This, in orange jump suits: "Public Health careerists would better serve society by planting trees, killing rats or excess deer, visiting lonely old people or picking trash off of sidewalks."
The only person I know who died 'of' covid, was a 63 year old man who went to hospital. I have no doubt that this was hospicide.
Another friend and mom (vastly overweight) also died in the hospital. They denied her IVM and HCQ leaving three kids and a kind husband too. She was very loving and giving, gone just past 50.
Our good friend Mary had good insurance. She developed turbocancer right after getting the jab. The hospicide crowd dragged out her death for 13 weeks on nutrition (they had to remove her suddenly cancerous stomach) and then pulled the cords. So sad. She was a woman and was up for retirement just a month prior to the turbocancer.
I know a few who have died fairly quickly after the jabs, strokes, turbocancers, heart, and LOTS of morbidity (diagnosed conditions) following the jabs.
Years ago, when I worked in the prosecutor's office, I was great friends with a great man, an assistant prosecutor in that office, who used to tell young people contemplating law school: "go to veterinary school instead, you'd be doing society a great favor!"
So most people ignored what was happening right in front of them and instead believed what the media told them, that people of all ages were dying in great numbers from this deadly virus. But now, in a complete turnaround, people are still ignoring what is happening right in front of them, but this time it's all the actual deaths and injuries from the vaccines that they refuse to see.
That fact which was right in front of my eyes - living in Seattle in March 2020 -was what opened my eyes that this was a scam.
I won't pretend I didn't fall for it initially. We were seeing breathless news reports with on-the-spot video of bodybags being wheeled out of nursing homes in Bellevue right across the lake.
But it was realizing the MASSIVE homeless camps, with human filth and no sanitation, with no reports of COVID deaths that made me go "WTF is going on here?"
Yep. Then we have this replicon thing here in Japan. It may not be the monster it is feared to be, but it is at least yet another untested substance being shot into the arms of a clueless people.
My understanding was that the replicons were to be snorted, administered nasally (cf. Flumist.)
Have a look at Dr. Marian Laderoute's <> posts from Mar. 30, Apr. 15, and May 28, 2024.
Shedding after injected spike factory is real. I suspect that the replicon thing may be worse, the only saving grace may be that mucosal immunity might be triggered. The mucosal immunity might not be directed at the spike proteins, however, only the mRNA carrier system. Then you would be creating a group of carriers (shedders) who could continually spike the population.
Japan would be an ideal test site for this with the highly concentrated urban population, especially in Tokyo.
I never considered the possibility that people talking on a screen could cement a belief system in a human mind that would negate that human's personal, lived experience. I also never thought about how screen time (first the TV now everything online) can be dangerously addictive.
I remember a college instructor telling my class that a study(ies) had already shown that people believed info they heard on a TV more than they believed the same news delivered by a friend or family member. I don't know the design of the study. But I believe the conclusion. Putting stuff on a screen or in print undeservedly connotes veracity.
As if there's always some benevolent, fair, fact-checking editor.
It's also interesting you wrote that people tend to believe what they first read or hear, as a kind of cognitive conservation of energy. Awhile back a friend sent me a link to a NYTimes article on a fitness topic she knows I am very familiar with. She thought I would enjoy it. I didn't. The article was full of errors, with misleading advice and photos of incorrect positions. The only saving grace was the comments section, where the Times got soundly ratio-ed by readers who were far more knowledgeable than the reporter. This got me thinking. If the Times can print something so inaccurate about something I know about, then why do I automatically assume that when they write on the many topics of of which I know little, they are actually providing accurate information?
I had a similar experience years ago with our city newspaper. I wrote to them with my concerns about the errors in an article whose subject I had familiarity. I never heard back from them but noticed that the article disappeared from their online directory. I have been skeptical ever since about all reporting.
I was surprised that the error-filled NY Times article remained available, especially with all of the critical comments. It wasn’t a politically charged or controversial topic, though it certainly called into question anything they might report about health and fitness.
Exactly, yet few come to the conclusion you write about. They somehow still trust their news sources even after the run a story on a topic they know enough about to spot the errors. I am still shocked at this, years after first running across it.
I am constantly shocked by the number of people who believe the news. This is what caused all the hysteria and, in my neck of the woods, continues to do so. Neighbours continue to happily present their arms for Covid jabs at the local pharmacy and pharmacists wear that proud expression that says “I am saving humanity.” It makes me feel both sick and angry.
Excellent point! Remember that old expression? "You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts?" The only way to distinguish either is critical thinking.
Fact checking used to be an editorial and journalistic function. It was even useful in academic work!
As an undergrad I was exposed to the "Lewis Atom" concept in chemistry. For some reason I went to the library to look at the original paper, which didn't match the textbook presentations as far as I could tell. It was like an academic version of "The Telephone Game."
In true Orwellian Newspeak (I did read the original!) the label "Fact Checker" is now a flag for corrupt "spin", ie, lying.
I am seeing this a lot lately. Everyone wants me to watch this and that video, which I have come to angrily refuse. First, I am not able to watch a video uninterrupted and do most of my reading on the train to and from work. I have no problem reading a transcript but they all insist on watching the videos they suggest. It seems most will believe a single video on DEWs or whatever than reams and reams of readings.
