
Thanks for breaking that down, MiFly.

And yes, the denial of therapeutics is criminal.

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Oct 20, 2021Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I had covid in early August 2021. I am a physician. I have a molec bio background. Prior to my having covid I was writing Rx's for Ivermectin. I researched the dosing. Horses, dogs, elephants are all mammals and share the same physiology. THe Ivermectin dose is (here is some math) 0.3 - 0.4 mg ( miligrams) / per kilogram. The CONFUSION arises because most americans are not used to dealing with the metric system. you have to CONVERT pounds to kilograms. a 160 pound adult is (you have to DIVIDE BY 2.2) ... a 160 pound adult is 160 / 2.2 = 72.7 kilograms ( kg) . The ivermectin dose is 0.3 x 72 = 21.6 ( rounded to 22 mg) per day for 5 days.

if you use pounds you will use too much you have to CONVERT to kilograms ( because the pound number is a LARGER absolute number.

The Ivermectin tablets for humans come as 3 milligram ( mg) tabs. So this is 7 tablets per day for 5 days.

A full grown horse weighs between one thousand ( to TWO THOUSAND) pounds!!!. Yes THOUSAND. If you have a 1200 pound horse. Converting to KG this is 1200/2.2= 545 . Then 0.3x 545 = 163 mg . A horse needs 163 mg of Ivermectin. You and I need about 20.

Get it.

The "horse paste" is a super concentrated version.

But its the same drug and the SAME DOSE. Its based on body MASS.

The ongoing criminal suppression by DR Mengel.e.....ah I mean Fauci et al of the evidence supporting the use of Ivermectin and HCQ should be the basis for a Nuremberg style inquest with criminal murder charges leveled at the worst actors.

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I enjoyed this lighthearted take on the ivermectin fiasco, Mark. I’ll be curious to hear how the strawberry tastes if you go for it ;-)

Coincidentally, I just published an in-depth case study of the ivermectin disinformation campaign: Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded).

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Oct 20, 2021Liked by Mark Oshinskie

There's a strawberry flavor?? Oooh! Not that I mind the apple. 😄 At Tractor Supply, the shelves of the dreaded horse dewormer were almost empty and I had to grab a box from the topmost shelf. The same warning signs. The check out guy commented that I must have a lot of horses.

Anyway, great piece. Since the third leading cause of death is medical error, we will generally do better avoiding our sickcare system. It's helpful on occasion for sure but I avoid it unless absolutely necessary. And YES!! What a SICK waste of BILLIONS of dollars and also of course probably half a million dead people whose lives could have been saved. THAT makes me sick!

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While at my Vet, I made a joke about using the Heartgard medication if I contracted Covid and it was not taken well. The Vet’s head spun around like a scene from the Exorcist and told me that is NOT for human consumption. I added but it would work! No longer with that Vet, no sense of humor!

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many veterinary medicines can be consumed by humans with no ill effects. In many cases they are the SAME meds. They may not be manufactured to the same standards of purity but an antibiotic for a dog is often the same chemical. You just have to get the dosing correct based on body mass. Like when you dose advil in a child. (some larger dogs weight as much as a human and get the same dose)

Many meds that are prepared for humans can be used directly in animals. I had a cat with a hyperactive thyroid , the medicine for this was called tapazole, the vet sold it and I found the same med at a supermarket pharmacy for less.

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The FDA has never in its history denied the right of licensed health care practicioners to use an "approved" therapeutic agent for uses other than the specific FDA approval. Off label uses are permitted as long as there is informed consent and there is some evidence that the use is appropriate and there is a carefully documented care plan and follow up. This is good medicine anyway. The state does not have to mandate this. Im of the opinion that the "state" has no business licensing doctors or regulating drugs at all. The FDA and state licensing boards should not even exist b/c they will always and everywhere become corrupted by politics and result in ... the situation we are in now. But that aside the FDA has nothing to say about using approved drgs in off label ways. Thus an antidepressant has been used to help with smoking cessation. Antibiotics for infections are also used to treat skin conditions like rosacea. In fact some of these off lable uses were initiated by docs and scientists and led to the FDA revising its approvals and expanding the indications. So there is NOTHING at all in the body of US law that would make it illegal for a licensed doc in good standing to use ivermectin for COVID. Everything else was just smear and propaganda and politics.. Thats why Im saying that there is a very good case aginst those who conspired to discredit IVM and the docs that tried to use it. These docs were not doing anything illegal or unethical at all. But the ones trying to block the use were acting with malicious intent to defraud and defame and people died as a result. READ this document from the Atty General of Nebraska


