In April, 1978, when I was college sophomore, I went to hear a night-time guest lecture by Michael Harrington, the sociologist and author of the influential 1960s book, The Other America.
At first, when caught off balance. My guess is, the percentage is still large but it's dropping fast. Also, many of us who saw through the nonsense from the beginning were woefully isolated from one another, for many months, some of us even for a couple of years. Slowly but powerfully, that's changing, too.
I expect to see many more events such as this one-- if you click to watch, note how crowded the ballroom is.
Pandemic Harms Listening Session - Wenatchee, WA - 28Jan23
Look at compliance on the bivalent booster to see how much they lost control of the center. Whatever the compliance rate was heading into covid, it's going to be lower the next time they try anything. Lots of their credibility was torched.
100% But I would add, since I actively look every day, I am coming across many videos from 2021 and 2022 of citizens who did stand up for their rights, as for example, before their School Board, County Board of Supervisors , city council, and state legislatures, and of course these videos have been heavily censored and shadow-banned. So there has been more resistance than we were led to believe. Even now the Google search engine is gaming this stuff to the bottom and out.
From late 2020 through this past year, I have been to many local ‘freedom’ rallies and other ‘gatherings m’ like Reawaken America events in Phoenix and San Diego. I spoke at Board of Supervisors meeting, protested outside closed San Diego Unified School Board Meetings, called into County and School Board meetings. It all seemed pointless but I did it anyway. I have met a whole new group of people and have made some great new friendships that replaced the ones that fell by the wayside as a result of the Covid BS.
You are in good company. I found some conservative groups and places that opened to us to meet all through 2020 - MO not like CA although my county is blue and did a lot of the BS through mid '21. We have organized around many good candidates, a few wins, a few losses, sadly. But new friends that eased the pain of losing most of my D friends through this. We used to be able to be friends by keeping politics out of the discussion, but EVERYTHING is political these days. No looking back at this point, this is the new normal.
The Covid ‘Scamdemic’ was and is far bigger than politics, and I feel the far more important issue here. It included and influenced (propagandized), all aspects of our thinking, our society, cultural ‘norms’, our run by Big Pharma, ‘Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System’ and how we view our personal and medical freedom, (and/or lack thereof.) As far as the ‘political aspect’, though I still vote, I have serious concerns about our terribly ‘broken and corrupt’ election process and system.
Here's just one, brief example. I've got lots more in my archive of transcripts.
Leigh Dundas Rips into County Board over Vax Passport Plan (60 seconds - 5/11/21)
posted April 30, 2022
DESCRIPTION: "In May of 2021, Leigh Dundas called out the Orange County Board of Supervisors for their proposal to adopt a Digital Vaccine Passport system that would have turned Southern California into a modern-day Warsaw Ghetto."
LEIGH DUNDAS: Leigh Dundas, human rights attorney. Let me be nothing if not clear. You can call this anything you want, a vaccination verification system, a composite app in contract for 3.8 million dollars buried in item 28. We all know it when we see it. It is a digital vaccine passport and there is a reason Clayton Chao shied away from it on camera the other night and said, people think it's controversial. Yes it's controversial! It is the beginning and the end of Nazi Germany. It is, show me your papers please before you pass. It is an electronic dog collar. And since when did Orange County become the People's Republic of China? You won't need Warsaw Ghettos. I won't be able to leave my house because nobody will service me. Are you really OK with Big Tech knowing every place you've been from Chipotle to the post office to Disneyland because you had to scan it every single time you left your house? And do not for a second try to absolve yourselves, saying oh, the market place is going to do it, it's on CostCo, it's on Disneyland, we're not doing it. That's like the guy who drove the cattle car to Auschwitz saying, there's no blood on my hands. Unlike you, I'll call it what it is. This is a Nazi plan and you are the Fourth Reich if you vote for it.
# # #
TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: Leigh Dundas is the founder of Freedom Fighter Nation
The father, who wears a mask, stands at the podium and addresses 5 school members, all seated at the dais and all masked. The rumble page describes this as "Frustrated Va [Virginia] Parent Goes off on School Board"]
FATHER: You should all be fired from your day job because if your employers knew you were more inefficient than the DMV* you would be replaced in a heartbeat. I literally just finished a conference call because I'm having to multi-task to be here to address you guys. You're a bunch of cowards hiding behind our children as an excuse for keeping schools closed. You think you're some sort of martyrs because of the decisions you're making when the statistics do not lie that the vast majority of the population is not at risk from this virus. [shouting] The garbage workers who pick up my freaking trash risk their lives every day! More than anyone in this school system! Figure it out! Or get off the podium! Because you know what?! There are people like me and a line of other people out there who will gladly take your seat and figure it out! It's not a high bar. Raise the frigging bar!
[walks away from podium, off camera]
FEMALE VOICE (PRESUMABLY CHAIR OF SCHOOL BOARD, WHO IS MASKED): I'm going to give staff an opportunity to make sure that, um, the podium and microphone have been —
FATHER'S VOICE [from back of room] : [inaudible] wipe it down [inaudible] because we don't want anything to infect us.
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Sir, your time is finished. Can you please leave the board room?
FATHER'S VOICE [off camera]: It's OK, don't worry about it.
FATHER'S VOICE: I'll be back next time. And the next time. [shouting] I won't be a frigging fool!
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Can I ask the deputy to please make sure the gentleman leaves the board room?
FATHER'S VOICE: Cone on, I'll walk out with you.
MAN'S VOICE: [inaudible]
[sound of door closing]
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Can the people in line in the hallway hear me? The school board welcomes the public comment. It is very important to remember the decorum of this room when you come in. We understand emotions are high. But we ask that you respect the time and when your time is up to please yield the floor to the next speaker. Thank you.
Sadly, we have lost many rights & won’t be getting them back anytime soon. If the Restrict Act passes, substack will go down the drain along with Free Speech & every other Social Media platform where we can still say what we want, even if it it’s a mostly speaking to the choir, so to speak.
I said, IF The Restrict Act passes you will LOSE that right & ability. I wasn’t criticizing the fact that we speak to the choir, just lamenting that we are restricted.
Chicken or the egg? They gave up on masks mandates after the majority stopped wearing them. Mass non-compliance hurts their credibility too much, so they gave up the mask mandates to pretend that's why so many people stopped wearing them.
The cretins in charge didn't relent on vax mandates because science proves masks and vaxxes are worthless. Vax mandates ended for most people because way too many people refused to keep going along. Notice the mandates remain in place for the weakest and most compliant, like ivy league college kids.
"Whoever Dr. Birx actually means by this epithet, imagine being called a “holdout” by an unelected federal coordinator
• Who admits to devising a “work-around” for “adjusting” official data used by The White House, governors, and legislatures
• Who admits to colluding with then-CDC Director Robert Redfield in August 2020 to rewrite testing guidance and then “surreptitiously posted it” without approval to the CDC website hoping the White House would be too busy campaigning to notice"
Thank you. Yes, it's all there. In fact, to go beyond the reviews of the book that brought my attention to this, I held my nose and bought Birx's book. It's all black-and-white.
Milgram sure yes—as well as Asch, Zimbardo, Calhoun, and what have you. 'Tis ackshoolly multiple gigantic ones all at once we've been [not yet] through ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It wasn't only the wholesale acquiescence to authority figures and abandonment of all independent thought. Far worse in my opinion was the ease in which the sheep were encouraged to narc on not just strangers but neighbors, friends, and family who dared to question -- or worse, reject -- the perpetually morphing official narratives and directives.
The execrable mayor of the third world shithole known as Los Angeles was on television nightly with a message of "Snitches don't get stiches, they get rewards. Call this # to report any COVID non-compliance."
This was carefully planned by teams of behavioral psychologists at places like SAGE. They knew they could not force their will on everyone, so they came up with a plan to manipulate the citizens into forcing their will on each other.
“I think it’s morally wrong and unconstitutional to make people take shots by threatening to fire them. But if it means we can ‘get back to normal,’ it’s worth it.” boom. 100%. manipulate a population with social media and habituate them to the most pathological narcissism and this is what you get.
as they say in texas, the only thing you find in the middle of the road is white lines and dead armadillos.
No one in our family/friend circle shunned us per say (centrist view?), BUT they never expressed any regret/disagreement/outrage that we were threatened to lose our jobs. Although the mandate never officially went through because of the court ruling, the company my husband and I worked for actively coerced the jab. My husband retired early because they were pressuring him to not only get jabbed himself but to, as a manager, encourage others to do so! I hung on for a while after until eventually they just stopped the campaign after the court ruling. Eventually I retired as well. Just lost my appetite for it. We're just enjoying life out of the game. Maybe we'll have to go back sometime if the money runs out. But we just don't think about it.
I did the same - left because of the pressure to comply. I had enough. Now I look at those workplaces and can't ever imagine working again. Many, many like us out there.
