People quickly decide whether to like or dislike other people, including those whom they only have seen on TV for a few seconds.
During Coronamania’s first week, I visited an elderly relative, mask-free. (I know; how reckless!) She asked if I knew this new celebrity, Fauci. I said that I’d heard his name but hadn’t seen him. She described him as “cute.” When I asked what made him cute, she said he was small and had a funny voice. OK, I guessed, cute like a chipmunk. Based on this, she liked and thus trusted him.
A week later, I saw Fauci on TV. I didn’t find him cute, though he did seem squirrely. Nor, despite being labeled the “foremost infectious disease expert,” did he sound insightful. Rather, he spoke elliptically and seemed to be lying.
Fauci struck me as the type of smug, double-talking witness with a bad story who could easily be taken down during cross-examination. But because 90% of the media are Democrats who would never ask him a hard question and because Fauci won’t do interviews with those who might challenge him, he has, except for a few, short Congressional hearings, gotten off very easy. I doubt that, before introducing Fauci, Birx and Redfield as “geniuses” during an early Coronamania briefing, Trump was smart enough to have privately asked this triumvirate any difficult questions.
Fundamentally, even in early March, 2020, the idea of locking down healthy people seemed to me extremely stupid. It had never been done. No thoughtful person would recommend it. Those who studied this approach had firmly rejected it.
I could understand old people being conned by Fauci; he was a same-aged peer and the generation of people over 70 have a compliant streak. Further, cumulating years can cloud one’s mind and cause fear to supplant reason. But many non-old people were also buying Fauci’s blather. Much of that support derived from the political advantage of creating havoc during an election year. Others were simply naive. I believed none of what Fauci or Birx said.
Regarding deference to experts, I was reminded of a recent Super Bowl. Getting tactically cute, Seattle’s Coach Pete Carroll selected a plainly inappropriate play in the game’s final minute that cost his Seahawks the championship. Carroll has coached for decades. While he’s clearly a football expert, guacamole eaters nationwide saw that Carroll had blown it. But at least, unlike Fauci’s Covid scam, Carroll’s blunder was spontaneous and wasn’t driven by politics, money or a Napoleon Complex.
Fauci’s “expert” mismanagement of the Coronavirus situation has been infinitely more extensive and consequential than Carroll’s. Throughout, and by his own admission, Fauci never considered the vast, deep economic, social and psychological—and in turn, health—damage caused by the Corona interventions.
I just read RFK, Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. It might alternatively have been entitled How Fauci and Gates Contrived, and Benefited from, the Scamdemic. As it has nearly 400 pages of small font text, I distill it below so you can repurpose the reading time to watch funny dog videos or work on your core. Embrace the pain.
Fundamentally, RFK and/or his skillful ghostwriter say this: Fauci, Gates and the Scamdemic were/are about power trips and Benjamins, not public health.
The author tells a grim tale of two evil individuals—at least one of whom hung with Jeffrey Epstein—who have been superficially, inaccurately and favorably media-portrayed and thus, have managed to get undeservedly high Q ratings. Many gullible people believed Fauci and Gates were credible and well-intentioned. These two are famous and revered. But they should be infamous and reviled. Guantanamo-ed.
Fauci conned people into thinking that the Covid sky was falling. He declined to observe the opportunistic over-reporting of ostensible Covid deaths and overstated the virus’s “novelty.” He refused to acknowledge the role of natural and herd immunity or the crucial, grossly misleading use of 40 cycle PCR test data to assess infection.
He not only refused to share with the public information about self-care and inexpensive early treatment; he actively suppressed such information and, like Gates, funded rigged studies to understate the utility of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Throughout, RFK explains the very crude methods of statistical distortion/genuine misinformation. Fauci’s thumb has often been pressed on the scale.
By so acting, and failing to act, Fauci and Birx sold the unscientific lie that lockdowns, masks, mass testing and new anti-virals and vaxxes were needed to save humanity.
Promoting expensive meds and society-wide vaxxes has historically generated tremendous revenue, while delivering scant health benefit and often harming drug consumers. Nonetheless, Fauci, a druggist’s son, pushed costly pharmaceutical solutions for decades before Gates got in on the action. For over a year, Fauci and Biden lied about a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated,” disingenuously denied the vaxxes’ failure and publicly ignored unprecedented vaxx injuries.
RFK notes that Fauci has, for decades, controlled a multi (now nearly eight) billion dollar annual government budget, which he distributes to many university-based researchers. Accordingly, much of the Med/Pharma Research Complex is beholden to him. Without “soft money” to fund research, you won’t remain a cool university biochemist with a big salary and staff; you might instead end up being a 50 year-old novice high school science teacher. (Not all bad; you’ll work 180 truncated days/year--fewer during Scamdemics—and get a generous pension). Hence, dissenters in the Med/Pharma establishment declined to criticize Faucist Corona policy and/or rigged studies to back the Faucist, pro-Pharma agenda because they feared that the vindictive Fauci would, as he had done to others, defund them. Word gets around.
