Since mid-March, 2020, I’ve disparaged lockdowns, masks, tests and “vaccines” (“LMTVs”). Throughout, many have devalued my perspective since I’m “not an MD.”
Now, as the data increasingly reveal that the LMTVs have all failed, I’m reminding the detractors that I predicted what most MDs or other “experts” failed to predict.
There are three detractor subgroups. First, despite all of the data, many detractors—the Faucists—are still spouting the failed LMTV mythology/orthodoxy. The Faucists still avoid other people, wear masks, line up for tests and take “boosters.” The Faucists are completely out of touch with reality. They resemble the Japanese WWII soldiers stranded on remote islands who thought the war was still going on months or years following Japan’s surrender.
The Faucists will never admit they were wrong. They'll say we just didn't lock down, mask, test and vaxx enough. Even as the masked/vaxxed are getting sick and dying, they'll continue to blame the “Pandemic(!)” on the non-maskers/vaxxers. They'll hold onto their fear like a dog holds a bone in its teeth.
But the tide of terror is turning. Euro nations are serially abandoning LMTVs. As the political advantages of the Scamdemic attenuate, this belated wave of reason should soon wash over the rest of the Western World. Thus, there’s some jersey switching going on: a second subgroup, the Revisionists, are starting to act as if they’ve always opposed the LMTVs. Like rats jumping from the sinking Coronamania ship or like Peter before the cock crowed, many Democrats will swear: “I nev-ah said we should lock down, mask, close schools and vaxx! Nev-ah!”
This will be the most contemptible, mass scale lie ever told.
A third subgroup, the unapologetic Technocrats—have begun to stake out a self-described, “nuanced” position, channeling Walter Cronkite after the Vietnam War’s 1968 Tet Offensive, saying that the Covid experts were “honorable people who did the best they could,” given what they knew at the time.
This resembles what domestic abuse victims or Stockholm Syndrome sufferers say: “Our Covid abusers, or captors, were good, smart people who just tried to protect us.”
Except they weren’t. The “experts” who engineered Coronamania were disingenuous, power-hungry political operatives who conveniently ignored what was obvious in mid-March, 2020: 1) only a tiny fraction of old, immunocompromised or obese people were at risk of death with—typically not from—the virus and 2) locking down, masking and testing-and-tracing don’t work for respiratory viruses and 3) universal “ vaccination” never made sense given the Covid risk profile, and because vaxxes for respiratory viruses are elusive, especially because viruses evolve.
This is basic stuff that any thinking person should have figured out.
The double-talking, deceitful “experts” acted then, and will continue to maintain, that we had to apply extreme caution, even if that meant destroying the society and economy and mangling the lives of hundreds of millions, especially those under 40. To sincere, open-minded people, it was clear from Day 1 that all of it was an induced coma/catastrophic political theater.
The Democrat-controlled media will cover for the Faucists, the Revisionists and the Technocrats. And for themselves.
This week, after again criticizing the LMTVs, I got this unedited message from a Technocrat/engineer. This isn’t an excerpt; it’s the whole message:
being a lawyer you probably never implemented a "program" or a strategy before... create hypothesis, you pivot, you test..."ideas are easy, implementation is hard" and "it's easy to be a critic" <see the man in the arena speech by Teddy roosevelt>
My response:
Having read two TR biographies, I'm confident that TR would see the past 23 months of LMTVs as either complete folly, or plainly conspiratorial. If he had been President in 2020, he’d have observed that Americans who feared a respiratory virus were unrealistic and mentally and physically weak and needed to go outside and be active. He would have fired Fauci, or assigned him to count mosquitoes in Panama during the rainy season and bison in North Dakota in the winter. Trustbusting TR would have used his Bully Pulpit against the corrupt Media and Big Pharma and advanced legislation to cut Pharma and Media empires down to size.
Further, by that engineer’s dubious logic, only politicians can criticize politicians, and only “experts” can criticize other “experts.” Yet, this engineer has criticized Trump’s Covid management. I also have, albeit for these, different reasons: Trump shouldn’t have: 1) given Fauci the mic, 2) called the virus “The Plague!” 3) declared a “15 day” State of Emergency, 4) spent trillions of dollars on counterproductive “Covid relief” measures or 5) funded and hyped a largely unnecessary, ineffective, often injurious injection.
Even though neither the engineer nor I are “in the (political) arena,” citizens should think critically, ask questions and weigh in. If more people had thoughtfully opposed the LMTVs early on, they could have thwarted the two-year scam that was perpetrated upon them.
The engineer—-and anyone who knows me— knows I've criticized the LMTVs from the jump. But he, and others, wrongly suggest I’m “Monday morning quarterbacking” because it’s too hard to admit that they—and their “experts”— were wrong. I’ve got the e-mails and essays to show I saw the scam from its inception. I also have detractor e-mails telling me that LMTVs were essential. Over the coming months, Revisionist and Technocrat LMTV-ers will collectively delete billions of social media posts.
