Excellent writing. We have been trained to believe germs are the problem, but our immune system, if intact, needs the constant exercise. We desperately need to throw out the current model of germ theory and develop a terrain theory when dealing with an intact immune system. Start by not using antibiotic and germicidal soaps. Obviously when the immune system is not intact, such as with an open wound, we could revert to good motherly care of my childhood—let the child play in the dirt and if he gets a wound, clean well, throw on some iodine and a bandage, and send him back out to play.

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Thanks, Sierra.

Yes, health care should be about people building health, not institutions fighting illness.

Would anyone who likes this story please "Like" it? I think Substack gives stuff better product placement if it has more "Likes." Thanks.

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Done, both on this comment and on the stack. You write VERY well.

I like Mowrey too but could you help him somehow phrase his paragraphs? Brian, if you see this, no offense intended, you bring GREAT info but I can’t parse it easily. You guys I think could collaborate?

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Microbes, including viruses, are real. Some are good for us and some are bad for us. There's no need to discard “theory” about them. They aren't the whole story of health, by any means, but let's not play shibboleth games. Facts are facts under any name.

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Actually, there has never been a single virus isolated in all of human history. That’s a fact. Look into it. Dr Andrew Kaufman & Dr Thomas Cowen most recently. Let them explain it to you how what we have been led to believe about said isolation really hasn’t ever been true.

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I completely agree with you!

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A moment for all the people who have died with nothing but masked, plexiglassed, gloved and gowned people attending them, badly from what I have heard. We have ultimately alienated ourselves from ourselves; if we were as one body, we would be attacking our own cells. I will never enter a hospital willingly again, for what they have done to society over the last 50 years. They literally exist to kill folks now, and their demise will be well earned.

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Agreed, Jacquleyn! Did you ever read Ivan Ilich's "Medical Nemesis?"

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PDF download (free, no registration)


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Copyright© 1976 by Random House, Inc.

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New \brk. Originally published in Great Britain by Calder & Boyars, Ltd., London. Copyright© 1975 by Ivan Illich.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Illich, Ivan, 1926 Medical nemesis.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes. 1. Social medicine. 2. Medicine—Philosophy

3. Medical care. 4. latrogenic diseases. I. Title. [DNLM: 1. Delivery of health care. 2. Ethics, Medical. 3. latrogenic disease. 4. Philosophy, Medical. 5. Politics. 6. Social medicine.

WA 30129m 1976a]

[RA418.I441982] 362.1 82-47952

ISBN 0-394-71245-5 (pbk.) AACR2

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Thanks Mark...no, but I read something by Ilich...I will def see about Medical Nemesis, perhaps it was Deschooling Society that I read, as I look, none of his books seem familiar to me so this is a real good reading assignment....so to speak...best from OR :]

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Medical Nemesis is short and solid and was ahead of its time. It's on my shelf. and I can discuss it without having to refresh my recollection.

Ivan sent me a personal letter a few years before he died. He's about as close to a celebrity hero as I have.

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And these hospitals also kept the loved ones of their patients from visiting the hospital. So there was no one to look over the shoulder of the nurses, doctors and orderlies and look out for the interest of the patients. There's no telling how many patients died from the lack of these patient advocates. Also, the "watchdog press" never sent any reporters to check out what was really happening in these hospitals. There was an embargo on coverage ... so we all just had to trust what we were being told.

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I can't remember where I read it but about a year ago, there was a small story questioning the massive increase in power of attorney DNR notices on elderly, especially nursing home, covid patients files. Incredibly suspicious and I haven't seen a printed word about it since then. I would love to hear more investigative news pieces on what was really happening in the hospitals all over the US.

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Me too. I have no doubt tens of thousands of Americans were, for lack of a better word, killed because they were patients in hospitals. There are so many areas that cry out for real investigative journalism ... that will never occur.

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What you are saying was documented about a very high level downs adult, Grace Schara whose father, Scott Schara was physically taken out of the hospital by cop/security and she was killed by drugs administered. I am extrapolating but it’s disgusting. Pray for the dad, he’s been trying to publicize this nightmare of medical misconduct.


I hope the corrected link appears. I accidentally put wrong one and later edited. Scott Schara can be types in search engine.

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I too heard of the Schara killing of their daughter in hospital, and the parents are fearlessly publicizing this...power to them! Medico's complicit!

