I suspected coronavirus was a bioweapon early on. In the military, you learn about NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) warfare. Watched an interview with Dr. Francis Boyle and he confirmed my suspicions it was a bioweapon.

I was concerned about getting sick because I have pulmonary problems. In the back of my mind, I was confused/perplexed why such draconian measures were being employed. Once the "vaccine" came out, the forcing function used to make people get the shot was frightening. No jab meant no job, no travel, no school, etc. First responders and medical staff who all worked during the pandemic, were now being punished/fired for not taking the jab. The military was being forced also. I had never seen such totalitarian measures in the US for a virus that had a +99% survival rate.

It became obvious that we were in the middle of a successful military/government psychological operations campaign.

What happened to my country?

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Once the "vaccine" came out, the forcing function used to make people get the shot was frightening.

The *bribes* really freaked me out. Get the jab and get a free beer! Get the jab and get a free doughnut! Lotteries, gift cards, you name it, we got it!

I also love the whole idea of mixing and matching boosters. Pick a booster, any booster! Doesn't matter which one, just get a needle in your arm!

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The bribes only convinced me more that indeed, this vaccine must be a dangerous thing. The bribes reminded me on a larger scale of the vendors you see at fairs and festivals where they offer you a free bag/key chain flashlight (something you don't need) for signing up for a new credit card. Like who is dumb enough to take a shot for a Krispy Kreme donut?

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Unfortunately, I've heard stories about kids falling for it.

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This week I saw again a bumper sticker – I love my country but fear my government. Have seen it before, but it rang true in a special way in 2022.

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I don't fear my government. Our rights come from God.

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I also fear, or rather loathe, my opposition and civil service.

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Just finished reading “Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties.” I highly recommend it although it will disavow one of thinking these psyops are new. After working many years with the military and realizing quickly Covid was weaponized, I am still deeply saddened to have the veil ripped from my eyes and see what our country is underneath the veneer.

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The US invented modern propaganda techniques in the early 1900s. The Nazis actually copied US propaganda techniques. Goebbels had everthing Bernays ever published in his library. Bernays wrote about it in his autobiography. Most people know Hill & Knowlton produced the famous "thowing babies out of incubators" testimony. This is how our society has been organized. As US power begins to wane and life becomes harder more people will start to ask questions and be less likely to follow so easily.

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Well taken. Thanks.

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I miss the old days of military psyops where paper leaflets were dropped from planes saying, "Surrender now."

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Definitely. The implanting of brain stimuli is nothing new, just the technology has changed. Mind control has been in the mix for decades.

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Your post is appreciated and understood. Under all we have been subjected to there beats the good hearts of the good people who are fighting for the truth for as long as it takes. Some of the fighters are actually enjoying their newfound mission to save mankind! I'm reading a small book from the 50's when psychopolitics was taken to a high art by Russian psychiatry. It's available on Amazon: "Brain-Washing A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics." It's been kept in print by the Christian Scientists who realized the problem. In this war against ignorance and enslavement we need truths about the mind. I put your book on my booklist.

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The bioweapon prospect made the possibility of widespread harm more plausible. That was a reason to fear it. Fortunately, though engineered, the rules of epidemiology still applied: more transmissible = less virulent and vice versa.

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I was so angry when this simple biological fact was repeatedly "fact checked," which basically means it was denied. I found it so insulting to tell me that my perfectly fine education could be thrown out the window in favor of "experts" with unconcealed conflicts of corporate interests. Please. Go peddle your lies elsewhere.

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I'm 63 and I grew up in the country with parents who taught us to routinely question why others were reacting.

Early in 2020 when I saw the data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship it was clear the virus wasn't dangerous to most people. And especially not younger or healthy people.

Also I lived in Chicago during the summer of 1995 when a summer heat wave caused a lot of frail, elderly people to die all at once instead of over a few months as they would have otherwise.

From the beginning I saw coronavirus as the Chicago Heat Wave Effect. It accelerated the deaths of people who were on the verge.

But I couldn't find anyone in my circle who agreed (except my brother). My views caused me friends to treat me like I was a pariah; reckless and ill-informed. My boss told the team "she lives in her own reality."

Even when I presented facts and details (while they did no independent research) they airily dismissed me. They listened to 5 minutes a day of mainstream media and were certain they were far more intelligent and up to date.

If they had to do it over again they'd do exactly the same things. They follow the herd, the pack. They couldn't imagine thinking for themselves and holding a contrary opinion.

I love this blog. We must never forget what it was like to be the only ones awake when the "woke" overtook the world.

The one silver lining was becoming more confident and secure in my opinions minus any validation. That's been a huge benefit in my daily life.

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Great comment, Dear. Yes, like a heat wave.

I write in support of those who saw the Scam.

All of us need to continue to be in people's grills in perpetuity about what a fraud this has been. Because so many will continue to recall this as nearly having been the end of the world.

