Beautiful piece, as usual. I don't want to be like Peter. I believe that is why I have shared my status (and the reason for my termination) with anyone who expresses interest. I am not "leaving the company;" instead, the company chose to terminate me because I did not take the vaccine. I am not ashamed. Over time, less people judge me for my status; more people privately applaud me for not giving in, more people, in private, talk about the absurdity and contradictions of the policy. But, as it stands, my company has not relented (frankly - they cannot relent for me; my course is set and I cannot stay), my company fires me for cause, and morale of those left behind is negative. I wonder if these colleagues who were formerly friends will ever apologize for their behavior, for turning their back, for avoiding me in these last days. But I stand til the end, confident that God has a plan. 2 Timothy 1:7.
I can tell you from my experience not one person from my ex-company has contacted me at all. And to me that is a good thing. They are all toxic. You will find that your decision will bring you peace and moral standing before God. That is so much better than apologies from toxic people who never cared about you in the first place.
I am sorry for that. I suspect I will have a similar experience, though I pray for the ability to not be angry, at least not at the persons who didn't make the policy while having to live with it. That said, there were two people who left in protest. For both, it was the final straw, whether the policy in general or as specifically applied to me. Both let me know that. At least one publicly invoked my name during their departure. And I have a few others who remain but who have vocally supported my choice to stay true to my values. That has helped tremendously. As word gets out, other people in my industry have also supported my choice. I continue to wish you the best, Napoloen. And I am thankful for my anonymous substack friends like you.
Well done for standing tall, and not caving to the madness. We see you, and are with you. There are more of us than the others think. Stay strong; it is the right path to be on.
Amen to that Sista!💪🏼 I too am “confident that God has a plan”. (Fortunately I was retired when all the Covid crap came down, so I didn’t lose a job because I would not take The Jab.) But I certainly lost a few long time friends over their beliefs and principals that were so different than what mine had evolved to. I also came to see that their “friendship” was not a loss at all. Quite the contrary it made space for some new “like minded” friends, who are far better in their character, love of Country and God, and generally way better people than my previous “friends” ever were.
That's a great comparison. The problem would have been much better contained if the federal government had not come in and told hospitals how to treat patients. As is typical in most of these situations - the initial impulses are all wrong. Politicians like to be large and in charge. Patience is not a virtue.
I liked comparing the financial crisis to the scamdemic. It has many similarities really - including contagion. But what really made us especially vulnerable to corona mania was 😂the ACA. Or Obamacare. The massive federalization of payment and the ACA delivering much more power to the executive branch are the real culprits here. Unchecked, unelected power. Politicians will always power grab, seek credit for things they didn't do etc.
But the most shocking of all was jabbing young, healthy children with an experimental genetic therapy. Children who are at 0 risk from the coronavirus. As a result, many children died as a direct result and many thousands more likely have permanent cardiac damage. Biden calls Putin a war criminal and yes perhaps he is. But jabbing innocent children as a political stunt. That's evil.
I wonder whether the journalists will ever "wake up" here and realize what's happening. I mean with all the negative data out on the vaccines - I am really referencing the PHE data - that clearly shows the vaccinated are getting infected more and dying at a higher rate than the unvaccinated. Yet not one of these people will even ask Fauci or Walensky. Now this crucial data will not be published anymore as governments fear huge backlashes against them.
This won't happen ... unless some entrepreneur with integrity and some financial resources starts his or her own site that does the vital job of the Fourth Estate. Such a site would have "credentialed" reporters who could and would attend these press conferences and ask all the questions that are off limits to mainstream journalists. BTW, such reporters would quickly become alternative media stars. Who knows? Maybe some MSM journalists would become jealous of all this attention and also start asking hard questions. (Nah, what am I thinking? The group-thinking pack journalists would attack these colleagues and call for their banning from the journalism profession).
You know, as Mark and plenty of others have pointed out, none of what's happened is really original. History DOES repeat. All of the over-reactions could have (and, by some) were predicted. Absolute power does corrupt absolutely and fear always will "sell" or work as a means to control the masses. With COVID, what seems to be new - and particularly frightening - is the brazen efforts to censor dissenting opinion .... And the fact that most world citizens don't seem to be alarmed by these rapidly-proliferating Orwellian developments.
Journalists evolved during the Vietnam Era, from being blind believers in the goodness of governance at the outset to questioning things that were seen that were clearly inaccurate as the years rolled on. It launched a healthy and very beneficial era in journalism. I certainly have not seen anything indicating any kind of awakening among journalists today. Maybe it's because science and math are harder to understand and boring compared with the emotional jolt of war photos and videos. Maybe it's because the journalists themselves have fundamentally changed in purpose and training.
Because journalists at the NYT, WaPo, LATimes, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, et. al. are all bought and paid for by the Democrats. Bushels of money and gratuities coming the journalists’ way have a way of making them completely not care about the truth.
I have made a more comprehensive comment about this below - but my take is that the government propaganda machine has evolved to become much more sophisticated and much more controlling and repressive. Those who question (let alone disagree with) the mainstream narrative are censured and sanctioned, by job loss and threat thereof, in a very deliberate and clever manner. In fact, we have all been subject to what someone called "a military level brainwashing operation". I think this is extremely significant, and worth some study (hopefully so as to avoid being captured by it).
Yes. A great question would be what happened to all the real and fearless cynical journalists? The answer, I think, is multi-faceted and has to do with corporate ownership of news organizations and the power of groupthink. Also, birds of a feather flock together and those who "play ball" or endorse the groupthink advance in their careers. Those who don't are culled. Also, there are far fewer investigative journalists these days (having to do with the sorry economic conditions of newspapers and magazines). Once upon a time, each big city had at least two newspapers and reporters were constantly competing for "scoops." Big scoops were scored by journalists who did challenge authority and did some digging. Since newspapers had larger budgets, they could also pay for journalists who spent the time to develop complex stories, which take time. Today, the few reporters at news organizations have to crank out a quota of "easy" stories. The state of journalism that "covers" national or international stories is sorry, but the state of local journalism is even sorrier.
Good journalism and thoughtful commentary can still be found, but people have to know where to look. Most news consumers are busy working and raising families so they don't have time to find these alternative sources of news. This - plus censorship - means that the best journalism doesn't reach the masses - where it might actually make a difference. The greatest story of our times is probably that the great and important stories of our times will NOT be fully told.
Most people harp on politicians and think they can solve all our problems. I think politicians respond to "narratives" or storylines produced by journalists. If these narratives are bogus, the policies are bogus. And if officials know that no "watchdog journalist" is looking over their shoulder and holding them accountable, they will act accordingly. The world might be destroyed by sorry and corrupt officials, but it's really sorry journalists and editors who let this happen.
Group think and its role in career advancement is killing our nation. The irony is that same group think is actually the antithesis of inclusion, if you want real inclusion. My experience is that people don't want inclusion unless the person to be included embraces the desired viewpoint. That is certainly true in the error of vaccine group think!
