I was with you on Day 1, my friend - and for the same reasons. I maintain that intelligence + an open mind + critical thinking, mean that we 10% are fated to go through life frustrated by our fellow humans, stuck on Planet Stupid and having to roll our eyes until the day we hand in our dinner pails.
It must have been much worse for those all alone in an ocean of madness than for me. My wife and son both saw it as clearly as I did from the beginning. Being self-employed and trying to reduce my workload, since I turned 70 in 2020, I didn't suffer from any work-related trauma. I feel very sorry for most of the sane minority, whose circumstances were different. I'm unable to feel anything except disdain for the rest of our fellow citizens. I don't feel bad about that, it's appropriate. As you said, we didn't have access to any secret documents. Didn't need any, what was going on was unmistakable.
Very lonesome! Thankfully, I had two of my sceptical adult children living with me at the time which saved my sanity. We managed to find other heretics (10 percenters!) eventually. It's still kind of lonely though - because now I know everyone's true colours. I'm in England and still there is an underlying acceptance that there was a deadly virus. I read a lot of stuff from the USA and I think you are way more clued up over there than people here, in general.
I live alone and reside in Scotland and truly felt I was the only one who saw the madness of 2020, Scotland embraced the covid and the vaccine madness with enthusiasm there were very, very few dissenters. I felt I was living the real life version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers where every one seemed to have been taken over and I was the only human left who could see the insanity of the fake pandemic.
My husband and I searched fruitlessly for a local “Stand in the Park”. The website promised they existed and for several weekends in a freezing cold winter we searched various parks without success. Our only sceptical friends lived 100 miles away. Without our regular conversations with them, we had absolutely nobody with whom we could have a sensible conversation.
Oh no, that must have been frustrating! The other source of fellow heretics we found was Libertarian Drinks - every 3rd Wednesday in the month: libertariandrinks.com
Either the obtuse are leading the obtuse ... and/or a few deviously smart (and evil) people KNOW they can lead the masses where they want to lead them to profit themselves or advance agendas they want to bring to fruition.
Re-stated: They know most people are too stupid to stop them.
These people are also smart enough to know they'll never experience any negative consequences from being a conspirator in crimes or frauds ... because they KNOW all watch-dog and "truth-seeking" organizations are completely captured.
I never understood how intelligent people submitted so willingly to the propaganda. Here I stood as a non-college-educated, former homeschool mom of four, and proud “just-a-home-maker”, wondering how incredulously stupid people acted. I think I had special powers of perception or something … along with about 25% of my fellow human beings. It’s a very scary thought that the masses would fall in line all over again tomorrow.
I'm retired now, but 99% of my airline pilot colleagues were four-year degree holders. At least 80% of them believed themselves to be don't-tell-me-what-to-do iconoclasts. And yet I was the only one who refused to wear the slave rag. I was the only one who wrote to the union to object to its support of the company's stupid policies, and its demand that the company put the pilot group at the front of the line when the "vaccines" came out. None of my co-workers complained when the company bolted metal bars to the benches to keep people from sitting on them, or when it took away all the seating in the cafeteria and screwed plexiglas onto every surface. None of them complained when the company made captains interrogate jumpseaters about their recent medical history before letting them ride.
My co-workers' degrees didn't save them from submitting and complying with obvious irrationality. Compliance was never fundamentally about education, formal or self-acquired. It was about moral strength.
How’s that FFA change (in Oct 2022) to allow first degree heart blocks in pilots working out? Not much info seeps out to the rest of us. Who believes the “coincidental” timing? 😁
No idea. I retired in 2021, so everything since then has happened without my knowledge. I like only a handful of my former co-workers and to the extent that we communicate it's usually just to exchange generic Christmas letters. If that.
Coronamania was an IQ test. We here in the US fialed that test.
To understand the reason behind that failure, we must go back to October 17 1979 when, under the guidance of the now, second worst president in history, Jimmah Carter, the US Department of Education was established in law as a stand alone bureaucracy. At that time we lost the ability to teach our children the one thing that makes a person able to be a free thinker in this world: The ability to question .....everything ..... and make the proper decisions based on the available evidence/information at the time. That ability is called "Critical Thinking".