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Love your comment! Trusting yourself is a great gift isn’t it?

“ They listened to 5 minutes a day of mainstream media and were certain they were far more intelligent and up to date.”

This made me crazy too.

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Because I live in an area that experiences hurricanes, I likened the early days of cov to watching the path of an oncoming storm. The media frothed at the mouth and screamed “Danger! Danger!” at every opportunity. The experts backed up the narrative and before too long, a large portion of the world was convinced they were going to die. But you can’t panic when you watch a storm coming. You can be prudent and prepare but panic is not helpful. So my husband and I added zinc, VitD and extra C to our daily regimen and took long walks since idiots closed gyms and parks. We did the best we could to care for ourselves but the very best thing we did was turn off the television. I never listened to Fauci (that voice!) and ignored all government and media proclamations. We are fortunate to live in a small, safe area and we’re fatalistic about dying. So beyond the first curiosity about the “pandemic” we chose to live our lives. No shots, no masks, no distancing. Our friends and family felt the same way we did so we had lots of social interaction that has made all of the nonsense bearable. No one will ever be able to make us behave the way so many people have during this ridiculous time in history.

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I began as a true believer in all things pandemic. I watched all the videos from China showing people dropping dead in the streets and breathlessly read the reports of crematoriums being built in China to deal with all the dead. I checked the world-o-meter every day (multiple times/day I'm sorry to say). It was like a great big dose of fear porn had taken over my life. I was focused on it until my husband came home from work one day and told me to knock it off...it's just the flu! I realized I had gotten sucked into something and stopped keeping track of everything and started looking around me to see what was happening in the world around me. That was my awakening. As Mark knows, I live in Sweden and we didn't have any of the real draconian measures here that the rest of the world face. Masks were never mandated here till the second year and then only on mass transit and still not everyone used them. We were told to keep our distance and had plexiglass screens hung in front of cash registers at the grocery store (like the virus can't figure out how to go around it??? Really???). High Schools went to distance learning as did some middle schools when there weren't enough teachers or students but grade school and kindergarten were never shut down. Athletic practices, both inside and outside for 15 and under were never cancelled either. When I opened my eyes and looked around I saw no one getting sick or if they did it really wasn't bad unless they were old. I know of one person who died and it was the grandmother of a friend of mine so I didn't even know her personally. She was frail and in her 90's.

Since I had realized that the pandemic wasn't really, I was very cautious about the shots when they first came out. I did a lot of reading and listening and found both the Market-Ticker and Anne Bernhardt and followed their links and trusted what they were showing me. The sad thing is, my husband, who broke me out of my fear porn, fell prey to it after me :( He says that he saw a post on Facebook that purportedly showed all the obituaries from one week of people who had been killed by Covid in one town in Italy. He said it was 3 pages long and at that point in time he became a true believer (turns out that that was fake news...he can't read italian so he didn't know that those obituaries were from a ferry accident that had killed over 300 people a few years previously).

He's a scientist with Big Pharma and even though he always told me to never take a new medication until it had been on the market for at least 5 years, he bought into the promise that these shots would save the world. I pleaded with him to not take them. To wait even just one year before taking them and he went behind my back and did it anyway and then told me a few days later. That just about ended our marriage. I told him that our kids would NOT be taking the shots and he said it would be up to them since, in Sweden, they can make that decision at 15 (believe it or not! They were offering it in the High School w/o needing parental permission). I told him again, point blank that they would NOT take it and so far they have listened to me and have been spared.

My SIL tried to pressure my son who is at University in the States to take it. He refused since he's had a bad reaction to a 'vaccine' 2x now (if I knew then what I know now I never would've given my kids any shots). She said she was very concerned that he wouldn't have any friends if he refused to get the shots. I told her that if that was the reason for his friends going away that maybe they weren't really friends to begin with. She never asked me again. When we went home to visit this summer though, we were all asked to take a test to prove we didn't have covid before we were allowed to spend time with them. Since everyone was supposed to take the tests, I acquiesced but I hated doing it.

Reading all of the substack authors have helped calm my fears and give me the strength and courage to live my life without fear and masks. Knowing I'm not alone in all this madness helps me deal with my sense of betrayal by my spouse who should have been standing by my side during all of this. At least I've got my kids believing that these shots are not good and not taking them. I pray daily for an end to this madness and that my husband's eyes would be opened to the evil that is being done. His problem right now is he can't imagine any one of his co-workers participating in something this evil and so he refuses to see that that is what these shots are...

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Your experience mirrors mine. My husband was the one to say to me that it was just the flu. Then, like your husband, at some point he succumbed to the fear and fell head first into the narrative. Our marriage nearly ended over these garbage injections, too, but we somehow managed to hang in there even after he raced off and got the shots. I managed to convince two of my three adult children to avoid the shots, at least.