How can any organization have universal groupthink and at the same time demonstrate that it values diversity of opinion? Can't happen. The groupthink is a necessity - this is how we get "pack journalism" - "diversity" does not include any effort to ensure that those with dissenting opinions are welcome ... and safe in their jobs .... these people are not safe in their jobs.
You said - "Eventually, a consensus will emerge that the Coronavirus response was, like the Vietnam War, a colossal, politically-driven, panic-driven, intergenerationally unjust, deeply destructive overreaction that caused far more harm than they prevented." The consensus has already been reached except on the left and among the political class. The majority of the country has believed this is a scam from day one. Trump voters turned on him over this from the beginning. My biggest concern is there is no appetite to overturn the despots in DC and they are still allowed to abuse us at every turn.
I have not and will not allow the government to coerce me into taking the poisonous jab, wear a mask, or even pretend that an emergency exists over this "virus". I lived through the similar swine flu scam perpetrated by our government and was told I had to get that vaccine to go to college. I declined and was allowed to enroll anyway. I know people affected by the Tuskegee Syphilis Study from my childhood in Alabama. When my company enacted a poionous jab mandate, I said no. They were too afraid to fire me and thuosands of others like me who said no.
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell in 1984.
I think opinion is turning a little bit, but I don't think that a "majority" of the people in our country knew this was a scam from the beginning. Just look at our politicians. Sure, they are awful but they do typically respond to public (voter) sentiment. In the U.S. Senate, I can think of just two senators (Johnson and Rand Paul) who have been willing to publicly challenge the narrative. In Star Wars, we hear "the force is strong" in so and so. Well, "the narrative" is too damn strong in most people to get them to really question conventional wisdom.
Using C19 fear and manipulation also allowed the leftist Marxist Democrats to steal the 2020 election so the continued destruction of the US could be completed. This Marxist coup d'etat and the accelerated further destruction (killing oil, printing money/inflation, open borders, death of US cities through crime) is nearing completion. Knowing that the Marxist NWO/WEF Democrats are going to lose in November how will they again steal or cancel this upcoming election. Martial law---a Shanghai type C19 lockdown?
For me the open boarders is what will kill the country. The Texas Lt. Governor said that, given the current pace of illegal migration, 20% of the population will be illegal migrants by the end of Bidens first term. That’s a staggering percentage. In New York these people will be allowed to vote. I really do not see how the country survives this. History tells us that we are doomed.
Here's a hopeful scenario for you: #47, whoever it may be, is elected as a backlash to this and aggressively enforces existing immigration law including deportation, to the great approval of his/her base. Sanctuary cities continue to exist and allow illegal immigrants to undermine local elections but are rigorously watched for election fraud on the federal level (and suffer mass emigration of locals tired of being subjugated by displacement).
A pendulum is swinging on this issue. Stay hopeful.
You have a good point. I’m so distrustful of the GOP that I really think they want this mess as bad as the Dems. I remember how they obstructed Trump during his first two years, not funding the boarder wall, etc.
I’ve got the black pill in my mouth, I’m trying not to swallow it.
You can only go so far at once. I get what you're saying. But let's at least win some ground back. Maybe some Rs, or even Ds, will out themselves as different.
I don't think this two- party system in the US will last much longer, one way or the other. The electorate has gotten much more cynical in a short time. I think this ends in reform or overt Uniparty tyranny followed by bloodshed.
I’m with you Curtis. I’ve been a GOP volunteer and organizer since I was 17 yrs old in 1979. I’ve worked on campaigns from local to state legislature to national and everything in between.
I no longer believe in the GOP. They’re every bit as corrupt as their neo-Marxist “opponents.” The Demonicrat vs. Rethuglican fight is as genuine as pro wrestling.
I remember when I was true believer in college. I subscribed to National Review and read everything WFB Jr. produced. I believed the US & the CIA were forces for good.
I've long since given up on the "political process" correcting things as I think both parties benefit from the corrupt Status Quo. This said, politics can make a difference. The judges presidents select can make a difference and also what party has control of Congress can make a difference. If, as now many expect, the Republicans take control of the Senate and House in the mid-term elections, I would expect to see some Congressional hearings on elements of this "Scamdemic." This would compel certain people to testify and they would have to testify under oath under the threat of perjury. It would also allow for discovery of important documents. I do think such hearings will be much more likely to occur with Republicans in charge. So maybe, belatedly, some unexposed truths will be exposed. Still, I think even the Republicans can't let the public come to understand how massive and widespread the corruption, lies and cover-ups really were.
Tank- I really used to think that your above comment was so crazy that I never could believe it. But now I do believe anything is possible- the evidence is overwhelming for those willing to open their minds. I don't want what's to come, but I'm afraid much of what you say will happen.
Yep. The former head of the CDC has been on FOX news twice this week. In both appearances, he acknowledged natural immunity from Covid infection, but categorically stated that natural immunity lasts only 3 or 4 months, thus the public should get boosted. He predicted a fall Covid surge. I expect to see/hear many "respected" sources (not Fauci or Wallensky) on various shows making similar comments. I expect case counts to reappear in July, and magically a surge (wave) in late August. And since the President still has those emergency powers, he will mandate vote at home. So no red wave in November. Shanghai lockdown.
Great piece. Personally, I've continually drawn parallels between COVID and the response to 9/11, including the justifications for and execution of the Global War on Terror (GWOT) (Iraq, Afghanistan, East Africa, West Africa, Syria, Libya, Yemen). 9/11 was the "event". All that ensued included the U.S. government's response to the event, the role of both political parties, the role that media played as chief propagandists (including entertainment and internet/social media which was just emerging as a propaganda tool) and the way the American public were manipulated and responded to 9/11 and the GWOT.
Like COVID, the GWOT also was and remains "a colossal, politically-driven, panic-driven, intergenerationally unjust, deeply destructive overreaction that caused far more harm than they prevented." Moreover, the GWOT laid the foundation for the surveillance state, the erosion of constitutional protections, and all that has ensued in the global response to COVID. Although China has been blamed for the Wuhan leak, the genesis for the global response to COVID was in Washington, D.C.
That said, the Vietnam analogy is apt and leads to the next question: When, in recent memory, has the American government response to a crisis not been "a colossal, politically-driven, panic-driven, intergenerationally unjust, deeply destructive overreaction that caused far more harm than they prevented"?
But Peter wept after the cock crowed and he realized what he had done. From that point forward until the end of his life he repented for his cowardly and betraying actions. Will that ever happen with the covid tyrants? Never.
Just imagine how things would have went if the SARS_COV2 was just ignored. It would have blown over in a couple of weeks, maybe a month, and most people would not even have noticed anything more than "some bug going around."
Instead, all this destruction. Indeed, like the carpet bombings of Vietnam except this time, it was governments doing it against their own populations. And they just won't stop.
The bombing in Vietnam was reported, but daily bombing in Mideast nations and who-knows-how-many missiles fired from drones has been ignored. There really are few if any reporters on the ground in these countries reporting events and showing pictures of the carnage caused by these bombs (many of which missed their targets and killed innocent civilians). Out of site out of mind. Heck, Julian Assange became famous (or infamous) because WikiLeaks DID show one of these attacks. (We all know what happened to him for committing this "crime.")