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I have no doubt thousands of lives were lost that would not have been lost if family members had been able to remain with their loved one. I wrote this story about a man who I am certain had COVID in December 2019. He was hospitalized for almost a month in ICU. One of the many features that makes this story "newsworthy" in my opinion is the fact that his wife literally never left the hospital. She saw his care every day (which was very good). But this was not the case with patients after March 15, 2020. This lady, Brandie McCain, is convinced that ventilators - improperly used - killed many patients in the first months of COVID.

Her husband was on a vent, but it was being administered by qualified nurses, which probably wasn't the case at many hospitals in America. But she thinks it was the ECMO device that really saved her husband's life. She also thinks lessons from her husband's care could have been used to save other COVID patients. But the hospital never told authorities they had treated an early COVID patient and public health officials ignored this early case.


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Even just for routine doctor visits, they don't allow friends or relatives to accompany the patient and represent his interests. And the patient himself, having to wear a mask, finds it hard to say anything.

All most convenient for the doctor.

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I truly believe this was the reason for many of these deaths that might not have occurred under different conditions. It’s so terribly sad.

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This is what happened to my BIL. Walked into the hospital on a Friday with low blood O2 from Covid. Strait onto a vent and Remdisiver. Died Saturday night from heart failure. Murdered by our health care system.

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Thank you Michelle for telling the news that needs to be told, difficult though it may be. Best from OR

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Your comment about modern American medical care is highlighted in this video, which, IMO, is heart wrenching. Vaccine injury. Pretty obvious. And instead of really healing her she looks like one treatment and pill after another led to another treatment or pill. Although it could “just” be the jab injury itself degenerating her body. I recommend watching the whole thing. This is what will happen to more and more people.


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Yes, this video by Nikki Holland is just one of the most heartbreaking stories I've seen. To think that these people put their trust in an experimental cocktail of drugs and have met this (entirely unnecessary) fate. To watch yourself slowly dying. Beyond horrible.

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The Coronamanic response from our public officials reminded me of that great scene (of which there are many) in Blazing Saddles where Mel Brooks declares to all his underlings; "Gentlemen, we've got to protect our phony baloney jobs!" Keep in mind, the damage done by the pandemic was done by public policy, not the virus.

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Are we allowed to admit we once watched "Blazing Saddles"? Perhaps if we don't admit that we laughed?

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Tears running down face laughing. --- I miss real comedy. 😢

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Which raises this question: Where have all the brave stand-up comedians been? If you can't create biting comedy routines from the insanity that enveloped the world over the last two years, you are in the wrong profession. Where's another George Carlin when we need him? Same with the political cartoonists. They all are captured as well (at least the ones employed by the corporate press - who aren't censored).

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JP Sears is doing an excellent job. His only problem is he’s occasionally too close to reality to always be funny. He had one in Ukraine tho that was great. And his comedy makes one truly think.

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I just saw JP at a live show on Saturday night. He is leading a fight for personal freedom with humor. He did 6 shows here in KC. The sixth was an add on due to demand. I hope this is an indication that his message is being heard by more and more people.

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Check out Dave Smith.

He is a libertarian comedian.

Podcast: Part of the Problem.

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By all means, go ahead. Liberals have willfully negated the difference between mere words and the intentions behind them. Hence the marginalization of Mark Twain, Dr. Seuss and Mel Brooks.

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I dunno … might be counter-revolutionary and double-plus ungood.

(“I didn’t get a ‘Harrumph’ outta that guy!”)

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And I used to love watching Amos 'n Andy as a small boy. What would be made of that?

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You're obviously horribly racist. 🙄 (snark)

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Laughing is no longer permitted!

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How many feminists does it take to replace a light bulb?

That's not funny!

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I've noticed that. 😞

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and subsequently the vaxx.

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All hometown stores and restaurants were forced to close---but you could go to Walmart wearing a useless mask and all was 'safe'. That alone told me in the first week that this was a prearranged scam. Still unmasked, unvaxxed and unafraid 2 years later.

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Amen, Tank. There were so many obvious signs it was a scam. How could people not have seen it?

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Many people "saw it", but 'went along to get along'. When your job is on the line, or your professional credentials are threatened ...

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But even if, how can you live with yourself when you believe one thing, and do another? Doesn't work for me!

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“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

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I think that was true for some. But the vast majority of people I know were not in that position. They just believed the scam. I have many emails from ex-friends who had the choice to believe or not. And believed.

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Left my career, income, health insurance, colleagues, etc. when it was "just" a slave rag. Wouldn't have it. Simply would not cooperate with a lie.

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I am shocked alarmed and saddened that we have become such a stupid planet of people.

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It's going to be hard to put any sort of society back together. I now see most people as loony or politically opportunistic.

