generation were "peacenicks", "flower children". Most stayed stoned out of their gourds! "Make love, not war!" They were so out of touch with reality, in a dream world. They were anti-establishment because.... it was there. As a teenager I determined I NEVER wanted to be as purposeless, air brained as they seemed to me. And now they are leaders of countries with no f--king clue how to blend their values with reality. So they fall back on radical teachings and leaders from "back in their day". NOT WORKING.
When Fauci and his minions (the media, Twitter and Facebook algorithms, DOD, CIA...) promoted and screamed "6 feet social distancing" all we needed was one comic to say: "I can smell a fart from 30', what gives?" And Fauci's only possible response would have been: "I am the Science!" I think that would have had a wonderful impact. When the algorithms, the weaponized piles of money, censor humor, that's the canary in the coal mine.
And I agree with you completely! Those are the only tools in their woefully empty toolboxes!
I read recently that "the vaccine was not made for covid, covid was made for the vaccine." This is the only way the past four years makes any sense to me. It was all a set-up to get as many shots into as many arms as possible. Why?
There is a video of Fauci at an HHS panel discussion on October 29, 2019 where Fauci laments that mRNA vaccines (that have just been developed under his watch) need a "disruptive event" to side-step the necessary testing that is required by the FDA to approve it for use. In that same video, the BARPA director talks about "a novel Avian virus could occur in China somewhere" that could be that "disruptive event". That video along with the fact that Fauci funded the Covid gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab through Eco-Health Alliance pretty much seals the deal that "Covid was made for the vaccine". It's just too obvious to ignore. It's a slam dunk. Fauci, HHS in 2019 Plotting “Disruptive” New Outbreak in “China Somewhere” to “Blow the System Up” and Enforce Universal mRNA Vaccination.
Wow. Thanks for the confirmation.
Thanks to you for the great observation!
I suspect we'll be asking why and getting different answers, and then nuances of answers, and then whole new answers until Kingdom Come. After all, historians are still rewriting [fill in the bank with any episode you care to]. As for me, I don't have the One Big Answer to "why," just bits and pieces that make sense to me as good, better, and best possibilities. Some answers that are widely retailed I know (not guessing, know) to be false. But getting into all that argument about this narrative and that narrative, that's not my thing. My thing is simply making the transcripts for the historical record. And for me personally, the main thing I've concluded is that government officials and most doctors (with counted heroic exceptions) are fine with throwing their fellow human beings, including me, and including you, and including children, under the bus when they have the incentive to so do. Ergo, it will be an Arctic Day in Hell before I ever trust them again.
Yes, the historical record is essential, especially since there is such a vigorous attempt to memory hole everything. I think the monetary incentives you cite were downstream from the permission we all received to "other" and therefore demonize the unvaccinated. We were told it was ok, and even morally acceptable to ostracize them and even kill them by withholding care because they were responsible for spreading disease. The same justification was used to isolate the 'dirty' Jews in ghettos and concentration camps so they wouldn't spread their disease to the rest of us. In my opinion the permission to view others as a threat was the linchpin of the all the injustices that followed. The monetary incentives just sealed the deal.
Right you are. I should have added, it was was also my experience that some friends (ex-friends) and family members (ex-family members) were also willing to throw fellow human beings, including children, under the bus for noncompliance— they had no monetary incentives to do so, but they certainly were heavily encouraged by the TV and MSM. I was not born yesterday, I have not seen such stupidity up close in all my life.
It's been astounding throughout.
As many have pointed out, it's given me a clear understanding how NSDAP Germany (I avoid the word N@%! as it's an overused slur) happened. Different content but the same form of scapegoating and dehumanization.
It certainly has proven to be illuminating, indeed.
Yup...I've been saying that. "Remember, the "vaccine" was not made for the "virus." The "virus" was made for the "vaccine."
It was going to take a world wide vaccine experiment to prove once and or all that vaccines and pharmaceuticals in general are not good for health but only the wealth of those that profit by them.