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I'm sorry to hear you had the same experience...that has been the hardest part for me to accept. We are working thru it but that is b/c we just don't talk about it. I have no clue how many shots he's had now but his dad is having horrible neurological problems now (b/c of the shots) and I've begged him to tell his dad not to take anymore since the next one will most likely kill him (he got cancer after his first shot). No clue if he will say anything to his dad or not. That is on his head though since his parents won't listen to me since I'm not the scientist...

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Yes, we don't talk about it either. These shots -- and the way they have driven people apart -- are appalling. I am sorry to hear about your husband's dad.

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Look into CDS!! Universal Antedote on Rumble.

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It often feels like a scene from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". I am grateful that my husband and I have remained on the same page throughout, but had he wavered, I would have been looking for the pods.

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Oh yes, the pods. I recently rewatched Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the 1978 version) and was struck by the uncanny similarities with today's version of the script. I think the pods are still out there somewhere but are better disguised!

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His position with Big Pharma probably played a role. It did with my brother.

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Yeah, it did and it does. He's basically said he can't believe that anyone he works for or has worked for could ever do something this evil. He can't believe that it is being kept under cover across the whole world and that it is a big conspiracy theory. I told him that we just lived thru the biggest conspiracy theory with the whole world shutting down for 2+ years...this mRNA shot BS was peanuts compared to that...he never responded to that email...his best friend is a chemist as well and tried to convince me that the shots were effective and safe and I shot down every single one of his arguments and he gave up but still pushed my husband to take the shots...

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Hello Mark. Challenge accepted, I’ll outline the chronology of my emotional & intellectual response from the beginning, January 2020 I first heard the word “Covid”.

I had just returned from an overseas vacation and by mid-January I had contracted what felt like the worst flu of my life. It was truly awful, fatigue & fever. I’m a man so I felt sorry for myself of course. I’m also healthy, not in any risk group or with any comorbidities. I also have a fairly positive outlook on life so, with that background I can say fearing for my life never crossed my mind. Then inevitably, I got better. About 4 days I suppose in total.

I was reasonably sure that whatever it was, and it felt like flu, was this new fangled Covid thing. And I was also fairly sure that, like flu, I would be immune now because, well that’s how it works right.

But this was still the early days, hysterics & propaganda had yet to arrive so I retained a detached interest in the phenomenon. I’m also a bit handy with chemicals so I made up some dimethylbenzylamine anti bacterial gel. I offered it to people who were concerned about this weird new disease. And I practiced a normal higiene protocol, wash hands, avoid people who are obviously coughing etc. Basically the same as when a cold is circulating.

Then the “two weeks to flatten the curve” thing happened. I hadn’t ever considered the efficacy of quarantining the healthy until now & accepted the narrative, sceptically, about the need to protect health services from being overwhelmed. Four weeks later that all changed as it became clear that a lot of what we were being instructed to do didn’t make sense epidemiologically. I had by now, around April 2020, concluded that whatever was going on was politically motivated. I have conducted myself in every respect since on this basis.

I am angry. I am angry that children have been deprived, old people have been frightened, people who are for whatever reason disinclined to exercise critical thinking skills or otherwise unable to comprehend the broader context of what government ‘experts’ and politicians are instructing us to do, all of the above have been harmed.

I am angry that ordinary members of society have had their latent narcissistic feathers stroked such that they feel justified in their deputisation to behave like fascist dictators. I am angry that a woman half my age who is qualified to put things onto a shelf in a store now feels entitled to scream at a stranger for disobeying a BS arrow on the floor of an isle in a supermarket.

I am so desperately disappointed that so many of us are happy to believe in a benevolent ruling class, who seek the comfort of conformity with what should be blatantly obviously dismissed as totalitarianism. As a society far too many are happy, enthusiastic even, at the prospect of subcontracting decision making to others. And those others are happy to take on the role of little Hitler and his wife Karen.

Not once since the realisation in April 2020 have I had the slightest fear of the virus. Instead I fear for the society that will drag me along with it into central bank globalist dictatorship where freedoms are a historical novelty.

I am doing something positive about this on a personal level but that’s a different story.

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Yes, Soy, I guess that hospital overrun thing was a good scare tactic. Detached from reality. But effective., esp. enhanced with images--stock photos--of people on gurneys.

I'm curious about what you're up to.

I'm up to what I've been up to since Day 1: alienating people, incl those who used to be my friends, by expressing my disgust re: all that has happened.

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I don’t and never needed an excuse to annoy people, some of us are fortunate to have been born with this magnificent talent. :-)

I’ll ping you an email.

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I said the same thing Mark. Maybe he will tell us his' Story'!

