People have HUGE egos and a lot of hubris to think we can control our earth. We aren’t in charge! Stop the BS!!!

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Agreed. I wrote about that idea about two years ago.


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Mark you have done lots of good but this anthropogenic climate bs and the idea we could do anything about it..is a massive psy op fraud and anyone w a brains have k own since the global cooling of thr that it is a massive fraud. And quite frankly there are more trees now than back when farmland had to be cleared to grow food. Even the natives did burns...i appreciate your making the attemp to separate the clim as te from environmental issues. I watch evrry storm because people do not care forvtheir trees..and th er y all topple over...because they ate not husbanded. Trees alone are not the answer. Husbandry by people is greatly needed

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I also think those with climate hysteria generally haven’t spent much time in nature just as the Covid hysterics didn’t spend much time outside their house. I was an outdoor adventure guide in undergrad and I do love trees. I hate the so-called climate warriors. Strong term, but correctly used. There is nothing I have ever seen or learned about in my life more ecologically destructive than “renewables,” particularly wind but also solar farms (particularly those north of Georgia). Well, except perhaps the poverty that spreads from their use - yes, poverty is awful for the environment because it leads to more wood burning (dirtier than coal), as well as ecologically destructive farm and mining practices.

Moreover, lithium is not renewable and the mining process is a pit of human suffering and ecological destruction. Toxic lead waste from solar panel manufacturing isn’t helping biodiversity, but is poisoning living things. Taking huge swaths of farmland or natural areas out of commission to install inefficient wind and solar farms is carbon negative. Solar panels on houses and buildings near the equator are fine, but outside that use it’s inefficient and terrible for the environment.

The climate lunatics reject the cleanest energy sources - natural gas and nuclear. The US has enough natural gas reserves identified to power the country got over 500 years.

I eat organic. I recycle metals and cardboard (I haven’t recycled plastic in decades because it’s been known a long time to mostly end up in the ocean). I like trees. I believe it’s my responsibility as a conservative to conserve natural areas and the Earth. I love being out in nature. I lived in the woods over a year of my life.

This “green” 💩 is all a con and 99% of those who buy into it are stupid, gullible, incurious urbanites caught up in the religious cult of the woke who embrace nihilism as their religion’s defining goal.

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Passionate homily to nature, stirs the heart 🙂 Our world desperately screams to be taken over by people with integrity—like you, like Mark, like many readers & commenters here 😔

On a minor point, you may want to research the concept of energy costs of energy—will open your eyes to the utter inanity of ‘reserves for 500 years’, promise 😉 Hint: whatever lurks in Earth crust is irrelevant; what we can put to productive use is all that matters 🤷

And a somewhat bigger point: we really should stop absent-mindedly repeat the vile agenda’s terms like carbon negative. The language we use has a profound way to shape our thoughts. Carbon is the very molecule of life; you wouldn’t want to get rid of it.

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Good point on the language. I’m so many ways corrupting language has corrupted our ability to communicate.

Can you provide more detail on the 500 years being wrong so I know what I’m looking for? Based on the research I’ve done, the gas industry has identified accessible natural gas pockets that provide enough natural gas to create the energy (power) for at least 500 years at current levels if consumption and efficiency. Is this calculation what you are saying I am misunderstanding? I’d rather learn if I’m wrong than stay committed to a fallacy. If anything the last 2 years has shown us there is lots of “Science” out there that has nothing at all to do with real data or replicated outcomes. I try not to fall victim to “Science,” but I am human and certainly make mistakes.

I also recognize no one has a crystal ball. Population, efficiency, etc aren’t predictable for 50 years, so 500 is a silly attempt.

I was born in 1982 and billions should have starved to death by now based on the predictions at the time, and I’m only 40.

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Wow, verily you are a radical outlier when it comes to intellectual humility and openness to new knowledge! 🤩


1) This is a good summary of main points (incl ECoE) --> https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/2022/05/18/228-in-the-eye-of-the-perfect-storm/. That site has a mission to expose the fundamentally faulty orthodox framing of economy as a realm of money. Instead, it should be seen in terms of energy which is its be all and end all, alpha & omega.

