Still with you 1000% and still waiting for apologies! I keep thinking “well surely this year they will see the light and come around to my side”. Now it’s clear that even if they do come around, they will never admit they were wrong! The last four years have been the worst in my lifetime! I’ve lost faith in humanity which is very depressing. Never have I wanted more to live on a big plot of land by myself with no neighbors. Sounds awful but the feeling is there! Anyone else feel this way?

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Don't waste your time and emotional health. Let it go. Trust me on this, it's HIGHLY unlikely that "they" will apologize, ever. Perhaps a handful MIGHT, someday, maybe on their death beds, but...

Carry on, and don't let it worm itself into you, it's negative energy you don't need. xo

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only one told me she is now very scared of getting sick. and one had a seizure after jab nr.3 and her doc did not 'press' anymore for a fourth, but gave here a flu jab instead LOL (the first never avoided me, the second did, and now I avoid her, too)

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I don't blame her. We do make mistakes. But being in fear is not healthy over time, it needs to be released. And that can be hard work. That's why Dog invented chanting... translated from HOWLING.

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And there's no physical need to avoid the jabbees, they donut SHED. That's fear trippin' given to us by the Nasties. They Lie.

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From the FLCCC Alliance website -- interview with Drs Paul Marik and Pierre Kory: "Shedding is Real"


Shedding of Covid MRNA Vaccines: A Review of the Available Evidence


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With all due respect, I've had numerous--- NUMEROUS--- people tell me something and then provide a link to someone telling me something.

What many folks still seem to be learning, and me, too, sometimes, is that someone saying something on a video is NOT evidence, and someone telling me that they have evidence is NOT evidence, unless I can watch the steps of the investigating and SEE FOR MYSELF that it is what I'm being told it is.

Science isn't what people SAY, it's what they PROVE, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... Okay, you get the point, LOL.

I'm curious as to how something in one's BLOODSTREAM can leak out of there and be "shed." I've looked into enough of this to feel reasonably sure it is nothing more than FEAR MONGERING.

I'll go look at your links if I have time, but I think that will be time wasted, as I have also pursued this question. Thanks!

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luckily she has 6

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6 what? Jabs?

I think my one brother has had a lot more than that, and he seems to be bat-shit crazy, but it could be something else.

You know they've found copious amounts of aluminum in these jabs, which is a known causative factor for Alzheimer's; there's also mercury, which is a known extremely toxic thing to have in the body, and causes insanity; there's also a bunch of graphene oxide, which has been shown to "assemble" in the body when exposed to EMF's (which are inescapable these days), and cause heart problems and blood clots...

Let's face it, there's so many possibilities of damage and trouble caused by these effing jabs, that those who continue to get boosters and rail at the rest of us for putting them in danger, it's clearly a very precarious decision to have anything injected these days, and pretty much, according to my research, always has been a rather poor choice, getting injections. I won't do it.

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haha, no 6 dogs. or maybe even 7. she sometimes fosters dogs

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Sometimes but I have my spidey senses on that tell me that’s intentional on “their” part too… divide and conquer etc… so I take deep breaths and chin up and say “fxxk it” and claim my space - without engaging too much (see my comment above!) xx

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definitely feel the same

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luckily I found a few friends who think the same way, we have exchanged the vaxxers for a small group of unjabbed, and 2 or 3 who did but don't boast about it, and did not forbid us to meet.

I quit my job and waited out the 3 years till I could retire, and got lots of pleasure being home with my dog, my cats and the birds. None of them ever asked me if I was jabbed !

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. "Never have I wanted more to live on a big plot of land by myself with no neighbors.'

That's how the world used to be. But were surrounded by mostly like minded people who you weren't in a constant conflict with.Humans won't survive on their own, mores the pity. One day it will happen again.

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I hear you completely, Patti. Every word.

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I was supremely annoyed by the "we're all in this together" mantra. No we are not all in this together. We are all in it for ourselves. That's not selfish it's human nature. People always act in their own self interest.

