At my sons graduation in 2021 - which was delayed for a year, he actually graduated in 2020 - but because of the danger of Covid, it had to be delayed - the Dean praised the students for the courage they displayed in the face of a "Global Pandemic". I laughed. How many students died - I later asked? Why none. How many were hospitalized. None. So what was the danger? I mean what about the young kids that we sent to Afghanistan or landed in Normandy. Now there is a real danger. I mean lets face reality, alcohol has caused more deaths to college kids than Covid.

As a surgeon I get to witness alot of crisis situations. Hollywood / TV and Healthcare institutions would like for you to think that these are perfectly choreographed incidents that get it right all the time. But the truth is alot harder. No one actively trains for these critical situations and the results are almost never constructively reviewed. When I find myself in these situations with my patients its very hard to repurpose the group from inexperienced panic to thoughtful purposeful action. You will frequently see people doing all sorts of things that are unproductive and actually harmful. When you get people to stop what they are doing wrong and do productive things - they frequently reject it - and take the opportunity to complain about the leadership you provided.

Unfortunately, its the end result of government taking over healthcare. They are the number one payor to every hospital right now and the hospitals do what they say. There will be no freedom until this is unwound. The key to understand this is that the government pays hospitals to do things - not to do it well.

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The whole system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Health care (not insurance) hospitals, etc. Doctors need to be free from ties to pharma and free from intervention from insurances as to what can and needs to be done. I know of a lady who had 2 surgeries bcause the health insurance would not pay for the second until the first was done. She only needed the second. And the patient is left with the dangers of surgery, the agony, the down time, the pain... and part of the cost.

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the airlines were a mess in the 70's. expensive and unsafe. the government deregulated the industry and it is safe and relatively inexpensive. the same could be easily done for healthcare. deregulation and having open markets with competition willl fix the problem in no time.

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Yeah, the system seems ruined. My daughter is an RN is a Glendale AZ hospital (surgical circulator). She refuses to be injected. The stuff she has gone through! It makes me very angry.

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Shj, exactly.

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If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense. If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.

Covid is not an epidemiological story. Covid is a crime story.

They needed the lockdowns. They needed the lockdowns to be long, destructive and depressing. They need everyone to be scared of more lockdowns so that they can say, "To avoid further lockdowns you need to accept Vaccine Passports."

The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the other measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so.

They were all designed to deliberately break the global economy (and crush competition, especially small businesses) as well as break people's minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back better”, according to the diabolical and dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war, which is essentially a billionaires utopia, in which they own the planet like a techno-feudal fiefdom, and oversee the drastically reduced population of digitally branded humanity like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.

The injections are the Trojan horse to get us in the door of that digital concentration camp (as well as the metaphorical gas chambers), starting with vax-ports, followed by digital IDs, and then connected to CBDC accounts and UBI scrip, which will allow them to track our every move and purchase, and “nudge” us toward whatever medical, dietary, or lifestyle choices they desire, at threat of having our rations reduced, or, if we misbehave too badly, being shut out of the system altogether.

They’re specifically targeting kids and young people most of all, deliberately inflicting mass trauma on them, because they’re the ones who’ll grow up in that New Normal™️, and the goal is to condition them to accept total control over every aspect of their lives and a dehumanized screen-based existence, to the point where they won’t remember living any other way, breathing free, being free.

All talk of so-called efficacy of these poison injections are meaningless distractions and quite besides the (existentially urgent) point when you understand that the virus/disease they’re allegedly designed to protect against doesn’t exist in the first place and, additionally, what their real, above-mentioned purpose(s) is.

It’s blackmail on a global scale.

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I think that viruses and bacteria are ubiquitous. I don't think this CV was nearly as lethal as reported. It imposed functionally zero threat to the vast majority of humans.

And it is a massive, politically driven scam.

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That is my opinion, also. I’ve always believed the number of deaths have been exaggerated (falsified actually), and that they are only 5% of the ‘official’ numbers. And don’t get me started on numbers of ‘cases’.