I can watch them on the train but not listen to them, so there is little point. But the main reason is, that there are a great many tricks that are used with video and audio to get audiences to accept one view over another. Print has some too, but audio and especially video seems to have a stronger pull. Example, working with refrigeration in ship, I was required to get qualified in CFC and HCFC handling and use. This required several days of lectures. The very first thing the EPA lecturer did was to play a video which started out in virgin woodlands to the accompaniment of Native North American music. After viewing the lovey scenery and delightful music, there was a speak over statement on how perfect the North American continent was….until man came.
In me, this set off alarm bells and I was skeptical of the whole thing and caught numerous errors of logic and basic math. However, my shipmates came away with “Oh my God, we are destroying our planet!”. I do not trust video presentations on important topics. Send me the transcript and I’ll read that, but spare me the emotional gimmickry.
Have you read Marshall McLuhan? I believe the key to understanding the power of the screen lives within mapping the effect digital visual media has on the body. When one is drawn to rely so heavily on the visual perception system- and only in 2d! - one gives up the ability to perceive where the illusionist has disrupted reality. I think I underestimated how many people never, ever take a walk and talk to anyone. They've given up most of their senses - e.g. the full tool kit for calling b.s. - and so become the very NPCs in real life which they mow down in the virtual worlds they inhabit.
Local and national stations survived the plandemic due to a huge revenue influx from the government. Restaurants and local businesses stopped advertising, duh, they were locked down, but the gov saved the TV stations!
Not odd at all, they are rooting for the latter trend and know for it to succeed, it needs to be kept secret for as long as possible. That’s my take any way.
When really old people I knew of, with many ongoing health issues, didn't bother succumbing to the plague, it really confirmed my original and ongoing belief that it was all hype and hysteria. The primacy of original source of information that you describe explains why people who fell for the scam initially could observe the same evidence (of ill and old and unhealthy people managing to stay alive BEFORE the wretched snake oil jabs were launched) and maintain that humanity was being felled by a virus - DESPITE THE ACTUAL EVIDENCE IN FRONT OF THEIR BLOODY NOSES!!!
There were two obvious courses of action that any thinking person should have taken during Covid.
The first was obvious in spring 2020. The surgeon general explained that Covid was clearly hitting people in poor metabolic health more significantly. So...that was the time to put a bit more effort into your general health. Eat better, be active, get outside in the your immune system. A good idea any time really.
The second was when the v rolled out. They repeated the words safe and effective a million times without presenting any evidence. And we'd all lived with Covid for a year already. So the obvious choice was to wait and see what the real world evidence showed. Don't get in a hurry. There is no need to. And sure enough the story began to deteriorate quickly.
The fact that virtually no one I know chose these 2 courses of action has left me profoundly in doubt of the population's ability for rationale decision making.
Sorry, it is late, I am depressed and on the way to a drunk good enough to kill my knee pain so that something in somewhat close proximity to sleep will visit me before my alarm goes off, but I must ask, is the link you gave to a place where visitors can experience following the herd over the cliff through the advertised interactive activities?
Doubt I could state it as well as you, but I felt the exact same. And, I too know next to no one who followed either and wonder how humanity survived as long as it has.
I still don't understand what a Masters in Public Health (MPH) confers to the public health.
A little girl I met in my former running club (I was kicked out for not taking the shot, I didn't die, but there have been at least three sudden deaths and multiple people who have suffered from blood clots in their legs, ahhhhh, but I digress) was working on her MPH about 10 years ago and I asked her what she was going to do with her MPH once she graduated. She responded that she was going to "help people". How? Who knows. MPH students don't understand epidemiology or virology and only seem to have a very limited knowledge of huamn anatomy and physiology. So basically, they join a publicly funded science cult where they get together and scold other people for not having MPHs, even though they literally know nothing. We are now governed by idiot shrews.
The two peeps I know who got their Masters in Public Health (both from the same prestigious university) went full-on covidian, got themselves jabbed immediately and thereafter multiple times, and pushed and pushed and pushed and got their families all jabbed, too. Many baffling health issues ensued.
So getting an MPH is like training for and joining an important ministry in a big evangelical church. Except it is not a church, it is government your are joining.
No insult here to big evangelical churches, or small ones either, because that is where you can learn to put your trust in God rather than government.
Relatedly, one of the early life lessons I learned the hard way was to put a gimlet eye on gossip. I remain amazed, though I suppose I shouldn't be, at how often people swallow the first thing they hear said about another person (he did this, she said xyz). And they swallow it because it's easy, but also because, so often, it's yummy.
Now when someone tells me something juicy-negative about another person, my first question is, not, is it true but, why is this person telling me this? Sometimes there's a genuinely ethical motivation-- they want to warn me, to help me, or perhaps they want sympathy and understanding. But oftentimes that is not the motivation, and I would do well to treat the information as dubious, possibly fictional, and the gossiper as dangerous (and just as likely to gossip about me). Malicious gossip, not good on the karma card.
Well, it was an early lesson, but I wish it had been earlier-- or better yet, if I'd been able to learn the easy way. The easy way: see other people do stupid shale and don't do that. LOL.