It was to make huge amounts of money and control to bring about the end time scenario and expose all the evil ones in the world for judgement.
Having a basic understanding of biology is nice, but unnecessary. Having a modicum of courage and commitment to freedom is "all" one needs -- your own, but as importantly that of others.
Does one need to know biology in order to know that ordering someone out of his or her job is unLawful and immoral? Whatever the reason? You'd better have a damned good reason for doing so -- and that excludes the chance of "catching" a respiratory infection.
The absence of both confirmed what I feared, that I kinda knew in my bones, about my "countrymen." Unteachable, sanctimonious (a particular "specialty" of Bay Staters), and complete infidelity to liberty. And that's what got me. I finally had to admit beyond any doubt that the nation is one of fools and cowards. One-on-one, lots of "nice" people, but en masse?
En masse, the nation proved the exact opposite of the song it likes to sing to itself.
American ideals of liberty don't need biology. Free and brave doesn't need biology. They need courage -- by definition -- and "Americans" proved they don't have it. And that? That scares the shit out of me.
1,000%. They seemed to have no clue what a treasure they were throwing way in embracing that fascist shale.
Once you subtract from the "official" Covid death data all of the iatrogenic harm, misattribution of "cases", at-home deaths, data fraud etc. is there any excess mortality to talk about?
“Covid-19″ has never been about an epidemiological emergency it is about providing cover for the collapse of the financial systems of the West and installing a biosecurity apparatus to get ahead of the massive social unrest.
“Covid19”, the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives.
There is no pandemic, there never was.
Those who reify this lie by stating there was a “mismanaged pandemic” (RFK e.g.) or that there was a need for “early treatment” (see: Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough and many others) or that there was some “lab leaked” pathogen that swept across the globe in Spring 2020 (too many to name off here) cover up the crimes of what actually happened in the hospitals and nursing homes, cover up the staged events that created the illusion of a medical emergency and provide cover for those who designed and executed this operation.
All of this was easily accomplished through incentives and mandatory protocols. The mass murder program was used to create the perception that there was some illness "sweeping" through and killing people rather than the administrative slaughter being done by technocrats and medical professionals.
As for the iatrogenic deaths in early 2020 in the US- it was mainly midazolam (not just a UK thing), propofol, fentanyl, DNR's and neglect- as well as other types of hospital barbarism including vents/over oxygenation. Also at-home deaths rose sharply as a result of the fear campaign and new policies that mandated emergency personnel NOT attend to patients as they had in the past. At- home cardiac arrest went way up as a result. Listed as "Covid deaths" of course.
Data on NY hospital medications used- note the massive uptick per patient of aforementioned drugs:
"Medication utilization in patients in New York hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic"
What was the main motive for this global operation? That is not so difficult to assess given what we know of those involved in planning this operation and given what we witnessed during the Covid Operation and what we are seeing unfold right before our eyes.
This is really good. I'm gonna cut and paste it, act like it was mine and post it.
All yours.
My fee? Cup of coffee. Dark roast. I drink for the effect.
Excellent summation, Allen.
"When 99.8% of those under 60 were known to survive infection without injection...". I remember trying to explain to a pro-jabber that the possibility of dying from covid was miniscule and even if the jabs worked as advertised, they wouldn't bring your death rate to zero. 99.8% survival rate not good enough! I must take my chances on an experimental injection to get it up to 99.9%!!! Of course, facts and logic had no impact on the emotionally manipulated and math illiterate.
They completely lost their heads.
And y'know what? I've ridden in cars with some of these people driving. They drive too fast, tailgate use their phones.
Of course, they have full control of a car but are defenseless against invisible pathogens that can leap six feet and are on every surface and all the air we breath! The other thing that bugged me (no pun intended) was the fact that people treated the death rates as randomly distributed. For example, for a given survival/death rate for a given age group - it didn't apply equally to everyone of that age. The deaths were mostly or all attributed to the most unhealthy in that age group. In other words, unless you already had severe comorbidities, your survival rate was even higher than the already very high survival rate.
