For a few years I shared my driveway with the van of an older couple who were 'van-a-bonds', had lived in the van (really an old plumbers truck) for about 15 years. They had learned that no matter where they parked (always 'illegally' but all over Portland Oregon, in fields, odd locations) they could stay for 3 weeks, and always in the 4th week they would have moved on already, avoiding a complaint. I learned a lot from this couple. One story the woman, named Kate, told me was a time when her mother was looking for a new job. The only job available was for the power company, to be the person that went and disconnected the power if the bill was not paid. What Kate said stays with me; she said to her mother, you don't want to be THAT PERSON. She added, 'never feel so desperate that you are willing to be the cop, the enforcer, for someone else's agenda.' I am lucky to have been around that couple, and I think often of what Kate said.

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Somebody's gotta do it.

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Actually with the new stupid meters, they can turn off your power remotely. So now the person doing it doesn't have to face the situation. So much more humane?/s To add, the new meters raise your EMF exposure exponentially. See emfhelpcenter.com for assistance in putting the liability for the new bad meters back onto the power co. Lots of info on why the new meters are really very very bad indeed.

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i pay a little extra every month to have an old fashioned analog meter on my house. the power company actually sends a guy over to read the meter and if i happen to see him, he always thanks me for keeping him in work. actually i asked him once if i was the only kook and he said, no, surprisingly many people had opted out of "smart" meters which made me happy.

none of the appliances in our house are hooked up to the web, to our computers or to our phones. i want the smartest thing in my house to be a human.

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thank you carolyn maybe there is hope, I will see what they say to me about getting the old meter back. Did you manage to get them to change it back, or did you insist on keeping your old one? Curious, j

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when i got the letter informing me of the upcoming change, i called them and learned that i could opt out. for a fee, of course. good luck

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I'm so envious! I kept a digital meter off my house for almost eight years, at one point going up against the thug they sent to switch out my analog meter without my consent. In the end, it was simple sneakiness on the utility's part - when I responded to the umpteenth notice that they had scheduled a digital meter installation with a reminder that I was on the "opt-out" list, the phone rep assured me that it was an error and that I could keep my analog meter. One month to the day later, they came while I was away and made the switch. Of course, no amount of complaining helped - once the digital meter is on your house, there's no going back (in Michigan, anyway). I still get emotional when I think about their assholery. I guess I'm not the badass I thought I was.

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Thanks Carolyn, fyi there is also something called 'an opt out meter' which is really just as bad as a smart meter. So that site i ref. said to be very precise about not accepting an opt out meter. (emfhelpcenter.com).

I hope you got to keep your original meter, and to know they are using confusing language re what is an opt out meter. They will literally break into your property to install these new meters its quite brazen. best ps also a 10 dollar a month fee, if I can secure the old style meter. will see.

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I had to do some research into the new meters when my tv reception kept messing up. The story line is that they have a very low duty cycle of emf emissions. Then why did my TV reception start messing up the day they installed it, and did it constantly. NOT just once or twice a day. It literally made my TV unusable without cable. I previously used an antenna and was very happy with it.

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“To add, the new meters raise your EMF exposure exponentially”

Uh, no, they do not. They are no different than a cell phone that calls home once a day to report usage. In no way shape or form could this be considered an exponential increase in RF exposure. Please do not fall victim to the grifters selling $100 (or worse) EMF mitigation “solutions”.

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um. You can keep yours then Randall. All good to me.

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Great analogy Mark! I do think at least 35 percent of us did walk outside the bounds of the crosswalk. And, in fact, may never EVER again walk within the crosswalk.

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I see this type of enforcement behavior and its willing accolytes daily in my job in a too-large, well-known tech corporation. Bureaucracies and their victims breed this kind of dynamic. The "commitee people," the enforcers, and the unquestioning suck-ups are why I am planning my exit for smaller, if less green, pastures in the next couple of years.

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Only robots will always stay inside a crosswalk. Good citizens will not.

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What crosswalk?

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Beautifully written, and compelling.

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It is appalling and amazing that these evil bastards not only were permitted to inflict this horrific damage on society - especially the children - but far from being punished are being feted and praised still.

Every single thing these fools did was wrong. Everything they told us was a lie. Instead of a Just Society punishing these clowns, THEY grabbed control and censored those of us who called them out in real time for their errors and sins.

They are STILL at it. I did an interview with Dr. Paul Elias Alexander about his time working in the Trump Administration. The interview was BANNED from YouTube for "spreading COVID misinformation." That was in November 2022. Madness. Never ending madness.