2) The "New Energy Economy": An Exercise in Magical Thinking from Manhattan Institute is a highly recommended longread if you're scientifically inclined --> https://www.manhattan-institute.org/green-energy-revolution-near-impossible. Admirably well reasoned, with imperial tons of apt pics, analogies, and numerical examples. At the very least, skim its executive summary 😇 [Alternatively, nicely formatted downloadable pdf --> https://media4.manhattan-institute.org/sites/default/files/R-0319-MM.pdf]


PS Oh, almost forgot but not quite! A *fabulous* comic strip, a fun way to learn you'll sure appreciate 😊 https://www.stuartmcmillen.com/comic/energy-slaves

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Thanks for the references. I’ll look at those 😊

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You get more of what you thank for 😝

https://un-denial.com/2023/01/28/by-monk-why-not-nuclear/ <-- a sobering summary of stuff nuclear aka the last-resort hopium that ain't gonna save us either. A text not without its own shortcomings... but oh well, I guess 😉

Not much grounds for encouraging optimism, sorry 🤷 Forewarned is forearmed <-- that's my excuse.

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That was a fascinating comic. I'll check out more of them.

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Europe is proving to be a laboratory for the consequences of climate hysteria. Nothing like a cold winter to make people more rational. Texas had a hard lesson last winter, I don't know if they learned from it. We'll find out in coming months.

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BINGO! To quote my now 40 year old son, when he was 17... “ Mom, the human race is but a bleep on the radar screen.” This was actually part of his argument why all organized religion is a not valid ... but I agree, the energy and money spent on climate change is utterly futile. Some argue that on true Earth time, we are still emerging from the Ice Age. And that is actually not unreasonable. It really is not about us.

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It’s possibly the most egomaniacal position possible. Somehow, this generation, possibly some of the most narcissistic and at the same time dumbest in the history of mankind has the hubris to believe this can be done. People that can’t even grow a tomato, skin a rabbit, or catch a fish. Can’t do a minor home repair, fix a leaky drain pipe, or build an end table. Somehow these same people can control weather. It’s so absurd on its face, that I just laugh in anyones face that tries to sell this shit to me. Like you said..it ain’t about us, the earth is billions of years old and will be here long after mankind is long extinct.

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The doability illusion and desire correlates with the desire to control and the fear of losing control and power.

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They thought they could magic the next Black Death away by staying home and wearing cloth over their faces everywhere.

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One of the best writers (also a lawyer) and researchers on the climate scam is The Manhattan Contrarian. He's been doing it a long time. A blog well worth checking in on at a regular basis. Chock full of knowledge. https://www.manhattancontrarian.com/

BTW, it's far more likely that the earth will turn cold. We are in a brief warm period. If you want to see real and justified panic, when the global temp starts to drop the shite is going to hit the fan bigtime. Cold is awful. Cold is deadly. And there is no vaccine for the serious health problems that come from persistent underheating and food deprivation.

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Mark, if you want to really see a crime unfolding in real time, research what Murphy is attempting to do to the shores of Atlantic and Cape May counties right now in our state. Massive off shore wind farms within eye sight of the coastline. Making some of the most beautiful and wonderful areas in our state into nothing more than an industrial wasteland of windmills. To say nothing of what they will do to the wildlife in the sea and air. Disgusting.

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By now we should be hip to every politically manufactured and media driven "crise du jour" that comes down the pike. They are all the same, as you describe so clearly here. Never again should the "experts" phony modeling of impending disaster be taken seriously. Now they're using the same phony modeling to show how many lives have been saved by the vaccine!

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Honb'le Sgt Briggs is a seasoned expert (without ™!) in spectacular demolition of modelling the experts™ of all stripes are so enamoured with (for a reason 😏). Here's a good place to start --> https://www.wmbriggs.com/post/43375/

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Briggs writes really good stuff, virtually every day. He is not on Substack but is worth reading. A statistician that gets it and knows how to tell it.

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Rather counter-intuitively, worthy things happen to exist outside confines of substack gold mines—who wadda thunk it?! 😂

Increasingly rarely, but still. One needs to know places. The Worthy House is another specimen, lives up to its name 🙂 And The Consciousness of Sheep!

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People who awake to the lies of the covid Narrative start to question everything, including the climate change narrative, the vegetables are good for you narrative (google: Bruce Ames 99.99%), the meat is bad for you narrative (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsPSJ-dXqks), the Ukraine is good and Russia is bad narrative (https://www.globalresearch.ca/?s=ukraine&x=15&y=14). What these all have in common is Big Money pulling the strings.

