Brainwashed and scared shitless for a virus which is like the common cold. 99.9x chance of recovery and they take measures that actually makes their health worse.

FACT 1: Masks do nothing but prevent you breathing properly. You end up re-inhaling your own co2. Further germs collect on the mask. They are not designed to be wern day after day.

FACT 2:Than they take a fake vax that is really a gene therapy that you will pass down to your offsprings. It corrupts your DNA.

Fact 3: The fake vax lowers your own innate immunity, making you more susceptible to viruses.

Fact 4: As your own inate system is lowered you become more susceptible to the dormant viruses and diseases you have floating in body, that you have overcome in the past.

Fact 5: You are more likely to get cancer, as your bodies immune system is to busy making spike proteins for the rest of your life.

All the above points have been proven in research and scientific papers, by governments and universities. Don't believe me go do the research and stop believing the fake propaganda on TV.

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I personally know three cases of post-jab fulminating aggressive cancers, herpes, shingles, demyelinating disease, multiple blood clots. Whatever lies dormant in the system is stimulated and released by the poison immune destroying shots. There are no words to express the crime perpetrated on humanity.

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I know of a close friend Dr. He was fit no issues. Suddenly died. Their family will not even entertain the possibility the fake injection did it. If mentioned they become very defensive and angry we even mention it. It's a crazy situation the brainwashing that they have undergone.

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Well put, Smith.

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We do not watch any tv either. We usually watch Britbox and murder shows.

Or we watch Live Brooks Falls Brown Bears in Alaska on Youtube.

I feel like we are living our normal happy lives and there is a crazy room next door that just continues to be too loud. It is really obnoxious.

I am taking my 98 year old daddy to the bank today No masks.

Who is still getting the shots? Why? This is getting sillier by the day

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I hear only 2% of people have gotten the booster … yet four of my 30 or so coworkers have had it so far.

I live in Portland Oregon so that may explain it.

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Definitely seems like more psychosis here on the west coast. My SIL in Seattle adores Fauchi, and my best friend here in Bend thinks Komrade Kate did a good job managing the plandemic, oops, pandemic.

Look on the bright side, perhaps fewer people on the trails and at the beach in the future. 😉

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I live near Seattle and it is sadly insane here. And very lonely for the unvaxxed.😔

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I have an unvaxxed friend on Camano if that helps. 😄

I’m one of very few here too. 🥲

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It's actually happening now. I'm a runner and my usual running trails that would have maybe 10 or so runners on them now has only me. I've noticed this starting this past summer. Even during the "pandemic" I would see more runners, even stupidly masked. Now I'm the lone runner with maybe one walker. There are many more bicyclists though. I wonder if their docs told them to stop exerting themselves after the shots caused chest pain and so the runners/walkers have switched to bikes thinking it's a less exertive exercise.

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Thus the rise of E bikes perhaps 🤔🤣

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I'm jealous you live in Bend. I LOVE Bend. It's so beautiful.

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We’ve thought of moving because it’s gotten so crowded, but we still can’t figure out a better place to live 😉

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My PhD manager just got flu and bivalent shots on same day.

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I have a couple of late 40-50s very liberal NPR listening friends who also got both shots and proudly posted pictures of their bandaids on Facebook. I guess the bottom line is if the only info you get is from the propaganda networks and don't allow anything in from outside the echo-chamber, you keep following the propaganda.

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You are correct. Don't let any information that challenges your beliefs in. The propaganda is like a pacifier for a baby.

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I advise you to get your resume in order. There may soon be an opening for a PhD manager at your workplace....could mean a promotion for you.

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Our forester got both about 6 weeks ago. Has had Covid AND flu since then.

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my sister has had 5 shots since spring 21. Meantime she has developed psoriasis and a herpes infection in her eye. She used to work for NIH. She thinks Fauci is brilliant. And who is the guy that "retired" last year from NIH? She thinks he is great too.

she has had covid three times

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So sorry. I don't know how many my sister has had. She jabbed the kids after I begged her not to. They now see a Cardiologist, Pulmonologist, and Neurologist. We barely talk now.

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My younger daughter... well, we used to be very close, and she would listen to my advice bc I am an olden nurse and took the science. Now she married a guy who is very controllling. I have not heard anything from them since the beginning of MAY! it has been horrible. I do nt know if she got her three babies shotted but I advised her not to. We had some gentle back and forth and finally her hubbs blew up.

My older daughter just does not want to take aobut it.

My daddy has had all of the shots, 5 now. He is 98.

My hubbs and I DID get sucked into the shots. Hubbs had to have heart surgery and this was early 2021 and they required shots. I was required to get shotted in order to see my father at his community.

Of course all of these requirements have been lifted. And those that refused the shots are now a year later allowed to come to my dads community.

