In Canada and I lost my job last week. So did my son and three others for refusing to vaccinate. We also had a slew of people trying to speak up for us, we had the chance to “present our case” but all for nought. The owner (we are chefs and housekeepers in a boutique hotel) is doing this “For our own good”. I HAVE a degree in Biological Science from The Institution of Guelph where the illustrious Dr. Byram Bridle has been suspended for his views, I KNOW the real science and it isn’t the magical one this bitch has decided is legitimate. The fact that we are being treated like idiots is insulting beyond belief but I digress. Now this boutique hotel is operating at 1/2 capacity. I heard through the grapevine 3 others have quit and there are more to follow.
Cut off the legs of the beast, see where they get.
I loved this piece. It was a great read. All I can say is staying in touch with like minded thinkers is keeping me sane. I don’t know how anyone is blinded by and believes in this insanity that is being pushed forward by the government. I hope each day that more and more start using their ability to critically think and wake up.
My husband is losing his job next month. Despite the Federal government's assurance they would honour religious exemptions, his was turned down. We spent days putting together our affidavits, swore them before a lawyer, included links to Bishops who disagree with Pope Francis, and others pertaining to why we object to the injected mRNA serums on the basis of our religious beliefs (hijacking the cells to force them to create the spike protein, something they were not designed to do). His case went to an anonymous committee who stated he hadn't proven his case. Were the committee comprised of Christians? Atheists? He advised his union rep he wants to grieve this decision. He works from home, worked from home 3/5 days before C19, 5/5 since March 2020 (we spent a load of $ to convert our house to accommodate both of us) and he was pre-approved last fall to continue 5/5 from home until December 2022 minimum. He agreed to a rapid test, should he have to enter a federal building (doubtful). The union said, "Don't bother grieving, you won't win because this mask case in Alberta didn't win." Huh? Its like they've been incentivized to discourage grievances. We spent all weekend working on his case. Hopefully, the truckers will set us free, but the degree of non-sensical decision-making is beyond the usual non-sensical government decision making. I'm glad that the U.S. honours religious exemptions. Although I've always love driving down to Florida, and the laid-back approach to things that Canada loses its marble over, it wasn't until C19, that I truly appreciated how the U.S. system of government, including Courts, is superior to what we have here.
Sorry to hear you situation. We’re in the states. Wife received a religious exemption - thankfully … it seems the will for mandates is dying (too slowly IMO because many employers are still requiring vax even though it has been struck down in the courts). IMO it’s evil to continue to mandate vax with all the current “science” about negative efficacy & potential harm. My sons took the shot due employer pressure and got Myocardis and hasn’t been the same since. What Canada is doing is terrible. Can’t believe the people there have been so indoctrinated to think the Government will do what’s best for them… it’s eye opening for many Canadians I think. We live 20 mins from the border and used to spend quite a bit of time in Canada - son lived & played hockey there during the peak of the crisis but left when they shut everything down month after month. Canadians do not have the history of rebellion against governmental authority as does the USA and I think it’s showing them why it’s not a bad thing to be a bit suspicious at times. The only thing saving the USA right now are states rights (although too slow, certain states can sue and/or create their own laws to fight against the tendency of federal power to be totalitarian). The Truckers are the best thing I’ve seen happen in Canada in my lifetime.. it’s too bad it has come to this but at least some eyes are now being opened to the potential abuse of power that always sits right below the surface waiting to take over individual Liberty if we don’t keep it in check at all times. You will come out better for it and some change for you personally can be the best thing to ever happen - even though it might not feel like it at the time.
My friends sons joined the Convoy on Thursday. It’s the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. It’s in the AIR, it’s felt EVERYWHERE like an electric current riding below the surface, Peace and Equality for ALL HUMANS
Yes, I agree with what you write - I cried watching some of the trucker videos. Canadians rolling over was so disappointing, especially as my Dad was such a proud Navy Vet. I've now some hope. I hope your sons are okay.
I’m a walking, talking waterworks. I’ll just break into tears randomly but we MUST NOT COMPLY. Going to a small peaceful protest this afternoon in support of our truckers.
Here I go crying again…..I’ll be the little woman with icicles spouting from her eyes!