It's shocking to learn the media has not been informing us (as they say), but have been lying to us about almost everything since Operation Mockingbird (google that) at the end of WW2. They know big lies work best. Remember the WMDs or "We're winning in Vietnam?"

Realizing the media lies to support people in power - and lies against the People - is the first red pill of truth people need to wake up. This should be obvious to people but the average person who does as they're told; goes to school, gets a job, gets married, gets a mortgage, and then retires generally does not see it. It would disrupt the belief system inside which they live their lives. People who are outside that box, who are retired or work for themselves can more easily think for themselves.

Nevertheless, it seems odd that the average person does not immediately see that all the information sources the media depends on come directly from people in power. If reporters don't toe the line they get cut off. Plus the media is a corporation designed to profit its owners. It does not exist to serve the People's interest. The average person does not realize the media is a control arm of the government and private corporations that own it. They don't realize it's the media that tells us how to vote. 90% of the media is owned by three hedge funds, which also have ownership interest in every other industry. The Editor-in-charge will not print anything against those ownership interests or they lose their job. That's how hedge funds manage their portfolio.

Consider that Coca-Cola and Pepsi look like they're in competition, but have the exact same hedge fund owner. What they've done is segment the market to better target their advertising, exactly like the mainstream media and the alt right media. They also avoid anti-monopoly laws - but do they? They're run by two separate corporations, but those two corporations are owned by the exact same hedge fund. Or if they're owned by two separate hedge funds or pension funds or big banks, that hedge fund has ownership interest in other hedge funds. The top three hedge funds are Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street, and all own and profit from each other. They sit on each other's Boards. That's one Big Hedge Fund with three different names. Total global ownership interest is held by a few people at the top who call the shots for all corporations and all governments. The People trying to get by do not stand a chance. Here's why big lies work best from a guy who knows all about them:

"The great masses of the people, in the very bottom of their hearts, tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil. And therefore they more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous misrepresentation in others; yes, even when enlightened on a subject, they will long doubt and waver, and continue to accept at least one of these causes as true. " - Hitler

After fear and uncertainty are pumped up by the media people flock to Authority. Their only alternative is to believe in a conspiracy theory which authority says is misinformation. Unless they've seen the data, and thus know where to find it, and know how to interpret it, that decision to believe what they've been told is a conspiracy theory would be irrational. Since they've not seen the data, they make the rational decision to go over a cliff with the crowd. If you point out that they're going over a cliff, they logically will not believe you. They've made a perfectly rational decision but just did not have enough information to correctly make that decision - they did not think deeply enough. We all make that same mistake when we don't know what we don't know, and it happens to matter.

Climate change, believe it or not, is another big lie. 97% of climate change scientists did not say climate change is real or that it is human-caused. That is a lie. The polar ice caps are not melting and the seas are not rising at a rate of 20 feet per 100 years, only 7 inches (due to thermal expansion).

The Arctic does not have a polar ice cap; it has 10 feet of floating sea-ice, 75% of which melts in the summer and refreezes in the winter. Antarctica has a polar ice cap about 3 miles thick but it never melts because the average temperature is minus 58 degrees. Pre-climate change hysteria there were 5 thousand polar bears, now there are 25 thousand. CO2 is not a pollutant, it is currently at 415 ppm, close to its lowest level in many thousands of years. Submarines turn on their CO2 scrubbers at 8000 PPM, we exhale 40,000 PPM, and there is zero correlation between global warming and CO2 increase or decrease. Global warming and cooling alternate in periods of 30 years and are tightly correlated with Sunspot Cycles as determined by quantitative research.

Here's how the natural warming and cooling cycles work; Increased sunspot activity indirectly causes warming because fewer clouds let heat through and do not reflect heat back into space:

Sunspots are areas of increased magnetic activity, and high sunspot activity increases the strength of the solar wind, which envelops the earth and blocks cosmic rays (alpha particles, protons, electrons). Being blocked the cosmic rays do not create as many isotopes (B10, C12) in the upper atmosphere as they would otherwise. And those isotopes thus do not create as many ions in the lower atmosphere - which then do not cause water vapor to turn into clouds, which would otherwise block solar radiation and reflect heat back into space. So sunspots are tightly correlated with a warming period. No humans or CO2 involved.

