May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

This is without a doubt the best takedown of the Times' limited hangout I've seen. Money shot after money shot here, too many to repeat. If I had to choose one, it would be the observation that "millions of lives saved by the vaccine" is a classic example of correlation is causation, which of course can never be applied to jab injuries.

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May 9·edited May 9Author

Before today, I had heard of "limited hangouts" but just assumed--and I'm not joking--that this term meant you only hung out with someone for a short time, like 15 minutes.

LOL. Catch up, Mark.

But "limited hangout" is what I was describing here and def describes the general approach to the Scamdemic: belatedly admit some of what's true but hold back the bulk of the lies.

I should try to think of a time I've seen that in my life. I think it's happened multiple times.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Remember when Fauci was first saying that nobody needed to wear masks? Then he LIED about lying about that, saying that he just didn't want everyone to go out and buy all the masks from under the heroic care providers, etc. But that, after that point, now that the "white lie" was supposedly out, everyone must wear the mask and mask forever.

The biggest lie was that masking ever did any good and Fauci knows this. He invented the supposed lie about the masks ("the limited hangout") to further the agenda.

I'm pretty sure Dr. Birx was involved in limited hangouts as well.

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Thanks for explaining that. I'm starting to get this "limited hangout" thing now.

Not that I haven't seen them in my life. I just didn't know there was a name for it.

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Remember Fauci's calls for double masking, triple masking? He had #FakeNews propagandists helping push that lie. Like this one (Erika Edwards):

Double Masking May Offer Extra Covid Protection | NBC News NOW


I just came across that video when I was looking up the propagandists trying to takedown activists trying to protect us from fluoride-poisoned water in our communities in this (Erika Edwards) article today:

Medical freedom vs. public health: Should fluoride be in our drinking water?


When you remember that the same people who use their major media platform to tell you the blatant lies of "experts" like Fauci that deserve ridicule and scorn, "double mask" are using their major media platform to tell you blatant lies of "experts" in the ADA about the known poison Fluoride being "proven" to reduce cavities - contradicted by their own testimony in the recent hearing on water fluoridation you know how much (little) to trust "experts" and the major tabloid media that parrots them.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I think that what the government calls "public health" is a front or cover story for population control. They intend for less people to be around and they can't call it "department of population reduction" or people would think they're murderous!

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I posted some of this in another comment on this thread, but seeing your profile I'm curious about any insights, observations you can share. It uses the terminology "double-discipline" meaning "internal discipline" and "external discipline" like what's used in martial arts training. Applied as societal control. Indoctrination of the mind paired with muscular force. Using infectious disease to fundamentally transform people from nationalists into communists. There's even a chapter titled, The Logic of Disease Politics":

Rural Health Care Delivery

Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013


('GET' .pdf download)

From the book's official description:

"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."

I wrote more about the book in Stack last year. And I always welcome input from those with background and experience to help clarify or expand on.

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I have a lot of bias on this topic, just so you know. I started training internal martial arts with a lineage that descended straight from Taiwan, took up shop in the nearby San Diego, CA area which is where I found them back in the late 80's. I've been an adherent of the internal martial arts since that time.

Around 2000, I got together with a wonderful acupuncturist in San Diego, who I was later fortunate enough to have as my wife to this day! We entirely live the life of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). My wife is, in fact, a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM).

You are right to point out that the communist Chinese government had *nearly* abolished all traditional Chinese practices such as the internal martial arts and all manner of medicine.

However, at some point, they discovered that they benefitted greatly from its practice. And with the communist approach, they have the health of billions of people to manage. So, the solution was to "demystify" (or secularize) its accepted practice.

One thing that I've tried long and hard to tell people about since COVID is that the Chinese, in their most modern hospitals, still use TCM herb formulas to treat respiratory virus. Not just that but all manner of disease and general health conditions as well.

It is only the "Western" countries that have abandoned herbology in favor of Rockefeller allopathic symptomatic-relief big-pharma "modern" medicine.

I could go on forever about this subject. I live it daily. I do not take any pharmaceuticals. I take TCM herb formulas for any health conditions and I receive acupuncture at my wife's clinic as often as I can.