I'd also note that there were no reporters inside of hospitals in the first months of COVID. There has been no neutral observers to report first-hand what was happening (or not happening) in these hospitals. As a result, we all just have to trust what authorities tell us is the truth.
These pieces get better and better Mark. I echo others in the comments calling for the collection to be bound in a “Dispatches from a Scamdemic” book.
Fauci has been compared to Joseph Mengele and Trofim Lysenko (by a particularly astute observer…), but I like the McNamara comparison best. Both are/were a technocrat’s technocrat. Their very names were cited by functionaries and apparatchiks the final “truth” of the matter.
Only a profoundly corrupt govt can create these monsters. Both of them deserve their own wing in history’s “Hall of Shame.”
“ American involvement quickly evolved into a quest to prevent Vietnam from falling, like a domino, into a multinational Communist empire that might conquer the United States.” … your comparison is spot on and at this point of the Covid continued insanity it’s obvious at least to me that the US is not governed by our so called elected but by NGO heads in bed with Klaus Schwab WEF and dyed in the wool communist traitors within our governing organizations like Pelosi, Biden and their ilk. How calculated, we as a country claimed we were fighting countless wars to stop the spread of communism while our own country was systematically strategically infiltrated with communist within the highest levels of government since WW2 through operation paperclip. All the State Governors are signed and sealed to carry out the communist WEF agenda which is absolutely unconscionable, example Gov Abbott’s personal webpage This isn’t over… I fear it’s just the beginning in the words of Klaus Schwab, Covid presented a perfect opportunity to engage all countries with their Great Reset aka NWO aka Agenda 21/30 aka New Green Deal…. Was Greta Thurmberg COVID’s Gulf of Tonkin?
Interesting, solid comparison. I was born smack dab in the middle of that war but the similarities are striking. I am continually amazed at the absolute trust and faith otherwise reasonable people put in government. With a few notable exceptions, the overwhelming amount of elected officials do not care one iota about any American citizen, ever! Unless there’s something in it for them,
namely two things; money and power.
I know this is obvious to state but this has been nothing short of a money and power grab. From day 1. How can so many be so blind? Fear, to be sure. National defense notwithstanding, the government screws everything up it touches. Corona is the latest in a never ending string of catastrophic missteps.
They're getting very close to totally screwing up national defense as well, through squeezing conservatives out of the military ranks, and making a mockery of what it means to be a soldier and defend this country.
I agree. The military's "woke" initiatives are too far advanced by now. Officers who resisted this development were purged from the ranks or simply retired in disgust. I think if America had to fight a real war today against a serious adversary, we would be in trouble.
The same questions boggle my mind: Why do so many people trust the government? Or the mainstream press? Or Big Pharma?
Pre-Covid, these would be three of the LEAST TRUSTED professions in the world. Does everyone think people in these professions suddenly became trust-worthy and competent? I guess so.
Hey Mark- another eloquent essay into the insanity of the last two years! Just as the horror of Vietnam war left both physical and emotional scars- so has the insane politics of battling an invisible enemy in the virus left us now disabled and disillusioned. It's taken me years to get it, but the powers that be do not care. They have a laser focus on their agenda and only because of short term infighting do they get sidetracked. Most men and their governments turn to the evil side in the end- just like Brando said in Apocalypse Now-- "the horror, the horror". Another event is already in the works- we'll have to make a decision about where we stand and ultimately what our actions will be. You have an exquisite talent to tell a story that helps many of us to better "see" what's really going on. Thanks!
Incredible comparison. I'm 58, and admit I don't/didn't understand a lot about the Vietnam War, beyond how it resulted in so much PTSD (from movies I've seen). But living through the Canadian Media hysteria, and choosing to not take the spike shot, reading your comparison essay gives me further insight into how uninformed and lacking in risk-benefit our political choices to sacrifice many for the few have been in the past - and continue to be!
I attended Leslyn Lewis's meeting in the Okanagan Valley today. She is running for Conservative leadership in Canada. She is genuine - the total opposite of PM Justin Trudeau, elitist-non-sensical-destructive-globalist. It's looking like - literally - only a miracle will turn Canada around at this point.
So glad people and politicians are speaking out, but it's so daunting to bring truth with a fully controlled Canadian media - not sharing any alternative views and truth about the virus or the vaccine dangers.
Did you happen to see the segment on Tucker Carlson's show Tuesday night about how captured the Canadian press has become? Apparently, Canada is now requiring journalists or journalism organizations to be "licensed." If you don't have this government-granted license, you can be censored, deplatformed and not be able to make money. Who is going to challenge the government's position when the government controls whether you can even conduct normal business or not?
I didn't see it on Tucker's show, but did see it on Ezra Levant's Rebel News a couple days ago. And yes, Cdn press is absolutely captured. It's very frustrating when trying to share any true information about the virus or shots - from honest immunologists/virologists not aligned with Big Pharma - and they refuse to even open the link because Cdn propaganda/media has told them everything not from them is "misinformation"! It's a carbon copy of how totalitarian countries historically took over using a captured media propaganda and censorship! Chilling how many Cdns are blind to this and actually trust government has their best interests at heart.
Tucker interviewed the founder of Rebel News. Tucker seemed to be even more flabbergasted by this latest development (journalism "licenses" required to report the news) than even the founder of the company that has been harmed by this development. Maybe I'm not getting all the pertinent details, but if the government is now requiring "licenses" to do simple journalism (which any person can do), this is beyond chilling.
This is so good. This article shows how experts and trusted authorities can be spectacularly WRONG, as well as the massive real-world casualties and trauma preposterous policies ultimately produce.
In thinking about the “unintended consequences” produced by the policies of our “leaders,” the tragedy that was the Vietnam War must be near the top of this depressing list. (World War I, which didn’t really need to be fought and made possible World War II, no doubt tops this list).
Mark could have also used the “War on Terror” - and the extreme over-reactions to 9-11 - as another example. No one will ever really know how many innocent people have been killed, severely injured and/or displaced because America invaded and then occupied Iraq and Afghanistan - nations that posed NO real national security threat to America.
Mark also show readers how these costs and impacts continue for generations - via inflation, PTSD, subsequent suicides and addiction, the costs of caring for veterans’ care, etc.
I also appreciate how Mark highlighted the fact that serious debate about America’s involvement in the Vietnam War did occur. Eventually massive protests did occur (compare to the large protests about COVID policies in America that have never occurred).
In the years of the Vietnam War, real journalism did show some of the human effects of America’s military activities. Indeed, this “watchdog” journalism probably shortened the war and ultimately saved lives. (Think of the picture of the Vietnam girl, her clothes burned off from the fire-bombing of her village, that Life magazine put on its cover. This one photo forced Americans to look at the results of its military activity).
