My kids are homeschooled and I can tell you the damage that was still done to them by shutting down their whole world is likely irreversible. And I tried to maintain normality as much as possible! But my older children were torn from meaningful activities and deep friendships, none of which fully recovered, and my younger children were denied the opportunity to even interact with other children! I see the effects even now. Like you said, multiply that by the millions of kids and young adults who were abused by our own government and compliant citizens...and yes, it was straight up child abuse to isolate and shame and forcibly suffocate our young.

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I will never be able to look at parents that abused their children the same.

NEVER. I am still shocked to this day about how the little ones were treated.

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still seeing that kid (maybe 2?) in a Walmart cart, with a face diaper covering almost all its face. Felt so sorry for the child. Could not even see if it was a boy or a girl.

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Closing schools was a great excuse to introduce more technocratic control over our children, and tying them to the digital gulag.

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Good one. Thanks. Ah, junior high. Glad I've moved on!

PS The public school teacher in my family went full-bore covidian, she was terrified that the little kids were all going to kill her. She considered it an outrage that school would reopen without the kids having to present to her their vaccination documents. I am not making this up, how I wish I were.

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Yes, teachers showed they weren't very smart or dedicated to kids.

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Agreed. That said, there are many examples of teachers who were smart enough to figure out it would be best to not comply, and who were (and are) very dedicated to their students— for example, I've transcribed a number of testimonies of teachers before the NYC council. It's really heartbreaking. I've posted a large number of them, and I have some more to post, but for a flavor, here's just one:

Victoria Russo, Special Education Teacher

NYC Council testimony 12/19/23



"We are not the enemy. We are colleagues, your friends, your neighbors. We were essential workers who have served our community with dedication and compassion throughout this pandemic. We deserve to be treated with fairness and dignity."

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next to doctors and nurses, school teachers should indeed be considered essential. They teach the future of a country ! of course we need stores where to buy food, but those that educate the children are (or should be) preparing little people for the future. The fact they could not consider themselves like that makes them unworthy of teaching IMO

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Enrollment in Baltimore schools dropped by 30% after the scamdemic, where did they go? I’m sure many other districts were the same

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Good point. I should have mentioned that.

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If I had school aged kids today, no question, whatever it takes, they'd be homeschooled. And I'm not the sort of person who ever would have considered such a thing prior to 2020. But to me homeschool doesn't necessarily mean the kids are stuck in the home all day. I would seek opportunities to do things with other homeschooling families, and many other activities (language learning, sports, dance, music, arts & crafts, field trips, etc.) All that said, I can appreciate that homeschooling is not easy and I probably don't know the half of it.

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We homeschooled one of our three kids for a few years. I think HS'ing is better in several ways than are public schools., esp. engagement and the lack of PC indoctrination. But kids meet far, more and different, kids in brick and mortar schools.

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Agree. We shouldn't even have to debate this choice. It should be exactly that; a CHOICE based on parental preference.

I have my kids in public school for the reasons you outlined. But the only reason I do is because my wife and me are very involved with the school district.

Not many are...so their kids are preyed upon by Marxist who know they have a captive audience.

Did you know when we were in school during 70's/80's the US was ranked number 1 in the world?

What changed? The Dept of Education was formed in 1979. Within a few years we dropped out of the top ten. Now we are 33rd despite spending more money than any other country on educating our future; our children.

Government literally fucks up everything they touch.

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No vaxx requirements, the primary incentive.

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Still four states with no jab exemptions. Bunch of sociopaths.

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Interestingly, too, even the home-schooled kids are given a mandated list of things they are to be taught...

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Good points. If I were to homeschool then I'd make a deliberate effort to find some activities outside the usual social circles. This is all just a thought-experiment for me, since I don't have school-aged kids, but I do find it interesting-- it clarifies for me what I think is important and valuable for mind and body. And not just for kids.

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It has its ups and downs but more up than down

We’ve done everything:


International travel

Parochial school

Public school

No matter what, parents need to be fully engaged with their kids - there are psychos everywhere

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a friend of mine has 5 children, all homeschooled. the good thing, you can divide the lessons over the day - children can play outside when weather allows and study before or after. In school kids are locked up inside for most of the nice time of day!

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Def more freedom, less wasted time as a homeschooler.

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kids in our neighborhood spend almost 2 hours on the bus as well. total waste of time.

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a study about the necessity of a study to study.... ? what if there would be no money for all these useless studies, and instead, the money would be spent on decent schools for decent teachers. I know a couple of teachers I would absolutely not want to be my kids teachers ! I barely would dare to leave my dog with them.

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The school system where I was at during the Covid Operation was and still is presided over by a black male superintendent who was in league with a white male high-end banker man. Make of that what you will but it's a fact. You almost never saw these two apart at least in public settings.

The superintendent was said to be the highest paid public employee in the entire state of NY. Not only was he making well over $200,000K/yr he had in his contract free leasing of a high end SUV and other goodies. What this guy did other than schmooze was always the subject of conversation and he was not very well liked by all breed of townies but it was impossible to get rid of him. One thing that he certainly did was usher in the CORE craziness and massive technology "upgrades" to the school system.

I would always joke that if the State demanded that for him to get his salary he would have to implement a teaspoon of arsenic program for the kiddies each day he would do it without batting an eye. Little did I know how literally true this would be as not only did he go along with the Covid program that wrecked thousands of kids in that system but he also implemented programs to have in-school Covid vaccines.

I could go on. Corrupt hardly describes it.

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School and college administrators are among the most overpaid people in the US.