Agreed. Plus the idea that all people of any soecific age are equally healthy is plainly false.
I remember how it was, like they had their hair on fire.
I don't believe they can prove one covid death. There are so many different invented diseases that have very similar symptoms, that a "covid" assigned death could have been from dozens of other ailments. Since most of those who died had multiple symptoms and medical diseases/afflictions, who can say who died from what? Certainly not the medical community because they are always agenda driven and hardly partial as long as the payoffs are good.
Yes, how did flu disappear? It was rebranded as covid.
Fine read, Mark.
Ah, Bill Walton. I attended the Clippers’ first game at the L.A. Sports Arena after they moved north from San Diego in 1984. Walton was already a shadow of his former self, but even a 60% Big Bill could throw a roundball better than any other center in the NBA besides Wes Unseld. IMO he was the most entertaining and informative color man ever during college basketball TV broadcasts. His play-by-play sidekick Dave Pasch knew how to push the redhead’s buttons to get him started on a rant, or reel him in when he was swerving into outer space. I hated Walton for his corona bologna gullibility and ignorance, yet made peace with him later.
However I will never staunch my enmity for Jay Bilas, the self-declared covid expert/ defeatist, who despite having a law degree, used his humongous platform to basically shutdown college basketball during the mania. His nonsensical rants magnified the mainstream hysteria as he pushed for the total elimination of the best tournament ever formulated for an entire season. To this day, I have never heard an apology or even a slight admission of a mistake from him for causing such disingenuous blatant harm to college basketball.
A moment of keyboard “silence” for the “Zeke from Cabin Creek” - a hardwood legend in every sense of the words. I read “West by West” a few years ago, and it took some surprisingly strange turns.
Regarding your games at the Y - I find it a bit odd that the victors don’t have to win by two.
I think the notion is that winning by 1 adds to the drama.
What I dislike most is that they count the long shot as 2 points and drives and mid-rangers as 1. Thus, the "three point shot" is like a four point shot.
To me, the best buckets are shots off moves and nice passes.
But again, I can't get these guys to play by old school rules.
The DOD ordered a million doses of the vaccine from Pfizer and then had them distributed to the general populace. When the DOD orders a weapons system they call it a 'countermeasure'. The Covid vaccines were referred to as 'Bio-Medical Countermeasures'. I live on a tropical Island where the vaxxes became available much earlier than they were in USA major population centers. Guinea Pigs ? I didn't go for the shots. I did get Covid (Delta and later Omicron) and treated it with Ivermectin, vit C, zinc, quercetin, vitamin D3, etc. I was 68 and had 2 co-morbidities. When people questioned why I wasn't taking the vaccines... I simply asked: Please tell me what the vaccine ingredients are, because unless I know that, I'm not injecting a mystery potion into my body. And so it goes. This sounds harsh, but I believe that the whole Covid thing was a MASSIVE idiot test. And most people failed. I remember that the CDC put out a notice that masks stopped particles as small as .1.micron. So I looked up the size of the covid-19 virus. It was .03 microns. Too small for masks to have any effect on ! Amazing. Apparently, other citizens were not able to investigate this for themselves. And in fact, there are still people where I live who wear masks ! Sorry about Bill Walton. May he RIP...
Thank you again, Mark, for such excellent thinking and writing. Your essays always quiet the angry incoherence in my brain. A friend of 45 years just abandoned me because I politely refused to ‘support’ her grandson’s decision to become female. My friend was a rabid Scamdemic participant and I’m now beginning to wonder if general insanity has somehow been sown in the last few years.
Thanks, Theresa. That's my main reason to write: to let sane others know they're not alone.
Sometimes the differences in worldview become too big to enable relationships to continue.
