My biggest challenge is figuring out how to coexist with the Didn’t Knowers in my life and family. The one who lives with me stubbornly refuses to learn anything, accusing me of trying to force him to agree with me. The gaslighting continues, and it is hard to accept without great anger at this point. I don’t want to just “let it go”. I’ve described it as “passive/suppressive” behavior on their part.

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This is me. I am finding it very difficult to act like nothing has happened. Luckily 90% of my circle is NOT a covididiot. But there are neighbors and acquaintances, even in my own church who are oblivious. I know we must forgive but forgiveness doesn't not equal forget.

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Same! Spouse and I are the only two who speak up & out, have from Day One. It's a lonely road, for sure. You're spot on about the anger, and gaslighting. Makes relating so very challenging.

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We were lucky. Virtually our whole community resisted. We enjoyed our Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners in company with our friends and neighbours. Curiously, none of us experienced any illness.

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Lucky you! I wasn't "allowed" to participate in any family functions without a negative PCR. When I caught the omicron version for about the duration of a standard cold they all shouted me down for being a super spreader. Monumental stupidity all around forced me into a solitude like never before experienced.

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Yet, everyone survived infection.

People lost their minds.

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You are lucky to your spouse on your team. Mine believed everything the MSM says. I try to subtly influence him, but any overt attempt to offer him a non-MSM perspective results in his hostile reactions. Not fun!

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That does not sound fun, at all. 😕

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I agree with everything you write about the medical terror . I don't agree that the nightmare is over and in the past .At least where I live the virus obsession is still alive and active ,but mostly pushed and promoted by medical establishment .Many of the sheep follow the dictators to the end of the world . [ their world ] .The Gufingment in Canada just had another sixty million venom doses shipped in ,that must go into the arms of victims .The B.C. Gov just announced that all involved in health care must continue taking the shots now and into the future .In April will be a shooting blitz of Pfizer venom in B.C. The population is extremely sick now with virus and the Gov shooting spree will make us extremely healthy .

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Canada is especially crazy. The NHLers should have spoken out.

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Ball playing is more important, than speaking out in Canada .

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There is something wrong with the national character of Canadians. They are the most spiritless, obedient people on the planet. That is why they are constantly getting ripped off by big business and the government. Highest housing prices, highest cell phone and internet rates, and one of the highest jab rates too. Never any rebellion.

Joke: How do you get 100 Canadians out of a swimming pool?

Answer: Just say, "Canadians, get out of the pool."

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or tell them to jump ,and they will be in water over their head in no time .I live here in this crazy place ,but I applied for citizenship on the far side of the moon .

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I finally came out and told my shotted brother who keeps getting my disabled mother sick with his continual colds (I am the one who takes care of her) that he needs to talk about why he got a shot that doesn't stop the cold and does the opposite.

He said "I don't care who I get sick." I told him he is a narcissist, sad and dumb (he's also evil). If he didn't get the sacred shot to help humanity, what did he get it for? I told him I won't shut up about what he did and that I've held my tongue for too long. Fun times ahead.

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Email them the best links supporting your case as you can find. I send my husband 3 or more a day and tell him he can choose to read them or not. I think he usually does. I tell my family that i should be allowed to watch a youtube video of my choice now and then with all the TV programming they choose. It is usually Russell Brand or some such that I have seen with a great point. My husband really took notice when I showed him the brain control clip and how your boss can read your thoughts from WEF this January. Listen to them and then counterpoint which means usually sending a link. I have even texted a link several times to my grown boys. I know I'm annoying, oh well.

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I've been emailing and texting articles, and videos for 3 years. Nothing more than "crickets" for responses, and then attempted gaslighting when face-to-face with those we've sent links to. 😏

Issue is, there's a doctor married into the family, and the doc and their doctor family are "The Experts and have The Credentials, and therefore, Must Be Smarter and Know Best." 🆗 \Insert bird-flipping-finger here/🤷🏼‍♀️

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I want to add that I have sent some info to my brother in Alaska regarding this and have never heard anything back except once or twice criticizing the source or some point but usually just hear nothing. He actually came to visit us this winter and vaccine topic was gingerly brought up at one point. He said "I think people are starting to come around and see what's really been going on so I wouldn't be so worried". So I think he was telling me that HE was coming around in a very roundabout way. Our links we share are being read whether we hear back or not.