Per RFK, drug companies pay “user fees” to government officials who review drug approval applications. During both the AIDS and Covid peaks, Fauci gamed trials and built markets for new, expensive, ineffective and often lethal Pharma products, such as AZT and Remdesivir. RFK reports that, in addition to their high salaries, NIAID, Fauci and his staff receive patent royalties from drugs for which they’ve reviewed applications, as well as other emoluments.
Most people naively think that the CDC/FDA/NIH are neutral law-enforcement and research agencies staffed by objective people with integrity. This is incorrect. The Corona response manifests that these agencies are profoundly politicized and “captured” by, and share unholy—promotional—alliances with, Med/Pharma.
Aside from the benefits of smoking reduction—over which Fauci had no control— Americans’ health has worsened significantly during the 55 years of Fauci’s bureaucratic tenure. Many more people are overweight, diabetic, allergic, autistic and/or have chronic diseases. Despite disbursing billions each year, Fauci seldom funds research to find the causes of the aforementioned problems; such research doesn’t generate saleable products. Instead, NIAID skews most of its billions toward the development of costly new drugs and vaxxes. Despite all of the hype and public research investment in drug and vaxx development, these new commodities haven’t delivered commensurate health gains. American life expectancy has flatlined and even declined. And healthy people typically fight off infections without new drugs or shots.
RFK shows how, as during Coronamania, AIDS Era Fauci ignored that syndrome’s obvious demographic profile and conveyed the false notion that all Americans were at risk. Among many similarities, RFK also observes that, just as many deaths were falsely attributed to Coronavirus infection, many AIDS deaths among gay men may not have been caused by a virus but rather, by rampant substance abuse, especially of the snorted immune-suppressing “recreational” sex drug, amyl nitrite.
As does Fauci, with whom he has a close business relationship, Gates portrays himself as a societal benefactor. The media gushes about his noblesse oblige/vaxx activism. Gates donates millions to foundations that fund Pharma research. These entities monetize their research into new products, such as Remdesivir, sold by corporations, such as Gilead, in which Gates holds stock. Gates also funded rigged studies that trashed HCQ, so as to protect the market for Remedesivir. Hence, his “donations” cycle back to him. Perhaps he’ll use his capital gains to advance his biosecurity and societal surveillance agenda, exploiting the grossly exaggerated threat of infectious diseases in order to intensify the police state/social credit measures implemented during the Scamdemic.
Fauci/Gates/Pharma-hyped vaccines and internationally-dumped drugs are not only unhelpful, they can also cause injuries or death. Fauci’s and Gates’s drug/vaxx focus is especially damaging because it diverts billions of dollars from the global poor who need food, water and sanitation far more than they need medical interventions. Fauci also supported cruel experimentation on orphans and other ethically dubious projects.
RFK points out that Fauci’s peers call Fauci a “liar,” a “charlatan” and a “sociopath.” Seeing Fauci throw a baseball and knowing that he claims to have been a good athlete metaphorically manifests his lack of credibility. There’s abundant evidence of his Covid duplicity. On January 28, 2020, Fauci stated that asymptomatic individuals don’t drive the spread of respiratory viruses. Yet, weeks later, he endorsed a wide range of socially destructive policies intended to stop the asymptomatic from spreading a respiratory virus. Further, after admitting that masks don’t stop spread, Fauci advocated masking and double masking. His pledges that the jabs would stop infection and spread were plainly false. To say nothing about funding gain-of-function efforts.
The list is much longer.
Despite all of the lies and chicanery, the bought media continues to build the myth that Fauci and Gates are altruistic geniuses. Gullible news-watchers have bought this propaganda, which is 180 degrees from the truth.
The Real Anthony Fauci reveals the extreme damage that the wolves-in-sheep’s clothing, Fauci and Gates, have facilitated during Coronamania. Having seen the lies underlying the Scamdemic and the naivete of those who fell for it, who knows what Fauci, Gates and their Med/Pharma allies will try—and the media will sell—next?
I spent the first three decades of my career as a freelance court reporter. During my 20 years in NJ, I made a verbatim record of hundreds of depositions in medical malpractice and pharmaceutical liability cases. It was during this time that I saw Fauci claim that we were all in danger of contracting HIV. I immediately dismissed it. I knew he was lying. I didn't trust him or Birx during this covid fiasco. Court reporters, the only neutral party in the deposition suite, and a neutral party in the courtroom, having heard and seen hundreds of witnesses testify under oath, develop a sixth sense about the credibility of people, especially "experts."
Excellent summation, Mark. I have thought about reading RFK’s book, but felt it would be “preaching to the choir,” (since I’ve already heard a great deal of what is in the book) in addition to being both depressing & infuriating. Unbelievable that these demons are STILL in charge w/ the tsunami of information coming out re the lies, death & destruction physically, mentally, emotionally, economically, socially, etc. And that I anticipate will all be back (or worse) in time for the midterms.