I spent the first three decades of my career as a freelance court reporter. During my 20 years in NJ, I made a verbatim record of hundreds of depositions in medical malpractice and pharmaceutical liability cases. It was during this time that I saw Fauci claim that we were all in danger of contracting HIV. I immediately dismissed it. I knew he was lying. I didn't trust him or Birx during this covid fiasco. Court reporters, the only neutral party in the deposition suite, and a neutral party in the courtroom, having heard and seen hundreds of witnesses testify under oath, develop a sixth sense about the credibility of people, especially "experts."
Court reporters could tell some tales. I've thought the same thing about translators and official transcribers who have attended any meeting with President Biden in the past two years. They all KNOW he is suffering from dementia/cognitive issues. EVERY national and international leader or official who has spent more than 15 minutes with Biden knows this is the case ... and they all keep this to themselves. Also, every reporter who covers the White House and every staffer who works at the White House knows this. So you have this massive conspiracy of silence of people who don't want the public to know the truth. The same is the case with all the Covid topics and real data. Think of all the people who know/knew Fauci was full of shit, and has been for his entire career ... but they just keep playing ball with such a person. This thought exercise doesn't give one much hope for the future as these collaborators fill leadership positions in EVERY important organization in the world.
The USA has been ripe for decimation since BamaBiten took office, I do not think anyone important missed that concept. Tolerating has led us to enabling, and now adult toddlers are running the show. Perhaps someone will lock Fauci in a room with no windows and soon.
I keep coming back to this question: Who is going to expose the criminals and the lies? When I say "expose" I mean expose in a way that the majority of the population would realize they've been duped? Such exposure/proof would have to come from respected or mainstream news organizations and/or from some regulators or prosecutors in government. The people and organizations that could expose the "crimes against humanity" aren't going to do this ... because doing so would indict themselves. My prediction is we are going to keep seeing more and more proof on alternative media sites but this "proof" doesn't really matter or count. At some point, we'd have to have official investigations and prosecutions and lawsuits, etc. The politicians and prosecutors who might perform such investigations won't do it until, say, the NY Times has come out and proven what's going on ... but that's not going to happen so the pressure they would need to feel to "do their job" is not going to be applied. It's kind of a giant Catch-22. Another way to view this is there are simply too many people who have been captured and/or drank the kool aide. So in the future I guess we'll have, say, 20 percent of the population that knows what's really happened (maybe up from 10 percent), but there will still be no consequences or accountability for those who are responsible. Basically, the intelligent percentage of the country will be ignored and have no control over dispensing real justice. The least intelligent, those incapable of critical thinking, and/or those who are afraid to buck the corrupt Status Quo, will continue to have almost all of the power ... So we have this going for us as a nation.
I agree with all of this- it really is a catch-22. Nobody will want to be the one to call them out- so the rest of them will keep on living in a state of denial. Those of us that have been awake throughout this whole thing continue to get frustrated by it.
Just think how many times this has happened in history. The truth gets buried, and the lies become the official story. What if everything we were taught as fact about the past wasn't? What if there were people like us in 1918, questioning Spanish Flu, or WWI. What about history further back? I bet there are more lies than truth being told.
That's what I think will happen here, it'll never come out in any official way that's recognized. We will have to remember the truth and pass it down from person to person, IMO.
I'm not sure about other events but there is information about the actual predominant cause of death in 1918 flu pandemic before antibiotics were available but we still only hear about the influenza. People don't die from flu, people die from the secondary bacterial infections that follow. I even heard the interview with former c.d
c. director Julie G. that 50% of covid patients die from bacterial infections they acquired in the hospital ( very sick population) but we only hear the person died of covid. There are bits and pieces of information and reports that some actually had untreated
I'm not sure where I read it, but one theory about the Spanish Flu is that the timing of it coincided with the ending of WW1. The theory is that many of the soldiers were returning home in droves, and they were already very weak and sickly due to battlefield conditions, malnutrition etc, then they come home and it's flu season so many of them get hit by it very hard, and pass it on to family, and friends.
https://10letters.org/index.cfm? We should do this and share it with everyone we know. Apply pressure on AGs, why wait for someone else? This can prompt the investigation.
You can't reason with the unreasonable. Let the stupid run society, it's meant to be. For me, I've dropped out of society and spend my days avoiding the stupid. It's all I can do to maintain my reason.
I have noticed his speech patterns do not include any pauses and they are filled with clauses that create in impenetrable barrier, much like the graphene does, allowing no infiltration or penetration of reason or inquiry.
I have by all means avoided to hear the creep speak and do not know what he sounds like. I just know that a person like him should have been removed from his position after the first blunder. But no, he has been left to earn astronomical wages, plus all the benefits RFK sums up (thank you for the book review, I have it but barely dared to read snippets) and will now retire on more than I ever made in my life. And his wife also. With the money these two thieves eugenicists possess, and all the land gates bought lately, thousands could be fed for years, and they would not need any of the pharma poisons because they would grow healthy food. I would like to give them both a nasty pitbull instead of the sweet beagles...
That would be mean to the pitbull (pronounced pibull) as I have a half Pibull and Kelpie mix. Also, the actual sheep have submitted a defamation lawsuit and I think they will win. I am glad you do not know the sound of his voice. Soon, I hope, no one will ever hear it again. Vaxxidents happen.
Just one, she is pretty nice, and looks just about zactly like the black Kelpie in this short clip...the pibull part is that she has some extra muscles and is beefier...! don't have so much faith in Fuelmilchs process, it was more like a trial rehersal and I do wonder if it dissipated energies; i do still hope it comes to pass that crimes are prosecuted but also remember that prisoners are very expensive to keep in prison no matter who they are....work camps? I would love to see all the WEFFERS working at a Wendys or McDonalds, or Chic Fil A, but my idea of justice is indeed perverse...breaking big ones into little ones would be good too...best and kelpie minute! https://youtu.be/3GD8DpAsET4
oh these are cute dogs ! may be a bit too active for my old person LOL.
I just imagine going to macdonalds and gates serves up your burger LOLOLOL you made my day. And Fauxi doing the dishes. By hand ! I probably will dream of it at night !
i will stop, but this movie shows how they get up over the sheep its pretty amazing...our dog would love to but has never gotten the chance, a city dog like me....best https://youtu.be/6hFMaRFyVSU kelpie
Having been very young in the 80's, I remember the fear mongering but didn't know where it came from until reading up on Fauci after covid. I remember being told never to share my drink with a friend not because of a cold but because HIV was found in saliva, don't sit on any toilet seats, that the sweat from an infected teammate could land in your eye out in the court and your could become infected. I also remember Oprah saying we were all going to get it. It's funny the things that stick with you from when you're a kid, that's why I was so worried about what was being done to kids over covid. This is some lifelong damage that might not be able to be undone.