I start crying every time I see videos of these peace and freedom loving Canadian heroes, and all the beautiful people lining up to support them. They have truly given Canadians back their long lost hope.
I have not been able to check if this is real. If it is, i pity the jabbed.
Pfizer (Patent No: US 11,107,588) Approved 8/31/2021 — the Very First Patent for the Purpose of Remote Contact Tracing of All “Vaccinated” Humans Worldwide to be Connected to the Internet...
I feel for you. Five of us lost our jobs too. One of us is a pregnant mother of three. How can anyone live with themselves knowing they would DEMAND a pregnant woman to take these experimental shots AND deny them the right to earn a living? The best part is the owner of the hotel who is demanding this shot is a spoiled heiress. She’s an ugly person who is playing God but there is a special place in hell reserved for her. Of this I am certain.
I knew this was an overtly evil plan when pregnant women were MANDATED to get this shot. Pregnancy was an exclusion from the original testing,right?. Pharma and the FDA USED to be especially careful with this group. SMH (shaking my head) with disgust
We were told in school long ago, that pregnant women should not take any med at all, not even aspirin. I also read that 40 or more pregnant women in the trial lost their babies.
Laura and Ingrid--Please do not use care, careful, conscientious, thoughtful, prudent or scientific in the same sentence that you mention the FDA or Pharma. Yes I just did violate the new rule, but forevermore, refrain. If you use those words always use the prefix "un or in" if you want to be factually correct. Expletives help to make your point.
When I was responsible for the asymptomatic testing program for a large DOE lab managed by a central NJ Ivy League University, approx. 98% of our “positives” never developed symptoms. When we reached out to the analytical lab (Accurate Diagnostics) and asked about cycle counts we were told that was confidential due to their EUA. It’s all theater.
After 33 years of federal service, I was also threatened with unpaid leave for refusing the vaccine.
However, I remembered the words of an infamous dictator: Use the rules to get into power then use the power to change the rules. I thought that I couldn't prevent the damage the system was doing if I was outside the system so I needed to stay in. The rules allowed for religious accommodations against the mandate and although I am not in any way religious, I thought that pretending to be religious to fight the system would be akin to what many did during WWII in protecting certain groups against totalitarianism. It was against the "law" but it was obviously the right thing to do.
I therefore submitted a religious exemption request and I have to proudly admit that I wrote a damn good submission. I did a lot of research on the net about what to include and some of the nonsense that I wrote made me feel silly but I thought that all was fair in this fight against the madness. I showed my writing to my mother and she almost fainted thinking that her son had somehow been transformed into an evangelical fanatic.
It took 8 weeks but I finally got my accommodation approved last week. I can now continue the fight from within. I realize that many true believers could be offended by my actions but I think that the benefits from my "white lies" warranted my actions. Although nowhere near the same as what happened in the '40s, my "Schindlerization" of the rules made me feel like I struck a blow against the insanity.
I've begun to sense a change a change in the Covid fear-hysteria-paranoia space time continuum and want to be inside the system to participate in bringing it all to a beautiful end.
Interesting. I am also a federal employee (VA). I submitted and was also granted a religious exemption. We (VA) did so by submitting a one-page form in which we, simply, checked a box. No explanation given, and I know that the VA distributed information to supervisors saying that they should not question any one’s religious beliefs as it violates Title VII. In return, I agreed to weekly testing that, at that time, was undefined. Testing started 2.5 months ago (nasal swab). I’ve never voluntarily gone. No one has ever ‘called’ me on it. The federal bureaucracy at work.
Theoretically, a religious exemption should simply be one of *assertion* without an explanation. It's not up to some corporate or governmental bureaucrat to determine whether the religious argument provided by an employee is valid. These people don't have either the discernment or the authority to make such a determination.
Many have used the fetal cell argument to greater or lesser success. For my part, if I was put in a position to request an exemption that required some doctrinal argument, I would simply go with this:
"I do not wish to participate in a global experiment designed to test how readily populations will accede to Satanic totalitarianism. Medical mandates can only lead to a social credit system which will ultimately limit what people may buy and sell. These mandates have significant negative implications which my faith informs me are profoundly evil – an evil in which I refuse to participate."