When the USDE was created, the communists among us, and there are quite a few, were salivating at the thought of being able to infiltrate the bureaucracy to start the long road towards implementing Lenin's screed of “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” but, instead of four years, they have them for thirteen or fourteen years. Now, forty-five years later, and the bureaucrat machine has, in a communist fashion, pushed the socialists of the education field to top positions, giving us the scenario of having our children indoctrinated to think that socialism is a viable form of governance.
That subject, socialism/communism has overshadowed all other subjects to the point that the act of critical thinking has been pretty much ignored.
Which brings us back to coronamania. Many people simply rely on government to do their thinking for them because they were never taught to do it themselves!
HPP, well said! Born in 1960, I was lucky enough to have attended Public Schools where we were taught to always "Question Authority", among the other principles a Free Society needs to remain Free, & the History of how we won those Freedoms.
While I ain't holdin' my breath, I'm hopeful that the new admin stated stance against the NEA's terribly destructive policies, among other, much needed tasks, will be wildly successful.
However, Trump's welcoming of the AI "Trinity" of oligarchs(?) & their mRNA lust, is deeply disturbing.
Having "sentient intelligence" is no picnic, but would any of us want to be "We the Sheeple"?
We are condemned to live & grok the old Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."
We all are the masters of our own attitudes, & I, for one, am very happy every morning to open my eyes & discover that I'm still on the right side of the sod! 😁
And still, they are pushing covid shots and "flu testing"- and people are buying into both. Now it's the BIRD FLU!! (and eggs here are almost $8 a dozen for the free range type..)- I still see a guy in the gym with mask, gloves(the lunch lady gloves!) and sunglasses...I have to admit I stare and him and wonder wtf is going on with him. Wish he would not come to the gym if he is so scared!
I did...I quit taking flu shots a couple decades ago. Noticed that whenever I went to get my shot (I worked with young special needs children in public schools) then a week or so later I would get sick. Like clockwork. Guess what I haven't had since I quit the seasonal shots? I rely now on my immune system- !
But these people - who still wear a mask, despite much evidence now and back then, to show they are worse than useless, well, these people have a MENTAL ILLNESS and to my mind, it is CRIMINAL that all our "leaders" encouraged baseless fear. I look at these people with sympathy.
Btw, it's quite satisfying to me to go up to a masked person in the supermarket and say (voice dripping with concern) "oh, you poor thing, you must be sick. I do hope you feel better soon"
I avoid these people like the plague...(pun intended)- and if anyone with a mask even tried to talk to me I point out that I can't understand them because of their mask- and put it back on myself that I DO have a hearing loss that makes it really hard for me (even with my hearing aid in) to not be able to see their lips when they talk...maybe some of the virtuousness might dissipate...? IDK. I am beyond caring what these idjits do or think anymore.
I've been with you 100% from day one. I still don't understand how so many people lost their common sense. I felt as though it was a world gone mad - was I living in an alternate universe - what happened to my free world? The people who got in line with the narrative, I still can't talk to them about what happened - they were right - end of story. They are alive because they followed the rules, but I am 81 years old - didn't follow any rules - and my body kicked in to its beautiful immune response like it would have being around any other flu. My life has completely changed because many people in my family can't seem to come to terms with the way I think. I have yet to have one of them say to me that they are sorry they got the shot, even though now they get sick every time a cold or flu is in the air. I still have visions in my head of videos of people being arrested - one in particular - a woman sitting all alone on bleachers at the shore somewhere - no one around her - the police attacked her and arrested her because she was sitting there without a mask on. I knew then our world had completely changed.
It was a young teen girl at a baseball or softball game. Horrific! And I sorta recall nobody nearby did much of anything to protest what was happening!
I belive I remember a pastor who continued to have services who they arrested right with cameras on them. All the while our cities were being burned down, there were thousands of protestors on the streets unmasked - that was fine - they didn't get arrested. My heart still hurts thinking about what they did to so many people - school children masked up - UGH - my great grandson, who was about 6 at the time wasn't allowed to see me without a mask on. What kind of insanity are we living in? I mentioned once before that my car died during the Scamdemic - I live in Pennsylvania - we were not allowed to purchase a car in our state for many months . Good grief.
