Brother, I thank you so much for what you have written. At the risk of being repetitive, your well-reasoned and even more well-written posts have been a psychological rescue line thrown to drowning people like myself who recognize the teeming swells of insanity we’re immersed in.

I really do hope you will consider writing more. I’d definitely buy a novel or novella of yours.

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PS: on my next trip to the Atlantic seaboard, I sincerely intend to make a side trip to NJ and buy you & your sweet wife a well-deserved dinner and drinks.

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Thanks, Fred. I look forward to it. I've met some readers and have loved being among sane, smart people.

Got to warn you, though:


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That's the right ticket....unjabbed, and unafraid! Would love to meet you too Mark...you've been a real lifesaver! If you and your wife are ever in Zurich, dinner is indeed on me! This was such a healing post!

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Hi, Eileen. I'm near Lausanne. Things are pretty normal here, and I hope they are in the Big Z!

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I am close to Zurich in Rapperswil, and things are pretty good here now. I do not trust Bern though, and remain ever vigilant. My fear is that they bring all the BS back once the shot up population gets into trouble....what on earth will they do then? The days of puttting the blame on us unjabbed is over....

On another note, I am Canadian and still cannot travel home.....insanity there still!

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I'm in Echallens, between Lausanne and Yverdon. I always had a soft-spot for Zurich and that part of CH. I went to one of the protest meetings there last autumn. I agree about Bern. I was actually banned from the city centre there by a few armed police thugs for merely holding up a sign saying "My Body, My Choice!" in German. As for more lockdowns, I was talking with my Swiss wife today (I'm a Brit) about that. She says that she doesn't see either how they can bring it all back in the autumn with the same intensity. Even the ever-obedient Swiss have had enough. She burst into tears when Bern announced they were lifting measures a few months back. She fully expected them to stay forever. We joined a great freedom organisation that fought really hard against the insanity: Amis de la constitution. Worth having a look at their site: https://verfassungsfreunde.ch/en/news/ All the best from the Gros de Vaud!

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Sounds like a superspreader dinner date

I’m calling Gov. Murphy now

He may not have won the election fairly, but he was installed to protect us

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Superspreader dates are the best!

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Thank God there's 3000 miles of ocean between us, Mark! Stay safe! :)

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I was being sarcastic about you being unvaxxed.

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I value Mark's voice a lot, and the community he has cultivated here. I subscribed to a few substacks during this time, but this one is the only one that gives me hope. The others are too mired in negativity and doom.

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Mark, I especially appreciate you and the others who are writing about the psychological war being waged upon us. I can't remember the point when it became clear to me that this Coronamania is part of a plot to kill much of the world's population. As astounding as that sounds. I'm not saying it's necessarily going to succeed in doing so, because many people have refused the jab, and because "nature" usually wins.

Coronamania has been so bizarre and unsettling, to see our loved ones, neighbors, coworkers, people we know well and have known for many years, to suddenly begin behaving as though their minds have been taken over by aliens. Very disturbing and heartbreaking in many cases.

I have known from the beginning of this that I needed to maintain my sanity, and that the way to do that would be to bring every tool I have and work it HARD. Every bit of psychology, sociology I've learned. Every bit of spirituality and knowledge of how sociopaths operate, as individuals, as part of organized crime, as megalomaniacal business moguls, as organizations masquerading as benevolent agencies.

It may have seemed a stretch to realize that they ARE trying to kill us, but once I was willing to consider that, many pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and it all fits within human behavior over history. It is a shock to the system, to be living one day in our accustomed world, and then suddenly plunged into a nightmare not of our own making -- seemingly without warning, because the way these criminals operate is in the dark. It's emotionally devastating to realize the depth of deception that these predators have been deploying, and for quite some time. But isn't it interesting from this vantage point, today, to look back and unwind much of the plot, and then with that knowledge be able to see with clear vision what they are doing now? Whenever I happen to tune into MSNBC, it is astounding to me to see all of the strings being pulled to manipulate people's minds -- even as the person I am sitting next to is soaking it up as gospel. It's so crazy.

Anyone who sees the truth, even a part of it, and is compelled to speak truth in the face of the cruel shunning and derision is helping shine some much needed light in this war, even if that individual feels he/she is making no impact -- just keep doing it. It DOES make a difference.

