Sep 13, 2021Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Amen to everything you said! I am a nurse with 21 years at my company and ready to walk away when the mandate given by Tyrant Jay Inslee goes into effect. The more I see the medical community giving way to these fascist and greedy organizations that are designed to protect people, the more I am disgusted as I watch needless harm and deaths occurring before my very eyes. I have always been proud to be a nurse, not anymore. The only thing I can do now is stand and fight, and hope that reason and clarity will come back into medical practice when all of the lies are exposed.

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Thanks for your support! Yesterday was my last day, Legacy Health let hundreds of experienced nurses walk out the door in the name of “safety” Tell me how firing nurses in an already short staffed hospital safe?? I feel at peace knowing I did the right thing and will continue to fight for a free America!

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I'm sorry you are going through this. Thank you for standing strong.

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I’m in WA too (Edmonds), under the Inslee Regime. Available if you need a friend. ❤️

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I used to live in WA...what a strange twist. Madness. Wish you the best.

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Nice article. Unfortunately, every point you make in here is correct. I have natural immunity, I am not going to get a vaccine. I am part of the solution, not part of the problem. But the "nice people" have turned that around on us. Remember, if you say something enough, whether or not it is true, eventually it will be true. Truth no longer counts. We should change the definition; Truth - Something repeated ad nauseam until it is a fact. Of course we would need to change the definition of fact too.

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Sad but true, and at the core of the past year.

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PDG--may I quote you?

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Sep 13, 2021Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Enjoyed your article . Incredibly well written for a lawyer! You have alot of insight into the medical profession. Unfortunately, medicine has been politicized in this country. It used to be a noble profession. Now people run around, do procedures with little benefit, add drugs that are harmful and are completely unnecessary and are not accountable to quality and outcome. What you are seeing with vaccine craziness - good intentioned and disciplined physicians like myself have been seeing for the last 10-15 years. People have no idea that most of what happens in a hospital is not evidence based care. Its Financial based care for the health system.

Healthcare is run by the government. Period. I laugh when people say we have a private healthcare system. CMS / FDA / CDC control everything. Fight the vaccine mandate? No medicare money for you! The reason that things have gotten so bad - is the money has gotten so huge. The heads of the major non-profit health systems make fortunes - and no one holds them accountable.

The solution is so simple and so effective. Get government out of the way. Now they are limiting access to monoclonal antibody therapy. The one therapy that I proven to prevent death. Another weaponized tool.

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...for a lawyer. LOL. I try not to waste words.

Thanks for that insider's view re: medicine. I had an intuitive/anecdotal sense that that was true. It must be really hard to practice under those circumstances.

Law has a lot of nonsense--mostly political and billing/profit-driven--built into it, too. That's why I've stepped away from legal practice for the past six years. Still working, but managing gardens. Staying in motion is healthy.

Would like to do some litigation about vax mandates, etc., though. I'd work for very little pay on that.

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Well, I got sent out to the garden. Not my choice-when you speak your mind in healthcare now - you pay a big price. Unemployment.

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Seriously? When? How?

BTW, I may soon lose my garden job over this.

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Children Health Defense needs lawyers! Check them out.

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I am convinced we need fewer doctors and far more brave attorneys to break this brainwashed cycle we are in.

I am in estate planning (not litigation) but have been contacted by healthcare workers and federal employees seeking legal assistance due to coming vaxx mandates. So far I have not found where to send them. Seems to me the largest future class action suit is brewing.

I love your substack! Thank you.

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Thanks, Dennis.

I wish I never had a reason to write this stuff. Just a brutal 18 months. And I doubt the judges would help much to end this mess.

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Just a small note of admiration for what you are doing. I think your articles are absolutely life-saving for so many of us...thank you.

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Sep 25, 2021Liked by Mark Oshinskie


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Liberty Counsel lc.org

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Good article, unfortunately, there is a sinister, element behind the "Be Nice" Facade that you promote, may be you have a distorted view of reality, primarily being a member of the B.A.R, would certainly do "THAT". The problem is a small minority of snake-oil con men, own the Medical & Pharma congromerates, IE, Our good friends Rockerfella, & Rottenchilds once again, show their "UGLY" Talmudic heads, here to poison, Kill, Murder, Maim, Starve, Poison, Create war, "ANYTHING" that will genocide the Goyim, IE, ( Word used to describe" a non Hebrew. As with the fake Government who work for these international banksters, "THEY" are the traitors pretending to "OH WE ARE HERE TO HELP" YOU !

\Could not be further from the truth, until the "PEOPLE" control the money supply we will continue to "DEVOLVE"

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You need to reread what I wrote. It's pretty clear I'm denigrating "nice."

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Point Taken, :) Thanks.

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Thank you for this Mark. Thought I’d share my letter of declination to my hospital organization. Although I’ve lost respect and passion in the allopathic profession for which I am trained, I have gained knowledge regarding the true path to health and healing…and am blessed to share with my patients in the twilight of my current career.