How do we get Justice?

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How do we escape?

How do we survive?

They are NOT letting go.

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I just read that Fauci is getting $100,000 per speaking gig.

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I'm sure he's received a lot more than that over the years thru other means. Check out The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK.

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Not only did I read it ... I wrote a book review about it. I called it "the most important book of our times." This was my second Substack article and Citizens Free Press picked it up. So I was off and running on Substack ... thanks to RFK Jr's important book.

I hope people are still buying it, reading it and sharing it.


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He had the highest salary of anyone in the U.S. government and that doesn't include his royalties on drugs and vaccines. His wife also is one of the highest paid bureaucrats in Washington. I'm sure he'll be paid millions for sitting on corporate boards. His memoirs will bring in a $10 million advance from Simon & Schuester. Who says crime doesn't pay?

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a 10 mil advance he will have to pay back, unless he charges 1 million per copy.

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Heck, it will be the No. 1 national best-seller. So here I am calling for the trial and life sentence or execution of a man who is getting ready to have the top-selling book in the country.

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i hope your wrong.

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My "big shot" downtown Chicago internist "expert" "tops in his field" that implored me to get the shot and that is was the only solution, man, he really pissed me off, I was cool though on the visit...as I'm sure for me not getting the shot, for some reason outside of healthcare, my health, taking care of me as a patient, pissed him off/his demeanor...that was 2+ years ago...haven't been back. My 10 year old got it, I had her stick a swab in her nose, and then I stuck it in mine. Tested/had "covid" or whatever for a week, a little taste loss for a bit longer, then done, natural immunity in tact. I respect any Amish person way more than the credentialed internist expert, I mean fake expert. So, complete reshuffling of those I respect for me. Would need a complete most sincere mea culpa from that (damn) doctor....if he is ever to earn MY trust again. Mark, per usual, thanks for the eloquence w the words.

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as with domestic violence: even with an apology the trust has gone.

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The medical arm of the industrial complex was exposed and is now solidified and can’t be trusted except for brave few and that to me is/was most frightening part. People may be skeptical of politicians but they listen to their doctors who were “lock step” without proper research or critical thinking.

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Another fine, humanistic essay by Mark.

Every time I see my doctor he looks over my chart and says, "Do you want to get caught up to date on your covid shots?" [for the record I have exactly zero] He has a poor memory or doesn't care. He also doesn't seem to know or care about the daily reports of damage and danger from the dreaded covid novel injectable. He's not a bad doctor otherwise, but as a health advisor he ranks near the bottom.

You can't trust or use doctors as health advisors, that's much to important a job to be left to medical doctors who never take a single course in actual health and health preservation--seriously, look up the curriculum at any medical school: no nutrition, exercise, nutrition, mind-body, etc.

They never study a course about what is either the 3rd leading cause of death (no doubt the leading cause of death in patients under care, in hospitals) or the leading cause of death in the USA: iatrogenic harm (sometimes called iatrocide if, you know, it ends up with the patient's termination).

Even the accepted iatrogenic deaths number in the US is greatly understated because it never includes the vast number of (usually) older people who in nursing homes or senior living receive prescribed numbers of drugs, in ever increasing amounts (I hear that some doctors say if you have 8 prescriptions and you get one more then he will cancel one of the 8 ?? How's that for sciency medicine?) without any clue about the cumulative or interactive effect of that chemical pharmacopia on the human system.

They never study a course about how drugs are actually dreamed up, approved and distributed out for maximum profit.

And yet I have never run across a doctor who did not suffer an incurable case of white (coat) supremacy.

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I learned how evil Big Pharma cartels really are once I discovered how fake "mental health" remedies are. Everything an entire branch of medicine is based upon is a lie. And all the other doctors of different branches go along with it. I wondered if they were also corrupt or maybe sort of stupid. The past three years made me decide it's both.

Doctors (as a whole) really don't care about people. They're fine with patients dying as long as they can't be sued. They love to see patients with chronic and crippling illnesses because of repeat business. Cha ching! Money is all they care about.

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The Emperor's New Drugs, a great book, showed the same thing about psych drugs--basically no more efficacious than a placebo, but with all the costs $$ and bad side effects that placebos don't produce.

The Last Well Person, Bad Science, Bad Pharma . . . lots of quality books have been written but people are sheep . . . "My doctor says for me to . . ."

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"My doctor says for me to . . ." is also a skewed, superficial reaction of not wanting to take responsibilty for one's own health, like hiding behind a drug :-((

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Only about 0.05% of doctors spoke against the medical tyranny.