And platforms such as these are so helpful in bringing us together, reassuring us we are not alone in knowing what we know, and validating our very understandable emotions. That brings a measure of courage to continue.

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Mark, it has been such a comfort to follow you, as well as others like Gato, Euggipius, Naked Emperor, et al. Just knowing Im not alone in my feelings & having a place to vent is HUGE. Thank you.

Dani, excellent observations, agree w/ all, esp the devastation of living in our accustomed world & then suddenly plunged into the nightmare & realization of what is & has been going on for a very long time.

I sometimes wonder if the covidian true believers have been so willing to not only follow the crowd, but to be cruel & hateful to people like us, maybe because in some way they are weak - psychologically they cannot contemplate, much less accept the truth of what’s going on? And maybe further direct their spite against us because they are frightened & ashamed to have been so easily duped & we weren’t. The left in general seem to have a philosophy that if they are miserable & unhappy (& they ALWAYS are), everybody else needs to be miserable & unhappy.

Our “betters” can no longer bury the truth about the jabs - legit outlets, literature, real experts are finally coming out / being heard. Many who took 1, 2, 3, 4+ shots must be quietly freaking out at the irreversible thing they have done to themselves.

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My opinion: it was obvious to me that the left's campaign against Donald Trump to stir up what felt like irrational hatred and mocking of him and his supporters was just priming the pump for this Covidmania. People already willing to get on board the hate train were easily brainwashed to shift their hatred towards anyone who threatened their entrainment.

Not everyone is hypnotizable. There are many protective traits, and I think one of the biggest ones is inquisitiveness combined with pattern recognition. Wanting to solve the multidimensional puzzle while holding in mind a willingness to change paradigms if the given narrative doesn't fit what we are observing. Many good people are more easily fooled and manipulated.

In my experience, if there is a dawning realization or rude awakening, the reaction is a combination of fury against the deceivers, a crisis of faith in both self (how could I be tricked? I'm sane and rooted in reality, aren't I?) and others (I trusted you! You betrayed me!). And there may also be guilt for one's actions while brainwashed:(they told me YOU were the enemy and I shunned and hurt you, and now I realize you were on my side and only trying to help and save me....). These are such awful feelings, we have a very strong defense mechanism to keep us from them -- this is psychological projection and dissociation from facts/reality, creation of an alternate reality that feels comforting. It is also reassuring when you are in a group where everyone seems to feel and act as you do -- it's self-reinforcing. Not everyone is capable of questioning the consensus or willing to step outside to consider alternate viewpoints. I believe it's a matter of hierarchy of one's motivations. I'm motivated by truth seeking more than I am motivated by fitting in with a group. Yet, that is also a high value for me, so it is very painful to be mocked and shunned.

The deceivers and manipulators KNOW this and use our psychology against us.

It's evil.

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The evil lawn troll, Faux-Xi, told us in 2017 (I think) that Trump would face a pandemic during his term…..

It wasn’t just the left here in the US; Trump hatred was global because he was destroying the great reset plans: he took us out of WHO, the Iran deal, the Paris Accord, he was tough w/ Russia & China & demanded other countries pay more for their own defense, etc. All of that was great for us (& arguably the world).

But I’ve soured on Trump. He abdicated responsibility for the scamdemic to the worst of the worst in Faux-Xi, Birx, Collins, Redfield, Pence, et al. I understand he needed expert advice but it should’ve been the likes of Malone, McCullough, Ionnidis, Atlas, Battacharia, Yeadon & others w/ sanity. Then he “warp sped” the poison & STILL considers it 1 of his greatest achievements, that it “saved millions of lives” (polar opposite - how does he not know this???? He does, but his ego won’t allow him to admit he was duped, tragically wrong & was a driving force for these crimes against humanity) & he still tells his supporters they should take it, w/ a weak caveat that it’s personal choice - thanks!

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Agreed on Trump. His greatest error was not sacking Fauci (and all the other career traitors). I don't think he's improved his character judgment either. He's backing Dr Oz!

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Well said Cindi. DJT needs to admit OWS was a mistake. He has plenty of bad actors you lost above he can point to to mitigate the damage to his ego.

