Can you tell me where I can find that: "10s of trillions of dollars) to purchase effective control of all the major companies on the planet, e.g. Exxon, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, IBM, Pfizer, etc., etc., and vesting that control in the hands of the very same people printing the money!"
Can you tell me where I can find that: "10s of trillions of dollars) to purchase effective control of all the major companies on the planet, e.g. Exxon, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, IBM, Pfizer, etc., etc., and vesting that control in the hands of the very same people printing the money!"
I know about the printing via the CARES Act and Inflation Reduction Act. But that's "only" 5 trillion. Where did the other 5 trillion come from? How was it put in the hands of Blackrock, et al.
Thanks, Ian.
Can you tell me where I can find that: "10s of trillions of dollars) to purchase effective control of all the major companies on the planet, e.g. Exxon, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, IBM, Pfizer, etc., etc., and vesting that control in the hands of the very same people printing the money!"
I know about the printing via the CARES Act and Inflation Reduction Act. But that's "only" 5 trillion. Where did the other 5 trillion come from? How was it put in the hands of Blackrock, et al.