It alll sucks. I will never be the same. I have RA now. Never had this shit before. Anyway, hubbs had the moderna and fared well.

I have not seen my tiny grand kids in 5 months. That hurts. It is cruel and abusive. I blame daughters husband. He is a jerk.

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It is all so awful. That is just how my sister's husband is too. I try not to think about it now. I spent over a year being SO furious at her. I tried so hard to tell her everything I had learned... I am so sorry for your story. We are self-employed and could just wait it out. I wasn't so adamant against them at the very beginning and my parents got 2 doses. They won't get anymore now, but my mom has RA now also and my dad had a heart attack and has kidney issues now. I am just so furious at the medical community who allowed this to happen and so demoralized by the complacency, laziness and fear in humanity. Very blessed to be one of the small percentage that could see around and then through all of the lies and save my own children from the effects.

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Forester? Subaru or park ranger type?

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Lol. From a sawmill type. We have a logging business.

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My brother proudly crowed a few weeks ago that they are all vaxxed up! I said ‘you’re an idiot’.

His wife is a retired emergency room nurse and adores the puppy killer.

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My mother in law did as well. She said she felt terrible for 2 days. She was never strong at decision-making. 😄.

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Who is still getting shots??? Residents of WA state. But I don’t know why. My friends here are all vaxxed and most can’t wait to get the latest booster (if they haven’t already). I even have a close friend who is a nurse working in a vaccine clinic in Seattle. I have family who still wear masks and believe in the vax. It’s sadly insane here. I wish I lived in a place where one can’t imagine who is still taking these shots.😔

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"We do not watch any tv either. We usually watch Britbox and murder shows." Um, isn't that TV?

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no, not really. We do not have commercials or news blabbery.

We choose what to watch. If it is woke or uninteresting we stop.

We watch a lot of "older shows and movies"

the ones that do not have all of the tedious grievances they sneak in

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My husband and I are old-movie buffs. Most of the stuff after 1960 is tainted with trash of different types, faux social consciousness. So tiresome. We like a lot of the old Pinewood and Ealing Studios movies. We stream a lot of them on YouTube because a lot are out from under copyright. But as for the rest of what's on the tube, life is too short.

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I was at the corner of Pacific and Beach St in Santa Cruz waiting for elderly mother right before the start of the Wharf to Wharf 6 mile race this summer. I'd say 10% of the people at the back of the race were wearing masks, including my mom. When I asked her why she had the mask on, she said because Dr Fauci recommended them. I then said that Fauci is a f#cking little troll who should be hung after being tried and found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. Wow, Mom wasn't real happy, and of course, threatened to wash out my mouth with soap. I laughed. And I wanted to cry. What that pyshcopathic killer has done to America, twice, first with AIDS, and now with Covid, is beyond the pale and he and his compadres must be taken before that bar and be subjected to the laws of our nation. I still can't believe my parents fell for this pysop, especially since we lived just south of SF when Fauci killed people with AIDS by denying treat with bactrim.

Now, the gaslighting and history changing is occurring, we cannot let these killers escape from justice.

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I live in Santa Cruz - it’s crazy! Refreshing to read your comment. You must not live here anymore? - you sound too sane!

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Sacramento now. Grew up on Los Gatos, family in Santa Cruz, Capitola, San Jose, LG, Gilroy

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Did she wear the mask to protect herself, or to protect others?

What is Fauci's current take on that?

I bet you, he/she couldn't even have answered that.

Most likely, she and the other masked will answer that they do it to protect herself, and/but would also be in favour of a mandate that all must be masked (which would only have a basis if masked were deemed to be able to protect others) a clear contradiction.

So, in short, those wearing a mask only do it to be part of their virtue signalling authority obeying group and to state that message.

Masks are Gessler hats, nothing else.

The behaviour of the masked just does not make ANY sense.

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Masks don't protect the wearer or bystanders from airborne virus. Neither do face shields or plastic screens or "distancing." Theatrics. The virus is everywhere. Your body is capable of killing it, or not.

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but the faceshield is good for welding, so...

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Not those stupid useless plastic ones. Ouch, the melting.

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My mom says both, herself and others, it is crazy.

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Dr. Paul Cottrell came up with the information that CoronaVirus had the same genetic code as HIV glycoprotein 120 and the Gag “assembly” protein, making the CoronaVirus look eerily similar to HIV (in its spike protein/furin cleavage). after the CoronaVirus Task force members were officially announced (February 26th, 2020) it was like "getting the HIV band back together” -


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Good insights Mark. Fauci is a Mengele-level demon who, unfortunately for him, will reap what he’s sown when he one day stands before the Lord to be judged. Unfortunately, I seriously doubt Fauci will be held accountable in our lifetime. That said, he probably will go down in history as one of the most evil people to have ever lived.

The fact that Trump gave this man a platform to spread his malignant and deadly lies is why Trump should be relegated to the ash heap of failed American presidents, never to be trusted with power again.