I get so angry all over again, just reading the excuses & justifications. None of it made any sense at the time & is even more ludicrous & unbelievable in hindsight.
The deep & lasting harm goes so far beyond what was done to us in the name of “public health” or “safety” or whatever it was that the people who implemented them & those who welcomed them or went along knew or thought they knew. That harm encompasses the traumatic betrayal not only by governments & institutions, but most especially by our families, friends & fellow citizens. I will never get over this. Ever.
I'll never get over it either. I am obsessed with it. And I feel so much pent-up anger at my "friends" and family members who blindly went along with it, didn't question anything, and are now going on as if nothing ever happened. The worst part is, I know that this is only the beginning of a long-term overall plan to cull, control, and dominate us. And no one listens.
Never forget is the best, most practical positon if we want to live in a society that respects our human rights.
I can understand why many people are searingly angry. Personally I'm not so angry as I am profoundly concerned. On a spiritual level I am very forgiving; after all, none of us is perfect, and I take it as a working assumption that the Divine sees so much more than we can ever even fathom. That said, there are many people I believe should be serving life sentences for what they have done. And I hope to see it.
What do you think, Cindi? I keep going back and forth about this. Sometimes I get great comfort from thinking that God is taking care of everything as it should be. And sometimes…
I cannot claim anything other than a probably cowardly “spirituality” as opposed to formal religious faith. I have a high set of moral values & sense of right & wrong but I’m also selfish & guilty of all deadly sins to which none of us escape (to various degrees). I have Christian friends who believe everything happening is God’s plan / end-of-days & try to have comfort in that. Because I respect all who have belief & faith because I don’t have it myself, I can believe it too. One doesn’t have to be Christian or at least have doubts, to see & understand evil is here & currently in control as Christians are globally persecuted now. Fraught times
HRVOJE MORIĆ: I think there does come a point where you have to let some things go. But not yet for covid. What do you say?
MARK OSHINSKIE: Not nearly, yeah. I feel like it's, you know, it's been a, in fact I'm going to post tomorrow about this, the third year anniversary,* such a nightmare to me, and to other people in different ways, people experiencing it differently.
So many people have been complicit in this. And I have sent a series of emails to people who early on, and even throughout, were saying, oh no, we need to lock down, we need to mask up, we need to vaxx, and etcetera, basically, I-told-you-so messages, telling them, look, you were wrong about everything. And I know that's not considered, you know, appropriate behavior in certain ways, but the manner of damage they caused just can't be forgotten.
And it's not going to be forgotten in the sense that, for example, this bank meltdown over the past week is directly rooted in this. People won't want to recognize linkages like that, but the effects of this are going to be right in people's faces for a long time, so they can say they don't want to talk about it, they can say, like, oh, you know that's so passé, or whatever, but the reality is between the economic impacts and the health impacts of the vaxx, and the social impacts of doing what they did to kids for, you know, most of the three years, are just going to be in people's lives and faces whether they want to acknowledge it or not.
And I'm here, I see this as my role, and I've alienated some ex-friends about this sort of thing, but I'm here to remind people about this. This is part of my mission going forward. I'm not going to let this go. It was egregious what happened, you know it was the the worst exercise of public policy ever in my opinion. And I'm not going to let it go, ever. You know, maybe 22 years from now we'll be talking about this and ah [laughs] I'm still not going to let it go. No, it just made me so angry and still does. There's really no statute of limitations on this as far as I'm concerned.
HRVOJE MORIĆ: And how are, like, conversations with friends? I mean, because this has to be approached, you know, with I think some nuance with different people. I've sort of sensed that there are some people before who were doing whatever, that I know here, doing whatever the government told them, and in the early days they rolled their eyes. I'm the conspiracy theorist, you know? But now I feel like, they don't want to talk about it. I feel like, they they're, the vibe I get from them is, you're right but I don't want to talk about it because, ah, you know, I was wrong. They won't admit it. What's your interaction with friends?
MARK OSHINSKIE: Yeah, I think that's definitely true. I think almost no one wants to talk about it because they don't want to have to be put in a position where they need to admit anything. Which I think is just fundamentally, and you use this term when we last spoke, people just don't have the strength of character in general, a lot of people don't, to deal with that, like, to admit a mistake, look you in the eye and say, look, I was wrong, and I apologize. What I'm hearing from a few people who are willing to even approach that is this notion that, well, we did the best we could given the information we had at the time. Which is, of course, ludicrous. You know. And not acceptable and not exculpatory in any way.
But the reality is, a lot of people, you know, given the way that I live now, and other people live, my friends that I grew up with and so on, you know, or people I went to college with or whatever, they live in distant places and my main way of communicating with them would be by phone or email. And they won't pick up the phone and they won't answer my emails. So, you know, I've resigned myself to not really having relationships with such people going forward.
And thankfully for me, two things are true. One is that I'm kind of outgoing
and I make friends easily. It's so, it may seem callous to say, look, you know, you're leaving behind a set of friends, but the reality is that one always has to make new friends in life just because of circumstances, and here that process was intensified. But I can, I can deal in that world, you know, I've made some new friends. And this is part two, related to that, I've met people through my writing on this topic and through discussions that have become a new set of friends for me. So there's that.
I have this problem. And a lot of people talk about forgiveness and you know, that's a great thing and I can be forgiving. But it goes it beyond this here. I think there's a complete loss of respect for people's judgement that I've experienced through this process. And so I could forgive some and not wish them ill or anything like that. But at the same time, how am I going to be able to trust people going forward who saw a situation that was an obvious scam and couldn't, you know, perceive it?
# # #
* See "A Brief History of Stolen Time" by Mark Oshinskie, March 16, 2023
Just read the transcript snippets of the podcast; I agree 100%. I am grateful for you, and so many here and elsewhere that have held to their core throughout these times. The mere acknowledgment of the obvious "we/I were/was wrong" with no excuses will suffice for me. An apology would be almost too much for me to bear at this point - only because of shock. NO ONE has apologized, no way, no how, nowhere, and it seems the reams of as*holes (formerly known as employer, colleagues, co-workers, friends, life partner, and contractors who hired me) will see hell freeze over first.
DR. JOSEPH FRAIMAN: In contrast to actually a lot of the voices here, my perspective throughout the early parts of this pandemic were very different than theirs. You know but I think that sometimes maybe when you're similar to maybe like at a movie when you have the front row you don't necessarily, you can't necessarily see the whole picture. For example, in the first wave, my nurses and I, we were, we saw so many people dying from covid, it horrified us, it was more death than any of us had ever seen. Freezer trucks at our door holding the bodies that were left over, you know, from than our morgue could handle. At that time the only thing I could see was we needed more aggressive covid policies to get this plague under control, stop these deaths from happening. I was confident that all of the locations that didn't embrace this, like, aggressive covid policy, they were going to suffer tremendous deaths. And what we would see next, of course what would follow is they would see how much death they suffered and it would become so painfully obvious that they would adopt all the aggressive policies.
But I was wrong. I was, my views were wrong at that time. Because the states and nations that didn't take aggressive covid policies, they didn't do obviously worse.
You know, it took me a year into the pandemic before it became really clear that it wasn't obvious at all that any policy was strongly effective at reducing covid infections or death outside of within the island nations where clearly border control looked like it did have a pretty strong effect.
So the scientist in me had to take this emerging data that I was seeing and acknowledge my hypothesis had been falsified, I guess you can say, and the covid policies that I was so certain were necessary, they just didn't help the way that I would hope they had helped.
And then I realized something that I kind of ignored that much of the people here have discussed and brought up which is that these policies were harmful. Initially I was, I don't want to say I was ignorant but I was, it was irrelevant because there were lives on the line, I'm an emergency doctor, lives, there's lives, it's, like, no, we have to do it. But if the policies didn't make a big difference and they only cause harm, then you have to start rethinking what we're doing. You take the data that's clearly in front of us and if it is only causing harm and at best can only save few, we need to think about it because if at best, right, an aggressive lockdown policy, imagine it reduced hospitalizations, death by 20%, 20% of deaths hospitalizations reduced. If that was the case then maybe we could come here and debate, is the harms that are caused by those lockdowns worth that benefit? And how do we negotiate that benefit through you know not getting through our freedoms? But the reality is, hospitalizations and deaths were not reduced by 20% by any policies. And because if they were we would have had studies at this point that would have been able to consistently identify that and that just has not occurred at all.
So I think as a society we have to decide if we want to continue like a public policy that's obviously producing large harm and offering only a minimal benefit at best. It's currently unmeasurable.
Also, personally, I would like to apologize to the three other scientists sitting with me here on Zoom, the proponents of the Barrington Declaration* because initially I did think y'all were crazy. Or dumb. Or maybe you just didn't understand what I was seeing. But I now realize actually, I'm sorry, because I believe now, you guys were correct. And you were correct from the beginning. And I wish that more people including myself had realized that sooner. And I hope more people realize that soon enough.
