Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

And yet, we (the people) have no recourse. Many of our lives have been destroyed. I had to abandon my business and life to move to another state and start over. BTW, I'm too old to start over so I'm flailing away, meandering about the day, and not thriving. I used to wake up happy every day and look forward to my day and doing ranch chores. Now, I wake up, I wander around my new house/property and try to find things to be happy or optimistic about. It's not the same thing by any stretch and it's not how I envisioned my last few chapters. We've been duped by grifters; Our lives ruined by liars, cheaters and thieves.

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So sadly true. This is what has made me angry from Day 1.

People didn't think of the irreparable harm that they visited upon hundreds of millions of people, world-wide.

I feel very bad for you and the many others like you.

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These Lizard people want to vaccinate 0-4 year olds. They know exactly what they're doing. We are all living in the Great NWO reset--and better be prepared to fight for our freedom or it'll be enslavement for generations.

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And we are supposed to believe that there isn't a microchip in the vax! Lol, seriously, they wanted to reduce the population on the planet in order to reduce carbon emissions . . . Demoncrats are mentally ill criminals.

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Are you sure they didn't think of the repercussions? It feels like a feature and not a bug to me.

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

I'm damn sure they knew exactly what the consequences would be.

They just didn't care as it wasn't ever going to affect them personally.

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Exactly. This was a mass transfer of wealth and a further erosion of personal freedom and liberty perpetrated under the guise of a pubic health crisis.

That was the p͟o͟i͟n͟t of the whole exercise.

"US Billionaires 10 times richer over the last 2 years" https://youtu.be/Tl07xuWfstU

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And maybe 20 more NEW billionaires got created. All those Moderna and Pfizer executives, etc. And Nancy Pelosi made lots of money on insider stock trading--she knew to buy stock in online businesses, telecommunications, PPE, etc.

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Probably they anticipated destruction of small businesses and consolidation of wealth and power in elite, in technology, in global banking. They didn't care about the suffering of lower income people. Some repercussions may not have been anticipated. Some of these may have been welcome and others may have been seen as irrelevant.

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It's the return of feudalism and we are the serfs.

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Rough stuff Michell. I was fortunate to not have that experience but the threat of early retirement hung over my head due to the mandate.

I want to say this and I hope it is taken as intended: Your life is not ruined. You see the lies. You see the cheating. You see the thievery. Those who do not--their life is in ruin even if they don't know it. You and many, many others have been impacted.

In your search to find something to be happy about --- look inside as well as out. Try to find some happiness in knowing that you did not succumb to the indoctrination that has tarnished the souls of many. There are some losses that are greater than others. From what you wrote it seems to me like you have retained that which of the utmost value.

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Thank you very much. I appreciate the support. I started my business at a young age, sacrificed having a family, and built a beautiful life . . . at age 57, I never intended to have all my life's work destroyed by greedy Demoncrats but that is what has happened. I am fortunate to own real estate in Southern California which has exploded in value an which is now for sale. Money is not what I was seeking (though it makes things easier). I lost my life's work and that is what has been "ruined." I have a lot of close friends, even more friends, but, like you, forced retirement has left me both devastated and wandering. I feel helpless to revolt but I will not succumb to tyranny. Just as Mark has been writing about for two years, I recognized what this was from day 1 - a total sham and SCAMDEMIC. I am part owner of a genetic testing lab located in Menlo Park, California. I told my colleagues on March 12th that this virus was created in a lab and they laughed at me . . . who's laughing now? My life is not ruined but my life's work is decimated. I have found a beautiful and remote location to live in and I am comfortable in my surroundings . . . I lived in the same community for 58 years so this is certainly an adjustment. I appreciate your comments and thank you. <3

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Demoncrats is the same term I use :) 57 is still young these days. The skills that made you successful before will help get you through. When one door closes another opens seems to be a cliche. I've been through a few adverse experiences in life and when I look back on them, they always lead to something better than what was lost. I didn't see that at the time only in retrospect.

We all need positive experiences -- the sunshine -- but some of the most wonderful people that I have met have been through rough times and some inner quality, a resilience -- not only had them bounce back but to become more than what they were before. That's why I sometimes say,

It's rain that makes the flowers grow.