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Yes, I have also gotten the "you are not a medical doctor or scientist" retort. I am working on compiling a factsheet regarding the corruption and dangers of vaccine to share with friends and family. I would love to feel confident in answering people and not just saying I can send you a link so they can only respond “No Thanks, I don’t want to read it”. So I need short bits of info that I can remember under stress to share confidently. I will be posting one or two questions each week and will share info I have and hope others will chime in with responses as well. Please subscribe to my substack so we can work on a succinct comeback factsheet…here is my first one https://bethmouser.substack.com/p/does-35000-vaers-deaths-mean-anything

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You are lucky that your husband reads some or most ,what you want him to read .My wife has no interest whatsoever to read anything that shows how we are now living in a world concentration camp and are being taken to the slaughter .

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Sorry to hear that Joe. It is very difficult and my husband and all of our friends are Democrats so it is hard. If this had happened all under Trump's watch, maybe they would be on the opposite side. I am working on compiling a factsheet regarding the corruption and dangers of vaccine to share with friends and family. I would love to feel confident in answering people and not just saying I can send you a link so they can only respond “No Thanks, I don’t want to read it”. So I need short bits of info that I can remember under stress to share confidently. I will be posting one or two questions each week and will share info I have and hope others will chime in with responses as well. Please subscribe to my substack so we can work on a succinct comeback factsheet…here is my first one https://bethmouser.substack.com/p/does-35000-vaers-deaths-mean-anything

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Sounds like you may have to surround yourself with others who understand you? Do you have a support network of friends outside of home?

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IMHO I think the group that could have ended the fraud quickly and decisively were the docs. The obviously crazy rules and suppositions concerning the plandemic should have quickly been attacked by a vast majority of docs but sadly it wasn’t. The medical profession has lost huge amounts of credibility and trust due to their despicable behavior during this sad event.

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Yes. When Mark writes his piece about firing the teachers who can't think critically, I immediately thought this so applies to the doctors. I have fired mine. Most recently my dermotology office that still insists on mask wearing. How do I trust their medical judgement when they can't even get this right?

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Need surgery. Was told anesthesia won't take me without a CONVID test.

Said forget it. Will live with this but won't continue to feed into the con.

Starve the beast, punch them in the wallet.

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I am lucky enough to live in a city where our hospital never shut down. Had brain surgery three weeks ago. No one once asked me for proof of shots and I never wore a mask. It was freeing to say the least and brought back some faith in our medical profession for me. Hope you find a place to get your surgery done soon!

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I don’t trust them any longer. My doctor acted like a two year old having a temper tantrum when I refused to be poisoned.

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Doctors lost credibility over this. In general, they deserve less importance and deference and the past three years should make everyone more skeptical about the medical industry.

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I went of the medical profession when I learned what it got up to in WW11.

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Excellent, Mark. Just excellent.

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I second your comment to Mark. Excellent, just excellent.

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Me three, me three!

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Me four!

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Me five!

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I also think that teachers who sat at home by the fire in their jammies and slippers sipping their hot cocoa while they "taught" online for an hour should give up a year of their retirement. (Sounds like

being retired to me!) Some of us got up, got dressed, went into our classrooms everyday and worked, even though they made us do it by zoom. Some of us tried to keep things as normal as possible for ourselves and our students in the midst of this entire scam.

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My sister is 5 times spike shotted (maybe more not sure) She has had since shot number one:

psoriatic arthritis, fungal infection in her left eye, herpes, covid 5 times, taken paxlovid twice

"cat scratch fever" from a cat scratch, required a day in the hospital with IV antibiotics,

Low iron counts requiring two transfusions?

Just wow. I try to stay away from her

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I know a few people like that. I think there is a genuine mental illness that has surfaced with all this and much of it has been created by the medical industrial complex and certain cultural groups that have been boinking people over the head for a while now.

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agree Mark. I understand the mental illness, and even the mental "damage" that has emerged (over the past, well, at least three years, but the gas lighting and provoking has been going on for decades)

I am a olden retired for many years RN. I am not that old but yeah, I remember when they used glass bottles for IVs for instance (instead of those amazing plastic bags) I just have my regular old RN. My sister - she is persistent, much for focused than I am, at least on a goal whether worthy or not. She did get her Masters in nursing (something I was not interested in) She is good worker bee. She does not have much common sense. These are the people you just cannot debate with.