*The Great Barrington Declaration: "As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection."
As Dr. Fraiman is apologizing, the Zoom gallery shows four signers of the Great Barrington Declaration: Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, and Dr. Harvey Risch.
For more on the Great Barrington Declaration, see Jeffrey A. Tucker's essay "A Short History of the Great Barrington Declaration."
Dr Fraiman's testimony has the very-familiar, detailed experience, and vision (with body count daily), that we were daily immersed in, nearly nonstop, from CNN/MSM. I get it. But is it really an excuse for not paying attention to the facts that the vaccines were trialed a mere 3-4 months, and were pushed on pregnant women right out the gate?????? I skimmed through his narrative and missed references to early treatment and seeking collaboration with other docs about what was working in mid to late stage covid other than the horrid remdesivir and ventilation machines with their 90% kill rate. Excuses, excuses.
I agree with you, and it never ceases to astonish me that educated adults, um, like, medical doctors, including those fresh out of med school, could not see that jabbing pregnant women with experimental mRVA "vaccines" was criminal madness (...among many other criminal madnesses....) But at least Dr. Fraiman quit glugging the Kool-Aid and then had the guts to not only say so, but to sincerely apologize. I give Dr. Fraiman a lot of credit for that. A lot. Of course, if it's a contest, winners are such people as Dr. McCullough (and many others) who saw the criminal foolery early, called it out early, and as a result has had to withstand a world-class beating. That said, this isn't a contest, I don't see anyone handing out trophies, and anyway, from what I've seen so far, I don't think Dr. McCullough's ego runs his show. He's operating on a higher level.
As for the imposition of that protocol with remdesivir, and the refusal to fill precriptions for Ivermectin, and many violations of patients rights, I personally don't give a wazoo about apologies. May the hospitals and those responsible be held accountable before the law. Once they've been fined to the dregs, and once they're behind bars, sure, it would be, like, totally Kumbaya, they can apologize all day long.
OLDER MAN IN BASEBALL CAP (a) NOTEATINCRICKETS: Hi guys, me again. I just wanted to touch on my previous video a little bit. You know I think it's high time we really need to start to come together on this. And when this all first started, and the vaccine started rolling out, I wasn't paying attention, I wasn't listening, I soaked in whatever the government was telling me. And you know what, it really took the Freedom Convoy to open my eyes a little bit and to see what was going on. You know, seeing them trucks out in Coutts, and truckers blowing through the barricades, and seeing hundreds of people lined up on the highways supporting the convoy. It was really touching. And that's when I really started to dig deeper and open my eyes.
Sometimes it takes a big man to say, you know what, I screwed up and I'm sorry. Well, from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, you know what, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you sooner. I'm sorry I let the government get the best of me and think that they had our best interest at heart.
I want to encourage other people who are vaccinated to do the same thing. You know, we got, you might not see it because it doesn't affect you or it doesn't concern you, but people have lost their jobs, they've lost family and friends, they couldn't visit their sick parents in the hospital, they couldn't be at funerals and weddings, you know, some of their friends might have said, you know what you're not vaccinated you're not my friend anymore.
We really need to come back together as a people and start to work together on this. So for me, as a vaccinated person to all the unvaxxed, I'm going to start to train and say, I'm sorry, I fuc*ed up. And thank you, thank you for what you're doing. God bless.
YOUNG WOMAN IN CAR (a) UNIQUEGREENLADY: Alright, I'm going to try and do this without crying. I would just like to say thank you, sir, for your apology. Through all of this bulls*it with covid I've lost friends of over a decade, family has chosen to stop speaking to me. My mother couldn't be present for the birth of my daughter. And for someone who doesn't get apologies very often, this means a lot. I probably won't hear an apology from the people who I think frankly owe me one. So, thank you. Thank you very much.
To conclude, I agree, almost no one has apologized and I for one do not expect to see much. That said, it is really difficult to know who's actually saying what because things are so very heavily censored and shadow-banned on social media and the MSM.
I feel your pain. I keep flipping back and forth between acceptance/forgiveness and anger/vengeance.
The thing that is most frustrating to me is that there is almost no awareness in most people that our rights were trampled. And that their compliance took away MY rights. In fact, they vilified us for standing up for our rights.
Not sure how this will play out for me but I'm not in a very forgiving mood at the moment.
Cynicon, 💯%. I could be a lot more forgiving if people who implemented it, flogged it, welcomed it or tolerated it would just admit they were wrong. Wouldn’t even have to apologize. But almost none have. And that’s just holding onto hubris & false pride because they can’t admit to anyone (much less themselves) that they were duped & that we were right all along. That the “conspiracy theories” of so-called far right knuckle draggers were actually spoiler alerts & virtually all true. Or out of shame for having been unkind & maybe even cruel to anyone who disagreed. It’s really devastating & disheartening.
Our adult kids threatened to withhold our grandkids if we didn’t vax. We explained that, as a pharmacist and an RN, we probably knew more about disease and vax than they did. They insisted. I took them out of my will. Checkmate.
GOOD FOR YOU, Sumo!!! I dont have grandkids yet but would not submit to such despicable blackmail either & would also revise my will. Unfortunately, my future daughter-in-law is in pharm school but a true believer in the Vax (my son took the J&J early on to save his job but said no more / never again). IDK how to get through to her. Her entire family are koolaid drinkers
I am sure you realize that everything your son’s fiancée is being taught comes straight from Big Pharma. The top student in my class got the Pfizer Award! When I was in school I worked full time and went to school full time. All any of us had time to do was memorize the material, regurgitate it on the exam and move on. During my career, I always worked two jobs full of 12-hour days. It is only since my retirement in 2018 (I am 70 now) that I have realized just how badly we were manipulated and abused. I told hundreds if not thousands of patients that vaccines are life-saving, that statins are lifesaving, etc. But we don’t really KNOW these things—it’s just what we are taught. We never have the time to examine the data (but at least it’s easier to do so now than back in the 80’s). My facebook handle is Michael B Riggs— have her DM me if she wants. Failing that, she could read Turtles All The Way Down. It’s a quite good summary of the ludicrous process by which vaccines have been approved in the US. Anyway, please try not to give up on her. She’s just a baby right now in a room full of carnivores.
Yes…I realize she’s being manipulated but she also comes from a lib family, even tho her parents are in the medical field (Mom is a PT, dad is a hospital physician recruiter). Her father was all in on the no jab, no job shit, which means he would’ve been fine if we’d lost our jobs too. My son doesn’t want us to be “political” w/ her & I will respect that. He is very rational & knows the whole thing including the jab was & is a scam. My hope is that he can influence her after they’re married in May. He has told me privately that there are many “conservative” stances on which she will agree w/ him, but around her family she looks to daddy. Like I said, hopefully that will change.
On the other hand, she will be hard pressed to admit all of her very hard work (she’s top of her class) is for naught & that her chosen profession is a money grubbing, deeply corrupt, diabolical scam & all (or virtually all) lies.
Great points! Same here, none of it made sense at the time and vastly more so in hindsight. How did you and I see the ridiculousness immediately and yet the other 90% or more people were buying it?
It’s like being caught in mosh pit. You just want to enjoy the live music but if everyone around you wants to slam dance, you’re gonna get caught up in the violence against your will.
Basic pattern recognition with deep skepticism (which has become a bottomless chasm, now.)
It still shocks me when I force myself to look at the facts of this situation and have to conclude that there really *are* people running the world who intentionally committed mass-murder.
There really is no other explanation.
That really does shock me - even someone as hard and cynical as I have become.
Steshu, I’ve asked myself 1000 times over the last 3 years & I have no answer for what made a minority of us (everywhere) not just say “no” but “hell no”. Thoughts, anyone? There are any number of characteristics that come to mind: rational thought, common sense, humility, a sense of fairness & justice, an appreciation & knowledge of history, patriotism, morality, honesty, suspicion of authority, skepticism, on & on.
I realize a lot of these are in very short supply in today’s world but It still seems like it had to have been something more.
I think the 3 biggest are common sense, knowing history and having ANY knowledge of what was known about viruses for the last hundred years. I will never forgive or trust any medical personnel who went along with this. They could have risen up en masse in the first month and stopped it all.
I don’t trust the medical-industrial complex anymore either, & I’m a doctor’s daughter & granddaughter (in the long ago days when MDs were independent & believed in doing no harm). My dad & grandfather are spinning in their graves
I can't believe how they proved themselves to be. I think they were enjoying their immediate hero status and wanted it continue as long as possible. (Those who didn't immediately speak out)
I have weaned myself off the one med I was on and I don't know how anyone will ever convince me to take one ever again.