Not only do I not want/need things like vaccines, I don't even want Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. I don't judge people that use these or anything that works for them. I just know that there's a different way. An older way. Like anything else, it's not 100% effective for everybody but it's 100% good enough for me.

I still belief in the older school of TCM thought. That there's a mystical component to it. That it's spiritual, unlike the Chinese government. The internal is the soft and flowing, the external is the hard and unmoving. It's all ying and yang.

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Brain damage, anyone? Fauci: The face of a psychopathic murderer (let's not forget the puppies and the orphaned children in the mass grave!)...

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Remember Birx saying you need to wear googles also...

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The means of getting people to SELF-HARM are everywhere! It's so damn evil it's almost, allllmost, too hard to believe! Masks fall with a loud SMACK into that category... I think the level of evil in this whole mess, which really is a mess that's been going on for decades, if not centuries, to some degree... is beyond many people's willingness to even look at, much less acknowledge it. Daaaaaaaaaamn.

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as opposed to the full-speed-reverse

by Chris Cuomo

who having been recently employed by an outlet that DIDN'T subscribe to the relentless fraudfoisting frontal assault on sanity

now claiming to suffer from C19 jab injury AND taking ivermectin among other repurposed approved meds

to attempt to allay the jab sidesalad

the times keep on changin'

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Yes, that would be an interesting exercise.I think you will find that it usually begins when the guilty become suddenly concerned that you are getting closer to the truth.

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Go back and review the sequence of To Big To Fail.

It's a master class in limited hangouts.

Warning; it'll make you mad.

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I think there's a dating app for that kind of limited hangout!!

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Speed limited hangouts.

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May 9·edited May 9Author

Thanks, Momo.

It was longer than I would have liked, but all true so I left it that way.

Next week, something shorter.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I'm glad Substack has a lot of long form readers. I'm not a good enough writer to use fewer words.

I'm old enough to remember in 2009 the Obama administration conjured up a statistic even more phony than "job creation" statistics that all politicians had used before. As a metric to rate the success of the new administration's "stimulus" (another fictional concept) passed in early 2009. "Jobs Saved or Created":



A meaningless measurement that had never been used before 2009 in any government unemployment statistical measure. Deceit. As if counting a job "saved" is even possible. Meant to convey an authoritative finding of economists asserting there was a return on the investment of $800 billion of taxpayers money. When there was none, or it was nominal, and a net negative return. Taxpayer money did make corporate and Democratic party constituencies like labor unions and environment profiteers very happy, some jobs were created for them, maybe even saved. But not for the rest of America.

But by 2010 even the Associated Press called the measurement bullshite:


Slowly erasing the false narrative has been a thing for awhile.

To keep it shorter here I'll just link to a Stack I wrote a year ago where I long form it:


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Thank you so much Freedom Fox, that is exactly the example I was going to suggest, and you did so magisterially.

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Inspires me to add these video classics

Obama: Shovel-Ready Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected (hahahaha)


And how can we forget this classic false narrative?:

George Bush WMD joke speech 2004 White House Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner (hahahaha)


These POS's laugh in our faces for actually ever believing them about their signature issues. Politicians and their media that covers them. Unless the politician isn't a part of the narrative production team.

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"When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance


Even with the revelation the narrative was false it will continue to be referred to as true in later speeches, campaign ads, as part of talking points. Obama's 2012 campaign asserted how many millions of jobs were "saved or created" because of his "stimulus" act. Even after AP debunked it. The lie remains true in the minds of the masses who never read the truth debunking it or prefer to remember the false narrative because it's more comfortable.

It's actually called "Yellow Journalism." A term used to describe writing in sensational tabloids for nearly two centuries. Because it sells. No matter how much they doth protest, the New York Times, Washington Post, AP, Reuters, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, etc are sensational tabloids today. Practicing yellow journalism. They wrap themselves in titles, give themselves awards, flatter themselves with cheapened words like "integrity" "serious journalism" and "trusted sources." But they are, in fact, yellow journalism tabloid outlets. Aka "#FakeNews."