I was a young adult in the 80's and I remember one guy that wanted to take me out, and he insisted I test for aids before he would go out with me! At the time, I didn't realize how crazy that was, but nowadays some of my single friends have said that they are being asked if they are vaxxed, and sometimes even asked to take a Covid test, before someone will go out with them. I'm so glad I'm not single and dating these days!
My grandma. She lived with us when I was growing up and she was particularly paranoid about a lot of things. I don't remember my parents saying anything.
My mother was probably around the same age as your grandma, and she was paranoid about everything heath related. If she said anything about it, I probably ignored her. :) But it's easier to do that when you're an adult.
I was single digits so it just stuck in my head, I don't think I worried much about playing with my friends but definitely had a fear of public toilet seats and anyone that wanted to share my soda 😂
Excellent summation, Mark. I have thought about reading RFK’s book, but felt it would be “preaching to the choir,” (since I’ve already heard a great deal of what is in the book) in addition to being both depressing & infuriating. Unbelievable that these demons are STILL in charge w/ the tsunami of information coming out re the lies, death & destruction physically, mentally, emotionally, economically, socially, etc. And that I anticipate will all be back (or worse) in time for the midterms.
It's still worth reading even though much of the infuriating Covid data will be familiar to most of us. The historical context is what's probably most important. My main take-away: These techniques and scams - the corruption of "real science" - didn't just start with Covid.
I agree. What Fauci did to those children who received his unwanted HIV drugs is absolutely criminal. Like the old saying, when someone shows you who he is, believe him. This man has no compassion for others. He is morally corrupt.
I understand the sentiment. No living being should suffer like the beagles and children did. I don't understand his mentality in making these kind of "experiments" happen. That is evil at worst and mentally ill at best.
And another point about the book and Kennedy's claims. All of the evidence since the book has been published has been confirmed or reinforced by subsequent developments and trends.
Kennedy finished the manuscript in October 2021. He basically said/predicted that the vaccines wouldn't work and would make things worse. The people - the experts - he is trying to rebut and debunk - said the exact opposite. Well, who was right? Does that even matter?
I've read a few reviews or commentaries of people who attack Kennedy's book. I actually hope these pieces stay on-line. It makes these people look like the fools they are. I could say the same thing with the MIT magazine piece that tried to smear Steve Kirsch. Kirsch considered suing and asking the publisher to retract the story. I posted on his site he needs to let that article live. Let all the people who went on the record saying that the vaccines were "safe and effective" and that Kirsch was insane for questioning the vaccines live with their comments.
Like ! you are right. We have to keep these comments just like Welensky's and prove later on, how bad they lied, knowing they were telling falsehoods from the beginning, with the Pfizer and Moderna documents now becoming public, it is obvious they all knew the truth. And if Dr Martin is right, they knew long before this all happened. I wish he wrote a book.
The AIDS/HIV outbreak made Fauci and dramatically increased the power of the agencies he controls (he apparently controls much more than just the NIAID). As far as I can tell, he's gotten everything about AIDS/HIV wrong. At one point, he said his agency would have a vaccine in two years. That was almost 40 years ago. The drugs and dosages he and his acolyte scientists ended up pushing killed or harmed many thousands of people. As we can all tell, this didn't harm his career ascension one bit. Somehow he became more powerful and more revered - even more infallible. If this doesn't scare clear-thinking people, nothing will. Doesn't Murphy's law postulate that at some point people will rise to their level of maximum incompetence and eventually be exposed for the frauds they are? Well, Fauci disproved Murphy's Law too. His power and influence only kept going up.
Dr Mullins wrote the book Death by injection in the 80s and covered all of the history of this mishap american health care, or should I say death care.
I thought much the same, that I knew most of the recent critiques of the NIAID Director. It is never too late to learn, and the minor episodes are also revealing. I have been able to reassess my support for several vaccines and treatments.
In Sherlock Holmes, the fact that the dog didn't bark is revealing. As Mr. Kennedy states, he has had no suits for defamation or liability.
I have reached the unwelcome conclusion that our system is necessarily extremely corrupt to have developed as described in the book. Historically, this is typical late-empire behaviour.
I always go with my gut- he seemed like a conniving, two-faced, troll to me. There is no such thing as an "expert" in one's field. That's a red flag for me! Never bought into the lie, but so many people did/have. Just got back from California. It's sure different than Az. and hope we got son and daughter in law to look around, get out of their bubble and think about what we told time while visiting.
Like most regular people, I had never heard or thought of Fauci before COVID. The first time I saw him on television, I IMMEDIATELY, instinctively, with no need to analyze it further, clocked him as slimy and a liar- an inveterate politician, no matter what his actual stated profession was. None of it was even remotely convincing- within minutes, in my bones, he read as one of those guys that literally never gives a direct answer to the most basic questions ("where are you from? Are you sleeping with anyone else? What color is your hair?") but manages to impress people much younger or older than himself by limiting his interactions to highly controlled and brief contacts composed mostly of bluster or humblebragging.
I never, ever understood how he became a virtual god to so many. He scanned as a piece of shit immediately- to this day he reminds me of the first lawyer I met that I felt embodied the negative stereotype of his profession: a prevaricating sociopath.
Trump was not smart enough to question this from the outset and that plagues us all to this day. He was up against a propaganda machine that was too well-funded I suppose. I still hear people rattling on about how afraid they are of this virus, wearing masks outdoors here in Boston, walking by themselves, young healthy people in their '20s and 30s. It continues to be bizarre beyond belief...
One of these days we'll elect a president smart enough and confident enough to question all the experts who brief him every day. DeSantis ultimately did this on many Covid issues. He still needs help going the final mile on the vaccines though.
He did question it, said it would be short lived. Tucker Carlson flew down to Florida unbidden and unannounced to tell Trump it's bigger than Trump thinks. Two very smart guys and Trump had (has) more on his plate than we can imagine, and his daily press conferences hinted (or outright stated) that a lab leak from a hostile country was not in his wheelhouse, but the machine was in place to play it up and the big money sociopaths were wound up ready to pitch. It wasn't until the vaccine, vaccine mandates, and Biden let Fauci, CDC, NIH, WHO, et al loose and the Democrats and the massive 2020 Zuck et al fraud money bloom with relentless fear porn hysteria with media and tech 24/7 demonizing and censoring and the fake George Floyd tears with nearly 600 BLM riots and a fake impeachment reaching never before seen levels, then they impeached Trump one more time and played up Jan. 6th as the "end of democracy", and yet he still stood tall, albeit frazzled, and now we see what THEY are doing with the ball... this isn't Trump's fault. I missed 11 shots on the bball court last week. Out of the 19 I took, which makes me feel feckless, and I get favorable press from my daughters.