In contrast, my sister in law is stupid as a rock. She has no sense and is impossible to converse with.

People are funny. This whole covid smash and grab was criminality beyond measure

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@ Mark terrell There sure must be something to it. "Too many stoopid" just doesn't explain this idiocy sans borders, there's got to be more to it.

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I am open to all possible explanations. Feel free to conjecture.

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Oh, nothing smart from me here Mark. It's more along "there must be something in the water" adage (?) It is awfully difficult to believe that so many can turn so unreasonably silly, that's all.

So it's not inconceivable that the jabs (in general -who really knows what's in them - and the latest lots) might be changing our brains. And then one thinks of all the chemicals in the environment, ubiquous plastics etc... Surely that must have influence on our lives (?) :-))

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It was all about fear. Our world is ruled by fear. Mandatory car and home insurance is based on fear. Buying a cell phone is/was based on fear and "what ifs". Most people walk by and with fear. They gave up their power to reason to fear.

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Rosemary ,it seems like your sister is trying to transition into a hedge hog ??

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Yep. One friend of mine died quickly from a cancer that had been in remission for ten years. Two additional friends now have cancers in afterburner.

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I know of two people whose dormant cancers were reawakened in force, and they died quickly.

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crushingly sad

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My female neighbor two doors over in my apartment had cancer in remission for two years .My wife tells me she took all the sots .She dyed a month age .

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so sad, Joe

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Honest Drs. claim if we take the shots ,we harm and destroy our natural immune system .So if we have cancer we need all the immunity we can get .By taking the shots she destroyed her immune system ,giving the cancer the chance to run wild ,leading to her death .

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that is so sad, William.

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Lawd. 😮‍💨

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Mark , your writings throughout this psyops have been a blessing, in many ways for me , since I was born and raised just a few blocks away from you . ( sorry if a run in sentence) . This is one of your best . I do hope there will be justice , maybe not here , but judgement day . The human side of me wants to see the justice.

I struggle with this depending on what group the person falls in except for the obvious . My hypnotized medical acquaintances probably feel the same about me since I worked unjabbed , in a hospital, the last 3 years . I will go “home” in October, visit my parents grave and see my siblings and their families for a wedding. It will be almost 4 years . 🙏

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Thanks, Brandon.

I await your arrival.

All readers are welcome at my house in Highland Park, NJ.

forecheck32 at g mail

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Thank u Mark 🌞

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The first group (still indoctrinated) is the one that plagues me the most. In my fantasy, they wake up, they "get it" that they were acting like Good Germans, and they apologize for the very real harms that were done. It would be factually true that they "didn't know" (perhaps in the "in denial" sense like choosing not to know, choosing not to look, not to read, not to listen) -- but they need to acknowledge the harms that were done, and work hard on an individual level to self examine what it was in their characters that caused them to fall into the group of the duped -- so that it will never happen again. Each individual needs to learn and atone on an individual basis. Collective atonement is fine and dandy, but in my personal life, I live at the ground level, with real relationships with real individual people. This is where my harm was done: these relationships horribly, in some cases irretrievably damaged.

I want my friends and family members to say, "I now understand, Dani, what you went through, and I'm very sorry that I did not have that awareness then, and that I participated in shunning and judging "the kind of people" who didn't go along with the narrative." Yup. I want each person to try to claim the part that they -- individually -- played. And try to make things right.

No more and no less.

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I am too bitter to accept that. My family to large extent no longer have anything to do with my wife and I. I will die with powerful thoughts in my mind. The ones that brought us through this medically unscathed. They are: Never submit and never comply. I recently added another which is never forgive. These people are unworthy of forgiveness.

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I feel that, Peter, and hold very similar thoughts & feelings about forgiveness. I'm still very much outraged, unforgiving, and heartbroken. Losing a child in Mar 2020 on top of the Scamdemic- and division of our family, well... My spouse, children and I on an island while the rest of the family turned out to be LMTV's and abandoned us, while in the throes of our loss- has left me with a seething anger that I'm still working through. (***PLEASE- fellow readers, I have not asked what any of you think I should/shouldn't do concerning MY anger*** ). Thankfully, the family member I referred to earlier only has to be tolerated 1x a year, and my boundaries are FIERCE. 😏 I cannot, in this lifetime forgive these people.