You are correct in that no explanation should be necessary but unfortunately that's not the way it works with the Federal government. Some have tried taking a moral stand in their explanations and they were all unsuccessful. I chose to go with a winning formula, no matter how insincere it made me feel, just to be able to stay in the game. And it is a game and we need to win.
What a wonderful read for my calm, coffee enriched Sunday morning. Great job Mark. Writers such as you have kept my sanity for the last two years. I pass information like this along. It enlightened and kept my partner from getting a booster - one soul saved……
The trust issue is an interesting one. You would think the policy makers and other pushers of this nonsense would understand that after a point, their reputations would be in tatters. This alone should encourage them into a mea culpa, if for nothing more than to try to gain back a modicum of trust.
The fact that these policy makers (politicians and bureaucrats) keep doubling down on the stupid indicates that they probably know the majority of Americans DO still trust them despite their failures. The amount of Fauci worship still prevalent certainly is an indicator that this is the case.
It saddens me that even on the Right, where you would think common sense normally prevails, Trump is being encouraged by his followers to run again for president. This is the guy who gave us Fauci, the lockdowns, the testing, and certainly the vax. To this day he brags about how amazing Operation Warp Speed was and how it saved millions of lives. Despite his major failures, Trump thinks he's trusted by his people just like Fauci and the Dems believe they are trusted by their people.
And Mark, I do appreciate your take. In these times, it's easy to be pessimistic. It just is kind of a downer to me that people on our side don't demand more from our leaders.
To this day Trump fills stadiums for his rallies despite the fact that we're where we are today due to his inability to be discerning about his choice of advisors. He's also out there bad-mouthing the true hero of this pandemic era, DeSantis. To my mind, this is unforgivable behavior. Yet apparently we have a lot of sheeple on our side who don't care about that.
Oh, and then just the other day Trump endorsed a Jeb Bush RINO in TN.
P.S. For those Trump supporters who may be reading this, I implore you to move on. Regrettably Trump is damaged goods and needs to be put out to pasture.
Mark and Beeblebrox--Trump doesn't care about the people on this substack or the substacks we have to go to hear the truth. He cares about himself. I have enough of Trump, Biden; I'll take a DeSantis with Ron Johnson, Rand Paul doing some serious investigation with subponea power of the HHS and every thing connected to that department.
Just curious, who are the senators and congressmen who currently are challenging the narrative in a substantial way. Ron and Rand are going to need a posse.
agree. Trump had the right ideas, and the motivation for the US to dig deeper into the cesspool. Sadly, he got destroyed by his enemies. So pathetic that he is trashing deSantis. The Left is very very powerful. They have unions behind them.
I don't mean to hijack this thread by pointing out these issues about Trump. It just seems to me that many on the Right have a blind spot when it comes to him. Many on our side are able to see through the narrative promulgated by Fauci, Big Media, and the Democrats. That's fine as far as it goes.
But then many of these same people are unable to see through Trump's rhetoric. And that's all it is. Trump has always had a very difficult time backing up his [praiseworthy] words with positive policy outcomes. Yes, Trump has good ideas. Then again, many do. However, Trump was elected to put into action, those ideas - something he did not do except at the margins.
And I agree that he was neutered (maybe "destroyed" is too strong of a word) by his enemies but many of those "enemies" were people in his own administration. Dems are always looking to destroy GOP presidents. It is expected. Normally a president appoints people who will relentlessly defend him legally and in public so that he can go about governance.
But Trump not only failed to install quality people but he expanded the swamp throughout the executive branch. The most notable mistake in this regard was putting Fauci and Birx into positions of near unassailable power. Rather than proceeding like an experienced executive who would normally listen to advice behind closed doors but leave those advisors in near anonymity, Trump essentially handed his presidential power over to liberal political hacks who had no interest in supporting Trump.
One could argue that Trump had good intentions with regard to Covid but his public approach combined with his support of trillion dollar pandemic spending, Operation Warp Speed, and the PREP act were all nothing more than expressions of incompetence.
Let's look at Trump's ACTIONS rather than at his rhetoric. Note that a leader is more about action and less about rhetoric (case in point DeSantis).