Agreed. Anymore, whenever I read or hear ANYTHING, I immediately question the provider's agenda. Maybe it's good, maybe it's bad, maybe it's not readily apparent. Waiting is a good strategy. BTW I stuck our Mark's Substack here in the "good" column.
Thankfully I read a different book (or article) about the Spanish flu. It was not Spanish at all. The piece stated, that this flu probably killed so many, because everyone was starved, the soldiers going home to the US brought it with them to another poorly fed population, and because the flu survived the winter, it killed also people that usually do not succumb to flu. I only recently read about the overdosing of aspirin. Most probably a combination of it all, and the fact that at the time, hygiene was still not what it is now. As you say, the numbers might be off, like they still are. We will never know how many people died of that flu or of the wuflu, because every person who died was put under the covid umbrella. Even suicides and motor accidents. The craze goes on. Believe whatever conspiracy theory, because they all are somewhat of it! Now we got some people who think that hurricanes can be man made. I think it is bad enough that Nature can make them. (I read the Spanish article 2 years ago, where Spain admitted to have the technology for weather-change, but that it had not worked)
Also, why do people continue to believe people/organizations who have lied to them. Example: public health officials lied about the Covid vaccines preventing infection and transmission. Nearly everyone would admit that now if confronted with it. Yet so many people are still listening to the same officials/organizations as if they had never lied. It's bizarre.
“Oh, well, we did the best we could with the information we had available. And besides, it could have been so much worse!”
Anyone with a pulse could have seen by week 3 of the hype that pointed tinfoil hats and Kleenex boxes for slippers would have been just as effective as masks and social distancing.
I fabricated my mask from cardboard and duct tape, with dragon’s teeth cut out for extra therapeutic effect because -you know! - I followed the Science.
One of the problems with all of our "health care" industry is that 70-80% of advertising budgets for media outlets comes from pharmaceutical companies. So, there aren't many stories about products that injure or kill as the media outlets are bribed to silence. Like you, me and my immediate family all read broadly and came to the same conclusion, that the virus was not anything that would harm normal, healthy people who had no comorbidities. I also had experience from my mother, who was an RN, much versed in the mechanizations of doctors/hospitals/pharma companies and she was always very skeptical of anything these groups promoted.
I worked in preclinical pharmaceutical research for nearly 40 years and I was skeptical about the virus right from the start. For one thing, I've read a lot of history, and compared to some of the epidemics I've read about, Covid was a nothingburger. Look up yellow fever in New Orleans or other Southern cities, and see how many people died in a DAY during yellow fever season. It was so bad that wealthy people would leave the cities and go to the mountains for the summer. Suwannee, Tennessee was one such refuge. And I haven't even touched on cholera, typhoid, smallpox or even The Plague. And when places like Michigan and New York started putting Covid patients in nursing homes alongside uninfected patients, I said "this is not how you treat a contagious respiratory disease." The facility I worked with had monkeys that were infected with a highly dangerous virus called Herpes B and one employee even died from it. Following his death, the company completely revised their protocols for handling non-human primates and anything associated with them. No flimsy paper masks for laboratory workers--if you work with monkeys you have to wear FULL personal protective equipment including face shield. Think riot gear. So I know what real precautions against a deadly virus look like. Furthermore, the vaccine was rushed to market and could not have undergone all the required safety and efficacy testing in that time. It also, as we all here know, did not and does not prevent someone from getting covid. I am not vaccinated against covid, flu or the new one, RSV, which the Michigan Department of Health is pushing very heavily with scare ads: "there are no prescription treatments for RSV". I'm not anti-vax across the board like some people are, but I don't feel it necessary to get vaccinated for everything that comes down the pike, especially with my personal health history. I very seldom get sick and I chalk it up mainly to diet.
I have no medical nor public health, Pharma education or training, yet, through reading, know of what you state here. The big mystery to me is, how did/do those who are trained and practicing in these fields not know this?
You're in the rarified group of people working in the bowels of this science, like Malone, etc, and were very knowledgeable. That's why the phama/deep state organs suppressed people like you so aggressively. I live near Houston and Dr, Bowden and a very small group of like minded dr's. fought all the protocols and propaganda coming from Methodist and Baylor, and like Dr. McCollough, were purged out or punished. Like you, I was very skeptical when they launched "Warped Speed" as it seemed too good to be true. I've read much of the same literature about the 1918 pandemic and knew that much of death had little to do with a virus. I don't think vaccines generally have had much to do with the huge decrease in mass deaths over the past 200 years or so, but rather improvements in diet, knowledge about cleanliness, antibiotics in many cases, and most importantly, just much cleaner water. Masks were developed to protect workers in dusty environs to keep the particles out of their lungs. I had a disagreement with a friend about them. I explained that the size of a virus (no one has actually seen a virus, btw) is to the size of a basketball, which is to the size of the earth. So, masks could never prevent the virus from entering the lungs anyway and were more likely to cause more disease. Lastly, the social distancing was ridiculous. The 6 foot rule came from a German dr. in the late 1800's and was only for TB patients in a closed environment. So much death and destruction for no good reason. It has confirmed my belief that there really are demons who walk the earth.
