We rode our bikes and walked in the dark and made hour and half trips to our local state park lake for swim sessions (thankfully there were thinking people "in charge" of our state parks-while National Park rangers were telling people they couldn't hike on NP trails...smh). We wrote scathing letters to our general manager regarding gym and pool closures while golfers got to golf (MONEY maker) and reminded them WE were still paying our HOA fees so open the damn fitness center! When "experts" decided there were certain times the virus "attacked" (before 6 a.m.) we got up at four and were out on the roads to defy stupid authoritarian "rules" because some rules were just meant to be broken...never shotted up, boosted, masked and never had others load my vehicle with groceries nor wiped them down when I got home...I never even used sanitizer (more poison!) Trying for more than four years to get this damn virus! What am I doing wrong??? (I know the answer to this...do you????) My traveling friend just got her fourth booster to go to Ecuador and the Galapgos Islands for two weeks...she informed me she is "better protected" for traveling (got covid recently!) and will wear a mask on the plane. wow...and wow...

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Yes, similar here, Cheryl. Hubs and I never put on snot pouches, moved about the world normally (to the extent we could -- no hand "sanitizing," no "distancing," etc.), and we, too, are still trying to get "the 'COVID,'" but no luck.

What has been driven home and made plain as day is just how weak-minded and vain (in addition to the truly cowardly) so many people are.

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I am trying to come up with a kind word for 'stupid'- but nothing else seems to fit....! (and it's not just "being naive"- they too could have actually USED the information they saw daily around them and did the same research I did ....)

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Yes...and even if somehow they came to a different conclusion (???), they violated the most basic standards of decency. They cast aside the protection of human rights/freedom by demanding and/or supporting the shutdown of the lives and livelihoods of billions. You wanna believe stupid and restrict yourself? By all means, have at it. But force others to conduct themselves as your sanctimony and cowardice would demand?

Disgusting -- and this came at us from the majority of people -- passively and aggressively.

This level of stupidity and indecency (You are exactly correct, Cheryl, regardless of edu-maction levels and fancy degrees and even fancier houses and cars) coupled with enforcement of a crime is 100% absolutely unforgiveable. It stuns the mind to think how stupid and indecent (when it really matters) people are at base despite all the accoutrements I just listed...

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Agree x 100. That has been the worst part for me; seeing the absolute cowardice and self-serving behavior of the masses. I feel so let down. I did expect more from my fellow humans.

"The howwor..the howwor"

Marlon Brando. Apocalypse Now

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I continue to be embarrassed for my sisters and friends who bought (and still buy!) into this madness lock, stock and barrel. So out of touch- but as long as the grocery store shelves were stocked and they could have them delivered, they didn't care! I had one sister lamening las June about her "Covid weight gain".. Summer of 2023...what. the. ???

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Don’t ya know we aren’t capable of doing our own research? At least that’s what Jimmy Kimmel and lots of others are saying. We’re not smart enough to they say. I really do not know what’s happened to us. Are we all like lambs led to the slaughter? It’s really so sad to me.

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Try "Democrat." There is a near perfect overlap between morons who believed a strip of t-shirt across your face would stave off a viral infection and morons who voted for Joe "You ain't Black if you don't vote for me" Biden.

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or "liberal"- I guess they go hand in hand and are pretty much one and the same!

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Sometimes we need friends like her to make us feel better about ourselves.

But not very many, just one or two, Ha!

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Unfortunately there are too many in my previous circle...I don't feel better about myself because of them. I just feel sad for them- and carry around some anger at how my family was treated because "they" thought they were "right".

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Amazing it wasn't banned...because I had the same thoughts but not the information nor intelligence to write what you did- great foresight - wish a newspaper would have had the cajones to publish this early on.

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Oh, all my comments got me thrown off LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter.... You can bet my true - and therefore verboten - comments about the Wuhan Fakedemic got me banned, warned and censored. Screw these clowns - I am immune to Leftist canceling.

