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FBI rounded up J6ers from their phones.

Even some poor schmuck walking his dog or being in the vicinity of the nearest Metro stop.

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Thank you, Kathleen. The Uber-Surveillance State is partially why I no longer have a cellphone: like our host, Mark, I don't like being tracked. Everyone should go read the geofence link you post here. I also despise how everyone sleepwalks around with their face glued to their little digital dictator.

So couple of years ago, I decided to ditch my iPhone and bought a LightPhone II (non-internet connected minimalist cellphone with calling, texting, and one of the worst GPS implementations ever known to man.) I threw my iPhone and Apple Watch in a drawer and did not use them again.

I struggled through the LightPhone's craptastic LCD screen which often doesn't respond, and though I wanted to love it, never did. But I soldiered on anyway until it permanently froze in June. I've been without ever since, and I'm getting used to it.

My anti-cellphone resolve was nearly shaken recently when my RN wife failed to show up at a pre-arranged spot one morning. After she was more than an hour overdue, I borrowed a janitor's cellphone to make contact.

Guess what! Since everyone else in the universe has a cellphone, you're never more than a person away from being able to call someone even if you're a curmudgeonly Luddite like myself or Mark Oshinskie.

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Correct...everyone should read that article. From what I understand, local law enforcement are also using the same geofencing techniques.

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Not only law enforcement, but apparently private individuals can access (purchase?) this data. The movie "2000 Mules" showed how community activists in select cities dropped off thousands of ballots. The movie used geofencing to show this.

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Good point.

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Ballot fraud proven the same way. ЁЯжЧЁЯжЧЁЯжЧ

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