Good for you re getting off the med. I won’t take anything either. Every bit of all of it seems to be one big greedy scam. They’ll never find cures for ANYTHING because there’s so much more $$ to be made in decades of treatment only
Sadly, I too have lost my natural optimism. The problem is that although perhaps there is no mandate now, the authoritarian demand for conformity is still present. Look at how the transgender movement has gained traction as they demand that we all enter into their delusions. How about the drag queen reading hours? If anyone speaks up against exposing children to blatant and perverse sexuality, they are labelled anti gay, homophobic and transphobic. If we want the southern border controlled, we are anti immigrant and racist. Has anyone seen the Sarasota Memorial Hospital board meeting where they had police escort out Dr. john Littell, a physician who spoke about early treatment? Suppression of truth, fear to speak out, remains rampant. The grip of facism is tightening, and we are the minority who will speak out. A new dark ages descends.
Yes! We can’t speak! And when we do, we are smeared, censored, made to feel like we are crazy! But we see what is happening. Another trick: they also make us feel like we are small, the minority, the fringe. It’s insanity!
“THE VESTIBULE: This Is The First Part Of Hell That You Come Across In Dante’s Inferno. It Is Reserved For The Indecisive. The Souls Here In The Vestibule Were Called “Opportunists” Who In Life Were Only For Themselves, And Were Neither Good Nor Bad. It Was Also Where All Of The Angels [Were] Who Didn’t Take A Side During The War Against God. The Punishment For This Area Of Hell Is The Souls Have To Follow An Aimless Banner That Never Plants Itself. The Souls Are Also Chased And Stung By Hornets.” A Guide Through The Circles of Hell."
Just shows how narcissistic most people really are. Do whatever so "I" can get my life back. Also the "lazy brains" of so many. Not a lick of their own research.
Completely agree with what you've written but am wondering when the center will fall apart and sanity be returned. I'm still seeing the true crazies who still believe in the shots for everyone forever having their say and getting their way. I do not see us unvaccinated being listened to any more than we were before. Now it is don't say anything to upset the ones who took the shot b/c they did it for all the right reasons but got it wrong and we don't want to throw that in their faces... Well why not??? They threw it in our faces 24/7/365 for 3 YEARS! When is it our turn to hear them apologize for what they did and are still doing to us??? Because until that happens, this WILL happen again. They will be coerced into doing something for the "Good of everyone" and we WILL be pushed into a corner and possibly even worse next time. Concentration camps for those who refuse the shots, anyone? We barely dodged that bullet this time around.
If there are no consequences for their poor choices and their bad actions they will never have to think twice before doing it again and then heaven help all of us because they very may well succeed next time...
Im w/ you ceecee. The ones who went all in last (for whatever reasons) will be 1st in line next time & we’ve already been told by our overlords that there will be a next time & much worse than the 1st.
I'm to the point where it's become almost too delicious, and nearly impossible to stuff the impulse to now just simply inquire, "When will you be getting the next booster?"
So interesting that both eastern and western cultures warn about the danger of standing out: the "nail that sticks up", the "tall poppy", the "crabs in a bucket." In April of 2020 I agreed to accompany my husband to a local nursery. There were maybe 6 people outside in the pouring rain wearing dripping wet masks. My husband told me I should put on a mask "to be polite." I told him I was not getting out of the car, this is insane. Fast forward three years, and it is obvious that those who followed the crowd are the ones who got soaked.
In in the actual moment when our mind makes a decision to go along, the underlying justification always seems to be "how bad can it be?" Well now we know.
Omg yes, or how about the individual clear plastic tents they sat inside? Or the school prom where they danced back-to-back with their arms interlaced? They each looked like they were carrying a person-sized backpack. Completely nuts and they all went along.
The type of behavior most peasants displayed during the Scamdemic was described as “The Banality of Evil” by Hannah Arendt decades ago. The type of people who proudly follow orders or just go along to get along. Same type of behavior was plainly described as “stupid” by propagandist Edward Bernays. I guess some things don’t change.
Most would agree the following characteristics describe antisocial behavior: decietfulness, reckless disregard for human life, and the inability to lack remorse for physically hurting or stealing from trusting powerless individuals. Some might say, those personality traits are sociopathic. If you think about it, isn't it interesting how many if not all of our top leaders in business and government possess those traits. Instead of the cream rising to the top a putrid sour mix of manipulative, but charming sociopaths manage to conceal their viciousness as they wreak havoc on society. In other words, "normal non-sadistic folks" are being held captive by pyschopathic goons.
Terrific stuff, Mark! It is truly astounding how many people do not care about their individual rights.
Had my annual doctor visit on Monday. When she started pushing me to take the vaccine (recurring theme), I told her that I had lost most of my trust in the medical system because of how they handled the pandemic. They told us that if we took the vaccine we would not get infected or transmit the virus to others and that was a big fat lie.
She still wanted me to take the vaccine (no way) but did concede that the "messaging was not good" about infection/transmission. It's a start.
Ha, I just fired my doctor. He wanted me to get jabbed, I said I knew several people who had severe adverse reactions after their jabs (including full body tremors, GI tract hemorrhage, a case of Guillain Barre, and a fatal stroke). This was in the summer of 2021. He said-- I quote-- "well I haven't had a chance to research them yet." I sometimes wonder how that's been working out for him. But mostly I don't.
My last doctor's visit was January 2020. I will never consciously go to a regular MD or hospital again, so far as I have any choice. With few exceptions, the medical establishment (remember, my wife is an RN) are either murdering idiots or consciously assisting the murderous New World Order.
You don't need annual doctors visits - or really any doctor visit - unless you're seriously ill. And if you get outside, exercise regularly, and eat whole foods you never will.
I am with you. I don't want any of their poison. I believed everything my doctor said until 2020. My kids had all their shots, until this one. Never again. And I will fight like hell over what my future grandchildren will get.
I am with you. Early on, we called our corporate medical practice to find out what the treatment protocol was for covid. Budesimide was all they used. So long…… so called wellness visits for me.
When liars are caught in a lie and "come clean," they tell a litany of new lies in their confession. John Edwards comes to mind when he admitted his affair. Fauci is the master. The Clintons. Bidens ... okay, everyone that's an important official.
We lived through a gigantic Milgram experiment. Now they know they can count on 99% to obey.
At first, when caught off balance. My guess is, the percentage is still large but it's dropping fast. Also, many of us who saw through the nonsense from the beginning were woefully isolated from one another, for many months, some of us even for a couple of years. Slowly but powerfully, that's changing, too.
I expect to see many more events such as this one-- if you click to watch, note how crowded the ballroom is.
Pandemic Harms Listening Session - Wenatchee, WA - 28Jan23
2+ years of trauma induced behavioural conditioning in virtual Skinner boxes... Pavlov called. He wants his dogs back.
Great songs. Get him an appearance on SNL!
Look at compliance on the bivalent booster to see how much they lost control of the center. Whatever the compliance rate was heading into covid, it's going to be lower the next time they try anything. Lots of their credibility was torched.
That's a good point re; the boosters. We'll see how good peoples' memories are.
But the center let a whole lot go for three years, when it mattered most.
100% But I would add, since I actively look every day, I am coming across many videos from 2021 and 2022 of citizens who did stand up for their rights, as for example, before their School Board, County Board of Supervisors , city council, and state legislatures, and of course these videos have been heavily censored and shadow-banned. So there has been more resistance than we were led to believe. Even now the Google search engine is gaming this stuff to the bottom and out.
From late 2020 through this past year, I have been to many local ‘freedom’ rallies and other ‘gatherings m’ like Reawaken America events in Phoenix and San Diego. I spoke at Board of Supervisors meeting, protested outside closed San Diego Unified School Board Meetings, called into County and School Board meetings. It all seemed pointless but I did it anyway. I have met a whole new group of people and have made some great new friendships that replaced the ones that fell by the wayside as a result of the Covid BS.
Same here, Frontera.
Sigue luchando.
You are in good company. I found some conservative groups and places that opened to us to meet all through 2020 - MO not like CA although my county is blue and did a lot of the BS through mid '21. We have organized around many good candidates, a few wins, a few losses, sadly. But new friends that eased the pain of losing most of my D friends through this. We used to be able to be friends by keeping politics out of the discussion, but EVERYTHING is political these days. No looking back at this point, this is the new normal.
The Covid ‘Scamdemic’ was and is far bigger than politics, and I feel the far more important issue here. It included and influenced (propagandized), all aspects of our thinking, our society, cultural ‘norms’, our run by Big Pharma, ‘Industrial Medical Healthcare Delivery System’ and how we view our personal and medical freedom, (and/or lack thereof.) As far as the ‘political aspect’, though I still vote, I have serious concerns about our terribly ‘broken and corrupt’ election process and system.
Thank you. THANK YOU. Gracias, de veras.
Thank you!!!🙌🏼🙏🏻♥️
Here's just one, brief example. I've got lots more in my archive of transcripts.
Leigh Dundas Rips into County Board over Vax Passport Plan (60 seconds - 5/11/21)
posted April 30, 2022
DESCRIPTION: "In May of 2021, Leigh Dundas called out the Orange County Board of Supervisors for their proposal to adopt a Digital Vaccine Passport system that would have turned Southern California into a modern-day Warsaw Ghetto."