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Never was allowed to watch that particular TV show, but my best friend did, and so I learned the song "Who shot Liberty Valance?" (really good tune) and we sang it and sang it. When? 1959?

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

The narrative is changing, but too slowly. Look at the Astrazenica headline about their withdrawing their vaccine. This should have made banner headlines around the world! Meanwhile here in Switzerland in June we are going to vote about making it illegal for governments to force people to be vaccinated. All the usual shills are out in force, saying that we are already protected and that supporters of the referendum are paranoid. They don't mention that even if it is technically illegal for a government to force jabs on us, they won't do a damned thing to stop HR Karens and megalomanic CEOs sacking anyone who refuses.

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Here's hoping that Swiss votes get counted accurately.

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The counting is very honest, Jill, but that isn't the problem. The problem is that the once-steady, commonsensical Swiss have become just as crazy as everyone else. Just look at the perverted creep who just won the Eurovision.

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...and we KNOW the vote-counting is honest, because the votes are counted by everyone who wants to count ballots, immediately after they've watched all the ballots being collected in transparent containers & re-counted as many times as it takes to reach consensus, before those ballots have left their direct oversight; plus they've got a foolproof way of tallying the results of all the local polling places at the canton & national levels?

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I have a different view of the "slow backpedaling" in that it is designed as a steam valve, will only go "so far" and at it's essence is designed to preserve, not expose, the core tenets of the pandemic narrative.

Even worse, in my view, than these half-truths and soft admissions from the establishment pundits are the half-truths from the so-called leaders of the "health freedom movement" who also offer up their "admissions" or "theories", which are total evidence free nonsense, that also preserve the fundamental lies of the "Covid" pandemic.

One consequence of pushing such absurd suppositions is to distract attention from how the perception of a pandemic/mass panic was conjured with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the meaningless PCR tests that fraudulently manufactured cases and spuriously attributed deaths from other causes to Covid.

But perhaps the biggest problem with accepting and promoting various quack theories, lab leak e.g., is that it reifies the Big Lie that there ever was a “pandemic” caused by a “unique viral pathogen” in the spring of 2020. In so doing, such theories hide the crimes that were committed in the hospitals and nursing homes and provides cover for the criminals who designed and executed this top-down operation. "The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009.

Not only does the “pandemic” narrative serve to conceal the fact that this was a mass murder spree set off by policies constructed, orchestrated, and mandated by identifiable individuals, it also serves as a smokescreen for the entire “Covid Operation”

Props in a theatrical performance do not have to be real. The manufactured perception that there was a global medical emergency, beginning in March 2020, was an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering.

Fake photos of people falling dead- fake images of coffins piling up- fake doctors claiming hospitals were overflowing- fake tests to produce a fake disease- fake scenes outside hospitals staged by PR firms- fake media parrots lying through their teeth every night- fake trials of a toxic bioweapon- fake everything.

We are living through the biggest worldwide organized crime since WW2. The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend and remain trapped in some version of the "Covid" merry-go-round.

Others are still asleep or traumatized as the social fabric is being smashed to pieces and the world around them is being completely transformed.

Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency it was an Intel operation, a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.

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I don't disagree.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Therefore, rather than slow backpedaling and sheepish admissions by "journos" that "maybe we got some bits wrong", perhaps we are observing a well-planned series of permissions as to what captured media are now allowed to say? ...as certain Pharmacos are thrown under the bus, politicians "retire" to their promised positions, regulators go through revolving doors into industry and the platforms and intellectual properties survive and multiply in preparation for the "next one"? While we perpetuate the mythology of a spreading pathogen we are not dismantling the recyclable fear mongering machinery.

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Exactly right. Cumo, etc. are being ALLOWED to say certain things as long as they support the "deadly disease" narrative.

The only thing the "elites" and their media handmaidens care about is maintaining the illusion that a deadly pandemic occurred ... so they can do it again. Once people wake up to the fact that there was nothing to worry about in 2020, and they were deceived, the game is over.

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Precisely. Easy to spot since it’s all happening on cue:

- admission of jab injuries

- iVM actually works

- slow walk back of the lies

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Yes, spot on, Rosemary.

