In early Mar 2020, pacing the living room floor of our little condo just outside of Boston, I -- a member of the laptop class -- was beside myself with incredulity and anguish. Talking to myself, waving my arms -- "What about people who can't 'work from home'?!!! What about poor people??? What about the kids????" I thought about the lovely Brazilian immigrant man who cleaned our offices at night. I thought about the whole crew of people who got to our fancy schmancy building at the crack of dawn to prep for food service and then stood on their feet to make our breakfasts and lunches to order...Work from 𝑯𝑶𝑴𝑬???????

Among my professional circle, a well-established, large one, to my knowledge I was the only one opposed. After stating the obvious and getting the same bullsh*t back, I stopped talking. The "club" had formed. The minds had closed. The sanctimony was in full gear.

There's no going back and there is no forgetting -- at least for me there ain't.

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I totally agree. I tipped my pizza parlor a $20 every time I got a pizza. I tipped my deli a $10 when I got a latte. I tipped my trainer at the gym $100 because he kept the lights off, sneaked us in the back door, and kept me in shape. My garbage men got packs of cookies and cold drinks whenever I could catch them. Whenever I used cash, I let the clerk keep the change. I was a maskless rebel, and I will never forget nor forgive those who are at fault for this shit show.

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Good for you, CarolAnne! ❤️ I'm with you -- I've never worn a "snot pouch," and I never will.

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What angered me was how the snobbish, pampered Zoomer class frequently took time off to troll those worrying about how to feed their kids or pay their mortgage. Many welcomed the lockdown because they knew it would cause great economic suffering to Trump supporters. They called acting this way being "kind and considerate."

On FB I mentioned I was more worried about an economic downturn than Covid because I was disabled on a fixed income. To score points with his fellow zoomers my cousin said, "Yeah. Sucks to be you. But at least it will smash the system and bring in communism. It's for the greater good."

Yes, the new system will be wonderful with a bunch of heartless virtue-signallers running the show. They can get by doing nothing to help people (aka individuals) but yammer about the Greater Good and how Everyone Else needs to sacrifice for it.

I sure won't look to anyone like my cousin if I need help.

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These useful idiots think they're going to get Utopia, but don't realize they're actually being played like fiddles.

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Totally hear you. There are so many of us, but we didn't have a way to communicate with each other at the time.

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It was the exact same for me. Day and night anger and despair. How can people not think? The "We're all in this together" line really maddened me as it was being vomited out by people living in mansions. My heart breaks still for all those who were forced into poverty, starvation and death.

No going back is right. But how to go forward? Everything seems tainted to me somehow.

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Well, SQ, people did think. They thought of themselves. They thought of how noble they were. They thought about how cooperative and "nice" they were. They thought of how considerate they were -- you know, by "working from home" they could help save just so 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒚 lives, you know?

Costs? What costs? Besides, it's just 15 days. How can any of you be so selfish???

Freedom? Pfffft. Freedom. Is freedom more important than saving lives? Than safety?

Oh, they thought, all right, and what that thinking proved is that -- at least for me -- that I (and maybe you?) have very little that really matters in common with most of my countrymen. Having proof of that which I'd suspected for a long time came as deeply traumatic for me. I go forward knowing this -- no longer kidding myself. Most of the things that I deeply enjoyed are, as you say, tainted for me, too.

At bottom, this was a morality test, SQ, and we watched as the vast majority failed it.

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Let's hope for better days when the taint will be washed away and our souls cleansed.

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Yes, I do pray for that.

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Long comment... However, I think it important in the context of this article. Below is a text message I received from my best friend’s father, who is an internist (M.D.), after rejecting his wife’s plea to help convince their son (my best friend) to get vaccinated:

“Hi Ino, L spoke to me about the conversation you had with her and your position on vaccines. I have spoken with a number of my patients that have the same distorted view that has no basis in medicine! Sadly, people die prematurely that think negatively toward preventive medicine. Those of you that refuse the vaccine harm others and cost everyone billions of dollars caring for you. Ideally, like an organ donor, people who refuse to protect themselves and those around should carry a card stating you refuse to be vaccinated and therefore if you become sick, medical personnel will not have to waste time or vital medical machinery to try to save you. You are an adult and you can make your own decisions; I personally do not want to spend my vital time and medical training on individuals that refuse to comply. Regardless of what you are reading it is not based on facts! Even Donald Trump, your president got the shots and all his family, yet he encouraged all his followers not to get vaccinated. Ino, I felt I should voice my opinion; I do not want to discuss it with you or any one else !! God Bless you, I love you like a son. Because I love you I felt that I should be very frank with you.