Thank you! Finally someone who sees Trump as he truly is. I voted for him twice in the Presidential election, not primaries. I voted for him not because I was a blind follower but because my options were worse.
I believe he was a Trojan Horse put in place to detract people from the real issues and tyranny being perpetrated on American citizens and the world. From the beginning, the Left used him to sow division and hate, and he played right into their hands.
I also agree, DeSantis is a true example of leadership. He’s a threat to the Left’s agenda that’s why they try to destroy him. Yet, every time DeSantis calmly, makes them look like the incompetent fools they are.
But according to Trump, DeSantis is "dull" and a weak leader.
Trump was the Right's King Saul. People so desperately wanted a guy who would "own the Libs" they nominated a mean Tweeter rather than a guy dedicated to positive policy outcomes.
To those who excuse Trump's failures because the Left was constantly attacking him, I would only say that Trump got a lot of things done despite those attacks. He pushed and got the disastrous First Step Act (AKA Jailbreak). He signed multiple Trillion dollar budgets. He managed to get a bunch of things his liberal daughter wanted done.
He just didn't want to do the major things he promised to do during the campaign.
I have two daughters who attend college in NYC and both cannot go back this semester unless they get a booster and a negative Covid test. I am sick thinking they must take another shot. The Governor of NY is so proud of the “booster mandate” and wears a necklace that says “vaxxed”. She is pure evil. One of my daughters is graduating in May and we are transferring the other out of NY after the semester is over. The governor and all the crazies in NY scan stick it. Thank you Mark for these great articles. I enjoy them with a cup of coffee!
My daughter on a full scholarship cut her degree short. Instead of an Honours Bio. Sci. She is getting her General Bio. Sci. She refuses to jab “I’d rather eat dirt” were her words. She can always go back for her one lab credit but I doubt she will….she’s PISSED
You know someone is completely brainwashed and delusional when they wear a necklace identifying them as vaxxed. She should wear one saying ‘STUPID’, so everyone would be warned and lower expectations.
The difference between stupidity and ignorance- ignorance is being in the dark without knowledge, has potential and can be forgiven. Stupidity is having the knowledge but not applying it to circumstances in life, but rather doubling down on mistakes.
that's such a good read Mark, thanks. Brings it 'home' in a way that all the statistics, peer-reviewed literature, and mindless-mongering of all sorts fall way short.
Thanks, Hill. I read the number stuff and I'm very grateful that people generate that. And I know some science. But I want to communicate via true stories.
Plastic wastage indeed. How stupid have the elites become. Sadly, I believe they are dumber than dirt. Close down a pipeline, free flow of illegals, plastic is "bad' now, except for the exponential usage to make little industrial strength vials and nasal probes with velcro on the end.
Every day I obnoxiously enjoy sharing with people as they are using their fantastical fancy cool new thing, that it is made of petroleum, you know, that horrible planet ruining chemical that we now have to buy from people that do not like us
In Canada and I lost my job last week. So did my son and three others for refusing to vaccinate. We also had a slew of people trying to speak up for us, we had the chance to “present our case” but all for nought. The owner (we are chefs and housekeepers in a boutique hotel) is doing this “For our own good”. I HAVE a degree in Biological Science from The Institution of Guelph where the illustrious Dr. Byram Bridle has been suspended for his views, I KNOW the real science and it isn’t the magical one this bitch has decided is legitimate. The fact that we are being treated like idiots is insulting beyond belief but I digress. Now this boutique hotel is operating at 1/2 capacity. I heard through the grapevine 3 others have quit and there are more to follow.
Cut off the legs of the beast, see where they get.
Love your posts🙏❤️
Honk for Freedom🚚🚛🚚!!!
Stand and fight. They'll buckle.
Honk Honk
Hopefully you can all command your own price when they crawl back to you and beg you to return to work.
I loved this piece. It was a great read. All I can say is staying in touch with like minded thinkers is keeping me sane. I don’t know how anyone is blinded by and believes in this insanity that is being pushed forward by the government. I hope each day that more and more start using their ability to critically think and wake up.
Thanks, Jessica. I'm writing to keep people like you company. And to encourage you to resist and speak out, too.