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I neither believe nor dismiss the existence of a "unique viral pathogen," and do not think it so important, nor advisable attempting to convince those who are just beginning to acknowledge things weren't as they thought. One must learn to crawl before they walk and walk before they run, so to speak.

But I certainly agree 100% about the theatrical aspect of the whole shebang, and the purpose being to get people to take the jabs.

As for the jabs, I regard them as a profiteering scam at best; and quite possibly a more nefarious means of experiment with nanobot monitoring technology (1) and/or a plausibly deniable means of population decimation (2). Time will tell as the truth continues to come out.


1. Variations of adverse effect rates between different lots are absolutely consistent with such experimentation on different levels of monitoring nanobots between jab lots..

2. Closer to the origin of "decimation" meaning taking out one in every 10, rather than the common misuse applied to direct massacres. Though the long-term effect may well be shortening of lives of a vast majority who have taken the jabs, especially multiple jabs, to some degree or other, over time.

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Yep, "will only go so far" - that is as far as nowhere.

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Amen, Allen.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Exhibits A-C, your honor:

Andrew and Chris Cuomo polluting the airwaves with narratives claiming they didn’t push the poisons and that they themselves are victims.

Nazis will never stop lying and gaslighting.

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If true, few people have earned those injuries as much as they did.

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I highly doubt these criminals took the vaccine. They're most likely lying to gain points with the crowd after the destruction they left in their wake.

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neither will communist NWO globalist scum. Which is much more a description for the cuomos.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Can't say this often enough! Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.


Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living!

JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.

A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.

GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!

The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!

We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.


Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.


There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to Mark Oshinskie's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. https://virustruth.net


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Hell yeah Amy!

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Amy - if you can stomach it, here are pics of the “gross calamari blood clots”


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CLOTASTROPHE - the perfect descriptor!

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Jenna McCarthy’s husband came up with that. He’s clever like Jenna 🥰

If you needs some laughs, subscribe to her stack.


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Laura, very glad to see that you have a substack. Your work is very important.

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Thank you TB.

I’m grateful that Jenna inspired me. 🥰. And Tom Haviland and Richard Hirschman support this effort wholeheartedly.

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Git 'em!!!! xo xo xo

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Mark, I believe this is one of the best articles you've written on Coronamania. I continue to have extreme anger at what was done to the country and world economies and, especially, how those of us who knew better from the very start of the madness and tried to protest it were silenced and shamed. I told my pro-jab friends, in July 2022 (when they were still defending it), that I would give it five years for the truth to come out and that when it did, I wouldn't be taking the high road -- that I will say, "I told you so!"

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I will never stop reminding people that they believed in a lie and by so doing, caused vast, permanent damage.

Knowing this, many of them avoid me. So be it.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Only in America could the plebs not do simple math and realize that the rest of the world, on a per capita basis, had 1 /6th as many deaths "from" c19.

As you point out Mark...this is the nub of the issue.

This is why they set up everything where you can't prove a negative.

So easy to see if you're awake...but subtle enough to fool most.

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A: "Mask up!"

B: " Masks do NOT work, cf studies x, y, z..."

A: "Masks might work this time with this virus! a little bit! and save a couple of grandmas! including my grandma or your grandma! so which grandma do you want to choose to die because YOU didn't mask up, my grandma or your grandma?"

B: "Whoa, YOU need to prove that masks DO work."

A: "This is an emergency! You are asking me to prove that masks NEVER work, not even a LITTLE BIT! You are asking ME to prove a negative? I can't prove a negative, no one can, YOU are IRRATIONAL."


A: "We must mask!"

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Narrative change from 'safe and effective' to 'rare case of...'.

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

One of your best, Mark. Thank you.

I like how you sum it up: "Scamdemic was a massive, opportunistic overreaction that most people were too naive to apprehend."

I would add, I don't know about "covid fatigue," I mean, that's probably true for most people, that they'll wish it away into the dusty old past of forgotten things, but I think for many of us who have seen the con, and so plainly seen the suffering and death, it's not something we will ever, ever be able to forget nor ever walk away from. It needs to be addressed. There needs to be truth telling, there needs to be some justice, and we need to do all we can to stop this from happening again.