My reaction to the people who hectored us about wearing masks and taking jabs, telling us that we are selfish for not doing so, was this: "Yes, I am selfish, but so are you because you are doing what you are doing because you get some kind of benefit from it. You fancy yourself a good person for yelling at others and then you can wallow in your self-flattery. Most of all, you are as selfish as I am but you are dishonest about it."

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People do not always act in their self-interest. Darwin did not say that. Darwin proposed that groups containing individuals who devote themselves to the interests of their group will have an advantage. We're all in it, this life, together.

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Yes, when serving the interests of the group benefits everyone in the group then it is in the self-interest of the individual to do something that benefits the group because it benefits the individual as well.

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Not sure Darwin was our friend. But that doesn't mean he didn't say anything worthwhile, either. I agree, sometimes people act in the interests of others... just not as often. But it's still something to strive toward! Cheers.

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Slaves are the only people who do not necessarily act in their own best interest. Everyone else does what they think is best which is the essence of self-interest.

Edited to include the possibility that a slave would do something he doesn't agree is in his immediate best interest but if it keeps him alive then he is acting in his own best interest.

Also, people who devote themselves to the interests of their group are indeed acting in what they think is their own best interest, whatever that interest may be, including being part of the group.

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That's sophistry on the one hand and simplistic on the other. People like to help other people even at a cost to themselves; in war soldiers die to help others. Maybe helping others does make them feel good, nothing wrong with that, but it would be simplistic to say that makes it all about self-interest.

We all may be called upon to sacrifice our lives in the fight against tyranny, as millions have before us. Not much individual self-interest there, as it all accrues to the group.

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It's basic logic. People do what they think they should do, unless they are restrained from doing so, such as a slave, or economics, or law, etc. Because someone else receives some benefit from their actions does not make the action selfless.

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That's reductionist transhumanist logic. People are not robots even when they act that way.

Such reductionism peaked with Newton and Tesla, and was properly opposed (as being detached from morality, reasonableness, or conscience) by Plato, Cicero, St. Augustine, Erasmus, Johannes Kepler, Gottfried Leibniz, Benjamin Franklin, Edgar Poe, Albert Einstein, and Max Planck, to name a few.

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I disagree with you.

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I agree with buddhi-- It may be the NORM to act in self-interest, and that's very subjective, isn't it? But it's not unheard of, nor even unusual, for people to act selflessly when they see someone else, or a critter, in need of help. Especially when it's an emergency situation. Instinct can be selfish, or it can be generous. But there's no question altruism is part of the Human experience. When there's some sort of natural disaster, for instance, people elsewhere send boxes of clothing, food, etc. We're NOT just a bunch of selfish assholes!! lol Americans are trained to be assholes, and we overcome that, too.

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People only appear to act selflessly. Want proof? Next time you see someone acting selflessly, ask them, a few times (to get to the meat of the matter), why they did what they did. They will invariably answer by saying something that begins with "I felt ...", "I wanted ...", I couldn't...", etc.

Regarding altruism, this section from the article noted below makes my point. I am not a frequent reader of this site, it just happened to come up first in a search.


"The bottom line, I think, is this. There can be no such thing as an ‘altruistic’ act that does not involve some element of self-interest, no such thing, for example, as an altruistic act that does not lead to some degree, no matter how small, of pride or validation or satisfaction. Accordingly, an act should not be written off as selfish or self-motivated simply because it includes some small and inevitable element of self-interest. The act can still be counted as altruistic if the ‘selfish’ element is accidental; or, if not accidental, then secondary; or, if neither accidental nor secondary, then un-determining."

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Willingly helping others and being forced to help others are two different things.

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I think rather than owing anything to people who mindlessly choose to obey the authorities we owe it to truth and sanity to do everything in our power against the nonsense. I remember walking into a train carriage and feeling so disgusted faced with all the masked faces that I started ranting and saying it was all a hoax, etc. People just started walking out of the carriage but I didn't care.

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I think your motivation was legitimate... I sooooo relate to that feeling!!!

Here's what I think NOW, four years later: I believe we could, now that things have progressed somewhat, and probably later, as we go further along this road to tyranny, it will become more and more probable, that people WILL begin to question. Not ALL of them, not huge numbers of them, maybe, but some will. And ranting and being negative about it all doesn't work that well. Strangers who are negative are scary, just like fake floating attack bugs like viruses (yes, that's sarcasm).

