Wait! These fucking idiots still...STILL want to mask very young children, despite all of the evidence that young children have been harmed by doing so??? What the everloving fuck is going on??? A pox on these morons.

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I don't make stuff up.

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At this point in time, any institution or company requiring masks be worn, for children or adults, should be boycotted. The woman you mentioned who enrolled her four-year old boy in the Rutgers Day Care program wasn't forced to use that program; she could have gone elsewhere, somewhere without masks. She did so for convenience (I assume), to the detriment of her son's mental, social, and physical health.

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Sorry, someone else made the same point before I did. I need to read ALL the comments before adding my own.

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And why is a parent even agreeing to that crap, or even wanting her child to even go to Rutgers’ friggin Day Care Program?

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I enjoyed this posting very much. Like you, I always preferred finding a hoops place and playing with fellow lovers of the game and traveling all over the western hemisphere, parts of the EU, and to Australia and points in Asia, if I looked could always find some place to play. Most times, I was the only whitey on the court but never had any problems, only fun. Great exercise and comradery.

Your point about Rutgers is sad, as they have only assured that many of these young people will live short lives, and many be in ill health. All because of their stiff-necked egos and greed. To describe the last 3.5 years as a catastrophe is to understate the scope of what has happened. I saw where Fauci, the man most responsible for this calamity, has been showered with more accolades and honors and money for his roles in making this happen. He reminds me of Profin Zylenko, Stalin's scientist/bureaucrat, who advanced agricultural policies that killed tens of millions of Soviet citizens but never suffered any repercussions. Clarence Darrow pointed out that "there is no justice, in or out of court". In this world, he's probably right many times. In the next, may Fauci and the bureaucrats who have committed so much murder and destruction receive their justice.

Danny Huckabee

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I've been in some scraps. B-Ball brings out the worst in some people.

But USUALLY the games go OK.

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Good point Danny about the slippery snake Pfauci and the justice that should come for him.

Btw, I’ve frequently compared the diminutive govt hack to Lysenko until one day Mark Crispin Miller, who no doubt knows his historic propaganda ministers countered my assertion. In a lengthy reply to my post MCM made the case that Josef Mengele is the more accurate comparison to our homegrown minister of misery.

Lara Logan made the Fauci - Mengele comparison on Fox News about 2 years which explains why she is no longer welcome at FN.

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I am an old man and I refuse to live in fear... no matter how much the media promote it. I also refuse to give government free reign to inject anyone with anything anytime they want. It is very sad but at this point in my life I've lost faith in our government and modern medicine to do the right thing. Although, both government and modern medicine benefit society in many ways, they don't benefit society in every way and their motives are not always genuine or in our best interest. The profit motive is just too big and many of the people in these organizations routinely lie. Covid was a big lie. The fatality rate was grossly exaggerated in a two year, never-ending fear campaign that was the most intense period of my life. Covid did impact older and frail people (over 80 years old and/or with 3 or more co-morbidities) but it wasn't much worse than a cold or flu. Old and frail people often die of complications from colds and flu. The impact of covid on healthy adults and kids was near zero. For 99.5% of people, covid was just a common cold but the media fear campaign drove the fearful, TV-watching people to the hospitals. Incessantly stoke the fear on TV and give the people free at-home test kits with high false alarm rates. That'll work wonders. Covid was really just a bad cold. However, it was used as a way to enrich some government and pharmaceutical company officials and as a political tool. Unfortunately, most TV news watchers will never understand that.

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"Yesterday, someone who enrolled her four-year old boy in a Rutgers Day Care program told me that her son must wear a mask for the entire session." Here in lies the problem: What's wrong with this mother?? She must have choices and she has chosen to torture her child. If people stop complying maybe Rutgers will get the message.

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I agree. But the location is very near her house and the cost is reasonable.

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As I commented above, her convenience is more important than her son's health.

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I agree. We sacrifice for our children. The idea that someone would actively be making my child miserable and I’d shrug it off with a “She’ll get over it” is foreign to me.

Where did our maternal instincts go?

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Another great essay Mark!

The pale, stale and male sure are getting a bad rap these days. I sit on a board for national exams through a university. There are four or five women of the thirty or so examiners each time. Last we met, the ladies were complaining about men, and the purple haired one said, "I am sick and tired of old white guys." I took my lunch to sit and talk with the old white guys.

I too, will play any game, but will not sit and watch them. I am currently older than when you wrote this essay:) Still kicking bags, lifting weights, 'sprinting,' dancing in the kitchen at 4:00 AM.

Go old folks!

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Thanks, AnnMarie. That's impressive.

I can still move well without pain. But I do my dancing before midnght.

And I get real sleepy an hour after I play.

I would have told the purple-haired one that I was smart enough to not inject. And would have challenged here to a push-up contest, etc. Asked her how her Spanish was or what was the hardest job she's done.