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You need your own substack. I'm lifting this comment for my blog. Bravo.

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Beautifully written. I agree completely with Mark. Reading essays like this helps me feel that I'm not "listening to conspiracy theorists," as my entire educated, ethical and otherwise very decent family members (who have "drank the kool-aid" and are living in "covidmania" to the extreme) accuse me of when I make any even slight, tactful statement of skepticism about the US's covid response.

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Thanks, DJ.

It's hard to believe that any thinking person sees CV as a serious threat to all.

I have been saying this to all since Feb. 2020. I don't care about alienating people by telling the truth.

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Me too. I am (I think) a pretty measured, thoughtful person and gentle questions or comments I make about maybe not having to live in such fear of the virus or that I don’t think my kids need to get the injection are met with a punishing response in my social circle.

Thanks for the piece, Mark.

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Thanks, Waking. I'm finding a new social circle. I hope you will, too.

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You absolutely put into words the programmed mindset of the masses. We live in a society with a pandemic of narcissism and mental illness.

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and so we pray for the US Supreme Court to abolish the insane wrong doing that is prevalent through out this nation. And God help us. Thank you, well written.

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This is the best description of this covid Plandemic I’ve read!

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Thanks, Ruth and Steve.

Hard to believe how mentally weak so many have become.

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I agree wholeheartedly Ruth. If I am ever asked to summarize these goddawful 2 years, it will be one long paraphrase of this right here.

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You have an interesting take on the motive behind the L/M/V crowd. I had never thought of it that way (probably because my life has meaning and purpose) and after a few months of hysteria I had to go back to work with an even greater purpose of setting up a Covid testing lab for the prestigious (not in my mind) university for which I work.

Also, my father-in-law was a WWII concentration camp survivor (a lesser white Slavic person used for manual labor which saved him from death). He had just moved into a nursing home in January 2020 and did not understand why his loved ones suddenly could not visit him anymore (and his wife of over 50 years could visit him for 1 hour a day dressed up like a surgeon). He died the end of April thinking his family had deserted him.

And one more comment: we did used to visit nursing homes to do arts/crafts with residents as well as singing Christmas carols. I wonder if ever we will be allowed to do those things again. Thanks again for your thoughts!

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Thanks, Clarisse.

That is a horribly sad story about your FIL.

God bless you for showing love to forgotten people.

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your story is heart wrenching. I am so sorry your family suffered so much. My daddy is 98 and lives in an expensive independent living community in Northern Virginia (4 miles from my home). I actually assisted both of my parents with that whole down size move house thing in 2013. They lived in Annapolis Maryland a 60 mile trip for me. (I wanted them to move in with us (just hubbs and I in the big house alone now) but my daddy said we would get on each other's nerves.)

Well that is okay. Ashby Ponds is a fabulous living situation. Expensive but fabulous.

Mom passed in 2016, and I know she never would have put up with any of this BS covid. She worked for the resistance in Holland during WW2.

So, I had to put up a real fight to enter Ashby Ponds to see my daddy when they locked the whole country down. Hideous and hysterical.

I also enjoy visiting these older citizens living communities. I have many friends now at AP and they tease me that I live here, I just don't sleep here.

It is a private community, about 2000 residents and it is not subsidized by the government, so you have to afford it. Daddy can well afford it and I hope he uses up all of his money.

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Multiply each personal fight by millions to see the scope of this war. Any society willing to sacrifice their elders and now their children to gain power is ruthless and can’t be dissuaded by words and pleas and logical arguments. They can only be stopped by forceful opposition. Recent successes in the courts show the legal front for the growing war. The ability of oppressors to ignore the judges shows it’s not working. Stronger resistance will be required to make them stop.

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😭 Your poor father-in-law, thinking he had been deserted. I'm sorry for your family's loss, that had to be the most horrible feeling for all involved. God bless all of you.

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Spot on article! The Covid maniacs are mostly virtue signaling know-nothings with mediocre IQs and meaningless lives.