LEIGH DUNDAS: Leigh Dundas, human rights attorney. Let me be nothing if not clear. You can call this anything you want, a vaccination verification system, a composite app in contract for 3.8 million dollars buried in item 28. We all know it when we see it. It is a digital vaccine passport and there is a reason Clayton Chao shied away from it on camera the other night and said, people think it's controversial. Yes it's controversial! It is the beginning and the end of Nazi Germany. It is, show me your papers please before you pass. It is an electronic dog collar. And since when did Orange County become the People's Republic of China? You won't need Warsaw Ghettos. I won't be able to leave my house because nobody will service me. Are you really OK with Big Tech knowing every place you've been from Chipotle to the post office to Disneyland because you had to scan it every single time you left your house? And do not for a second try to absolve yourselves, saying oh, the market place is going to do it, it's on CostCo, it's on Disneyland, we're not doing it. That's like the guy who drove the cattle car to Auschwitz saying, there's no blood on my hands. Unlike you, I'll call it what it is. This is a Nazi plan and you are the Fourth Reich if you vote for it.
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TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: Leigh Dundas is the founder of Freedom Fighter Nation
Oh, indulge me, please. One more. Also brief.
Frustrated Parent Goes off on School Board
posted January 27, 2021
The father, who wears a mask, stands at the podium and addresses 5 school members, all seated at the dais and all masked. The rumble page describes this as "Frustrated Va [Virginia] Parent Goes off on School Board"]
FATHER: You should all be fired from your day job because if your employers knew you were more inefficient than the DMV* you would be replaced in a heartbeat. I literally just finished a conference call because I'm having to multi-task to be here to address you guys. You're a bunch of cowards hiding behind our children as an excuse for keeping schools closed. You think you're some sort of martyrs because of the decisions you're making when the statistics do not lie that the vast majority of the population is not at risk from this virus. [shouting] The garbage workers who pick up my freaking trash risk their lives every day! More than anyone in this school system! Figure it out! Or get off the podium! Because you know what?! There are people like me and a line of other people out there who will gladly take your seat and figure it out! It's not a high bar. Raise the frigging bar!
[walks away from podium, off camera]
FEMALE VOICE (PRESUMABLY CHAIR OF SCHOOL BOARD, WHO IS MASKED): I'm going to give staff an opportunity to make sure that, um, the podium and microphone have been —
FATHER'S VOICE [from back of room] : [inaudible] wipe it down [inaudible] because we don't want anything to infect us.
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Sir, your time is finished. Can you please leave the board room?
FATHER'S VOICE [off camera]: It's OK, don't worry about it.
FATHER'S VOICE: I'll be back next time. And the next time. [shouting] I won't be a frigging fool!
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Can I ask the deputy to please make sure the gentleman leaves the board room?
FATHER'S VOICE: Cone on, I'll walk out with you.
MAN'S VOICE: [inaudible]
[sound of door closing]
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Can the people in line in the hallway hear me? The school board welcomes the public comment. It is very important to remember the decorum of this room when you come in. We understand emotions are high. But we ask that you respect the time and when your time is up to please yield the floor to the next speaker. Thank you.
# # #
* Department of Motor Vehicles
Inspiring!! Thanks for sharing!
Sadly, we have lost many rights & won’t be getting them back anytime soon. If the Restrict Act passes, substack will go down the drain along with Free Speech & every other Social Media platform where we can still say what we want, even if it it’s a mostly speaking to the choir, so to speak.
It's important to speak to the choir. The choir has the smart people in it and we like each other's company.
I said, IF The Restrict Act passes you will LOSE that right & ability. I wasn’t criticizing the fact that we speak to the choir, just lamenting that we are restricted.
Right on!
Bivalent booster is not complied with because:
-greenpass was stopped
-work mandates were stopped
-media stopped with the blatant advertisement
If these would be switched back I think all the sheep would just bow down again.
I don't think a single lesson was learned.
Chicken or the egg? They gave up on masks mandates after the majority stopped wearing them. Mass non-compliance hurts their credibility too much, so they gave up the mask mandates to pretend that's why so many people stopped wearing them.
The cretins in charge didn't relent on vax mandates because science proves masks and vaxxes are worthless. Vax mandates ended for most people because way too many people refused to keep going along. Notice the mandates remain in place for the weakest and most compliant, like ivy league college kids.
I really hope you’re wrong. But I’m pretty sure you’re right.
Agree. The mandates did it all and they will be back.
Redfield. Lying, prevaricating POS. His "look over here at GOF...I was a good boy on this topic."
Yeah, but Birx has already revealed you, Bob, and what you did. So save your mea culpas for others. In black-and-white, we have the following, Bob:
"Whoever Dr. Birx actually means by this epithet, imagine being called a “holdout” by an unelected federal coordinator
• Who admits to devising a “work-around” for “adjusting” official data used by The White House, governors, and legislatures
• Who admits to colluding with then-CDC Director Robert Redfield in August 2020 to rewrite testing guidance and then “surreptitiously posted it” without approval to the CDC website hoping the White House would be too busy campaigning to notice"
Thank you. Yes, it's all there. In fact, to go beyond the reviews of the book that brought my attention to this, I held my nose and bought Birx's book. It's all black-and-white.
Most people will do what they’re told As long as it’s coming from “their side”
Yep. And that will work for them until it doesn't.
Milgram sure yes—as well as Asch, Zimbardo, Calhoun, and what have you. 'Tis ackshoolly multiple gigantic ones all at once we've been [not yet] through ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It wasn't only the wholesale acquiescence to authority figures and abandonment of all independent thought. Far worse in my opinion was the ease in which the sheep were encouraged to narc on not just strangers but neighbors, friends, and family who dared to question -- or worse, reject -- the perpetually morphing official narratives and directives.
The execrable mayor of the third world shithole known as Los Angeles was on television nightly with a message of "Snitches don't get stiches, they get rewards. Call this # to report any COVID non-compliance."
That is East Germany not America.
The sheep patrolled the other sheep to try to keep them in line. However, the lions could not be corralled.
Lions can't be corralled so they must be cancelled, indicted, or otherwise swept aside.
Matt Taibbi dared to roar at a Congressional committee two weeks ago. One week later the IRS was darkening his doorstep.
The other day I heard someone say, "That's why you can farm chickens and sheep but not lions."...or something like this..... :)
You can not comply your way out of tyranny. What is worse than complying only for yourself, is forcing others to comply.
This was carefully planned by teams of behavioral psychologists at places like SAGE. They knew they could not force their will on everyone, so they came up with a plan to manipulate the citizens into forcing their will on each other.
“I think it’s morally wrong and unconstitutional to make people take shots by threatening to fire them. But if it means we can ‘get back to normal,’ it’s worth it.” boom. 100%. manipulate a population with social media and habituate them to the most pathological narcissism and this is what you get.
as they say in texas, the only thing you find in the middle of the road is white lines and dead armadillos.
No one in our family/friend circle shunned us per say (centrist view?), BUT they never expressed any regret/disagreement/outrage that we were threatened to lose our jobs. Although the mandate never officially went through because of the court ruling, the company my husband and I worked for actively coerced the jab. My husband retired early because they were pressuring him to not only get jabbed himself but to, as a manager, encourage others to do so! I hung on for a while after until eventually they just stopped the campaign after the court ruling. Eventually I retired as well. Just lost my appetite for it. We're just enjoying life out of the game. Maybe we'll have to go back sometime if the money runs out. But we just don't think about it.
I did the same - left because of the pressure to comply. I had enough. Now I look at those workplaces and can't ever imagine working again. Many, many like us out there.
I get so angry all over again, just reading the excuses & justifications. None of it made any sense at the time & is even more ludicrous & unbelievable in hindsight.
The deep & lasting harm goes so far beyond what was done to us in the name of “public health” or “safety” or whatever it was that the people who implemented them & those who welcomed them or went along knew or thought they knew. That harm encompasses the traumatic betrayal not only by governments & institutions, but most especially by our families, friends & fellow citizens. I will never get over this. Ever.
I'll never get over it either. I am obsessed with it. And I feel so much pent-up anger at my "friends" and family members who blindly went along with it, didn't question anything, and are now going on as if nothing ever happened. The worst part is, I know that this is only the beginning of a long-term overall plan to cull, control, and dominate us. And no one listens.
I'm in the Never Forget group.
I recently said so on the radio. I begin 18 minutes into the program
Never forget is the best, most practical positon if we want to live in a society that respects our human rights.
I can understand why many people are searingly angry. Personally I'm not so angry as I am profoundly concerned. On a spiritual level I am very forgiving; after all, none of us is perfect, and I take it as a working assumption that the Divine sees so much more than we can ever even fathom. That said, there are many people I believe should be serving life sentences for what they have done. And I hope to see it.