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When thinking about individuals who fall into this category of having taken the opposite path I took, and who condemned "the kind of people" who would make the choice I made (they told me this in no uncertain terms before I told them that I, too, was making the choice not to take these shots)..... let me be clear: half of them, upon learning that I fell into that category, accepted my choice, even though they told me that they would not be able to be around me in case I might give them bad germs. They hoped I would understand because we are, after all, longtime friends. I think that each one had no idea that they were one of many who did this to me, and that the cumulative result was abject isolation and a sort of "loving" shunning. AWFUL. Really AWFUL to be on the receiving end of this. Only one of these friends made an effort to find ways of getting together with me occasionally -- outside, in the bitter cold, she wearing a mask and staying a good 12 feet away from me, and a very brief visit. We are still friends. She is no longer scared of my germs and we even ride together in the car without masks. I've been friends with her for 55 years. How can we throw those years away, over her being bamboozled by propaganda? She has not (yet?) realized that she was misled and mistaken and terrified and manipulated into thinking bad thoughts about "certain kinds of people."

I'm just saying that it's complicated, and forgiveness (for me) will have to be on an individual basis, depending on the history and the degree of bad treatment. If they do their part to sincerely want to make amends and repair damage, I will do my part in that effort.

I do not think that everyone needs to forgive everyone. Some of the pain is just too great, and some of the relationships are irreparable. My heart goes out to everyone who has been hurt by the damaged relationships. Because relationships are an important part of our lives.

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Eloquently said, Dani. Incredibly awful to be on the receiving end of the ostracizing/shunning for electing to not participate in the Narrative, to include being experimented by injection of foreign substances into your body for a supposed sickness that you do not have. What a Twilight Zone World we're in.

💕 🫂

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I get it, and understand…but we have a small family and i do not want to cut myself off from them. Probably in my heart, i have not forgiven them. I certainly will not forget their attitudes, comments, and behaviors. They are in turn, smug, foolish, frightened, authoritarian, in support of the big state. Does that ring any bells? Liberals, leftists, progressives all. But here we are……

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👏👏👏 exactly how I and many others feel. Personal apologies needed.

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I get down to DC every few months. We should meet.

forecheck32 at g mail

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Dream on

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hahaha. As I mentioned, it is a fantasy. Sigh.

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For a government actively trying to murder me...I am not sure I can continue to support it. A very bad investment indeed, and apparently quite able to manufacture money without my assistance.

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Here in Canada shocking events around all this keep happening and I suppose are no longer shocking. For instance, recently there was a call to release to the public the contracts signed with Pfizer for vaccines. What was released was highly redacted documents with one piece of information. Canada is committed to buy 2.7 billion (to scale that up, considered that the USA is ten times the size of Canada in population) of product throughout 2023 and 24. There are also Pfizer ads on TV that clearly breaks the rules about what is allowed on TV here, I've noticed. So Canada paid 500 million for delivery of a product with all kinds of other conditions worth billions more attached and nobody seems to care. I don't know if it is the spike proteins or just general rot but Canadians really are becoming more and more like the half-way dead, it seems.

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Mark, perhaps that last sentence might more accurately be phrased "brain dead".

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Yes you can see it in the baffling way that so many still stand up for the so obviously corrupt Liberal/ NDP dictatorship we are now under. Wait until the SOB's force their censorship bill through Parliament. Even then I'm willing to bet a large percentage will still support them.

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No doubt. I know quite a few people who think the bill is okay because of wording that weakly panders to critics but actually provides no protection of free speech whatsoever - just the illusion of protection. https://parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/43-2/bill/C-36/first-reading?fbclid=IwAR090jL7IWsX7LIFu9yU-4Q6oHzPvuoQLMr68Sy-SOPZOvRytFl-KVqR63Y

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According to these goofballs: hate is when you speak in a way that expresses detestation or vilification but not dislike or disdain or discredits or humiliates. As if some government man is actually able to distinguish the difference between one persons hatred and another's others disdain. It is ridiculous. And therefore so subjective that it is easily abused in service of whatever political influences are commanding servitude that day. But apparently it is okay for me to humiliate you. WTF. I try not to humiliate anyone, even those I despise. :) So am I at risk of a massive fine and ankle bracelets...or not?