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It is crushing. I left another comment here, but I cannot find it haha, Anyway, I wanted to add that my schooling experience was rather much the same when we came to US. However, my family moved to the US from Europe. My parents were from Holland, married there, came to US in 48 I believe, and then dad took an accounting job with GAO and always took the opportunities that no one else cared for - world travel stints, much like US military. It allowed us to stay close to Holland and see grand parents etc. I just remember I thought Americans spoke "funny English" that I could not understand for many years.

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Amsterdam, Holland says HI :-))

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Mark, for someone of your sophistication, this comes as a surprise to you NOW? Lol.

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I knew it was common. But I didn't know how extreme it could be and how many people had bought in.

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Me as well, knowing my whole family of origin bought in, and are still stubbornly holding on...I really have no idea what to do to wake them up!

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Me too! Ditto on all the U's!

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yes!! WWG1WGA

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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but we've decided we'd rather weaken the herd than risk even a single member be culled. That combined with strong financial incentives means I can buy Pepsi at the grocery store but not raw milk; I can vaccinate my healthy kids against chicken pox but can't for the life of me find a person throwing a chicken pox party.

I am human, and of course I have the urge to eradicate all suffering and prolong human life. But I also can admit that, as humans, we are only aware of a tiny slice of reality. Without the big picture, we must act wisely. Our measures in the name of health and hygiene may create more harm than they eliminate. Your classmate Mike is s small example of that; the last two years are a broad one. Thanks for the post; your writing is proof that even if you can't recall every plot line of the books you've read, they've become part of you. You have a way with language.

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Thanks, Diana.

The "Sterile is healthy" zeitgeist is not only wrong, it was also politically exploited.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and take a shower.

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...what's the hurry, or did you do any hard, sweaty work then? Linus (with his dusty rag of a blanket) used to be my favourite Charlie Brown-character ;-))

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"Despite their stated devotion to “The Party of Science,” most Corona crazies didn’t know that they are—and have always been—surrounded, and even inhabited by, quadrillions of microbes."

Great line there my friend. Our life is a constant battle of infection vs. the microbes. Unfortunately we have a lot of new "experts" now! This is what people don't understand, they think you can vaccinate against all diseases. But in reality, getting infected is part of life and it actually supports and develops the immune system.

Public health officials are not clinicians. They are not good at evidence based medicine. They are a politicized wing of medicine that is after as much federal funding as possible.

Unfortunately - the truth for Americans is much worse. We used to be the country that stopped the Nazi's - or prevented communism through strength. Now we have become the country that's afraid to fly without a mask. Puts up a ridiculous plastic barrier around children. Think of it.

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We’re also the country that uses giant Easter bunnies to herd our President at a public event. If ever there was a snapshot of our pathetic leadership, this was it.

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🙌 Like herding an errant child.

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Harvey. Yet Xiden is neither "oh so smart" nor "oh so pleasant."

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Are you in NJ?

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negative - SC.

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I hope to meet one day. I sometimes have met with readers. Good people.

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I think we all need to meet each other and host a Team Reality party....and hug and dance all night! I appreciate this community so much..great people!

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Me too. Near Hilton Head.

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When Coronavirus first exploded in Seattle (the USA's COVID Ground Zero), my RN spouse worked for a gastroenterology practice. It being Seattle, where everyone strives to virtue signal harder than the next mindless lemming, her practice all but shut down - though she and a few other RNs continued to work.

So her boss ordered plexiglass shields for every desk, because "$cience."

Soon after, the boss asked my wife: "So, whattya think about our new plexiglass shields?"

"I think it's totally stupid," my wife scientifically replied.

We were on our way out of Seattle not very long after that. LOL

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My wife is a high school teacher. She spent months of school in between classes taking the temperature of students in the hallways, moving about between classes. No telling how much time and money she spent scrubbing down all the surfaces in her classroom with disinfectant. At some point, all of these "scientific" mitigation labors ceased. The school officials never said the "science changed." They must have figured out they were killing their teachers with all this silly extra work. They DID keep the mask requirement until about two months ago.

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The fact that medical professionals have for the most part been captured by the CovCON... reinforces my belief that even the 'smart' people are generally MOREONS.

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They may have gotten good grades, but they're obviously not smart.

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‘Africans are younger…’

SARS CoV 2 is a discriminatory virus with a small target group - elderly, with one or more serious underlying health conditions. Africa doesn’t have those, because they don’t have extensive medical care, life expectancy is low so few survive in Africa and other poor Countries to be lucky enough to die of CoVid.

