I'll always remember my daughters calling me from college to ask if it really was dangerous for them to go visit their friends in person (they all lived off-campus). I told them, in no uncertain terms, that NO, it was not dangerous, and to please go visit anyone who would have them. At one point in 2020, all the kids in their disobedient friend group did get COVID. Some were sicker than others, but no one got seriously ill, and then they were all immune and fearless after that. And most have stayed vax-free, thank God, so no matter what happens, my kids will still have freedom-loving friends going forward.

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And your kids will have the ability to think for themselves, to evaluate a situation rather than blindly follow. Good job, mom!

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“Freedom-loving friends”…priceless!

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Good job, mama! 👏

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Fully agree, these kids can’t get their experiences back. We fought hard to keep things as normal as possible. We flew to visit friends who invited us, skied even though we had to eat hot soup in our car, drove two hours for sleepovers, signed up for gymnastics where a mask wasn’t forced and invited every kid in the neighborhood who wanted to play. Grateful because our immediate neighbors (after a couple of months off ) decided the kids need to play too. In December of 2020 we had a neighborhood sleepover and present exchange and my heart will always be filled with the love and common sense these people had.

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Way to go Suzy. Love your December story. I'll bet those kids will remember.

We had a similar approach, piling on playdates, sleepovers, indoor and outdoor school events: plays, football games, even pep rallies. Traveled west twice, visited extended family, etc. Anecdotally our kids never caught on with Zoom classes and have absolutely thrived in the unrestricted social setting in our local Christian school.

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Good for you!!! Unfortunately, we didn’t have much school choice and spring 2020 was brutal. I think though we were better than most public schools and got to be in person. The masks remain and strict guidelines were in place first half of last year but I do think my kids are going to be ok. Best wishes …

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Sorry to hear about the ridiculous mask mandates but no doubt you are making the best of it. Best to you also.

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As a former tree climber and perpetual 2nd place finishing school athlete, I found this latest post particularly poignant and sad.

The psychological damage toll will not be easily overstated. "Crime against humanity" seems less hyperbolic by the day.

Thanks for another great post Mark.

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You took the words right out of my mouth. This post really got me...💔

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Same !!!

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and your comment could have been mine. thank you

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I work w kids, n 9-10 year olds r struggling w basic writing/reading n math skills. Many 3rd graders seemed like, at a minimum, 2nd graders, some even 1st. They were probably already behind, but lockdowns definitely hurt many who had no margin. Sad🥺

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And when children are finally allowed to learn properly sans masks and vaxxing, they will be stunted in their advancement. And of course, many teachers will complain that the kids they have in their classrooms are developmentally problematic and they can't do anything about it.

Well, you should have thought of that back when you were forcing kids onto Zoom and into masks.

The dismantling of the public school system is in order. Just like we need doctor run rather than cartel run hospitals, we need to see a lot more private and charter schooling.

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No doubt I saw social, learning and developmental delays for what you would consider normal for 9 and 10 year olds. The mass definitely has something to do with that

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To be honest, not all teachers thought it was necessary to shut down, mask, etc and hate the unions, especially the national union, that is still calling for these measures to stay in place.

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It may be too late for physician run hospitals. 95% of my former colleagues are still firm believers in the Vaxx/Mask scam. See el Gato Malo's "Med School" post this week. The indoctrination starts too early and is too powerful.

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I hear you. My boy was in first grade when lockdowns hit and he is behind in writing as well. We took last year to focus on reading because that was a year behind, we caught up and are slowly working on writing. They definitely missed a year or two.

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And imagine all those kids who may not have that kind of support at home. Good luck with the continuing to catch up 👍

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My student was held back from 1st to K in November and has been in quarantine 4x this year alone. Maddening

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Please research homeschooling your child. Even if you work outside of the home, there are ways to do it.

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Sorry to hear that 🥺

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Thank you for being there for those kids. No doubt, they will benefit from your attention and commitment to them.

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Appreciate it 👍

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For the youngest ones, they have lost half their lifetime. :-(

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My daughter has never known anything but masks when we are out in public. 😷 she’s 2 and knows how to put one on. (I don’t have her wear it, she just watched her brothers put one on for school).

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I had been a high school coach for 6 years…my squad practiced near a photo case of graduated athletes from past years who have gone on to continue their sport in college. My girls would look at those photos and say, “It’s so weird, and kind of uncomfortable, to see full faces”…

This happened in the fall of 2020…so it only took about 6 months after the start of CoVid for these 14-18yo girls’ brains to be retrained to see full faces as abnormal ! Sooo sad !

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It has forever changed her brain.

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Beautiful story and so poignant as a reminded of the horrible damage that this "scamdemic" has caused and is causing. Unfortunately, those who perpetrated this scam are just getting started. They have achieved many of their goals and are hungry for yet more power and control.