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And thanks - I use statistics for a living, so it was instantly obvious to me this was pure totalitarian madness from the get go. I tried to warn people and was totally fucking ignored .

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My gut told me the whole thing was orchestrated from the get go… when I told people “everyone will be fine” they de friended me. Ha!

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Oh yes. We just traveled around Europe with hundreds of Americans like that.Lots of them got sick. Ambulances pulling up to our boats was a common occurrence.

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wow...recently? and I am assuming you weren't screened for shots traveling overseas anymore? (thank god!)

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No. Recently yes. September/ October

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I think that many politicians and scientists are sociopaths, and become very good at making decisions that affect others adversely, with little remorse. They are , of course, insulated from their decisions , and so enter a feed back loop that never encourages change of behavior.

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Painfully true.

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There is no businessman / teacher who runs a shop / classroom so successfully that cannot be derailed by micromanaging politicians, administrators or school boards.

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This whole insanity was possible because people demanded the State and the Science do everything for them and trusted those sociopaths you mentioned implicitly.

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Brilliant piece and spot on. I'm a great grandmother and the moment they said lockdown I knew it was a lie. One of the most infuriating things I heard was "wear a mask and social distance to protect Grandma" I thought it was stupid then, and it still makes me cringe. Why would I want to be separated from my family at a time like this? Not only that, I had common sense when it came to things like viruses. I knew they had done studies on mask for years regarding the flu and they did not work. But what followed was total and complete insanity. Thank God my family didn't buy any of what they were saying either. The only people that have died in my family were those that were subjected to hospital protocols and the Vax. The only thing the experts have convinced me of is to never take another one of their shots of any kind ever again. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm a X-vaxxer.

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The most shocking thing for me was witnessing my family and friends buying into it. Heartbreakingly, I followed along on FB as one lifelong friend posted about how she was doing her part by going along with her mother's nursing home restrictions. What I'm trying to say is, over a period of months, my friend was not allowed to visit her mother except wave through a window, and one day her mother was rushed to the hospital with "COVID," and she went to be there and stand a very safe distance of about 20 feet from the gurney as they wheeled her mom out the door of the nursing home and into the ambulance (the closest they'd been in months). My friend was posting again in a virtue signalling way about how we are all in this together, compliance is good, and basically how she's grateful for all of the wonderful people keeping her mom safe. And her mom miraculously made it out alive and back to the nursing home, still no visitors permitted. Around that time, the injections became available. You will guess the next part. My friend gratefully received her injection and of course so did her mother. More time went by, more injections (I don't remember how much time or how many injections), and then the mother "suddenly died." But she was old, so this was sad but hey, to be expected at her age. (no connections drawn.) This was sometime in the Spring of 2021. This was what pushed me over the edge and I stopped looking at facebook. I could not bear seeing so many people I have known for so long, turn into these zombies and also read their many expressions of hatred towards unvaccinated people (me). Never was much for facebook, but it was one thing that kept me going during this bleak isolation. I can't remember when substack appeared on the scene, but this has been my lifesaver.

It's surreal, looking back, isn't it?

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It was surreal even at the time.

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People blame this on the shot. But I think that it was complying with the orders for so long that messed people up. They were trying to condition us to turn our backs on our nearest and dearest when ordered to do so. To put the Experts above all human relationships and love no one. You can see this in movies being made now too. No human love.

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There's a new church in town. Watch the hit music video CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

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Substack has been a safe haven for me during this time.

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It was indeed surreal. Sensible people (I thought) behaving like lemmings then, and prepared to do so again when the next “deadly virus” hits. I have an ex friend whom I saw recently at the market. Our friendship ended when she accused me of killing people because I hadn’t done my duty and lined up for the jabs. We smiled at each other and the first thing she said to me was “There’s another one out there you know. I just read about it.” I just turned away. She has had the bug three times. I haven’t had it once.

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As you say, "sensible people." Before 2020, I never thought of myself as being extraordinarily sensible, and I never wanted to be different in this way. Friends and family have all lost their minds, their minds are not returning, and we didn't see it coming.