Blossom :)

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No need to go into specifics, but want state did you escape to?

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North Texas! I have had part of my business there since 2010.

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Welcome to Texas. You need time to grieve your losses. My husband had to sell his business in 2014 because he was very, very sick. We were able to secure our financial future by the sale. He worked with doctors and it took 2 years but his health recovered completely. He had to grieve the loss of everything he had built. It took some time but we rebuilt a new life. We stayed in our home of 35 years so that was a plus. We don’t have children and that has left a hole in our lives but we have worked to fill that hole with good deeds. We support an orphanage in our area and several other outreach groups we know personally. The company he sold has now declared bankruptcy and is closing its doors. That has brought back some feelings of loss but we are getting thru it one day at a time. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself time to heal. Texas is a wonderful place for freedom.

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Thank God he's OK and you have each other. I am starting over but am trying to enjoy the process. The road is bumpy but I will keep treading forward.

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Well, when they secede, at least you'll be a citizen ;)

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One could only hope.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I’m so sorry for your life’s upheaval. So many lost their businesses, jobs, and even family. Families were destroyed by differing views. Surgeries postponed. Pure hell for so many.

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We do have recourse. Canadian truck drivers are showing us how.

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They will be unduly punished by Demoncrats - November cannot come soon enough.

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Any wrongful death suits filed on behalf of a family member ?!

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I haven't heard of any yet. Lots of people still accepting it as natural causes.

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Fully understand your despondency. And the lack of hope, planning, social connecting, and loss....of lots of little things that make life joyful and worth living.

Two years trapped in a surreal state of limbo, with no end in sight, individually and collectively languishing. The social isolation is soul numbing. Groundhog Day....but I'm not as productive as Bill Murray! Truckers restore our hope for freedom to live and dream and plan again.

I want all mandates/QR codes to end, but I want more than that. I want everyone complicit in these crimes against humanity - destroying society and physical/mental health - for a flu that 99% of healthy survive to face harsh consequences.

CBC media received but wouldn't report on Ivermectin's success (or any other early treatments that help the elderly and obese/or very ill people). Danielle Smith left CBC b/c she could see the harm of this - but so many "journalists" are complicit. And now we have millions in Cda (mass formation psychosis) afraid to remove their mask and taking unnecessary mRNA. It's heart-sickening.

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Agree, I want all complicit with this to be investigated, indicted, and jailed. Hopefully a few will have to answer knowing all complicit never will. Start with Fauci and gut CDC, FDA, and other agencies involved. They have over 30,000 employees with a budget of 81 billion.

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You have your principals. This is enough.

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Self-preservation - Commifornia is ruined forever.

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Sorry to hear you're struggling. I've been lucky. I live in the Northeast but one of the less crazy states. The Supreme Court saved my bacon. I hope things get better for you.

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I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It is so hard to start over, but it can be rewarding. You sound like me: a natural optimist who had been crushed by this era.

I have faith that as the months progress our spirits will rise again, and we will find new purpose and joy.

Stay strong. You are not alone.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Well Mark - Don't feel bad, I am an MD and my own brother and sister won't listen to me. They think I am on the fringe not letting my kids get the Vax. The puppets will walk back their messages of fear and panic - especially as the Vax data gets worse and worse. They will rewrite history and delete tweets.

We knew exactly how dangerous this virus was from the "Diamond Princess" cruise ship. The fatality rate was reported a 2% - but all that died were elderly - and most in their 80's. The 3700 people were on board and 700+ infected. Its amazing how all the outbreaks seemed very close to this original "test tube".

Throughout our history in America, we have always been fortunate to have the right people in the right place at the right time. But now, I fear, big tech has made it so they can do anything to anyone at anytime - without vetting.

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Thanks, SHJ, for being a dissident doctor.

I don't mind that people didn't listen to me. I mind that the "experts" relied upon were big frauds and that people were too stupid to see that the emperor had no clothes.

I'll never forget who said what. Nor will I let them forget what they said.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Awesome article Mark! Comments are rocking as well. Perhaps when in between mosquito and bison gigs, Fauci could analyze human fecal matter waste water in Mumbai for contamination. Isn’t that a covidiot thing now?