Coast Guard cutters descending on lone paddle boarders, arrests for jogging alone on the beach, skate parks filled with tons of sand, crime tape around playgrounds… 🤬🥺
“It’s even harder for lockdown/mask/test/vaxx opponents to be happy or optimistic when we consider that so many of those around us bought into Coronamania and supported the mitigation sham and the shot crusade.”
Yes. It’s been hard to hold onto my sanity these last 5 years. I’m grateful for gifted writers and thinkers like you.
The Harvard poll results are startling to me. Now that we see almost everyone having (mentally and emotionally) grown out of their masks, and rejecting further clot shots, the optimist in me wants to assume that people have also grown out of irrational panic, which was fanned by media and politicians. The egotist in me wants to believe that most now recognize that we 10% early skeptics were right all along.
But no, even 4-5 years later, only 20% understand that all Covidmania measures were destructive, dangerous, useless and maliciously motivated by pandemic elites.
Given these results, it's a wonder that force-jabbing, wannabe censoring Kamala Harris didn't win in a landslide.
But maybe the last 8-9 months since the Harvard poll were enlightening for people, at least the optimist in me would like to think so.
But the cynic in me says, it's more urgent to people for housing and consumer goods to be affordable. Hence the Trump victory. As Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, . . ."
At this point it’s like trying to wake a man who is pretending to be asleep. It can’t be done. They know they were wrong but there’s no way in hell they’re going to admit it. They don’t have to and there’s very little we can do about that. But as you said - We will never view people in the same way again.
They will lose their religion, but I think they also fear losing respect from their friends and family. People with adult children feared losing respect from their children.
Me? Many in my family, including some of my adult kids, despised me or cut me off altogether.
As you point out, I needed a rationale for protecting myself from regret. My rational was that when people hate you, you are free from caring what people think about you.
Yes, it’s a religion, and they are zealots. But true religion is a personal awakening, and rarely exactly mirrors another’s religion. True religion doesn’t require you to impose it on others or hate those who don’t believe.
It was more of a cult with false gods than a religion.
My favorite mask strategy, when I was stopped by the mask police, was to raise my hand, gesturing “Stop,” announce “Jehovah’s Witness,” and keep walking. It was so much fun. (I’m not a J.W., by the way.)
As the only unjabbed person in my entire extended family, with 2 very long term autoimmune diseases and having been on immune suppression for 25 years, I have still not had Covid or any other symptoms of the sort. Sometimes it’s fun to watch people who know me well, try to justify their own actions.
The statistics looked promising but even the sycophants stopped taking boosters 😂.
What they tried to do with COVID showed how naturally resilient we are, even if delayed and not conscious.
We are witnessing evolutionary psychology in motion.
This is what they gambled on and almost succeeded in doing. But because they lost, we gained knowledge of the predator class, even if subconscious like animals do.
That's why now they are on a blitzkrieg of propaganda of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. People are no longer reacting to it like they used to. And we even reacted differently to past generations. Genetics the same, but the environments were different.
Hi Mark, sadly there are some who to this day still do not know enough to avoid the shots. It would be one thing if these were people we would not choose as friends, but what if they are kind, otherwise intelligent and interesting individuals who just cannot get past their conditioning? As you know I teach yoga. I have a student who has been with me since I started teaching, 25 years ago. She is a public high school teacher who is devoted to her students. Last week she came to class and told me her arm was sore because she got the covid booster, the RSV shot and the flu shot all the day before. This woman has myriad health concerns, takes many meds and has been hospitalized recently, yet she still thinks the shots will help her.
It's like an abused child who later on in life still thinks their parents were good to them.
It connects with this great quote.
"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.
To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."
"It's pathetic that people finally know enough not to take the shots. And yet, insist that the shots saved us."
The Standard Narrative to explain this seems to be: "Covid was MUCH more dangerous back then, so we needed the shots desperately! Now it's milder so we can get by without the shots/masks/anti-social distancing." This way one can justify not taking the boosters, while still maintaining that they're Safe and Effective.
It is good to be reminded that the majority of people have not woken up. It is very concerning that all of the mechanisms to lock us down and jab us up remain in place for the next time and that this group of people will again be just fine with it.