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Trump was correct to leave the WHO but Biden has doubled down by signing a treaty that essentially gives the WHO control of health policy of the country for any future pandemics(real or fake). He has signed autonomy to WHO.

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Clem, I don’t think it has happened yet (signing a “treaty”) but that demented MF’er will do it if he gets a chance. Where are the dumb ass Republicans in all of this???

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Is that treaty legal? Doesn't the Supreme Court's Covert v. Reid decision mean that a treaty cannot override the U.S. Constitution?

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The Constitution says that only treaties ratified by a majority vote in the senate are legal. But hey, what’s a Constitution to the 97 or so bought and paid for suits? I’d usually say a round one hundred but sometimes there’s a glimmer of hope in a couple of ‘em once in awhile.

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"The evil lawn troll, Faux-Xi." Lol.

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In the couple years before Covidmania, I went through a nasty divorce in which I sought psychological counsel to overcome the effects of gaslighting and psychological manipulation. I am certain that this fortified me for what was to come and allowed me early on to identify the mass psych job that was being set upon us.

I agree, it is evil. I am grateful that something positive came out of my horrendous divorce experience to allow me to be strong and continue to seek the truth.

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Boy this nails me: "I'm motivated by truth seeking more than I am motivated by fitting in with a group."

It also pisses me off to see the Bad Guy's winning ... or so many people profiting from lies and frauds.

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I agree about this, that TDS easily moved to corona hysteria. My much more conservative sister and BIL hate Trump and went full on for the hysteria, staying in their house for well over a year after a lifetime of world travels. It has been absolutely bizarre to me but I think the aura of Trump broke brains.

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Interesting. Until just now, I had not fully made the obvious connection between Trump Derangement Syndrome and Coronamania.

But there it surely is - as obvious as when you finally see the image in one of those 3D Magic Eye pictures.


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That is a very cool analogy.

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we might be in the middle of the Davos crowd's global powergrab, or are they overplaying their hand? https://jamesfetzer.org/2022/05/joachim-hagopian-ukraine-world-war-iii-and-elites-engineered-perfect-storm-of-human-genocide-or-their-swan-song/

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That was an interesting read.

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I just can’t stand listening to that mf’er. I have to change the channel of mute

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*or 🙄

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I agree wholeheartedly with your remarks. It is obvious that they are destroying our country from the inside out. I work on not despairing, and instead, on spreading the word, although most, incuding loved ones, reject what I say or avoid me. It would be so much more lonely without these substacks and the comments. It also is very fulfilling to be able to help just ONE person, and this does happen from time to time, for which I am so thankful. We are in the midst of the most significant spiritual and psychological war ever waged, and we MUST fight the good fight, and pray for God's help. I thank all of you here for holding the line and for seeking and spreading the truth.

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I have a very dear, lifelong friend who leans far left. In my earlier years, I identified as liberal, but I've been independent for a couple of decades.

Anyway, midway through the pandemic when the vaccines rolled out and to my horror, everyone I know and love lined up and rolled up their sleeves, and this combined with "you wear your mask to protect ME!" virtue signalling to morph into vaccine mandates (differential treatment for unvaxxed)..... I had a conversation with this friend, letting her know how painful the shunning is. She loves me too, and promised never to shun me, even though for awhile she was afraid of my germs... she does not believe I am a bad person.

One aspect of the conversation is worth mentioning: it hadn't occurred to her the impact ONE person doing the shunning has.... she was rationalizing "oh, it's just ME (one person) who is uncomfortable, and I will distance myself from her 'for awhile' and she will just hang out with other people, and my distancing may 'send a message' but it is not causing harm. It is my right to behave this way and cut off people who do not share my values...."

I explained that no -- it's not ONE person doing this-- it is EVERYONE behaving this way towards me, and it is pushed by society and the media, and it's wrong and dangerous. We talked a bit about Nazi Germany and the Jews and she got it. It is very primitive behavior.

Dividing people in this way is part of the plot and it's cruel and inhumane.