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That beats the 0.000 percent of mainstream journalists who wrote a story questioning any of the authorized Covid narratives.

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Many had already become accustomed, maybe numbed, to fraud and whatnot. Then the takeover of by corporate over hospitals & Drs. after Obummercare, and Drs. being put under their thumb thereby not allowing much time with patients, enormous paper work and whatnot. From what I understand there is a shortage of Drs. Bc so many have left (tired of bs, vax injured, retired early, burnout) and now pay has escalated due to the shortage from what I have heard. A sad state of affairs. It feels like we are living in a communist state already. WEF are unelected leaders and fraudulent elections like in AZ where now it is said 20 states are bought off by the cartels point to the worsening of our so called freedoms.

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well, there's a great white north ongoing doc 'deficit'...132 ! 🍁doctors 'DiedSuddenly since jab rollout ...[11 pgs of pics of dead docs]

palexander.substack.com /p/132-canadian-doctors-shockingly-died-1e8

' this mortality is heavily skewed towards the younger age groups

with the youngest doctors

- medical students or medical residents under age 30

dying at a 900% higher rate in 2022, compared to the 2019/2020 average.'

132 Canadian doctors SHOCKINGLY died suddenly since COnVID-19 vaccine rollout

yet CMA & provincial governments refuse to pay attention to deadly shots

with 53% excess mortality; CENSORED???

Dr. Paul Alexander [...]

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How long will that last? Pharmacist salaries are already crashing. Who will go to the Obummerdoctors and their insurance companies?

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I just watched an interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon. He moved back to his native England and now lives in one of those "15-minute" or "smart cities." Per Dr. Yeadon, he can only drive his car into and back from town 100 times in a 12-month period. Cameras on road-side posts are picking up a sensor on car license plates and are counting his authorized car trips. He didn't say what will happen once he goes past 100 trips, but I'm sure some authority figure is going to slap him on the wrist or issue him a fine. When we get to digital currency, they'll just automatically take the fine out of "his" account.

So these people/organizations are acquiring even more control. They no longer need a cop on the street corner to enforce their edicts.

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I think in that case civil disobedience in terms of masking tape or cherry bombs on those cameras will be warranted. Otoh, it's England so who knows what the population will put up with.

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We need the French Underground - The English Underground - to spring into action!

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"hurray" for automatisation and digitalisation. the "15-minute" or "smart cities" (in fact anything but) are untenable and won't last, aspecially when everbody ignores those forced limitations. mass civil disobedience.

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I don't have high hopes for mass civil disobedience considering what has gone down for the last three years. Sure there were pockets of us who didn't fall for the scam and those who awakened relatively early, but the masses didn't and haven't yet. TPTB will spin this as "saving the planet" as opposed to "saving grandma" and the sheep will stay in line.

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most people didn't buy a car to only be able to go as far as 15 minutes away 'or else'. it hurts to have to comply with that.

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stay home or else. get a jab or else. There wasn't mass civil disobedience around that so yeah, i don't have the confidence that there will be around the don't drive more than 15 minutes away or else. Seeing as the true goal of these 15 minute cities is to remove the need for private ownership of cars, they are making it more painful to own one.

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While in US Army bootcamp in 1970--most drill instructors fresh back from Vietnam---warned us quietly to make sure we have a plan B and to NOT ever go over there. They told us clearly that the USG is out to kill us for their own private financial gains. I've never trusted any governmental agency in the last 53 years. I am totally unvaxxed.

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🙌💯 very wise man, Tank!

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Another great one to add to my list of your favorite quotes, “...full of self-importance but devoid of actual importance.”

Great characterization of all our betters during this fiasco.

Thanks for writing Mark!

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unfortunately thinking the top down government intentions were more nefarious than just incompetence… no excuses for the 🤡murderers 🤡

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This is an insightful take. Thanks Mark.

I have only one critique, that being this line: “scientifically-illiterate, opportunistic governors and mayors”. While this is correct, it has a glaring omission. There was one guy who allowed, even encouraged the mayors and governors to be “opportunistic”.

We hear a lot about how it was the states and localities who were responsible for lockdowns but this avoids mentioning the prime driver behind lockdowns and Coronafascism in general. There would have only been brief lockdowns in blue states and none in red states but for one person doing two key things:

1. The CARES Act signed by then President Trump sent massive amounts of funding to the states to promote mitigation measures and to pay people to stay home. Without this funding, no states could have afforded to be “opportunistic”, at least for very long.