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I have a human prescription for IVM but it took a lot of time and money to get it. I have not been able to find a definitive list of the inactive ingredients in the equine paste but the active ingredient is the same molecule and the dosage for horses is the same .2 mg per kg that is recommended for rona prophylaxis. The consensus is that mineral oil is the majority of the inactive ingredients. If the human version was unobtainable I don’t think I would hesitate to use the equine version rather than nothing. Just my opinion. Obviously not medical advice.

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I've stopped panicking about getting Ivermectin in Canada. There is good evidence that Melatonin is equally effective. https://c19early.com/

I don't yet know the assumed reason for the lowering of death, but I am thinking that if we combine Melatonin with C, D, Zinc and Aspirin one would be fairly well protected. Since Melatonin does not have the same properties of Aspirin I am assuming they perform different action on the virus/infection.

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Read the reviews of the horse paste on Amazon and you'll know how you turned down a really good buy. My friend from China says they take it every 6 months to prevent any possible parasites

.. Maybe covid is also a side effect of a medical system that doesn't look for parasites?

Who knows, there are other factors like the low vitamin D levels in winter etc

But hey believe in the flu etc.

Did you know that the year they combined pneumonia and the flu, only 250 or so deaths were the flu? Why did they do it? They said to bring up the awareness of flu shots.

Another useless vaccine.

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Ivermectin-for-Horses-Only has become the "tape head cleaner" of anti-parasitics! I assume you have read Eugyppius' solid Marek Effect discussion, being an interested chiggen guy. Here it is again if not. https://eugyppius.substack.com/p/the-marek-effect

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I used horse paste (apple flavored, even) as a prophylaxis when I cared for a sick family member: I just used about a pea-and-a-half-sized dose.

I used a total of three doses, spread in 72-hr increments, and I remained Covid-free. However, since I already had Covid, I also presumably have antibodies, so I can’t say if the IVM protected me or not.

I suffered ZERO side effects from the IVM. And I’d do it again. 😉

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I live in a rural area of Tennessee. I saw the same as you, at a local Walmart but I had already bought at a local farmers co-op and at nearly half the price of your NJ 🙀. Having been in house rabbit rescue for some time, I find the co-ops so helpful with pharmaceuticals for the critters. Physiologically, rabbits are similar to horses so I’ve had use for a number of meds for them. One of my friends always tasted the meds before she gave them to her animals. The apple is not bad 🙃

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Excellent evidence for Ivermectin exists and I would encourage having some available. That being said, most healthy people will beat Covid on their own, and if I had a relative who came down with it who could not get ivermectin, I would not worry. I would follow the FLCCC / Zelenko protocols for zinc, vitamin D, Vitamin C, quercetin, melatonin; start NAC 1,200mg BID [I know the FDA tried to make NAC Rx only, but it is still available OTC] and then I'd write for fluvoxamine. You can easily get a physician to Rx that and pharmacies will fill without batting an eye.

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If you’re willing to mail it to Canada (in discreet pkg) I’ll pay way more then retail. No joke. I’m at very high risk of life threatening rxn to the vacs (and most drugs) and terrified of being forced to take it due to incr mandates. I haven’t slept in months from anxiety. My husb is everything to me and I have same fears for him. I’ve been desperate to find the paste somewhere/anywhere. I’m scared to order online and have it flagged since we live in a condo (obv not a farm). Pls consider what Im asking. It would be appreciated more then you know. If anyone else reading this can get it and willing to mail pls reply. We can figure out how to get in touch directly and work out pyt and photos showing me paste etc. I don’t want to die or even almost die from shot and not sure my MDs can protect me with exemption. 🙏

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i visited czech repubic in 2005. we took a road trip from prague, a beautiful city. we stopped for lunch in the country, borsht was on the menu.

i chuckled as it was probably there since the red army would wander around trying to keep them under control.....

wonder how we will get rid of our red army masters.

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