In contrast to then, in recent years the public has rarely if ever seen photos or video clips that show the after-maths of America’s bombing and drone attacks in numerous countries in the Mideast. This, no doubt, is by design. The “watchdog” media should be held accountable for its failure to present the real picture (literally) of these “interventions.”
It’s hard to find one symbolic picture that would capture the death, injuries and economic harm caused by the COVID policies, but real journalism (if ever practiced) could and would give more Americans a better sense of the true scope of this “collateral damage.”
Apparently some things never change. The “leaders” who told the country that America HAD to fight the Vietnam War might not have fared well in history, but they were never really held accountable for the mass carnage and misery their policies produced. None were charged with war crimes, perjury or fraud.
Judging from the “first draft of history” (contemporary journalism), officials and authorities who turned the world upside down to fight a virus that couldn’t really be “fought” are receiving an even larger pass. They won’t be held accountable either. Indeed, most of the real “villains” are protected and celebrated by the writers of the first draft of history.
In one sense, the COVID history will be different than the Vietnam history. Future historians, one hopes, will have to acknowledge how complicit the “watchdog” press was in perpetrating a fraud that harmed millions of people not just in one or two countries, but BILLIONS of people in EVERY country in the world.
In the spirit of open debate I am going to challenge you on this Mark:
"Coronavirus response was, like the Vietnam War, a colossal, politically-driven, panic-driven, intergenerationally unjust, deeply destructive overreaction that caused far more harm than they prevented."
and assert that you are flat out wring here or you need to crystallize your thesis. There is also in that statement an unwarranted assumption.
That unwarranted assumption implied in your statement is that there was ever an intent in preventing harm. Quite the opposite is the case.
To the larger point.
Covid-19 and all the "responses" were not "panic-driven" or "an overreaction."
Covid™ was not and is not an epidemiological event- it is a business model, a manufactured event meant to increase the portfolio’s of the super wealthy and normalize the bio-security state as the US (and Western) economies are in total free fall.
Manufactured pandemics create new investment products that increase the holdings of billionaires and further concentrate their wealth.
Covid-19 is the smokescreen used to cover up this planned total economic collapse and disguise the greatest of transfer of wealth in history. The lockdowns were timed to cover up the first $4 Trillion bailout mid-March 2020 which not a single “news” announcer noticed.
This economic collapse was inevitable and governments are putting the security infrastructure into place, trying to proactively control the collapse and the massive social disorder.
This collapse started in 2008 and attempts to salvage this Leviathan have been failures only delaying the inevitable. In 2019 the crisis began to unravel again.
There was a dramatic decrease in industrial production and then showed up in the banking crisis of August of 2019- the so-called Repo crisis when suddenly banks started to refuse US sovereign debt instruments as collateral of overnight loans forcing the Federal Reserve to step in and basically print money to cover this massive shortage.
So by the time the “Corona virus” conveniently appeared, the economy of the United States and many other Western countries were in full blown collapse.
The “Corona virus” has proven to be very useful by political leaders to mask what was going on. The economic destruction that it is being blamed for is absolutely extraordinary.
The ruling psychopaths know that they have run up massive un-payable debts and deficits. They know the promises of pensions and benefits cannot be paid. They know the system will collapse and the people will revolt. What we are seeing is their attempt to subvert the inevitable to protect their wealth and maintain control.
We are living through the biggest worldwide organised crime scheme since WW2, and most are still asleep. The scale of the deception is too large for even those who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend.
There is no “Covid-19” disease- it is lies- all of it.
Maybe. More likely, covid is a real infection (lots of evidence) that kills a few weaklings who didn't have long to go anyway, but irrelevant or mild inconvenience for most. Most likely, the emergence of this virus was serendipitous, a target of opportunity for seditious dems intent on bringing down the president at any cost. It worked, and now they are milking it, because the population is too ignorant to see the scam. And those who do see it are too timid and weak to oppose it. Maybe we'll stand up and force the oppression to end. Probably not. It's way too easy to remain stupid these days. Ignorance is bliss as long as someone feeds us.
"More likely, covid is a real infection (lots of evidence) that kills a few weaklings who didn't have long to go anyway, but irrelevant or mild inconvenience for most."
"covid is a real infection (lots of evidence) that kills a few weaklings who didn't have long to go anyway,"
All of this has been in the making for quite some time. They needed an 'event' to pull the trigger for a clampdown on society and controlled demolition of the economy.
There was nothing serendipitous about this whatsoever.
Maybe. Little evidence it was a sneak attack. Not a very good one if it was. The virus hasn't been a problem, only our response. Stupid people often suffer. We have lots of them these days.
I agree with you both, but regarding your statement, David, that “the emergence of this virus was serendipitous...” maybe, yet the big boys were running their runaway-virus simulation several years before this coronavirus supposedly accidentally escaped. I think there was a devious plot to turn us into frightened, obedient sheeple, and we were all blissfully unaware.
I've been involved in war gaming for a long time. Most don't come true. It's how we prepare to adapt to whatever does come true. When they match up, it's... serendipity.
You make excellent points. There seems to be two main scenarios: This was all planned to deal with the financial and "market" symptoms you identify in your post, or it was simply another example of how our rulers know how to "never let a good crisis go to waste." I guess the end results are the same. But I also think many leaders (who become policy creators or enforcers) are obtuse and can easily be used to advance other nefarious agendas. If this wasn't the case - if more leaders could think critically - these plans of the "Deep State" - probably couldn't advance that far. That is, if more leaders understood the important lessons of history (and understood that history does often repeat) maybe history wouldn't repeat.
Awesome writing once again Mark! I remember the days of the Vietnam war and had two brothers who served over there. Both had Agent Orange exposure. One died of cancer at age 57. The other has had lung cancer and numerous other health problems, likely resulting from Agent Orange. It was a terrible war and one that our politicians manipulated with no concern for the 50,000 young people who died there or died because they served in Nam. As you pointed out so well, there are many similarities to C Virus scam.
That is very sad about your brothers. Peace to them.
I have a good friend who has never been able to walk because of birth defects common in people like him, whose fathers were exposed to Agent Orange.
One might think that, after Vietnam, many would be skeptical about their governments. But somehow that lesson of Vietnam was unlearned. The current media had a lot to do with that.
Yes thanks Mark. I joined the Marines in ‘73 and was too young and naïve to understand how corrupt the media and the government are. My one surviving veteran brother is quite conservative and as untrusting of the media and DC as I am. Please keep these great substacks coming!
Beautiful piece, as usual. I don't want to be like Peter. I believe that is why I have shared my status (and the reason for my termination) with anyone who expresses interest. I am not "leaving the company;" instead, the company chose to terminate me because I did not take the vaccine. I am not ashamed. Over time, less people judge me for my status; more people privately applaud me for not giving in, more people, in private, talk about the absurdity and contradictions of the policy. But, as it stands, my company has not relented (frankly - they cannot relent for me; my course is set and I cannot stay), my company fires me for cause, and morale of those left behind is negative. I wonder if these colleagues who were formerly friends will ever apologize for their behavior, for turning their back, for avoiding me in these last days. But I stand til the end, confident that God has a plan. 2 Timothy 1:7.