I was aware of the hoax way back in early 2020 when 190 or so countries acted in nutty unison. They had me at quarantining the healthy.

Trump was either the most uniformed cowardly buffoon of all time or in on it.

Sure, like others posting here, I have lost much and experienced tremendous suffering.

I’m not a doctor nor did I ever play one on TV. I got rid of the one I had for 15 years though, him being a max vaxx FDA believing guy and his outfit pressuring my kid to take the spike spikes, violating my hilltop space.

My main concern is that if we don’t round up these perpetrators soon they will launch something worse. Marburg anyone? We can crow all we like about how things are taking a turn for the better, but we need to EXPEDITE our efforts.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

exactly, all the perps need to be tried and hanged starting with Fauci, Daszak, Collins.

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I dont have a problem with rolling out the vaccines - but to mandate them to everyone - including kids and young adults. I think its a crime. And for the FDA to roll out a new therapy and not have a post - hoc analysis in place is negligent. Get used to it - this government controlled healthcare in the USA. This was our ACA present.

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well, the rollout was don't properly either imo. We should not be abandoning long term procedures for developing and testing medicines that typically take many years to a couple of months. I can't believe the sheeple still haven't woken up given the fact FDA and Pfizer are conspiring to hide all the data, review, reports, etc for 75 years. Huge red flag they are waving right in our face.

Also, criminal to suppress and withdraw well known and heavily used safe generic medicines in order to force through a (fraudulent) EUA.

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It is a crime

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I don't mind that they did not listen to you but to not listen to credible MDs and virologist is criminal. I mind very much the Faucist nurses that are still injecting children with insane enthusiasm. I mind the lack of diversity of opinion that resulted in my early retirement from a "research university," as a professor of nursing who was teaching pharmacology and read the Pfizer package insert to my class, January 2021. I ask the class the questions offered in the first lesson of pharmacology, "Is it safe and does it work?" If you can't answer those in the affirmative do not use. Was forced to retire in 4 months.

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I am old enough to remember HIV. It scared alot of us. But we repeated many of the same mistakes. Focused on a "vaccine" - that never arrived. We desperately need legislation to reign in these "fear mongers". Big Pharma is an issue - but we also can't forget all the positives that they bring to the table. They have cured alot of diseases and will continue to do so.Its our CDC and FDA - they have become weaponized as political arms of the government.

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there are few people who have been so wrong so repeatedly as dr fauci and yet he is at the top of the political medical food chain.. this last 2 years has validated everything I've every learned from libertarians since I was 14 years old .


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Doc here as well. Ive mentioned to some in passing that I thought asvocating vaxxing kids was malpractice and a crime and some pediatricians who refer us patients (im an ophthalmologist) have theeatened to stop referring patients to us

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Funny how when you scratch a liberal a fascist comes out. The very thing they accuse the right of being.

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the leftist and progressive agenda HAS ALWAYS been about pure power for power's sake. socialism, fascism they really are synonymous. Nazis were not on the "right" . Nazis were national socialists. The idology was collectivist with a vicious racial streak. The communists in China and the USSR were socialists as well but based their ideology on class. Any system that sub-ordinates the individual to needs of the collective is fascistic. Any ideology that ascribes intent or power to abstract collective groups like "workers" or "aryans" or "people of color" is doomed to end up despotic.



"Society" is a not a living breathing entity. "society" cannot have needs because abstract concepts cannot have needs. Only rational individual humans can have needs. And each persons needs are different and personal. Any attempt by a politician to abstract individuals needs and desires into nebulous group identities is an attempt to throw a smokescreen over the ligit function of laws which is to safeguard the rights of individuals. Appeals to group identities is just a tactic to impose power control and some agenda on the masses.

The US founders recognized these ideas and tendencies and tried to setup a system that would safeguard individual liberty against the collective

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We are in violent agreement ;). That's why I love that quote, ironically used by the Black Panthers about white liberals.