I do as well. I think people in our group think others have come around and I think that is a dangerous assumption to make. It’s important to have reality checks. I know people on their 6th or 7th shots…
Reading your thoughts and reactions to the scamdemic was like looking in a mirror. Having practiced medicine for forty years, it was also obvious to me on Day 1 that this was a phony health scare. I think I would have realized it even without the medical experience to draw on. I was surprised to find that most of my colleagues couldn't see it and am absolutely flabbergasted at how many still don't get it. I can still relate to most of them on other levels and topics, but I will never see them in exactly the same way as before.
The last sentence is so true. I also will never see people the same way again. I can't. All the people I know really showed their true colors.........thankfully I know some who were mostly sane. Sounds terrible to say, but I learned people were far stupider than I thought and that is scary. That is why people are being dumbed down through education (or lack thereof) and through illnesses, autism, etc. They will be easier to control. And you can tell who watches MSM because they are still running around with masks on and while driving in cars alone. SMH
I was with you on Day 1, my friend - and for the same reasons. I maintain that intelligence + an open mind + critical thinking, mean that we 10% are fated to go through life frustrated by our fellow humans, stuck on Planet Stupid and having to roll our eyes until the day we hand in our dinner pails.
I wish we could have talked on the phone then. It was lonesome.
It must have been much worse for those all alone in an ocean of madness than for me. My wife and son both saw it as clearly as I did from the beginning. Being self-employed and trying to reduce my workload, since I turned 70 in 2020, I didn't suffer from any work-related trauma. I feel very sorry for most of the sane minority, whose circumstances were different. I'm unable to feel anything except disdain for the rest of our fellow citizens. I don't feel bad about that, it's appropriate. As you said, we didn't have access to any secret documents. Didn't need any, what was going on was unmistakable.
It was indeed an "ocean of madness".
Very lonesome! Thankfully, I had two of my sceptical adult children living with me at the time which saved my sanity. We managed to find other heretics (10 percenters!) eventually. It's still kind of lonely though - because now I know everyone's true colours. I'm in England and still there is an underlying acceptance that there was a deadly virus. I read a lot of stuff from the USA and I think you are way more clued up over there than people here, in general.
I live alone and reside in Scotland and truly felt I was the only one who saw the madness of 2020, Scotland embraced the covid and the vaccine madness with enthusiasm there were very, very few dissenters. I felt I was living the real life version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers where every one seemed to have been taken over and I was the only human left who could see the insanity of the fake pandemic.
My husband and I searched fruitlessly for a local “Stand in the Park”. The website promised they existed and for several weekends in a freezing cold winter we searched various parks without success. Our only sceptical friends lived 100 miles away. Without our regular conversations with them, we had absolutely nobody with whom we could have a sensible conversation.
Oh no, that must have been frustrating! The other source of fellow heretics we found was Libertarian Drinks - every 3rd Wednesday in the month: libertariandrinks.com
Either the obtuse are leading the obtuse ... and/or a few deviously smart (and evil) people KNOW they can lead the masses where they want to lead them to profit themselves or advance agendas they want to bring to fruition.
Re-stated: They know most people are too stupid to stop them.
These people are also smart enough to know they'll never experience any negative consequences from being a conspirator in crimes or frauds ... because they KNOW all watch-dog and "truth-seeking" organizations are completely captured.
I never understood how intelligent people submitted so willingly to the propaganda. Here I stood as a non-college-educated, former homeschool mom of four, and proud “just-a-home-maker”, wondering how incredulously stupid people acted. I think I had special powers of perception or something … along with about 25% of my fellow human beings. It’s a very scary thought that the masses would fall in line all over again tomorrow.
This college thing has shown itself to be way overrated. Thanks for being smart when others lost their heads.
25% seems on the high side.
"You HAVE to go to college to make a good income" is one of the biggest scams/false narratives of them all.
Higher education has become a giant racket.
I'm retired now, but 99% of my airline pilot colleagues were four-year degree holders. At least 80% of them believed themselves to be don't-tell-me-what-to-do iconoclasts. And yet I was the only one who refused to wear the slave rag. I was the only one who wrote to the union to object to its support of the company's stupid policies, and its demand that the company put the pilot group at the front of the line when the "vaccines" came out. None of my co-workers complained when the company bolted metal bars to the benches to keep people from sitting on them, or when it took away all the seating in the cafeteria and screwed plexiglas onto every surface. None of them complained when the company made captains interrogate jumpseaters about their recent medical history before letting them ride.
