In mid-March, 2020, just as the Scamdemic was beginning, I visited my parents. As often, they were watching the TV news. My 91-year-old mother, who was by then losing her grip on reality, breezily said, “I like that Fauci guy. He’s cute.”
Mom was not lent to saying stuff like that. I hadn’t seen or heard Fauci yet, so I asked what she meant by “cute.” She said, “He’s little and has a squeaky voice.”
Her amusement with Fauci seemed like a very bad sign. People listen to people they like, even if people they like make no sense. Was a cult of personality forming around someone who was selling panic and pushing for lockdowns? Were people really willing to destroy a society, an economy and millions of lives at the behest of a funny-tawking gnome who I soon heard labeled as an MD and “the nation’s foremost infectious disease expert?”
And who, when I began to listen to him, spoke obvious blather that many nonetheless received as wisdom.
For as long as I can remember, Americans have routinely deemed politicians and government employees corrupt, dishonest, unproductive and/or stupid. Though this criticism can’t be true across the board, government incompetence was, to many, a tenet of modern life.
Yet oddly, when the Scamdemic began, many Americans suspended their mockery and skepticism, believed every absurd government pronouncement and obeyed like obsequious schoolgirls and boys, although some of the naively obedient rocked buzz-cut green hair and multiple piercings.
Many who historically disparaged politicians and bureaucrats didn’t extend this negative perception to government “scientists.” For decades, the media has exalted medicine and science. Thus, a halo effect surrounds doctors and scientists. Many consider scientists smart, hard-working and virtuously neutral.
More specifically, during Coronamania, those who worked in Public Health saw themselves, and many others saw them, as latter-day saints. Fauci and Walensky both threw out first balls at Major League Baseball games. This wasn’t because either of them had performed well at work or could throw any good. It was sheer celebrity worship. Since when did America celebrate bureaucrats?
But despite their advanced degrees, multi-billion-dollar budgets and high salaries, what public health (no caps) value have Public Health officials actually delivered?
In 1992, federal government scientists issued nutritional guidance, using a Food Pyramid to replace, and improve upon, the long-standing government-approved, school-taught Four Food Groups. The Food Pyramid urged people to consume more carbs than any other type of food.
Supermarkets—even Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, with their healthy food veneer—contain multiple aisles of carb-dense foods: fruit juices, cookies, crackers, breads, flours, tortillas and multiple shapes of pasta. Standing in checkout lines, one sees many carb-loaded shopping carts. Those with such cargo tend to be overweight. Carbs also cause cavities.
By supporting carb consumption, The Food Pyramid promoted what is now known as Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is a combination of conditions that occur together, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. These conditions include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.
People with these characteristics were more prone to die with Covid. Sugar consumption suppresses immune function. Thus, one might say that those who promoted high carb diets “have blood on their hands.” But I hate that histrionic expression, especially as applied to Covid. So I won’t say so.
Additionally, the Food Pyramid’s designers dissed fats. These experts seemed to believe that eating fats made people fat. They also believed that eating fats caused cancer and “high cholesterol.” Cholesterol was villainized as a waxy biochemical that blocked arteries, not as an essential biochemical that facilitates cell membrane function and the production of life-sustaining hormones. Little was said about cholesterol ratios.
If you had to eat fats, government experts recommended that you use margarine instead of butter. But margarine is a hydrogenated, trans-fat. Experts also recommended the consumption of oils with overabundant Omega-6 fatty acids, such as canola, corn and cottonseed oils. When metabolized, both trans-fats and Omega-6-heavy oils trigger inflammation. In turn, inflammation causes an array of chronic diseases. Most notably, consuming trans-fats and Omega-6 heavy oils inflames blood vessel linings, causing the obstructive endothelial plaque that scientists had long blamed on foods like eggs, butter, beef, bacon and cheese.
After decades of governmental dietary misinformation, many belatedly understand that there are good fats and bad fats. Fats other than the trans-fats are not only tasty, but essential. Nuts, avocadoes, flax, pumpkin and chia seeds, cold water fish, olive and coconut oil, etc., are now widely considered healthy alternatives to the Omega-6 and trans-fats that government officials had long promoted.
But for at least two decades, carb-intensive eating was “The Science.” The government and various industry ad campaigns recommended the consumption of trans or Omega-6-heavy seed oils for an even longer period. The government-sponsored “Science” regarding dietary carbs and fats turned out to be consequentially wrong and facilitated a chronic disease pandemic.
All the while, people swallowed an array of pills in often-failed attempts to address the symptoms caused by reliance on 1970s-2010s government and industry (“Lite” and “Lo Fat”) food messaging. Heeding government dietary guidance built demand for diabetes and statin drugs, which, collectively, cause a wide array of side effects; for example, statins raise blood sugar and damage livers. The Pharma-funded FDA has approved many drugs with dubious efficacy and that cause negative consequences.
Maintaining a governmental Public Health apparatus is largely a superstition and a delusion. Many feel that the existence of various, acronym-ed, nominal Public Health entities per se protects the public against a wide range of imagined threats. Public Health is an administrative shibboleth, an amulet and a security blanket. But regarding both nutrition and infectious diseases, Public Health officials have done bad work that has delivered poor outcomes.
Fear of mass-scale death from infectious disease outbreaks is unduly pessimistic and unrealistic. Despite sci-fi novels and Hollywood movies and the gross statistical distortions of the past 42 months, respiratory viruses don’t present broadly lethal threats to societies with adequate protein intake, clean water and basic sanitation. Heathy humans have effective immune systems. And viruses tend to quickly mutate toward weaker forms; killing off their hosts would evolutionarily disadvantage viruses, who would lose hosts/targets.