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And under this law shouldn't the Prime Minister be in irons since during the truckers convoy and various covid protests he used all kind of language that was clearly designed to vilify people. Clowns, no offence to real clowns.

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Oh yes, and if you run afoul of the above act you don't get you day in court, You get put in front of a tribunal. Here by the way is C-11 which is currently being pushed through parliament and has so many clauses you will need to hire a consultant to make sense of it and is full of so much b.s. no broadcaster could ever meet all the criteria laid out...except for one designed and sanctioned by the government of Canada and the diversity police...which is the point I guess. https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-11/third-reading

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Darn. I wanted Chepe to continue to regale you with stories of his beautiful country.

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Your ability to tell a story is really impressive, Mark. I really think you need to pull all of these together in a book of short stories. As always, with your writing, I found myself transported off my couch and into the world you describe, with attendant aromas, sounds, and tastes ~ and also emotions. You have a gift. It was given to you to share with the world.

Thank you for this wonderful story.

I also agree with every word relating to reparations. For me, a simple “I am sorry” from the FIVE “friends” I lost due to my well researched choice re jabs would be a start. I was alone and sad, having recently lost my wonderful husband, sister and dog, yet they derided and abandoned me. I am a strong person so I prayed for them and hugged my remaining dog very close.

I would also like to see the politicians who supported this atrocity resign, as well as physicians who went along with it. They have acted shamefully. The mainstream media are pathetic and can carry on being so because, ultimately, they can only control the weak and uninformed.

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Thanks, Star.

You've been through so much. I feel bad for you.

Still hard to believe that people were so sure they needed a shot to be safe and that this type of shot was, itself, safe. They assumed they were right. But they were wrong.

Medicine is the New Age God: all powerful and the source of salvation.


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Thank you for this.

P.S. I don't know what I would have done without my dogs.

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I completely understand :)

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Wow. You hit the target on so many points. What a complete list of wrongdoings against a global population that requires justice against these officials in government, agencies, and medical. Your list of payback by these individuals would be too much to hood for, but we may dream. As I was reading I would think of something only to find you including it. You touched on so much. I will keep this article close as a reminder. I’m sure there are many who need personal apologies from friends/families and hopefully those who were blinded for 3 years will see the light and apologize to us. Yes, maybe just a dream, but justly needed to repair broken families and friendships. This scam has broken not just our government, our economy, our livelihoods for many, but our personal relationships.

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I don't expect very many to do what I suggested, even though their conscience should compel them to act justly.

I'm mostly commenting on how immoral and phony the CV crazies are b/c, even after enabling so much damage, they feel no remorse and will not try to make amends with/compensate others for the harm they caused.

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Great piece and you stole my thunder with the check-able boxes on the tax forms. My idea is all the climate alarmists who think the world is going to end in 10 or 12 years can donate to ‘combat the climate crisis.’

All the normal people can leave that box blank.

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Great essay as always Mark.

One of the seemingly intractable issues we face now is the myopia amongst the people who claim they want to see justice for the wrongs done by Fauci, Birx, the CDC, FDA, Pfizer, et. al, during the scamdemic but ignore the elephant in the room.

I agree 100% with your statement, “Lockdown and vaxx supporters should also resign from public office…”

I don’t hold out much hope that any public officials, past or present will be held accountable, certainly as advocated by you (or by Daniel Horowitz and Steve Deace in their Nuremberg II book “The Rise of the Fourth Reich”.) Who would actually undertake such an endeavor? Congress will hold hearings but it would fall to the executive branch to go after the wrongdoers in any meaningful manner. What future administration would do this?

It’s infuriating to see people calling for the destruction of the CDC and the FDA, or demanding jail time for Anthony Fauci, while simultaneously absolving the man who was in charge of those 3 letter agencies and appointed Fauci to head the Covid task force. It’s just so hypocritical.

“Fauci is evil” but…

“President Trump just didn’t know what he was up against”.

“The President got bad advice”

“He was conned”

“Trump was just trying to do the right thing”

“We were in uncharted territory and no president has ever had to face this situation”

“Damned if he did, damned if he didn’t”

Etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam.