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Hello JustANobody, Mark. I am also just a nobody & conscious that what is interesting to me is not going to be interesting to someone else. It’s just the story of two ordinary people who happened to radically change their lives midway through the madness of the last couple of years. Basically we (wife + me) left comfortable well paid employment in the teaching & technology fields to pursue a dream. We lived an expensive lifestyle in a high spend, high tax modern environment, and swapped it for a remote farmhouse in the middle of nowhere in a foreign country. There was no electricity, gas, water, heating, refuse collection, post, internet. Nothing but space. Two lakes and three rivers. Even the land, and there’s a lot of that, had nothing useful growing on it without nutrients or water. There’s a large five bedroom farmhouse with a roof that leaks in three places. It was leaking in 2 places until I fixed it, now it leaks in 3 places.

Sounds terrible doesn’t it. It is categorically the single best life decision we ever made and we are so happy that we did it.

Don’t want to bore anyone or hijack Mark’s substack with my irrelevance but bottom line is that we have accidentally become completely off-grid & self sufficient. And if you imagine this includes hardship then, OK, you’d be right. But it also involves eating like kings (free venison, boar & chicken, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, vegetables, wheat grain, potatoes, tomatoes, onions etc., you can keep your bugs thank Bill). And it involves a super healthy, real, life. And a fantastic cultural experience with a new circle of friends who know what community and sharing means.

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I absolutely love what you did and I would do it in a heartbeat if I could. I believe that is the way people are supposed to live and I give you so much credit for having the guts (you and your wife) to pull it off. Can you even imagine how much healthier you are going to be by not eating the processed foods that live in the middle aisles of our supermarkets. Way to go!!!!!

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I always had a motto in life; “what’s the worst that could happen?” And I also vowed I’d never get to a certain age and say “I wish I had...”

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Wow that's amazing! I'm actually tearing up reading this! Oh how I wish we were able to do that! My husband had a heart attack back in March, no serums or fake covid! We are in our late 50s, early 60s!

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I'd love to hear that story!! I relate to your comment as well!!

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I was unsure, not necessarily afraid. What drove me over the edge was the mask BS. CDC contradicting the information on their own web site that surgical masks "Do NOT provide the wearer with a reliable level of protection from inhaling smaller airborne particles and is not considered respiratory protection". At that point I concluded they were making shit up. And to my astonishment people supported the covid burqa. Forget family division over clot shots, it started with masks.

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And tens of millions stlil wear them.

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The MAGA hat equivalent of the Left.

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I read somewhere, perhaps Gata Malo’s stack, that mask wearers have failed the single question IQ test.

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I remember in the summer of 2020 Bob Weir posted a photo to his Instagram that said this, only meant in reverse. I was like holy lack of self-awareness batman

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For sure. When in the grocery store I coddle up to them and pretend I am talking on my phone and start telling my "friend on the other end" "hey whats with your town, people are still wearing masks. Can't they read?"

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savage! and funny

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They are Gessler hats, like the Hitler salute was one. NOTHING else.

HC pros endorse them despite having no clue or despite knowing that they serve no function because a) they have to wear them, so everyone else shall be inconvenienced too and/or b) because it gives them even more power over the Plebs.

There are no other explanations or reasons.

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Let me think.

I was more thinking a lab grown virus was capable of wiping out humanity as an intended tool of warfare. Something like diseased carcasses dropped into water wells deal, been going on for centuries. But I didn't have to make decisions a lot of people had to as I was more independent of the system. Since I don't believe in any injection as a cure, rejecting the injection was easy even with my obviously foolish belief in this virus hoax. The few times I walked into a store I wore the mask because I didn't want to stick out mostly, but I didn't know for sure so there is that too.

Now I think the scare was a marketing position to sell fear, injections, and totalitarianism.

I agree with your assessment on the process.

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I thought about lab enhancement. But with so many surviving, it seemed to me that the lab techs didn't juice the virus up that much.

Hey, I said I wasn't going to counter-comment.

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Hahahaha! I have a thick skin so go right ahead.

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I didn't mean that comment as a criticism.

And those, like you, who were thinking lab leak from the beginning, seem to have been prescient.

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Not taken as criticism, I only thought you wanted to protect the sensitivity of those who don't want to admit they were fooled in some way. Which is respectful stance to a certain degree.

I still don't know how deep the ruse goes. I suppose why I am attracted to Stack articles.

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Oct 6, 2022
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I thought it was lab leak very early on, specifically since I had read a number of articles on Epoch Times regarding the demographic problems that China was experiencing thanks to their one child rule, they'd become very elderly heavy with not enough working age people to support them with a crises approaching quickly. Add in the long term care crises that was also happening here in the States where beds in nursing homes were impossible to find and not enough home health workers. The target demographics for this virus were apparent very early one, mis-reported by the media and government and a solution to the useless eater problem.

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Makes more sense after reading your comment.

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Thanks! Beyond the long term care problem here, we also had a similar issue to the Chinese in the economics as well. Far too many folk on Social Security and Medicare with a greatly reduced working age population to keep the system afloat. I'm 56 and I've heard for years that SS will be essentially bankrupt a couple of years before I qualify for it. If they could knock out a goodly number of those that stay on it for longer and longer, then the house of cards could stay up a tad longer.