I think this is an opportunity for those of us who have the wherewithal and the creativity to really try to reach people, to simply and without any attachment to getting a desired outcome, PLANT A SEED.

This will take creativity and a lot of restraint! But creativity is the key, I'd say, and the general lack of irritation with people who have been fooled/foolish/fools... And I don't know that there's ONE PHRASE or ONE STATEMENT that will work on everyone.

More to the point, tho: WE DON'T NEED everyone to "get it." We might not need to waste time and energy trying to educate all these other folks. What we need, in my opinion, is enough of us doing what will THWART the Nasties... Non-compliance, Resistance, Alternative Action, Non-engagement with Mandates, and the like.

My mother used to tell me, when my brother would bug me, that if I ignored him, he'd get tired of being a jackass and leave alone... I never found that to be the case. That advice, when I had to live with him for a long time before I was old enough to avoid him altogether. But I do find NOW, after years of abuse and bullying, that having NOTHING TO DO with him works pretty well.

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I agree. I think the best way to is to plant seeds when you can and be calm and confident and just speak the truth. This is very difficult. But while I was angry and ranting, I changed zero minds and probably made people more determined to oppose what I was saying.

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Yes, but it would be interesting to know now if even though at the time the ranting had the opposite effect whether now it "lands" a bit differently for people in retrospect. Perhaps not in most cases but maybe in some?

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I hope so. I just think that in retrospect for me, all the anger and frustration didn’t do me any good and it didn’t change much. And now the anger has turned into profound sadness. For all the people who fell for the scam and have been injured psychologically and physically. And for all the damaged and broken relationships. I still get angry when I think about it, but it’s not the rage I felt before.

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I do think your process is pretty "normal," as in, it's likely a huge percentage of us feel the same sorts of things... And I think all our feelings are entirely justified, if we feel we NEED to justify them. I lost nearly every friend I had, for like my whole LIFETIME! Coupla hundred people, maybe? More? I don't know, because it was just this Big Silence. I still have TWO of them, one barely talks to me, and I can feel her unacceptance still-- even after her partner DIED OF CANCER recently, still not "clicking." But how can I be angry with either of them? They weren't horrible to me, they were simply uncommunicative, pretty much... not entirely. I felt that they were like, "We love you, but you're just WRONG." I didn't push it. I try not to push it, ever. But I will try to argue (without venom) to a point, just to hopefully plant that seed. My rage is more directed toward the GOVT, big and small, and toward the Globalist Cabal of Nasty Psychotic Muffo Globalist Genocidal Muckity Fuckers.

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Wow so many friends, that's terrible. I didn't have a lot to start with but I do find it incredible how much of a divide this thing has caused and heartily resent it. It's so frustrating when you can see exactly what they're doing ... but others can't and the thing is don't want to! They somehow think it's better for them not to but not in this situation it isn't.

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It would be, yes. A job for someone who does statistics, maybe? That ain't this dog! lol

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Well, we all have good reason to be angry and ranting!! Just as those folks we talk to have good reason to be frightened.

And it's clearly a human thing to just knee-jerk react... I do it all the time!!!!! LOL

So... that's why Dog Almighty gave us poogies the ability to rememble things and THINK about them, and question not only others, but ourselves. Takes courage sometimes.

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I think you're absolutely right. I have a friend who was perfectly fine going along with it all - not that she did anything beyond simply complying - but essentially all onboard. And just the other day she said she was so over covid and seeing people wearing masks.

Yes not ranting and being creative is the right idea and not everyone needs to get it.

The biggest problem is that we've been told so many Big Lies over the centuries and acknowledging even just one means essentially changing your whole paradigm of how the world works and I do understand why people are reluctant to do that.

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Well, sure, you know they were frightened out of their wits. That's not necessarily something people can CONTROL, that kind of "Fight or Flight" response. But you can't keep that response up... FOUR YEARS now... It's wearing thin, and our numbers are growing and things "leak out"--

As to the paradigm change, YES, you're right, in my view. I've watched that in my brother for decades... He's STILL on board with jabjabjab... I think it's making him insane, literally. Well, someday all this will be explained by wise psychologist types, if any are still alive, ha ha harf, as we dogs say.