Another well-written and effective explanation of the logic of down-grading or fighting the control impulses of biased and conflicted state and medical monopoly actors. The key extra point to make is that all those NPIs and Vaxxes were not simply pushed and pushed and pushed for short term profit (although that was part of it). They were pushed and pushed and pushed because of their ultimate backer's orders. Politicians have no real power except that which we give them. They are owned by their funders and the ultimate funders are the banks that can literally print their own money and the owners of those banks. The pharmaceutical industry is also owned by the banks (and their owners). The banks own the federal reserve which printed 40% of the US dollar global money supply in 18 months during the "pandemic". It is ironic that the incredible damage to our health and our society was mostly a smokescreen to justify the printing of all that money. We have been paying the inflation price for all that printing ever since - i.e. a direct payment of our hard earned wages to pay for the scary printing of all that cash - many many trillions of US dollars. So what did they use all that money printing for?? Only SOME of it (less than half) was spent on the crazy "Covid measures" and paying for hospitals to kill people with Remdesivir and Ventilators and other drugs to suppress the respiratory process. The MAJORITY of that 40% of the US dollar money supply was spent on purchasing ownership in all the major corporations on the planet and giving control of those companies to the largest hedge funds on the planet, i.e. Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street. Yes, it is hard to believe but under the guise of "fighting the collapse of the stock market" "during the pandemic panic", trillions of our money (yes our money) was spent to buy control of all the major corporations on the planet and give it to the bankers themselves!! Hard to believe but true. The reason for the greatest theft in the history of the world is Power. Power-hungry sociopaths who love to maintain and increase their power bequeathed to them in part by their rich ancestors. They are parasites - yes they are human too, but they are parasites that we must fight (non-violently but forcefully) with all our determination and knowledge for the sake of our children and grandchildren. So many have been deceived and yes even killed. This is a financial, propaganda and biological/medical war. We are losing this war. Central bank digital currencies (slavery) is next. Start praying and acting as if your life and the lives of your children and grandchildren depended upon it - because it does. Even if we are losing, it is still worth trying to fight back (non-violently - violence would be used an excuse for further repression). It is a cause worthy of our efforts.
Ian in Vancouver
Thanks, Ian.
With you.
Mark, the excellent Tucker Carlson interview (last year) with Mattias Desmet about the "Psychology of Totalitariarism" (1 hour long), explained that the mass hypnosis of the population ("Mass Formation") was a deliberate and well planned tactic to coerce sufficient followers (25-30%) of the population to gain traction politically, when 60-65% of the population "went along to get along" (went with the flow). Only 5-10% of the population stood up to object. You and I are among that 5-10%. The interview gave the example of people during the Iranian revolution of 1979 believing that the Ayatollah's face could be seen on the face of the moon and a Mother betraying her son to revolution for not exhibiting sufficient revolutionary zeal and actually pressing the buttom to kill him.
Mass Hypnosis is a serious and effective strategy!
So how does one go from "“the practice of noncooperation with the existing government because of the inherent evil of that government.” to "“There’s fewer fans in the building because people are dying of Covid!” ? Was it fear? You would think his original assessment of the evils of government would have solidified as he became older. I can't explain it, but I've seen it happen to others, a complete change in world-view. It's sad and frightening.
p.s. Mark, do you have any hockey stories to tell? I'm more of a Puck-Nut.
Good Q about the transformation. I think maybe both Walton stances are based on the inability to consider the costs of various government interventions and reflect an unwillingness to acknowledge that life can sometimes be beyond constructive human control.
I have some hockey stories. But fewer. I've played more BB. It's easier to find BB games at normal hours.
Yeah, understandable about BB. Just need a ball and court. No ice, stick, puck, bandages.
I know a place just across the Delaware River from Trenton and back in the woods that has great ice when the temp is right. I go there with stick and puck and it's like Heaven on Earth.
Fear is the key.
Excellent article!
Thanks, Pags. For some reason, it took longer to write than I thought it would. I edited it extensively.
and what if no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exsist?