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

What bothers me is how many people I see in public still wearing masks and, in the case of one store clerk I encountered this week at a large department store, wearing a mask AND disposable gloves! A not-insignificant percentage of the population has been permanently damaged (or maybe just can't give it up due to hypochondria and/or mild depression).

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I see them, too. I steer wide clear of such people (also people who are talking to themselves in loud voices). I was in a shop recently where the clerk was all masked up, and I just said, oh, gotta go, bye. I feel compassion for them, but chances are, they really are not in their right minds. I say chances are because there's always the off chance that they have some other reason for wearing a mask, for example, they had lip surgery or something. I do think people should have the right to wear one if they choose to, but seeing them reminds me of the tyranny. The awful, idiotic tyranny.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

PTSD post traumatic stress disorder affecting the entire population. Fear imbedded so deeply that it may never be resolved for many.

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it's the logical (illogical!) extension of the (false) germ theory. It's sad really, that these people have been so brainwashed that they no longer trust their own bodies to stay healthy. Maybe they never did and covid just intensified that.

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

They can backpedal and push out justificative nonsense as much as they like. We know.

Mark, just to say sars-cov-2 has not been proven to exist. Moreover, from Day One the signals of a psyop were broadcast, eg, people falling flat on their faces, claims that a Chinese research team had found the Chinese cobra and many-banded krait to be "reservoirs" of the virus, hospitals being erected in 48 hours, dancing nurses and on and on. In psyops their rule is that they must TELL us the truth underneath the propaganda known as Revelation of the Method aka Hidden in Plain Sight.


I knew nothing of the scientists who claimed virology was a fraud prior to covid but I know a psyop when I see one and I know that in psyops what is wanted is done for real while the rest is faked - which only makes sense if you look at the term "psychological operation", it's all about mind control using smoke'n'mirrors and magician's tricks, NOT doing things for real ... unless wanted.

I knew they didn't want a virus, they only wanted us to believe in one.

The covid scamdemic is pure, unadulterated Emperor's New Clothes - there is nothing, nada, niente, it is pure psyop.

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Yes. No increase in overall mortality in US/Canada in 2020. Despite what the government says there was influenza and elderly and those with co-morbidities were refused standard treatments for bacterial pneumonia and flu, "go home till you can't breath." Then with hospital admission irregular protocols were implemented. Psyop of unbelievable proportion.

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Yes - there was, in fact, increased mortality in some countries - all easily put down to the "measures" including in addition to what you say:

--- the WHO and Oxford aggressive drug trials with hydroxychloroquine and Remdesivir

--- over-prescription of opioids

--- moving the elderly from hospitals into care homes

--- isolation

It truly is a psyop of unbelievable proportion and it feels surreal to just carry on as normal - less so now that it's behind us to a degree but there's still a feeling of surreality because it is, in fact, still going and even if it stopped completely it would still feel surreal to carry on as normal when a mass murder has been committed ... and is still going! It's unfathomable.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Let’s not forget the huge amount of midazolam that the uk purchased and then doled out (along with morphine) to all the patients about to die (of a drug overdose).

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Don't forget ventilators!

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Yes forgot those.

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Just wondering if you saw the subcommittee's grilling of Peter Daszak re his roll with Echo Alliance? It seems as a result of that grilling ; I was pleasantly surprised just how tough they were on him and certainly didn't believe what he was saying . Then today saw where they may be going after Mr Science himself - It's a long shot but they certainly seem to believe the virus came from the lab and not an animal - so more lies being confronted in some ways.


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It's all just a theatrical performance. You're especially being played by that arch villain Robert Malone. Without doubt the greatest and most disgusting traitor in human history

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You’re the best Mark , honest , truthful and kind . In memory of your mom , for the son she raised.🙏🩷⚔️🙏

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Thanks, Brandon.

Sitting here on my front porch, waiting for you to show up.