My husband is losing his job next month. Despite the Federal government's assurance they would honour religious exemptions, his was turned down. We spent days putting together our affidavits, swore them before a lawyer, included links to Bishops who disagree with Pope Francis, and others pertaining to why we object to the injected mRNA serums on the basis of our religious beliefs (hijacking the cells to force them to create the spike protein, something they were not designed to do). His case went to an anonymous committee who stated he hadn't proven his case. Were the committee comprised of Christians? Atheists? He advised his union rep he wants to grieve this decision. He works from home, worked from home 3/5 days before C19, 5/5 since March 2020 (we spent a load of $ to convert our house to accommodate both of us) and he was pre-approved last fall to continue 5/5 from home until December 2022 minimum. He agreed to a rapid test, should he have to enter a federal building (doubtful). The union said, "Don't bother grieving, you won't win because this mask case in Alberta didn't win." Huh? Its like they've been incentivized to discourage grievances. We spent all weekend working on his case. Hopefully, the truckers will set us free, but the degree of non-sensical decision-making is beyond the usual non-sensical government decision making. I'm glad that the U.S. honours religious exemptions. Although I've always love driving down to Florida, and the laid-back approach to things that Canada loses its marble over, it wasn't until C19, that I truly appreciated how the U.S. system of government, including Courts, is superior to what we have here.
Sorry to hear you situation. We’re in the states. Wife received a religious exemption - thankfully … it seems the will for mandates is dying (too slowly IMO because many employers are still requiring vax even though it has been struck down in the courts). IMO it’s evil to continue to mandate vax with all the current “science” about negative efficacy & potential harm. My sons took the shot due employer pressure and got Myocardis and hasn’t been the same since. What Canada is doing is terrible. Can’t believe the people there have been so indoctrinated to think the Government will do what’s best for them… it’s eye opening for many Canadians I think. We live 20 mins from the border and used to spend quite a bit of time in Canada - son lived & played hockey there during the peak of the crisis but left when they shut everything down month after month. Canadians do not have the history of rebellion against governmental authority as does the USA and I think it’s showing them why it’s not a bad thing to be a bit suspicious at times. The only thing saving the USA right now are states rights (although too slow, certain states can sue and/or create their own laws to fight against the tendency of federal power to be totalitarian). The Truckers are the best thing I’ve seen happen in Canada in my lifetime.. it’s too bad it has come to this but at least some eyes are now being opened to the potential abuse of power that always sits right below the surface waiting to take over individual Liberty if we don’t keep it in check at all times. You will come out better for it and some change for you personally can be the best thing to ever happen - even though it might not feel like it at the time.
My friends sons joined the Convoy on Thursday. It’s the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. It’s in the AIR, it’s felt EVERYWHERE like an electric current riding below the surface, Peace and Equality for ALL HUMANS
Yes, I agree with what you write - I cried watching some of the trucker videos. Canadians rolling over was so disappointing, especially as my Dad was such a proud Navy Vet. I've now some hope. I hope your sons are okay.
I’m a walking, talking waterworks. I’ll just break into tears randomly but we MUST NOT COMPLY. Going to a small peaceful protest this afternoon in support of our truckers.
Here I go crying again…..I’ll be the little woman with icicles spouting from her eyes!
I start crying every time I see videos of these peace and freedom loving Canadian heroes, and all the beautiful people lining up to support them. They have truly given Canadians back their long lost hope.
Sirka Sie, come to southern Oregon--we need the water.
Yup, massive lawsuits are needed.
I have not been able to check if this is real. If it is, i pity the jabbed.
Pfizer (Patent No: US 11,107,588) Approved 8/31/2021 — the Very First Patent for the Purpose of Remote Contact Tracing of All “Vaccinated” Humans Worldwide to be Connected to the Internet...
I feel for you. Five of us lost our jobs too. One of us is a pregnant mother of three. How can anyone live with themselves knowing they would DEMAND a pregnant woman to take these experimental shots AND deny them the right to earn a living? The best part is the owner of the hotel who is demanding this shot is a spoiled heiress. She’s an ugly person who is playing God but there is a special place in hell reserved for her. Of this I am certain.