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Sometimes I think if Fauci ever realized what damage he's done, his head would literally explode. I think he'd have heart failure. But someone would have to implant a conscience I guess, for that to happen.

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Fauci made a trade with the devil long ago: his conscience in exchange for vast riches, fame and power. It happened even before the AIDS epidemic so his conscience has been long gone.

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LOL! He's perfectly possessed so his conscience was supplanted long ago.

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Quite possibly. One thing I know, Hillary Clinton is surely possessed. You can see it in her eyes. Fauci's a little harder to read.

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One of the really scary announcements today, on True North (Calgary-based news channel) is that "vaccine hesitancy" should be treated with drugs and psychotherapy (recommended and to be administered by government doctors and psychotherapists, of course. So, by their reckoning, you'd be mad not to get a shot....

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Even NOW?

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Yeah. WTH? It just keeps going and going.

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Old saying: Desperate situations need desperate measures...

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I suspect they’re preparing for the next virus/vaccine.

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Oh, yeah. Like in the USSR, put dissidents in nuthouses and use drugs and electroshock to bring them around. Are you serious?

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This past week I did a contract job in Boulder Colorado. Not surprisingly there were several dorks that were wearing cheap masks the whole time. I can't imagine a Colbert or a sheep from Boulder being so neurotic and so gullible as to continue to engage in this useless ritual. But there they were. These are the same people that would turn you in to the secret police BTW. I now think I get modern liberals/progressives. Michael Savage used to say that it was a mental disorder. I believe that disorder is a collective "reaction formation". They know the shots are very risky and that 95% of deaths are in the fully vaccinated and boosted, and masks are worthless. They can't handle that so they engage in showy, narcissistic displays of the opposite. They do the same with poor people and other races. They throw money at them and then avoid them completely. I'll bet there aren't many from the Upper East Side working your public garden with you, right? Crazies are always with us, we just have to try and avoid giving them power over everyone else. Thank you Mark.

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All true, Raf.

It's one thing to be neurotic. It's another to expect others to live by rules set by the neurotic.

I frequently deal with, and enjoy the company of many urban people whom liberals avoid in real life. I have for many years. So does/has the rest of my family. My daughter has taught teaches HS in the South Bronx for nine years. If you respect others, show some interest in them and remember their names, you can get along with most people.

Sometimes on his way to his baseball games, my son and I would listen to Michael Savage. It cracked us up when he called Jim Lehrer "The Bag Eyed Bolshevik."

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God bless your daughter. And you for walking the walk as well as talking the talk. You're the genuine article, which is why I'll bet your substack is doing very well. Authenticity is rare. Not easy to do. I try my best. I'm not sure Dr. Savage is all that balanced himself, but he sure said some remarkably truthful things. I am convinced more than ever that the real dangerous racists among us are on the far left. Look at how rapidly the Martha's Vineyard folks disposed of 50 illegal immigrants, despite all of their welcoming and inclusive posturing. Observe the silence and indifference at the upsurge in inner city gun battles and deaths. Crickets. Sigh.......

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If they tell me to stay away I say, "With pleasure." They are horrible to be around and plenty of other people refuse to buy their "new abnormal." Those are my friends.

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People generally can't admit they made a bad decision. We are all guilty of this from time to time. But helping others recognize their bad choices is often impossible. It's easy for someone to make a bad choice but nearly impossible to talk them out of their continued insistence that it was the right choice. They can't be convinced.

We see this all the time on a large scale.

- People in California who buy EVs but can't charge them. Yet they still think EVs are the greatest invention ever.

- People who would still vote in the primary for Trump, even though he's the one who gave us Covidistan.

- People who defend their choice of Windows over Macs even after permanently losing all their precious data to a virus. I know more than one university professor who have lost manuscripts they had been working on for years only to lose them to a Win virus. Yet they still swear Windows is amazing.

- People who lose a loved one to the vax but claim "it would have been worse if they hadn't gotten it". How??

Once in a while there are those who DO admit they made a grievous choice and turn the other direction. These folks are to be most admired I think. Trump's #1 fan Ann Coulter comes to mind. Noted pro-vaxer Steve Kirsch is another. Both ultimately recognized the error of their ways and have been sounding the alarm ever since.

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Very frightened for the past two years. But it wasn't the flu that scared me. I'd rather die than live in the medical dictatorship so many idiots are unwittingly helping their bureaucrat overlords create. If the rest of us weren't involved I'd be fine with them living in permanent lockdown enslaved to Mr. Global as career lab rats for Dr. Mengele experiments.

Remember how they kept squealing, "Stay home! Wear a mask! Get vaxxed! You don't care if I die!"

At this point I really don't. The sad truth is if they had all died back in 2020 we wouldn't find ourselves being dragged down into the Hell-on-earth dystopia they have chosen to embrace.

