If you wanted a case of Desmet's mass formation psychosis, the last 3 years would be a perfect example. I have family and friends, intelligent and educated people, who accepted hook, line, and sinker, anything and everything they saw on the idiot box or read in propaganda publications. Even those who are completely skeptical about all politicians and government officials and pronouncements from other sources, never questioned the idea of injecting an untested and unapproved, except as an "emergency" product, fluid into their body, with God- only knows what ingredients. All this death and sickness, so that a small number of people could grow even richer and more powerful, and to defeat President Trump.

Danny Huckabee

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indeed. People have tried to talk Desmet in the ground but it has not worked. Nor Prof. Vanden Bossche. He told from the get-go that the jabs could only make it worse. Two men that should have been listened to. Instead the populace ran behind the dwarf who got stinking rich from all this. And do not forget that this all started while trump was president, and that he still supports the jabs and boasts about them.

In the meanwhile, Belgium and Holland have more or less obliged people to jab again, mom and dad got their 6th. Nothing in the regular press or TV programs about the dangers, and even postings on social media warning people are being taken down. Someone who has a facebook page with sudden deaths had items removed. They think they can silence us, they won't.

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Ingrid, my university buddy and I hadn't seen each other in a decade, as he now resides with his family in the Netherlands. Last month him and I had dinner. After, while having a drink he said "you had your shots right?". I could only laugh at the moment since I find myself hanging out with all sorts of digital dissenting deplorables these days. Is Holland completely domed in at this point? We talked, and I sensed he had doubts but was too wired in to say anything. Just wondering...

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Netherlands and Belgium are probably the worst countries in Europe right now, there are some 'dissidents' but I have a feeling nothing leaks into the press or TV. I have a dutch online newsletter, Frontnieuws (translates to English) which has lots of articles on Ukraine and the Covid articles are usually from our Substack writers. Have not found anything from Belgium but a facebook page with sudden and - or young deaths. They now have regular obituaries because I read last week, that some of their posts had been removed.

From Germany I only follow Eugyppius. I read quite a lot of Italian pages, mostly sudden deaths. They now and then report a jab-related one - but seldom. Although I think awareness there is growing, they are way more open about mourning than the low countries.

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I assumed that it was structured as you described it at this point. He was taken aback by my sort flippant disregard for the disingenuous darting but also really wanted to use my business concept. Watching him in real time have to accept my view and swallow any potential objection was a sad thing to see. I know I've read that you were done attempting to rescue people from themselves but I'd really like to give him a shot at enlightenment. If awareness is, as you say growing then I feel compelled to take a shot. (zero pun intent) He's been an ExPat there for 25 years. If you know of any sort of directions I can approach from based on where he is I open to hear it. And thanks for the reply. I'm still a little amazed at this sub stack thing. It's fairly surreal.

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the only thing I know of is Frontnieuws. You can also forward him an article from Dr Geert Vanden Bossche (Belgian virologist, prof in Ghent) He is on substack as well. There are lots of american DRs like Pierre Kory, and the canadian dr. Trozzi. This last one has lots of small clips with into. May be, fingers crossed, you can red pill someone ! Go for it !

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Thanks ICD! I will give it a shot. Geert and Frontnieuws sound like good place to start.

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"Dissenting Deplorable" ce moi. LoL 👍

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Once upon a time, Americans were not only skeptical of government bureaucrats who were "here to help" ... many also had a well-founded mistrust of the mainstream media. But the masses abandoned their skepticism about that group of influencers as well. That is, they intuitively knew half the paragraphs in every AP or NY Times article were BS and propaganda/spin ... but when the same journalists wrote about Covid, they were all telling the gospel truth in every sentence.

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The speed at which this flipped is frightening. I mean, who's gonna take the shot? C'mon man. There's no vaccine on the horizon. Weeks or months later the untrustworthy, non existent vaccine is mandated. Amazing that didn't make more people skeptical. Not to mention having survived all of 2020 without it.

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Not to mention it didn't matter what shot you took as long as you took some shot.

Not to mention that almost no one was at risk.

Not to mention that no long term study had been done.


How dumb and passive can people be?

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"Not to mention it didn't matter what shot you took as long as you took some shot."

