Excellent commentary. I do agree that the vast majority of students have now adopted the government propaganda lie. But we have to realize that this is the primary cohort of the indoctrination generation. This is really the first of a number of age groups that have truly been indoctrinated into post-modernism and victim culture that's driven by ideological groups rather than thinking groups. We reap what we sow and this college and high school generation is a very sad representation of that.

I do, however, know some college students that have fought back - and even won along with their parents. These students have been vaxx mandated but all had the virus previously and test very high for t-cells. Their parents threatened the college with an attorney and the college backed down and exempted them. That said - these students won’t protest or go out of their way to let others know that they can and should fight back. They may at some point and they are adamantly anti- this vaxx. So it’s a weak win, but something to build on if these groups get guts and a bit of support.

When was it that the small college conservative groups suddenly became the punk rock cool kids? They are the only groups saying “fight the man” (or, in the language of the Left “fight the non-gender-specific figure working in a management role in our fine institution of higher learning”). It’s those folks - listening to the likes of Shapiro, Peterson, Weinstein and others that are driving the push against these mandates and other freedom and liberty issues on campus. But they are small and the entirety of the administration, the student body and the media are against them and routinely call them racists, haters, etc. They get doxxed and they get punished.

I think there are more that may want to rise up - but they know that rising up could hurt them in their careers later - social media posts and videos live forever and we see what happens to people that dare to try to buck the system.

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Thanks, Rough.

I also work with college students. Their inability to think critically and their passivity are painful to behold.

They have senselessly handed over 18 irreplaceable months of their lives. That time of life was full of non-screen experiences for me and my peers.

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One issue for sure in this whole mess - the universities have gotten very wealthy. There are 2 areas in our country that have gotten very rich. Healthcare and education. Thats because they are heavily subsidized by the government. Universities have billion dollar endowments - and they still get government aide. With wealth comes power. That power becomes difficult to fight.

As student at my sons university was kicked out for having sex with a young lady also a student. At his "trial" he was not allowed to share her text messages with him that proved it was a consensual relationship. He was kicked out and lost his scholarship. Lucky for him - his parents were trial lawyers of a very powerful law firm.

The same level of power is rendered by large healthcare systems. Trust me when I say, you can't fight them. They put a vax mandate down, they will live or die with it. Plus if they die - the government will bale them out.

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and one more thing. It was these very universities and healthcare institutions, that through their gain of function research, were able to construct this covid plague to begin with. And no one is holding Raph Baric or Anthony Fauci accountable.

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I used to teach physics as an adjunct at a local campus of the University of Maryland, from 2002 till 2019. After about 2017 I noticed a deterioration in the overall intellect of our students. We still had standouts but most were phone addicted and couldn't solve problems on their own. They cheated rather than think on their own. For a physics major that's a fatal defect. Grade inflation kept that small program from addressing this intelligently. It gave the students a giant sense of entitled power while at the same time they were helpless on their own. I blame a lot of things for this bovine passivity: phones; hovering parents of small families (I was one of seven. My parents couldn't hover. I was on my own at 18); dumbing down of curricula, but primarily feminization of schools, boys and men. Colleges in the US are now 59% female, 41% male. Yes, I'm female, but was a rule breaker by nature. I think the feminine hierarchy (my local state campus is top heavy with female administration and even professors) and the heavily female student body will follow the rules being pushed like a river of sewage from the government agencies that dominate University life. The college men I know just shrug and go for their degree hoping to get out and work in their field with a minimum of shaming for being men. It's a configuration perfect for inflicting a dangerous, useless vaccine on young people at government expense.

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That hurts to read. I trust what you say.

My kids have high SATs and strong work ethics. But they're politically naive. I told them not to vaxx but I suspect they did.

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One of our sons is US Army officer, pressured into vaccinated last March. The other is a physicist/electrical engineer who is like me: completely bullheaded and will not take it, opting for the testing still accepted. I'm the only one of my siblings not to take it. I've begged my husband not to. So far so good. But every young person I am friends with I try to educate and encourage to hold out. Especially those young Catholics. Above all I tell the young men to pick up the female supremacy being preached at them and toss it back in the faces of its proponents like dog feces that it is.