Praying for you and your family as well❤️
I knew this was an overtly evil plan when pregnant women were MANDATED to get this shot. Pregnancy was an exclusion from the original testing,right?. Pharma and the FDA USED to be especially careful with this group. SMH (shaking my head) with disgust
We were told in school long ago, that pregnant women should not take any med at all, not even aspirin. I also read that 40 or more pregnant women in the trial lost their babies.
Laura and Ingrid--Please do not use care, careful, conscientious, thoughtful, prudent or scientific in the same sentence that you mention the FDA or Pharma. Yes I just did violate the new rule, but forevermore, refrain. If you use those words always use the prefix "un or in" if you want to be factually correct. Expletives help to make your point.
they are oximorons aren 't they ? These people only care for money (in their pockets)
I'm sorry.
Well said and spot on!
When I was responsible for the asymptomatic testing program for a large DOE lab managed by a central NJ Ivy League University, approx. 98% of our “positives” never developed symptoms. When we reached out to the analytical lab (Accurate Diagnostics) and asked about cycle counts we were told that was confidential due to their EUA. It’s all theater.
Thanks, Mike.
I'm in New Brunswick. Let's hang. forecheck32 at gmail
Wow. astounding and galling
Thank goodness I discovered Substack and your blog. Well said sir.
Thanks, Barney. Speak out. Resist.
I assure you. Barney's alter ego is quite outspoken and resisting vigorously. Betty would not buy me a bullhorn for Christmas unfortunately.
For some reason I couldn’t tap on the ❤️. So, for the laughs, I ❤️ U
Great post as always.
After 33 years of federal service, I was also threatened with unpaid leave for refusing the vaccine.
However, I remembered the words of an infamous dictator: Use the rules to get into power then use the power to change the rules. I thought that I couldn't prevent the damage the system was doing if I was outside the system so I needed to stay in. The rules allowed for religious accommodations against the mandate and although I am not in any way religious, I thought that pretending to be religious to fight the system would be akin to what many did during WWII in protecting certain groups against totalitarianism. It was against the "law" but it was obviously the right thing to do.
I therefore submitted a religious exemption request and I have to proudly admit that I wrote a damn good submission. I did a lot of research on the net about what to include and some of the nonsense that I wrote made me feel silly but I thought that all was fair in this fight against the madness. I showed my writing to my mother and she almost fainted thinking that her son had somehow been transformed into an evangelical fanatic.
It took 8 weeks but I finally got my accommodation approved last week. I can now continue the fight from within. I realize that many true believers could be offended by my actions but I think that the benefits from my "white lies" warranted my actions. Although nowhere near the same as what happened in the '40s, my "Schindlerization" of the rules made me feel like I struck a blow against the insanity.
I've begun to sense a change a change in the Covid fear-hysteria-paranoia space time continuum and want to be inside the system to participate in bringing it all to a beautiful end.
Interesting. I am also a federal employee (VA). I submitted and was also granted a religious exemption. We (VA) did so by submitting a one-page form in which we, simply, checked a box. No explanation given, and I know that the VA distributed information to supervisors saying that they should not question any one’s religious beliefs as it violates Title VII. In return, I agreed to weekly testing that, at that time, was undefined. Testing started 2.5 months ago (nasal swab). I’ve never voluntarily gone. No one has ever ‘called’ me on it. The federal bureaucracy at work.
totally agree. Good Lord, our Gobbermint is completely out of their minds
I also work for the VA. I think the ease of filing is deliberate. This way they get to appear "righteous" and still keep their health care staff.
Theoretically, a religious exemption should simply be one of *assertion* without an explanation. It's not up to some corporate or governmental bureaucrat to determine whether the religious argument provided by an employee is valid. These people don't have either the discernment or the authority to make such a determination.
Many have used the fetal cell argument to greater or lesser success. For my part, if I was put in a position to request an exemption that required some doctrinal argument, I would simply go with this:
"I do not wish to participate in a global experiment designed to test how readily populations will accede to Satanic totalitarianism. Medical mandates can only lead to a social credit system which will ultimately limit what people may buy and sell. These mandates have significant negative implications which my faith informs me are profoundly evil – an evil in which I refuse to participate."