I'd like to clarify something. I involuntarily left the field of preclinical research in 2017, so I don't know anything about what went on at my former workplace after that. In retrospect this may have been a blessing in disguise. I ended up working as a machine operator in a plastics factory and was taken aside by management because they did not like the questions I was asking on the employee forum. Namely I wanted to know if there was a difference in absentee rates pre-Covid and during Covid. I was told that I should not be asking that, that they did not track such things (not true) and that I should be very, very afraid of Covid. I can only imagine what would have happened had I stayed in the preclinical research field! Apparently my asking a simple question triggered management--why?
Public health is an oxymoron. Medicine is a highly individualistic discipline. The people involved in public health are simply bureaucrats and, as such, are mainly concerned with protecting their own turf and jobs. So it is always in their self interest to whip up concerns about fictitious threats. All public health agencies should be abolished.
You paraphrase an observation made by Mark Twain, in 1958 "-trouble it ain’t so much the things that people don’t know that makes trouble in this world, as it is the things that people know that ain’t so."
I have found this to be true in many aspects of life , including Covid.
Thanks for reaching out to touch people who are observing the same insanity in the lust for power, pleasure and money over self-growth, reason and philosophy. Have a great day!
PS: And after that I'd write my brief and weeks or months later, walking to the courthouse from my downtown offices, I'd pray the Rosary for my clients.
When the gross stupidity started, I honestly wasn't sure what to think. I had some fear, but that caused me to stay looking up things in various sources. It was clear from very early on that old people were at risk. It was also clear that better metabolic health, and sunshine!, were key. I always cook. I cooked carefully and watched the sweets intake. I wasn't crazily baking like some did during that time. It also helped that it was tax season and we were already otherwise busy. I also got my husband to join the dog and me on our walks, increasing them regularly in mileage.
I will admit to some concern since I do have asthma, and unknown but suspected at the time rheumatoid arthritis. I did wonder if I had caught it then, how problematic it could be for me. When I finally did get it two years later, it was no worse than most of the sinus infections I get. We destroyed society so the fuckers could take down Trump and control the rest of us
Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic, August 19, 2008 News Release - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
"In essence, the virus landed the first blow while bacteria delivered the knockout punch."
Anthony Fauci
amazingly, this study published by the NIH and still remaining on their servers was pre-bunked to claim that FlipFlopFraudFauci™️ DID NOT assert that bacterial pneumonia caused the majority of the Spanish Flu deaths.
Furthermore, masking increases the indidence of infection and attack rates and they were rightly in that time associated with correlation of worse outcomes. SO dirty masks = bacterial infection.
Mercifully back in that timeframe, the absurdity of masks was demolished when reporters reported that leaders were meeting, socializing and partying without the masks they were admonishing the public to don.
Still zero injections or infections in the Rubble home.
Except for your legal experience, this article sums up my observations and thoughts about Covid, the Spanish Flu and the news. I am just astounded at how many otherwise intelligent people I know who still have at least some belief that Covid-19 was a life-threatening virus to almost all humans. You put into words very well what I think.
This, in orange jump suits: "Public Health careerists would better serve society by planting trees, killing rats or excess deer, visiting lonely old people or picking trash off of sidewalks."
The only person I know who died 'of' covid, was a 63 year old man who went to hospital. I have no doubt that this was hospicide.
A new and excellent word for my Covid vocabulary book!
I did not make up that word. Read somewhere here on substack.
It is a perfect description.
Our friend and mentor too... he was turning 86.
Another friend and mom (vastly overweight) also died in the hospital. They denied her IVM and HCQ leaving three kids and a kind husband too. She was very loving and giving, gone just past 50.
Our good friend Mary had good insurance. She developed turbocancer right after getting the jab. The hospicide crowd dragged out her death for 13 weeks on nutrition (they had to remove her suddenly cancerous stomach) and then pulled the cords. So sad. She was a woman and was up for retirement just a month prior to the turbocancer.
I am sorry to hear of your friends.
I know a few who have died fairly quickly after the jabs, strokes, turbocancers, heart, and LOTS of morbidity (diagnosed conditions) following the jabs.
Years ago, when I worked in the prosecutor's office, I was great friends with a great man, an assistant prosecutor in that office, who used to tell young people contemplating law school: "go to veterinary school instead, you'd be doing society a great favor!"
I know of an RN friend of my wife who allegedly died from COVID. I went to her funeral.
She was massively obese, multiple jabs and boosters, and was ventilated and treated with Remdesivir when she passed away.
Shocked, I say.
The choking bronchial spasms could have killed me. BTW, amantadine had no effect on it.
So most people ignored what was happening right in front of them and instead believed what the media told them, that people of all ages were dying in great numbers from this deadly virus. But now, in a complete turnaround, people are still ignoring what is happening right in front of them, but this time it's all the actual deaths and injuries from the vaccines that they refuse to see.
Yes, it's odd that the media refuses to see the latter trend.
Why aren't the unjabbed all dead yet?
We were promised "dark winter" and "last dying words of regret" for not taking jabs.
B/c "THE VIRUS" isn't really dangerous.