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Exactly. I also have watched my friends and family behave in ways of which I never dreamed they were capable. And I have been beyond surprised at those who are blindly participating in getting the jabs and villifying others who differ, as if they have no rational thought. My heart has broken more than a few times, but I also have had some good conversations as a result, as you have. I have ALWAYS been a rule follower (have my PhD), so my first comment to those that know me well is, "have you ever known me to be anti-establishment?" and that REALLY gets their attention, because it is so NOT like me to go against the stream. I am glad you were able to talk with your friend!

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I've been staggered by how many of my super high IQ elite intellectual members of my entourage have fallen for this crap, while every normal workaday person I know saw it for the scam it was by the second week.

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I believe you are "onto" something. For most of my life, I was surrounded by (and surrounded myself with) super high IQ elite intellectuals, and, yeah, I did think/know that we were of superior intellect even if I knew/believed that every person is a valuable human being with a mix of abilities to offer. (just saying: I really didn't get out of my ivory tower)

By chance, I met a wonderful friend about 10 years ago who never finished college, who ran with a crowd of "regular people," and I found myself with a new group of friends I had previously self-selected out of, without realizing how idiotic I'd been. Profoundly humbling experience. Among other things, I learned that I was blind to some of my very big blind spots. Ever since, I've wondered how many other blind spots I have, that I am unaware of. I question more. And I am becoming more of a "regular person." IQ is a thing, but it is not the only thing, or even the best thing.

Without this experience, I wonder if I would have been susceptible to Coronamania. Possibly so.

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For decades I've observed people who became ultra-successful without attending college or graduating who become some of the biggest boosters of higher education and children going to college. I never got this. Didn't their lives prove you could be ultra successful without a piece of paper? Often these people donate large amounts of money to colleges. Why not give the money to some local high school or trade school? This is another example of the power of conditioning or "the narrative" - everyone needs to go to college. This seems even sillier when you look at all the college professors and deans who have completely bought-in to all the Covid BS.

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Beautifully expressed - honest too. Wish I could persuade some of my “academic/intelligent” type friends hanging (on by threads) to read these substacks…

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I completely agree. This has been my experience too. It has opened my eyes. As difficult as it is to weather the loss and shunning of friends and family, I feel blessed at the same time to have found new allies and free thinkers.

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Substack has been a real haven of sanity these last two years. May it go from strength to strength.

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Excellent observation. Thank you.

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It’s simple: keep people feeling insecure and terrified. Enter the MSM propaganda machine

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Amen to this, all of this! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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I hope you all don't mind that I post this here, but I just read the most excellent substack by Joel Smalley which feels very validating: https://metatron.substack.com/p/how-the-government-abuses-the-general-8b9/comments?s=r

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Thx Dani, I’ve subscribed

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Outstanding writing Mark… and Dani Richards your responses superbly echo mine and I’m sure many others. If you haven’t heard Dr Judy Mikovits recent interview, she confirms the population agenda, as horrifying as it appears to be. Time will tell within months if Mikovits calculations are correct. https://rumble.com/v14g0f9-dr.-judy-mikovits-interviewed-by-the-health-ranger.html

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yes agree indeed

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I feel the way our Government handled this is so bizarre that it had to be on purpose which makes covid look like a cakewalk compared to what's coming

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I just discussed this with with someone last night, They strongly believe that this was a big mistake.

No way.

It's clearly been a scam.

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I'm reading Dr. Peter Breggin's ebook "Covid 19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey". It was (is) clearly a scam.

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Please tell me more about this book.

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Dr Breggin is one of the very few psychiatrists who is a genuinely kind and compassionate man. He does god's work, in my opinion.

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Breggin.com is his website. He was on Bannon’s warroom yesterday. I plan to look it over as well.

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Only $2.99 as an ebook. It is such a convoluted affair that it's hard to keep it all straight, but the overall picture is a real eye-opener, even for a skeptic like me.

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That's the issue. More and more people are realizing lockdowns, masks, the genetic therapies and the whole theatre have been mistakes. Even if they were supporting them a while ago.

How can we make them see it was done on purpose? Do we really need to have an economic collapse before they are able to actually consider that as a possibility?