That's a good sign of a scam-- when something allegedly functional is being played as a countable token.

Some decades ago, my mother-- well-read but poor, and always looking for some honest way to make money from home-- fell for a Ponzi scheme called "Lactic Industries" or some such. This was a growing company developing products like perfumes based on fermented milk. They needed to outsource the fermenting process, since they had no in-house facilities for this.

The deal was that budding entrepreneurs would set up space in their own homes for milk and Mason jars, which they would supply. They would also buy packages of the special yeast from the company, fill the jars with milk, add one packet of yeast per jar, keep them warm, and watch them ferment. When done, after a fixed number of weeks, they would carefully harvest a spoonfull of the scum at the top of each jar, deposit it into one of the little paper envelopes the company had provided, one per yeast packet, dry them thoroughly in a food dryer, and mail them in a box back to the company. The company would then buy the envelopes of milk product, now hopelessly dried into the paper, at a very generous price that covered the cost of the milk and the yeast several times over.

This was a fine way to multiply your investment quickly, and the company offered two tiers for its suppliers: the cautious tier, in which you bought only a few hundred dollars worth of yeast packets, and the all-in tier, in which you could spend thousands. My mother, fortunately, was too impecunious to manage more than the cautious tier, but she had a mentor in California who had zealously mortgaged her house to put tens of thousands of dollars into play.

The fine print in the agreement specified that the company was not obliged to pay and might refuse to buy the milk packets at any time. This should not be a cause of concern, however, since historically it always had bought them. "Historically", of course, covered the year or two that the company had existed, and during which it had experienced steady, prodigious growth.

I was young and slow on the uptake at the time, but when I read the company newsletter reassuring us that the Feds had it all wrong and that they really were not a Ponzi scheme, the bulb lit up. I spoke to my mother, and shook her up so that she called her mentor in California. The woman assured her that everything was fine. My mother was about to make a trip to California for a week, and they agreed to meet on Saturday morning, and the lady would show her the lactic factory she had set up in her basement. Since my mother would be away, I was left with the job of harvesting the scum on the appointed day, drying it, and mailing it off to the company for our big check.

On Saturday morning, the box of lactic envelopes came back in the mail, with the curt notice that the company was not buying them at this time. In California, my mother waited at the meeting spot for her friend to show up, in vain. The latter was likely indisposed, coming to terms with the fact that she had mortgaged her house for a basement full of rotting milk. We lost only a few hundred dollars, and were lucky.

I learned some good lessons from the experience, though. The scheme was absurd on so many levels, but it was the tokenization of what should be functionality that strikes me as the biggest giveaway.

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Let’s not forget: mixing and matching jabs. First dose Pfizer, the second Moderna. No worries!

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Very dumb and very passive (?!)

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Edward Bernays was applauding the covid propaganda from his grave. Doling out propaganda is "like taking candy from a baby."

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Spot on. And if Trump had won, the media and the sheeple would have completely rejected any and probably all covid mitigation nonsense. In addition to bureaucratic corruption, covid was a "team" sport.

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This IS EXACTLY why he could not be allowed to be re-elected.

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So true, so sad, and so likely to be repeated unless a critical mass of people wake up.

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My next series of articles are going to develop the theme that small, grassroots organizations are going to have to perform the heavy lifting and hopefully wake up ENOUGH people. This is because we all know EVERY important organization is now captured and exists to block important truths.

One of these organizations is Substack, which is actually growing although most Americans have still probably never heard of it. The people who are making Substack grow (like Mark and Transcriber B and hundreds of other great newsletter authors) are the contrarians and brave skeptics. And Substack's readers/subscribers are posting away/chipping away at all the bogus narratives as well.

To defeat sorry journalism/propaganda, we need to flood the zone (as much as possible in our censorship world) with real and important journalism and intelligent commentary like Mark's.

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Bill, your stuff is important. Please keep writing great commentary..

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Bill, After thinking we were finally through this crazy period, I’m seeing masks again. More people wearing them, plus talk of new boosters, whispers of renewed restrictions as we get into the winter months, vaccine cards too! WTH! This can’t happen again. And I fear most of the people in my blue state will throw away their freedoms and do it again. Unless you’re reading Substack, articles written about Covid infection by supposed experts and doctors continue to suggest vaccines and pills and never, ever advise the reader to make sure they take care of themselves by keeping trim, exercise regularly, eat right, and wash your hands. 🤷🏼‍♀️I can’t do this crazy again.

