Destroying the global economy as a virus mitigation strategy will go down in history as the most abjectly stupid policy ever to be implemented. Either that or the most criminal.

Make that stupid and criminal.

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Or devious and criminal.

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"Third Places"


Removing Third Places from society removed one of the most important underpinnings of a healthy society from our communities, from the human experience. The experts knew the damage that closing/restricting Third Places was doing to society. But they did it anyways:


A healthy society is like a big machine that needs to be lubricated at every point of friction that can seize up and break it. "Third Places" is a concept introduced in the 1980's and had a thought renaissance in the 2010's. Places where people come together from all walks of life and form community with one another outside of work an family life. Third places break down socioeconomic barriers.


People who work at Third Places, hospitality workers, event planners and hosts, Those are the people who provide one of the most essential functions needed for healthy societies. They keep the complex machinery from seizing up at friction points. A healthy society is much more than physical health. Without social lubricant the parts of a social system get stuck, broken, small imperfections become big sources of social friction. The Summer of Love beatification of St George never would've happened if society had been properly lubricated with Third Places intact.

And those are the people who were the first ones to be declared nonessential humans in March, 2020, as the world locked down. Nonessential. Humans. And they suffered the most economic and psychological harm of all, after the children. Still not recovered in most places, especially those that locked down longest.

As a former successful restaurateur in my younger years I tried to get the attention of restaurateurs, and pub owners, cafe owners in early 2020, begging them to open up, disobey, join with others to form an organization to support those who would be attacked by the state for their disobedience, create a fund for those who were fined. They were all too afraid they'd lose their businesses. I told them that if they obeyed they would lose them anyways, they were changing the socialization habits we need to be healthy and that change would result in fewer customers, lower sales, higher costs (inflation the only possible economic outcome of shutdowns) and they'd go out of business slowly, over time.

I even had conversations with state and local restaurant association leaders. Turns out most were led by the large restaurant members who made the largest donations to them. And they were dutifully obedient to government.

I was right. Large percentages of the small restaurant entrepreneurs have been the first to go out of business. The mid-level ones have more staying power, but even they are struggling. The largest chains with the deepest pockets have been able to survive, and some have even swooped in and bought the buildings and liquor/food permits, signed the leases in spaces the small restaurants had been.

Central planners imagine the machine of society has simple on/off switches. Instant off can be instantly on, switch flipped. But that's not what happens with lubricants in complex machines. They seep away from the most critical parts where friction exists. And a couple of squirts doesn't solve it, too many Third Places are inaccessible to squirt.

Many of the best social lubricators lost everything. And left the people industry. Many lost faith in their community that turned their backs on them, called them dangerous, on top of nonessential humans. And aren't interested in helping their communities heal. And the masking! Sharing a smile was declared dangerous, selfish, criminalized! Healthy, necessary human connective expression criminalized!!! Yes. It was all done to break a healthy, diverse society, to isolate us, then be remolded in our respective teams. Easier to divide and conquer that way.

The Authoritarians broke it. They purposely broke it. And conditioned society to see human interaction, social lubrication as a luxury, not a necessity. A prerequisite for an authoritarian society. Because healthy societies will never choose authoritarianism. Only sick, broken societies choose authoritarianism. Killing third places and demonizing those who's life work is to bring people from all walks of life together is the easiest way to impose authoritarianism. Owners of third places and hospitality workers are essential for healthy, free people.

Now authorities pretend it couldn't have been helped, the ones who plunged their knives into the kidneys of their cities, fretting about the damage they've done, pretending to be the surgeons sewing them up:


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If you can't see by now that all of this was deliberate, well...

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It is so obvious. Small businesses, quirky and unique, the lifeblood of a community, were starved to death, while the big bland cookie cutter corporate chains got even bigger. Lockdowns starved us of human contact as we knew it, leaving us with the junk food of relationships, the cell phone and the internet, that are now a parasocial compulsion for many. The dopamine hit of a "like" online, or feeling like you know a celebrity because you follow them online, or thinking that followers online are any substitute for actual in person relationships is starving us of the nourishment we need from in person interaction with our fellow human beings. Kinda the ultimate 'divide and conquer.