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Even in March 2020, I was reading that COVID affected almost exclusively only the elderly or infirm and that young people would likely have only mild symptoms or none at all. I sent text messages to friends expressing my despair at what was happening and how strange it all was that we were shutting everything down. I said I feared for the financial, political, and social effects of what we were doing. I said, you can't have a medical system without an economy! I heard nothing but radio silence. In the ensuing months, these friends (all but one) and many co-workers would proudly announce that they had been vaxxed, as though it were a badge of honor. I attempted to make similar comments to workers, particularly during annual H&S training, but was promptly "cancelled."

When everything shut down, our company was deemed "essential,", so I purposely drove to work each day, one of only about three people who came into the office (others worked at home or were working in the field). In August, when our company stupidly instituted a mask mandate for anyone working in the office, I took them up on the option to work from home, and I haven't been back in the office since then.

At our office Christmas party, I told people at our table that I believed this entire COVID nonsense was going to collapse of its own weight in early 2022. I believe I've been vindicated...and I'm going to be petty and tell everyone I can (including my early text message recipients), "I TOLD YOU SO!"

The only real surprise to me in all of this is that people like Gates, etc., have actually made public the fact that they've recently caught (or re-caught) COVID. I'm surprised they haven't kept quiet about it in order to save face. But then, they're completely shameless, gaslighting psychopaths...and global predators.

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Matches my experience closely. Right at the beginning I was quoting Ionnidis' mortality inference from the Diamond Princess - around 0.2%. As we all know that turned out to be correct.

One of my favorite covidian responses was an otherwise intelligent person who said something like, how can you say there isn't a pandemic, look around, everything's shut down. As though the response was proof of the severity of the pathogen.

Also like you, I haven't been in the office for years as I refuse to comply with the mask mandate. Ironically, even those who enthusiastically got jabbed aren't returning to the office. The effect has been rather as though the social holding together society has been dissolved in acid.

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Doesn’t all of this point to the real reason this all happened?......to see what all they can get away with?

And since it was globally done, it certainly points to the Globalist who are pushing for “The New World Order”. Now this disruption of pretty much everything in the US on top of the “pandemic” makes me think taking out the strongest force against their plans might be the best way to get the rest of the world under control. Sounds impossibly crazy but who the Hell knows anymore???

Just where is all of this going? 🤔

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The extremely close coordination of policy and messaging across the world certainly points to a coordinating network, and the WEF seems very happy to brag about being that network. Remarkable that one is still called a conspiracy theorist for noticing this.

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The Diamond Princess was a perfect study case, and nobody looked at the numbers! It didn't take a rocket scientist to estimate the relative risk when that closed system of elder clientele had few mortalities, and almost all of them were old and/or infirm. Everything after that was piling the bull higher and deeper!

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I had a conversation with a covidians friend recently who admitted LMTVs didn't work, and said, 'but how could we have known?' Which set me off on him, because we damn well did know and what's more, I'd been saying so from the outset.

Still. Baby steps.

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Tell them to look it up on the internet. We are the first humans in history who literally have all the info at our fingertips. A 30 minute search is enough to get past the lies and find the real facts. No-one has any excuse.

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That is correct, the ignorance is WILLFUL.

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Three weeks into "official" Covid we could have all known who was at a tiny risk, and more importantly that 99 percent of us faced almost no risk (a risk about the same as the flu). Cancelling sports season still burns me up as it should have been known by February 2020 that no healthy athletes would face any risks. Same with school children.

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Sadly, the only real risk to athletes is the damn shots!

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"99 percent of us faced almost no risk"

After more than 2 years no scientific proof of a pathogenic virus has been forthcoming. A computer simulated genome loosely based on fragments of genetic material taken from a non purified soup of assorted genetic material is not proof of a virus, much less a pathogenic one.

That imaginary 1% risk is perpetuating the fraud because it implies a pathogenic virus has been proven to exist. The actual figure (according to science) is 0%.

In a crowd of 100 people the difference between no active shooters and 1 active shooter is huge - especially in terms of public perception (which is what this is all about).

182 health agencies (including major ones like the CDC) have responded to FOIA requests for proof of the existence of SARS CoV2. All have responded in writing that they have no such proof. You can read the documents for yourself here


If you think 'the virus' poses a 1% risk please provide us with your scientific evidence of the existence of a 'virus'. You might like to also send it to those 182 health agencies.