Do you think it's all a part of the Divine's plan--and that we cannot understand it?
What do you think, Cindi? I keep going back and forth about this. Sometimes I get great comfort from thinking that God is taking care of everything as it should be. And sometimes…
I cannot claim anything other than a probably cowardly “spirituality” as opposed to formal religious faith. I have a high set of moral values & sense of right & wrong but I’m also selfish & guilty of all deadly sins to which none of us escape (to various degrees). I have Christian friends who believe everything happening is God’s plan / end-of-days & try to have comfort in that. Because I respect all who have belief & faith because I don’t have it myself, I can believe it too. One doesn’t have to be Christian or at least have doubts, to see & understand evil is here & currently in control as Christians are globally persecuted now. Fraught times
Thanks for this, amigo.
Mark Oshinksie on the Hrvoje Morić Show
March 16, 2023
HRVOJE MORIĆ: I think there does come a point where you have to let some things go. But not yet for covid. What do you say?
MARK OSHINSKIE: Not nearly, yeah. I feel like it's, you know, it's been a, in fact I'm going to post tomorrow about this, the third year anniversary,* such a nightmare to me, and to other people in different ways, people experiencing it differently.
So many people have been complicit in this. And I have sent a series of emails to people who early on, and even throughout, were saying, oh no, we need to lock down, we need to mask up, we need to vaxx, and etcetera, basically, I-told-you-so messages, telling them, look, you were wrong about everything. And I know that's not considered, you know, appropriate behavior in certain ways, but the manner of damage they caused just can't be forgotten.
And it's not going to be forgotten in the sense that, for example, this bank meltdown over the past week is directly rooted in this. People won't want to recognize linkages like that, but the effects of this are going to be right in people's faces for a long time, so they can say they don't want to talk about it, they can say, like, oh, you know that's so passé, or whatever, but the reality is between the economic impacts and the health impacts of the vaxx, and the social impacts of doing what they did to kids for, you know, most of the three years, are just going to be in people's lives and faces whether they want to acknowledge it or not.
And I'm here, I see this as my role, and I've alienated some ex-friends about this sort of thing, but I'm here to remind people about this. This is part of my mission going forward. I'm not going to let this go. It was egregious what happened, you know it was the the worst exercise of public policy ever in my opinion. And I'm not going to let it go, ever. You know, maybe 22 years from now we'll be talking about this and ah [laughs] I'm still not going to let it go. No, it just made me so angry and still does. There's really no statute of limitations on this as far as I'm concerned.
HRVOJE MORIĆ: And how are, like, conversations with friends? I mean, because this has to be approached, you know, with I think some nuance with different people. I've sort of sensed that there are some people before who were doing whatever, that I know here, doing whatever the government told them, and in the early days they rolled their eyes. I'm the conspiracy theorist, you know? But now I feel like, they don't want to talk about it. I feel like, they they're, the vibe I get from them is, you're right but I don't want to talk about it because, ah, you know, I was wrong. They won't admit it. What's your interaction with friends?
MARK OSHINSKIE: Yeah, I think that's definitely true. I think almost no one wants to talk about it because they don't want to have to be put in a position where they need to admit anything. Which I think is just fundamentally, and you use this term when we last spoke, people just don't have the strength of character in general, a lot of people don't, to deal with that, like, to admit a mistake, look you in the eye and say, look, I was wrong, and I apologize. What I'm hearing from a few people who are willing to even approach that is this notion that, well, we did the best we could given the information we had at the time. Which is, of course, ludicrous. You know. And not acceptable and not exculpatory in any way.
But the reality is, a lot of people, you know, given the way that I live now, and other people live, my friends that I grew up with and so on, you know, or people I went to college with or whatever, they live in distant places and my main way of communicating with them would be by phone or email. And they won't pick up the phone and they won't answer my emails. So, you know, I've resigned myself to not really having relationships with such people going forward.
And thankfully for me, two things are true. One is that I'm kind of outgoing
and I make friends easily. It's so, it may seem callous to say, look, you know, you're leaving behind a set of friends, but the reality is that one always has to make new friends in life just because of circumstances, and here that process was intensified. But I can, I can deal in that world, you know, I've made some new friends. And this is part two, related to that, I've met people through my writing on this topic and through discussions that have become a new set of friends for me. So there's that.
I have this problem. And a lot of people talk about forgiveness and you know, that's a great thing and I can be forgiving. But it goes it beyond this here. I think there's a complete loss of respect for people's judgement that I've experienced through this process. And so I could forgive some and not wish them ill or anything like that. But at the same time, how am I going to be able to trust people going forward who saw a situation that was an obvious scam and couldn't, you know, perceive it?
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* See "A Brief History of Stolen Time" by Mark Oshinskie, March 16, 2023
Oshinski is an attorney, athlete, artist, agricultor, and advocate. His blog is "Disptaches from a Scamdemic"
He also contributes essays to
Just read the transcript snippets of the podcast; I agree 100%. I am grateful for you, and so many here and elsewhere that have held to their core throughout these times. The mere acknowledgment of the obvious "we/I were/was wrong" with no excuses will suffice for me. An apology would be almost too much for me to bear at this point - only because of shock. NO ONE has apologized, no way, no how, nowhere, and it seems the reams of as*holes (formerly known as employer, colleagues, co-workers, friends, life partner, and contractors who hired me) will see hell freeze over first.
Actually I have come across a few-- a very, very few-- apologies. Of sorts. Here is one:
Dr. Joseph Fraiman, MD: Closing the Curtain on Covid Theater
March 7, 2022
From the conference hosted by Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis and Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo. See
DR. JOSEPH FRAIMAN: In contrast to actually a lot of the voices here, my perspective throughout the early parts of this pandemic were very different than theirs. You know but I think that sometimes maybe when you're similar to maybe like at a movie when you have the front row you don't necessarily, you can't necessarily see the whole picture. For example, in the first wave, my nurses and I, we were, we saw so many people dying from covid, it horrified us, it was more death than any of us had ever seen. Freezer trucks at our door holding the bodies that were left over, you know, from than our morgue could handle. At that time the only thing I could see was we needed more aggressive covid policies to get this plague under control, stop these deaths from happening. I was confident that all of the locations that didn't embrace this, like, aggressive covid policy, they were going to suffer tremendous deaths. And what we would see next, of course what would follow is they would see how much death they suffered and it would become so painfully obvious that they would adopt all the aggressive policies.
But I was wrong. I was, my views were wrong at that time. Because the states and nations that didn't take aggressive covid policies, they didn't do obviously worse.
You know, it took me a year into the pandemic before it became really clear that it wasn't obvious at all that any policy was strongly effective at reducing covid infections or death outside of within the island nations where clearly border control looked like it did have a pretty strong effect.
So the scientist in me had to take this emerging data that I was seeing and acknowledge my hypothesis had been falsified, I guess you can say, and the covid policies that I was so certain were necessary, they just didn't help the way that I would hope they had helped.
And then I realized something that I kind of ignored that much of the people here have discussed and brought up which is that these policies were harmful. Initially I was, I don't want to say I was ignorant but I was, it was irrelevant because there were lives on the line, I'm an emergency doctor, lives, there's lives, it's, like, no, we have to do it. But if the policies didn't make a big difference and they only cause harm, then you have to start rethinking what we're doing. You take the data that's clearly in front of us and if it is only causing harm and at best can only save few, we need to think about it because if at best, right, an aggressive lockdown policy, imagine it reduced hospitalizations, death by 20%, 20% of deaths hospitalizations reduced. If that was the case then maybe we could come here and debate, is the harms that are caused by those lockdowns worth that benefit? And how do we negotiate that benefit through you know not getting through our freedoms? But the reality is, hospitalizations and deaths were not reduced by 20% by any policies. And because if they were we would have had studies at this point that would have been able to consistently identify that and that just has not occurred at all.
So I think as a society we have to decide if we want to continue like a public policy that's obviously producing large harm and offering only a minimal benefit at best. It's currently unmeasurable.
Also, personally, I would like to apologize to the three other scientists sitting with me here on Zoom, the proponents of the Barrington Declaration* because initially I did think y'all were crazy. Or dumb. Or maybe you just didn't understand what I was seeing. But I now realize actually, I'm sorry, because I believe now, you guys were correct. And you were correct from the beginning. And I wish that more people including myself had realized that sooner. And I hope more people realize that soon enough.
# # #
Dr. Fraiman's twitter is
*The Great Barrington Declaration: "As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection."
For the full text of the declaration and all signatures to date, see
As Dr. Fraiman is apologizing, the Zoom gallery shows four signers of the Great Barrington Declaration: Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, and Dr. Harvey Risch.
For more on the Great Barrington Declaration, see Jeffrey A. Tucker's essay "A Short History of the Great Barrington Declaration."