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Hmmm. Indeed! Acknowledging truth and finally seeing one or a few big lies does indeed cause a tsunami of a paradigm change.

Because of my healthcare background, government approved psychology and its "mental health system" went down too, for me.

Have you noticed the systematic denial of the existence of the human soul in all that they utter?

Now i do. And it sends chills down my spine every time i think about it, which is several times a day.

May God forgive my willful ignorance and previous beliefs in this state-sponsored s*** show! May He forgive that i loved to be a politically correct part of it more than i loved Him...

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Your forgiveness is not up to me, my lovely, but between you and your Creator, and I know you're not asking me for that, so thank you for having the courage to share what you're saying. I am FINE with forgiving you, too. I have a harder time with those who are menacing and punishing in their pursuit of proving themselves "right," like some family members I have... But I keep working at it. My mom is an RN, long ago retired, and when I explained to her about the science of all this, SHE LISTENED. But she didn't have any boss breathing down her neck, expecting her to toe the line regardless! That said, she'd bought into all the medical hoo hah, generally speaking, for her entire life. Diabetic, no fats, no salt... THAT is insane, but I'm not blaming HER.

I'd say what you're experiencing now is the shedding of the lies from your Astral Field, and that's why you have chills running down your spine... the lies are being off-loaded! ^_^ xo xo xo

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Thank you for doing that. I would have applauded you.

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I would have gotten up and shaken your hand. I myself was the only one on a domestic flight during the time our country REQUIRED face masks on planes, as I determined myself that I had an "exemption from face masks" (my private exemption was that face marks were harming my health) and confidently declared that to the flight attendant as we got on the plane. She thanked me for informing her. No one said anything to me during or after that flight, and I was glad that at least the young mother (still wearing a face mask) took the mask off of her young child once they were seated next to me.

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Good on you for doing that and influencing your seat neighbour with her child. I too once caught a plane, said I was allergic and was the only one not wearing a mask as I recall although there may have been others and, essentially, no hassle. However, another time when I was at the airport to pick someone up I was really hassled by the Federal Police for not wearing a mask. Didn't get a fine on that occasion but received two fines at once (one for being maskless and one for being "out of area") earlier when I was on a train. I just paid them because I couldn't be bothered trying to fight them although I should have, of course, and perhaps still will. Lawyers took the maskless fine to court, not because it was unreasonable I don't think but because it wasn't worded in a way that made good sense as I recall. This is in NSW Australia.

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I'm in NZ. You know, where Jabcinda "Comrade" Ardern declared that we were a "Team of Five Million" who were expected to get jabbed so that we were unselfish enough to be on The Team. lol, but I hated her guts. You Aussies seemed to have had the imposed tyranny just as bad, if not worse with your Covid dictators and their diktats, and even what floored me entirely -- newly built Covid internment camps. Yikes.

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at least you had some space !

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Do not hold your breath. There will be no apology and you don't owe them shit. The Covid ordeal and the last 20 years of our history suggest to me that the American experiment, the dream of the founders of de-centralized power, and individual, God given rights is by far and away the exception, not the rule for mankind. The mob mentality, with demands for security and dictates from the rulers is the RULE. I recently visited friends in the East and they are lost in the MSNBC, CNN, John Oliver and John Stuart clown worlds of omnipotent "experts" and dangerous "insurrectionists". They have abdicated their duty to think for themselves and to act freely in exchange for the comfort of groupthink and promises of safety from Oligarchs. BTW, I loved wrestling in Junior High Phys Ed. I won as much as I lost and it got me in touch with inner strength I didn't know that I had. It's almost a crime that it is no longer a part of gym class for our "safe" children.

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Now we wrestle with lies, censorship, and mindfuck.

But I do think that the American dream is the ticket, because even in those days, and for centuries and centuries before that, everything was being directed by some very wealthy and psychopathic people running everything from behind a metaphorical curtain... Except for little groups of more "savage" people who lived free, and much better than the European and American peoples... What I'm saying is, we've been beaten down, trained, and drained for so fucking long we can scarcely remember any other kind of human group life.