Most MDs deserve no special status regarding Corona response strategies. Most doctors know little about preventive care, natural immunity or treating Covid. Even those who did directly treat the infected seem to have made errors, such as over-relying on respirators, and using drug protocols that not only fail, but are said to have iatrogenically killed.
Many politicians, program managers and liberals know that natural immunity continues to expand, testing methods are becoming less stringent, and effective therapeutics are more widely used. As more people are finally waking up to the scam, the political advantages of promoting Coronamania are fading.
Despite 23 months of failure, politicians and program managers still desperately seek to credit themselves and their LMTVs for “crushing the virus.” So they have to do something. They’ve desperately doubled and tripled down on the masks, tests and shots to sell the bogus “We crushed the virus!” narrative, and hope that voters are gullible enough to fail to perceive either the LMTVs’ ineffectiveness or the viruses’ seasonal/cyclical nature. Plotting, on a graph, the ostensible daily Covid death toll since the injections began reveals a clear empirical/numerical disconnect between vaxx uptake and clinical benefits, i.e., while the cumulative number of people who have injected has climbed, infection and death rates initially (and seasonally) decreased, before subsequently increasing sharply. It’s the viral cycle—not the shots—that matters.
LMTV-ers, take the L. Your LMTVs have all failed miserably.
Further, as last week’s Johns Hopkins meta-analysis concluded, the Faucists, Revisionists and Technocrats’ heroes, the “experts/program managers:” Fauci, Collins, Walensky, et al. failed to consider the wide and profound damage that lockdowns—including school closures—and masks have had on social, economic or mental health. People like me have warned of this damage from Day 1. Handing over public policy to a narrow-minded, poorly-selected cadre of politically-complicit “program managers” has been catastrophic. LMTV supporters: own all of the irreparable harm you caused to tens of millions of young people and those who didn’t have laptop jobs like you.
Aside from failing to consider the damage that their edicts cause, program managers have used bad data to justify bad decisions; using 40 PCR tests to determine who is infected have been a scam. Why has it taken 23 months for Walensky, et al. to admit the Scamdemic’s core statistical truth, i.e., Covid death tolls have been greatly overstated? Most said to have died from the virus really just died with it. The deceitful faux/government “experts” knew this from the outset.
Numerous highly credentialed, but media-disfavored, experts were far superior to the government “experts” anointed by the liberal media. These anti-LMTV MDs and PhDs have, since March, 2020, expressed the same criticisms that I’ve expressed. See, e.g., the signatories to the Great Barrington Declaration, and Doctors Scott Atlas, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Simone Gold, David Katz and Harvey Risch. Those experts—and not pseudo-experts Fauci, Collins, the LMTV governors and mayors, et al.—should have managed the response. But the anti-LMTV experts were suppressed because these views didn’t serve the Democrats and the Media’s political agenda.
We also had cheap, effective preventive and therapeutic measures. But Pharma couldn't make serious money from these, so the Pharma-funded media has instead mocked and suppressed these therapies and relentlessly sold a false vaxx-salvation narrative to a naive public.
In his 2019 book, In Defense of Elitism, Joel Stein affirmed the dysfunctional American zeitgeist: Americans should eschew populism, Occam’s Razor and common sense, and should instead defer to government and media-designated experts. How consequentially wrong, during Coronamania, he soon proved to be. Because “experts” aren’t experts when they’re motivated by money, power and politics.
And yet, we (the people) have no recourse. Many of our lives have been destroyed. I had to abandon my business and life to move to another state and start over. BTW, I'm too old to start over so I'm flailing away, meandering about the day, and not thriving. I used to wake up happy every day and look forward to my day and doing ranch chores. Now, I wake up, I wander around my new house/property and try to find things to be happy or optimistic about. It's not the same thing by any stretch and it's not how I envisioned my last few chapters. We've been duped by grifters; Our lives ruined by liars, cheaters and thieves.
Well Mark - Don't feel bad, I am an MD and my own brother and sister won't listen to me. They think I am on the fringe not letting my kids get the Vax. The puppets will walk back their messages of fear and panic - especially as the Vax data gets worse and worse. They will rewrite history and delete tweets.
We knew exactly how dangerous this virus was from the "Diamond Princess" cruise ship. The fatality rate was reported a 2% - but all that died were elderly - and most in their 80's. The 3700 people were on board and 700+ infected. Its amazing how all the outbreaks seemed very close to this original "test tube".
Throughout our history in America, we have always been fortunate to have the right people in the right place at the right time. But now, I fear, big tech has made it so they can do anything to anyone at anytime - without vetting.