Dr Fraiman's testimony has the very-familiar, detailed experience, and vision (with body count daily), that we were daily immersed in, nearly nonstop, from CNN/MSM. I get it. But is it really an excuse for not paying attention to the facts that the vaccines were trialed a mere 3-4 months, and were pushed on pregnant women right out the gate?????? I skimmed through his narrative and missed references to early treatment and seeking collaboration with other docs about what was working in mid to late stage covid other than the horrid remdesivir and ventilation machines with their 90% kill rate. Excuses, excuses.
I agree with you, and it never ceases to astonish me that educated adults, um, like, medical doctors, including those fresh out of med school, could not see that jabbing pregnant women with experimental mRVA "vaccines" was criminal madness (...among many other criminal madnesses....) But at least Dr. Fraiman quit glugging the Kool-Aid and then had the guts to not only say so, but to sincerely apologize. I give Dr. Fraiman a lot of credit for that. A lot. Of course, if it's a contest, winners are such people as Dr. McCullough (and many others) who saw the criminal foolery early, called it out early, and as a result has had to withstand a world-class beating. That said, this isn't a contest, I don't see anyone handing out trophies, and anyway, from what I've seen so far, I don't think Dr. McCullough's ego runs his show. He's operating on a higher level.
As for the imposition of that protocol with remdesivir, and the refusal to fill precriptions for Ivermectin, and many violations of patients rights, I personally don't give a wazoo about apologies. May the hospitals and those responsible be held accountable before the law. Once they've been fined to the dregs, and once they're behind bars, sure, it would be, like, totally Kumbaya, they can apologize all day long.
These apologies are almost as rare as hen's teeth, but I do have more. Here goes:
Canadian Tik Tokers Talk #I'MSORRY
Sept 11, 2022
OLDER MAN IN BASEBALL CAP (a) NOTEATINCRICKETS: Hi guys, me again. I just wanted to touch on my previous video a little bit. You know I think it's high time we really need to start to come together on this. And when this all first started, and the vaccine started rolling out, I wasn't paying attention, I wasn't listening, I soaked in whatever the government was telling me. And you know what, it really took the Freedom Convoy to open my eyes a little bit and to see what was going on. You know, seeing them trucks out in Coutts, and truckers blowing through the barricades, and seeing hundreds of people lined up on the highways supporting the convoy. It was really touching. And that's when I really started to dig deeper and open my eyes.
Sometimes it takes a big man to say, you know what, I screwed up and I'm sorry. Well, from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, you know what, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you sooner. I'm sorry I let the government get the best of me and think that they had our best interest at heart.
I want to encourage other people who are vaccinated to do the same thing. You know, we got, you might not see it because it doesn't affect you or it doesn't concern you, but people have lost their jobs, they've lost family and friends, they couldn't visit their sick parents in the hospital, they couldn't be at funerals and weddings, you know, some of their friends might have said, you know what you're not vaccinated you're not my friend anymore.
We really need to come back together as a people and start to work together on this. So for me, as a vaccinated person to all the unvaxxed, I'm going to start to train and say, I'm sorry, I fuc*ed up. And thank you, thank you for what you're doing. God bless.
YOUNG WOMAN IN CAR (a) UNIQUEGREENLADY: Alright, I'm going to try and do this without crying. I would just like to say thank you, sir, for your apology. Through all of this bulls*it with covid I've lost friends of over a decade, family has chosen to stop speaking to me. My mother couldn't be present for the birth of my daughter. And for someone who doesn't get apologies very often, this means a lot. I probably won't hear an apology from the people who I think frankly owe me one. So, thank you. Thank you very much.
To conclude, I agree, almost no one has apologized and I for one do not expect to see much. That said, it is really difficult to know who's actually saying what because things are so very heavily censored and shadow-banned on social media and the MSM.
Fully agree, Eucatastrophe
I feel your pain. I keep flipping back and forth between acceptance/forgiveness and anger/vengeance.
The thing that is most frustrating to me is that there is almost no awareness in most people that our rights were trampled. And that their compliance took away MY rights. In fact, they vilified us for standing up for our rights.
Not sure how this will play out for me but I'm not in a very forgiving mood at the moment.
Cynicon, 💯%. I could be a lot more forgiving if people who implemented it, flogged it, welcomed it or tolerated it would just admit they were wrong. Wouldn’t even have to apologize. But almost none have. And that’s just holding onto hubris & false pride because they can’t admit to anyone (much less themselves) that they were duped & that we were right all along. That the “conspiracy theories” of so-called far right knuckle draggers were actually spoiler alerts & virtually all true. Or out of shame for having been unkind & maybe even cruel to anyone who disagreed. It’s really devastating & disheartening.
I spent months in a row fantasizing that I would wake up one day, turn the news on, and hear that apology.
Don’t hold your breath or you’ll die 🤣
Our adult kids threatened to withhold our grandkids if we didn’t vax. We explained that, as a pharmacist and an RN, we probably knew more about disease and vax than they did. They insisted. I took them out of my will. Checkmate.
Kudos. Finally, someone who stands up to their kids and, in a powerful way. Tough love. I know it hurts but you did the right thing.
Now that's a life lesson they won't soon forget! Well done, Sumo!
BTW, just curious if you told them they’re written out, or will let them find out @ the point they believe they’re inheriting?
GOOD FOR YOU, Sumo!!! I dont have grandkids yet but would not submit to such despicable blackmail either & would also revise my will. Unfortunately, my future daughter-in-law is in pharm school but a true believer in the Vax (my son took the J&J early on to save his job but said no more / never again). IDK how to get through to her. Her entire family are koolaid drinkers
I am sure you realize that everything your son’s fiancée is being taught comes straight from Big Pharma. The top student in my class got the Pfizer Award! When I was in school I worked full time and went to school full time. All any of us had time to do was memorize the material, regurgitate it on the exam and move on. During my career, I always worked two jobs full of 12-hour days. It is only since my retirement in 2018 (I am 70 now) that I have realized just how badly we were manipulated and abused. I told hundreds if not thousands of patients that vaccines are life-saving, that statins are lifesaving, etc. But we don’t really KNOW these things—it’s just what we are taught. We never have the time to examine the data (but at least it’s easier to do so now than back in the 80’s). My facebook handle is Michael B Riggs— have her DM me if she wants. Failing that, she could read Turtles All The Way Down. It’s a quite good summary of the ludicrous process by which vaccines have been approved in the US. Anyway, please try not to give up on her. She’s just a baby right now in a room full of carnivores.
Yes…I realize she’s being manipulated but she also comes from a lib family, even tho her parents are in the medical field (Mom is a PT, dad is a hospital physician recruiter). Her father was all in on the no jab, no job shit, which means he would’ve been fine if we’d lost our jobs too. My son doesn’t want us to be “political” w/ her & I will respect that. He is very rational & knows the whole thing including the jab was & is a scam. My hope is that he can influence her after they’re married in May. He has told me privately that there are many “conservative” stances on which she will agree w/ him, but around her family she looks to daddy. Like I said, hopefully that will change.
On the other hand, she will be hard pressed to admit all of her very hard work (she’s top of her class) is for naught & that her chosen profession is a money grubbing, deeply corrupt, diabolical scam & all (or virtually all) lies.
Great points! Same here, none of it made sense at the time and vastly more so in hindsight. How did you and I see the ridiculousness immediately and yet the other 90% or more people were buying it?
It’s like being caught in mosh pit. You just want to enjoy the live music but if everyone around you wants to slam dance, you’re gonna get caught up in the violence against your will.
Basic pattern recognition with deep skepticism (which has become a bottomless chasm, now.)
It still shocks me when I force myself to look at the facts of this situation and have to conclude that there really *are* people running the world who intentionally committed mass-murder.
There really is no other explanation.
That really does shock me - even someone as hard and cynical as I have become.
Steshu, I’ve asked myself 1000 times over the last 3 years & I have no answer for what made a minority of us (everywhere) not just say “no” but “hell no”. Thoughts, anyone? There are any number of characteristics that come to mind: rational thought, common sense, humility, a sense of fairness & justice, an appreciation & knowledge of history, patriotism, morality, honesty, suspicion of authority, skepticism, on & on.
I realize a lot of these are in very short supply in today’s world but It still seems like it had to have been something more.
All or most of those.
Deep skepticism of media. And some knowledge of Biology and health.
Plus some understanding of basic data and stats.
And basic math.
Guilty. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
I think the 3 biggest are common sense, knowing history and having ANY knowledge of what was known about viruses for the last hundred years. I will never forgive or trust any medical personnel who went along with this. They could have risen up en masse in the first month and stopped it all.
I don’t trust the medical-industrial complex anymore either, & I’m a doctor’s daughter & granddaughter (in the long ago days when MDs were independent & believed in doing no harm). My dad & grandfather are spinning in their graves
I, too, am the daughter and granddaughter of physicians. They both would have been utterly dismayed by this madness.