2. For most (though not all) red state governors, the natural inclination would have been to remain un-locked down (by way of example, during the SARS Cov1 pandemic, no states locked down at all - because Obama didn’t encourage or fund such a ridiculous notion.).

The huge problem for these red state governors though was that Trump undertook a significant arm-twisting campaign to implement what he demanded of them: implement masking , social distancing, and to shut down all “non-essential” businesses and organizations (including churches). Trump famously derided Governor Kemp for opening Georgia back up too soon. The president was telling everyone that the states were under a nationwide presidential emergency health declaration (Trump signed 4 such orders) and that only he could open things back up.

The GOP governors didn’t want to buck the head of the Republican Party so they did what Trump demanded of them (until a few started breaking ranks - which Trump didn’t like AT ALL and publicly said so.)

Meanwhile, the blue state governors, flush with Trump’s federal funding as well as his lockdown imprimatur, allowed them to go crazy with their totalitarianism. ‘Hey, if a Republican president says it’s okay to be totalitarian, let’s be totalitarians!’

So I’m simply reminding people that literally none of the craziness of the last 3 years would have been possible without the Trump admin making it possible. And don’t get me started on the reauthorization of the PREP Act or Operation Warp Poison - neither of which were initiatives of the States.

P.S. Because DJT was the prime mover that made Coronafascism possible, Fauci, Birx et. al. will never be indicted.

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I am breaking my Lenten pledge not to comment on the internet just to say THANK YOU. You are absolutely right, and what's more, I didn't really see until now how instrumental Trump's actions were in pushing this totalitarian madness until you so clearly pointed it out with your comment.

Trump was in this totalitarian mess up to his eyeballs - Operation Warp Speed, etc. - but his sycophants will tell you endlessly "Trump didn't impose the vax, he only suggested it" as if Trump could have imposed a vax requirement *after* he left office. (It wasn't available until he had left.)

No doubt you'll take flak for being so perfectly over the target. Trump is no hero - he's a con man.

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Sorry you had to break Lent ;-)

So the Trump clan's argument is a semantical, even pedantic one. No, Trump didn't "mandate" the poison, he was just the one who made the poison possible.

And here's the thing, if there had been no Operation Warp Speed, then there literally would have been no gene juice for Biden to mandate. The reason for this is actually not all that complicated.

1.) The world was already in the midst of reaching herd immunity without a vax by the time the vax was almost (but not quite) ready. Without Trump pushing Op WS, Pfizer and co would have instead, been involved with the normal drug trials and probably would have had to convince Biden's FDA to let them release their drug sometime in mid to late 2021 at the earliest. But of course, by then C19 would have been in the rear view mirror and no one would have needed or asked for the jab.

Without Trump implementing Op Warp Speed with the help of his friends in Big Pharma (and he has ALWAYS been a friend of Big Pharma) we would have reached herd immunity before Biden would have been in any position to mandate anything.

But as it was, the jabs started destroying the body's immunity and C19 came roaring back amongst the vaxxed. So the damage was done because of the rush to get the gene juice to market before herd immunity kicked in. Biden was now off the hook.

Trump made that possible.

2.) Trump and his handpicked Covid task force, sowed so much fear in the general populace early on that it was not difficult for Trump to move ahead with Op Warp Speed to save humanity (which he is, still to this day, essentially claiming). His admin's entire strategy was to lay the ground-work for the jabs by mandating people do things that they absolutely did not want to do in a free society (mask, social distance, lockdown). It was obvious from nearly day one that Trump's fear campaign was the first phase of the vax rollout. He was easing everyone into welcoming the "vaccine" with open arms (no pun intended). And the Trump admin's strategy worked. Trump admin insiders have said that their hope was that they didn't intend to mandate the jabs but rather, that people would willingly get vaxxed to end the lockdown madness.

So I don't want to hear how Trump was a victim or had no intention of seeing people vaxxed against their will. He made it all possible and, if Fauci goes down for this, IMO so should Trump. He was the boss.

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youre one of the few commentors that has pointed this out about trump. He still claims the jabs saved miillions and are the greatest medical accomplishment of all time. The guy is dillusional. He got played by these people and it cost him an easy re-election. It also has opened the door for the widespread voter fraud to remain entact via mail in voting. He is to blame for the mandates, the lockdowns, the corrupted voting process. Its all on him. I'd have a hard time voting for him in 2024, but given the alternative would probably still do it, or just not participate.

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How about we simply make sure he is not nominated. He can’t win anyway so let’s get some new blood in there to take on Newsom (the likely Dem nominee).