To Whom it May Concern,

Please accept this as my letter of declination to the insufficiently tested and experimental COVID-19 injections. I find the process of coercion to receive these injections in violation of my dignity, integrity and bodily autonomy. It is very concerning that my rights under the Nuremburg Code and United States Code Title 21 Section 360bbb-3 to informed consent are being ignored by this organization and government agencies alike (1,2).

The extent of harm from the vaccines remain unknown as adverse event reporting has a proven track record of delays, underreporting, and inconsistencies. Findings from the Harvard Pilgrim Study submitted to US Department of Health and Human Services in 2010 showed fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events were reported in VAERS (3). As of this letter, over 6,000 COVID vaccine related deaths have been reported to VAERS. The number is over 12,000 when counting international submissions.

As a medical professional and potential recipient of any medical treatment, I demand independent peer-reviewed studies, not funded by multinational pharmaceutical companies. Studies available regarding the safety and efficacy of the COVID injections have been funded and organized by indemnified for-profit corporations and none, that I can find, have been made available to the public or researchers not employed by these organizations.

The preliminary vaccine trial results are underwhelming at best and prove nothing to the effect of preventing or reducing transmission, decreasing mortality or hospitalization, and providing long-lasting immunity to SARS COV-2. Additionally, the studies conducted by these for-profit organizations were not “double blinded” as publicized. There are verified reports that many of the people administering the injections knew whether they were injecting the experimental vaccine or placebo, and according to the British Medical Journal, Moderna and Pfizer officially unblinded their trials in mid-April by giving the vaccine to the placebo group (4). Where will we now find the mid- to long-term data for these injections?

I enjoy diversity of scientific opinion as it serves as the cornerstone of scientific progress. Instead, I am witness to suppression of reasoned skepticism or dissent from renowned scientists, researchers, physicians, citizens, and journalists. The stories of jobs terminated, practices closed, medical licenses revoked, and reputations destroyed are legion.

In the service, I learned that in times of crisis the 50% solution now is better than the 100% solution when it is too late. We have had proven early outpatient COVID-19 treatment options available since summer of 2020, but our public health agencies have chosen to pursue the course of 100% vaccination and nothing else. Entertaining and even discussing early outpatient treatment options such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in the public and clinical setting are verboten (5,6). To compound matters, our public health agencies do not recognize natural immunity when providing guidance on whether to receive a vaccine. Several studies have shown that natural immunity is robust and long-lasting. None exist proving the same with the vaccine (7,8).

As a result of limited and/or suppressed information regarding the COVID injections, I am not informed, therefore, I do not consent.


LTC Bradley, MPAS, PA-C, US Army (Ret.)


(1) https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/21/360bbb

(2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7645850/?report=reader

(3) https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf

(4) https://www.bmj.com/content/373/bmj.n1244

(5) https://c19ivermectin.com/

(6) https://c19hcq.com/

(7) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33686421/

(8) https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/fulltext/S2666-3791(21)00203-2#relatedArticles

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This is a good letter. But I think VAERS is up to 14K+ deaths and Europe has many times that amount.

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You are correct. I sent this letter to corporate 2 weeks ago in response to their mandate. The guillotine drops for me and many of my colleagues in 2 weeks.

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Mr. Oshinshkie, Great post. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It's even worse in our networked social media world which interconnects all of our individual visceral, emotional centers into a networked humanist hive mind. Very powerful force. I have many educated liberal friends, some long time friends, who proudly interact with the world only through the NPR/NYT lens and they embrace this 'humanist' perspective as you describe. I often have to remind them "be careful, don't become a road paver", but it is hard to break-through their mind-set as they hurl condescending pejoratives at anyone who disagrees. -BP

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Thanks, B. Liberals are sheep. I used to be one before I figured this out. They have zero objectivity or critical thinking skills.

Please share the essay with others. I write to let people know they're not alone.

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I will share with all of my friends, the believers and the doubters. I believe the truth will eventually prevail. It just must.

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I intend to share far & wide.

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Pentagon Paper's, Afghanistan Paper's, and the C-19 Reset. Lies, lies and more lies. People living in a Joseph Campbell myth of the "Hero's Journey" thinking that the Xiden Puppet was the great unifier, (it's not a movie, people). Here we are, stunned that something/someone that had shown his cards for 47 yrs was going to be different, (people don't change they just become more of who they already are). Many tossed up flairs to warn and now people are saying, "WTF", how do we make this go away? There are more of us than them, and as the Martin Luther King Jr. said, "One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws." (ps. Mark, delightful finding your work on SubStack)

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More of you? You fucking idiot, just look at the vaxx rate. You people really are incredibly stupid. Society has had it with you - so now you're losing your jobs and are off in the far corners of the internet high-fiving each other. We've moved on from you fuckers.

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Yeah, you've moved on. That's why you keep sending mindlessly angry messages.

I would love to cross-examine you. I did a lot of that in my legal career. People told me I was very good at it. You would be an easy target.