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It's painful remembering these moments, but the most painful thing is I thought they would finally see and regret what they'd done. My inlaws actually did come to that point ("we don't know what we were thinking!"), but most other zombies (as you put it) we know never connected the dots. The only way to stop this from happening again is for people to understand, to have regrets, to want to do things differently from her on out. If only we could reach that point!

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update: I talked to a good friend tonight who would not listen to me at all, jabbed himself at least 3 times he admits to, and then got some turbo cancer and told me a few months ago that he has no idea how I managed to stay strong and resist all pressure, not get sick, not become afraid, etc. Well, this same friend this evening said that when he recently had to go to the hospital for some cancer tests, he was afraid of being in that environment because of all of the germs, so he took precautions and wore his mask. I think he expected me to say, "good thinking, Tom."

Well, sheesh! Are you still not listening to me? Apparently not. "There are germs literally everywhere" is what I told him. I know that cancer can be frightening, but it doesn't have to be.

There is still too much ignorance, which makes the population susceptible to fear and manipulation.

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Watch POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!


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It angered me to see how those who went on and on about "protecting grandma" were fine with letting her die alone in her nursing home. I've pointed out to Covidians how cruel and selfish their "kind and considerate" behaviors really were. Cognitive dissonance is a bear.

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❤️❤️❤️❤️ it’s called Common Sense and yours is still fully intact! Xox, Grandmother of almost 3!

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Me too Dianna! An ex-vaxxer. I love that 😁

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Mark Oshinskie for President!

The lockdowns were never, ever about public health. Here in Michigan, lottery, liquor and weed sales all continued apace but got forbid you tried to cut a lawn......the full force of the tyrannical state would come down on you. And a majority of the people here still support Gov. Whitmer’s handling of the “pandemic”.....WTF.....

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Trump blew it.

And Biden is far worse.

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This is why I can't vote for him again. RFK Jr. has my vote- (although I like Vivek, he doesn't pass the sniff test.) Please don't shame me.

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Well RFK Jr. has his own ‘sniff’ issues IMO.

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Not shaming you as I, too, considered him a while back—then did my research with an open mind focused on truth…RFK is a snake (very likely murdered his wife, he’s a climate lockdown proponent, he may be anti-Covid jab but not against other vaccines, and the list goes on) as is Trump and ALL the others (especially Haley…she’s from my home state and we used to go to the same hairdresser..to put it mildly, she’s very unpleasant). Vivek makes me laugh. He says GREAT things and has moxy but his connection to George Soros is a bit alarming. Actually, it doesn’t matter who you, I, or anyone else votes for bc we don’t have elections but SELections. The next potus has been decided by those at a much higher pay grade than we useless eaters. There’s no politician who can stop what’s happening and no political “savior.” Christ Jesus is the only Savior and the only one worthy of pinning our hope on.

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I'm a bit shocked at the claim that RFK likely murdered his wife! Where did this info come from?

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If I were you Mark, I'd watch my step. Anyone walking around with as much common sense as you clearly possess, will probably be considered a national security threat!

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We would ALL be considered a national security threat. It sure seems that some in our government considers any free-thinking people to be terrorists.

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It wasn't just fear that drove the lockdown.

Greed and the quest for raw power played a much larger part IMHO.

The global elites amassed millions and billions of dollars by betting on the policies they were pushing.

Most of the mega corporations have more than doubled their pre covid profit margins since the scare subsided while food prices for the plebes have gone up considerably with absolutely no increase for the farming community.

Housing and rental prices are through the roof and availability, especially in the urban areas, is sketchy at best except in the newly created shitholes of San Francisco, LA, Portland Ore, and NYC, just to name a few where you can find rents depending on how much human flotsam you want to endure.

Thirty million illegal aliens invited here by the Communists among us are looking for a place to live which just makes the housing problem even worse.

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Lust for money and power drove those who sold the lie.

Fear drove those who bought the lie.