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Thank you.

The funny thing is neither the bobble headed NPCs with TV for brains nor the MAGA hatted Q cult seem to notice.

The former still scream we only suffered because Trump wasn't brutal enough early enough and killed 500,000,000 by not enforcing harsher masking/isolation/??? draconian measures. They venerate--no worship the clot shot--while failing to give the Father of the Vaccine (as he prefers to be known) the honor and glory he desires.

The latter excoriate the Trump shots as bioweapons when they're not telling us, "We gotta get Trump back into the White House in 2024!" They praise Trump as benevolent, kindly, trustworthy, and clever. Deep and wise. Yet unable to see through all the bad people he completely surrounded himself with. The cutthroat billionaire tycoon who wrote Art of the Deal was too innocent and pure to realize this. A mere babe in the woods who was taken in by the Swamp. He released the bioweapons through Operation Warp Speed and still won't condemn them.

But Trump is supposed to be our savior. Our only hope.

Don't bet on it.

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You’re exactly right. Usually the defense of Trump by his fans is that he was conned by Fauci and Birx. Okay, so fine, he was conned. We saw a lot of that, most notably that the Kushners did a lot of conning of their own during dad’s term. So it doesn’t surprise me that Trump was easily rolled by Fauci - with the only other explanation being that he AGREED with all of the leftist policies he was implementing.

My question is, at 79 years old in 2025, will a President Trump govern differently than he did in his previous term? Would he stop with the implementing of Hillary Clinton policies or would he implement Ted Cruz’s instead? After all, most of what Trump promised in 2014 was ripped off the Cruz website. Many apparently preferred Cruz policies but with Trump bravado. Instead we got Obama policies with Trump bravado.

How will next time be different?

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Dec 22, 2022




CLIP FROM TV NEWS OF PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP [seated at desk in Oval Office speaking to camera]: Miracle. We have delivered a safe and effective vaccine in just 9 months.


MICHELLE [speaking to camera]: Safe and effective? By no means is this safe and effective. With all the deaths and vaccine injuries and much more that came out of it, this vaccine is not safe and effective.

Are you eating your words now? Are you?

This crime against humanity, that's what it is, this biochemical warfare that was brought on us is not fair to any of us. We have laid silently and censored so people wouldn't know we are vaccine injured.

We finally have Senator Johnson and Governor DeSantis speaking up for us. There's many more that can be speaking up for us. Who's stopping them? Why aren't they speaking out? We need more people to speak up for us and stop this senseless so-called safe and effective vaccine because it's by no means safe and effective.

We will not be censored. We will continue to speak out until we are heard.

So how's your safe and effective vaccine? Didn't go very well, did it.



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Great points. I just wrote a piece trying to explain HOW all of this madness happened. I included a a couple of paragraphs about the importance of "spreading the money" around. But you do a better job of showing how important it was to buy off the state governors and legislators.


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Given the global lockstep, all of the insane advice & tyranny were the feature, not the bug. What was deeply disheartening at the start was how completely & downright thoughtlessly so many complied. Which doesn’t bode well for any future plans “they” have coming up next in the depopulation agenda.

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The cop was, no doubt, a hall monitor in elementary school.

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It was "the people" who let this happen. 2 weeks to flatten, etc, should have been slapped down and disregarded immediately. Every bit of it should have been mocked and rebelled against instantly. The opposite of what I thought would happen in the US and Canada occurred. Now I'm simply left feeling uneasy and constantly peeved, knowing that I'm actually surrounded by super dopey weaklings. Mark's columns cheer me up to no end.

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100%, Bob. I share your same disgust at how a nation of supposed adults would not only acquiesce to such an absurdity -- "two weeks to flatten the curve," but would support it.

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I was a paralegal at a small law firm in Chicago. The firm hired an attorney who had gone to Michigan for his undergrad and Notre Dame for his JD. Sounds impressive, right? He couldn't negotiate himself out of a cardboard box. He ended up exiled in a large supply closet where the temps worked. That was my first lesson in labels don't mean anything. On paper he may have looked good, but in practice, meh. The next lesson was finding out one of our Presidents had a C average from an Ivy League college.

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Such authoritarian default positions are going to be much worse after DEI woke takeover of corporate, gov, media, bank, Intelligence, edu and military institutions. Americans would do well to gut such institutions before tyranny becomes normalized:


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Parallel systems are the only solution.

Not the civil war America's enemies salivate over. I don't think normal citizens on either side really want it.

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