I think it's time, HIGH TIME, to re-imagine it, and bring it BACK. The Native Peoples of North America are still recent enough for us to get an idea of a different way to be in the world... maybe we could start there.

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Nicely said and summed up, as always. I enjoy your stories, but more importantly enjoy the analogy. I too am waiting for the apology from a friend who couldn’t/wouldn’t visit because I was unjabbed, but know it will never come. A 40 year friendship that was dismissed over whether I was ‘safe’ to be around. Oh well, at least I don’t worry about a vaccine injury lurking in my body.

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I lost nearly ALL my friends of 20, 40 years. I hear ya. xo xo

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Sad, isn’t it to have long-time friendships destroyed over a fake vaccine.

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Yes, it's changed my life, and how I think of other people.

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I have a similar (former) friend. Haven’t seen each other since sometime in 2019 and I think she’s still afraid to be around unvaccinated me. We were best friends since we met in college in 1984. She’s at least 4X vaccinated, I had Covid once and recovered. 🙄

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“Superstition packaged as sophistication” hits the nail on the head.

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Which makes me respond with "Fear and ignorance packaged as knowledge." Same sort of thing, I guess.

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Oh boy - once again Mark you have nailed perfectly what I am still fomenting- without my conscience awareness that it’s there! When I got to the part where Craig has his realisation I immediately related. As someone who once was a constant small community volunteer and activist, I no longer participate. I recognize that in itself is not necessarily healthy and adds to the fragmentation of our small communities but it’s so hard to even be in the same space/project/ around the table with those who shunned, ridiculed and chastised. I’m with Craig! I even had the pleasure of pointing out to a community leader a couple years ago when trying to reason my “stance” (!!), “so I’ve gone from being an “island treasure”, almost volunteer of the year multiple times etc but suddenly I am selfish, irresponsible and dangerous? Really?…!” Still shaking my head in disgust and disbelief and happily refusing invites. It’s quite liberating!

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Amen, Sam! In my homeschool community, in summer 2019, a big group of teens and parents went to Poland on a pilgrimage. My kids didn't participate, but because I was friends with the parents in the group, they would send pictures of where they were every day, with short messages of what they were doing. Not everyone had good cell service, so there were days where I would receive messages that their families back home couldn't get, so I decided to hold an impromptu party at my house and invite all the families of the pilgrims. My husband set up our big projector and screen we usually use to watch movies outside with the kids, we put the pictures and messages from Poland on a loop, and I served everyone bigos (Polish hunter's stew) and pierogies and got Chick-fil-A for the less adventurous eaters. Everyone was grateful that we gave them the opportunity to see their loved ones' pictures and messages, and after the party was over, I got a phone call from the head of our co-op, whose husband and teens were in Poland, just so she could let me know that that was "the nicest thing I had done" and she was "very grateful for me." I know that was a long setup, but you can see the gut punch coming from a mile away. A year later, that same woman kicked me out of that co-op for not complying with masking orders from the Polish priests who run the Shrine where our co-op met. She actually asked someone, "What happened to Jeannie? She used to be so nice." Spoiler alert, I'm still nice. I'm not the one who changed. But "nice" doesn't mean complying with tyranny. In fact, it's much "nicer" to stand up for humanity and for her children's future. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest, it still rankles!

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I totally “get” you Jeannie- I suspect we would be good mates! I apparently am now, shock and horror, “more right wing than left…” whatever that means now?!! I suspect someone has also said “whatever happened to Sam?” etc! I am passed caring at this point - fortunately my sons are all through high school and onto other things (I also home schooled until grade 8/9 and stunningly to me, some of those home school community friends/neighbors drank the kool aid heavily - I was quite nauseous when I returned to help with a project… refused to mask in the common areas etc and well you likely can fill in the rest. We’ve all experienced it now in some form or another), anyway I digress - not having to conform for the sake of appearances but rather demonstrate to our children what integrity and standing up clearly and (mostly) respectfully, teaches those around us who witness or notice far more than the obedient conformers will ever grasp. In solidarity xxx

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I can understand that! But don't let it make you bitter. I hereby acknowledge and appreciate your genuine desire to help others.

