If you’ve ever owned a business then you know how difficult it is to come up with clever, effective slogans. Big companies pay Madison Ave millions of dollars to do it for them. Even then many do not work out as planned and are immediately forgotten. The snappy vocabulary that materialized overnight since the start of the plandemic was a tell. It was an indication of advance planning. There’s no way this stuff just, happens. Particularly in the volume we were barraged with. We were hit with an extraordinarily well thought out marketing campaign. Even stuff like, “contact tracing”, I mean, seriously, who’d ever heard of such a thing? People should’ve questioned how an entirely new vocabulary showed up out of the blue.

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It is the brain dead, sadly, that live their lives based on slogans as they cannot create any original thought. Years of indoctrination does that.

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The fact is, sticky phrases work very well. It isn’t that people are brain dead. It’s that they are human. And the vast majority of human beings have identical trigger mechanisms. The most successful politicians and businesses know how to exploit those triggers to serve their interests. Never, ever imagine yourself too smart to be manipulated. Intelligence has nothing to do with it. A wise person acknowledges their vulnerabilities. Those who do don’t not fall prey to Yuval Harari’s “People are hackable animals.”

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Both my siblings have good social skills. I'm supposed to be the awkward eccentric. I saw through it. They still haven't. The ability to conform is not always an asset.

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I don’t think blind conformity over healthy and justifiable skepticism is ever an asset. Question everything. Especially when the stakes involve taking something away from you and handing it to someone else. Never mind the someone else in the covid equation are scumbag politicians and greedy businesspeople.

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If I learned one thing (although actually I learned a bunch of things) in these Kookoo Dada times it is to highlight & underline & shout out to myself: QUESTION! And most especially, to then notice when my question provokes hostility, and to even more especially notice when my question proves "anti-interesting." Those are the tells.

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Ditto. My 3 siblings are all multi-jabbed. Still jabbing. I'm the weird one. I said "no".

They still roll their eyes at me. I return the favor!

I love them, but I fear for them. No injuries yet, but how long will their luck hold?

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All those lines were created by a U.K. PR firm whose name escapes me. Apparently, they received a hefty sum for their services.

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A slew of memes too. Rosy the Riveter in a mask for instance. Stuff like that isn't cooked up over one weekend. Trump declared lockdown Saturday night. On Monday these slogans and symbols were everywhere.

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It was slick.

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And the perspex screens were everywhere, amazingly quickly. And those "stand here" stickers they put on the floor.

Most government campaigns end up being a complete clusterfuck - but somehow, all this was ready to go within weeks, sometimes day.

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Americans have been lied to since before we were born. This Nation was created because it abhorred British central banking. Then in 1933 illegally created The Fed. Then the wars came and with them the illegal Federal income tax. They insist we’re fighting for democracy when America’s founders hated democracies. That’s why we are a Rule of Law Constitutional Republic. They illegally wrote themselves loans against our Social Security too. Our money is a lie. Our Republic is a lie. Education is a lie. Medicine is a lie. Assassinations are a lie. Wars are a lie. On it goes. But for a long time citizens were able to eke out a middle class existence. As long as life was cotton candy and rainbows few complained. Now, perhaps with the lie of Covid “some” eyes are open. But don’t get too excited because the BIG lie is right around the corner. Even those who see it won’t be able to do squat about it.

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Agree 100%. The common phrases that appeared everywhere also reflect the fact that a very small number of outfits control practically all the media and distribute the slogans for "journalists" to pass along to their viewers, listeners, and readers. I advise people who doubt that the whole thing was planned to please take a look at Event 201 which laid out the entire scenario months before the "discovery of a novel corona virus". I don't know why this hasn't been scrubbed from the internet but, last time I checked, it was still there.

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Calling Covid a pandemic is like calling Chernobyl a hot spring or Nagasaki a thunderstorm. Anyone with a lick of sense should get pissed off when the beneficiaries warn of “the next one.” Fact is we haven’t had a pandemic in over 100 years.

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I've never called it a "Pandemic."

Always a Scamdemic.

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or Plandemic!

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I interchange them depending on the point I’m making. If I’m referring to what they said, I’ll use pandemic sometimes. I think it’s useful at times to use their exact words against them.

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I love the analogies. It may be that we have never had a true pandemic. Many people refer back to the so-called "Spanish flu" in 1918. But that broke out first in a WWI army training camp in Fort Riley, Kansas shortly after several thousand soldiers were given a new experimental vaccine for meningitis. Coincidentally, the vaccine was supplied by the Rockefeller Institute of Experimental Medicine in New York. An interesting story and worth looking into if you aren't already familiar with the details.