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Around June 20th! ( for a baby shower unjabbed allowed back now 🥺)….. I came for a few days to see my aunt in hospice , she died a few days later so I didn’t fly back for the funeral.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I haven't read most of the other comments so others may have already said this, but most of the media is still not admitting that the COVID vax did not save lives, nor are they fessing up to all of the false, distorted and misleading statistics and presentations of them which falsely placed numerous deaths that simply would have gone under another column (like the flu) onto COVID deaths, the false and fatally misleading practice of calling deaths occurring within 14 days of having gotten the shot as an "unvaccinated" death etc.

Indeed, I just saw Chris Cuomo, who has acknowledged that he believes he was injured by the shot still defending how many lives it saved and how he and all of the other MSM shills had just been reporting on the "best science" at the time and suggesting that the problem was simply not having done enough research yet to understand the potential problems with the shot rather than admitting that the information was there all along and any scientist, medical professional or journalist who reported that was silenced, hounded and punished for doing so. In other words, while to some small degree it is satisfying to see a bit of an improvement in reporting on this issue, it is mostly still way to little, too late, and with no accountability.

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All for a nothing burger.

I think their own egos get in their way. I have a few former close friends who are in engineering and programming that fell for the scamdemic and jabs. They still won't admit they were fooled.


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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

yes, I've thought about this, why is it so hard for these people to admit they were fooled. I still don't have an answer. For me, when I realize I've been fooled, as far as know I admit it and usually react with anger at the party who fooled me. I don't believe I would just dig in deeper and keep telling myself that I had not been fooled. So I don't get it. Are these people locked into a world with rigid boundaries that they themselves have constructed such that admitting they've been fooled would require the entire structure to come crashing down, their entire world view in a heap of ashes? is that it? I don't know...

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May 9·edited May 9Author

"Being smart" is very highly valued in our society; some combination of book smarts and street life smarts.

People who fell for the Scam are looking increasingly unsmart. They'll resist this self-impression for as long as they can.

Their pride is especially hard to swallow after all of the anger and self-righteousness they expressed from 2020-23.

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Harry Houdini shared insights about fooling smart people.

In "Houdini Exposes the Tricks"


he said, “the more highly educated a man is along certain lines, the easier he is to dupe."

And other insights about smart, powerful people, even occupiers of the White House believing tricksters. More developed at:


And the Chinese have shared insights about fooling smart people during Mao's reign using infectious disease to fundamentally transform the nation from nationalist into communist. "Disease politics":

Rural Health Care Delivery

Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013


('GET' .pdf download)

Chapter 13.2 “The Higher the Education Level One Has, the Sillier He Is”

I learned about this book while reading the Council on Foreign Relations in March, 2020 tell the world to follow CCP China's authoritarian lead for the pandemic:

Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses

The Current One Highlights Its Strengths

Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020


More in this Stack on gems in that book:


Yes. Tyrants, totalitarians of all stripes know the "smart" are the easiest to fool. It's why they hire magicians with words to prop up their regimes and edicts. Propagandists using linguistic deceit to gain the support of "smart" people in the bourgeoisie class that runs things.

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agreed. Yeah, it's ironic that the "smart" people fell for the lies in greater numbers than the hillbillies! That kind of "smart" I don't much care for as it's usually wrapped up in arrogance and disrespecting those whom they deem not smart.

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Smartly said! Most people will deny until the subject just dies away. Plus, any dialogue about the subject might lead to confrontation or debate- you cannot debate without truthful ammunition- so you must fall back to denial(again).

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

The entire worldview and world order of the educated, professional class is defined by allegiance to that system that bestows upon them this identity of being "an important person in society." They have no sense of humanity or dignity. Most of these trained professionals are sociopaths. They would turn on their family before giving up their careers and that sense of imperious self worth that that identity gives them.

I do not speak about this abstractly as I lived among these people for twenty years and witnessed these wicked pathological behaviors on a daily basis.

If you try to turn their self-important, arrogant world order upside down they will turn on you quite quickly and viciously. Until that point they will appear to be 'nice' as that order demands.

I think there are substantial numbers, especially in the professional class, that are haunted by what they have done not only to themselves but also to their children. They can never admit this openly as it threatens their bloated egos and their standing in their social circles. They would rather nosedive the plane into the ground than admit they were wrong , especially on something of this magnitude, even if their kids are in tow.