Good Luck,


We’re it not so sad, his comment would be laughable. I had a lot more to say, but this was my response:

“Dr. L, I was hesitant to respond to your message because, like you, I have no desire to continue a discussion on this topic. However, I need to address one thing you wrote:

“Ideally, like an organ donor, people who refuse to protect themselves and those around them should carry a card stating you refuse to be vaccinated and therefore if you become sick, medical personnel will not have to waste time or vital machinery to try to save you.”

I can’t imagine you’d use that same discernment to treat or refuse to treat those who practice unsafe sex and contract STDs, those who smoke cigarettes, abuse drugs and alcohol, have diets that are high in sugar and processed foods, etc. Their personal decisions, lifestyle choices, and right to bodily autonomy lead them to deleterious consequences (for them and others) in the face of overwhelming medical evidence to dissuade them from that behavior.

I can only hope and pray that the majority of the medical community doesn’t share your views, as the entire system would fall to its knees. Medical discrimination of that magnitude is unconscionable.

Every adult should have the right to both informed consent and bodily autonomy and should never be refused treatment for their decisions.

I love and respect you, but do not support or agree with your views.



Doctors and those in the medical community were even more susceptible to the brainwashing b/c their entire education is subsidized and created by the Rockefeller clan who own the AMA, Big Pharma, and all of the Academic Medical Centers/Schools. It is indoctrination more than education.

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Take the vaxx! Trump took it!


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“Your President” 🤣 I don’t even vote.

Another lemming assuming I follow the leader(s) like they did w/ Fauci and others.

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I was lampooning Dr. L. He's not a very deep thinker.

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Yep. I got it, Mark. The lemming comment was in reference to Dr. L and others like him. 😉

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I’ve been a Trump supporter since 2016, but even at the behest of President Trump to take the “magic” vax and his example (supposedly taking the jab himself) it simply could not override my common sense lol!!

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Projection, always the iron law of projection ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Wow, Ino. I love your response. Awesome! I was lucky - my cardiologist, PCP, OBGYN, dentist, and dermatologist, none of them, ever pushed the vax nor closed the door when I refused to wear a mask. Although I was thrown out of REI for refusing a paper diaper on my face,. And screamed at in Wegmans for going the wrong way……. Sigh.

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That was a brilliant response. Thank you for sharing. My GP still insists “vaccines save lives” and lumps gene therapy in with vaccines. I have been a medical writer for over three decades and he knows better than to present false “evidence” to me. I asked him to produce even one paper that showed they were a) safe and/or b) effective. His response was that he shouldn’t need to. I respectfully disagreed. As a physician he should have been able and prepared to produce said evidence. This is all intolerable BS, yet we are surrounded by those who continue - blindly - to believe.

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Thank you. Ask any MD about their education on vaccines. It doesn’t exist. I came across a study recently that said the average MD has about 20hrs of education on nutrition. And, we’re supposed to follow their health advice? Clown world 🤡🌎

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And about an hour of their “education “ on breastfeeding. Formula is NOT the same!

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My wife and I have three adult kids, each breastfed for extended periods.

Then, they vaxxed.


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I also nursed for extended periods including nursing my twins. I became a La Leche League leader in the 80’s and attended meetings for years, helping moms who we’re having difficulties and making life-long friends.

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It is indeed a 🤡 world and getting worse.

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The single most important food for humans

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Dr. L, like so many other "doctors," was under a strong delusion. Other doctors just went along with it because their livelihoods depended on compliance. They are cowards.