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I dance alone :( that's why its 4:00 AM. Also, I'm a morning person. Not up till midnight.

One of these ladies still wears a mask.

They are all so full of hubris that I do not attempt to converse.

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I would simply make my points and not expect a conversation.

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I am very reluctant to make enemies in this group. My father was on this testing panel for decades before me. They all loved him. I am an interloper. Probably everywhere I go. Feel like one any way.

Appreciate your writings and your responses. Feels special. Thank you.

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Hearing from readers in comments, e-mails and phone calls boosts my spirits.

Even if I was the only person in the Western Hemisphere who knew this was a scam, I'd still be sure I was right.

But it's good to know that I'm not.

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Hey fellow interloper! Still a nurse but not injected. I share random facts about the shots. They can't stand me lol

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I would like to drop bombs (crop dust, as my ex would say) and then keep moving. If they were just my co-workers I might do the same. I revel in being a turd, to tell the truth. These are my fathers cohorts though. It just seems wrong coming for, or from me.

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Full of what...?

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The pale, stale and male...LOVE IT! Describes me to a Tee! In my case, you could add WHALE!

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I still can’t wrap my brain around the fact that Universities have caused the death and disabilities of their students with their ignorant mandates. Mandates that were shortsighted and harmful. Can Rutgers really still require the jab? It’s rich that they will then also say their students aren’t forced to be jabbed.

When will this madness end?

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Shoot this crap is never going go to end...I live in San Diego in SoCA...a few days ago I was scanning radio stations to preset radio stations on a radio I gave my three year old grand nieces (who love music...country specifically). Any way I came across a local FM station (new rock n roll) that was airing a ‘commercial’ about getting the Covid Vaxx...it said... and I kid you not... that “there were three life threatening diseases that could kill you:

1) Cancer

2) Heart Disease

3) Covid 19

And that you should get your Covid shot” as well as a ‘flu shot’.

Secondly my local CA State Assembly person (a DEM) sponsored a ‘Covid Vaxx And Flu Shot clinic’ last Saturday at a neighborhood recreation center.

So that Rutgers still continues with It’s ‘Vaxx’ policy saddens me but does not surprise me.

The ‘fear propaganda and coercion’ tactics still continues three years later.

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Ugh. What a crock!

I think I heard the same ad.

Number one thing that kills people: old age. Number two: taking bad care of yourself.

Or maybe I have those reversed.

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This just in: Anthony Fauci to receive 2024 Inamori ethics prize from Case Western Reserve University. I guess the faculty at CWRU are not fans of RFK Jr’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. My local “News” today: https://www.cleveland.com/news/2023/10/northeast-ohio-will-bestow-a-much-deserved-honor-on-anthony-fauci-for-keep-us-safe-from-covid-today-in-ohio.html

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Another great piece.

Curious how these factors have helped you avoid the bioweapon:

- active lifestyle / exercise

- contact with nature / gardening

- distance from wireless devices

Would be curious to learn how those factors have impacted health outcomes

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I never felt threatened in the first place. Another virus. Yawn.

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i know you're not asking me this question, so i'll be brief. all 3 are important, but #3 is probably the most important. it's slowly coming out the EMF and microwave poisoning have the same exact symptoms as "covid."

just how the dangers of all Vaxxines, aka the jabs have been brought forth for the public to see, so will EMF's, microwave technology and 5G is being finally brought to the light for all to see. if you really want to see what the telecom companies aren't sharing with us . start here. Frances is one of the most important writers on substack. https://open.substack.com/pub/francesleader/p/all-my-substack-articles-on-emfc19?r=63eqd&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Mark, may I just say that Rutgers 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒕 "grant" your religious exemption. You 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒅 your 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 to this accommodation based on your religious beliefs and they did as the law requires. Amazingly.

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Good point.

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Leonia. A town over from me. I’ll never forget seeing metal planks strategically placed over the hoop rims. It’s bad enough when there’s no net…but a plank?

Driving by and seeing this I distinctly remember thinking “This is bullshit.”

Holy hell. They shut down b-ball courts!

I swear I’m still waiting for Rod Serling to appear, cigarette in hand, to assure me that the last 3 plus years are “You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.”

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In San Diego CA in the early weeks of the Scamdemic the cops tried to stop people from surfing or swimming at the beach. They would wait on the shore and harass people who were coming out of the water! Tried to arrest them (for what, disobeying the beach closure lockdowns) but the surfers gave them the Big FU! The gates at the parking lots at the beach were locked...but that didn’t stop people! Parks and recreation centers were blocked off and they had city personnel in sitting around in recliners under those pop up canopies at children’s play areas looking for people who weren’t following the ‘lockdown orders’. It was crazy, but I took my dog out everyday...snuck into parks with her and walked like we always did.

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Defiance was the way out of this. But too many people were too fearful.