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I hear you Word Herder (and thanks)… it is a dance and I am careful not to fall into the bitterness trap (coz only I lose there), but straddle both astonishment and confusion initially to now learning to understand the human condition and psyops better! (The Indoctrinated Brain by Dr M Nehls up next) And perhaps become more tolerant? Time will tell. It has definitely marked me/us though.

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Hey, I struggle not to go down paths of rage and all those other kinds of unhelpful sidetracks... I'm learning every. single. day. It's ongoing!

I'm convinced that this particular ERA we live in, which is shifting as we speak, is a kind of extreme mash-up, a condensation of all the hellish, ugly, selfish, and banal evil piling up like water to a dam, and concentrating, because we're about to burst through that dam, WHEN we've gotten our shit together enough to reinvent our Way of Living here on this amazing planet. That's how I'm thinking of it, and that vision of it is kind of creating itself for me as I type!

Anyway, I appreciate and relate to what you're saying... I feel like one of the BEST things we can do is to find those who have the ability to strive for LIGHT and help each other create MORE LIGHT. Cheers. ^_^

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As ever, Mark, your essay is a balm.

I found this pressure, pressure & more pressure to participate in this performative covidian piety shale endlessly confounding. And at first, I couldn't find words to answer to this presumptive idiocy-- I just was at a loss. Finally I found the words-- in a perhaps unlikely place. It was the testimony of Rashad Taylor, NYC firefighter who'd lost his job for refusing the jabs. He said, simply:

"Everyone's health is their responsibility, and I owe nothing to them but honorable due regard based on objective facts."

If anyone wants to read Rashad Taylor's complete (but brief) testimony it is transcribed here:


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I love Rashad's encapsulation.

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Me too— because it leaves room to honor others, to care for others, but... with due regard (not by fascist compulsion), based on objective facts (not psy-op junk).

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PS Here's another transcript of a testimony that speaks to the point:

Wolfgang Amadeus Keen


January 7, 2022


Same video is also posted at

A Note on Rights

Wolgang Amadeus Keen, Jan 7, 2022 [1]


TEXT OF TWEET: A note on rights. A lot of talk from people re "What about my RIGHT to feel safe?"

That's not how rights work. If it was, it could be used for anything: a rapist could argue for their right to procreate. By definition, rights do not infringe on the rights of another.


MAN SITTING IN A CHAIR IN A KITCHEN: Ever since this whole covid thing began there's been a lot of talk from the pro-vaccine pro-lockdown set about their right to feel safe. They claim that they're correct to demand that the unvaccinated stay at home or be excluded from society because they have a right to feel safe, or to be safe without the unvaccinated imposing themselves upon them.

That's not how rights work and that's not what rights are.

By definition rights do not infringe on the rights held by another. For example, freedom of speech is a right because there's no obligation on anyone to listen, whereas access to healthcare is not a right because it infringes upon the right of another person to do nothing.

Anything that compels another to act is an infringement on that other person's rights.

It doesn't work because any claimed right of this nature can just equally be responded to with, well, what about my right to ignore you? They cancel each other out, and so they can't be mutually maintained.

Isaiah Berlin[2] characterized these as positive and negative rights. Freedom of speech is a negative right and access to healthcare is a positive right, that is, it imposes a positive obligation on another to act.

The imposition of positive rights means that one person will always be granted access to something in society that the other person is denied. And that's why they're not rights but privileges.

It's the same with the right to feel safe. It compels the other either act or it denies them their natural rights. The result is either an unequal distribution of rights and obligations in society or, alternatively it offers an infinite loop of claimed rights. And that's absurd.



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[1] From the description of the YouTube channel: "Melbourne lawyer. Freedom is underrated. Evil is real. God is good. Jesus is Lord. I live in Melbourne and have followed our decent into madness with alarmed interest since things started to go haywire in about March 2020. I have found that it is difficult to keep track of everything that happens, as so much of it slips through Twitter posts, Telegram posts and the like. The purpose of this channel is to consolidate as much of it in one place as possible. I have put my own content up which you will find in playlists, and borrow liberally from others. I give credit where I can. Some of the longform videos are of me watching a day's protest and switching between perspectives depending on what is happening."