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thanks. Its been so exhausting this past 2 years. Im a doc in private practice and i had covid in 8/21 and deferred the shot and got kicked off the staff of a hospital. I 've had to apply for "exemptions" to the vax at surgery centers b/c of this heinous SCOTUS ruling with CMS allowing the federal CMS to impose vax mandate on healthcare workers. The vax doesnt stop infection , spread and transmission. natural immunity is robust and durable, the virus is only dangerous to like 0.3 percent of the population and yet we are now living in a bio-fascist medical state. with people driving along in their cars with useless face diapers on. I've felt so sad and demoralized. I knew that we had degenerated as a society especially since 9/11 but I didnt appreciate how many marginally mentally ill people there were unil covid hit and threw like 60 percent of the population over into full blown psychosis. Im grateful that there people out there that have some courage and are still rational and sane

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You don’t want their referrals then . You will get more patients by telling the truth!

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yes except i have partners and my partners are not happy about the idea of losing referrals. we as docs are under so many perverse incentives.

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Sorry Mifly, I understand

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Shj, I’m with you. As a physician I signed everything possible to show my support and help frontline doctors. I copy articles and place them in doctors lounges at the hospital. Most doctors don’t listen or care. I’m so upset. The residents I train won’t even listen and I got an email about a study that it doesn’t affect fertility. I send them articles back. Eventually I will get canned but Im the only one fellowed in my specialty. The whole scamdemic is headed to hell in a hand basket.

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Im in NNJ and I only know a handful of docs who have stayed clear eyed and sane. Most of them just rolled right over and confirmed. Most of them allowed their teen kids to get the jab

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Michigan here Mifly, it’s everywhere.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Hard for me to understand how anyone technically trained fell for the vaccines. They stink from so many perspectives: trying to vax for a coronavirus, vax ending up in potentially every organ, spike being generated by your own cells when the spike is what destroys us. Looking at case rate before and after masks and lockdowns imposed showed no effect or even worsening. The destruction of what's always been a great feature of American life: group activities, volunteer activities, civic involvement (you haven't been able to attend a City council meeting where I live in two years), don't even get me started on the damage to kids.

Anyone who can defend all this is clearly bought off or insane.

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

They want to shatter every aspect of civil society and all facets of economic activity in order to get people begging for and dependent on UBI.

None of this is what some people call "failures" or "unforeseen outcomes", all of it is intentional. The destruction of society was done with forethought and malice.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Yes to all of your post, and then there is the mass psychosis! And maybe the injections really do harm the brain...so many jabbed are just not the same as before. It's truly scary....and Mark, I'm with you....but maybe I knew in May of 2020 that everything was all wrong, and my feelings got stronger over time....if you can believe and most don't, I have never had a Covid test, I never wear a mask and I and my two adult kids said no way to the jabs....I so look forward to the accountability part, and feel so bad for all of the massive damage done to good people. Oh, and it is coming......they will pay. There are too many of us that will make sure that justice happens....we cannot let them get away with this catastrophe! Oh, and my brother and the rest of my family...many medically trained; they all fell for the vaccines. My brother, the vet, thinks the vaccine saved so many lives....cannot make this stuff up! And he is in Canada..home of the historic Freedom Convoy, but all I hear from my family is crickets! So bizarre!

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It was greed. They didn't fall for it, mostly, but they accepted it to maintain their profitable businesses. Not just medics, but also journalists, educators, politicians, and common office workers. Most of society is uninformed enough that they are easily manipulated. The strongest advocates of tyranny knew better but chose to ignore what they know.

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It’s mind boggling!

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 14, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

And then there's Group 4 over here, the least populated of the groups, those of us physicians and other providers who actually see COVID patients (in my case, my cancer patients in remission, who then come to me for primary care). We also see even more of the worried well who fear COVID.

I have continually and relentlessly criticized LMTVs, also since March 2020, with never a kind word for L, M, T or V. Which is why the cabal removed people like us from Twitter.

As a naturopathic physician, who actually treats patients, unlike Tony Fauci et al, masks have been clearly a health hazard for most obviously lungs and brain, but also other internal organs that one may have forgotten about, such as heart and kidneys. Even surgeons suffer from deoxygenation during long surgeries, even with high O2 regulated surg suite environment. (Naturopathic physicians have a unique medical curriculum in a number of respects, including that we have full-term courses in neurology, cardiology, pulmonology, etc., all the way down, whereas most other physicians are taught these on rotations. Big difference in understanding of physiological mechanisms. These courses are advanced, applied anatomy and physiology. But I digress.)