The (allegedly) high death rates in developed Countries is down to advanced, widely available medical care keeping us alive longer to be killed by something new.

I am sceptical of the role obesity is supposed to play in CoVid deaths. It gets the rap for everything these days because there’s a lot of money in the obesity industry - diet plans, special foods, Bug Pharma, the scope it gives bureaucracies to expand their remit and for prod-noses to insinuate themselves into our private lives, politicians to legislate and bully us.

Being ‘obese’ used to be, still is in poorer Countries, a sign of wealth and women would rather marry a fatty than a skinny.

Anyway. As food shortages loom in the West thanks to the genius policies of our Dear Leaders, we’ll see who does best in the hunger games, the unhealthy obese or virtuous, healthy gym-honed skinnies.

I am not obese.

Update: above I said Bug Pharma, I of course meant Big Pharma but on second thoughts I think I’ll leave it… maybe prescience - I was talking about diet and given how we are told we must start eating insects, Bug Pharma might be the next investment opportunity. What’s Bill doing?

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I have known several significantly obese people who got wu-flu & they were fine. So I agree w/ skeptism that obesity plays a big role, unless there is a lot more going on, health-wise

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I think in many cases obesity is just part of the issue with some patients and other factors are in play too. No doubt gross obesity will cause all kinds of problems, but what today is called obesity is what was called when I was growing up, overweight, chubby or plump. But in those days there was more concern about getting enough food not too much.

What used to be puppy fat is now an ‘obesity crisis’ (everything’s a crisis these days) in adolescents. Apparently teens don’t have puberty and hormones anymore.

Medicine - all science - is supposed to be evidence based, but now much is conjecture, plausible explanation, claim based. So we get ‘obesity related’, ‘alcohol related’, ‘linked to’ X in our diet. These are all weasel-words. What happened to the word ‘caused’? Where’s the evidence? To ask, to reason, is to spread ‘misinformation’. Shut up.

Obesity ‘increases the risk’ (more weasel-wording) of Type 2 diabetes - a newly invented disease for people who haven’t got diabetes but are ‘at risk’ of getting it - keeps the money rolling in to doctors and the people who provide test kits, etc. However most people with diabetes are not obese; most people who are obese do not have or get diabetes. Diabetes is an age related disease. But increased cases of diabetes must be bad diet, too much sugar… not an ageing population, life expectancy now ten years more than in the 1970s. There is even a symptomless disease, pre-diabetes. Aren’t we all pre-diabetic if we don’t have it? Diabetes being a physiological disorder often causes overweight. So, if you are overweight and have diabetes, it must be because you are overweight - proves it, see?

And so much money is involved with the medicalisation of everything. The cure for Attention Deficit Disorder in children used to be a clip round the ear, Sit still! Now it’s the basis of an industry of child psychiatrists, child psychologists, special needs educationalists, and not forgetting Big Pharma with its bespoke drugs to tranquillise the little horrors.

There is much fuel to feed the flames of scepticism.

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I think the "obesity crisis" is the 1 crisis that hasn't been exaggerated. I recently returned from a family vacation at Disney World. I would say that 80 percent of patrons were obese, many morbidly obese. This is confirmed by the fact that so many patrons have to use motorized scooters to even get around the parks. We really are becoming the world depicted in "Wall-E." I would love to compare crowd shots from the opening of Disney in 1972 to today .... and look at the waist lines of the patrons. Put it this way, Disney's Souvenir shops are selling a lot more 2X and 3X T-shirts. The increase in Medicaid and Medicare disbursements flowing from this crisis might by itself sink the country.

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I was born in the mid fifties and I can tell you we've turned into a herd of swine in comparison to what we were in the 60s and even through the 80s.

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It really would be striking to study some random "crowd shots" from different eras - that would prove this change. You could also look at some of those classroom photos we used to all get when we were in fight grade. You know, the ones where we were all sitting in our desks. Compare a typical class of 5th graders from 1972 to 2022.

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At a family event last fall, my sister and I were going through boxes of photos from the mid-fifties. We were ALL skinny! (Not so much now).

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Tammy from 1000 lb sisters survived covid lol, so there you go.

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anyone using the term 'risk' is squinting at quazillions of profit through insurance. Big Bankers' fun-and-games.

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Tammy from 1000 lb sisters survived covid so you are on to something, lol.

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he's prolly trying out a new, computer-generated model of a virus.

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I think Vitamin D deficiency plays a big role, and one thing obesity does is to promote Vitamin D deficiency. Any Vitamin D in you goes first to be stored in fat cells. It isn't stored in the blood until the fat cells are saturated with Vitamin D.