I've wondered that for years, particularly among the homeless. You know that if they were dying we would have heard about it 24/7.
Tobacco saved them, lol!
Or some other plant!
Sorry, Bandy Ardis; nicotine doesn't help.
Bandy Ardis? 🤣. Good one.
So seriously, there is no truth to the nicotine theory?
That fact which was right in front of my eyes - living in Seattle in March 2020 -was what opened my eyes that this was a scam.
I won't pretend I didn't fall for it initially. We were seeing breathless news reports with on-the-spot video of bodybags being wheeled out of nursing homes in Bellevue right across the lake.
But it was realizing the MASSIVE homeless camps, with human filth and no sanitation, with no reports of COVID deaths that made me go "WTF is going on here?"
Sush you! They are probably making preparations to drop the unjabbed.
They are already making plans that you will be jabbed constantly whether you agree to it or not.
Yep. Then we have this replicon thing here in Japan. It may not be the monster it is feared to be, but it is at least yet another untested substance being shot into the arms of a clueless people.
My understanding was that the replicons were to be snorted, administered nasally (cf. Flumist.)
Have a look at Dr. Marian Laderoute's <> posts from Mar. 30, Apr. 15, and May 28, 2024.
Shedding after injected spike factory is real. I suspect that the replicon thing may be worse, the only saving grace may be that mucosal immunity might be triggered. The mucosal immunity might not be directed at the spike proteins, however, only the mRNA carrier system. Then you would be creating a group of carriers (shedders) who could continually spike the population.
Japan would be an ideal test site for this with the highly concentrated urban population, especially in Tokyo.
Because Biden was unable to recruit the necessary hit squads.
I never considered the possibility that people talking on a screen could cement a belief system in a human mind that would negate that human's personal, lived experience. I also never thought about how screen time (first the TV now everything online) can be dangerously addictive.
I remember a college instructor telling my class that a study(ies) had already shown that people believed info they heard on a TV more than they believed the same news delivered by a friend or family member. I don't know the design of the study. But I believe the conclusion. Putting stuff on a screen or in print undeservedly connotes veracity.
As if there's always some benevolent, fair, fact-checking editor.
It's also interesting you wrote that people tend to believe what they first read or hear, as a kind of cognitive conservation of energy. Awhile back a friend sent me a link to a NYTimes article on a fitness topic she knows I am very familiar with. She thought I would enjoy it. I didn't. The article was full of errors, with misleading advice and photos of incorrect positions. The only saving grace was the comments section, where the Times got soundly ratio-ed by readers who were far more knowledgeable than the reporter. This got me thinking. If the Times can print something so inaccurate about something I know about, then why do I automatically assume that when they write on the many topics of of which I know little, they are actually providing accurate information?
The NYT Covid coverage I saw was way inaccurate and slanted.
I had a similar experience years ago with our city newspaper. I wrote to them with my concerns about the errors in an article whose subject I had familiarity. I never heard back from them but noticed that the article disappeared from their online directory. I have been skeptical ever since about all reporting.
I was surprised that the error-filled NY Times article remained available, especially with all of the critical comments. It wasn’t a politically charged or controversial topic, though it certainly called into question anything they might report about health and fitness.
Exactly, yet few come to the conclusion you write about. They somehow still trust their news sources even after the run a story on a topic they know enough about to spot the errors. I am still shocked at this, years after first running across it.
I am constantly shocked by the number of people who believe the news. This is what caused all the hysteria and, in my neck of the woods, continues to do so. Neighbours continue to happily present their arms for Covid jabs at the local pharmacy and pharmacists wear that proud expression that says “I am saving humanity.” It makes me feel both sick and angry.
The term "fact checker" has crept insidiously into US vocabulary during the scamdemic. It's twisted.
We don't need "fact checkers".
We need critical thinkers.
Excellent point! Remember that old expression? "You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts?" The only way to distinguish either is critical thinking.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Fact checking used to be an editorial and journalistic function. It was even useful in academic work!
As an undergrad I was exposed to the "Lewis Atom" concept in chemistry. For some reason I went to the library to look at the original paper, which didn't match the textbook presentations as far as I could tell. It was like an academic version of "The Telephone Game."
In true Orwellian Newspeak (I did read the original!) the label "Fact Checker" is now a flag for corrupt "spin", ie, lying.
It's always been a very crude approximation, only good for very introductory chemistry class. Quantum theory entirely superseded it.
I am seeing this a lot lately. Everyone wants me to watch this and that video, which I have come to angrily refuse. First, I am not able to watch a video uninterrupted and do most of my reading on the train to and from work. I have no problem reading a transcript but they all insist on watching the videos they suggest. It seems most will believe a single video on DEWs or whatever than reams and reams of readings.
Sometimes I watch them on 2X speed
Mark, You are a better person than I. If I cannot get a transcript, there is a 0.000001% chance of being watched at any speed.
I can watch them on the train but not listen to them, so there is little point. But the main reason is, that there are a great many tricks that are used with video and audio to get audiences to accept one view over another. Print has some too, but audio and especially video seems to have a stronger pull. Example, working with refrigeration in ship, I was required to get qualified in CFC and HCFC handling and use. This required several days of lectures. The very first thing the EPA lecturer did was to play a video which started out in virgin woodlands to the accompaniment of Native North American music. After viewing the lovey scenery and delightful music, there was a speak over statement on how perfect the North American continent was….until man came.