The Covid maniacs “vaxxing” their little kids will die confused as to why their kids begin to completely dismiss anything they say in 10-20 years.

At a Christmas event I planted an important seed with one of my friends on the child vaccine fence just by saying “For every major parenting decision we make as parents, we ask ourselves can we justify this to adult C and/ or E in 20 years? Personally, I think we’d rightly look like idiots, at best, to adult C and E if we sign them up for some big pharma subscription plan for a new drug, with unknowable long term consequences, that does not actually prevent what is for children a very mild respiratory virus that poses virtually no risk to their health. This insanity has completely upended their lives. They WILL, rightfully, have questions when they hopefully grow to be adults. If you are really struggling with this decision, what does it look like in 20 years when you tell adult B why you made the decision you did? Will adult B think ‘so basically you gave me an experimental drug I didn’t need that didn’t protect me or anyone else from any virus because of peer pressure and media hysteria,’ or do you genuinely have first hand data you’ve actually researched yourself that provides greater substantiation for child vaccines?”

At least I planted the seed and I believe B remains unvaccinated. She admitted that changed her thoughts and said she didn’t think many parents thought about it that way. I told her I thought more should because the whole point of parenting is to raise contributing adults and it seems silly not to consider that one day they WILL be adults………..

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Great article, thank you. I think you’re onto something with the “search for meaning” line of thinking. I’m so appalled by the gullibility and stupidity of the majority of people. Even if this ended soon I will never see humans the same way again.

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Thanks, Vol.

Been shaking my head for 22 months. Replacing old friends with new ones.

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The last two years has been a litmus test.

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Wonderful, Mark. Well said.

My father in law, who I sadly never met was WWII Marine who fought and survived Iwo Jima. Sadly, he died at 48. He would be 100 today (12-28-2021) had he lived. I only wish I could talk to him about REAL personal threats.

I often think of the courage of that generation to face these REAL threats and do what was needed anyway. In my estate planning law practice, I find that generation prefers not to speak of these experiences. Sometimes I can draw it out, hesitantly, when I thank them for their service and the role they had in saving our world.

I wonder who the heroes will be to tell the next generation about this fight for freedom and liberty? Keep your posts. They will make a great book when put together someday.

The world needs story tellers. Keep up the great work.

Happy New Year. I hope 2022 is better in every way for you and your family! And may you be successful in connecting with many new friends who avoided, escaped, or recovered from the mass psychosis.

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Thanks, Dennis.

Some days I feel like this is all about to shift; that the lies have gotten so obvious that even the Pollyannish are seeing they've been scammed.

Let us hope so. And that the perpetrators of this massive fraud are duly punished.

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If this virus is indeed weakening. Some think that this will end badly for all because of the path we have taken. It’s not a natural virus and therefore may not follow natural viral evolution and become weaker. Omicron is strange in that it is so different to other variants suggesting natural attenuation is not occurring. It has been a disheartening experience for sure. My life has been tipped upside down and it’s been disappointing to see so many of my friends and family capitulate to the big pharma sponsored narrative. And with such zeal! I feel a little disgusted by them to be honest but I’m trying to see them all in a good light. Ultimately we want unity and not division. But the speed and callousness with which they have treated those with alternative views has been quite shocking. As Charles Bukowski says “Humanity, you never had it.”

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Many of us have lost relationships over this. But I can't affirm the insanity. There are plenty of sane people. We have to find each other.

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I have a 50 y/o family member who I love. Sputtering the other day and slamming their fist on the table: “I don’t care about YOUR rights! Get the damn vaccine!” I walked out, in search of my sane friends/ family.

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CarolAnne so sorry. Me too. I haven’t seen my family since this started. Mark lives in the same area where they live. I wish he could knock on their doors and tell them all 🤬

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Dec 30, 2021
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Your right no more opinions. Happy new year to all !

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Omicron is mild. Reaction to Omicron is not at all mild.