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Me too! I actually prefer, people comment on my comments!

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Keep in mind, the effects of the jab aren't done yet. We have no idea how "timed release" it is. Some people drop over dead on the spot. Some drop on the soccer field. Some take their time and create weird, fibrous, blood-clots or misfolded proteins that speed dormant cancers, Alzheimer's, or other dread illnesses. That's why censorship had to be firmly in place before the all-cause mortality figures could emerge for all to see.

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I'm old and unhealthy, age 79 with five co-morbidities. Initially I was very concerned because of my poor health. This was especially true when you have the President and two eminent scientists in the medical field standing beside him to make the situation appear very grave.

On the other hand, I am a trained analyst and researcher with national level awards for my work and also forty years of expertise studying China. The initial controversy was over the origin of what came to be called Covid 19. Was it a natural leap from animals in a Wuhan wet market or a lab creation. It just so happens that the only level 4 biolab in China is in Wuhan city. After examining the arguments of the "renegade" scientists saying it was lab made and showing evidence of gene editing, it was not hard to reach a tentative conclusion that this was a man made pathogen.

It is important to recognize that China is the beta-tester for what the leaders of the globalist movement hope to achieve, and their goals can be summed up as achieving control of the most of world's population, resources and economy. There are lots of other details and factors that convinced me that this emergency was contrived, not least the table-top exercise by top decision makers at Johns Hopkins Hospital simulating just this sort of widespread novel pathogen with no treatment-- held two months before the release of CV19.

As far as the mRNA jab, I was suspicious of it and avoided all blandishments to get it. lt helped that my son is a doctor of both medicine and human biophysics. We compared notes on what we learned about the jab and concluded it was possibly dangerous and that there were no long-term efficacy or safety studies of this jab.

So what to do. The Frontline doctors and Dr. Zelenko, among others made it clear that this virus could be stopped with zinc and hydoxy-chloroquin or Ivermectin, or even quercitin to push the zinc into your cells. Cells with zinc prevent virus replification with no side effects. So that's what we did and none of us got the covid, including unhealthy me.

I remain astounded at the continued fear among people I know who still accept the narrative of the government and all government healthcare authorities. I more recently learned of the term--mass formation psychosis and what we are seeing is exactly that. Information about it is too dangerous to have known so everything about it is now being censored.

I wish everyone well and hope we stay well and alert to more of these crises that I now understand are, sorry to say, being created to gain control over us and to enrich certain groups and individuals.

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If you're 79, I can understand the fear.

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It's actually obese people who needed to take precautions. Most of the old farts I know weathered the bug just fine. As long as they weren't fat and/or comorbid.

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I'm 76, and borderline obese, with various comorbidities: borderline hypertension, borderline Type 2 diabetes, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, and probably other things that do not occur to me at the moment. Nevertheless, I have survived through a couple of years now of this pseudoepidemic by never getting any of these "vaccines" and taking megadoses of Vitamin D.

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The vaccines are shit, no matter what your health or age. The benefits are far outweighed by the risks.

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We take ZStack still.

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I bought into it initially. It never occurred to me that public health folks were so evil! Plus a longtime colleague and friend, late 50s, who recently returned from overseas died of it in the hospital at the end of March 2020. It really shocked us. However, other than what was imposed on us by government, we did not change our behavior. We continued to see our granddaughter who lived on a property with multiple houses, a family compound of sorts. And we continued to see my parents who live near me. So we never let fear keep us from our family. By June 2020, we had had enough and had a big party at our house. It was mostly outdoors but folks sheepishly walked in with masks and a questioning look. I quickly put that down. No masks! During this time I started finding alternative media sources and slowly began to wake up to the scam. Now my biggest fear is my government. Evil madmen and women.

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I agree. Now I’m wary of maskers and despise my government and that’s just fine.

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Yes! Took my granddaughter to a local ballet performance last evening. There were a few maskholes in the audience. I shouldn't let it bother me but it does because I know if they had their way they would make us all do it and the fact that I ever let my 5 year old granddaughter wear one makes me feel ashamed.

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I have an immune system disorder from getting E. coli poisoning in 2008, with ongoing problems so trying not to get sick along with keeping my weight down, exercising, and good nutrition. I was never afraid; I watched to see which demographic was catching the virus and how many people were dying from it. I can do math, and decided I wasn’t in mortal danger. When the shots became available, same approach, and quickly I knew of two people who weren’t sick or obese who died within a week of their second shots. I was horrified and decided not to get the shots.

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Hi mark. I didn’t fall for it for a second . To me it was very obvious that it was all overblown. So obvious I thought everyone I knew would agree. I too was shocked they didn’t.

I don’t know how I knew. But I have theories.