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AND least necessary!

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I agree. The covid scam was nothing more than a big scam. It wreaked havoc throughout our schools and across all of society. It was dystopian, cruel and authoritarian. The only plus side to the covid scam is that many people are now aware of how oppressive and manipulative the government, media, educational system and medical system can be.

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And people bought it.

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It was more than a scam... People who got this "vaccine" and continue to get "boosters" are poisoned and sometimes they DIE. It's ongoing. It's not "over."

Here's a REAL researcher, the laboratory that first examined what was in those vials...


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The Scamdemiic was a Globalism/WEF/UN/WHO test run. The people complied and failed the test. This is/was duly noted. Get ready for the next test.

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Jul 18Edited

Excellent piece with a number of great points. Closing schools was perhaps the most cynical sub-drama in the whole plandemic theatre. Fear dropped from 30,000 feet sent everyone into underground bunkers from which a few have yet to emerge, even today. The tasteless, invisible notion that Covid would kill millions of adults filled every city, neighborhood, and street. People hunkered down and traffic very nearly disappeared completely in mid-late March, 2020. Two weeks to flatten the curve of the earth would last for years. Trillions of dollars were spent by Congress to shut schools, eliminate small businesses, and censor dissent in an effort to ensure compliance with the financial and political goals of the Covid scamdemic. It was an unqualified success: Pharma reaped hundreds of billions of dollars in profit, an expensive one night stand with socialism was rapaciously forced upon a wide-eyed, terrified citizenry, and the tenets of BuildBackBetter 4th Industrial Revolution politics were spewed into the political atmosphere of every Western country bringing closer the alignment of their governmental practices with authoritarian experts like China. School closures were instrumental in generating a paradigm-shifting social and cultural disorientation, which was necessary for the big lift (grift) of the Covid response.

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Well summarized, Dog.

Thank you.

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THIS ---> "...these institutions reward conformity more than they value critical thinking and applied intelligence." Most people prefer the easy route of copying what everyone/else is saying/doing rather than thinking for themselves (or ever having to waste any precious time thinking at all). I've had some training in critical thinking and they say the first step is CYA - Challenge Your Assumptions. I disagree; I think one has to first recognize their assumptions. Example - "Doctors know what is best for my health". Most people accept that as a fact but it really is an assumption (that is easily challenged, IMHO). Sadly though, facts/evidence usually don't change minds that have been made up by repetition and emotional manipulation. People with good grades from good schools think they are smart by blindly accepting whatever teacher/professor/society says - why think and understand when you can simply parrot conventional wisdom! Why question things? - too much work!

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Damage was the intention.

Progressives/socialists have been plotting the brainwashing of students as a major part of the scheme to social control since the 19th century. How do you change society, over decades, but yes, through education, at all levels. This is where we are today. Making youth more vulnerable to mental strain meant they became open to manipulation in political and social ideas being propagandized heavily since 2020. Also helpful is to convince as many as possible of their victim status so refuge is sought at the hands of concerned and caring authorities.

Especially cruel but effective was the "what is a woman" and transsexuality madness that suddenly was everywhere challenging and harassing everyone's sense of reality (because there is no reality, therefore they can claim whatever they want).

These "progressives" are not raising people and societies up. They desire to smother them to the ground in order to reshape them for the new order they envision, that being, submissive and non-critical thinking slaves who must depend completely from The Powers. Sounds like feudalism is the goal. Who benefits, we should ask. Fundamentally it is demonic marxism hating man made in the image of God desiring to transform humanity into deformed slaves.

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Schools in Florida closed briefly and reopened for the fall term in august 2020. Stupid NPIs were initially instituted, like plexiglass barriers and small cohorts in quasi quarantine groups. if one child in the cohort tested positive ( not sick mind you) all were sent home. That ended eventually when our governor and medical advisor studied the real research and stats. No higher rates Cfr or hospitalizations occurred in Florida.

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What a difference it would have made if all governors had acted the same way. Follow CDC guidelines until evidence proves otherwise. It was not oppositional, it was adjusting to realities. On a smaller scale, many heeded the advice to mask up and distance until it became obvious to any thinking person that the whole pandemic was overblown. I blame no one for being fearful at first: we were all lied to about the deadliness of the virus. Who can be blamed for believing it was the next plague when all the 'experts' told us so? I do blame those who still refuse to admit, even to themselves, that they have been had. And I have no respect for those still masking up, outdoors, or in their cars. I wouldn't trust them to dogsit for me.

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There was never any reason to fear this virus. My book explains why I and many others saw this from Day 1.

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While you are absolutely correct, not everyone was able to see though the smoke as you. Some of us needed time to find the truth, and much of that was thanks to people like you here on Substack. I had never even heard of Substack before the Plandemic, and I am so grateful I did. I know I am not the only one who found a way out of the hysteria here.

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"Caucasian please!" Thanks for a much needed belly buster this morning.

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Yes, I'm like Elvis: I appropriate Black culture and people give me the credit.

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So many harms, so little accountability. Oh well, at least the Secret Service will be hung out to dry.

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This coming Thursday's post is about the lack of accountability.

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Always enjoy reading your Substack Mark! Has the first person responsible for the damaging Covid responses been held accountable yet? I don’t think so. Will we ever see justice and punishment for the evil perpetrators of the responses that caused these many lifelong problems for school children and deaths for so many others? I hope we do but I really don’t think so. It is sick that this has happened without accountability assigned to the evil that is behind so many deaths and present and future societal problems.

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Will these kids, and future generations, ever forgive us?

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