After thirty years of working in offices and courtrooms, I manage community gardens for a university and a city. I get to be outside on all the nice days, and there are many of them. Even the hottest days are pleasant if you start when the sun is low and end by mid-day.
I work alone about half of the time. The other half, I interact with gardeners and co-workers. Though I have close relationships with some of these people, I seldom get within the magically perilous six feet of them. It’s not that I believe that six feet is a safe distance, and four feet isn’t. It’s just that, outdoors, it would seem weird to invade someone’s personal space to that unnecessary extent.
I haven’t missed a shift in the seven years I’ve held this job. I’m blessed with good health. Eating many fresh vegetables and getting plenty of sunlight-derived, immune boosting Vitamin D help. If I were to feel ill, I would stay home. Simple.
Given the foregoing, you might think that my employers wouldn’t worry about me transmitting a respiratory virus to others. But the past 23 months have been chock full of nonsense. Reason and “Science (!)” went out the window on Day 1 of the Scamdemic. “All are at risk/One size fits all” has been the abiding Corona mythology/ethic.
Politics have sucked all the air out of the Reason Room. When Biden announced his unconstitutional OSHA “vaxx” mandate, my employer reflexively required me to submit to the vaxx. Though I love my work and the people with whom I work, I told my supervisor that I would never inject this talismanic, experimental, harmful dreck.
None of the dozens who come on-site to work their gardens, nor the homeless men who sleep there, are required to jab. Some of the gardeners are Mexican immigrants who speak no English. They tell me that they won’t take la vacuna; they know people who have been hospitalized or died after the shot. No matter the language, word gets around. Though somehow, the word on the street doesn’t seem to reach the nightly news. The street isn’t sponsored by Big Pharma. Yet.
Knowing I was threatened with dismissal for declining the vaxx, these normally institution-averse people reached out to administrators to oppose my firing. It was kind of touching.
Applying logic to facts, the gardeners criticized the mandatory vaxx policy, especially as applied to my situation. Erstwhile campesinos with almost no schooling are out-thinking university and municipal leaders with advanced degrees, as well as governors, public health “experts,” the American President and seemingly all elected members of his Party.
While I spent six weeks under under the vaxx mandate Sword of Damocles, I sincerely sought, and eventually received, a religious vaxx exemption.
But the exemption was conditioned upon me submitting to a weekly test. Sample collection requires me to generate greenhouse gases by driving to the Student Health Center, where I stand outside and spit into a plastic funnel and tube. Together, this kit probably contains as much plastic as twenty Burger King straws, and millions of the kits are likely disposed each day disposed as medical waste. As are mask mandates, the testing process is environmentally unfriendly.
Though the tube is only about three centimeters tall, it’s not easy to muster enough spit to fill it. I always need to pause and wait for more saliva to flow from me. I try to use the spit vigil well: do some push-ups, greet passersby and meditate on how evil Coronamania has been and how much I must love my job to put up with this charade.
I’m told that some university faculty member invented the spit test. Presumably, the patent-holding university gets a patent royalty share of the cost of each test, plus the cost of administering and analyzing the test. I’ve read that Covid tests typically cost $150. They bill my medical insurance.
Since no cash passes over a counter, it seems free. Of course, it’s not. Before Coronamania, medical treatments were 18% of America’s GDP. Mass scale testing has deepened the national debt by at least 73 billion dollars. These expenditures are funded by medical insurance premiums, tax dollars and/or printed government money. This virus only threatens the old and the unhealthy. No society can sustainably spend an ever-growing share of its wealth trying, and inevitably failing, to keep old, unhealthy people alive. Despite lavish medical spending, the US ranks 47th among nations in life expectancy. Last week, my insincere governor announced an insincere plan to contain medical costs. Doing away with the profligate Covid testing of the asymptomatic would be one, of many, sensible medical cost containment measures.
Testing asymptomatic people was/is functionally worthless. To begin with, asymptomatic and outdoor spread are both very rare. Further, the tests are wildly inaccurate; about 90% of those who test positive are functionally uninfected.