[2] For more about philosopher and political theorist Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997), see: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/berlin/

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Mark, you "spewed droplets?" You selfish, uncaring person you. You have no 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂 what your droplets might have contained, possibly leading to someone's illness...or worse...

Seriously...I and my better half not once complied with any of the stupid crap demanded by those that my friend WordHerder calls the "Nasties." We ignored the official "Nasties" and the everyday ones. We stood where we wanted. We walked in the direction that suited us. We went out into the world and into grocery stores with our faces hanging out. While I did get denied service twice by my fine fellow Americans -- coffee shop in Nashua, NH (the state formerly known as "Live Free or Die") and the Sephora store in the Cordova Mall in Pensacola, FL. -- I never caved. A former regular customer of Sephora's both in-store and online, I have not purchased a thing from them since that date -- Mar 2021.

In disgust at the apparent real fear that so many had over the chance of getting sick, my mantra became, "You're scared? Fine. Do what you have to do. Hide in the basement. Wrap your head in plastic. Crap your pants. Do whatever..."

There's no going back for me. Do I treat all individuals well and respectfully in day-to-day interactions? Of course, but...when the subject lends itself or anyone asks, I express my general disgust at grown people behaving so egregiously and embarrassingly. 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆 were the vast majority in this country across all demographics and occupations. 𝑨𝒏 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆.

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Yep. Nailed it.

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"Do you ask what moral obligation I owe to my fellow men? None—except the obligation I owe to myself, to material objects and to all of existence: rationality. I deal with men as my nature and theirs demands: by means of reason. I seek or desire nothing from them except such relations as they care to enter of their own voluntary choice. It is only with their mind that I can deal and only for my own self-interest, when they see that my interest coincides with theirs. When they don’t, I enter no relationship; I let dissenters go their way and I do not swerve from mine. I win by means of nothing but logic and I surrender to nothing but logic. I do not surrender my reason or deal with men who surrender theirs."

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We do owe other people. Many have sacrificed for us. Consider one's parents or the many people who worked hard so we can eat every day. Gratitude should be an underlying theme of every life.

There is political tension between individual freedom and group laws, with individuals continually asking what can they get away with or if they should comply for the good of others. This line of judgment is variable and depends on one's situation.

What if one side develops excess power and tries to move the line in its favor? An imbalance of Justice becomes solidified. Worse, there's a new normal and a follow-on cascade of injustice from the power shift, which becomes entrenched.

What we see now are transnational corporations ganged up with transnational governments (fascism) securing and enforcing excess power benefiting the few at the expense and liberty of the many.

In this case, we still owe gratitude to other People - but our duty should not be an individual sacrifice of compliance to group demands, but in resistance to group demands for the good of the group.

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The mantra "let's look after each other" was in fact weaponised altruism, a way to try to make us feel guilty if we didn't go along with all the stupidity: mask-wearing, social distancing, following the one-way arrows in certain retail outlets...

Sometimes I would say, "You can't infect other people if you aren't sick"... and it would be met with a bemused nod, then a glazed & vacant stare...

You can't reason with someone who is hypnotised, and there were lots of people in various types of trances wandering around back then... and different types of trances now, because the majority of people can't think clearly about it.

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Just a guy with an opinion that some can't seem to let me have.

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Loved this essay! Exactly.

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There is a professor of some sort of alleged philosophy named Johnathan Wolff who wrote an overly dramatic wank-off ode to blaming the unvaxxed for the Atlantic in 2022 for his fear and tried to sell it as a social contract. I couldn't stop laughing when I read it at the time, because it was already established that the vaccine did not stop transmission, yet there were mouthpieces of the WHO trying to keep the narrative going, I suppose so they could make more money while they killed a few more hungry mouths. Quite the humanitarians.

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Yeah, take experimental mRNA for the team b/c Rousseau said so. Great stuff!

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