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Yes and still are Fearful out here in CA…all up and down the coast but particularly prevalent in the large metro coastal & semi coastal areas of CA. Inland not so much.

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Love this post. Love basketball. Love pick up games. I’m a retired cargo airline pilot. Fly at night, sleep during the day. I bid most of trips (until I got too old to play) based on where I could get into a good pickup game. That usually meant a YMCA close to downtown hotels.

The best places ever were Portland, OR and Calgary, Canada. Health club in Portland. YMCA in Calgary. Both cities love their basketball.

I’ve done the “Can I run with you guys” dance many times. Got the same reactions. Old white guy smirks. They always ended up being happy (or at least not mad) that I ran with them.

Pick up basketball is a great equalizer. Builds some bridges. Brings down some walls. Teamwork, coMpetency, and love of the game/competition matter.

If the powers that be were purposely trying to destroy society, increase loneliness and mental health issues, widen divisions, and decrease spiritual. emotional and physical health, would they have done anything different than they did during the scamdemic?

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That's a cool story, Whip. And a very interesting line of work.

All true what you said about community. Thanks.

Calgary is surprising. I thought that was hockey land.

I played for years at the Trenton Y. I posted a story about it.

When they took b-ball away from people, they took away something very important.

Pretty clear it was a Scamdemic.

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You're illustrating a sad reality in our country today. Universities are run by administrators that are all "progressives". Their fealty is to their ideology and power and they are completely anti-pragmatic. They couldn't solve a real problem if their lives depended upon it. The objective with covidmania was collectivism, forced compliance and the exercise of absolute power, not curing or mitigating disease. If that had been the goal, all treatment modalities like HCQ and Ivermectin would have been encouraged. Instead we got the iron fisted alliance between progressive government and the pharma-industrial complex.

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Mark, you really are a great storyteller. I've said it before, but you and I lived in such different covid worlds. Twenty minutes outside Huntsville and normal was just a step away (schools/stores had masking). Things were mostly open, especially outdoor things. So sad. It is the military industrial complex here, so many people chose to get the jabs to keep their jobs (the easy way at the time). I hope it works out for them in the long run. These were not the type of people that were gung ho, but did it reluctantly.

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I ilke people down south. My two daughters went to UA/Tuscaloosa

But they vaxxed. Ugh.

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Mark, I am married to an old white guy who loves to mountain bike, ski, and used to be the starting guard on his high school basketball team. Nice read. No jabs for us, or most of our family. We’re all thriving except for my 30 yr old daughter in Los Angeles who has turbo breast cancer. Yes, the only kid who took the jab. :(

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I'm very sorry to hear that, Suzanne.

Some say cancer isn't increasing. Anecdotally, some people I know well have become sick with cancer. I don't know if these are coincidences.

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I know quite a few with cancer as well. Two are

34. :(

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So sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she heals.

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I'm very sorry to hear that.

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🙁 that’s discouraging

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Beyond discouraging.


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Here in the enlightened State of Queensland Australia, the Left Wing government has just allowed 3000 nurses and health workers to go back to work though unvaxxed. The health system here is and has been for 3 years, chronically understaffed to the extent that people died waiting for ambulances, treatment etc. for a multitude of ailments, but that didn't stop these cold-hearted, petty, lefty maggots from punishing both the patients and the fired workers for their disobedience. And now they want to rush "misinformation and disinformation" laws through Federal parliament. All governments excused of course from these Stalinist laws. An early painful death for them all is my dream but probably a forlorn hope.

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Amen, DJ. People needed to resist en masse.

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It amazes me even now how "universities" prove themselves as wastes of money continuously. Whatever happened to reading? There is enough real science that isn't very difficult to dig up showing the idiocy and irresponsible point of jabbing ANYONE. Viruses, should there really be one...i call them bioweapons...mutate. Plus, who ever heard of a "vaccine" that needed to be taken every few weeks? That point alone would have kept me from the jabs! Keep on keepin' on...when you stop, it'll hurt, 😂. Good post.

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Thanks, Me.

I have a few more ideas re: stuff to write. I don't know how much more I can say. But something has continued to occur to me each week.

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The folks who planned and executed this phenomenal scam have no remorse- they are about conquest and power. Their feelings of superiority drive them beyond any moral or empathetic decision making- besides, "they really know what is best for the ignorant masses". This is the way of man since day one- the powerful overcome the weak.

Polarization is going on at an accelerated rate because they need to identify who will comply and who will object. They have a plan that will isolate the citizens who stand against them. One of many ways they can control is thru the movement and access of personal money- some of the major banks are already denying access to funds- it's a test. But I digress, sorry.

Another great story, Mark. I really like them- they help me to reflect on some of my past experiences. I find myself smiling while I'm reading.

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Thanks, Mike.

And true about the compliance.

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