It would be one thing if Trump were not running for president and instead just rode off into the sunset in unindicted ignominy. But this is not the case.

In the unlikely circumstance that he is reelected, does anyone think his DoJ is going to go after the very people to whom he was giving direct orders? Does anyone with half a brain imagine that Fauci or Birx were rogue actors rather than shrewd bureaucrats who had written orders on POTUS letterhead in order to undertake their actions? Does any thinking person imagine that Fauci wouldn’t take Trump down with him if Trump’s DoJ decided to go after him?

It’s a ludicrous notion on its face.

Who thinks that Trump would indict his friends and campaign contributors at Pfizer for their involvement in his own Operation Warp Speed initiative? It’s laughable to me that people would believe that Trump, who to this day is trying to convince people he was the savior of mankind, is going to a.) backtrack on that preposterous claim or b.) go after all the people involved in helping him be that imagined “savior”.

So to the Trump apologists let me tell you this: just stop with the nonsensical demands that Fauci, Birx, Pfizer execs, et. al. be prosecuted while simultaneously defending Trump because “he didn’t know” or “got bad advice”. It’s a horribly foolish look.

And not just for the obvious reasons. The less obvious is that such a defense undermines all your arguments for how Trump’s decisions are so amazing compared to the supposed disqualifying decisions made by DeSantis. You apparently don’t realize that your defense of Trump can easily be applied to every past politician.

After all…

-DeSantis supported X because “he didn’t have all the information and acted upon what he did know”.

-Bush did what he did in Iraq because “he got bad advice”

-Reagan supported amnesty for 1 million illegals because “he was trying to do the right thing”.

And so on back in time to Adam, who ate the apple because he was “damned if he did, damned if he didn’t”.

I’ve put this argument out on Twitter and the response from various Trump supporters is “Well, DeSantis should have know better than to vote for X”. Now I ask you, just what kind of lame defense is that of Trump? The obvious conclusion is that they think DeSantis is intelligent enough to know what he was doing but that Trump:

1. is impervious to known intelligence (science and previous pandemic planning) or

2. is a fool who is easily conned by those around him including his own son in law and the people he personally appointed to manage the government for 4 years.

Or maybe Trump is actually just a deep stater himself and fully agreed with Fauci, Birx, the DoD, and the WEF’s pandemic agenda.

Whichever option you imagine describes Trump, if elected in 2024, he will never take action against the very people to whom he was giving orders.

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I’d like to expand on the issue of why I don’t think Fauci, Birx, and the other bad actors will be indicted or sent to prison. This is an attempt to think beyond the typical talking point generalized to “no one will be held accountable because they never are”. Here are the scenarios I came up with for specifically why:

1. President Biden’s current DoJ doesn’t want to open a can of worms implicating his administration.

2. In 2025, President Biden (or President Newsom) won’t go after these actors because they were under orders from the previous Biden admin. Except for the addition of mandates for certain groups, Biden was just continuing what Trump was already doing.

3. In 2025 if he wins, a President Trump won’t want to implicate himself (same “can of worms” issue as Biden would face).

Other interesting scenarios to consider:

1a. Trump and Pence are elected in 2024 but Congress goes to the Democrats. Congress immediately impeaches and removes both Trump and Pence in one process, giving Speaker Hakeem Jeffries the White House.

1b. Trump and say, Nikki Haley are elected in 2024 but Congress goes to the Democrats which immediately impeaches and removes Trump making Haley president. She then does nothing about Fauci and his comrades to avoid implicating Trump. It’s more likely though that the Dems would just remove Trump rather than give an up-and-coming Republican the White House. Better to leave a thrice-impeached Trump in place as a punching bag to do their bidding as he did in his previous term.

2. Trump is nominated but loses the general election giving the presidency to Biden (or Newsom). The Democrat president’s DoJ then indicts and convicts Trump of Democide for leading the disastrous Covid response. They wouldn’t go after Fauci because he would have the previously mentioned authorization from Trump (then Biden) for his actions.

3. DeSantis wins the nomination but then Trump runs as an independent, thus splitting the Republican vote, giving Biden (or Newsom) the presidency (see the previous point for what happens next.)

4. RFK runs against Trump and easily wins the presidency. Being the leading voice on the Democrat side against Coronafascism, his DoJ goes after ALL the bad actors including Trump.