My co-workers' degrees didn't save them from submitting and complying with obvious irrationality. Compliance was never fundamentally about education, formal or self-acquired. It was about moral strength.
How’s that FFA change (in Oct 2022) to allow first degree heart blocks in pilots working out? Not much info seeps out to the rest of us. Who believes the “coincidental” timing? 😁
No idea. I retired in 2021, so everything since then has happened without my knowledge. I like only a handful of my former co-workers and to the extent that we communicate it's usually just to exchange generic Christmas letters. If that.
Coronamania was an IQ test. We here in the US fialed that test.
To understand the reason behind that failure, we must go back to October 17 1979 when, under the guidance of the now, second worst president in history, Jimmah Carter, the US Department of Education was established in law as a stand alone bureaucracy. At that time we lost the ability to teach our children the one thing that makes a person able to be a free thinker in this world: The ability to question .....everything ..... and make the proper decisions based on the available evidence/information at the time. That ability is called "Critical Thinking".
When the USDE was created, the communists among us, and there are quite a few, were salivating at the thought of being able to infiltrate the bureaucracy to start the long road towards implementing Lenin's screed of “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” but, instead of four years, they have them for thirteen or fourteen years. Now, forty-five years later, and the bureaucrat machine has, in a communist fashion, pushed the socialists of the education field to top positions, giving us the scenario of having our children indoctrinated to think that socialism is a viable form of governance.
That subject, socialism/communism has overshadowed all other subjects to the point that the act of critical thinking has been pretty much ignored.
Which brings us back to coronamania. Many people simply rely on government to do their thinking for them because they were never taught to do it themselves!
It's the communist way.
Another solid article Mark, thanks.
HPP, well said! Born in 1960, I was lucky enough to have attended Public Schools where we were taught to always "Question Authority", among the other principles a Free Society needs to remain Free, & the History of how we won those Freedoms.
While I ain't holdin' my breath, I'm hopeful that the new admin stated stance against the NEA's terribly destructive policies, among other, much needed tasks, will be wildly successful.
However, Trump's welcoming of the AI "Trinity" of oligarchs(?) & their mRNA lust, is deeply disturbing.
Having "sentient intelligence" is no picnic, but would any of us want to be "We the Sheeple"?
We are condemned to live & grok the old Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."
We all are the masters of our own attitudes, & I, for one, am very happy every morning to open my eyes & discover that I'm still on the right side of the sod! 😁
And it's not only easier, but it's FASHIONABLE.
And still, they are pushing covid shots and "flu testing"- and people are buying into both. Now it's the BIRD FLU!! (and eggs here are almost $8 a dozen for the free range type..)- I still see a guy in the gym with mask, gloves(the lunch lady gloves!) and sunglasses...I have to admit I stare and him and wonder wtf is going on with him. Wish he would not come to the gym if he is so scared!
Still see them around in Oregon, especially around Portland, Vancouver area. I just SMH.
I think they knew the Covid vaccine brain-washing would work ... because they already knew the "flu vaccine" propoganda had been such a huge success.
More people should have questioned the non-effective (and probably unsafe) flu vaccine ... before Covid.
I did...I quit taking flu shots a couple decades ago. Noticed that whenever I went to get my shot (I worked with young special needs children in public schools) then a week or so later I would get sick. Like clockwork. Guess what I haven't had since I quit the seasonal shots? I rely now on my immune system- !
But these people - who still wear a mask, despite much evidence now and back then, to show they are worse than useless, well, these people have a MENTAL ILLNESS and to my mind, it is CRIMINAL that all our "leaders" encouraged baseless fear. I look at these people with sympathy.
Btw, it's quite satisfying to me to go up to a masked person in the supermarket and say (voice dripping with concern) "oh, you poor thing, you must be sick. I do hope you feel better soon"
I avoid these people like the plague...(pun intended)- and if anyone with a mask even tried to talk to me I point out that I can't understand them because of their mask- and put it back on myself that I DO have a hearing loss that makes it really hard for me (even with my hearing aid in) to not be able to see their lips when they talk...maybe some of the virtuousness might dissipate...? IDK. I am beyond caring what these idjits do or think anymore.