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Thanks! I’ll check it out. Nothing surprises me. All our worst discomforts can be traced to bankers.

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And Now Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift brought to you by Pfizer!! These people truly are sick!!

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Well, my taste used to fall more on the punk rebellious side. Now? Foo Fighters, Green Day and more have their “vaccinated only” concerts. Fuck them. They’ve shown they’re nothing more than deep state operatives. Sadly, the entire world that I once believed in is shattered. I doubt everything now. Every war, the moon landing, pop culture, the drug era, professional sports, radio, TV, Internet, anything that holds mass influence is absolutely bullshit anymore. And the players? Most are either stupid or complicit. Probably both. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING that alters, leads, influences culture should be seen as an outside force leading us into a preprogrammed frame of mind. Why? Follow the money. Money is power. That’s why we are slated to have none beyond what’s handed to us for our obedience.

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Agree 1000%, I could have not said it any better!

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"...it is simply a fact that millions of lives have been saved because of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines..."

An outright lie stated by FDA after they admit the updated shots cause myocarditis/pericarditis in 131 people per 100,000.

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That is a real long list of vapid propaganda slogans that were used during the scamdemic. I have to admit that each one of those slogans makes me angry. I think they make me angry because they are obviously untrue or just nonsense and yet so many people thought they were true and they incessantly repeated them like they were in-the-know. It was very effective propaganda. Hats off to our global masters. I believe that George Orwell would have been proud to include any of those slogans in his book.

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I wanted to scream "Are you people or parrots?"

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2 weeks to "flatten the curve" Oh man... brilliant!

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This article so clearly and comprehensively captures the essence of what made the”scamdemic” such a disaster .

One of your best,

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I love the “if it saves one life “. There’s never been a causal connection between an asymptomatic person causing another person to get sick. PERIOD. EXCLAMATION POINT!

I refused to wear a mask and was confronted by so many people who told me to wear one. I kept saying, but I’m not sick. And they’d say that doesn’t matter, you have to wear one because you might be carrying and spreading a virus even though you’re not sick.

I would just look at them and say that’s ridiculous. And usually get called a name like a redneck or a trumper or a racist. So you wonder about that “science” behind saving even one life.

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The “not one life can be lost” BS has been going on for a long time. Probably to justify spending our tax money on their pet projects.

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If it saves one life but kills 100,000 is it still worth it?

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“They” would definitely say, …. Yes. One decision maker’s wife’s new facelift is worth a million deaths of middle class strangers who they never even met.

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‘The New Normal’ to me was (and is) the most cringe-worthy and patently absurd slogan because it sums up all the other ridiculous ones in a tidy bow. Arrows in the supermarket aisles? Masked up people alone in their cars? The 6 foot distance thing? Shots or no employment? Hand sanitizer ubiquitous at countless businesses indoor and out? There’s so much more but is this normal? No-it’s sick, twisted, asinine and frankly, evil.

Someone we all know wrote a book. ‘The Audacity of Hope’ it was called. Although not a slogan, it too is a ridiculous title that very few people think about but apparently feel inspired by. The truth is, there is nothing audacious about ‘hope.’

I hope the Rangers win the cup. The single lady next door with 3 kids hopes she hits the Pick 6. Now, time for coffee. I ‘hope’ my wife makes it strong this time.

The audacity of me!

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Thank you for continuing to call out the lies.

If only the sociopaths that pushed this evil, and their sycophants as well, had a sense of shame we could see change maybe even some big doses of justice in this lifetime.

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Well, no harm in nudging that shame along a little bit, is there? The sociopaths/psychopaths have immunity, as we know, but the sickening suck-ups? They're all ego, so throwing a bit of shame their way might make a dent, especially if done on a regular-enough basis.

Is that "mean?" Maybe, but when it's so justly deserved? As my mother would often say, "Oh, well."

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I'm not done. Even though I know many will hate it.

It's deserved.

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Well, haters gonna hate, Mark, but many more of us will love it.

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One of my “Covidian” clients said…..”its like having a 9/11 every day” referring to covid deaths.

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I never wore the silly face diaper but realized many were shamed into wearing it. Therefore, I would say to the masked marvel, “ I guess you’re just wearing that mask because you can’t read: the box of masks says they don’t stop viruses..” I figured if they can be shamed INTO wearing them they can be shamed OUT of wearing them. Hopefully it jolted a few back into thinking.