The best scenario Trump can hope for is that he wins the presidency and the GOP takes Congress. Then he’s home free but so would Fauci, et. al. as mentioned previously. Nobody goes to jail.

The second best Trump can hope for and what would be best for the country is that DeSantis wins, his DoJ goes after everyone including Trump (so as not to appear partisan) then pardons Trump after he is convicted for the reasons the Trump fans have been saying (“he didn’t know”, “he got bad advice”, or whatever DeSantis decides would be an appropriate excuse.)

I’d be interested in hearing what other scenarios might take place.

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"Too Big To Fail" is the 800 lb. guerrilla imo.

Everyone, all the way from the president to the teacher's to the PHA'S to the doctors to the Karen Nazis to the politician's to the bureaucrats to the average American spectator...ad nauseum, will be able to hide behind this false but tangible construct (unwittingly or not) because it is nebulous, sprawling, unacountable, its measureless, symbiotic, interdependent, amorphous, "leaderless", a refuge for scoundrels, provides legal cover, profitable, a safe haven and virtually impenetrable, etc., etc.

The authorities are counting on this construct, time and short memories to avoid accountability/justice/change.

It is a leviathan that can not be reconstructed and by its very nature punishing one of the parts of the guerilla punishes the BEAST.

The reason it exists is because it's accepted, normal people would be inconvenienced by disrupting the hand that feeds them and it creates an atmosphere of plausible deniability whereby everyone can pretend that nobody's pretending that the construct itself is NOT real because to do otherwise would not allow a situation where hanging together protects hanging alone.

It is a uroborus that exist in the mind, but is really just a myth. And that is why it is well fed so the myth becomes more believable, intricate, absurd, sticky AND illusory.

The guerrilla will sit there, growing "fatter" while the people in the room don't mind the danger it poses as they become more dependent on the carefully crafted myth.

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The phrase, "everyone can pretend that nobody's pretending" may succinctly summarize the preeminent symptom of the REAL plague - the soul destroying mental illness that has afflicted the world. Well phrased sir.

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Yeah it's surreal. Real head scratcher

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I agree that the problem is systemic and the web of deceit is wide and deep (to mix a metaphor).

This is why it is best for the country if a non-culpable politician is elected to the White House in 2024. So if, for example, DeSantis is elected he can spearhead a tribunal. People are tried and convicted, maybe even Trump. RD then pardons Trump for being an easily conned egomaniac - which most people will agree with.

Trump supporters will breathe a sigh of relief that their guy isn’t going to prison. Our side and even some on the other side will be happy to see Fauci and his comrades be punished, and things will be put back in equilibrium.

DeSantis supporters might be worried that RD would be tarnished by the pardon but because Trump is a more of a useful idiot than he is a criminal, I don’t think the GOP or indy electorate will hold that against DeSantis.

But if things keep going the way I think they will, Trump will be nominated, he’ll likely lose, and then we’ll be stuck with another 4 years of a Democrat administration and no one will be held accountable.

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Well said.

I live in Florida and once had a 10 minute conversation with DeSantis. He is a class act, down to earth and not afraid to make difficult decisions when seeking further information comes at the expense of being decisive.

Exactly what you want in an executive .

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Good to hear. But apparently, according to the Trump fan club, RD is a Deep State RINO being propped up by Bush, Ryan, Romney, and even Soros. 🤣

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I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, Chepe, even though it was over a decade ago. Obviously, you had grown close to him in a short period- such sudden losses are tough to get over. Such a wonderful story of restoration and triumph- I'm so glad you shared with us.

I will print out this story- never have I seen such a complete list of offences against the populace- with the proportional justice that should be brought against the perpetrators! I don't believe much of anything will happen- the evil, manipulative system is way too big and entrenched. So many just don't care and will forget soon enough. I will try my best to fight the battle in my world- maybe some will listen and change.

Thanks again for your timely reminders and your eloquent storytelling!

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I want NPR and other "journalism" outfits to explain why they were okay with black grandmas being "endangered" by "superspreader" events like BLM riots. At the time, they said racial injustice was a larger health threat than Covid, so the gatherings got a pass. The irony is that the black grandmas they were "endangering" were far more likely to have been victims of any kind of institutionalized racism back in their day.

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