He wants to be seen, for some reason.
I've been with you 100% from day one. I still don't understand how so many people lost their common sense. I felt as though it was a world gone mad - was I living in an alternate universe - what happened to my free world? The people who got in line with the narrative, I still can't talk to them about what happened - they were right - end of story. They are alive because they followed the rules, but I am 81 years old - didn't follow any rules - and my body kicked in to its beautiful immune response like it would have being around any other flu. My life has completely changed because many people in my family can't seem to come to terms with the way I think. I have yet to have one of them say to me that they are sorry they got the shot, even though now they get sick every time a cold or flu is in the air. I still have visions in my head of videos of people being arrested - one in particular - a woman sitting all alone on bleachers at the shore somewhere - no one around her - the police attacked her and arrested her because she was sitting there without a mask on. I knew then our world had completely changed.
100%, Bunny. It's been freaky.
And no one is owning up to what they did.
Thanks for being sane. And miraculously staying alive!
Same here. After we loved these people always. So sad.
It was a young teen girl at a baseball or softball game. Horrific! And I sorta recall nobody nearby did much of anything to protest what was happening!
I belive I remember a pastor who continued to have services who they arrested right with cameras on them. All the while our cities were being burned down, there were thousands of protestors on the streets unmasked - that was fine - they didn't get arrested. My heart still hurts thinking about what they did to so many people - school children masked up - UGH - my great grandson, who was about 6 at the time wasn't allowed to see me without a mask on. What kind of insanity are we living in? I mentioned once before that my car died during the Scamdemic - I live in Pennsylvania - we were not allowed to purchase a car in our state for many months . Good grief.
Wow, did not know that. Not surprised though! Our bars were open, and the free needle clinics.
Coast Guard cutters descending on lone paddle boarders, arrests for jogging alone on the beach, skate parks filled with tons of sand, crime tape around playgrounds… 🤬🥺
“It’s even harder for lockdown/mask/test/vaxx opponents to be happy or optimistic when we consider that so many of those around us bought into Coronamania and supported the mitigation sham and the shot crusade.”
Yes. It’s been hard to hold onto my sanity these last 5 years. I’m grateful for gifted writers and thinkers like you.
Thank you🙏🏻
Thanks, Spartacus.
If people didn't read, comment and like what I wrote, I'd have stopped writing a while ago. I need to know that some other people are sane.
Yes, thank you for continuing to write ✍️.
You still have your sanity??? 🤣
Not really.
The Harvard poll results are startling to me. Now that we see almost everyone having (mentally and emotionally) grown out of their masks, and rejecting further clot shots, the optimist in me wants to assume that people have also grown out of irrational panic, which was fanned by media and politicians. The egotist in me wants to believe that most now recognize that we 10% early skeptics were right all along.
But no, even 4-5 years later, only 20% understand that all Covidmania measures were destructive, dangerous, useless and maliciously motivated by pandemic elites.
Given these results, it's a wonder that force-jabbing, wannabe censoring Kamala Harris didn't win in a landslide.
But maybe the last 8-9 months since the Harvard poll were enlightening for people, at least the optimist in me would like to think so.
But the cynic in me says, it's more urgent to people for housing and consumer goods to be affordable. Hence the Trump victory. As Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, . . ."
Count me and mine in that 20%!!
At this point it’s like trying to wake a man who is pretending to be asleep. It can’t be done. They know they were wrong but there’s no way in hell they’re going to admit it. They don’t have to and there’s very little we can do about that. But as you said - We will never view people in the same way again.
They will lose their religion, but I think they also fear losing respect from their friends and family. People with adult children feared losing respect from their children.
Me? Many in my family, including some of my adult kids, despised me or cut me off altogether.
As you point out, I needed a rationale for protecting myself from regret. My rational was that when people hate you, you are free from caring what people think about you.
Yes, it’s a religion, and they are zealots. But true religion is a personal awakening, and rarely exactly mirrors another’s religion. True religion doesn’t require you to impose it on others or hate those who don’t believe.
It was more of a cult with false gods than a religion.
Sad, King.
But well said.
What might people say about those skeptics like us who survived? That we were lucky?
We must be awesomely vigorous, or something, to have lived through The Plague, unmasked and unjabbed.