Remember that when virologists talk of 'isolating' a virus they mean the opposite of isolating. This inversion of language is the key to the fraud of virology, and by extension the 'covid' narrative.

If we stick to the dictionary definition of 'isolation', nobody is claiming to have isolated any virus (not even virologists). And the emperor has no clothes.

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Your remarks about dopamine and cortisol circuits being engaged when encountering confirming/disconfirming information get at the heart of an interesting question: why is it that some of us seem so much more capable of adapting our views of the world on the basis of new data, and so much less susceptible to simply accepting whatever we're told?

Which is all a setup so I can shamelessly plug my hypothesis that it is at least partly explained by pain tolerance:


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'the truth' can only hurt when one ascribes a subjective, emotional connotation to it. truth by itself is neither 'good' or 'bad', it simply is. true, it can be manipulated (becoming a psy-op) and then things get complicated.

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right there with you all along the way. We are not alone. We are called horrible names

My sister in law (rather uneducated, lacks so much in the way of eagerness to learn) is the same age as me (67, I do not know how I got so old so fast, perhaps just taking care of my parents for the past 10 years) called me a stupid f-ing b-ch so many times. I am not comfortable with foul language so it always unsettles me.

I am educated. I am not a doctor, but I am an olden RN. Even though I am retired from that profession, I have retained all of my orgo chem, all of my common sense physiology.

I knew what this plandemic was from the start.

I have learned to just keep my mouth closed and let others say what they need to say,... you know, in the name of "freedom"

You are not alone in the losses of friends and good neighbors.

All of us have endured that. I am grateful I have a lovable wonderful spouse to get through this ordeal with.

I pray daily for those that are alone, hurt, confused, shunned, mocked and rejected because they "had a different thought"

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I live in East Tennessee where the coronamania was less intense than my hometown in Southern California. My friends are healthy runners, hikers, walkers and yet, I know only single digits of people who refused the vax. If we are waiting and watching for the long-term side effects of the jab, it is going to be a slow moving apocalypse. It is incredibly ironic that these “if it saves one life” maniacs aren’t up in arms about Canada’s euthanizing the poor or the ever-increasing deaths of loved ones to suicide and to the jab. It is these same people who could barely tear their eyes away from the daily Covid death count who now completely ignore excess death numbers. If it wasn’t for the folks like you, egm, ethical skeptic and Jeff Childers, I think my sanity would be borderline at this point 😊

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Middle Tennessee resident here. I took the jab because I work in higher education , and I believed them when they said we could get rid of the the masks. I also believed them when they said it would prevent getting the virus. My college is now mandating a booster by August 1. I won't do it, and they will have to fire me. I will never wear the mask again as well. Done. Just fucking done.

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Re: The "if it saves one life" argument ...

I encountered this from sports pundits who wanted to cancel high school, college and pro football back in the summer of 2020. By this time, everyone should have known that Covid posed no mortality risk to healthy young athletes. Still, if these people were sincere about "saving one life," they would be calling for the sport of football to be outlawed. Every year, several people die playing or practicing football (some years as many as 12 athlete die). This doesn't count the people who are paralyzed or suffer severe injuries that take years to recover from. But these virtue-signalers don't call for the sport to be banned, nor should it be since the benefits to individual athletes and society are far greater than the risks, which are real, but still remote.

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I am one of those people who would die if I caught covid, (or a cold of any sort, or the flu...) So to begin with I thought I might go get the J&J vaccine. But I wasn't in a hurry, because I'm home most of the time anyway. Then 2 of the three people I know who got it had blood clotting problems. Then my oldest son who had to get vaxxed for work, took the mrna vaccine and had swelling around his heart. Another couple I know were triple shot and boosted and they had covid 3 times, every variant. My other kids didn't get vaxxed. Continued to work and travel. They got covid. They were under the weather for about 3 days...

At the start, we kept our distance for about 3 months. Then we started gathering again but we didn't do the hugs for while.

After reading here I feel truly blessed my immediate family weren't brainwashed by the maniacs. But I feel awful for my son...he didn't want to get the vaccine.

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AnnieO, both of my sons (mid-20s) had to do so also, & I’m so afraid for them now & in the future 😢

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I'm sorry your sons had to get the shots, too! I don't know if it's any help to you, but the blood clotting and the heart issues, both pericarditis and myocarditis, seem to show themselves fairly soon after the jab. Let's hope and pray that if they've shown no symptoms yet, that they won't!!!