I never understood the love and adulation showered upon Bill Gates. He created a third rate operating system and attempted to get it preinstalled on all computers to shut down competition. Then, within months of being sued, he had a come to Jesus moment and decided that instead of trying to control the world’s computing, his true calling was to set up foundations to improve public health in poor countries.
How does this not set off alarm bells? How is this guy a hero or a genius?
Same here. I suspect it’s because he started giving so much money to many media outlets. As an example, some years ago I noticed a big change in NPR reporting, then realized it was the same time that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation became a major sponsor. I noticed an even more extreme change in National Geographic magazine when Monsanto became a major sponsor for them. Cancelled both, after listening to/reading them for decades. Their corruption was obvious.
As a private practice doc in NNJ w a biochem degree and coming from a religious jewish family knowing genocide survivors, I was skeptical from the beginning. i saw fauci on TV in march 2020 saying masks didnt do much. Then by April or may it became obligatory to don the facial swastikas banners to show allegiance to the party… i mean the science. I knew something was very wrong by April 2020. And it only got worse. The whole vax episode was and is the creepiest and most disturbing thing ive ever lived through: people willingly injecting themselves and their KIDS with experimental drugs for some thing that they weren’t at risk for.
Great job Mr Oshinske , the real fauci was a tough read for me. As a career physician and someone trained as a scientist I’ve known since the beginning of my medical career in the 1990s that the federal health bureaucracy was hopelessly corrupt.
Luckily I’m in a private practice and I’m not beholden to anyone
This book has been sitting on my nightstand for ages. I occasionally pick it up and read two pages at a time. The book makes me appreciate the phenomenon of the page margin, having not before recognized a standard margin’s value. I haven’t managed to make my way past about the first 10% yet because I don’t want heaviness on my brain and soul before I sleep. I have all love for Bobby Kennedy Jr. though. He is a hero and brilliant. I feel like I will be surprised by little from the book due to my two- year long obsession with this topic. I am sure I will learn some new details if I read it. For example, I hadn’t before heard of that immunosuppressing recreational drug whose effects might have been mislabeled “AIDS.” That’s interesting. Thanks for your book report. You didn’t convince me to invest the saved time (from not reading) in ab workouts though. I am willing to spread wood chips. Is that close enough? Surely my abs might indirectly experience periodic engagement doing that?
It took me forever to read as well, for the same reasons. You can only read about 10 pages at a time before getting too agitated. It's definitely not a "feel good" read, but it's a must read IMO. In my book review I argue that it might end up being considered "the most important book of our times."
I agree with you. It is a must read although difficult. There are things in there that I didn't learn other places and I've studied this Corona-mess since it began to be inflicted on us. I wonder why RFK Jr. didn't invest in a larger book with better margins for easier reading. Perhaps he was rushing to get this information out there. Maybe it will be reprinted later in a better format. He is smart enough to know how difficult small type and margins are for a reader.
He also probably couldn't get a big, well-known publisher to publish the book. Such a publisher would have used better typesetting formats perhaps? Another big tell about his book is that no mainstream news sites will even review it. This despite the fact that (I think) it's still the best-selling non-fiction book in the world since its publication. (It's also hard to find sales data on the book ... or this isn't published ... almost certainly too conceal how popular the book has become ... completely by "word of mouth" advertising).
Yes, I believe that is true and think he talked about that. Another observation is that if the book didn't contain facts, then he could be sued by Fauci, Gates, etc. And that hasn't happened. Like you said, no one is reviewing it. Ignoring something is just as telling as denying it.
Kennedy is like ole B'rer Rabbit. He'd be overjoyed if Fauci or Gates did file a lawsuit against him. He knew they wouldn't. And, yes, this is quite the tell as well. If nothing else, the author doesn't pull any punches. He or the people he quotes call Fauci every variation of a "liar" and "con man" that there is.
Here's an excerpt from my book review. I was careful to make sure these were direct quotes from the book (I don't want to be sued by Fauci either!)
An accomplished litigator, Kennedy seeks to persuade jurors who purchased his book that the “real” Anthony Fauci is a “serial liar,” a “corrupt,” “vindictive,” and “disingenuous” “fraud,” who ingratiated himself to a “servile” press as well as all seven presidents who took his public health advice. According to Kennedy, Anthony Fauci remains the undisputed “ringmaster” presiding over a “Ministry of Fear” whose “tentacles” now reach into almost every powerful organization in the world.
I feel the same way about the book, that's the only reason I haven't bought it yet. I have been awake and researching obsessively for the past 2 years as well. I already have Dr. Peter Breggin's book, which is brilliant. I am not sure how much different RFK's would be. Now there are new books out by Dr. Naomi Wolf, and Dr. McCullough and also Dr. Malone. So many books, so little time! I may buy all of them at some point, just to show my support to the authors.
Yes, and I also want to amass a historically accurate library so that future grandkids can always know exactly what really transpired during this period in time regardless of whose narrative goes forward into the future.
The following miscellaneous data was culled from Robert F. Kennedy’s Jr’s book The Real Anthony Fauci as well as other sources …
Anthony Fauci ….
81 - Age of Dr. Anthony Fauci
55 - Years employed at NIAID (38 as director)
$1.7 million - Money, from all sources, made by Fauci household in Fiscal Year 2020.
Note: Fauci’s wife, Christine Grady, is director of bio-ethics for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the parent agency of the NIAID. She made $234,284 in FY2020
$10.4 million + - Net worth of Fauci household as of Fiscal Year 2020.
$1 million - Total prize money paid to Fauci in February 2021 for being named winner of the Dan David Prize, affiliated with Tel Aviv University, “for his career in public health and ‘speaking truth to power’ during the politicized COVID-19 crisis.” Ten percent of the amount was set aside for academic scholarships to be specified by Dr. Fauci.
$350,000 - Fauci’s estimated annual pension when he retires from federal service, the highest pension in federal history.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) …
$7.6 billion - Annual discretionary expenditures controlled by Dr. Fauci’s NIAID that were distributed to PIs (“Principle Investigators”) around the world (last available data).
1,300 - Number of universities, laboratories and other elite institutions that received NIAID grants in 1992.
Advertising, lobbying expenses, fines of Big Pharma …
$9.53 billion - Advertising expenses of pharmaceutical firms in 2020 (up from about $4.8 billion in 2006).
$1 billion - Amount of direct payments made to corporate media outlets by the Biden Administration as part of its vaccine outreach campaign.
70 percent - Advertising revenue (not counting political advertising) that Fox News receives from pharmaceutical firms, according to Kennedy, who writes in his book that he was told this several years ago by then Fox News president Roger Ailes.
90 percent-plus - Amount of revenue scientific journals receive from pharmaceutical firms.
$280 million - Amount the pharmaceutical industry spent on lobbying the U.S. government in 2018, far more than any other industry.
$50 billion - Fines assessed to pharmaceutical companies over the last 20 years. All big pharmaceutical companies have been convicted of selling harmful, sometimes fatal drugs.