In me, this set off alarm bells and I was skeptical of the whole thing and caught numerous errors of logic and basic math. However, my shipmates came away with “Oh my God, we are destroying our planet!”. I do not trust video presentations on important topics. Send me the transcript and I’ll read that, but spare me the emotional gimmickry.
Have you read Marshall McLuhan? I believe the key to understanding the power of the screen lives within mapping the effect digital visual media has on the body. When one is drawn to rely so heavily on the visual perception system- and only in 2d! - one gives up the ability to perceive where the illusionist has disrupted reality. I think I underestimated how many people never, ever take a walk and talk to anyone. They've given up most of their senses - e.g. the full tool kit for calling b.s. - and so become the very NPCs in real life which they mow down in the virtual worlds they inhabit.
I'd also recommend Jerry Mander's "Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television".
I love this book. I really, really love this book.
I have eliminated it 99% of the time. If I get any news, it's because I stumbled upon it, not sought it out.
Thank you. I will check it out.
Yes! So true. Many people get anxious away from their phones.
Which is amazing considering the bald lies and blatant bias of TV media these days.
HDTV uses color modulation to control brain waves. That gets watchers to believe whatever they hear. Roku doesn't, however.
That's because on nearly all of those networks, big pharma advertises heavily. They know better than to bite the hands that feed them.
Local and national stations survived the plandemic due to a huge revenue influx from the government. Restaurants and local businesses stopped advertising, duh, they were locked down, but the gov saved the TV stations!
Not odd at all, they are rooting for the latter trend and know for it to succeed, it needs to be kept secret for as long as possible. That’s my take any way.
When really old people I knew of, with many ongoing health issues, didn't bother succumbing to the plague, it really confirmed my original and ongoing belief that it was all hype and hysteria. The primacy of original source of information that you describe explains why people who fell for the scam initially could observe the same evidence (of ill and old and unhealthy people managing to stay alive BEFORE the wretched snake oil jabs were launched) and maintain that humanity was being felled by a virus - DESPITE THE ACTUAL EVIDENCE IN FRONT OF THEIR BLOODY NOSES!!!
There were two obvious courses of action that any thinking person should have taken during Covid.
The first was obvious in spring 2020. The surgeon general explained that Covid was clearly hitting people in poor metabolic health more significantly. So...that was the time to put a bit more effort into your general health. Eat better, be active, get outside in the your immune system. A good idea any time really.
The second was when the v rolled out. They repeated the words safe and effective a million times without presenting any evidence. And we'd all lived with Covid for a year already. So the obvious choice was to wait and see what the real world evidence showed. Don't get in a hurry. There is no need to. And sure enough the story began to deteriorate quickly.
The fact that virtually no one I know chose these 2 courses of action has left me profoundly in doubt of the population's ability for rationale decision making.
People stampede like herds of buffalo.
Or follow the leader like lemmings off a cliff.
The Disney film was fake. Lemmings don't watch HDTV.
Sorry, it is late, I am depressed and on the way to a drunk good enough to kill my knee pain so that something in somewhat close proximity to sleep will visit me before my alarm goes off, but I must ask, is the link you gave to a place where visitors can experience following the herd over the cliff through the advertised interactive activities?
Doubt I could state it as well as you, but I felt the exact same. And, I too know next to no one who followed either and wonder how humanity survived as long as it has.
Hard to do in February or even March at high latitude.
I still don't understand what a Masters in Public Health (MPH) confers to the public health.
A little girl I met in my former running club (I was kicked out for not taking the shot, I didn't die, but there have been at least three sudden deaths and multiple people who have suffered from blood clots in their legs, ahhhhh, but I digress) was working on her MPH about 10 years ago and I asked her what she was going to do with her MPH once she graduated. She responded that she was going to "help people". How? Who knows. MPH students don't understand epidemiology or virology and only seem to have a very limited knowledge of huamn anatomy and physiology. So basically, they join a publicly funded science cult where they get together and scold other people for not having MPHs, even though they literally know nothing. We are now governed by idiot shrews.
The two peeps I know who got their Masters in Public Health (both from the same prestigious university) went full-on covidian, got themselves jabbed immediately and thereafter multiple times, and pushed and pushed and pushed and got their families all jabbed, too. Many baffling health issues ensued.
My RN wife is the only nurse she knows of who's refused the deathvax.
As a result she's covered for all her colleagues who are vaxxed and constantly coming down with the WuFlu.
Helps the retirement account, I guess.
I highly recommend Spain, by the way.
You mean as a place to visit?
Exactly. Sunny and charming. There are worse places to spend our ill-gotten boomer bucks.
The small town locals pretend not to recognize Jerry Jeff Walker when you sing it on their patios, though.
Up Against the Wall Redneck Mothers!
MPH - just another government parasite, in my opinion. Worthless.
So getting an MPH is like training for and joining an important ministry in a big evangelical church. Except it is not a church, it is government your are joining.