1. I’m in touch with my intuition. Growing up my parents weren’t reliable. My mom was emotionally unstable. Every day I had to read her mood to figure out how to act. I became expert at reading people and situations and learning when to trust my gut. My gut was saying this was bogus. Or maybe I’m just a little psychic! Who knows? I just had *that feeling* you know?

2. I always question the media. They exaggerate everything. That’s a fact. So I always look for alternate sources of info on any story that’s driven by fear and I’ve found 100% of the time information that contradicts the fear. I also have a good memory for these things and like you I remember all the many false alarms.

3. Tone is everything. None of the talking heads seemed scared. In a real emergency they wouldn’t be reporting with a gleam in their eye. I didn’t recognize this at first, only upon looking back to try and understand how I knew it was fake.

As for friends and family… my partner initially agreed with me, but after a week or so he asked me to stop talking about it. For about six months I had no one to talk to about this. I questioned my sanity. So I made a rule: if this was real I’d know a lot of people who were really sick, quite a few hospitalized, and at least two who died in my immediate circle. Of course that never happened. I felt quite alone but not scared. I felt frustrated. Why did I have this knowledge and no way to use it? One time I saw someone had defaced a Covid 19 sign at a park, changing it to Covid 1984. I was so relieved someone else felt the same way! So I began carrying a sharpie with me everywhere and writing messages where others would see them. It’s all I could think to do.

By august of 2020 one good friend had come around. What a relief! By December my partner had come around. Now I’ve got a community of about ten people I can talk to honestly. They’re real friends and I’m grateful.

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I made signs but the Sharpie didn't occur to me. I'm disappointed in myself.

Though many stayed home so when these messages were needed, not so many would have seen them. And the police state would have painted over graffiti. I know this from experience during a previous life.

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Well, I was lucky I saw that someone else had done it. I wonder who that person was. I'd like to thank him or her!

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What a great idea, carrying a Sharpie around.

I know many places where I'll be putting it to good use.


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It gave me a lot of relief just to write messages. I thought "If I can connect with one person who is feeling alone and crazy and make them feel less alone and more sane, then I've done something worthwhile today."

It all felt so daunting in the early days, didn't it? Like we'd never get out of the mess.

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We became sticker activists! There were a number of organisations designing and printing good stickers with questions and slogans and you could pay a small fee to order a couple hundred. We would walk around the neighborhood or where ever and just carpet-plaster. Then at some point I watched the My Little Pony New Generation movie and the one pony is doing the very same thing! Highly highly recommend that movie to help children understand lies and manipulation.

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I can relate to your loneliness and lack of anyone to discuss the farce with. I totally agree with the "gleam in their eyes" statement too.

I also had intuition, but my fear was real. It seemed appropriate to feel fear of those who would go so far with a lie, who also had the power to invent fake death data early on and then erase real death data later. I have gone to too many funerals (from the vax, not the disease.) I have a close colleague who lost 4 close people including her husband in two months! Horrific.

The fear is real. It is not related to anything we've been told/indoctrinated/ hypnotized to accept. The truth is worse than a plague and plenty of people are ignoring it even now because they don't want to know.

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Yes. Agreed. I was, and am, afraid of a technocratic takeover of the world. The rise in authoritarianism on the left is very disturbing. Very.

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On this note. Go back and watch anything C19 related. Perhaps it is the bias of hindsight but literally nothing from then appears genuine now. Covidland or any of TLAVs stuff or just general search works.

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Yep! It was like watching a bad sitcom from the 80s, where you can see the boom mike in the shot, and the living room set looks like it's made of cardboard.

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this gave me a chuckle, thanks!

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Love your sharp(ie) solution. That has occurred to me as well but I was thinking of enhancing the digital doodles on the bar code graphics for cell phones.

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such a great wrench in the works!

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I never bought in, because of the unhinged & nonsensical way it was handled from day 1 & how previous, common sense emergency plans & safe, off-use medications were not just abandoned but derided & even criminalized.

Masks don’t work turned into wear 2; natural infection will lead to herd immunity turned into the jab as the only way to reach herd immunity; herd immunity should be 60% or so turned into 100%; 2 weeks to flatten the curve turned into 2.5+ years, esp for those of us under totalitarians in blue states; experimental poison sold as “vaccines”; “safe & effective” in the complete absence of even short term trials, not to mention long term ones; complete lack of transparency by big Pharma & governments globally; blanket immunity from liability for damage & death from the jab; i could go on & on.

But ESPECIALLY seeing how people who absolutely knew better (physicians, scientists, epidemiologists, virologists) or absolutely didn’t know know anything @ all (politicians, the general public & so-called journalists) demonized, derided, discriminated against all of us who believe in informed consent & bodily autonomy

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Don't forget the 75 years, to release any information!