Their goals (the 13 families of Vanguard, Black Rock and State Street), are complete subjugation and slavery of everyone else on the planet (with a reduced population). IT is a satanic agenda. We are AT WAR. It is a biowarfare and propaganda war and we are losing (or have mostly lost). The Computer VIrus/Banking collapse war is coming soon (March??? of this year). You won't have access to your banking machines, loans, credit cards and possibly electricity.

Apart from the following suggestions, what ELSE do you suggest we do:

1) become aware and connected with like-minded other people (form resiliency groups)

2) protest, support law-suits and just say NO to masks and jabs

3) buy physical gold and silver

4) store up dried/canned food and grow your own (as much as possible)

5) improve your health to avoid hospitals (take 600ml of pure water, 3000-5000 iu of vitamin D in oil, 25 mg of zinc and fresh fruit/vegetables every day, intermittent fasting every day and sweating at least 3 times week and regular outside exercise every day)

6) Help others as much as you can

7) PRAY for help from God to get us through this WAR

What else???

Ian in Vancouver

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you said it pretty well. Stay informed and keep being a witness. Not many people will be able to see what has happened. We who can need to remember.

Never forget, never forgive.

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It's not just the two years, it is the entire future of hundreds of thousands of kids that has been stolen and destroyed.

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We live in a huge "boomer community" and my 18 year old son constantly points out that it's primarily them that scream at us about masks, reported people to the county hotline for playing in the park (they admitted it on the next door app) but he says, they got to live out their younger years having fun, going to dances, attending their high school graduation, trashing their bodies and now crying about being immunocompromised and that's why the young need to inject themselves with this experiment and wear masks forever. I have two teenagers and the older generations have no clue the resentment that has built up for them amongst this younger one.

It's not all of course. My parents are "boomers" and disgusted with what's going on but unfortunately the squeaky wheel gets the grease and people like my parents aren't squeaking loud enough.

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I'm not sure how generational this is. When I go over to work out at LA Fitness, most of the boomer age folks are mask-less while the younger ones are often masked. And mind you, LA Fitness, at least in Georgia, has no requirement for people to wear a mask at the club. And during your workout??? It's insane.

Now, I would agree that many of the Karens out there are probably in the 45-60 age range (young boomers and Gen Xers). But as you say Sasha, it is highly immoral to deny youngsters their youth just to feed a fantasy that somehow them not wearing a mask or not getting vaxxed somehow puts you at risk. That's just dumb. And if we've learned anything from the last two years, people are generally really dumb.

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Yeah, you are right, and I think it's definitely different geographically. We spent a couple months in Texas and the younger ones were the mask wearers while the older ones were mainly mask free. I think here in the area of California that we live in it's just far more prominent since we live in a retirement community for the most part.

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There’s no rhyme or reason to who wears a mask. I think the determining factor is mental fragility.

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I agree. After all this time, if people don't know that masks don't work, then they have simply not been paying attention. It's not like its a secret. That said, mask wearers fall into these categories, IMO:

• Employees forced to wear masks. This is criminal behavior on the part of the employer given that masking violates OSHA regs.

• Healthcare facilities that require patients and those accompanying said patients to wear a mask. These facilities may require masks because some may think that they are protective of the medically fragile. However, IMO, healthcare facilities should be leaders on the science, not followers. They should be replacing signs with masking mandates with signs that say "The CDC has determined that consumer masks leak so we no longer require them in this facility". But then again, if it's a hospital, then they are probably actively killing patients with ventilators and Run-death-is-near upstairs so mandating masks is a minor issue when it comes to hospitals. Still, it is amazing to me that clinics and dr offices require them given that the CDC guidelines say they are ineffective. A doc who requires masking is a doc that might as well have a sign on their door that they don't know anything about viral spread or medicine in general.

• Some people wear a mask in deference to others, such as if you go into a senior center. Might as well mask up since many seniors are not aware that masks don't protect them and there is no point in making a fuss.

• People that are just dumb. The most notable of this cohort are the folks alone in their cars or wearing them while working out. There is no mandate to wear masks in those situations so if someone is, they are likely just room temp IQers.

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...sentimental about childhood of years’ past... unstructured time, creativity, serendipity... where has it gone?... obsessive, inappropriate screen time... bubble wrapping kids & playing up irrational fears... ‘childhood’ has become outlawed... physical labor like washing you car, mowing the lawn... strictly ‘professional’ endeavors... by the way, unfortunately, never stopped climbing trees...


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I talked with my cousin on the phone today. She lamented that her 40-something daughter who teaches kindergarten caught the rona last week. She said with so much disdain in her voice, "Of course, she caught it from her students." All I could think was, how do you know that and if it was a student, who cares?! Your daughter is a grown ass woman who has choices about where she can be on any given day. The kids don't. She has chosen to work with children and shouldn't be holding them accountable for her health. Made me furious.