Thanks for standing your ground. This whole thing could have been squashed from Day 1 if more people had your level of conviction.
The company and your friends will miss you more than you miss them.
Left my career as RN after 22 years. No more medical industrial complex for me
Glad to hear you got out but you and Jennifer Incognito are exactly the type of healthcare providers that are needed. Sad state of affairs.
I can tell you from my experience not one person from my ex-company has contacted me at all. And to me that is a good thing. They are all toxic. You will find that your decision will bring you peace and moral standing before God. That is so much better than apologies from toxic people who never cared about you in the first place.
I am sorry for that. I suspect I will have a similar experience, though I pray for the ability to not be angry, at least not at the persons who didn't make the policy while having to live with it. That said, there were two people who left in protest. For both, it was the final straw, whether the policy in general or as specifically applied to me. Both let me know that. At least one publicly invoked my name during their departure. And I have a few others who remain but who have vocally supported my choice to stay true to my values. That has helped tremendously. As word gets out, other people in my industry have also supported my choice. I continue to wish you the best, Napoloen. And I am thankful for my anonymous substack friends like you.
Well done for standing tall, and not caving to the madness. We see you, and are with you. There are more of us than the others think. Stay strong; it is the right path to be on.
Amen to that Sista!💪🏼 I too am “confident that God has a plan”. (Fortunately I was retired when all the Covid crap came down, so I didn’t lose a job because I would not take The Jab.) But I certainly lost a few long time friends over their beliefs and principals that were so different than what mine had evolved to. I also came to see that their “friendship” was not a loss at all. Quite the contrary it made space for some new “like minded” friends, who are far better in their character, love of Country and God, and generally way better people than my previous “friends” ever were.
I'm with you, Jennifer.
That's a great comparison. The problem would have been much better contained if the federal government had not come in and told hospitals how to treat patients. As is typical in most of these situations - the initial impulses are all wrong. Politicians like to be large and in charge. Patience is not a virtue.
I liked comparing the financial crisis to the scamdemic. It has many similarities really - including contagion. But what really made us especially vulnerable to corona mania was 😂the ACA. Or Obamacare. The massive federalization of payment and the ACA delivering much more power to the executive branch are the real culprits here. Unchecked, unelected power. Politicians will always power grab, seek credit for things they didn't do etc.
But the most shocking of all was jabbing young, healthy children with an experimental genetic therapy. Children who are at 0 risk from the coronavirus. As a result, many children died as a direct result and many thousands more likely have permanent cardiac damage. Biden calls Putin a war criminal and yes perhaps he is. But jabbing innocent children as a political stunt. That's evil.
I wonder whether the journalists will ever "wake up" here and realize what's happening. I mean with all the negative data out on the vaccines - I am really referencing the PHE data - that clearly shows the vaccinated are getting infected more and dying at a higher rate than the unvaccinated. Yet not one of these people will even ask Fauci or Walensky. Now this crucial data will not be published anymore as governments fear huge backlashes against them.
They do what they're told, nothing more
The only real journalists are here now. Those others pretending at journalism are mere stenographers.
This won't happen ... unless some entrepreneur with integrity and some financial resources starts his or her own site that does the vital job of the Fourth Estate. Such a site would have "credentialed" reporters who could and would attend these press conferences and ask all the questions that are off limits to mainstream journalists. BTW, such reporters would quickly become alternative media stars. Who knows? Maybe some MSM journalists would become jealous of all this attention and also start asking hard questions. (Nah, what am I thinking? The group-thinking pack journalists would attack these colleagues and call for their banning from the journalism profession).
You know, as Mark and plenty of others have pointed out, none of what's happened is really original. History DOES repeat. All of the over-reactions could have (and, by some) were predicted. Absolute power does corrupt absolutely and fear always will "sell" or work as a means to control the masses. With COVID, what seems to be new - and particularly frightening - is the brazen efforts to censor dissenting opinion .... And the fact that most world citizens don't seem to be alarmed by these rapidly-proliferating Orwellian developments.
Journalists evolved during the Vietnam Era, from being blind believers in the goodness of governance at the outset to questioning things that were seen that were clearly inaccurate as the years rolled on. It launched a healthy and very beneficial era in journalism. I certainly have not seen anything indicating any kind of awakening among journalists today. Maybe it's because science and math are harder to understand and boring compared with the emotional jolt of war photos and videos. Maybe it's because the journalists themselves have fundamentally changed in purpose and training.
Because journalists at the NYT, WaPo, LATimes, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, et. al. are all bought and paid for by the Democrats. Bushels of money and gratuities coming the journalists’ way have a way of making them completely not care about the truth.
Math, especially, only matters to them when amounts of money are being discussed. Certainly not statistics.
I have made a more comprehensive comment about this below - but my take is that the government propaganda machine has evolved to become much more sophisticated and much more controlling and repressive. Those who question (let alone disagree with) the mainstream narrative are censured and sanctioned, by job loss and threat thereof, in a very deliberate and clever manner. In fact, we have all been subject to what someone called "a military level brainwashing operation". I think this is extremely significant, and worth some study (hopefully so as to avoid being captured by it).
Yes. A great question would be what happened to all the real and fearless cynical journalists? The answer, I think, is multi-faceted and has to do with corporate ownership of news organizations and the power of groupthink. Also, birds of a feather flock together and those who "play ball" or endorse the groupthink advance in their careers. Those who don't are culled. Also, there are far fewer investigative journalists these days (having to do with the sorry economic conditions of newspapers and magazines). Once upon a time, each big city had at least two newspapers and reporters were constantly competing for "scoops." Big scoops were scored by journalists who did challenge authority and did some digging. Since newspapers had larger budgets, they could also pay for journalists who spent the time to develop complex stories, which take time. Today, the few reporters at news organizations have to crank out a quota of "easy" stories. The state of journalism that "covers" national or international stories is sorry, but the state of local journalism is even sorrier.
Good journalism and thoughtful commentary can still be found, but people have to know where to look. Most news consumers are busy working and raising families so they don't have time to find these alternative sources of news. This - plus censorship - means that the best journalism doesn't reach the masses - where it might actually make a difference. The greatest story of our times is probably that the great and important stories of our times will NOT be fully told.
Most people harp on politicians and think they can solve all our problems. I think politicians respond to "narratives" or storylines produced by journalists. If these narratives are bogus, the policies are bogus. And if officials know that no "watchdog journalist" is looking over their shoulder and holding them accountable, they will act accordingly. The world might be destroyed by sorry and corrupt officials, but it's really sorry journalists and editors who let this happen.
Group think and its role in career advancement is killing our nation. The irony is that same group think is actually the antithesis of inclusion, if you want real inclusion. My experience is that people don't want inclusion unless the person to be included embraces the desired viewpoint. That is certainly true in the error of vaccine group think!
How can any organization have universal groupthink and at the same time demonstrate that it values diversity of opinion? Can't happen. The groupthink is a necessity - this is how we get "pack journalism" - "diversity" does not include any effort to ensure that those with dissenting opinions are welcome ... and safe in their jobs .... these people are not safe in their jobs.