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I loved your reply to the doctor...it was spot on!! I was well aware of the notion that average people felt like the UNvaxxed should be treated differently and refused medical care, but the notion that this (or any) physician felt this way is terrifying, as well as, heartbreaking. I have lost so much trust in and respect for the medical system. All of my long-term doctors (20-30+ years) have retired (all in that last 3 years). I fear they were the last “old-school” docs that treated patients subjectively and personally (without insurance companies, the government, and big pharma influence).

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Critical thinking is not encouraged in academia and medicine anymore. Toe the line or suffer the consequences is the situation we all face. However, we are more powerful than we know. Stop giving agency over our minds and bodies to others. Ask questions. Don’t comply. Keep fighting.

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Excellent article, Mark!

Reading this brought up a ton of emotions. I am one of the lucky "laptop" folks that walked away from this scamdemic fairly unscathed. Everyone was affected by this in one way or another, but I realize how lucky I am.

I knew early on that they were going to push the vaxx mandate and was prepared to lose my job. For the first time in my life, I couldn't believe what was happening with our Gov't, political parties, media, censorship, etc...it was shocking to see how this played out in real time.

I feel that I dodged this bullet - this time. However, I believe a bigger bullet is coming the next time.

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What a powerful accounting, and yet still no accountability, or even acknowledgement.

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Don quixotes against the windmills. We can fight but the ones that should act are the ones that committed the crimes

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But in the movie “Man of La Mancha” I like the way he was able to reach Aldonza!

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He reached Aldonza but only by seeing her as Dulcinea. There is some message there that we should understand vis-à-vis all that has gone on.

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Outstanding piece Mark. Tying in your personal interactions on the ground in Nicaragua with the somewhat more clinical, “higher altitude” statistics provided by Green and Fazi adds immense value to their indictment of the pandemic response. I’m not exaggerating when I say that your work is the necessary catalyst that makes these facts accessible and human to your lucky subscribers. Just awesome stuff here!!

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Thanks, Steve. We should meet. I'm likely to be in NH in mid-July.

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You mentioned N H before. I never corrected you on that. I’m in NC. It’d be great to run into you sometime!

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If you're in NJ, please stop by. Or call. 732-249-3096

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Thank you for this. I remain gobsmacked that so many "educated" people would advocate for lockdowns and all the rest of this idiotically cruel and criminal shale show.

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Transcriber B, I’m beginning to think being “educated” and having one’s head up one’s azzzz are mutually exclusive.

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No shale.

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A man I always respected as intelligent and rational bought into this whole thing.

Why? He had a vested interest in the Narrative being true. He'd become assistant manager of a company that produces Covid testing kits. After working for pharmaceutical companies since graduating college. May God have mercy on him.

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What a terrible price to pay to awaken people from their ignorant slumber. Sadly, I was one of them. I was a Pollyanna. Now I’m a cynic. The lesser of two evils I suppose. There is a heaviness on my heart that will never go away. And I live with the fact that my heart may stop beating sooner than later because I fell for the scam. All the more reason to try and make a difference in the time I have left.

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I was always a cynic. Now I am a misanthrope.

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From where I’m standing, misanthropes are nearly indistinguishable from Polyannas.

I guess that makes me a realist.

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Laura, just stay up to date with Peter McCullough’s ‘stack. Also 2SG’s ‘stack! They’re both on a roll and offer serious help for the “vaxxed.” ( you’re probably well aware of this…..I’m just making sure :)

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Oh yes. But thank you Steve 🥰

I am a patient at Tenpenny’s practice. Blessed to be 30 minutes from her.

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Wow, you are blessed, Laura. :)

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All I could think of while reading this is that all of these people have sold their souls. They did and are continuing to do what is only logical when believing there is no afterlife or Supreme Being to whom they will answer. More for them and who cares about anyone else? They'll be rich now, sure, but now is just a vapor in the wind. Thankfully God is just.