Lockdowns, as even a casual reader of the US Constitution can tell you, would have been anathema to the Founders and those of us who recognize freedom of movement and travel as very basic and inherent to the liberties that are as essential as life itself.

As for PCR "testing," it is as bogus as Mullis warned long ago.

But of LMTV, the COVID vaccines are the most poisonous and, the mandates being attempted for them, the most sinister. Can you get a COVID vaccine and escape heart damage? I don't think so. Here's why:


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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022Author


Colleen, I know you've been a detractor since Day 1, not an LMTV-er.

Sincere thanks for that. Fight on.

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Most of us will survive the vax. Few of us will survive, intact, the tyranny driving the mandates. That must be stopped, first, and the institutions that supported it reformed so it never happens again.

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FDA, CDC, CIA, FBI, Dept of Education, DHS to start. Just shut them down, fire everyone immediately, no benefits, audit everything, trials, jail. That's only a start.

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I'm just now reading "Jabbed" by Brett Wilcox. What it says about the history of the federal government's vaccination program and such agencies as FDA and CDC is truly horrifying, and, if it had not been for covid, I wonder when I would ever have found out. Presumably there are many others who, like me, are now finding out. For these guys, covid is turning out to be a step too far.

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We need cops. Lots of bad people out there. But we need a tighter leash. Comprehensive reforms necessary to get them back on task. Without cops we get anarchy. Some are prepared for that, most are not.

If no FBI, who's going to arrest fauch?

DOEd, absolutely. Local authority for our kids. FDA could be useful, but I agree they're unnecessary for a competent population. Certainly trimmed way back to core functions most people prefer to hire someone 3ls3 for, like meat inspectors. CDC, I haven't ever heard what they actually do, except fictional salvation in movies.

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Which is why we need this: NewSA.Substack.com

Come join us

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Nice site. Thanks for the lead. I read a couple articles, seems pretty ambitious. You mentioned a convention. There's a group already planning for that. Steve Deace gave an excellent speech at their recent meeting, available on his Rumble, Feb 8th, 2nd hour. He, too, eloquently advocates action. But article 5 requires 3/4 ratification, which seems unlikely any time soon. I think we'll need to plan on incremental improvements for a while, which will be difficult enough, just for that.

Imagine if we get 2/3 veto proof majorities in both houses in November, how likely is it that majority would do the right thing? Nice to hope, but hope isn't ever a reliable strategy. We'll need to prioritize. I agree especially with your article wanting high priority for education system. Probably a good start would be national right to work laws, to get teachers out from under the union yoke. I expect most teachers aren't like, and don't support, the kooks we've seen on the news lately. Get the unions under control, and out of the classroom, and improvements will come pretty fast. At this stage, strategy is more important than tactics. Currently, they have too much power in the classrooms and the legislatures to ever get any changes.

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Blessings your way.

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Spot on, Mark, as usual! Boy, how I like that word "grifter"...! And it sits so, so well on the shoulders of these f.....s!

And I'm angry too, seriously angry! I retreated to the large garden in lockdown, treating it as an opportunity to get stuff done, worked without a contract when we re-opened, worked without a schedule to cover for others who couldn't get here because of travel issues, felt very proud of my then 63 year old body when the antibody test confirmed what I had thought was a flu was Covid. By summer '21 I probably could have been persuaded to vaccinate but then Israel started to go on fire and another antibody test demanded by a doctor I now figure didn't know what he was talking about showed me neutralising Ab positive again in August (and again every month since then). I skipped the jab, thankfully.

And so it went on, into the autumn, a chance to visit Ireland and see my parents and an old friend who died the day after I got there - after two years I missed him by two days!

Then we started watching Austria, would they really mandate?

And while we were all watching Austria, Draghi and his cronies snuck in the over 50 requirement in Italy. And that finished me! After all my patience and sacrifice, no socialising, no holidays, a banker decided that I'm a person at risk and MUST therefore accept the jab - or be fined!

My response is now "Bring it on, bring it the f..k on!" I really do want to see a doctor rrom the health authority try to explain to me precisely why he thinks I'm a person at risk of infection and serious illness from a virus from which I'm already recovered.

Yeah! Bring it on!