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yes... it’s the kids that are at the mercy of the teachers... eons ago had a great first grade teacher Mrs. Stewart, who, my mom told me, went back to school after raising her own kids to get a teachers degree in her 50’s because she loved kids so much... also had a wonderful, older teacher, Mrs. Rowe, in the third and also seventh grade who had lost her only child and focused her attention on giving her students a wonderful, unforgettable education... thanks for making me remember their dedication 💕🐱🙏🐱💕

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generations of kids have had their youth stolen from them by state - government coercively tax funded education. compulsory tax funded education is the problem. Its existence is the reason why this was able to happen in the first place. Government has no role to play in education. ALL education should be privatized. Local towns should abolish their school systems. noone without kids should be forced to pay taxes to support other's children in school. We should have separation of education and state

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🙌 No kids, no school tax. It's only fair.

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I’m in a weird space politically where I feel the liberals have really let the side down, so I probably left that tribe for good, but I still feel children are part of a common good that we need to keep things running smoothly. After all, who will be wiping bums when the oldies can’t do it themselves anymore? Do we want the bum wipers to be decent well balanced people or just minimum wage slaves who don’t give a shit? Or do want to have a cut off where we don’t have an economic loop for pensions anymore and old people just need to kick off and make room for the next generation? When we start paying only for what we use, we end up with some pretty lame arguments and I don’t think we are better off as a whole. This doesn’t mean I think big government is the answer and i agree that government operated schools have failed in many respects. I’m just learning that the pendulum swinging to and fro, while perfectly natural, doesn’t really help us get to a stable middle ground. Sometimes I like to go back to the roots and revisit the idea of tribal life on a human scale. Everyone has a role and they are equally valued because everyone is connected. Just a thought. Nice to discuss. I don’t pretend to have the answers.

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Once you are taxed hard enough you really have no recourse but to take what the government decrees. Anything over about 20% of your gross income starts to constrain your choices too much. "It would be nice if..." is always a lure, but you should make those choices on your own.

In North America we have squandered an immense amount of wealth since 1900, and it is now time for us to pay. The "leaders" will of course need to maintain their status, so shouldn't have to suffer.

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🎯Separation of Education and State !!!

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The government educational system functions like a state church like a state relgion. the whole system is modeled after the Prussian system of the late 1800s that was designed to make good little obedient workers and sujects out of the children.

We have separation of church and state. So since the school systems are really indoctrination centers, similar to churches, all coercively taxpayer funded education must end. Furthermore the teachers unions and infact ALL public employee unions need to be outlawed. Their existence is a conflict of interest. THe union donates to politicians who in turn vote the unions increases in pay and benefits which result in tax increases. The legistlative, democratic process is subverted and the unions are able to force tax increases by circumventing the legislature... abolish public employee unions

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Thank you - this was amazing. So true and heartbreaking.

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I look forward to a Nuremberg trial 2.0 to start as soon as this mass psychosis slows to a certain stop. All those accountable for this must be named, brought to trial and given a just sentence. If this trial does not occur there will be total enslavement to follow.

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The unions had a big influence on these decision. I hope this is properly looked into some day soon.


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I love your writing - voice of reason. Thank you.

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Thanks, J. I'm writing to keep sensible people company when so many have manifested mental illness.

Resist. Speak out.

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Speaking as a home-schooled kid, I always felt deprived of normal social interaction with other kids. Friends of my parents would mock them for not letting me get "socialized" like I was some kind of puppy or something. To my parents defense, I was constantly being routed to many activities including sports, piano, and drama classes. Learning alone was sometimes boring and I didn't always enjoy not being allowed to go to school - it sounded so mysterious and fun . . . the whole "recess" thing sticks in my mind. My parents told me that I was being prepared for the future and that I should appreciate my opportunities. I have news for them, I DO appreciate my private education experience and I have done well in my life because I learned to adapt to many kinds of situations. However, everybody can't learn alone and I can barely imagine trying to keep a child's attention in a Zoom class for more than 20 minutes. Politicians are destroying the country and Teacher's Unions are destroying the lives and futures of generations of children. These young people are the future of our country but to what end? What skills will they have? What will they do with racist Math? If they are taught to be victims with no way up how will they become entrepreneurs and create amazing companies, products and tools??? It's all so sorted and twisted . . . and, it's horribly sad/scary.

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The teacher's unions have zero interest in the education of children. In a famous statement from a few years back, the head of the American Federation of Teachers said, "When school children start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing children.”

While it's true that many teachers don't agree with the NEA or the AFT, they can legally opt out of paying dues. The ones who do pay, probably agree with the union boss quoted above.

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‘teachers unions’= ‘middlemen,’ skimming the dollars without providing any thing of value... actually NEGATIVE value.

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Beautiful points! You explain what society works, and they want this boxed in, isolated populace, so that there's no "us" but me, me, me.

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