My favorite mask strategy, when I was stopped by the mask police, was to raise my hand, gesturing “Stop,” announce “Jehovah’s Witness,” and keep walking. It was so much fun. (I’m not a J.W., by the way.)
That worked? Huuumm....good to know....
As the only unjabbed person in my entire extended family, with 2 very long term autoimmune diseases and having been on immune suppression for 25 years, I have still not had Covid or any other symptoms of the sort. Sometimes it’s fun to watch people who know me well, try to justify their own actions.
I didn’t realize how many people were sheep prior to the Plandemic.
"I will never see people in the same way again." Amen. 😞
They underestimated humanity.
The statistics looked promising but even the sycophants stopped taking boosters 😂.
What they tried to do with COVID showed how naturally resilient we are, even if delayed and not conscious.
We are witnessing evolutionary psychology in motion.
This is what they gambled on and almost succeeded in doing. But because they lost, we gained knowledge of the predator class, even if subconscious like animals do.
That's why now they are on a blitzkrieg of propaganda of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. People are no longer reacting to it like they used to. And we even reacted differently to past generations. Genetics the same, but the environments were different.
I was going to mention the low uptake on the boosters but I continue to try to shorten these posts.
Actions speak louder than words. It's pathetic that people finally know enough not to take the shots. And yet, insist that the shots saved us.
Hi Mark, sadly there are some who to this day still do not know enough to avoid the shots. It would be one thing if these were people we would not choose as friends, but what if they are kind, otherwise intelligent and interesting individuals who just cannot get past their conditioning? As you know I teach yoga. I have a student who has been with me since I started teaching, 25 years ago. She is a public high school teacher who is devoted to her students. Last week she came to class and told me her arm was sore because she got the covid booster, the RSV shot and the flu shot all the day before. This woman has myriad health concerns, takes many meds and has been hospitalized recently, yet she still thinks the shots will help her.
It's like an abused child who later on in life still thinks their parents were good to them.
It connects with this great quote.
"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.
To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."
(From https://leftlockdownsceptics.com/alleged-cia-involvement-in-jfk-assassination-goes-mainstream-so-now-what/ )
Rob (c137), excellent quote, but your link is corrupted, or the See Eye Aay is blocking it!
In my address bar, it changes the link to https://leftlockdownsceptics/lander, & remains a blank page! I've never had that happen before, you?
Same here. I think their website is broken.
I'm glad I saved the quote which explains why abused people deny predatory behaviors (like mammals do in trauma).
"It's pathetic that people finally know enough not to take the shots. And yet, insist that the shots saved us."
The Standard Narrative to explain this seems to be: "Covid was MUCH more dangerous back then, so we needed the shots desperately! Now it's milder so we can get by without the shots/masks/anti-social distancing." This way one can justify not taking the boosters, while still maintaining that they're Safe and Effective.
It is good to be reminded that the majority of people have not woken up. It is very concerning that all of the mechanisms to lock us down and jab us up remain in place for the next time and that this group of people will again be just fine with it.
I hate it that this is true.
I do as well. I think people in our group think others have come around and I think that is a dangerous assumption to make. It’s important to have reality checks. I know people on their 6th or 7th shots…
Reading your thoughts and reactions to the scamdemic was like looking in a mirror. Having practiced medicine for forty years, it was also obvious to me on Day 1 that this was a phony health scare. I think I would have realized it even without the medical experience to draw on. I was surprised to find that most of my colleagues couldn't see it and am absolutely flabbergasted at how many still don't get it. I can still relate to most of them on other levels and topics, but I will never see them in exactly the same way as before.
I am soooo tired of “we didn’t know”.
We DID know, and the biggest tell of all was the sheer amount of effort put into censoring those that disagreed.
I've kept this comment since I first read it back in 2021: "Don't ask me how I knew; ask yourself why you didn't know."
The last sentence is so true. I also will never see people the same way again. I can't. All the people I know really showed their true colors.........thankfully I know some who were mostly sane. Sounds terrible to say, but I learned people were far stupider than I thought and that is scary. That is why people are being dumbed down through education (or lack thereof) and through illnesses, autism, etc. They will be easier to control. And you can tell who watches MSM because they are still running around with masks on and while driving in cars alone. SMH