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Teddy Roosevelt survived an assassination attempt and walked up to the pulpit to give a speech—WITH THE BULLET STILL IN HIM. Can you imagine having that kind of bulletproof chutzpah in office today?


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Well that is reason enough to tear down any statues of him...(sarcasm)

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Excellent description of the two year nightmare forced on us by politicians and ‘experts’ bought by Big Pharma. I held the same view and resisted pressure to get vax, wore mask only when forced, and disregarded all their fear porn promoted on a daily basis.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I love it when you wrap up your essay with a slam-dunk, like your concluding sentence here: (if I may): “Because “experts” aren’t experts when they’re motivated by money, power and politics.” SO TRUE!

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

The hypocrisy is unmatched here in California as we get ready for the Super Bowl. Will the stadium be masked? Our own Governor wasn't when he attended the playoff. https://californiapolicycenter.org/newsom-brings-home-the-gold-in-high-powered-hypocrisy/

Thank you for this post.

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I got laid off from my job when company went belly up in Feb 2019 and moved out of Commiefornia. WOW, was that fortunate!!

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I'm in Communist Canada, where the drama-teacher-snow-boarder-surfer-trust-fund-baby turned PM, has doubled down on the narrative. He's getting the Premier of Ontario to do his dirty work. All eyes are on the Ambassador Bridge. I still can't believe this is happening. O'Canada.

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Like you, I saw this from the very beginning. I did not fall for any of it. Because I live in Florida, I was largely able to live life normally while most of those around me drank the koolaid and lived in fear.

I have some family members who took the injections, many of them my nieces and nephews, most likely because they grew up being injected regularly and since nothing tragic happened to them from previous vaccines (nothing they notice anyway since the medical community and pharma/government gaslights society about what vaccine damage actually looks like), they erroneously believe these injections are harmless.

One niece is now 9 weeks pregnant, but since the miscarriages are happening mostly in the 20-24 week point, it remains to be seen if she will ever become a mother. She’s a new nurse as of mid 2021. Her hospital was going to (but hadn’t yet) mandate the CV injections and when offered a $500 bonus to take them before being mandated, she jumped at the opportunity. I hope her fertility and overall health was worth the trade. I wish them all well, but I gave everyone of them the correct information from the get go. I haven’t buried them yet physically, but I have to admit that I’ve disconnected.

I’ve always seen what others don’t, because I heard what my crazy grandfather had to say about the government and coming new world order. I paid attention to the details and nuances, listening, watching. Did I mention he was Cherokee whose family had been rounded up and driven like animals on the trail of tears. He ran away as a young boy, refusing to go. He gave up his “right” to claim tribal affiliation for doing so, like the government determines someone’s heritage. I’ve been the outsider my whole life. Like the mythical Cassandra who knows the truth, but whom no one believes. It doesn’t make you feel good to be right. It just makes you feel you’re outside looking in and because of your alternative perspective, you see what others don’t from a clearer vantage point.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Some people can never be wrong. Others are party trained and that saves them the trouble of thinking.

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This was an AWESOME piece! The "elitist liars must pay somehow!!!

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Correct. The liberal playbook, which is full of gas-lighting, straw-manning, and projection of their own authoritarianistic actions and inclinations upon their opponents (the best defense being a strong offense), has failed miserably to effect the positive goals that were espoused by their champions, Fauci, Biden, Albert Bourla, Stéphane Bancel, Walensky, and most of the Democrat pols that connected their box cars to the engine of those named above.

BTW, 100% agree with your assessment of what TR would have done had he been president in 2020. (If only!)

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

What a clear and true piece this is.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Mark - this was an excellent post!

To your LMTV, I would add H - hand washing and D - disinfection of surfaces that were never shown to slow the spread of the similar flu virus.

When the Ethiopian communist, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO General Secretary announced in early 2020 that there is a new virus that no one has immunity to I thought that immunologists, virologists, and Public Health specialist will laugh at such display of stupidity. No one laughed even though there was never an infectious agent in history that would be able to infect ALL members of a particular population. Thus, NEW SCIENCE was born.

You may learn that and a lot more from the trailer and full movie called “THE COVID Chronicles” by Ivor Cummins and his colleagues. I co-sponsored this movie.



Entire movie


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