No insult here to big evangelical churches, or small ones either, because that is where you can learn to put your trust in God rather than government.
Thanks for the dose of sanity.
Relatedly, one of the early life lessons I learned the hard way was to put a gimlet eye on gossip. I remain amazed, though I suppose I shouldn't be, at how often people swallow the first thing they hear said about another person (he did this, she said xyz). And they swallow it because it's easy, but also because, so often, it's yummy.
Now when someone tells me something juicy-negative about another person, my first question is, not, is it true but, why is this person telling me this? Sometimes there's a genuinely ethical motivation-- they want to warn me, to help me, or perhaps they want sympathy and understanding. But oftentimes that is not the motivation, and I would do well to treat the information as dubious, possibly fictional, and the gossiper as dangerous (and just as likely to gossip about me). Malicious gossip, not good on the karma card.
You are helping humanity.
Well, it was an early lesson, but I wish it had been earlier-- or better yet, if I'd been able to learn the easy way. The easy way: see other people do stupid shale and don't do that. LOL.
Agreed. Anymore, whenever I read or hear ANYTHING, I immediately question the provider's agenda. Maybe it's good, maybe it's bad, maybe it's not readily apparent. Waiting is a good strategy. BTW I stuck our Mark's Substack here in the "good" column.
Thankfully I read a different book (or article) about the Spanish flu. It was not Spanish at all. The piece stated, that this flu probably killed so many, because everyone was starved, the soldiers going home to the US brought it with them to another poorly fed population, and because the flu survived the winter, it killed also people that usually do not succumb to flu. I only recently read about the overdosing of aspirin. Most probably a combination of it all, and the fact that at the time, hygiene was still not what it is now. As you say, the numbers might be off, like they still are. We will never know how many people died of that flu or of the wuflu, because every person who died was put under the covid umbrella. Even suicides and motor accidents. The craze goes on. Believe whatever conspiracy theory, because they all are somewhat of it! Now we got some people who think that hurricanes can be man made. I think it is bad enough that Nature can make them. (I read the Spanish article 2 years ago, where Spain admitted to have the technology for weather-change, but that it had not worked)
Frankly I don't think the government is competent enough to make hurricanes.
They don't; they steer them with barium-doped alumina chemtrails and gyrotrons.
Me either.
Ingrid - perhaps something to consider;
Also, why do people continue to believe people/organizations who have lied to them. Example: public health officials lied about the Covid vaccines preventing infection and transmission. Nearly everyone would admit that now if confronted with it. Yet so many people are still listening to the same officials/organizations as if they had never lied. It's bizarre.
“Oh, well, we did the best we could with the information we had available. And besides, it could have been so much worse!”
Anyone with a pulse could have seen by week 3 of the hype that pointed tinfoil hats and Kleenex boxes for slippers would have been just as effective as masks and social distancing.
I fabricated my mask from cardboard and duct tape, with dragon’s teeth cut out for extra therapeutic effect because -you know! - I followed the Science.
I really wanted to make one from chicken wire, but sadly never did.
One of the problems with all of our "health care" industry is that 70-80% of advertising budgets for media outlets comes from pharmaceutical companies. So, there aren't many stories about products that injure or kill as the media outlets are bribed to silence. Like you, me and my immediate family all read broadly and came to the same conclusion, that the virus was not anything that would harm normal, healthy people who had no comorbidities. I also had experience from my mother, who was an RN, much versed in the mechanizations of doctors/hospitals/pharma companies and she was always very skeptical of anything these groups promoted.
Danny Huckabee
I worked in preclinical pharmaceutical research for nearly 40 years and I was skeptical about the virus right from the start. For one thing, I've read a lot of history, and compared to some of the epidemics I've read about, Covid was a nothingburger. Look up yellow fever in New Orleans or other Southern cities, and see how many people died in a DAY during yellow fever season. It was so bad that wealthy people would leave the cities and go to the mountains for the summer. Suwannee, Tennessee was one such refuge. And I haven't even touched on cholera, typhoid, smallpox or even The Plague. And when places like Michigan and New York started putting Covid patients in nursing homes alongside uninfected patients, I said "this is not how you treat a contagious respiratory disease." The facility I worked with had monkeys that were infected with a highly dangerous virus called Herpes B and one employee even died from it. Following his death, the company completely revised their protocols for handling non-human primates and anything associated with them. No flimsy paper masks for laboratory workers--if you work with monkeys you have to wear FULL personal protective equipment including face shield. Think riot gear. So I know what real precautions against a deadly virus look like. Furthermore, the vaccine was rushed to market and could not have undergone all the required safety and efficacy testing in that time. It also, as we all here know, did not and does not prevent someone from getting covid. I am not vaccinated against covid, flu or the new one, RSV, which the Michigan Department of Health is pushing very heavily with scare ads: "there are no prescription treatments for RSV". I'm not anti-vax across the board like some people are, but I don't feel it necessary to get vaccinated for everything that comes down the pike, especially with my personal health history. I very seldom get sick and I chalk it up mainly to diet.
I have no medical nor public health, Pharma education or training, yet, through reading, know of what you state here. The big mystery to me is, how did/do those who are trained and practicing in these fields not know this?