You said - "Eventually, a consensus will emerge that the Coronavirus response was, like the Vietnam War, a colossal, politically-driven, panic-driven, intergenerationally unjust, deeply destructive overreaction that caused far more harm than they prevented." The consensus has already been reached except on the left and among the political class. The majority of the country has believed this is a scam from day one. Trump voters turned on him over this from the beginning. My biggest concern is there is no appetite to overturn the despots in DC and they are still allowed to abuse us at every turn.
I have not and will not allow the government to coerce me into taking the poisonous jab, wear a mask, or even pretend that an emergency exists over this "virus". I lived through the similar swine flu scam perpetrated by our government and was told I had to get that vaccine to go to college. I declined and was allowed to enroll anyway. I know people affected by the Tuskegee Syphilis Study from my childhood in Alabama. When my company enacted a poionous jab mandate, I said no. They were too afraid to fire me and thuosands of others like me who said no.
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell in 1984.
I think opinion is turning a little bit, but I don't think that a "majority" of the people in our country knew this was a scam from the beginning. Just look at our politicians. Sure, they are awful but they do typically respond to public (voter) sentiment. In the U.S. Senate, I can think of just two senators (Johnson and Rand Paul) who have been willing to publicly challenge the narrative. In Star Wars, we hear "the force is strong" in so and so. Well, "the narrative" is too damn strong in most people to get them to really question conventional wisdom.
Using C19 fear and manipulation also allowed the leftist Marxist Democrats to steal the 2020 election so the continued destruction of the US could be completed. This Marxist coup d'etat and the accelerated further destruction (killing oil, printing money/inflation, open borders, death of US cities through crime) is nearing completion. Knowing that the Marxist NWO/WEF Democrats are going to lose in November how will they again steal or cancel this upcoming election. Martial law---a Shanghai type C19 lockdown?
For me the open boarders is what will kill the country. The Texas Lt. Governor said that, given the current pace of illegal migration, 20% of the population will be illegal migrants by the end of Bidens first term. That’s a staggering percentage. In New York these people will be allowed to vote. I really do not see how the country survives this. History tells us that we are doomed.
Here's a hopeful scenario for you: #47, whoever it may be, is elected as a backlash to this and aggressively enforces existing immigration law including deportation, to the great approval of his/her base. Sanctuary cities continue to exist and allow illegal immigrants to undermine local elections but are rigorously watched for election fraud on the federal level (and suffer mass emigration of locals tired of being subjugated by displacement).
A pendulum is swinging on this issue. Stay hopeful.
You have a good point. I’m so distrustful of the GOP that I really think they want this mess as bad as the Dems. I remember how they obstructed Trump during his first two years, not funding the boarder wall, etc.
I’ve got the black pill in my mouth, I’m trying not to swallow it.
You can only go so far at once. I get what you're saying. But let's at least win some ground back. Maybe some Rs, or even Ds, will out themselves as different.
I don't think this two- party system in the US will last much longer, one way or the other. The electorate has gotten much more cynical in a short time. I think this ends in reform or overt Uniparty tyranny followed by bloodshed.
I’m with you Curtis. I’ve been a GOP volunteer and organizer since I was 17 yrs old in 1979. I’ve worked on campaigns from local to state legislature to national and everything in between.
I no longer believe in the GOP. They’re every bit as corrupt as their neo-Marxist “opponents.” The Demonicrat vs. Rethuglican fight is as genuine as pro wrestling.
I remember when I was true believer in college. I subscribed to National Review and read everything WFB Jr. produced. I believed the US & the CIA were forces for good.
What a chump I was. What a simp.
This “sanctuary city” scam needs to be quashed.
I've long since given up on the "political process" correcting things as I think both parties benefit from the corrupt Status Quo. This said, politics can make a difference. The judges presidents select can make a difference and also what party has control of Congress can make a difference. If, as now many expect, the Republicans take control of the Senate and House in the mid-term elections, I would expect to see some Congressional hearings on elements of this "Scamdemic." This would compel certain people to testify and they would have to testify under oath under the threat of perjury. It would also allow for discovery of important documents. I do think such hearings will be much more likely to occur with Republicans in charge. So maybe, belatedly, some unexposed truths will be exposed. Still, I think even the Republicans can't let the public come to understand how massive and widespread the corruption, lies and cover-ups really were.
Tank- I really used to think that your above comment was so crazy that I never could believe it. But now I do believe anything is possible- the evidence is overwhelming for those willing to open their minds. I don't want what's to come, but I'm afraid much of what you say will happen.
Yep. The former head of the CDC has been on FOX news twice this week. In both appearances, he acknowledged natural immunity from Covid infection, but categorically stated that natural immunity lasts only 3 or 4 months, thus the public should get boosted. He predicted a fall Covid surge. I expect to see/hear many "respected" sources (not Fauci or Wallensky) on various shows making similar comments. I expect case counts to reappear in July, and magically a surge (wave) in late August. And since the President still has those emergency powers, he will mandate vote at home. So no red wave in November. Shanghai lockdown.
Great piece. Personally, I've continually drawn parallels between COVID and the response to 9/11, including the justifications for and execution of the Global War on Terror (GWOT) (Iraq, Afghanistan, East Africa, West Africa, Syria, Libya, Yemen). 9/11 was the "event". All that ensued included the U.S. government's response to the event, the role of both political parties, the role that media played as chief propagandists (including entertainment and internet/social media which was just emerging as a propaganda tool) and the way the American public were manipulated and responded to 9/11 and the GWOT.
Like COVID, the GWOT also was and remains "a colossal, politically-driven, panic-driven, intergenerationally unjust, deeply destructive overreaction that caused far more harm than they prevented." Moreover, the GWOT laid the foundation for the surveillance state, the erosion of constitutional protections, and all that has ensued in the global response to COVID. Although China has been blamed for the Wuhan leak, the genesis for the global response to COVID was in Washington, D.C.
That said, the Vietnam analogy is apt and leads to the next question: When, in recent memory, has the American government response to a crisis not been "a colossal, politically-driven, panic-driven, intergenerationally unjust, deeply destructive overreaction that caused far more harm than they prevented"?
Great piece by Mark ... and great comment by ejsmith! I echo the words of my esteemed posting colleague.
Thank you. Peace be with you, Brother.
But Peter wept after the cock crowed and he realized what he had done. From that point forward until the end of his life he repented for his cowardly and betraying actions. Will that ever happen with the covid tyrants? Never.
Just imagine how things would have went if the SARS_COV2 was just ignored. It would have blown over in a couple of weeks, maybe a month, and most people would not even have noticed anything more than "some bug going around."
Instead, all this destruction. Indeed, like the carpet bombings of Vietnam except this time, it was governments doing it against their own populations. And they just won't stop.