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Thx, Annie. Ive thought of that & hope it’s true altho it seems like most literature describes permanent immunity damage? Anyway, younger one is military & since this demonic administration is STILL flogging the jab (flogging will accelerate for all of us come winter or the next “generation” of “virus” or jab) that he’s been boosted @ least once & will probably be forced to get more. I just can’t ask.

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I just can't fathom it all. Especially our military forcing experimental drugs on our young healthy people. I know they have always had heavy hands when it comes to vaccines. But those at least had been tested. I don't know what to do but pray for our sons and anyone else who was forced.

We, with heavy hearts should keep in touch with any news!!!

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Would love to keep in touch, AnnieO 🥰

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Mark, thank you for another wonderful article. My immediate family members were Covidiots - masks, vax, isolate, etc. Now, not so much. This nonsense has become an inconvenience to them, and all who were jabbed/boosted had covid and additional respiratory illness (crappy immune system). So we don’t discuss covid, yet they remain steadfast in their views of the past atrocities. Although I did change the mind of a NYT/NPR fan, my partner. No booster for him, dumped the mask, and advocated for kids back in school. This small “win” made me glad I passed your articles on.

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Thanks. CarolAnne.

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Things WOULD change if the New York Times did a major expose proving that, say, the "vaccines" are NOT "effective" nor "safe." But we all know this will never happen. If by some miracle this did happen, then the NPR, "Sixty Minutes" and other major newspapers and magazines might get the "green light" to perform their own real investigations ... and other scams might be exposed. So we're right back to where we are now - they can't let ONE real debunking expose happen. At the end of the day, we have to identify the "news" organizations which create and then PROTECT all the faux narratives. They have to be exposed and discredited before it's possible for all the faux narratives to be discredited or exposed.

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I'm a Canadian member of your "choir" and I actually find myself breathing more deeply as I read your science-truth, reason, and common sense posts. Over six million healthy, tax-paying, law-abiding citizens still cannot board a plane or train to travel in or out of Canada.....I often hear a line from Ozzy when I look at our present world: 🎵"Goin' off the rails on a crazy train...."

I used to believe that soon.....soon.....soon.....a domino awakening to this biggest, cruelest hoax on humanity would begin, but I'm losing faith. So many friendships and neighbours and family have been torn apart - by a ridiculous panic over a 99% (still!) survivable virus, dangerous to elderly or very unhealthy. The economy and public mental and physical health have been gutted. Unnecessarily.

Now we have a Pandemic Treaty vote coming at us like a freight train by the WHO - to give them extraordinary power over sovereign nations in all things "health".

Please don't stop writing. I am encouraged knowing there are other sane, critical thinkers able to see this outrageous scam and call out the panic and mind-numbing overreaction for what it is.

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Thanks, Trish.

Hang in. If the vaxx narrative goes south, maybe the house of cards will collapse.

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Sending positive vibes from Zurich....I am from Saskatoon, my whole family is still in Canada, and I feel your frustration. Canada's reaction to Covid has been insane. I am the outlier in my family, along with my two kids, and these posts on Substack,, together with the comments, have been a lifeline for me. You are not alone....it's especially tough dealing with the mass hypnosis of so many...I find myself shaking my head a lot!

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Preaching to a critical choir - that’s the difference, I would say.

We agree - with some/most - not because we are conditioned, not just because we are like-minded - why are we like-minded, because we think critically, are curious so we search for knowledge, teach ourselves and learn? It steers us to similar conclusions and share contrary views and point out flaws in our arguments.

And one other difference. Whilst the sheep listen only to each other and the MSM and hear nothing of other aspects, opinions, details, so have nothing with which to compare, consider what they are being fed, we do get the alternative full blast from the MSM and political class and their acolytes.

We hear both sides, and have a choice of what to believe. The sheep do not.

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I think the most critical gift one can have is discernment.

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Agreed… but is it innate or learned? And you can only discern/discriminate if you have a choice of at least two things/propositions.