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I wish I could like this more.

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I wish I could feel more pity.

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Thank you for taking one for the team. We appreciate your sacrifice.

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The problem with anxiety- and the reason it is the prime injection site of marketers and propagandists (but, as someone who has been both, I repeat myself)- is that it is the ultimate, final form of self-centeredness and self-absorption. Not only the sufferer unable to ignore their own distorted views of reality because of the way such views make them feel, but others must participate or the sufferer feels that they are assaulted by cruelty.

Anxiety demands acknowledgement and ineffective soothing and evokes anger when it is ignored or dismissed. It is fear turned on the self and it is addictive to the mind, even as the psyche is made miserable by it.

In short, it is the brain's self-harming drug, and that's why everyone whose trade is turning stimuli into dopamine switches loves it.

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Many try narcotics to mitigate their anxiety. Doesn't work.

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Narcotics- all drugs of any kind currently used to treat anxiety- are to numb the feelings anxiety brings. We drug anxiety because either they or the people around them cannot tolerate the emotional response at its level of severity.

Fixing anxiety itself is behavioral.

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It's also chemical. Imbalances in diet or genetics are factors.

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100%, but the TREATMENT must be behavioral.

Medication as it is used today doesn't really change the self-reinforcement schedules of the brain for things like OCD and anxiety. They just suppress their affect.

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A notable exception is something like antabuse- a medication given to severe alcoholics that causes intense nausea and vomiting when alcohol is consumed. This creates a "positive punishment" to the behavior that begins to retrain the behavior pattern.

But in general, medicating anxiety is about helping the person and those that must deal with them tolerate the continued existence of their anxiety, not undoing it.

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Thanks for watching this nauseating drivel in toto Mark. I caught a small piece of it on Telegram where the garden gnome gets his “bivalent booost-aah” and the attendant insisting he had injected someone even “more famous!”

If only someone could have flashed the WSJ stat that only ~1.5% of the eligible public has taken this latest clot-shot. Apparently the new and improved “bivalent” marketing strategy has not panned out.

You characterize these psychos perfectly Mark. The diminutive tyrant and his ilk need to be endlessly grilled in congressional testimony. This new congress better bring the heat!

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Thanks, Howard.

Fauci is such an easy target.

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I saw the short colbert/fauci clip somewhere and assumed it was one from a couple yrs ago! Unbelievable - but then here I am living in Cali where many are still masking outside, going in for their boosters - where a bill passed that constrains drs advice/knowledge and you can not enter a medical type facility without a mask. No one questions, expresses anger or frustration. So strange and disheartening- I truly believed there would be a reckoning/wake up by now. It’s refreshing reading your substack and comments - knowing there are others out there like minded. Thank you for keeping me sane!

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Well-said and Amen. Glad I didn't fall for the B.S. Used to watch Colbert pre-COVID but never again. Fauci is a despicable little man.

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It is funny you mention short men. In our old history books, Napoleon was always dipicted as a short person too, although he seems to have been of average or even over average heighth. Thank you for describing the farce, I have not seen it (no TV here) and will never do. In the meanwhile, a jab happy friend told me last week that the doctor had not insisted on a fourth jab or a fifth that was available last week, but she did advize a flu jab. 'I go with the advice of my docotr" she said. Good luck ! The few times I did it seemed to get worse LOL

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Isn't Putin also short? He always looks very small when around other people.

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He certainly is a lot shorter than Trump. I remember them shaking hands and then standing together and he is short. I got to look at some pictures there !

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Anecdotally, I remember once reading that in the U.S. we have usually elected tall presidents. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure I remember a short president. Anyone?

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I think you are right. The shorter candidates usually drop off early on.

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Just reading ( and not actually watching)your synopsis of these two , makes me nauseous

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It was worse to hear. Doing it on 2x was essential.

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Thanks for taking a hit for the team. Lol

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Speaking of below average height men, you can include Vladimir Zelensky in that list of despots and low-life scum. Hey! Did you know that "The Real Anthony Fauci" is now being made into a movie?

Tom Woods has been promoting it. I have the book but have read very little of it -- I mainly bought it to support RFK Jr. I've read about that evil troll's history in depth previously. I would be interested in seeing the movie.

It can be found at "www dot the real anthony fauci movie dot com", if anyone is interested.

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Thx for suffering through that segment and providing the synopsis so I don’t need to watch. 😊 The fraud goes far and deep. Much more pain to come on a number of fronts.

Per Ed Dowd, TPTB will never admit failure and will do whatever they can to cover up their crimes: how they are killing and disabling people en masse and how they have literally bankrupted the world. Watch (and pls share!) the latest from Ed where he connects all the dots. He’s the real deal and his thesis with analysis and supporting data is pretty bulletproof, IMO.


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