The bombing in Vietnam was reported, but daily bombing in Mideast nations and who-knows-how-many missiles fired from drones has been ignored. There really are few if any reporters on the ground in these countries reporting events and showing pictures of the carnage caused by these bombs (many of which missed their targets and killed innocent civilians). Out of site out of mind. Heck, Julian Assange became famous (or infamous) because WikiLeaks DID show one of these attacks. (We all know what happened to him for committing this "crime.")
I'd also note that there were no reporters inside of hospitals in the first months of COVID. There has been no neutral observers to report first-hand what was happening (or not happening) in these hospitals. As a result, we all just have to trust what authorities tell us is the truth.
These pieces get better and better Mark. I echo others in the comments calling for the collection to be bound in a “Dispatches from a Scamdemic” book.
Fauci has been compared to Joseph Mengele and Trofim Lysenko (by a particularly astute observer…), but I like the McNamara comparison best. Both are/were a technocrat’s technocrat. Their very names were cited by functionaries and apparatchiks the final “truth” of the matter.
Only a profoundly corrupt govt can create these monsters. Both of them deserve their own wing in history’s “Hall of Shame.”
I hope Mark (or someone) submits these to other sites with a larger audience. Zero Hedge and The Brownstone institute are two sites that come to mind.
Howard J great comments! “Dispatches from the Pandemic”! Go Mark…😀
You are a fantastic writer. Thank you for chronicling the madness.
Please put all your writings together into a book format someday when (if!) the insanity subsides.
“ American involvement quickly evolved into a quest to prevent Vietnam from falling, like a domino, into a multinational Communist empire that might conquer the United States.” … your comparison is spot on and at this point of the Covid continued insanity it’s obvious at least to me that the US is not governed by our so called elected but by NGO heads in bed with Klaus Schwab WEF and dyed in the wool communist traitors within our governing organizations like Pelosi, Biden and their ilk. How calculated, we as a country claimed we were fighting countless wars to stop the spread of communism while our own country was systematically strategically infiltrated with communist within the highest levels of government since WW2 through operation paperclip. All the State Governors are signed and sealed to carry out the communist WEF agenda which is absolutely unconscionable, example Gov Abbott’s personal webpage This isn’t over… I fear it’s just the beginning in the words of Klaus Schwab, Covid presented a perfect opportunity to engage all countries with their Great Reset aka NWO aka Agenda 21/30 aka New Green Deal…. Was Greta Thurmberg COVID’s Gulf of Tonkin?
Interesting, solid comparison. I was born smack dab in the middle of that war but the similarities are striking. I am continually amazed at the absolute trust and faith otherwise reasonable people put in government. With a few notable exceptions, the overwhelming amount of elected officials do not care one iota about any American citizen, ever! Unless there’s something in it for them,
namely two things; money and power.
I know this is obvious to state but this has been nothing short of a money and power grab. From day 1. How can so many be so blind? Fear, to be sure. National defense notwithstanding, the government screws everything up it touches. Corona is the latest in a never ending string of catastrophic missteps.
They're getting very close to totally screwing up national defense as well, through squeezing conservatives out of the military ranks, and making a mockery of what it means to be a soldier and defend this country.
I agree. The military's "woke" initiatives are too far advanced by now. Officers who resisted this development were purged from the ranks or simply retired in disgust. I think if America had to fight a real war today against a serious adversary, we would be in trouble.
The same questions boggle my mind: Why do so many people trust the government? Or the mainstream press? Or Big Pharma?
Pre-Covid, these would be three of the LEAST TRUSTED professions in the world. Does everyone think people in these professions suddenly became trust-worthy and competent? I guess so.
Answer: Stockholm Syndrome.
Hey Mark- another eloquent essay into the insanity of the last two years! Just as the horror of Vietnam war left both physical and emotional scars- so has the insane politics of battling an invisible enemy in the virus left us now disabled and disillusioned. It's taken me years to get it, but the powers that be do not care. They have a laser focus on their agenda and only because of short term infighting do they get sidetracked. Most men and their governments turn to the evil side in the end- just like Brando said in Apocalypse Now-- "the horror, the horror". Another event is already in the works- we'll have to make a decision about where we stand and ultimately what our actions will be. You have an exquisite talent to tell a story that helps many of us to better "see" what's really going on. Thanks!
Incredible comparison. I'm 58, and admit I don't/didn't understand a lot about the Vietnam War, beyond how it resulted in so much PTSD (from movies I've seen). But living through the Canadian Media hysteria, and choosing to not take the spike shot, reading your comparison essay gives me further insight into how uninformed and lacking in risk-benefit our political choices to sacrifice many for the few have been in the past - and continue to be!
I attended Leslyn Lewis's meeting in the Okanagan Valley today. She is running for Conservative leadership in Canada. She is genuine - the total opposite of PM Justin Trudeau, elitist-non-sensical-destructive-globalist. It's looking like - literally - only a miracle will turn Canada around at this point.
So glad people and politicians are speaking out, but it's so daunting to bring truth with a fully controlled Canadian media - not sharing any alternative views and truth about the virus or the vaccine dangers.
Did you happen to see the segment on Tucker Carlson's show Tuesday night about how captured the Canadian press has become? Apparently, Canada is now requiring journalists or journalism organizations to be "licensed." If you don't have this government-granted license, you can be censored, deplatformed and not be able to make money. Who is going to challenge the government's position when the government controls whether you can even conduct normal business or not?
I didn't see it on Tucker's show, but did see it on Ezra Levant's Rebel News a couple days ago. And yes, Cdn press is absolutely captured. It's very frustrating when trying to share any true information about the virus or shots - from honest immunologists/virologists not aligned with Big Pharma - and they refuse to even open the link because Cdn propaganda/media has told them everything not from them is "misinformation"! It's a carbon copy of how totalitarian countries historically took over using a captured media propaganda and censorship! Chilling how many Cdns are blind to this and actually trust government has their best interests at heart.
Tucker interviewed the founder of Rebel News. Tucker seemed to be even more flabbergasted by this latest development (journalism "licenses" required to report the news) than even the founder of the company that has been harmed by this development. Maybe I'm not getting all the pertinent details, but if the government is now requiring "licenses" to do simple journalism (which any person can do), this is beyond chilling.
This is so good. This article shows how experts and trusted authorities can be spectacularly WRONG, as well as the massive real-world casualties and trauma preposterous policies ultimately produce.
In thinking about the “unintended consequences” produced by the policies of our “leaders,” the tragedy that was the Vietnam War must be near the top of this depressing list. (World War I, which didn’t really need to be fought and made possible World War II, no doubt tops this list).
Mark could have also used the “War on Terror” - and the extreme over-reactions to 9-11 - as another example. No one will ever really know how many innocent people have been killed, severely injured and/or displaced because America invaded and then occupied Iraq and Afghanistan - nations that posed NO real national security threat to America.
Mark also show readers how these costs and impacts continue for generations - via inflation, PTSD, subsequent suicides and addiction, the costs of caring for veterans’ care, etc.
I also appreciate how Mark highlighted the fact that serious debate about America’s involvement in the Vietnam War did occur. Eventually massive protests did occur (compare to the large protests about COVID policies in America that have never occurred).