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It’s an interesting ponderance 😊. I think it was egm who said some cannot visualize and turn shapes around in their head. Perhaps that’s one characteristic. I think spending time in calm solitude is an advantage as well as being able to entertain oneself, especially as a child.

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Truth in that. I read elsewhere that people who are more individualistic, tend to spend more time alone rather than with others or be part of a group, are better at marshalling their own thoughts and shaping their own opinions rather than them being shaped by and conforming to the group. Makes sense.

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I'm 56. In school, I remember being taught to think critically. When I questioned something in classroom discussions I was not reprimanded. I was applauded or at least not dissed. When I wrote term papers, I was taught to cite references which supported my position. As even a member of the high school journalism class, I was taught to present both sides in my articles. The book "1984" was taught widely in schools and colleges - not as an instruction manual, but as a warning. Journalists who exposed scandals and cover-ups were celebrated and got to write best-selling books. Somewhere in the last four decades, things changed dramatically.

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Just a few years older at 59. As a litigator, I always learned to argue my opponent’s case better than he.

If you cannot argue the other side, you don’t have enough of a grasp of your own position.

That was key to winning in the courtroom.

It may be the reason I quickly started questioning the COVID narrative- though I have to say I believed it for the first few weeks (less than a month.)

Trouble was, there was no possible way to coherently argue the Covidiot case. It made no sense.

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Don't they say in your profession, "if you have the facts on your side, argue the facts?"

In our New Normal, if your side doesn't have the facts, don't let the other side present the facts.

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Well said, as always.

Please keep writing Mark. Your voice is so important to so many of us.

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Thank you for your sanity in this insane world! I cling to this verse (and many others):

"Let the wicked fall into their own nets,

While I pass by safely."

Psalm 141:10 NASB

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Your writing has been fantastic and is not at all repetitive. I subscribe to dozens of feeds and yours really is unique.

This PSYOP has really separated the societal wheat from the chaff. I ponder if we are at maximum PSYOP volume or are instead just getting started. I fear the latter. Those of us who made it through round 1 will need to stay vigilant and alert.

My experience trying to discuss the mechanics of CORONAmania is similar to yours. There are plenty of theories as to why this is put forth by people who are very qualified to do so. It is reminiscent of a cult. People who are devout Scientologists will hear nothing of Xenu or about L. Ron writing a record number of sci-fi books. These people are in too deep, too mentally invested.

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You nailed it Mark! The psychology and sociology of Coronamania won't be fully understood for years to come (after the lawsuits are settled) but we and our fellow kinship have known since early 2020 of this overreaction. I have witnessed people's avoidance of cortisol response and only seek out opinions who are the same. It's really been astounding to witness. It's all self deception, on a personal and societal level.

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Keeping the lines of communication open really is essential for morale. I've been personally very lucky during this time to have several close friends and family who saw through all of this, too. Being able to say to one another "You see this too, right?" helped keep all of us sane. That's why it's essential to say what one thinks, to not engage in preference falsification. Just one voice affirming what one perceives when it contradicts what one is told can be enough to break the spell woven by propaganda and social pressure.

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Agree with this - we've been lucky to have a few friends who didn't drink the Kool-Aid (or take the shot). When we started talking about all these, we ALL found ourselves saying, "I've never been a conspiracy theorist, BUT..." We all just shake our heads as we watch other close friends (SMART people) follow the pied piper off the cliff.

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Yes some people kept us going but someone has to write me a guide how to go back to 'normal'. I think I am suffering of extreme burn out by this last 2 years. I'm not really able to participate in anything without thinking most of the people surrounding me are coronamaniacs.

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In times of a coronamania, taking counsel from a psychologist is like getting news from official sources.

I like to think of myself as a charter member of the choir Mark, having discovered your writing on Medium via Twitter. I think this is is far from over so I expect your won’t hang up your pen and parchment anytime soon.

On a different note, I am officially a poll worker in the state of SC. Looking forward to it.

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You are so right. I was seeing a therapist at the beginning of this. He wouldn't even let me talk about my fears of authoritarian overreach or my depression at being stuck at home or my suicidal thoughts without saying "but people are dying". It was outrageous. I thought they were supposed to leave their own opinions at the door? I just wanted someone to listen and give me a little comfort; instead it was like talking to the TV.

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