95% of the greenhouse gasses is water vapor. CO2 (a greenhouse gas) is a miniscule trace gas, less than 0.04%. You could quadruple it with no effect on warming. But you couldn't because it is saturated in the atmosphere - there is no more absorption capacity. See top of page 18, "For the most abundant greenhouse gases, H2O and CO2, the saturation effects are extreme"


The most recent global-warming phase, called the Pause, ended in 1998. Erratic weather, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes have not increased, as they say. Russia and the UK recently had their coldest winters in 100 and 50 years, respectively. The last few years are absolutely not the hottest on record (the 1930's were far hotter).

All that is difficult to believe because we've been so consistently programmed. Studies find that two months of consistent messaging will change brain structure - people have been played with scientific precision - on everything you have to do your own research by looking at the data, otherwise someone will do your thinking for you. The climate change narrative is engineered to transfer wealth upwards, from us to them.

By the way, (they ignore this) a clean energy electrical future is impossible, unfortunately - because mining the quantity of the 14 minerals required to replace fossil fuels with 100% clean energy will take hundreds of years, and all that mining is extremely oil intensive. Oil is also required for our wars and food production. We don't have the oil or the time. See here (6 minutes):


Listen to the climate change data testimony as presented by this professional climate scientist and note the cognitive dissonance in the well-programmed Senators - they just can't believe the actual data:


Here's the hardcore climate science version from Princeton. That's Ed "smart guy" Witten giving the introduction. He's received the most mentions as "the smartest living physicist":


And this - count the number of scientists (31,487) who state that global warming is a farce:


Want the data? http://www.petitionproject.org/gw_article/GWReview_OISM600.pdf

Now the following hidden Narrative will truly upset your life, it's not for the faint of heart or mind, but I include it as it may be underlying or tying together all the other false narratives. The Narratives all share the goal of totalitarianism, transferring income upwards, and are happening right now together. That's not random, it is intelligently engineered and brilliantly executed.

Each Narrative is near impossible to believe on its own if independently considered - but together (not independent) they support and push individual probabilities close to 100%. That's why I present them all together. On their own they are unbelievable, like conspiracy theories, but together as a comprehensive system they all point in the same direction, which makes me wonder at a deliberate global depopulation in support of a totalitarian takeover.


More? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DA-g94Ro1I

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Truth seem irrelevant to the Covidians. Truth is old hat. People believe whatever their tribe believes. Nobody actually knows anything. Even in this short comments feed so far there is a pro-Ukraine defender, an anticlimate change person. I feel like we are all grasping at straws trying to understand things and make definitive decisions about things much larger than our worlds. Maybe we should down scale a bit and worry about things in our own garden metaphorically and literally. If you can’t validate it with your own experience then perhaps you shouldn’t have an opinion.

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I agree. Reliance on direct observation has been central to my anti-Cornonamania persepective.

I know a lot of people. Who in turn know a lot of people. Of that group, who has died "of Covid" in 33 months? Two 93/94 year olds and an obese 70-smomething person with congestive heart failure.

My best friend from my youth died last year, at 62. Oddly timed re: vaxx uptake.

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Had a Christmas dinner with some work folks last night. One guy told us of his experience with Myocarditis....wonder where he got it?

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The proliferation of online media has led us to this unfounded assumption that everyone should endeavor to express his or her opinion all the time about everything. I suppose the Gutenberg printing press was the real villain here.

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People use this new Gutenberg Press for self-expression rather than learning new things. That says a lot about where civilization has gone.

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I no longer trust them. I suggest never getting close to any again unless they apologize. That would reflect the level of humanity and humility needed to break from the Hive Mind.

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Outstanding post (again)! I'm sorry I don't live in NJ anymore. I'd love to drop by and meet face to face. You're one of my favorite bloggers. Common sense in a world where it's not very common.

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Thanks, Richard. You're welcome to visit me in the Garden State anytime.

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"Controlling climate change via governmental interventions seems as unrealistic as the Covid mitigation measures have been."