You're in the rarified group of people working in the bowels of this science, like Malone, etc, and were very knowledgeable. That's why the phama/deep state organs suppressed people like you so aggressively. I live near Houston and Dr, Bowden and a very small group of like minded dr's. fought all the protocols and propaganda coming from Methodist and Baylor, and like Dr. McCollough, were purged out or punished. Like you, I was very skeptical when they launched "Warped Speed" as it seemed too good to be true. I've read much of the same literature about the 1918 pandemic and knew that much of death had little to do with a virus. I don't think vaccines generally have had much to do with the huge decrease in mass deaths over the past 200 years or so, but rather improvements in diet, knowledge about cleanliness, antibiotics in many cases, and most importantly, just much cleaner water. Masks were developed to protect workers in dusty environs to keep the particles out of their lungs. I had a disagreement with a friend about them. I explained that the size of a virus (no one has actually seen a virus, btw) is to the size of a basketball, which is to the size of the earth. So, masks could never prevent the virus from entering the lungs anyway and were more likely to cause more disease. Lastly, the social distancing was ridiculous. The 6 foot rule came from a German dr. in the late 1800's and was only for TB patients in a closed environment. So much death and destruction for no good reason. It has confirmed my belief that there really are demons who walk the earth.
I'd like to clarify something. I involuntarily left the field of preclinical research in 2017, so I don't know anything about what went on at my former workplace after that. In retrospect this may have been a blessing in disguise. I ended up working as a machine operator in a plastics factory and was taken aside by management because they did not like the questions I was asking on the employee forum. Namely I wanted to know if there was a difference in absentee rates pre-Covid and during Covid. I was told that I should not be asking that, that they did not track such things (not true) and that I should be very, very afraid of Covid. I can only imagine what would have happened had I stayed in the preclinical research field! Apparently my asking a simple question triggered management--why?
Public health is an oxymoron. Medicine is a highly individualistic discipline. The people involved in public health are simply bureaucrats and, as such, are mainly concerned with protecting their own turf and jobs. So it is always in their self interest to whip up concerns about fictitious threats. All public health agencies should be abolished.
“Homeland Security” appears to be similarly mislabeled.
You paraphrase an observation made by Mark Twain, in 1958 "-trouble it ain’t so much the things that people don’t know that makes trouble in this world, as it is the things that people know that ain’t so."
I have found this to be true in many aspects of life , including Covid.
Man, you are Metamucil.
You make everything come out alright.
Sometimes you have to laugh at the absurdity of the decline of critical thinking in the 21st Century.
Thanks for reaching out to touch people who are observing the same insanity in the lust for power, pleasure and money over self-growth, reason and philosophy. Have a great day!
When I practiced law, I would read the opponent's brief and think to myself "Oh crap; we're screwed."
Then I'd read it again, and notice some points that didn't seem as airtight as in the initial impression.
A third read through started to reveal definite cracks or omissions.
By the time I'd read it through 4 or 5 times, I had more than enough hope we could win.
It's usually not what they say that matters. It's what they don't say.
PS: And after that I'd write my brief and weeks or months later, walking to the courthouse from my downtown offices, I'd pray the Rosary for my clients.
And then we would win.
When the gross stupidity started, I honestly wasn't sure what to think. I had some fear, but that caused me to stay looking up things in various sources. It was clear from very early on that old people were at risk. It was also clear that better metabolic health, and sunshine!, were key. I always cook. I cooked carefully and watched the sweets intake. I wasn't crazily baking like some did during that time. It also helped that it was tax season and we were already otherwise busy. I also got my husband to join the dog and me on our walks, increasing them regularly in mileage.
I will admit to some concern since I do have asthma, and unknown but suspected at the time rheumatoid arthritis. I did wonder if I had caught it then, how problematic it could be for me. When I finally did get it two years later, it was no worse than most of the sinus infections I get. We destroyed society so the fuckers could take down Trump and control the rest of us
Thanks as always MO.
Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic, August 19, 2008 News Release - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
"In essence, the virus landed the first blow while bacteria delivered the knockout punch."
Anthony Fauci
amazingly, this study published by the NIH and still remaining on their servers was pre-bunked to claim that FlipFlopFraudFauci™️ DID NOT assert that bacterial pneumonia caused the majority of the Spanish Flu deaths.
Furthermore, masking increases the indidence of infection and attack rates and they were rightly in that time associated with correlation of worse outcomes. SO dirty masks = bacterial infection.
Mercifully back in that timeframe, the absurdity of masks was demolished when reporters reported that leaders were meeting, socializing and partying without the masks they were admonishing the public to don.
Still zero injections or infections in the Rubble home.
Except for your legal experience, this article sums up my observations and thoughts about Covid, the Spanish Flu and the news. I am just astounded at how many otherwise intelligent people I know who still have at least some belief that Covid-19 was a life-threatening virus to almost all humans. You put into words very well what I think.
Thanks, Beverlee.
It defies biology and logic to believe that the worst respiratory virus in hisory would magically arise.
Defying logic is one of the pillars upon which stands the church of Covid “Science.”
Gain of function made it more virulent.