Pfizer Revenues and drug prices ….
$81.3 billion - Pfizer’s 2021 global revenue (post vaccines).
$40 billion - Pfizer’s approximate 2020 revenue.
$530 - Price of each five-day treatment that the U.S. government has agreed to pay for Paxlovid, Pfizer’s new Covid antiviral early treatment.
20 million - Number of Paxlovid 5-day-courses bought by U.S. government.
$30.47 - New price for a single dose of Pfizer vaccine, up from $19.50/dose for the first 100 million doses.
105 million - doses U.S. government recently agreed to purchase for the “fall booster campaign.” (“The vaccine is being modified to target early omicron variants, but newer variants are gaining dominance.”)
$50 billion - Revenue Pfizer expects to make from Covid vaccines/boosters and Paxloid this year.
70 percent - Pfizer vaccine market share in U.S. and Europe.
Dwindling vaccine demand, discarded doses ….
82.1 million - Covid vaccine doses discarded from December 2020 through mid-May 2022 in the USA, according to the CDC - just over 11 percent of the doses the federal government distributed.
17.1 million - does discarded between late February and mid-May of this year.
11.8 million - doses discarded by drug store chain CVS (about 13 percent of the 89.9 million doses the chain received through mid-May 2022).
28 percent - doses discarded in the state of Oklahoma (out of the 4 million doses the state received).
6.5 million - unused doses in Ireland. The nation recently discarded 4.5 million doses and donated 2 million additional unused doses to developing nations. Ireland could not find any nations willing to accept the free 4.5 million doses.
Bill Gates …
$23 billion - approximate amount the net worth of Bill Gates increased in first year of the Covid pandemic.
$500 million - In 1998, amount pledged by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to fund development of an AIDS vaccine over next nine years.
$250 million-plus - Amount of “grants” distributed by the Gates Foundation to media companies, according to an expose published in the Columbia Journalism Review in August of 2020. In another section of the book, Kennedy criticizes “Gates-funded fact checkers.”
World Health Organization Budget Info …
$5.6 billion - WHO annual budget in 2018-2019.
Note: “Half of this budget now goes to vaccines” … which are “now the organization’s pre-eminent public health metric.”
$ 1 billion - Approximate amount of funding that came directly or indirectly from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Gates-created Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), as well as Gates-funded contributions which originally were dispersed to other organizations which then provide funding for W.H.O programs.
$748 million- WHO. funding from the U.S. government in 2018-2019.
23 - Number of “Global health partnerships” funded by Gates’ financial gifts.
16 - Number of agencies “entirely dependent on Gates” (seven), or that “listed the Foundation as its top donor” (nine).
AIDS funding …
$500 billion or more - Cumulative amount the U.S. Federal Government had spent on AIDS.
100+ - Number of AIDS/HIV “vaccine candidates … with none of these coming even close to the finish line.”
New drugs don’t necessarily mean better drugs ….
33 percent - Estimated percentage of new drugs that provide no improvements over existing drugs.
61 - Number of patented drugs in Canada in 2018.
1 - Number of drugs considered “a breakthrough.”
56 - Number of drugs in the review that “provided little or no improvement compared with existing medicines.”
VAERS data - September 2021 …
16,000 - Approximate number of vaccine-caused deaths reported on VAERS in September 2021.
0 - Number of deaths “related to vaccines,” confirmed or acknowledged by the CDC as of same month.
She certainly doesn't get enough attention. I mean, if I understand her job correctly, she is in charge of the "ethics" of all these unethical and rigged trials! RFK included one sneaky "compliment" about her future husband in the book. He quotes her as saying that she found him to be far less "scary" and vindictive than the reputation she'd heard from co-workers before she met him. So this is an admission from his own future wife that his employees were afraid of getting on the wrong side of their boss.
Mr Mark: read this paper from Fauci‘s wife Christine Grady: this is a “ethics“ paper published recently this year. She discusses that it would be OK for employers to pressure employees to take a Covid shot.
How amazing that this “ethics” paper was published Mar 2022. LONG after everyone knew that the injections do not stop transmission. Well - not really amazing, sadly.
A delusion is a false fixed belief that cannot be changed even with conflicting evidence. In the case of Covid, it's not about evidence- it's all about the narrative that's propagated to control the world's population thru fear. Because the media is in on the evil narrative, it's much easier to instill the fear, thus allowing people to stop thinking for themselves- most just get in line and don't even use their critical thinking skills. Mark, your research on this latest piece is quite extensive, congrats. I started going down the rabbit hole on Gates about 8 years ago- I was initially in disbelief, but now I get it. I really don't trust anyone anymore- sad place. I watch some major league baseball as I have a friend who manages a team close to you- some of the ads are for vaccines of every imaginable ailment. The answer is always another shot or another pill- and as you pointed out, our population is very unhealthy and way too dependent on pharma. Thanks for your research and insight! Keep em coming.
Re: Fear. First, they got (almost) everyone to fear a respiratory virus 98 percent of the population should never have feared. And, then, because of their bullying tactics and the fact they recruited so many key "stakeholders" to push their faux narratives, the members of the public and "leaders" who did have second thoughts were too afraid to publicly criticize the "authorized" narrative. The controlling power of Fear struck again.
I spent the first three decades of my career as a freelance court reporter. During my 20 years in NJ, I made a verbatim record of hundreds of depositions in medical malpractice and pharmaceutical liability cases. It was during this time that I saw Fauci claim that we were all in danger of contracting HIV. I immediately dismissed it. I knew he was lying. I didn't trust him or Birx during this covid fiasco. Court reporters, the only neutral party in the deposition suite, and a neutral party in the courtroom, having heard and seen hundreds of witnesses testify under oath, develop a sixth sense about the credibility of people, especially "experts."
Court reporters could tell some tales. I've thought the same thing about translators and official transcribers who have attended any meeting with President Biden in the past two years. They all KNOW he is suffering from dementia/cognitive issues. EVERY national and international leader or official who has spent more than 15 minutes with Biden knows this is the case ... and they all keep this to themselves. Also, every reporter who covers the White House and every staffer who works at the White House knows this. So you have this massive conspiracy of silence of people who don't want the public to know the truth. The same is the case with all the Covid topics and real data. Think of all the people who know/knew Fauci was full of shit, and has been for his entire career ... but they just keep playing ball with such a person. This thought exercise doesn't give one much hope for the future as these collaborators fill leadership positions in EVERY important organization in the world.
The USA has been ripe for decimation since BamaBiten took office, I do not think anyone important missed that concept. Tolerating has led us to enabling, and now adult toddlers are running the show. Perhaps someone will lock Fauci in a room with no windows and soon.