You are correct in that no explanation should be necessary but unfortunately that's not the way it works with the Federal government. Some have tried taking a moral stand in their explanations and they were all unsuccessful. I chose to go with a winning formula, no matter how insincere it made me feel, just to be able to stay in the game. And it is a game and we need to win.
Bill, you wrote from your heart and the true sense of purpose the times demand. Oscar Schindler is smiling. You have struck a blow. Keep writing!
I am sure God will blink an eye
What a wonderful read for my calm, coffee enriched Sunday morning. Great job Mark. Writers such as you have kept my sanity for the last two years. I pass information like this along. It enlightened and kept my partner from getting a booster - one soul saved……
Thanks, Carol. I wish I could have convinced my own adult kids. I'm concerned about their health.
They listen to too much NPR. And didn't say "No" when they could have.
not alone. 😨
Thankfully as parents and inlaws now, it is comforting to know that the parents of both of my daughters and sons in law are on the right side of this.
NPR and CNN. and their woke social media. geez it is crushing.
The trust issue is an interesting one. You would think the policy makers and other pushers of this nonsense would understand that after a point, their reputations would be in tatters. This alone should encourage them into a mea culpa, if for nothing more than to try to gain back a modicum of trust.
The fact that these policy makers (politicians and bureaucrats) keep doubling down on the stupid indicates that they probably know the majority of Americans DO still trust them despite their failures. The amount of Fauci worship still prevalent certainly is an indicator that this is the case.
It saddens me that even on the Right, where you would think common sense normally prevails, Trump is being encouraged by his followers to run again for president. This is the guy who gave us Fauci, the lockdowns, the testing, and certainly the vax. To this day he brags about how amazing Operation Warp Speed was and how it saved millions of lives. Despite his major failures, Trump thinks he's trusted by his people just like Fauci and the Dems believe they are trusted by their people.
There are a lot of sheep out there.
I agree, Bee, with all that, including your take on Trump.
But I wanted to end with some optimism.
And Mark, I do appreciate your take. In these times, it's easy to be pessimistic. It just is kind of a downer to me that people on our side don't demand more from our leaders.
To this day Trump fills stadiums for his rallies despite the fact that we're where we are today due to his inability to be discerning about his choice of advisors. He's also out there bad-mouthing the true hero of this pandemic era, DeSantis. To my mind, this is unforgivable behavior. Yet apparently we have a lot of sheeple on our side who don't care about that.
Oh, and then just the other day Trump endorsed a Jeb Bush RINO in TN.
P.S. For those Trump supporters who may be reading this, I implore you to move on. Regrettably Trump is damaged goods and needs to be put out to pasture.
With you, Bee. Trump didn't show smart CV leadership. He's better than LGB but that's a very low bar.
Mark and Beeblebrox--Trump doesn't care about the people on this substack or the substacks we have to go to hear the truth. He cares about himself. I have enough of Trump, Biden; I'll take a DeSantis with Ron Johnson, Rand Paul doing some serious investigation with subponea power of the HHS and every thing connected to that department.
Just curious, who are the senators and congressmen who currently are challenging the narrative in a substantial way. Ron and Rand are going to need a posse.
agree. Trump had the right ideas, and the motivation for the US to dig deeper into the cesspool. Sadly, he got destroyed by his enemies. So pathetic that he is trashing deSantis. The Left is very very powerful. They have unions behind them.
I don't mean to hijack this thread by pointing out these issues about Trump. It just seems to me that many on the Right have a blind spot when it comes to him. Many on our side are able to see through the narrative promulgated by Fauci, Big Media, and the Democrats. That's fine as far as it goes.
But then many of these same people are unable to see through Trump's rhetoric. And that's all it is. Trump has always had a very difficult time backing up his [praiseworthy] words with positive policy outcomes. Yes, Trump has good ideas. Then again, many do. However, Trump was elected to put into action, those ideas - something he did not do except at the margins.
And I agree that he was neutered (maybe "destroyed" is too strong of a word) by his enemies but many of those "enemies" were people in his own administration. Dems are always looking to destroy GOP presidents. It is expected. Normally a president appoints people who will relentlessly defend him legally and in public so that he can go about governance.