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Even if it wasn't a perfect coordinated premeditated plan, there was more than enough opportunistic intentionality to not let actors off the hook with "we didn't know". Though I am amazed how many apologists remain among the "educated". There are still people who think masks were a key element that stopped the whole thing.

And lots of people just going along and enjoying working from home and the large transfer of wealth to the laptop class.

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Yes. And generally speaking, criminals are not the brightest bulbs in the box. Even when they appear to be "mastermind-y." And as always, a person can be very intelligent in some respects and dumber than an ox in others. (LOL, and with that, it seems I've used up my mixed metaphors and cliches quota for the day.)

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Like (the button doesn't work).

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All part of a plan. One world government... one world currency. 15 minute cities (Pacific Palisades, California fires. Maui, etc.). Global digital ID's. Facial recognition, a Social credit system like China. PROVE to me that this is not now underway. The key is to do this SLOWLY, piece by piece, so people do not complain or oppose these developments. Isn't there now facial recognition in all airports ? Slow motion creeping along of 'the PLAN'.

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Hi Richie, I recently experienced the facial recognition while going through customs returning to the U.S. It was very fast, you just stood there until the screen said go, and as you passed the agent he welcomed you back by name. So it was efficient, but weird.

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So they matched your facial ID with a previous Facial ID record ! And I'm sure they store the facial ID, and share it with all government agencies. And it seems like we do not have a choice to avoid Facial ID. Do we have a choice I wonder ? I was going to get an AppleCard. but somehow fingerprints and facial ID were involved. So I cancelled. Did not complete the application. They gave me the card anyway, clearly thinking that down the line those other factors that were missing would be 'rediscovered' and required, in order to buy a high ticket item. No Thanks ! And getting the card closed down was problematic.

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So far it is a choice. The facial recognition that I experienced was for travelers who have Global Entry, which requires a US Passport, getting registered and interviewed, and paying a fee. It is extremely convenient. When I arrived in LA from Australia mine was one of three large full planes that all landed around the same time. Customs was an absolute madhouse of hundreds of people pushing and shoving, converging to get in line. If you had Global Entry you got through much faster.You didn't even have to show your passport. I share your concerns.

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Yeah, that's how they suck you in.

You get to do nice things like keep your job if you just go along,

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yeah and it's convenient and what's the harm? I showed my 'make Orwell fiction again' hat to a young woman in a shop yesterday. She had no idea what it meant. Neither did the older business owner.

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Yeah Momo... Risk - reward. It's like a tradeoff. The lure is convenience. But the harm is that they've now got you in their systems. If you voluntarily did your finger prints and facial recognition, they slot you into a 'cooperating citizen' category (or something like that). As a reward, you might get early access to the next mRNA 'vaccine' or something like that. You are a cooperating citizen. I'm sure they like that. And the thing is, is that there's no 'undoing' what you did with Facial Recognition and Finger Prints. They've 'got you' now. Good Luck...

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Super convenient. So convenient you must use it... One day, Report for scheduled euthanasia. But pay your taxes first so we can feed the illegals.

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I think they already had me with my SS# and passport.

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Last year, out of the blue, my wife received a letter from the Department of Homeland Security informing her that her right to work in this country had been terminated because her ID photo submitted to her new employer "does not match the one we have on file." (!!!)

My wife was born in this country, to parents who were likewise born here. She's never lived anywhere else.

We resolved it pretty quickly, but never found out what photo DHS was comparing it to, or why they maintained one on file.