I keep coming back to this question: Who is going to expose the criminals and the lies? When I say "expose" I mean expose in a way that the majority of the population would realize they've been duped? Such exposure/proof would have to come from respected or mainstream news organizations and/or from some regulators or prosecutors in government. The people and organizations that could expose the "crimes against humanity" aren't going to do this ... because doing so would indict themselves. My prediction is we are going to keep seeing more and more proof on alternative media sites but this "proof" doesn't really matter or count. At some point, we'd have to have official investigations and prosecutions and lawsuits, etc. The politicians and prosecutors who might perform such investigations won't do it until, say, the NY Times has come out and proven what's going on ... but that's not going to happen so the pressure they would need to feel to "do their job" is not going to be applied. It's kind of a giant Catch-22. Another way to view this is there are simply too many people who have been captured and/or drank the kool aide. So in the future I guess we'll have, say, 20 percent of the population that knows what's really happened (maybe up from 10 percent), but there will still be no consequences or accountability for those who are responsible. Basically, the intelligent percentage of the country will be ignored and have no control over dispensing real justice. The least intelligent, those incapable of critical thinking, and/or those who are afraid to buck the corrupt Status Quo, will continue to have almost all of the power ... So we have this going for us as a nation.
I agree with all of this- it really is a catch-22. Nobody will want to be the one to call them out- so the rest of them will keep on living in a state of denial. Those of us that have been awake throughout this whole thing continue to get frustrated by it.
Just think how many times this has happened in history. The truth gets buried, and the lies become the official story. What if everything we were taught as fact about the past wasn't? What if there were people like us in 1918, questioning Spanish Flu, or WWI. What about history further back? I bet there are more lies than truth being told.
That's what I think will happen here, it'll never come out in any official way that's recognized. We will have to remember the truth and pass it down from person to person, IMO.
I'm not sure about other events but there is information about the actual predominant cause of death in 1918 flu pandemic before antibiotics were available but we still only hear about the influenza. People don't die from flu, people die from the secondary bacterial infections that follow. I even heard the interview with former c.d
c. director Julie G. that 50% of covid patients die from bacterial infections they acquired in the hospital ( very sick population) but we only hear the person died of covid. There are bits and pieces of information and reports that some actually had untreated
bacterial infections. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2599911/ Here is another story https://cbs12.com/news/local/autopsy-shows-wellington-nurse-died-of-kidney-infection-not-covid-19 Now, how many of these discrepancies and inconsistencies are out there?
I'm not sure where I read it, but one theory about the Spanish Flu is that the timing of it coincided with the ending of WW1. The theory is that many of the soldiers were returning home in droves, and they were already very weak and sickly due to battlefield conditions, malnutrition etc, then they come home and it's flu season so many of them get hit by it very hard, and pass it on to family, and friends.
https://10letters.org/index.cfm? We should do this and share it with everyone we know. Apply pressure on AGs, why wait for someone else? This can prompt the investigation.
more info here https://twitter.com/Doctor_I_am_The/status/1557045652949008385
the public that does not know the truth is stupid. Even if told, they would deny it, just like they deny the uselesness of masks and vaxx.
You can't reason with the unreasonable. Let the stupid run society, it's meant to be. For me, I've dropped out of society and spend my days avoiding the stupid. It's all I can do to maintain my reason.
living in the boonies too, amidst woods and nature, I prefer even the ants and snakes to these vermin people. Stay well !
I have noticed his speech patterns do not include any pauses and they are filled with clauses that create in impenetrable barrier, much like the graphene does, allowing no infiltration or penetration of reason or inquiry.
He's a bloviating windbag.
Many grandpas are also that, but benignly.
It's the genocidal maniac part ....he may be the most
meemed genocidal maniac
I have by all means avoided to hear the creep speak and do not know what he sounds like. I just know that a person like him should have been removed from his position after the first blunder. But no, he has been left to earn astronomical wages, plus all the benefits RFK sums up (thank you for the book review, I have it but barely dared to read snippets) and will now retire on more than I ever made in my life. And his wife also. With the money these two thieves eugenicists possess, and all the land gates bought lately, thousands could be fed for years, and they would not need any of the pharma poisons because they would grow healthy food. I would like to give them both a nasty pitbull instead of the sweet beagles...
That would be mean to the pitbull (pronounced pibull) as I have a half Pibull and Kelpie mix. Also, the actual sheep have submitted a defamation lawsuit and I think they will win. I am glad you do not know the sound of his voice. Soon, I hope, no one will ever hear it again. Vaxxidents happen.
I hereby apologize to your bulldogs !
Rainer Fuelmilch is very busy bringing them in and I sure do hope they will get punished.
Just one, she is pretty nice, and looks just about zactly like the black Kelpie in this short clip...the pibull part is that she has some extra muscles and is beefier...! don't have so much faith in Fuelmilchs process, it was more like a trial rehersal and I do wonder if it dissipated energies; i do still hope it comes to pass that crimes are prosecuted but also remember that prisoners are very expensive to keep in prison no matter who they are....work camps? I would love to see all the WEFFERS working at a Wendys or McDonalds, or Chic Fil A, but my idea of justice is indeed perverse...breaking big ones into little ones would be good too...best and kelpie minute! https://youtu.be/3GD8DpAsET4
oh these are cute dogs ! may be a bit too active for my old person LOL.
I just imagine going to macdonalds and gates serves up your burger LOLOLOL you made my day. And Fauxi doing the dishes. By hand ! I probably will dream of it at night !
i will stop, but this movie shows how they get up over the sheep its pretty amazing...our dog would love to but has never gotten the chance, a city dog like me....best https://youtu.be/6hFMaRFyVSU kelpie
Having been very young in the 80's, I remember the fear mongering but didn't know where it came from until reading up on Fauci after covid. I remember being told never to share my drink with a friend not because of a cold but because HIV was found in saliva, don't sit on any toilet seats, that the sweat from an infected teammate could land in your eye out in the court and your could become infected. I also remember Oprah saying we were all going to get it. It's funny the things that stick with you from when you're a kid, that's why I was so worried about what was being done to kids over covid. This is some lifelong damage that might not be able to be undone.
I was a young adult in the 80's and I remember one guy that wanted to take me out, and he insisted I test for aids before he would go out with me! At the time, I didn't realize how crazy that was, but nowadays some of my single friends have said that they are being asked if they are vaxxed, and sometimes even asked to take a Covid test, before someone will go out with them. I'm so glad I'm not single and dating these days!
That's horrible. Apparently all the adults in your circle believed the lie.
My grandma. She lived with us when I was growing up and she was particularly paranoid about a lot of things. I don't remember my parents saying anything.
My mother was probably around the same age as your grandma, and she was paranoid about everything heath related. If she said anything about it, I probably ignored her. :) But it's easier to do that when you're an adult.