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Awesome Mark. I bow to my Sensei. I certainly get the narcissistic component to the overreaction. We see it all the time with climate nuts and "diversity is our strength" kooks. The hybrid or electric cars, the solar paneled roofs, the hyper energy efficient homes that ironically are full of exhaled carbon dioxide due to lack of venting, the multiple recycle bins that confuse all but the zealots at the trendy restaurants or recycling centers. The rainbow flags on bumpers and front lawns. But, as you say; "the active, sinister efforts to suppress knowledge about self care" (and effective FDA approved drugs I might add). This is criminal. And I pray a future adminstration and Justice Department will investigate, name names and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. How many died because they could not be prescribed ivermectin or chloriquine or hydroxychloriquine?? This is worse by several orders of magnitude than Cuomo's nursing home reshuffling.

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Thanks, Raf.

Speak out.

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You bet. Sorry, it's Chloroquine. It's unconscionable to me that in the declared state of emergency they'd fast track "new" pharma technology only and not efficacious pre existing drugs that only needed to be approved for additional therapeutic applications. How many died because of the cynical use of this prerogative by the health bureacracy? Were we in an emergency or not? Perhaps just a financial one. I think Fauci et al are so far down the rabbit hole in this palm greasing system that they really have no idea what they did. It' all rationalized to the point of complete self deception.

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It is quite unbelievable that people LIKE this ! that they think of themselves as heroes. I was afraid at first, too, but not of the virus. I was most afraid of the reaction of people, of the government, and still am wary around some former friends that I can not really dismiss from my life. I still think they might betray my trust if there were a government to report an unvaxxed. Like the Jews were betrayed by neighbors in the war. This is not really comparable, but it gives one an idea of what these people must have suffered through,living constantly in fear.

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don't live in fear. Whatever you do, don't do that.

The government already knows you are unvaxxed.

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You are right. I read an article on Medium a few months ago and recognized the weird feelings as anxiety, the run or fight reflex, and that helped a lot. The best thing to do is go for long walks in the woods with the animals. Then I realize that there is truly little to fear. Only a wild boar, maybe !

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People are so pathetic to lie down and take whatever told.

The modellers of this WEF Covid game knew we would be a push over.

How to fight against the coming algorithms, which will be worse than Covid, and harder to evade than the injections.

Who is the modern day Churchill?

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This is my main concern also…if this one is fizzling out, what could be coming next? Some say it will be the “climate crisis.” Useful idiots abound to propel this idea.

Optimistically, perhaps they have created a nation of hardened skeptics. When our leaders set in motion the battle plan from the Johns Hopkins war games, there were 2 flawed assumptions according to Dr Malone: the virus would be more deadly and the vaccines would be more effective. Our foolish “generals,” making the oldest mistake in warfare, failed to adapt the battle plan to the reality on the ground. They repeatedly doubled down on failure. Eventually enough of us will see it and will vigorously oppose any of their “do-overs.”

Still, we need a modern day Churchill.

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yeah, might be time to sit down and go over the whole topic again. The next thing is operation Ciber Polygon and the loss of the grid and the internet.

The sceptics and the gullible will in the dark together.

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dear god no! we need the other guy

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The other guy lost.

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spot on and well written, Mark

My parents lived through and survived WW2 in Rotterdam. Oh they have many stories.

My father was taken up in a razzia in 44. He was kind of excited about going on a trip. haha

but it was pretty disgusting working for the nazi's cleaning up their ruined nation.

I have thousands of stories

Our nation has turned into a nation of weak dependents.

This is socialism

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Thanks, Rosemary.

Real wars are way more painful than is virus crushing.

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if he was cleaning up after the war, he wasn't working for the nazis, Not the german ones anyway.

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When he arrived in the Netherlands, he was informed the next morning that he was now a fellow German. No one argued about that. This was not AFTER the war, It was in 1944 in Northern Germany. He was held there until the end of the war. He kept a very detailed diary of his experience

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did I write after the war?

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you nailed it, as usual 💕🐱🎯🐱💕

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Thanks, Kitten.

Resist. Speak out.

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