But Trump not only failed to install quality people but he expanded the swamp throughout the executive branch. The most notable mistake in this regard was putting Fauci and Birx into positions of near unassailable power. Rather than proceeding like an experienced executive who would normally listen to advice behind closed doors but leave those advisors in near anonymity, Trump essentially handed his presidential power over to liberal political hacks who had no interest in supporting Trump.
One could argue that Trump had good intentions with regard to Covid but his public approach combined with his support of trillion dollar pandemic spending, Operation Warp Speed, and the PREP act were all nothing more than expressions of incompetence.
Let's look at Trump's ACTIONS rather than at his rhetoric. Note that a leader is more about action and less about rhetoric (case in point DeSantis).
Thank you! Finally someone who sees Trump as he truly is. I voted for him twice in the Presidential election, not primaries. I voted for him not because I was a blind follower but because my options were worse.
I believe he was a Trojan Horse put in place to detract people from the real issues and tyranny being perpetrated on American citizens and the world. From the beginning, the Left used him to sow division and hate, and he played right into their hands.
I also agree, DeSantis is a true example of leadership. He’s a threat to the Left’s agenda that’s why they try to destroy him. Yet, every time DeSantis calmly, makes them look like the incompetent fools they are.
But according to Trump, DeSantis is "dull" and a weak leader.
Trump was the Right's King Saul. People so desperately wanted a guy who would "own the Libs" they nominated a mean Tweeter rather than a guy dedicated to positive policy outcomes.
To those who excuse Trump's failures because the Left was constantly attacking him, I would only say that Trump got a lot of things done despite those attacks. He pushed and got the disastrous First Step Act (AKA Jailbreak). He signed multiple Trillion dollar budgets. He managed to get a bunch of things his liberal daughter wanted done.
He just didn't want to do the major things he promised to do during the campaign.
Great essay. It’s easy to forget that there are still people out there that are able to think rationally. Enjoy your writing.
Thanks, Meli. The "experts" are such easy targets. It's very weird that anyone believes them.
I have two daughters who attend college in NYC and both cannot go back this semester unless they get a booster and a negative Covid test. I am sick thinking they must take another shot. The Governor of NY is so proud of the “booster mandate” and wears a necklace that says “vaxxed”. She is pure evil. One of my daughters is graduating in May and we are transferring the other out of NY after the semester is over. The governor and all the crazies in NY scan stick it. Thank you Mark for these great articles. I enjoy them with a cup of coffee!
My daughter on a full scholarship cut her degree short. Instead of an Honours Bio. Sci. She is getting her General Bio. Sci. She refuses to jab “I’d rather eat dirt” were her words. She can always go back for her one lab credit but I doubt she will….she’s PISSED
You know someone is completely brainwashed and delusional when they wear a necklace identifying them as vaxxed. She should wear one saying ‘STUPID’, so everyone would be warned and lower expectations.
The difference between stupidity and ignorance- ignorance is being in the dark without knowledge, has potential and can be forgiven. Stupidity is having the knowledge but not applying it to circumstances in life, but rather doubling down on mistakes.
that's such a good read Mark, thanks. Brings it 'home' in a way that all the statistics, peer-reviewed literature, and mindless-mongering of all sorts fall way short.
Thanks, Hill. I read the number stuff and I'm very grateful that people generate that. And I know some science. But I want to communicate via true stories.
Sadly, my kids don’t want to fight the mandate. I feel like I trusted the school system only to find out they were indoctrinating my kids.
And the amount of plastic wastage the environmentalists seem to have ignored over the past few years!
Plastic wastage indeed. How stupid have the elites become. Sadly, I believe they are dumber than dirt. Close down a pipeline, free flow of illegals, plastic is "bad' now, except for the exponential usage to make little industrial strength vials and nasal probes with velcro on the end.
Every day I obnoxiously enjoy sharing with people as they are using their fantastical fancy cool new thing, that it is made of petroleum, you know, that horrible planet ruining chemical that we now have to buy from people that do not like us
I think they're trashing the society and economy on purpose.
This is very well written and reflects my thinking exactly, thanks. btw gardening rules!
You should chew some ivermectin before you spit. Or would that be unacceptably deplorable?
This was excellent!
Thanks, Gwen. Just telling the truth.