To justify their existence and to wield power, Public Health officials acted as if they were saving America from Covid doom. But after three-and-a-half years of a purported Pandemic, I know zero remotely healthy people whom this endlessly-publicized virus has killed. It seems unlikely that I, or you, will ever know any. This is good, and unsurprising.
Public Health officials didn’t want you to perceive that the threat of a Coronavirus was wildly exaggerated. They didn’t want you to see the similar outcomes between states and nations that imposed extreme measures and those that didn’t. Instead of sanely describing reality, the Public Health bureaucrats relentlessly incited fear. Popular fear ensures more Public Health funding and more spending on Pharma, with which the Public Health bureaus are closely aligned. The Military Industrial Complex institutional/business partnership that Eisenhower identified has been extended to Public Health/Med/Pharma.
During the Scamdemic, infectious disease “experts” invoked the spectre of an epidemiological recurrence of the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak. But comparing living conditions—especially in Europe’s World War I trenched battlefields—at the time of the Spanish Flu outbreak to 2020 conditions on American soil is like comparing a latter-day car to a horse-drawn wagon. Americans consume far more protein and have much better sanitation than they did 100 years ago.
Beyond that, noting that the Spanish Flu killed people of all ages, as the Public Health crew observed in order to scare people, distinguishes that Flu from Covid: it was clear from the beginning that SAR-CoV-2 didn’t kill healthy people under 75. Yet, during the Scamdemic, Public Health officials repeatedly lied, said everyone was at risk and severely restricted all people, irrespective of age. Further, just as ventilators and bad drug protocols caused many falsely-reported-as-Covid deaths, many ostensible Spanish Flu deaths were iatrogenically induced by massive overdoses of a then-new product, aspirin.
The notion that we need federal and state bureaucracies to protect us from respiratory viruses is tripe and hype. Why, after millennia of human history and clear improvements over the past 100 years in living conditions, would anyone expect an unprecedentedly lethal virus to suddenly evolve into existence, during an election year, and kill multitudes of healthy people? This highly improbable doomsday scenario ignored Biology and reality. And why, during the Scamdemic, did Public Health officials completely disregard the mental, social, economic and thus, health damage that predictably flowed from lockdowns and school closures?
During the Scamdemic, as a show of force—but really a show of farce—“Science experts” promoted non-pharmaceutical interventions (“NPIs”), i.e., lockdowns, physical distancing, masking, testing and tracing, and mandatory mRNA injections. Even at the time, these measures were obvious quackery. These had never before been used by healthy people to thwart a respiratory virus.
After the past 42 months, it’s clear that the Covid Era “Public Health” NPIs and pharmaceutical interventions not only failed but, as did the Food Pyramid and trans and unsaturated fat recommendations, caused vast, deep harm.
Further, despite widespread vaxx failure and injury, Public Health experts are still pushing not only the failed and injurious Covid shots but the historically ineffective flu shots as well. This stubborn promotion of failed injections tells you all you need to know about how phony—and bought by Pharma—the Public Health bureaucracy is.
This Scamdemic wasn’t scientifically complex. One didn’t need an MD or an Epidemiology, Microbiology or Public Health degree to discern from Italy, Spain and cruise and military ship data that SARS-CoV-2 simply didn’t threaten most people. The uncredentialed easily saw that to which the experts were deliberately blind.
In the meanwhile, there’s a long-running STD epidemic. Public Health officials seem not to be taking any serious steps to address this. There’s also a wave of autism unseen fifty years ago. How seriously are Public Health bureaucrats investigating the cause of this dark trend? If autism arises from either the wide range of mega-profitable, mandatory childhood vaccines or prenatal maternal anti-depressant use, will Public Health officials tell us? Or are the linkages between Public Health establishment, universities and Med/Pharma/Chem sufficiently strong that Public Health research is directed away from industries that have introduced products that might be causing autism?
Some have lamented that the Public Health experts’ Scamdemic conduct will cause governments, government scientists, Pharma and “Science” generally, to lose credibility; to metaphorically sustain “a black eye.” But the politicians and bureaucrat/scientists’ conduct has been so thoroughly dishonest and destructive that they deserve to be completely discredited; metaphorically, beyond black eyes, the Public Health bureaucrats and their medical allies should be carried out of the public arena on a stretcher. Three and a half years of contemptible and deeply damaging Covid Theater should permanently delegitimize the Public Health apparatus.
But to the extent that it occurs, any devaluation of the Public Health bureaucrats can’t nearly compensate for all of the suffering and dislocation that these “experts” have already caused with their NPIs and shots. Society would have been far better off if Public Health experts had delivered DoorDash for the past 42 months instead of managing the Covid response.
This is not hyperbole.
If you wanted a case of Desmet's mass formation psychosis, the last 3 years would be a perfect example. I have family and friends, intelligent and educated people, who accepted hook, line, and sinker, anything and everything they saw on the idiot box or read in propaganda publications. Even those who are completely skeptical about all politicians and government officials and pronouncements from other sources, never questioned the idea of injecting an untested and unapproved, except as an "emergency" product, fluid into their body, with God- only knows what ingredients. All this death and sickness, so that a small number of people could grow even richer and more powerful, and to defeat President Trump.
Danny Huckabee
So true, so sad, and so likely to be repeated unless a critical mass of people wake up.