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BCR, of all the people I know, the majority are still lining up to get their shot...:-(

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It is happening.

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Note to self: whatever the government recommends, do the opposite!

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Many years too late, I finally just got around to watching James Corbett's documentary "9/11 Suspects." I learned that New Yorkers were told by the EPA NOT to wear masks after 9/11 because the air was safe to breathe. And in 2020 we were told the air was not safe to breathe and masks were mandated. It's a cliche now, but you just can't make this stuff up. What burns me up is that it's our money that pays for this kind of crap advice.

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Amen. 1,000 x.

"Three and a half years of contemptible and deeply damaging Covid Theater should permanently delegitimize the Public Health apparatus."

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Spot-on as usual. Sadly, despite the revolving door of obvious liars it doesn’t seem like the mRNA technology is being halted, nor does it appear any of our policing agencies are doing any, well…policing. Irrespective of the FOIA bombshells nobody is being held accountable nor seemingly even worried. Just get your boosters, wear your gag mask and live in fear of the next man-made germ warfare. Pretty much sums up what’s going on outside our bubble. I cannot help but wonder if enough people to initiate digging us out of this mess will ever get a clue? If not, things are only going to get worse.

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imo most people don't even care. they just have crap injected, prescribed - and nod - yes doctor. and if he does not prescribe enough, they get mad. no one nowadays wants to do any effort when it comes to health. don't even try to talk to them, because you are the liar and you are the one misinformed. right now I am at a point where I don't even care anymore if they were to die! that is how tired I am of trying to talk to them.

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The entirety of my wife’s family think we are all gaslit. They are all staunch believers in their one-size-fits-all political party. Whatever they’re told is virtuous they follow without questioning anything. But I’m gaslit.

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thank you, writing with you all here on Substack made me feel less lonely! For a little while (before I found substack) I thought I was going mad - not because of what I knew, I was quite sure I was right, but because all the rest seemed to swallow whatever pill the govt and the talking heads were feeding them. And lots of them are still grazing.

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Many of my gun toting bill of rights “fake news!” Declaring friends bought everything the news was telling them.

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Line em up they need more jabs more carbs more MSM

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All served in a big tub of margarine. That stuff is Satan’s grease!

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Let your (gas)light shine brightly, for all to see!

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My 96 year old father is taking some drug for swelling in his legs. He drinks lots of water but the drug makes him have to go to the bathroom constantly. The doctors seems to be baffled when he went to the hospital complaining of dizziness. They concluded that he was dehydrated. I tried to explain to him that it is the drug causing this. Yet the docs seem clueless.

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Adequate salt intake is critical to ensure proper water absorption.

Keep investigating this as most people don't realize.

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Recently Mercola published an article (I think it was Mercola) about salt and water. In brief: more salt, less water.

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Do margaritas count?

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that might be too strong a water LOL

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Sounds like a diuretic. Many physicians are clueless or complicit. I see it daily. Your Dad needs his electrolyte levels checked. They usually give to high of a dosage to people. His blood pressure drops as well as electrolytes.

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If they don’t bother to eat real food, as opposed to processed, GMO, sugar laden etc, how do we expect them to evaluate health advice? People are amazed that my husband and I are healthy elderly without medications, but to me it is obvious. We have determined for ourselves what healthy food & lifestyle is. Advisors can take a running jump. We’ve worked it out for ourselves and public health advice is not on our radar. Instead, we follow Weston A Price philosophy. It works.

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thanks for the tip ! I just checked the web site and it looks I am eating just that! You are right, some people eat nothing but take-out and then are surprised to be in bad health. The only time I ate fast food (and still tried to avoid it) was when on the road with my late husband-trucker. If you have to eat that because there is so little to chose from, you never want to eat it when you leave the road ! (I remember a time stuck in a place where there was nothing but a mcdonalds for 3 days. Yuk!)

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100% my experience too, Ingrid

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A tour de force of logic and common sense! This should be mandatory reading for the population of the world.