(Try to) write something coherent and fact-based. I would be surprised if you could. You lied about my legal career so why not just keep lying?

Here's my latest essay. Many people have sent favorable messages about it. Thanks for reading.


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Oct 27, 2021Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I do love a withering riposte. But perhaps lost on the pitchfork-bearing, name-calling, expletive-laden, mite-is-rite crowd? To be fair, perhaps you're getting through. This may just be the anger stage of grief - scheduled for much of the world when it realises that this bug has gone endemic and has booked a future date. Except, of course, for those who opt to continue shooting up boosters with rapidly-receding efficacy rates. All for a price, naturally. No more freebies after the first three, I suspect? The drug peddlers must be rubbing their palms in glee....

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"But the larger the number of people who don’t vaxx, the harder it will be to sell that lie." This is what I believe is the reason for the big vax push--they don't want a sizable control group for comparison. They won't be able to hide vaxxed vs. unvaxxed stats forever, as they are doing now. Someday, years from now, there may be huge noticeable differences between vaxxed and unvaxxed, such as cancer or heart disease rates, fertility rates, life expectancies, etc. They need the unvaxxed group to be as small as possible, in order to bury this or explain it away.

Ultimately, it comes down to this: "humanists lack humility". If one believes that so-called experts are capable of determining what is best for everyone, then he'd want experts making all decisions. It would be evil to allow individuals to make potentially poor choices for themselves, since they're not "experts", and thus, Big GovCo must be the arbiter of all!

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I strongly agree with all that! I think they also don't want a control group so they can say, "See, we saved you!"

If you're in NJ, let's hang out.

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Great job, feel the same way, but unlike the well organized insights in your well done essay, mine (insights) have been scattered about, sporadically occurring after sitting with friends here or reading something there, but voila: you've chronicled my exact observations for me, with much better writing than I could ever muster.

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Thanks, Fred. I write for that reason: to let sane people know they're not alone.

Please share with friend and foe alike.

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"The vaxxes have already killed tens of thousands of people and injured far more than that. Long term vaxx effects could be far worse." Can someone please send me links/references to evidence for this, need it as part of my rebuke to my company's recent office vaccine mandate. Thanks!

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The US VAERS site hasd over 14K dead weeks ago Euro VAERS had over 21K. Many more injuries. Plenty of articles about long term effects.

I know that stuff is on the Net.

I did legal writing for 30 years. You have to cite authority for every sentence. But I got paid for that so I could add that level of detail.

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Thanks mark - Will find them when I research tomorrow

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This is a great article, and akin to a desired Conevention of States ostensibly to require term limits for politicians--which i am vehemently against.

A thread within this Wuhan virus scheme is the need to resolve the problem during a single term of political office (eg, 4 years or less) to support a single extended term.

Trained as a lawyer and planner, I tend to look at problems, net effects, and corrections over a longer term.

Under prospective term limits discussion, politicians would be changed every two years to get rid of "old fogies" who mire the system with outdated philosophy. But they forget that would undo the voter's intended and original hope/decision, and add a flurry (double?) of new federal retirees every two years.

Having longer terms in office allows for educated discussion and rapport with colleagues, and a longer term assessment of rational thinking.

If he runs again, Trump will be blamed by the Democrats for the mounting "too soon" vaxxed deaths; Biden excoriated by Republicans for his continuous foibles and autocracy.

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The vaxxes are 100% about politics and it’s baffling that more don’t see it. I work for a company with well over 100 people. It was an interesting week to say the least with quite a bit of correspondence with HR. I have to be vaxxed or I will be fired in mid-November. By then, I suspect the mainstream narrative about shot efficacy will be very different than it was a week ago but I have no expectations that the company will react to that change in a sensible manner. I work for a news media company btw. I’m glad I found your stack, Mark. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks, Fay. I have ten essay there on various aspects of this scam/mess

I can't believe people have been so senselessly fearful of a vrius and so trusting in an experimental vaxx.

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Good summation, Mark. I would add that people in the US have been massively and systematically poisoned via glyphosate, atrazine, and tens of thousands of chemicals in the food supply, air, water, and household products. Its not only the old and obese that are at risk, it is the toxified. Obesity is the way the body protects the organ function from toxins, it isolates them in fat cells. See Dr Seneff´s new book; Toxic Legacy.

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I just love Dr. Seneff!

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Mark, Have you seen Matt Crawford's substack? He is a mathematician and shows the insanity that exists in covid reporting of deaths. His most recent post is one of the best he has done!


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The systemic fraud to call this a "pandemic of the unvaxxed" is incredible.


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The Hawaii story with healthcare worker Abrien Aguirre is just stunning.


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I had a psychotic patient once who was convinced that she had the power to turn stop-lights green. It works every time. This has become the majority of the planet. I believe you are right: we will be told eventually that the shots, masks, etc all worked.

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Well, better than turning stop-lights green, the Demoncrats make dead people vote.

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Congrats on exiting the land of Jaydolph! Madness for sure!

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Thank you for your kind words ♥️

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