In the years of the Vietnam War, real journalism did show some of the human effects of America’s military activities. Indeed, this “watchdog” journalism probably shortened the war and ultimately saved lives. (Think of the picture of the Vietnam girl, her clothes burned off from the fire-bombing of her village, that Life magazine put on its cover. This one photo forced Americans to look at the results of its military activity).
In contrast to then, in recent years the public has rarely if ever seen photos or video clips that show the after-maths of America’s bombing and drone attacks in numerous countries in the Mideast. This, no doubt, is by design. The “watchdog” media should be held accountable for its failure to present the real picture (literally) of these “interventions.”
It’s hard to find one symbolic picture that would capture the death, injuries and economic harm caused by the COVID policies, but real journalism (if ever practiced) could and would give more Americans a better sense of the true scope of this “collateral damage.”
Apparently some things never change. The “leaders” who told the country that America HAD to fight the Vietnam War might not have fared well in history, but they were never really held accountable for the mass carnage and misery their policies produced. None were charged with war crimes, perjury or fraud.
Judging from the “first draft of history” (contemporary journalism), officials and authorities who turned the world upside down to fight a virus that couldn’t really be “fought” are receiving an even larger pass. They won’t be held accountable either. Indeed, most of the real “villains” are protected and celebrated by the writers of the first draft of history.
In one sense, the COVID history will be different than the Vietnam history. Future historians, one hopes, will have to acknowledge how complicit the “watchdog” press was in perpetrating a fraud that harmed millions of people not just in one or two countries, but BILLIONS of people in EVERY country in the world.
In the spirit of open debate I am going to challenge you on this Mark:
"Coronavirus response was, like the Vietnam War, a colossal, politically-driven, panic-driven, intergenerationally unjust, deeply destructive overreaction that caused far more harm than they prevented."
and assert that you are flat out wring here or you need to crystallize your thesis. There is also in that statement an unwarranted assumption.
That unwarranted assumption implied in your statement is that there was ever an intent in preventing harm. Quite the opposite is the case.
To the larger point.
Covid-19 and all the "responses" were not "panic-driven" or "an overreaction."
Covid™ was not and is not an epidemiological event- it is a business model, a manufactured event meant to increase the portfolio’s of the super wealthy and normalize the bio-security state as the US (and Western) economies are in total free fall.
Manufactured pandemics create new investment products that increase the holdings of billionaires and further concentrate their wealth.
Covid-19 is the smokescreen used to cover up this planned total economic collapse and disguise the greatest of transfer of wealth in history. The lockdowns were timed to cover up the first $4 Trillion bailout mid-March 2020 which not a single “news” announcer noticed.
This economic collapse was inevitable and governments are putting the security infrastructure into place, trying to proactively control the collapse and the massive social disorder.
This collapse started in 2008 and attempts to salvage this Leviathan have been failures only delaying the inevitable. In 2019 the crisis began to unravel again.
There was a dramatic decrease in industrial production and then showed up in the banking crisis of August of 2019- the so-called Repo crisis when suddenly banks started to refuse US sovereign debt instruments as collateral of overnight loans forcing the Federal Reserve to step in and basically print money to cover this massive shortage.
So by the time the “Corona virus” conveniently appeared, the economy of the United States and many other Western countries were in full blown collapse.
The “Corona virus” has proven to be very useful by political leaders to mask what was going on. The economic destruction that it is being blamed for is absolutely extraordinary.
The ruling psychopaths know that they have run up massive un-payable debts and deficits. They know the promises of pensions and benefits cannot be paid. They know the system will collapse and the people will revolt. What we are seeing is their attempt to subvert the inevitable to protect their wealth and maintain control.
We are living through the biggest worldwide organised crime scheme since WW2, and most are still asleep. The scale of the deception is too large for even those who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend.
There is no “Covid-19” disease- it is lies- all of it.
The Dem pols knew it was a scam. Many of their tribe didn't.
Maybe. More likely, covid is a real infection (lots of evidence) that kills a few weaklings who didn't have long to go anyway, but irrelevant or mild inconvenience for most. Most likely, the emergence of this virus was serendipitous, a target of opportunity for seditious dems intent on bringing down the president at any cost. It worked, and now they are milking it, because the population is too ignorant to see the scam. And those who do see it are too timid and weak to oppose it. Maybe we'll stand up and force the oppression to end. Probably not. It's way too easy to remain stupid these days. Ignorance is bliss as long as someone feeds us.
"More likely, covid is a real infection (lots of evidence) that kills a few weaklings who didn't have long to go anyway, but irrelevant or mild inconvenience for most."
You mean, like a flu?
How many other things fit this description:
"covid is a real infection (lots of evidence) that kills a few weaklings who didn't have long to go anyway,"
All of this has been in the making for quite some time. They needed an 'event' to pull the trigger for a clampdown on society and controlled demolition of the economy.
There was nothing serendipitous about this whatsoever.
Maybe. Little evidence it was a sneak attack. Not a very good one if it was. The virus hasn't been a problem, only our response. Stupid people often suffer. We have lots of them these days.
I agree with you both, but regarding your statement, David, that “the emergence of this virus was serendipitous...” maybe, yet the big boys were running their runaway-virus simulation several years before this coronavirus supposedly accidentally escaped. I think there was a devious plot to turn us into frightened, obedient sheeple, and we were all blissfully unaware.
I've been involved in war gaming for a long time. Most don't come true. It's how we prepare to adapt to whatever does come true. When they match up, it's... serendipity.
You make excellent points. There seems to be two main scenarios: This was all planned to deal with the financial and "market" symptoms you identify in your post, or it was simply another example of how our rulers know how to "never let a good crisis go to waste." I guess the end results are the same. But I also think many leaders (who become policy creators or enforcers) are obtuse and can easily be used to advance other nefarious agendas. If this wasn't the case - if more leaders could think critically - these plans of the "Deep State" - probably couldn't advance that far. That is, if more leaders understood the important lessons of history (and understood that history does often repeat) maybe history wouldn't repeat.
Awesome writing once again Mark! I remember the days of the Vietnam war and had two brothers who served over there. Both had Agent Orange exposure. One died of cancer at age 57. The other has had lung cancer and numerous other health problems, likely resulting from Agent Orange. It was a terrible war and one that our politicians manipulated with no concern for the 50,000 young people who died there or died because they served in Nam. As you pointed out so well, there are many similarities to C Virus scam.
Thanks, Keep.
That is very sad about your brothers. Peace to them.
I have a good friend who has never been able to walk because of birth defects common in people like him, whose fathers were exposed to Agent Orange.
One might think that, after Vietnam, many would be skeptical about their governments. But somehow that lesson of Vietnam was unlearned. The current media had a lot to do with that.
Yes thanks Mark. I joined the Marines in ‘73 and was too young and naïve to understand how corrupt the media and the government are. My one surviving veteran brother is quite conservative and as untrusting of the media and DC as I am. Please keep these great substacks coming!