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Bill Rice Jr!!!! Thanks for spreading this!

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“But after three-and-a-half years of a purported Pandemic, I know zero remotely healthy people whom this endlessly-publicized virus has killed.”

The people I know who perished, were murdered in the hospital due to protocol, or were senior citizens locked away and shot up as much and often as possible.

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Or were just very old and worn out. Those were the ones I heard about.

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i know 3, all in the hospital for something else - a doctor with lung problems, about 65, a woman with broken wrist, 96, otherwise healthy, and an 88 or so, in the hospital for unknown cause. A friend retired nurse told me when she heard she was going on the ventilator - a bird for the cat. Obviously when ventilated you need very special care AND you can not be bedriden.

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So many come to mind. They were mostly fine living through their old age, but then were mandated to get the clot shot. Gone.

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My daughter has been a nurse in a nursing/rehab hospital for the last 7 years. This is in crazy California, I'll add. These hospitals are full of people whose ages range from 60s to beyond. Most of the patients, including those with increasing dementia, are reaping the results of a careless life in which they lived large and destroyed their bodies over the decades. They don't go into these facilities in good shape, most are human physical wrecks and on limited time when they enter. A few are just too old to live without help and are mostly bedridden. Over the covid years, there has been no more death than in previous years. People as usual died of their age and physical shape, not from covid, and sometimes they are pushed over the edge by whatever the flu/colds were that year. No massive covid die- off. What she has observed does not match with the media narrative.

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One of your best ever Mark...the tour of “public health” history is one for the archives.

After over a century of gains in life expectancy, the curve now slopes downward, thanks to Public Health.

Evidence abounds showing this is worldwide and deliberate. Orwellian times indeed.

Oh, and those of us with young children, please have a look at “Turtles All the Way Down.” Yes, the massive, ever expanding childhood vax schedule is the problem.

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Great summary! Off the top of my head, I can't think of a single good government health recommendation. I worked with government scientists in the environmental field so I know they have an agenda and then fit the science to the agenda. Still though, while I never saw Fauci as charismatic, quite the opposite, it took me a little while longer to figure out this was a scam because I couldn't conceive of the why. Also, we did have a friend die of it early on. He was in his late 50s and healthy as far as we knew. Hadn't seen him in a while. He caught it on a flight home from Europe, or while there, went to the hospital for months, ventilated, finally brain dead from blood clots. So shocking! Now I wonder if it was hospicide...

Re Trader Joe's, I went there the other day for some actual whole foods, nuts etc., but damn it was hard to leave there without some of those carby treats 😕

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Sorry about your friend. More than likely, he probably got the run-death-is-near.

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Not sure if they were prescribing that yet. He got it March 2020. He had been in Europe on business and came home due to the announcement of a pandemic. He and his wife got sick but she fully recovered.

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Thanks for your comment.

Could be. Even without the remdesivir, however, the covid protocols were ghastly. In fact, what got me started transcribing was hearing the testimony of this veteran pulmonar nurse, Albert Spence, before the S Carolina State Senate, about how he knew there was something really, really wrong with these protocols. His testimony was wiped off YouTube shortly after I transcribed it. Later I found it again, someone had posted it on Bitchute. If you're interested, it's here:


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They blew their lungs up with the vents.

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My daughter was in London October 2019 and caught a bad cold that went to her chest. She said it was really in there until she started taking an expectorant to help release the congestion. I think this all started earlier than we previously realized?

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Could be. Bill Rice Jr. has been reporting on that, if you haven't seen it:


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bake some healthy ones yourself ! I use buckwheat, oat and other flours and bake my own bread - real bread, not the sugar sponges from the store. Once you taste a real good thing, you won't even go in that aisle again ( i can not stand the smell of what is called bread here)

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I'm too lazy now and have a lot of other interests but maybe some day I'll try that for a change. I try to stay gluten-free anyway so that rules out a lot of bad stuff. I stick with whole foods as much as possible.