That's because the intent is not to save the environment or mitigate disease, but to economically restructure society to incorporate the Central Bank Digital Currency, a social credit system, and a heightened biosecurity state. Decades ago, the US population was told neoliberal free-trade with China was going to turn the CCP into a liberal democracy and would financially elevate the US worker, however, globalization has done quite the opposite as it has morphed Western liberal democracies into China-style surveillance states and economically obliterated the US blue collar worker.

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Excellent article! You hit so many points, so much reality. It’s amazing to me that there are still people out there believing the hype. Team Panic to the death I guess.

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One of your best!

Air pollution is bad. We can agree on that, right? I remember what American cities were like in the 70s—the sky was a brown sludge on "smoggy" days. No one wants to go back to that. Factory cities in China are hellscapes. We do need more trees and fewer factories, IMO.

But there is a lot to be skeptical of regarding the theory of human-induced climate change. For example, I just learned that carbon dioxide only makes up .04% of the earth's atmosphere. And humans are only responsible for 3% of that .04%. And yet the alarmists still say that our contributions are causing climate change and we are killing the Earth! What the hell?

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Brilliant writing as usual. It does seem that a good portion of the adult population is susceptible to doomsday cult like thinking, and once triggered, set off the rest of the naïve herd in a stampede right over the cliff.

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I don't see very many of the climate change alarmists/activists adopting an Amish lifestyle, which tells me that this is more a matter of "do as I say, not as I do" than an actual crisis. Here's something else to put in perspective: up until the mid-19th century the entire world ran on renewable energy. Looking around at my modest single-wide mobile home I can truthfully say that I probably live better than a lot of wealthy people did throughout the ages. Certainly my carbon/energy footprint is a LOT smaller than any of the attendees at the recent climate summit. And yet they want people like me to make sacrifices in the name of saving the planet? Not buying it!

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" the panicked don’t mind being codependent chumps; they love the drama." : Sums it up very well.

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I agree, the powers have been crying 'climate' wolf for over 100 years. I am 58 and cannot remember a time when I was not bombarded by media about 'imminent' crises that have not materialized, while actual crises go unchecked or are even fostered. Over it.

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It's all connected. Just as the fact that the FAA is doing nothing about the vaccine injuries in the aviation industry, it's not hard to connect the dots to less pilots means less planes flying means less people traveling means 'helps climate change'

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My brother works for the FAA, but in airliner safety protocols and maintenance. I can ask him about it. He's got some good stories about the Boeing 737 Max crashes. It seems like the FDA, CDC, etc are not the only "captured" agencies in our government.

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I’m in frequent contact with the FAA and I believe they are the opposite of captured. The 737 Max crashes resonated throughout the agency and they have only increased their level of scrutiny.

To me it makes the corruption at the NIH, CDC and FDA all the more incredible.

I’ve done a lot of deep dives on the MAX accidents as well as flown an earlier version of the plane. On balance the FAA made the right call.

Big picture. Our govt can’t handle hundreds dead from airline crashes but are in full approval of hundreds of thousands dead from a generic vaccine.

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Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Former Boeing employees made their way into the FAA and were too light on them in what I can only call the "Supplier Quality checks" (I'm in automotive) on them that allowed these mistakes to make it into production. Yes, my brother thinks there should be prison time for these grievous errors.

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I can see those mistakes happening in the production process. I think the Netflix documentary Downfall touches on that.

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Either way you put it, the FAA did not do their due diligence in looking into the vaccine and it’s potential side effects and impact on the aviation community. They just trusted the CDC and others blindly, and that will be their downfall.

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Any info he’d be willing to provide would be much appreciated. Please email us at info@usfreedomflyers.org

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Excellent point Christina. Notice the recent push for single pilot airliners? Pure insanity.

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Great article. Something I can ALMOST share with liberal friends, except that they'd likely be offended rather than persuaded. Less so than many other articles, though. I'll get back to you.

I had to look up "shibboleth". Great word. Would love to see something entitled "The Shibboleth Apocalypse". Cruel beasts named, "Conspiracy Theorist", "Science Denyer", "Election Denyer", "Climate Denier", etc.

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Thanks, John. I share my posts with liberal ex-friends. They don't like the challenge of thinking and thus, don't respond. Slogans are much easier. They're comfortable with epithets, too.

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Your much kinder than me Mark... I gave up unless someone wants my opinion. Thanks Mark , great writing. 🤗

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