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I wasn't that scared at the start. Actually, not scared at all compared with my friends at the time, most of us a little bit younger than 40. I was a little bit stupified by how afraid everyone else was and tried for a little while to persuade some to see things differently. No success there and somehow their panic affected me as well. I watched Boris Johnson anounncing the first lockdown and although everything seemed over the top and deep down I knew something was amiss, I decided the best course of action was to just ignore it - like not following the news about it, get in better shape - just in case, and see where this was heading. By the time the second extension was announced I was already very suspicious that things are not what they seem to be but I kept telling myself that by summer most people will get to their senses and this will be over. In my mind at that time, everyone was a little bit over reacting and I could see that people were eager to return to normal. I already had started to rebel in my own way, like widely opening the windows on Thursday nights at 5 to 8 pm, before the UK clapatron, and playing loudly the Soviet national anthem. If the motherfuckers were going to clap, let them clap after a totalitarian state national anthem. Maybe some will see the similitude. I would have played the Nazi one but I was afraid it might had been illegal.

The summer of 2020 was a shock. I had a five week trip to Switzerland where things were almost normal for a while, before the mask theater was introduced on public transport. Returning to the UK I could see my friends, most of them younger than me, were scared shitless and although they pretended not to be afraid and saying they don't like the measures, they were going with the narrative 100%: like cancelling pub meetings and voting to go to the park instead, as you can never be too careful. At that stage, I understood that I was witnessing a very dangerous phenomenon and that those people, successful, smart in their field, were complete morons and lacked common sense completely.

What made me really start looking into this was the announcement of the second UK lockdown. When whitty and vallance lied live on BBC using mathematical models created weeks before and which I could see live that were off, the most optimistic one, by a factor of 3-4. I knew that those people were not incompetent, I have a background in computer science and I did a bunch of modelling myself and I understand how some cand skew things here and there a little bit to get the results that are required. This was a lot more than that. And considering the consequences, I could see it was done on purpose and with no good intentions. From that point on, I started searching all alternative media diligently but it still took me almost 4 months to really consider the great reset as the actual explanation for everything that was happening.

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I remember thinking people would come to their senses in summer of 20. Instead it got worse!

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Even the phony death tolls were way down by then.

But people and the media and gov't clung to the fear narrative.

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Putin's post-Communist, post-totalitarian Russia still uses the same old Soviet national anthem, only with different words. It is a great tune.

I can't say I'm that fond of the alternate national anthem that the Nazis introduced, the Horst Wessel Lied (Die Fahne hoch"), but the older anthem with which it shared that status, the Deutschlandslied (Deutschland, Deutschland ueber alles), does have a great melody. Well, naturally, Haydn wrote it.

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One of my sisters in law caught covid in NYC before there were any OTC tests for it February 2020. After two weeks of being deathly ill, she drove to the Anne Arundel hospital center for a nasal swab. After several days of waiting they contacted her to tell her it wasn't covid..then they called a few days later to say it was. By this point in the pandemic I was starting to smell too much phony goodwill, hype and hysteria to trust anyone pushing public health measures. And that switcheroo on her test results made me trust authorities even less. What did she have, really?

By Easter I was fed up with all the braying about "stay safe" and "shelter in place". But that Easter, a sister who ordinarily hosts Easter Sunday for our large extended family decided we were all going do a Zoom meeting for the day. It was probably the most depressing Easter Sunday of my entire life. I spent formative years in NJ and Jersey people hate feeling like we've been played for a chump more than anything. That Easter left me with that feeling.

Because, where were all these fatalities? My county in rural Maryland wasn't seeing them, none among friends and family. Only my poor sister in law got something that may have been covid, obese and 62 she still prevailed. And the stupidities in public were mounting: no sacraments at Church, no Masses until June 2020. And then only in the parking lot with six foot distances painted off on the pavement. And masking! By June there were jets of steam coming out of my ears.

What convinced me it was all about control was when even the obscure little county river beach parks in my county were closed to the public. I'm talking about river beaches so remote and obscure that even very few locals ever bother to set foot on them. Boaters could still anchor at those beaches and picnic unmolested on the sand, but we couldn't drive there until 2021. All because some Pennsylvania and New Jersey "hedonists" had been partying on the beach at Assateague, not masking or maintaining six foot distance, and got the blame for spreading covid once back home.

The insanity of the local response in a fairly conservative county made me sure this was a mental disease on some grand scale. Maybe that saved and my immediate family from the mRNA shots, because the stupidity of the lockdowns made me look very hard at the technology of those shots and decide the risks were completely disproportionate to their possible benefits.

Now, if I see CDC recommending ANYTHING, it might as well be the CCP doing it. It's pure garbage in my book. They are horrible frauds and worse than prostitutes and their pimps.