I was single digits so it just stuck in my head, I don't think I worried much about playing with my friends but definitely had a fear of public toilet seats and anyone that wanted to share my soda 😂
Excellent summation, Mark. I have thought about reading RFK’s book, but felt it would be “preaching to the choir,” (since I’ve already heard a great deal of what is in the book) in addition to being both depressing & infuriating. Unbelievable that these demons are STILL in charge w/ the tsunami of information coming out re the lies, death & destruction physically, mentally, emotionally, economically, socially, etc. And that I anticipate will all be back (or worse) in time for the midterms.
It's still worth reading even though much of the infuriating Covid data will be familiar to most of us. The historical context is what's probably most important. My main take-away: These techniques and scams - the corruption of "real science" - didn't just start with Covid.
I agree. What Fauci did to those children who received his unwanted HIV drugs is absolutely criminal. Like the old saying, when someone shows you who he is, believe him. This man has no compassion for others. He is morally corrupt.
And the beagle puppies!!!!! He should suffer the same in a sane world
I understand the sentiment. No living being should suffer like the beagles and children did. I don't understand his mentality in making these kind of "experiments" happen. That is evil at worst and mentally ill at best.
It is akin to the torture Mengele meted out to the Jews in the name of “science”. And Faux-Xi declares he is the embodiment of “science”
I think it's a way for evil people to live out their sick desires while staying out of jail.
And another point about the book and Kennedy's claims. All of the evidence since the book has been published has been confirmed or reinforced by subsequent developments and trends.
Kennedy finished the manuscript in October 2021. He basically said/predicted that the vaccines wouldn't work and would make things worse. The people - the experts - he is trying to rebut and debunk - said the exact opposite. Well, who was right? Does that even matter?
I've read a few reviews or commentaries of people who attack Kennedy's book. I actually hope these pieces stay on-line. It makes these people look like the fools they are. I could say the same thing with the MIT magazine piece that tried to smear Steve Kirsch. Kirsch considered suing and asking the publisher to retract the story. I posted on his site he needs to let that article live. Let all the people who went on the record saying that the vaccines were "safe and effective" and that Kirsch was insane for questioning the vaccines live with their comments.
Like ! you are right. We have to keep these comments just like Welensky's and prove later on, how bad they lied, knowing they were telling falsehoods from the beginning, with the Pfizer and Moderna documents now becoming public, it is obvious they all knew the truth. And if Dr Martin is right, they knew long before this all happened. I wish he wrote a book.
I too wish Dr. Martin would write a book.
The demonic lawn troll has been running this scam since HIV-AIDS
The AIDS/HIV outbreak made Fauci and dramatically increased the power of the agencies he controls (he apparently controls much more than just the NIAID). As far as I can tell, he's gotten everything about AIDS/HIV wrong. At one point, he said his agency would have a vaccine in two years. That was almost 40 years ago. The drugs and dosages he and his acolyte scientists ended up pushing killed or harmed many thousands of people. As we can all tell, this didn't harm his career ascension one bit. Somehow he became more powerful and more revered - even more infallible. If this doesn't scare clear-thinking people, nothing will. Doesn't Murphy's law postulate that at some point people will rise to their level of maximum incompetence and eventually be exposed for the frauds they are? Well, Fauci disproved Murphy's Law too. His power and influence only kept going up.
makes you wonder which strong hand is behind him. In any normal situation he would long be gone. Of course this is the government and not a business.
Were you thinking of Parkinson's Law?
Murphy- "What can go wrong will go wrong."
Dr Mullins wrote the book Death by injection in the 80s and covered all of the history of this mishap american health care, or should I say death care.
The AIDS stuff is fascinating too.
Thanks, Cindi.
I tried to keep it short.
I thought much the same, that I knew most of the recent critiques of the NIAID Director. It is never too late to learn, and the minor episodes are also revealing. I have been able to reassess my support for several vaccines and treatments.
In Sherlock Holmes, the fact that the dog didn't bark is revealing. As Mr. Kennedy states, he has had no suits for defamation or liability.
I have reached the unwelcome conclusion that our system is necessarily extremely corrupt to have developed as described in the book. Historically, this is typical late-empire behaviour.
Fully agree w/ the “typical late-empire behavior”. We’re screwed
I bought it to have on hand for the future. I have several books that tell the truth on what we're enduring now.
Same here…have several.
I always go with my gut- he seemed like a conniving, two-faced, troll to me. There is no such thing as an "expert" in one's field. That's a red flag for me! Never bought into the lie, but so many people did/have. Just got back from California. It's sure different than Az. and hope we got son and daughter in law to look around, get out of their bubble and think about what we told time while visiting.
"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking."
George S. Patton
Like most regular people, I had never heard or thought of Fauci before COVID. The first time I saw him on television, I IMMEDIATELY, instinctively, with no need to analyze it further, clocked him as slimy and a liar- an inveterate politician, no matter what his actual stated profession was. None of it was even remotely convincing- within minutes, in my bones, he read as one of those guys that literally never gives a direct answer to the most basic questions ("where are you from? Are you sleeping with anyone else? What color is your hair?") but manages to impress people much younger or older than himself by limiting his interactions to highly controlled and brief contacts composed mostly of bluster or humblebragging.
I never, ever understood how he became a virtual god to so many. He scanned as a piece of shit immediately- to this day he reminds me of the first lawyer I met that I felt embodied the negative stereotype of his profession: a prevaricating sociopath.
Trump was not smart enough to question this from the outset and that plagues us all to this day. He was up against a propaganda machine that was too well-funded I suppose. I still hear people rattling on about how afraid they are of this virus, wearing masks outdoors here in Boston, walking by themselves, young healthy people in their '20s and 30s. It continues to be bizarre beyond belief...
One of these days we'll elect a president smart enough and confident enough to question all the experts who brief him every day. DeSantis ultimately did this on many Covid issues. He still needs help going the final mile on the vaccines though.
not safe, not effective!
He did question it, said it would be short lived. Tucker Carlson flew down to Florida unbidden and unannounced to tell Trump it's bigger than Trump thinks. Two very smart guys and Trump had (has) more on his plate than we can imagine, and his daily press conferences hinted (or outright stated) that a lab leak from a hostile country was not in his wheelhouse, but the machine was in place to play it up and the big money sociopaths were wound up ready to pitch. It wasn't until the vaccine, vaccine mandates, and Biden let Fauci, CDC, NIH, WHO, et al loose and the Democrats and the massive 2020 Zuck et al fraud money bloom with relentless fear porn hysteria with media and tech 24/7 demonizing and censoring and the fake George Floyd tears with nearly 600 BLM riots and a fake impeachment reaching never before seen levels, then they impeached Trump one more time and played up Jan. 6th as the "end of democracy", and yet he still stood tall, albeit frazzled, and now we see what THEY are doing with the ball... this isn't Trump's fault. I missed 11 shots on the bball court last week. Out of the 19 I took, which makes me feel feckless, and I get favorable press from my daughters.
