All your points were accurate Mark, but you stopped short of describing what the big picture is. Corona mania was part of it, but the whole story is how Western Society has become risk-adverse. There's a whole field of engineering devoted to "engineered safety" that seeks to reduce previously tolerated risks to a danger- free Utopia. You…
All your points were accurate Mark, but you stopped short of describing what the big picture is. Corona mania was part of it, but the whole story is how Western Society has become risk-adverse. There's a whole field of engineering devoted to "engineered safety" that seeks to reduce previously tolerated risks to a danger- free Utopia. You see this in the safety features built into cars, safety requirements on construction job sites and industrial environments, risk-aversion in our military, and all the alerts and warning systems out there, be it Amber or weather. Think of all the new rules and penalties in pro sports to promote player safety. There are countless other symptoms of it, but Western Society expects to be safe from everything at all times to the detriment of the society.
Our hysterical culture of safety is really showing with military recruiting numbers. All branches are way below quotas. Doesn't bode well for the future of the nation.
Absolutely. I also believe that the American Warrior Class i.e. Shawn Ryans and Jocko Willinks of the future are rejecting the "new" military in droves as well. They not only see the craziness within the military but also the foreign policy insanity.
Yes, safety-ism in health care. I've often blamed the lawyers. The practice of defensive medicine by doctors ordering unnecessary tests and procedures was a reaction to medical malpractice lawsuits. Which got doctors used to checking the boxes on med-mal insurance protocols.
Which became Obamacare standardized health care protocols. Leaving no room for professional discretion and practicing the art of medicine. Shifting the profession into cookiecutter, one-size-fits-all medicine by number. So when edicts came down from high above about covid care it was normal operating procedure. Decades of being trained and conditioned not to think. Just check the boxes on the forms and submit. Lawyers were the gateway to rule by public/private bureaucratic authorities.
I just got back home after seeing Mt Rushmore for the time. Besides being in awe of the beauty, artistry and majesty, I thought that it would never be built today. OSHA would have a conniption fit over the safety challenges. Can you imagine dynamite being used to create art today let alone allowing people to hang off Washington’s head chiseling in detail and shadows?
All your points were accurate Mark, but you stopped short of describing what the big picture is. Corona mania was part of it, but the whole story is how Western Society has become risk-adverse. There's a whole field of engineering devoted to "engineered safety" that seeks to reduce previously tolerated risks to a danger- free Utopia. You see this in the safety features built into cars, safety requirements on construction job sites and industrial environments, risk-aversion in our military, and all the alerts and warning systems out there, be it Amber or weather. Think of all the new rules and penalties in pro sports to promote player safety. There are countless other symptoms of it, but Western Society expects to be safe from everything at all times to the detriment of the society.
Yes, safety-ism has gone way too far.
I could have used more examples but I wanted to prove to myself and to readers that I could write something a little shorter than usual.
God Bless Mike Rowe
Hi Mark O! Wore our ‘t shirt’ up in Moscow Idaho last comments but a lot of people lingered to ‘read my chest’ as they passed by. 👋🏼😉🧐😜
Our hysterical culture of safety is really showing with military recruiting numbers. All branches are way below quotas. Doesn't bode well for the future of the nation.
Plus those that volunteer are poisoned by mRNA injections. It would be naive to believe that played no part in it.
Absolutely. I also believe that the American Warrior Class i.e. Shawn Ryans and Jocko Willinks of the future are rejecting the "new" military in droves as well. They not only see the craziness within the military but also the foreign policy insanity.
Yes, safety-ism in health care. I've often blamed the lawyers. The practice of defensive medicine by doctors ordering unnecessary tests and procedures was a reaction to medical malpractice lawsuits. Which got doctors used to checking the boxes on med-mal insurance protocols.
Which became Obamacare standardized health care protocols. Leaving no room for professional discretion and practicing the art of medicine. Shifting the profession into cookiecutter, one-size-fits-all medicine by number. So when edicts came down from high above about covid care it was normal operating procedure. Decades of being trained and conditioned not to think. Just check the boxes on the forms and submit. Lawyers were the gateway to rule by public/private bureaucratic authorities.
I just got back home after seeing Mt Rushmore for the time. Besides being in awe of the beauty, artistry and majesty, I thought that it would never be built today. OSHA would have a conniption fit over the safety challenges. Can you imagine dynamite being used to create art today let alone allowing people to hang off Washington’s head chiseling in detail and shadows?