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Great stack as always!Television has helped cause the epidemic of attention deficit in people. It’s a time suck, and helped kitschy slogans catch on during the supposed pandemic. If you watch tv you know it’s all fake. All of it. I have a small solution for getting back to life as it should be. Shoot your TV.....read a book. 😀

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That's why the Amish colonies got over Covid so early. No idiot boxes to brainwash them. People who can't think critically need to ditch those things.

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Not to mention healthy living and no jabs!

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Yes! Our skin "sees" the light.

We have photoreceptors called melanopsin that are buried in our subcutaneous fat:


Thank you Mark for another article that hits us right between the eyes with truth.

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The moral preening associated with these (and other) slogans is sickening to those of us who actually think and believe in truth.

By regurgitating these slogans the leftist, power-hungry elites and their vapid minions are able to elevate themselves while simultaneously demonizing any who refuse to follow along. Win/Win! (For them)

Unfortunately, we also have a “news” media that is a bought-and-paid-for part of this evil, intentional deception. With only a few real, independent, truth seeking journalists (like Mark) calling out this farce I’m afraid nothing is going to change.

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The first presidential candidate who promises to push Congress to enact laws banning Pharma advertising in the media and rescinding legal immunity for vaccine injuries would have immediate strong support. I’m not holding my breath.

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If you want to see someone get really angry, call out a Covidian on being shallow and image conscious. Tell her all her "kindness and empathy" is empty virtue signalling. She's really cold, cruel and full of herself. All the insistence that others go bankrupt, become homeless, have nervous breakdowns or die alone in nursing homes proves she does NOT care about others. "Reeeee!" One said she didn't care if I died. I replied, "Thank you for that rare bit of candor. The past three years have proven you don't care if others die at all. It's all about you."

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A very “aware” friend of mine had a great strategy she used on those who shamed her for not wearing a mask. She would calmly respond with, “I’m sorry. I have CS.” Then she would walk away leaving the “shamer” to wonder what “CS” might be.

Ha! CS is “common sense”!!

Gotta love it!

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I would say I have FU.

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That works too!

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And the mainstream media can't be made irrelevant fast enough! Knocks out a propaganda channel for the gubmint to use. Alas, they appear to be using influencers, and you know their fans can't be made to think much.

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It was all the slogans coming across the radio that initially caused me to question all of this early on...too planned, too "universal" (many countries were using the same slogans)- and how and why were they suddenly EVERYWHERE (signs in stores TV, radio, etc. etc.) I hated it when people would say "be safe"- NO- I live LIFE. There is more to life if you take risks and actually LIVE it! (PS- STILL actively TRYING to get this virus...sigh...just can't seem to!) Just today on our Public Health FB site, who had a post up pushing the kits that contain masks, tests and hand sanitizer (groan) someone said that "maybe if everyone would have gotten vaxxed then people wouldn't still be catching the virus"- SMH

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What a great read!

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Mark, as I read this I thought to myself: “Who comes up with this stuff?” and then I answered my own question: Writers. Writers like me come up with these slogans, for money or other rewards. It’s a good lesson for all of us: Think about what you write, what you send out to the universe, the long or even short term consequences. George Orwell clearly thought about what he wrote – and so do you.

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Excellent! The one that really pissed me off was "We're all in this together". What a load of Amish exhaust.

On the other hand, John Prine ends one of his songs with an interesting and colorful slogan: "My Pappy always said "When yer dead, yer dead, and when yer dead, you ain't nothin but a dead peckerhead""

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I wrote a while ago about a guy telling me, "When you're gone, you're gone and you ain't coming back."

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I'd heard of John Prine, and listened to some of his tunes, but never really knew much about him.

Interesting that the NY Slimes listed his death as due to Coronavirus without elaborating any more than that.

Here's the song lyrics referenced:


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The scamdemic was so reminiscent of the Mitchell and Webb sketches about The Event I couldn't take it seriously in the beginning. 'Blessed be the regulations'. 'Remain indoors'. Unfortunately, many lives were ruined or extinguished by this calculated insanity.

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All of these silly slogans, like most, have no basis in reality. You can usually tear them apart by questioning them from different angles. Questioning who is saying the slogan, who invented it, or asking for definitive proof often blow apart this nonsense. "Just Do It"...means what? Who can really say.

It's all a marketing clown show devised to make you feel guilty that you are not part of the gang that is bowing down to this tyranny and fraud. Marketing is always tyranny in that they want you to be controlled in some manner.

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