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Like the frog in a pot of water heating up slowly but surely until eventually it's boiled alive thrown out and forgotten. The most bizarre thing is there are people who know instantly the water's being heated, but many more sitting in that sauna, sweating buckets, who

won't even entertain the chance it's a plan. Their brains are wired differently, but I'm also beginning to suspect there's more to it than just the luck of the biological draw, cuz otherwise well functioning friends of mine continue to push back much too hard on the idea that there might be a plan or two behind most of it, even though these friends had once been part of the cool push-back-on-authority crowd pre-2020; all are atheists, all on weird veggie etc. diets, all looking a little haggard, but all making fun of me for saying things like "Jan 6 was orchestrated, it was easy as hell getting you to call it an insurrection, but not the Kavanaugh hearing"... etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

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It's not a bug but a feature~!!

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Mark, you can turn a phrase. Well done.

"A few of these places have become new “cannabis dispensaries,” with glossy murals and glossed-over consequences."

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Yeah, "cannabis" is going to increase the dementia rate and cause earlier onset.

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I have known pretty well two long term habitual weed users. Both of them are screwed up in ways that I gradually began to see, really screwed up. I don't know them anymore. That entire narrative about weed being harmless is false.

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In the small town where I live, about 7 or 8 of these things have sprouted up like weeds. I didn't think there was that great of a demand and it's a bit scary to think of all the people walking/driving around that might be high. But that's why we have major illegal drug problems as the cartels are only supplying a demand by the customer.

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You can smell herb from cars passing with closed windows.

And people still think Covid masks worked....

In NYC, the smell is ever-present, day and night.

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a plumber that came over to do some stuff told me that most homes he goes into smell like weed. Drugged and stupid is the way to go.

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To paraphrase Dean Wormer, "Fat, high, and stupid is no way to go through life."

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That phrase also stood out to me!

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Right you are, Mark, covid wasn't a storm. It was a crime. That's a funny story about the milkshake lady. I'll betcha she wanted to do that and was just looking for the opportunity. (Hmmm like a lot of people during Jab Crow.) Well, consequences, like boulders, have a way of rolling down the hill.

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Jab Crow.

Yes, most people still pass this off as a natural event that we just had to endure. Now, it;s over--thanks to the lockdowns and shots, yay!

But something else might be going around now. So mask up!

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it's bird flu, dontcha know? In the news today, a SECOND Maryland poultry farm has been infected. Egg prices through the roof. Next, all the chickens will be killed and there will be no more meat or eggs and it will just be a natural event that we all have to endure together.

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and with the death of these small, quirky places comes the death of the people who hold the memories of the experiences of these places. Minds and memories are destroyed and replaced with an eerie sort of Stepford wives type of vibe, cutting out the parts of people and society which make us unique humans.... which is upstream from a meaningful life.

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Outstanding comment. Soon the memories of a different time will be gone, replaced by design. No one will ever know there was a different time.

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The awful response to a mild virus ruined SO many things, that most just shrug and say "that's the way it is now"- it's NOT "better"- it's NOT "smarter"- it's NOT for 3"everyone's protection"-everything was stupid from day one and all it did was reinforce for me, that there are many stupid people in the world who take "expert" words at face value without taking the deep dive into what really went on (or is continuing to happen)- eggs this week are $8 at my grocery store. WTF is THAT BS??? Good thing my daughter has laying chickens...will be visiting her soon. It's about principle...

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There was no mild virus. The covid pandemic was a complete fabrication from go to whoa. You don't need a skerrick of reality for a psyop - in fact, the less the narrative corresponds with reality the better it works.

"The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple


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Thank you...and in the meantime people I know are still "testing" for covid...and the FLU! When did that start? I have never been "tested for flu"- I got sick, rested for a few days, ate chicken soup and got better.

The part about "assenting to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself"- so true. Saw this in how family treated my mom, myself and my daughter- I won't go into details, but this happened in many ways/shapes/forms to people I know and can't even associate with further. Thanks for the quote...says it all.

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Oh dear. Testing for the flu now. Sorry you were treated badly by your family, Cheryl.

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Ayup. Well said.

Two words:

PCR hoax.

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Precisely. This is probably the only article in the whole world in a mainstream newspaper (but, while mainstream it's independently owned) that exposes the hoax.