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I didn't believe anything-especially when I stood in line to get into the store for my weekly shopping trip, practically bumping into people buying cleaning products and eggs, following the one-way arrows down the isles, and watching them stand on dots with fear in their eyes at the check out. Just seemed like weird behavior to me. Plus I listened to front-line Drs. early on and knew this was all crap. My sister avoided me at my mom's b'day party last year (and still is) because my daughter isn't vaccinated (or masked). She still hasn't gotten it (mid 30s)- but all my relatives who have gotten the shots, have! I WANTED to get it (may have had it in Feb 2020 as something was going around my workplace)- just had the flu (still have it)- uncomfortable but still appreciative of my life and the things I can still do at 69!

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Oct 6, 2022
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And Fauci is still out there talking, talking, talking....crap!

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Oct 9, 2022
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'cause it was probably saline...he's dumb, but not that dumb.

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I did not fear it because I was told from the beginning, even by the lamestream "mainstream" news media, that the virus had a 99% survival rate. My primary care acted like the sky was falling. When I asked her what she would do for me if I did get sick, she said "nothing." Then she added "most people recover at home with need for nothing more than Tylenol, and perhaps a cough suppressant." When the "warp speed" vaccine operation began, I told my state senator I didn't think anybody should be mandated to take it because there was a 99% survival rate, for everybody. He replied "I'm going to take it as soon as it's available because the survival rate is only 98 point something percent." I've never been religious and it used to perplex me why people had to be so attached to one particular religion, almost to the point of fanaticism. I'm a spiritual person but I don't like politics or religion. During my lifetime, as religion has become less popular, It seems that people still have this need for something to be fanatical about. Many are led by the nose by the media. But I observe there seems to be a need by some people to get upset on a regular basis, and be in a near constant state of stress or fear or panic, and then to assuage themselves by being united with a group of others that feel the same, so they can be in what they perceive as a dominant class. Just my observation.

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Warp Speed and Experimental!! Two very telling phrases! That told me all I needed to know about these serums!

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Great name you have. It's my brother's name.

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My theory on the joyous adoption of society as a giant concentration camp by the masking vax-addicts, is that Americans are so terribly comfortable that we seem to need the excitement of bug-from-hell. A lot of people I knew seemed to love the whole thing.

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I agree and wrote about that a while back. It's in the archives.

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I'm a natural contrarian. I enjoy disagreeing with most people. Why aren't more people like me?

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Too much agreement kills a chat, according to Eldridge Cleaver. He was right about that.

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I think the cosplay aspect of it all was and is very attractive to some bored and boring people.

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We all know those people that just get off on tragedies. The love going to funerals and hospitals... they're all about the drama in their dull lives. Covid is the highlight of these people's life.

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Before even the hyped statistics were released (and it was just guesses about how many millions will die), I was completely unimpressed and largely unconcerned. I was literally more concerned about the prospects of WW3 in Ukraine way back in 2020. My friends were baffled by that TBH.

I had it early on in late January 2020 via flight through Seattle Intl Airport where loads of people were plainly sick. I was aggravated by all the sick people but still didn't care much. I got whatever they had and griped about "people ought to stay home when they're coughing up a lung" but shrugged it off... got sick... and went back to work after a week. That seemed pretty usual at the time, that was before the psyop began.

When it began, I had a few observations that steered my course:

- These people do nothing but lie -- the government caring about our health is preposterous

- I had it, it's just a cold and not that bad

- The day I die from a cold, my number had clearly come up

- If people are so frail (or of such poor health) that they die from a cold, the cold itself isn't really the issue

- How do people think you die of "old age"? A cold may be coming to get many of us... one day... me included and then it's time. That's what we used to call "natural causes".

I remember ridiculing all panicked people in private with my wife and friends. Such fear is disgusting to me and people should be ashamed of themselves for allowing their very public participation. I have little tolerance for weakness of mind or spirit. Time to put on the big boy/girl pants, chin up, chest out, and face reality. You all knew you're not immortal and none of us actually has any "right" to any particular span of time. This is the human condition; it cannot be escaped.

Now, in light of the actual IFR, I asked in various groups, "What if this actually were the real deal and was taking out people by the millions? What would these people do then?! What insanity would the government come up with in an Andromeda Strain scenario when this is their pathetic response to an IFR this low?!"

The very sober answer is that I received from people was that the government would send out squads and flat-out murder people in an actual Andromeda Strain situation. Given the absolutely psychotic response to corona, I have come to believe that is true. Something to think about.

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And then what happens to the infected corpses? Burn them in the streets?

Yes, there always has to be a tech solution.

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We eat them with Bug Soup as a chaser.

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Yup, either the Chinese mobile crematoriums would be bought and deployed or they'd repurpose some military equipment. I'd be surprised if there isn't some top secret contingency plan that doesn't at least touch on the subject.

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Oh I forgot another of my early-on postulates. It was (and still is) obvious to me that, if there ever is a respiratory virus that is going to kill millions, precisely none of this retarded theater is going to save anyone.

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Appreciate & vehemently agree with many of your observations shared here with us. 💯

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Cowardice is a sin.

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