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that is about all it is - wheat and gluten. I still eat bread but way less than I used to, and avoiding wheat, just for the starter and then I use other flours. For me it is a must - my stomach can't digest sugar foam from the store LOL

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Mark, everything you've written... everything, is true. We just cannot trust the public health apparatchiks at all, probably ever again. I know I can't. I recall thinking in the early days that never before in the history of humanity have we locked away the healthy. I've had my own issues with these people years before this, thanks to their gross manipulations of the food pyramid in obeisance to the money from Kellogg and Monsanto and the rest of the big corporations. There's no money to be made when we eat like we used to before carbs took control. And less need for a variety of medicines.

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I have come to a difficult and painful realization now that the curtain has been pulled back so completely from virtually everything in our lives: Those in charge—politicians, "officials", the education complex, public health, you name it.....they are not worthy of any trust nor will they ever gain back that trust.

Those of us who were living normal lives never realized what was going on. I'm 74 and have always been very aware and well informed. I always knew there was corruption, but the extent and depth of the corruption was something I've only come to realize in the last 3 years. There is no going back. My approach going forward is to be skeptical of everything and everyone until they prove otherwise.

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Yes, the Standard American Diet (SAD) that is promoted by our esteemed government, prominent scientists, the media and food industry, is just as sad as the vaccine recommendations for covid, the flu and likely many other diseases. It doesn't work and is more likely to make you unhealthy and kill you.

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And here we go again with Covid round 2. People, especially young people, are masking up in my area. The media is warning everyone about this new variant and telling people they should get vaccinated, although hidden in one of the ads I heard was the statement that vaccines are not suitable for all people and you should ask your doctor. Are lockdowns on their way again? And does the fact we are headed for another election year have anything to do with this?

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The push for Covid 2.0 is relatively feeble compared to 1.0 and doesn't appear to be catching on the way 1.0 did. Thank G-d for that.

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Ok Mark, this is probably the best, most accessible, complete, piece, I’ve read on the scamdemic. Period. Your ‘stackers need to cross post this far and wide. You NAILED it!

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Metabolic syndrome ... couldn’t agree more Mark . 😫😭👍🏼🎯

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Another thought-provoking article, thank you. And Eisenhower’s farewell foresight also extended to scientists. “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations and the power of money is ever present - and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

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Amen, Lawrence.

And Ike.

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Indeed, not hyperbole.

The $88 billion (yearly) revenue vaxx industry (2021) has been declining - it needs a boost. They want to make it like the $185 billion cancer industry that will nearly double revenues by 2025, to $320 billion. (Note, a 2020 study of 92 cancer drugs over the past 17 years found they decreased all cause mortality by only 2 1/2 months, while destroying the person's remaining life)


During the covid years pharma and their shills, the healthcare industry and the CDC, stated that natural immunity suddenly did not now work, after million of years of success, and that we will need shots for everything. Since shots interfere with natural immunity, maybe we will - our natural immunity will have not been trained by germs, which are our friends, and those shots damage our immune system.

(In Aug 2022, the CDC recognized natural immunity and ceased its disparagement of the unvaxxed, "Covid-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status.” - but continued to recommend shots and boosters)

UK Data shows that population immunity slightly increases with a covid shot for a few weeks (as non-specific immunity deals with the shot), then declines downward past the original baseline after which it continues downward leaving people open to disease. We've yet to experience the longer term effects of the Vaxx.

We are well programmed to believe that vaccines do not cause autism. The standard response is that correlation is not causation - but it can be, with the Bradford Hill criteria. With high correlation, causation approaches 99% (because every causation has a correlation). Specifically, for autism, Steve Kirsch has proven that the high correlations of dose and temporality with the onset of autism essentially prove that vaccines cause autism: autism suddenly appears just after vaccination at an impossibly higher rate than just before. QED. This is an easy analysis the healthcare industry has apparently not considered.

The business model is make them sick and fearful, then offer or mandate the solution for public health, which is the new national security. This is the scientific psychological programming model devised in 1930's Germany by Goebbels and in 1930's US by Bernays. The industry and the government have perfected that model. It is being used to secure and extend profit (for corporations) and control (for governments).

Isn't it odd that total pharmaceutical revenues are at $1.4 Trillion, yet we are sicker than ever? Not odd at all.

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That's a thoughtful, detailed comment. Thanks, Buddhi.

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Similar fact-based comments got me banned from commenting on NYT misinformation.

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NYT sux.

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