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Great quote, thank you. 'Political correctness' has this longest single word anagram, Electronarcosis. That means electrical stunning. Sums it up well I think.

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Oh, Petra! I 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 that Dalrymple quote. Thank you!!!

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Stupid from day 1 indeed. I call it Stupid 20 as opposed to COVID 19.


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Know you've got some Vermont ties so I decided to post this. The city of Burlington, VT, once a vibrant happy little city, has become a drugged up dump heap, thanks to liberal progressivism and coronomania. It's taxes are absurdly high, it's politics insanely woke and Vermont as a whole has succumbed to the globalist brainwashing disease with sheer and utter glee. Burlington especially. Watching it crumble is an odd mix of sadness and satisfaction but it will never come back.


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I've been to VT but never lived or had family there.

Thirty years ago, I was in Burlington early on a summer weekday morning, I was walking alone to meet my wife and son and daughter for breakfast. A man carrying a briefcase headed toward me on the otherwise empty sidewalk. As we passed, we smiled at and greeted one another

It was the by-then only somewhat famous Bernie Sanders.

It really was.

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Ole Mittens and the Mask! Poor ole Bernie...he just loved stumpin for the coof.

It was such a nice town back then.

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Wow. We used to live in New England. Burlington, VT was its jewel. The way you describe it? Hard to believe, but actually, to be fully expected, I suppose.

And "the people" did it. To themselves.

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Do you follow the Disaffected Substack/podcast? The guy who runs it, Josh Slocum, lives in Burlington and frequently reports on the complete disintegration of Burlington. He also shows clips of local city meetings and boy are you right to describe politics there as "insanely woke".

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Thanks for the great discussion and the insight into how the big scam changed the lives of so many people and the landscape of our country. Your posts are ALWAYs the first thing I read when I see them in my inbox.

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Thanks, Steve.

Yes, Trenton is a sad place now. Scamdemic Effect.

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The Darkness is Gathering…

…from behind masked faces where recognition of who we are is lost.
Where the air is festering with chemicals and bacteria.
Where smiles and empathy and cognition go to die.

The Darkness is Spreading…

…from the television and radio where naked lies program minds with fear and distrust.
Where the ties that bind unravel, replaced with flooding darkness at six foot intervals.
Where critical thought is drowned with panic and slitted eyes regard all others with suspicion.

The Darkness is Rising…

…from the ruined small businesses with their desecrated store-fronts.
Where dreams turn to nightmares of bankruptcy, insolvency, and suicide.
Where hope and family fail and despair rages like wildfire.

The Darkness is here…

…from venom needles and toxic tests the blackness spills inside once sound bodies.
Where the light of health is sadistically splintered with pestilence and treachery.
Where blind faith in science refuses to acknowledge this invading hatred as anything but love…

…no matter how obvious the cost or the loved ones lost

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-gathering-darkness

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So much to unpack from your great post. I don’t think the accountability train will ever leave the station. People, especially powerful people, are not eager to admit they were duped. Many of those people wear suits to work and hang out with other smart people who do the same. With total vaccination rates exceeding 80% (or sometimes much higher) in most urban areas, the overwhelming trend is to conveniently ignore the entire thing, or worse, believe the measures put into place actually worked. This is the natural result of the pharmaceutical model imposed on human health. The belief that poor people can’t be healthy without health insurance is a total fabrication pushed by people who benefit from selling drugs. Local farmers markets sell locally grown vegetables and meats that are relatively inexpensive and support local businesses. Great diet and exercise information is available online to anyone who cares to look. New Jersey has the highest tax rate in the country which effectively kills the recovery from Covid and deindustrialization. The liberal model doesn’t work full stop. As evident during the last four years, we have way more government than we need.

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Thanks, Ray.

I agree with every word you wrote.

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"The belief that poor people can’t be healthy without health insurance is a total fabrication pushed by people who benefit from selling drugs."

