Strength in numbers, but the brainwashing has gone on so long. I have the blood of revolutionaries flowing through my veins, from The Revolution, The War of 1812 and the Civil War from all branches of my tree. The Civil War was a Rebel. I draw on this fact so much these last few years and never gave it any thoughts before this. It is wh…
Strength in numbers, but the brainwashing has gone on so long. I have the blood of revolutionaries flowing through my veins, from The Revolution, The War of 1812 and the Civil War from all branches of my tree. The Civil War was a Rebel. I draw on this fact so much these last few years and never gave it any thoughts before this. It is who I am and what I am made of. I am wondering if I am the only one who is figuring out that you really don't want to mess with me. I have always known that I had nerves of steel and in iron will, but "they" have made me get to know who I really am like no other thing I have ever gone through.
Strength in numbers, but the brainwashing has gone on so long. I have the blood of revolutionaries flowing through my veins, from The Revolution, The War of 1812 and the Civil War from all branches of my tree. The Civil War was a Rebel. I draw on this fact so much these last few years and never gave it any thoughts before this. It is who I am and what I am made of. I am wondering if I am the only one who is figuring out that you really don't want to mess with me. I have always known that I had nerves of steel and in iron will, but "they" have made me get to know who I really am like no other thing I have ever gone through.