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$5 MILLION DOLLAR MAN. A denizen of San Francisco demands reparations for slavery. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/5-million-dollar-man

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NYS is likely below 20 million residents now. Nearly 2 million fled under the Cuomo reign of rape and terror, yet he roams free, despite the eldercide between himself, Hochul and Zucker.

Already 17 million dead worldwide (at least) due to the jabs.

How many more lost their homes and jobs due to tyrannical and maniacal mandates?!

Newspapers still won’t publish but at least there’s Substack.

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If you printed a newsletter IRL, could you find people to read it where you live? I've been thinking about this a lot.

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I walked out of a school that day knowing that there was something really bad about things when our people "in charge" were willing to crash our economy and society for a supposed virus. You could see what would happen if you had any common sense! Also, after things became more lenient...you know, after a year and a half or so from that 14 days... and they were still making preschoolers wear masks, I knew it was to poison the bodies, minds and futures of at least a generation. I said at the time they legalized drugs in certain states that something bad was about to happen! It wasn't about the "virus," it was about control, plain and simple.

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Such a great piece. Brilliant. Had the same thoughts as you, but could not express them nearly as eloquently. Bravo.

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Thanks, Monica.

That was a dark night. Thereafter, things turned out worse than I thought.

I hope your life hasn't been damaged to the extent that, for example, my adult kids' lives were. It was grand generational theft, obviously opportunistic from Night 1.

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The American Dream turned nightmare.

People are still asleep.

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Even those who didn't go along with the Narrative still (mostly) don't know what's happening.

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How can we know?

- Citizen reporters are threatened and imprisoned;

- The MSM infotainment system mixes lies with truth;

- Truth is terrifying to most

- The Education factory doesn't favor critical thinking

Who has the time, energy, resources to get informed and think independently? Many who saw through the scamdemic lies lost their jobs, their families and social circles. Some just broke down and took the poison jabs to placate controlling spouses, siblings and bosses.

The deck is stacked. Soldier on.

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The government over reach was one thing. That’s to be expected. Governments all over the world ruin almost everything they touch. It was the mob mentality of the people that was sad, if not scary. We are all now familiar with the term ‘mass psychosis’,

thanks to the scamdemic. The sense of doing the ‘right thing’, ‘We’re all in this together’ and so on… was beyond cringey. Now it sounds epically preposterous. How did so many fall for this so easily? How many will again during the next ‘crisis?’

There’s no doubt there will be another one, only question is when.

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"We are all in this together". Chanted by the lemmings as they hurled themselves over the cliff.

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THE EMERGENCY. Unending fake public health “emergencies” enable global elites to maintain an iron grip on a worldwide population living in fear. Watch Turfseer’s music video. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/nw-music-video-release-the-emergency

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I was not smart enough to know how bad the lockdowns would turn out to be, but I did know (shortly into this scam) that TPTB were lying to us. I could see it with my own eyes.

I wondered why others could not see it. I started out concerned about a "deadly virus" and tuning in to the daily updates, but soon I couldn't take it anymore and several "red flags" presented themselves.

Now 3 years later, I have lost my beloved sister to turbo cancer.....and my elderly father (with advanced alzheimers) is still alive.

If he could have saved my 57 year old sister by giving up these last tortuted years of his- he would have in a heartbeat. 😔

Crimes against humanity.

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Which MUST be addressed...

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After the Reset I wonder if anyone will mind being permanently isolated in tiny pods. They certainly enjoyed the Lockdown. It had no emotional impact on its supporters. They don't seem to require human contact, friendship or love. I could see this attitude long before the clot shot came out. Stories like that one written by a woman who wouldn't go near her five-year-old son for two weeks. He thought he was dying, and she refused to comfort him because he might give her Covid.

This whole ordeal terrified me, but not the idea of the Sniffles. I still live in fear. The world bearing down on us is horrific and there aren't enough of us (with any clout or resources) to do anything.

"Evil will always triumph because good is stupid." Mel Brooks

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You must take the long view. Perhaps not in our lifetimes, but goodness, truth and beauty will prevail. It may get worse before it gets better. Still, we must hope (a virtue) and pray.