I can't believe how they proved themselves to be. I think they were enjoying their immediate hero status and wanted it continue as long as possible. (Those who didn't immediately speak out)
I have weaned myself off the one med I was on and I don't know how anyone will ever convince me to take one ever again.
virtue signaling is like narcotics dependency.
Good for you re getting off the med. I won’t take anything either. Every bit of all of it seems to be one big greedy scam. They’ll never find cures for ANYTHING because there’s so much more $$ to be made in decades of treatment only
Yes! My gut was screaming FOUL!
mine: schizophrenia!!
Sadly, I too have lost my natural optimism. The problem is that although perhaps there is no mandate now, the authoritarian demand for conformity is still present. Look at how the transgender movement has gained traction as they demand that we all enter into their delusions. How about the drag queen reading hours? If anyone speaks up against exposing children to blatant and perverse sexuality, they are labelled anti gay, homophobic and transphobic. If we want the southern border controlled, we are anti immigrant and racist. Has anyone seen the Sarasota Memorial Hospital board meeting where they had police escort out Dr. john Littell, a physician who spoke about early treatment? Suppression of truth, fear to speak out, remains rampant. The grip of facism is tightening, and we are the minority who will speak out. A new dark ages descends.
Yes! We can’t speak! And when we do, we are smeared, censored, made to feel like we are crazy! But we see what is happening. Another trick: they also make us feel like we are small, the minority, the fringe. It’s insanity!
Totally agree Yoganana, every....single... word! Summed it up perfectly!🤨
Dante reserved a special spot in hell for the Neutrals
Chasing a white flag for eternity, they stood for nothing
Saving this as comment for when someone says they got along to get along
“THE VESTIBULE: This Is The First Part Of Hell That You Come Across In Dante’s Inferno. It Is Reserved For The Indecisive. The Souls Here In The Vestibule Were Called “Opportunists” Who In Life Were Only For Themselves, And Were Neither Good Nor Bad. It Was Also Where All Of The Angels [Were] Who Didn’t Take A Side During The War Against God. The Punishment For This Area Of Hell Is The Souls Have To Follow An Aimless Banner That Never Plants Itself. The Souls Are Also Chased And Stung By Hornets.” A Guide Through The Circles of Hell."“THE%20VESTIBULE%3A%20This%20Is%20The%20First%20Part%20Of,For%20Themselves%2C%20And%20Were%20Neither%20Good%20Nor%20Bad.
Rev 3:16: “Because thou art neither hot nor cold, I will spue thee out of my mouth...” or something like that. 🤮
Spot-on! That was so well stated I can’t think of anything to add except, thank you .
Just shows how narcissistic most people really are. Do whatever so "I" can get my life back. Also the "lazy brains" of so many. Not a lick of their own research.
Trudeau repeatedly blamed the unvaccinated for putting everyone's health at risk and stealing their freedom. Absolutely depraved and vile.
Yes i can’t count the number of times i heard “ i got the vax so I could travel” . Misplaced priorities.
Completely agree with what you've written but am wondering when the center will fall apart and sanity be returned. I'm still seeing the true crazies who still believe in the shots for everyone forever having their say and getting their way. I do not see us unvaccinated being listened to any more than we were before. Now it is don't say anything to upset the ones who took the shot b/c they did it for all the right reasons but got it wrong and we don't want to throw that in their faces... Well why not??? They threw it in our faces 24/7/365 for 3 YEARS! When is it our turn to hear them apologize for what they did and are still doing to us??? Because until that happens, this WILL happen again. They will be coerced into doing something for the "Good of everyone" and we WILL be pushed into a corner and possibly even worse next time. Concentration camps for those who refuse the shots, anyone? We barely dodged that bullet this time around.
If there are no consequences for their poor choices and their bad actions they will never have to think twice before doing it again and then heaven help all of us because they very may well succeed next time...
Im w/ you ceecee. The ones who went all in last (for whatever reasons) will be 1st in line next time & we’ve already been told by our overlords that there will be a next time & much worse than the 1st.
I'm to the point where it's become almost too delicious, and nearly impossible to stuff the impulse to now just simply inquire, "When will you be getting the next booster?"
So interesting that both eastern and western cultures warn about the danger of standing out: the "nail that sticks up", the "tall poppy", the "crabs in a bucket." In April of 2020 I agreed to accompany my husband to a local nursery. There were maybe 6 people outside in the pouring rain wearing dripping wet masks. My husband told me I should put on a mask "to be polite." I told him I was not getting out of the car, this is insane. Fast forward three years, and it is obvious that those who followed the crowd are the ones who got soaked.
In in the actual moment when our mind makes a decision to go along, the underlying justification always seems to be "how bad can it be?" Well now we know.
I’m sure you saw the picture of the kids in their school band playing instruments through holes cut in their masks…
Omg yes, or how about the individual clear plastic tents they sat inside? Or the school prom where they danced back-to-back with their arms interlaced? They each looked like they were carrying a person-sized backpack. Completely nuts and they all went along.
Still? Dear God
I am in PA, but rural so it wasn't as bad. I feel so bad for those of you who are in or near cities!
The type of behavior most peasants displayed during the Scamdemic was described as “The Banality of Evil” by Hannah Arendt decades ago. The type of people who proudly follow orders or just go along to get along. Same type of behavior was plainly described as “stupid” by propagandist Edward Bernays. I guess some things don’t change.
It's cool getting comments from famous literary figures.
Thanks for the Arendt reference. I should have included that.
Most would agree the following characteristics describe antisocial behavior: decietfulness, reckless disregard for human life, and the inability to lack remorse for physically hurting or stealing from trusting powerless individuals. Some might say, those personality traits are sociopathic. If you think about it, isn't it interesting how many if not all of our top leaders in business and government possess those traits. Instead of the cream rising to the top a putrid sour mix of manipulative, but charming sociopaths manage to conceal their viciousness as they wreak havoc on society. In other words, "normal non-sadistic folks" are being held captive by pyschopathic goons.
Averages only exist as a mathematical concept; many see them as real, and nothing could be further from the truth.
I told you Mark. You have more to write. This is beautifully and succinctly written. Thank you. Please keep writing.
Thanks, Nancy. I had a few new ideas this week and binged three more essays that I'll post over the next month. After that, we'll see.
Terrific stuff, Mark! It is truly astounding how many people do not care about their individual rights.
Had my annual doctor visit on Monday. When she started pushing me to take the vaccine (recurring theme), I told her that I had lost most of my trust in the medical system because of how they handled the pandemic. They told us that if we took the vaccine we would not get infected or transmit the virus to others and that was a big fat lie.
She still wanted me to take the vaccine (no way) but did concede that the "messaging was not good" about infection/transmission. It's a start.
Thanks, Cyn.
I had a similar discussion with my doctor at my annual physical.
It's unbelievable that they use the "bad messaging" line. Their message was loud and clear. It was all false.
Next time I feel like lying, and if I get caught, I'll say it was only "bad messaging" on my part.
Ha, I just fired my doctor. He wanted me to get jabbed, I said I knew several people who had severe adverse reactions after their jabs (including full body tremors, GI tract hemorrhage, a case of Guillain Barre, and a fatal stroke). This was in the summer of 2021. He said-- I quote-- "well I haven't had a chance to research them yet." I sometimes wonder how that's been working out for him. But mostly I don't.
"Ha, I just fired my doctor. "
THIS is the way.
My last doctor's visit was January 2020. I will never consciously go to a regular MD or hospital again, so far as I have any choice. With few exceptions, the medical establishment (remember, my wife is an RN) are either murdering idiots or consciously assisting the murderous New World Order.
You don't need annual doctors visits - or really any doctor visit - unless you're seriously ill. And if you get outside, exercise regularly, and eat whole foods you never will.
Defund the Medical Industrial Complex.
I am with you. I don't want any of their poison. I believed everything my doctor said until 2020. My kids had all their shots, until this one. Never again. And I will fight like hell over what my future grandchildren will get.
Good for you, Amy!! And thank you :)
I am with you. Early on, we called our corporate medical practice to find out what the treatment protocol was for covid. Budesimide was all they used. So long…… so called wellness visits for me.
Agree. Annual checkups and preventative tests are there to get you on the medical industrial treadmill to bankruptcy and death.
The messaging was not good? Ha. That’s an understatement. The
Messaging was lies.
I’ve never understood people who continue to believe liars after they’ve been caught lying.
That was my reaction: "Bad messaging? It was a lie, not bad messaging. How do you expect me to believe them now after they lied to us then?"
including the incredibly lame excuse ("bad messaging" LOL)
When liars are caught in a lie and "come clean," they tell a litany of new lies in their confession. John Edwards comes to mind when he admitted his affair. Fauci is the master. The Clintons. Bidens ... okay, everyone that's an important official.
Well said, that man! Excellent piece, Mark! And thank you!
Thanks, Richard.
Excellent !
Thanks, Wanda.