Fact check: TRUE

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im a physician in a private practice in Northern NJ. I was treated like dirt by my other specialty colleagues and by most of the medical community around here in general.

At one point in late 2021, I was seeing a 40ish female patient who had heard that I deferred taking the covid vax and was facing having my hospital privileges suspended at from the Valley hospital in RIdgewood NJ. (I did have the privileges suspended on Dec 31, 2021.)

THis women had heard this about me. She was in my office for a routine exam. She was there with her mother who used to work as a receptionist for alocal pediatrician. THis patient asked me if she thought it was appropriate to give the covid shot to her young healthy pre teen kids. I said no. And added that I thought any pediatrician recommending the shot for young healthy kids was committing malpractice. About a week later my office got a call from the office where this patients mother used to work. One of the pediatricians had heard about my comment. Apparently the mother of this patient told someone else and the news spread.

This pediatrician said he would no longer refer patient to my office.

I work with a pediatric eye doctor in my office who happens to have studied government at Harvard and has swallowed every liberal trope and believes every story he reads in the NY Times.

I had a heated yelling argument with this guy in my office. Words like "brainwashed" and "fear" and "coward" were used...

Years later I will never really trust or like these people ever again.

I wounldt have taken much to resist.

There might have been some ecomonic implications, some transient reputational damage.

But most of the medical community was too worried about their status and above average incomes to care.

THey behaved like brainwashed drones.

My advice is to be as informed as possible when going to a doctor and not take any of their advice face value anymore.

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Thanks for being one of the sane, principled ones, Man-i.

Covid shots for kids? Yikes.

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Sadly true. The NHS doctors never worked out the initial cause of my facial palsy.


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destroying small businesses was one of the intended effects.

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Excellent story with several morals.

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Thanks, Norman.

How are you and your wife doing?

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Among many other destructive results, killing cities like Trenton was all part of the Scamdemic plan. Sort of like purposely burning down towns like Lahaina Maui and Pacific Palisades California. The Globalists are on the move and want nothing more than to enslave the masses.

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Brilliant post (as usual)! Love the comment on Irish Alzheimer’s!

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It's real!

I know, I'm part Irish. And my wife is all Irish.

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Yeah I never heard of that before!

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Great article. I can see this scenario playing out all over the country a little bit here and there. The small mid-state town I reside in (population about 13,000) is actually two towns side by side and there has been critical devastation to small business. There have also been a few new businesses that have started up.

No doubt, governments on all levels have been operating in de-construct mode. It is becoming nearly impossible to start a new business with all the laws, rules and regulations and licenses required. I'd much rather spend at a small business than a big timer, who like you say are poisonous to the soul, dreary and sterile.

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That POS Murphy also said to Neil Cavuto that the Bill of Rights was "above my pay grade." Now, if that isn't a treasonous POS, I don't know what is.

To complement the insulting "COVID's over" idiocy, we here in Florida now have proof (not just evidence suggesting...) that idiocy and cowardice permeate the fruited plain.

The Grand Jury ordered by Governor DeSantis to look into any criminality by...

"...(a) Individuals, persons, and entities, including, but not limited to, pharmaceutical manufacturers (and their executive officers) and other medical associations or organizations involved in the design, development, clinical testing or investigation, manufacture, marketing, representation, advertising, promotion, labeling, distribution, formulation, packing, sale, purchase, donation, dispensing, prescribing, administration, or use of vaccines purported to prevent COVID-19 infection, symptoms, and transmission;

(b) other criminal activity or wrongdoing that the statewide grand jury uncovers during the course of the investigation if it determines that pursuing the criminal activity or wrongdoing is in the best interests of the investigation"

...has released its final report about a week or so ago.

If you guessed that this esteemed collection of Floridians found no evidence of criminality by anyone at any time during the course of the COVID operation, why, you'd be correct.

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. No criminality anywhere to be seen. This esteemed group, after describing the many sacrifices they made to be on the Grand Jury, went on to tell us that what just happened is something we all just need "to come to 'terms' with."

These. My fellow Americans.

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