Just became a subscriber and see so clearly by these intelligent comments how this remnant are the critical thinkers, are those with a gift to truly apprehend reality and cling tenaciously to it, despite the insanity around us.

Thanks, Mr Oshinski for your important work.

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Fight the Globalist’s plan for world domination. Watch Turfseer’s music video THE GREAT RESET. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-video-release-the-great-reset

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👏🏻 Bravo Mark . Truthteller, thank you . 😘

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They sacrificed young people for political and economic gain.

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Yes, all the most vulnerable -- young people; low income, paycheck-to-paycheck people; people whose livelihoods depended on being "in person;" small family-run businesses. A staggering crime.

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They STILL ARE!!! We've been flying a lot lately and I'm continually STUNNED at the number of young people (<30) and not a few children masked up. WTH are their parents thinking? As long as the Gov't doesn't unequivocally get rid of mandates it is COMPLICIT.

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I too have flown lately...last two flights, on each ‘leg’ going through CA (onto ID), on both the going and return flights, I’ve had young people in masks seated next to me, or around me!

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Yes and moms’ and babies 😪

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They sacrificed all of us as this insanity corralled the sheep of all ages, created deep hatred and division that is still with us, and gave "them" a new weapon in their arsenal for societal control. This sets the stage for whatever is next. They know that people will comply and turn on each other. Grateful I'm considered an old fart (although I seem to have missed that memo)

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The perfect letter, Mark. Why couldn't they understand it?

I wasn't in a state of dread so much total disbelief and shock. How could people not see the horror that would be caused by an almost global lockdown?

In March of 2020, I said to my now ex-partner, "Don't you think this will cause more harm, especially to the children?" He said "kids are resilient".

I said "Can you imagine the increased amount of child abuse that will happen when you lock up the abuser with the abused?" He said, "well, there are always some bad apples".

I said "what about all those people who will be pushed into starvation and death? What do you think lockdown looks like in Calcutta?" He said "Did you care about starving people before?"

And so on. It took 2 more years and my continued vaccine refusal to end an otherwise wonderful relationship. I'm still reeling.

Thanks, Mark. You've helped me a lot.

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Thanks, SQ. That's a great but sad message.

If you want to talk, lease e-mail me at fprecheck32 at g mail.

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This is such a sad story. I understand completely how this could happen. I really do…

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Same boat, SQ. 😞

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Sucks, huh! I guess we keep rowing.

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Early in the insanity just prior to the lockdowns and mandates we were at Home Depot and standing in line to get in, where they were handing out masks to people in line. I asked if the masks were mandatory, to which we were told no. As we moved out of that line to go into the store someone yelled out “but your grandma will thank you”. We carried on in. As I think of how things unfolded we were told repeatedly that to not wear a mask or get the vaccine would make us “grandma killers”. Instead, these saintly people saw their grandmas shut away in nursing homes with no contact allowed from family, frightened and alone, having sole contact with masked, faceless people. If anyone tells me again we do it to protect grandma I shall punch them in the face. People need to hang their heads in shame for this crime against humanity.

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A duet between a mask-wearing zealot and a medical freedom fighter. Listen to IT’S JUST A MASK. Subscribe to Turfseer’s Newsletter. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/its-just-a-mask

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This nightmare did not start because politicians are dumb - though they are. This nightmare was all planned. For years laws have been passed giving practically unlimited power to people in authority whenever these very same people claim there is a public health emergency. It’s been a scam years in the making. And watch out because it ain’t over.

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Add dumb herd plus panicked herd and panicked herders, and you get what we got. A small minority like myself, observed the panicked herd members around us demand that their elected dictators do whatever was required to deliver them from imminent death. The illogical responses of painicking leaders was more than enough to convince the panicked heard to stampede in the way we saw it all unfold.

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One can be quite clever without being particularly smart. I think a lot of politicians and even top businesspeople fall into that category.

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Turfseer’s music video The Emperor’s New Clothes. The iconic children’s story is likened to the tyrannical governors of today.


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