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worst thing is the ones that forced these rules on their citizens did not follow their own rules, Remember pelosi admonishing people to stay home for the holiday, then travelling to her seaside resort. The king and queen of the Netherlands on holiday abroad. Some actor flying to Brussels in his private plane and going out to dine while people could not meet up with more than 4. Boris partying, that Finnish woman partying, all while their countries were on lockdown. Trump taking HCQ while it was forbidden for everyone else. Millions of people now disabled and dead from the poisons. Lists and lists of fatalities, died suddenly, collapsed in the street, supermarket, while bicycling, driving, walking, watching TV.... and no reaction anywhere. Least from those injected and now zombie-like living on, with their bodies factories of poison...

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This is the same cavalier attitude they exhibit toward climate change while flying around the world in their private jets and drinking champagne and eating filet mignon while touring on their yachts. I guess those with seaside mansions are not worried about the ocean tide rising. But they consistently let us know we need to be worried; very worried.

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Mark, because you cited the book, I ordered it today. My partner who is a conservative leaning Democrat (yes, there are some) needs to fully understand the horrific extent of this shit-storm. I’ll read it first, then hand it over to him. I’m hoping if he reads words authored by the left, he will believe words I’ve screamed from the roof-tops these last years.

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CarolAnne. Are you familiar with Bobby Kennedy’s book, A Letter to Liberals?

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No I”m not, but I’ll look into it tonight. Thanks Laura!!

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It’s a small book. Short read. I sent it to my brother. He said Bobby was an opportunist and a charlatan. Maybe you will have better luck. It was a great read.

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Green and Fazi do an excellent job of cataloguing the impacts of the Scamdemic. But perhaps we overlook the important distinction that all this mayhem and misery was the intended purpose and not the byproduct.

And then there is the sobering reality that Schwab, Gates and friends are feverishly preparing their plans for the the next phase of their grand scheme to remake the world — ridded of the pesky presence of 80-90% of the rest of us.

Fun times ahead!

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Planned from the top.

Embraced by Trump haters.

Gullibly bought by the rest.

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The terms "Scamdemic" and "Plandemic" are certainly interchangeable.

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Indeed; a scam always follows a plan.

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All this murder and mayhem, all to defeat Trump and increase the wealth of people, companies, and institutions that were already awash in money. Thank you for sharing this book with us and I hope your post ends up on Revolver and CFP and other aggregate sites so even more people can see what a genocide this has been, and continues to be, and who is responsible.

Danny Huckabee

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Thank you

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At the beginning of the lockdowns I predicted to a friend that this would hurt the Black community the worst because it was just beginning to make strides out of poverty. I further said, "This will lead to violence." Didn't know exactly when or how, but I sensed that the shuttering of small businesses and the loss of income would lead to frustration and anger. Then George Floyd happened . . .

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I blind man could see what was coming, which of course meant the designers and executioners (experts) could as well.

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And why will all the horrors of the scamdemic happen again? Maybe, because no one was held accountable--in fact, they were rewarded for being good autocrats:

"Former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been appointed two fellowships at Harvard University. Ardern has been appointed to the 2023 Angelopoulos Global Public Leaders Fellow at the school of government and as the Hauser Leader in the Center for Public Leadership."

If you recall, Ardern was especially vicious telling New Zealanders not to stop on the streets and talk to each other as that can spread the virus.

And how about Fauci, he retired quietly after five decades of destroying public health with untold big pharma royalties and a $450,000 a year pension.

So you see crime does pay especially, if your criminal activities are in cahoots with the national security state, DOD, bankster/ gangsters, trillion dollar hedge funds, and the WEF/UN Agenda.

And don't worry, the next scamdemic's authoritarian protocols are currently being planned by the WHO an organization primarily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. It should also be stressed China, Russia, and the US are all-in on establishing a "multipolar biosecurity surveillance state."

It's being mapped out via a "Pandemic Treaty." Oh, by the way North Korea was just appointed a three year stint on the Pandemic Treaty Board. I guess, that was considered only equitable ensuring KimJong un would get his share of mRNA experimental toxic jabs.

What could be more equitable and sustainable then a newly formulated WHO/IMF. 🙀


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They're ushering in a digital infrastructure that will lead to our enslavement. Of course, this is for our own safety and "the greater good."

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That's because they're so benevolent. 😁

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Count on it! My daughter just moved to Brooklyn. I owe her a visit at her new digs.

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