I don't mean to beat up on Trump, but he got played. It's too bad he's not ready to admit it. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/if-the-cdc-was-honest?utm_source=email
I never understood the love and adulation showered upon Bill Gates. He created a third rate operating system and attempted to get it preinstalled on all computers to shut down competition. Then, within months of being sued, he had a come to Jesus moment and decided that instead of trying to control the world’s computing, his true calling was to set up foundations to improve public health in poor countries.
How does this not set off alarm bells? How is this guy a hero or a genius?
Same here. I suspect it’s because he started giving so much money to many media outlets. As an example, some years ago I noticed a big change in NPR reporting, then realized it was the same time that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation became a major sponsor. I noticed an even more extreme change in National Geographic magazine when Monsanto became a major sponsor for them. Cancelled both, after listening to/reading them for decades. Their corruption was obvious.
Me too I used to listen to NPR and gave some $ years ago. I was alongtime subscriber to Natl geo
I stopped reading listening and supporting both. The content was naueating
Windows generally sucks
I'm a linux guy myself.
exactly. We all need to try to create parallel structures
Fauci lied.
A nation died
Mar-Largo raid = Banana Republic in force.
Love you
was hoping for something something like your Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin gone missing in the men’s room
Seeing our reality is harsh, ignorance is bliss.
Now I understand why so many prefer to stay in the dark
Exactly. This is no fun, indeed.
Thanks for another great article. And yes, I agree that Fauci should be infamous and reviled. Guantanamo-ed.
As a private practice doc in NNJ w a biochem degree and coming from a religious jewish family knowing genocide survivors, I was skeptical from the beginning. i saw fauci on TV in march 2020 saying masks didnt do much. Then by April or may it became obligatory to don the facial swastikas banners to show allegiance to the party… i mean the science. I knew something was very wrong by April 2020. And it only got worse. The whole vax episode was and is the creepiest and most disturbing thing ive ever lived through: people willingly injecting themselves and their KIDS with experimental drugs for some thing that they weren’t at risk for.
Great job Mr Oshinske , the real fauci was a tough read for me. As a career physician and someone trained as a scientist I’ve known since the beginning of my medical career in the 1990s that the federal health bureaucracy was hopelessly corrupt.
Luckily I’m in a private practice and I’m not beholden to anyone
The choir still needs preaching to
Thank you
This book has been sitting on my nightstand for ages. I occasionally pick it up and read two pages at a time. The book makes me appreciate the phenomenon of the page margin, having not before recognized a standard margin’s value. I haven’t managed to make my way past about the first 10% yet because I don’t want heaviness on my brain and soul before I sleep. I have all love for Bobby Kennedy Jr. though. He is a hero and brilliant. I feel like I will be surprised by little from the book due to my two- year long obsession with this topic. I am sure I will learn some new details if I read it. For example, I hadn’t before heard of that immunosuppressing recreational drug whose effects might have been mislabeled “AIDS.” That’s interesting. Thanks for your book report. You didn’t convince me to invest the saved time (from not reading) in ab workouts though. I am willing to spread wood chips. Is that close enough? Surely my abs might indirectly experience periodic engagement doing that?
It took me forever to read as well, for the same reasons. You can only read about 10 pages at a time before getting too agitated. It's definitely not a "feel good" read, but it's a must read IMO. In my book review I argue that it might end up being considered "the most important book of our times."
I agree with you. It is a must read although difficult. There are things in there that I didn't learn other places and I've studied this Corona-mess since it began to be inflicted on us. I wonder why RFK Jr. didn't invest in a larger book with better margins for easier reading. Perhaps he was rushing to get this information out there. Maybe it will be reprinted later in a better format. He is smart enough to know how difficult small type and margins are for a reader.
He also probably couldn't get a big, well-known publisher to publish the book. Such a publisher would have used better typesetting formats perhaps? Another big tell about his book is that no mainstream news sites will even review it. This despite the fact that (I think) it's still the best-selling non-fiction book in the world since its publication. (It's also hard to find sales data on the book ... or this isn't published ... almost certainly too conceal how popular the book has become ... completely by "word of mouth" advertising).
Yes, I believe that is true and think he talked about that. Another observation is that if the book didn't contain facts, then he could be sued by Fauci, Gates, etc. And that hasn't happened. Like you said, no one is reviewing it. Ignoring something is just as telling as denying it.
Kennedy is like ole B'rer Rabbit. He'd be overjoyed if Fauci or Gates did file a lawsuit against him. He knew they wouldn't. And, yes, this is quite the tell as well. If nothing else, the author doesn't pull any punches. He or the people he quotes call Fauci every variation of a "liar" and "con man" that there is.
Here's an excerpt from my book review. I was careful to make sure these were direct quotes from the book (I don't want to be sued by Fauci either!)
An accomplished litigator, Kennedy seeks to persuade jurors who purchased his book that the “real” Anthony Fauci is a “serial liar,” a “corrupt,” “vindictive,” and “disingenuous” “fraud,” who ingratiated himself to a “servile” press as well as all seven presidents who took his public health advice. According to Kennedy, Anthony Fauci remains the undisputed “ringmaster” presiding over a “Ministry of Fear” whose “tentacles” now reach into almost every powerful organization in the world.
Well done, Bill!
Absolutely. Read a few crammed, desperately in need of typesetting pages when i received it, and haven’t read any of it since.
I’m sure it’s a great read but damn....
I know. Just like anything we undertake, the journey is difficult but the reward is worth it.
I feel the same way about the book, that's the only reason I haven't bought it yet. I have been awake and researching obsessively for the past 2 years as well. I already have Dr. Peter Breggin's book, which is brilliant. I am not sure how much different RFK's would be. Now there are new books out by Dr. Naomi Wolf, and Dr. McCullough and also Dr. Malone. So many books, so little time! I may buy all of them at some point, just to show my support to the authors.
Yes, and I also want to amass a historically accurate library so that future grandkids can always know exactly what really transpired during this period in time regardless of whose narrative goes forward into the future.
Covid ‘By the Numbers’ …
The following miscellaneous data was culled from Robert F. Kennedy’s Jr’s book The Real Anthony Fauci as well as other sources …
Anthony Fauci ….
81 - Age of Dr. Anthony Fauci
55 - Years employed at NIAID (38 as director)
$1.7 million - Money, from all sources, made by Fauci household in Fiscal Year 2020.
Note: Fauci’s wife, Christine Grady, is director of bio-ethics for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the parent agency of the NIAID. She made $234,284 in FY2020
$10.4 million + - Net worth of Fauci household as of Fiscal Year 2020.
$1 million - Total prize money paid to Fauci in February 2021 for being named winner of the Dan David Prize, affiliated with Tel Aviv University, “for his career in public health and ‘speaking truth to power’ during the politicized COVID-19 crisis.” Ten percent of the amount was set aside for academic scholarships to be specified by Dr. Fauci.