Would these people inject themselves and their children (and everyone around them if they could) with an experimental neuro-toxin produced by a serial felon if their careers and egos depended on it?

Would these people be on-the-field cheerleaders for mass medical slaughter, all the while claiming the mantle of "the virtuous?"

Would these people demand children be kept from social activity, be smothered with a mask over their mouths, have their playgrounds cordoned off and much worse?

Would these people have supported the torture and abandonment of elderly people in care homes and forcing elderly people to spend their final days wasting away in solitude?

Now those are weighty questions and if we asked these very same people those questions 5 years ago they would have scoffed at you and resoundingly replied, "No."

Yet here we are, no longer in the world of the hypothetical- the answer is there for all to see.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

They may be responsible for harming their family members and possibly friends too for pushing the jab. Can you imagine giving your child(ren) that poison and having to live with yourself knowing you might be responsible for their early death? Ugh!

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I know these people very, very well.

I can assure you they have a thousand and one defense mechanisms at the ready.

They will not and have not skipped a beat. They are right back to sucking everything and everyone dry- they are professional bloodsuckers addicted to their wealth and power and sense of self-importance mainly.

We have a problem here and it's not just with these parasites. The genuine people of conscience are problematic also. They think that the bureaucrats and administrative class and physicians and academics operate at least in a nominal way that can be regulated through whatever we call societal norms.

These technocrats do not care what you or I think and no amount of rational appeal or appeal to justice is going to impact them in any way shape or form. Not now not ever.

People need to understand that going in and act accordingly.

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you would have to live in denial. to admit that would be too much. You couldn't atone, you couldn't fix what you did. What about the parents who condemn their children to a life time of illness and regret for pretending they could become the opposite sex?

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I think if they admit it and look around at their own health, and that of the people they know who took it, it is too psychologically devastating, and they fear for their lives. People who fear death go to these extremes. The jabbed I know get sick often, have new rashes, new allergies, new lung problems, death, while none of this has happened to the unjabbed I know. They do not want to believe they did it to themselves or that it could get worse for them.

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yes, that is a hard pill to swallow. So it could be fear that's driving a lot of them to not admit they were fooled. It's too hard to believe that their recurrent illnesses are something they did to themselves.

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My problem with it is that there are things they can do to try to mitigate the damage. If I were jabbed I’d be all about that. People are so massively ignorant- I’m truly shocked at the depth of stupidity. Beam me up Scotty!

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good point. They won't even begin to look into what they can do to mitigate the damage until they admit to themselves that the jabs are what caused the damage. Incredibly sad, it's a story of people completely giving up their own power, turning it all over to the Nanny State, and now they are so completely dependent on the Nanny State that they won't even consider doing something for themselves that might help.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

"To many, modern medicine is a religion and “vaccines” are a sacrament". Indeed it has ceased to be a human endeavour with all the mistakes that go with such that need humility and willingness to learn.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

100% right! The fact that Covid fatigue will blunt anger at media makes me very sad as I’ve hoped for a reckoning for so long. I know it to be true but remained hopeful. We must hold them accountable for their ignorance. This piece helps do just that. 👍

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Ignorance? You're too kind.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

indeed. It wasn't ignorance, it was criminal fraud.

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The Mainstream Media worldwide is owned and, therefore, controlled by, the evil group of people who run/control the world (ie, they whose correct political term is 'the Globalist Cabal of Oligarchs'). THAT is why they, the Media, have disseminated a pack of lies to the world; ie, they're 'not able' to do anything else. They're 'not able' to disseminate the facts, for their controllers make it impossible for them to do so.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

The truth, inconvenient to the soothsayers, must come out.

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May 9Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I do health care in a low vax state.

I see vax damage every day.

95% of people that died of 'covid' in the local hospital were dying of something else before covid hit.

Frankly, I see damage and death from covid vaccines as karma. Compliance was violence. Those who chose to not comply had suffered at the hands of vax nazis.

Never forgive; never forget. They must pay for their crimes-- Trump, Biden, Fauci... all they way down to employers.

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