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I dont know. In medicine, the women seem to be the most talented. They aren't afraid to speak up - and they do so in a better way. I sound too much like Colnel Nathan Jessup or General Patton. We can learn alot from women!

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My non major physics students were usually better if they had two X chromosomes. Female athletes best of all. I see it as we've emasculated men and they don't get their pride hurt when the women pull out ahead. Very unnatural.

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I'm a physician. I see the same in the young medical students and resident trainees. No dedication, no accountability. I was so afraid to fail. So fearful of a bad outcome. They have none of this internal fire. Quite frankly, if you hold them accountable they claim "abuse" or "discrimination". Its a joke.

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The last class I taught was in my field, electromagnetic theory, a junior/ senior level majors course. I'd taught it six times before. They were lost from week 2. And when I caught them cheating they accused me of being a Captain Queeg, went to the department head and demanded I never teach that again. That was my last semester. It's hopeless.

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Its even worse in the hospital. Every time you try to teach proper wound care or physiology - you get written up for disrespecting the staff. There is very little teaching going on. Only emotional support techniques.

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I noticed that my students needed a lot of coddling. That's not how I was schooled. My favorite is when a student looks at me with an expectant look and says "I'm confused". I'd have burning splints stuck under my fingernails before I'd have said anything so stupid to a prof. Not these kids. If they're "confused" it's my fault.

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Trust me when I say that these coronavirus death numbers are a joke. They have no idea why most of these people have died.

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I think the real issue is these kids, this generation didn't really have to earn it. The WW2 generation sacrificed. Then came Korea and Viet Nam. Those events polarized the electorate. People voted with protests, service etc. Todays generation didn't even know we were fighting in Afghanastan. They have not been asked to give anything - no sacrifice. Instead - they want everything for free. Free healthcare, free education, guaranteed income. A tragedy for this generation is a bad tasting mocha java at Starbucks. Its pathetic.

Shoot - 60% or so of students think its racist to have an ID to vote, but not to go to classes. I mean WTF?

I dont know - not so fast! Look at the football games across the south. Tons of kids getting together and cheering the team on. Maybe they are smarter than we think - is my guess. Maybe there is a ray of hope. Maybe we are just looking in the wrong direction. I sure hope so!

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Excellent article. I've been a university professor for 20 years. Retiring in December. The change in students these past 20 months is frightening, while the tyranny of administration and most faculty is alarming. The combo sets the stage for an even worse scenario than we are witnessing. Complicit meat robots.

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Thanks, Black.

I also work with students. Nearly all of them have bought in. Sad.

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I am a veteran and have worked in higher ed for nearly 20 years. I saw a huge change in higher ed with Obama.

Kids are indoctrinated in public education and then their parents dish out horrific amounts of money that continue that indoctrination. Even worse, employers then hire these brainwashed kids in their ranks where they are paid - some ridiculous amounts of money for a kid with no experience- and end up metastasizing their indoctrination throughout corporate, as you can now see very clearly.

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Our kids have been pacified with nonstop indoctrination, video games, social media, and God-only-knows-what in our food and environment.

My son, whom we unschooled from 7th grade forward, is now 24. He did not choose to attend college, thank heavens. He is currently this-vax-hesitant, wanting “more information” before making an irrevocable decision. However, he faces pressure every day by his much older/very successful boyfriend and the boyfriend’s considerably-influential peer group.

Like his mother, this has only served to make my kid dig his heels in deeper.

I didn’t raise a follower, anyway.

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Well done...I raised two adults on my own who are also not followers, and can think for themselves..they can see the deception and lies clear as day and won't be bullied into taking the toxic shots. All the power to you and your son!

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TY: we lucked out, didn’t we?

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Yes...but I’d like to think my badass attitude of being a dissenter and critical thinker had some positive effect! 😊

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I do, too! 👍🏼

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It was the campus radicals of the 60s who created the brain-dead TikTok-ers of today.

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You might be interested in this prescient intervention by a prominent Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, written last May (!), aptly titled: A requiem for the Students:


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