$350,000 - Fauci’s estimated annual pension when he retires from federal service, the highest pension in federal history.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) …
$7.6 billion - Annual discretionary expenditures controlled by Dr. Fauci’s NIAID that were distributed to PIs (“Principle Investigators”) around the world (last available data).
1,300 - Number of universities, laboratories and other elite institutions that received NIAID grants in 1992.
Advertising, lobbying expenses, fines of Big Pharma …
$9.53 billion - Advertising expenses of pharmaceutical firms in 2020 (up from about $4.8 billion in 2006).
$1 billion - Amount of direct payments made to corporate media outlets by the Biden Administration as part of its vaccine outreach campaign.
70 percent - Advertising revenue (not counting political advertising) that Fox News receives from pharmaceutical firms, according to Kennedy, who writes in his book that he was told this several years ago by then Fox News president Roger Ailes.
90 percent-plus - Amount of revenue scientific journals receive from pharmaceutical firms.
$280 million - Amount the pharmaceutical industry spent on lobbying the U.S. government in 2018, far more than any other industry.
$50 billion - Fines assessed to pharmaceutical companies over the last 20 years. All big pharmaceutical companies have been convicted of selling harmful, sometimes fatal drugs.
Pfizer Revenues and drug prices ….
$81.3 billion - Pfizer’s 2021 global revenue (post vaccines).
$40 billion - Pfizer’s approximate 2020 revenue.
$530 - Price of each five-day treatment that the U.S. government has agreed to pay for Paxlovid, Pfizer’s new Covid antiviral early treatment.
20 million - Number of Paxlovid 5-day-courses bought by U.S. government.
$30.47 - New price for a single dose of Pfizer vaccine, up from $19.50/dose for the first 100 million doses.
105 million - doses U.S. government recently agreed to purchase for the “fall booster campaign.” (“The vaccine is being modified to target early omicron variants, but newer variants are gaining dominance.”)
$50 billion - Revenue Pfizer expects to make from Covid vaccines/boosters and Paxloid this year.
70 percent - Pfizer vaccine market share in U.S. and Europe.
Dwindling vaccine demand, discarded doses ….
82.1 million - Covid vaccine doses discarded from December 2020 through mid-May 2022 in the USA, according to the CDC - just over 11 percent of the doses the federal government distributed.
17.1 million - does discarded between late February and mid-May of this year.
11.8 million - doses discarded by drug store chain CVS (about 13 percent of the 89.9 million doses the chain received through mid-May 2022).
28 percent - doses discarded in the state of Oklahoma (out of the 4 million doses the state received).
6.5 million - unused doses in Ireland. The nation recently discarded 4.5 million doses and donated 2 million additional unused doses to developing nations. Ireland could not find any nations willing to accept the free 4.5 million doses.
Bill Gates …
$23 billion - approximate amount the net worth of Bill Gates increased in first year of the Covid pandemic.
$500 million - In 1998, amount pledged by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to fund development of an AIDS vaccine over next nine years.
$250 million-plus - Amount of “grants” distributed by the Gates Foundation to media companies, according to an expose published in the Columbia Journalism Review in August of 2020. In another section of the book, Kennedy criticizes “Gates-funded fact checkers.”
World Health Organization Budget Info …
$5.6 billion - WHO annual budget in 2018-2019.
Note: “Half of this budget now goes to vaccines” … which are “now the organization’s pre-eminent public health metric.”
$ 1 billion - Approximate amount of funding that came directly or indirectly from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Gates-created Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), as well as Gates-funded contributions which originally were dispersed to other organizations which then provide funding for W.H.O programs.
$748 million- WHO. funding from the U.S. government in 2018-2019.
23 - Number of “Global health partnerships” funded by Gates’ financial gifts.
16 - Number of agencies “entirely dependent on Gates” (seven), or that “listed the Foundation as its top donor” (nine).
AIDS funding …
$500 billion or more - Cumulative amount the U.S. Federal Government had spent on AIDS.
100+ - Number of AIDS/HIV “vaccine candidates … with none of these coming even close to the finish line.”
New drugs don’t necessarily mean better drugs ….
33 percent - Estimated percentage of new drugs that provide no improvements over existing drugs.
61 - Number of patented drugs in Canada in 2018.
1 - Number of drugs considered “a breakthrough.”
56 - Number of drugs in the review that “provided little or no improvement compared with existing medicines.”
VAERS data - September 2021 …
16,000 - Approximate number of vaccine-caused deaths reported on VAERS in September 2021.
0 - Number of deaths “related to vaccines,” confirmed or acknowledged by the CDC as of same month.
Christine Grady is the “Bonnie “ to Fauci’s “Clyde”
She certainly doesn't get enough attention. I mean, if I understand her job correctly, she is in charge of the "ethics" of all these unethical and rigged trials! RFK included one sneaky "compliment" about her future husband in the book. He quotes her as saying that she found him to be far less "scary" and vindictive than the reputation she'd heard from co-workers before she met him. So this is an admission from his own future wife that his employees were afraid of getting on the wrong side of their boss.
Mr Mark: read this paper from Fauci‘s wife Christine Grady: this is a “ethics“ paper published recently this year. She discusses that it would be OK for employers to pressure employees to take a Covid shot.
These people are evil
Grady is the Bonnie to Fauci‘s Clyde
How amazing that this “ethics” paper was published Mar 2022. LONG after everyone knew that the injections do not stop transmission. Well - not really amazing, sadly.
Its not amazing . Its an effing criminal disgrace
A delusion is a false fixed belief that cannot be changed even with conflicting evidence. In the case of Covid, it's not about evidence- it's all about the narrative that's propagated to control the world's population thru fear. Because the media is in on the evil narrative, it's much easier to instill the fear, thus allowing people to stop thinking for themselves- most just get in line and don't even use their critical thinking skills. Mark, your research on this latest piece is quite extensive, congrats. I started going down the rabbit hole on Gates about 8 years ago- I was initially in disbelief, but now I get it. I really don't trust anyone anymore- sad place. I watch some major league baseball as I have a friend who manages a team close to you- some of the ads are for vaccines of every imaginable ailment. The answer is always another shot or another pill- and as you pointed out, our population is very unhealthy and way too dependent on pharma. Thanks for your research and insight! Keep em coming.
Re: Fear. First, they got (almost) everyone to fear a respiratory virus 98 percent of the population should never have feared. And, then, because of their bullying tactics and the fact they recruited so many key "stakeholders" to push their faux narratives, the members of the public and "leaders" who did have second thoughts were too afraid to publicly criticize the "authorized" narrative. The controlling power of Fear struck again.
Excellent, concise summation of a very lengthy and difficult-to-read book. Thank you so much, Mark!