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Mark, we live in the same state - one of these days we should meet for a beer. Similar high school experiences have me guessing I belong to the same generation as Mark. I refused the "shower mandate"; took a lot of heat for it, including detentions, but my parents backed me up. Regarding germaphobia; many years ago - decades more accurately - a very famous virologist told me something I never forgot: he said the reason why we're seeing all these superbugs is the result of the proliferation of hand sanitizers and anti-bacterial soaps. They're killing off some of the little buggers, but the ones that survive are stronger and more deadly. It made perfect sense to me so I dumped all my antibacterial soap and haven't used any since. The basic logic stuck with me as well - never took the flu shot, never had the flu and despite being in a "high-risk" category, still haven't had C19 - although I attribute that as much to starting Dr. Zelenko's protocol in early 2020. Illness for me is a rarity and when it hits, it's usually food poisoning. I have also traveled extensively and seen some of the poorest, most unsanitary parts of the world where the inhabitants were thriving. It all makes sense now; we are the most drugged-up country on the planet, yet also the most unhealthy. Conclusion: Follow the money.

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and the billionaire psychopaths forcing it on us.

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"self congratulatory delusion". I give you Lord Farquad Fauci.

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Spot on, Mark. My friend just traveled to southern CA to spend time with her grandson while her daughter and son-in-law worked (at home). The CA Way right now is to mask and avoid people, especially STRANGERS. My friend took her daughter along with her grandson out for lunch. It was chilly and windy outside. Daughter refused to EAT INSIDE. So 70 year old grandma and 3 year old grandson had to sit outside and shiver through a meal because daughter would not eat in a restaurant. I don’t know if it’s part PTSD part virtue signaling or what. But sad, nonetheless.

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Love this article. Brought back some interesting memories. In Middle School, the girls had to take showers, too. They made it seem like a rite of passage. For me, it created a self esteem problem. Years ago, I traveled with a friend to Italy. We stayed with her family in Turin. Her family asked her if I had a problem that I took a daily shower! We are obsessed with cleanliness. When hand sanitizer came out all the Moms were constantly cleaning their hands which my Pediatrician told me caused a lot of the allergies kids have today.

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The authoritarian collectivist will always seek to control and subjugate the individual, breaking them passively via unneeded and unnecessary process,procedure, requirements, or mandates.

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I appreciate your writing so much Mark! I also remember the embarrassment of having to “shower” after middle school gym class. It amounted to a one-second dousing of water amidst 30 other fully naked and highly traumatized adolescent girls in various stages of puberty. Fortunately they only made us do that a few times. And actually looking back at that now is quite horrifying considering there’s a good chance some of those girls were menstruating - the logistics of THAT doesn’t need a public audience!

I also am an anti-germaphobe! Fortunately I had a wonderful Microbiology professor in college who let us know how “dirty” we were and why that IS a good thing. One day he had us line up shoulder to shoulder across the front of the room representing our natural flora. Then he demonstrated what happened when we used anti-bacterial soap: he made ever third student go back to their seat. He told us we had killed some of our healthy flora and gave some unhealthy bacteria a place to get a foothold. Lesson learned!

And I too showered daily until I became a mom! Now it seems our whole family is a few showers a week family. Really, it’s time to put away the hand sanitizer, Clorox & Lysol and time to start living/touching things/people again! It is good for your health!!

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I too was mortified and traumatized by the forced showers after gym class in junior high (middle school). Our teacher sat on an extremely high stool in the locker room so she could watch us all undress and shower. She was a gay woman. I’m not putting down gay folks; but I’m just saying’...it was creepy.

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I try to eat when I'm hungry and shower when I feel grungy.

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Oh yeah, there was lots of suspicion that our gym teacher was gay too! And they wonder why people are up in arms about letting transsexuals into the locker room - cause we know what it’s like!

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the recent horror story of two women inmates getting pregnant after they admitted transgender men comes to mind - https://www.foxnews.com/us/new-jersey-women-prison-pregnant-transgender-inmates

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Similar dynamic as with the priesthood...

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Same here. Some of us wouldn't take off our undergarments for this reason. This 'teacher' worked for two decades before the school board removed her. Very creepy.

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This was never about the Sars-2 virus or COVID. It was about Fear. The virus was the vehicle to transmit the Fear.

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Wish I could have skipped those mandatory showers after football practice as a high school

freshman in the late 70s where towel-snapping abuse was rampant.

Oh well. Such is the price of being Born in the U.S.A.

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