Moreover, the weekly interval between the tests undercuts their purported protection. I test once/week. I receive results 2-3 days later. If I tested positive on a Friday, I wouldn’t know until Monday, at the earliest. Alternatively, if I tested negative on a Monday, I might—if required to test daily—still have tested and/or been Covid positive for the rest of the week; though I’d probably know— by whether or not symptoms kicked in—whether I was infected, or not. This is precisely the point: my body would tell me far more reliably, and cost effectively, whether I was infected than a test would. Bear in mind: only a small fraction of people test positive; when the testing requirement began, less than 2% of asymptomatic testers were positive.
Even if the testing concept made sense, real world conditions would nullify its effectiveness: tens of millions of Americans, and immigrants, don’t test. The various forms of the evolving viruses can’t be eliminated: there are too many hosts, human and animal. Even if it were possible to functionally banish a virus from the US, the virus will remain somewhere, in some form. International travelers could easily re-import it, or one of its variants.
Additionally, test-and-trace is a joke. Respiratory infections are kinda different from STDs: sex entails much more intimate—and presumably less numerous and anonymous—contact than does one breathing in “close proximity” to people in workplaces or subway cars. Given that “experts” devised and implemented such hollow strategies as test-and-trace, anyone who trusted “experts” to “stop the spread” was extremely naive.
Endless, universal testing, as well as masking and vaxx compliance, have endless, plainly unjustifiable costs, in dollars, mental health and freedom. All of this testing occurs even though, pre-Omicron, 99.98% of the infected under 65, survive. Omicron survival rates are even higher. Nonetheless, irrationally fearful test seekers stand or idle their cars in lines stretching around buildings.
And if masks and vaxxes stop the spread by the asymptomatic, why does it matter whether I test? For that matter, if your mask or vaxx work, why does it matter if I mask or vaxx? By now, it’s clear that neither the masks nor the shots “stop the spread,” as Biden, Fauci, Maddow, et al. had promised. But go ahead and mask and inject if you want. Because that’s what the enlightened people do. Right?
The whole mitigation charade: lockdowns, masks, school closures, travel restrictions, injections and testing has been snake oil from the jump. Stopping the spread of a respiratory virus has always been impossible. Viruses are tiny and ubiquitous, and they evolve. They won’t wither, die and vanish because people who test positive isolate themselves, or because everyone takes a shot that doesn’t stop infection. Come to think of it, if I had just given in and taken the shots and gotten sick and spread infection like millions of other vaxxers, I wouldn’t have to test.
With so many obvious flaws, the Covid testing regime doesn’t advance public health. It serves only to channel many tens of billions of dollars to the (probably politically connected) testers and to harass to those who have refused the ineffective, often harmful, injections. Testing is yet another, massive resource-wasting element of Covid political theater: a government using a series of fruitless measures to mislead gullible people into believing that doing something is better than doing nothing. Testing is another misguided attempt by public health professionals to show their sophistication (right!) and justify their existences.
Spitting into a tube is revelatory. But it tells you far more about your government’s and media’s abiding untrustworthiness than it tells you about your health. Reliance on testing is yet another obvious sign that the entire “crush the virus” crusade has been a sham. Governments—Democrat politicians, in particular—that have persistently required lockdowns, masks, shots and testing—none of which work—have destroyed their credibility among thinking people. This mistrust should logically and chronologically extend far beyond the Covid overreaction. Nominal Experts, Pharma, news sources and political parties who have lied this often, this obviously and for this long, may—appropriately—never be trusted again.
In Canada and I lost my job last week. So did my son and three others for refusing to vaccinate. We also had a slew of people trying to speak up for us, we had the chance to “present our case” but all for nought. The owner (we are chefs and housekeepers in a boutique hotel) is doing this “For our own good”. I HAVE a degree in Biological Science from The Institution of Guelph where the illustrious Dr. Byram Bridle has been suspended for his views, I KNOW the real science and it isn’t the magical one this bitch has decided is legitimate. The fact that we are being treated like idiots is insulting beyond belief but I digress. Now this boutique hotel is operating at 1/2 capacity. I heard through the grapevine 3 others have quit and there are more to follow.
Cut off the legs of the beast, see where they get.
Love your posts🙏❤️
Honk for Freedom🚚🚛🚚!!!
I loved this piece. It was a great read. All I can say is staying in touch with like minded thinkers is keeping me sane. I don’t know how anyone is blinded by and believes in this insanity that is being pushed forward by the government. I hope each day that more and more start using their ability to critically think and wake up.