Sometimes it amazes me how different our Coronamania years were. In Alabama, where I live, people just didn't get in my face about it, and it petered out much sooner, although I do still see the occasional die hard mask wearers.

Secondly, it was the bad and negligent calls of both nurses and doctors who were supposed to be helping my daughter that caused her to die last December. These are no longer our best and brightest in this field. It is full of people just like her, who only think about themselves. Of course, there are some amazing ones as well, but I believe they are the exception, not the rule.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

I am sorry to hear about the death of your daughter. My condolences.

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Thank you Lisa

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I am so sorry. How terrible

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My heart breaks for you. My son-in-law lost his dad when Remdesivir destroyed his kidneys. We are wounded and find it difficult not to be bitter. Lamentations 3:19-26 is my favorite scripture. I pray it can help you today.

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Thank you, those are good verses. Bitter is not the word for me, more like incredulous that so many wrong things were done. I have had many signs that she is in the best place for her now. No more tears and no more pain. One day at a time...

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I’m so sorry about your daughter. God bless you.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

I am so sorry about your loss. You have exposed a real health care issue. The past 15 years have seen a MASSIVE erosion in the quality of medical professionals in the name of "equity". Admission standards have been watered down to some non-descript "holistic" evaluation that is driven almost exclusively by demographics, social justice warrior scores and "distance traveled" -- none of which have ANYTHING useful to do with being a good health practitioner. Because these matriculates are not mentally up to the job, all of the course requirements were then subsequently lowered (all medical school courses, and now the National Boards have all been reduced to pass/fail because too many of the social admits were doing so poorly) -- very convenient when you never tell anyone what the pass/fail line is -- you can just pass them all. I would not allow any physician under 45 to care for me or my family. (It is not that there are not still some good/smart ones -- you just cannot discern them anymore.)

Of course, the covid effect is that these less-than-adequate practitioners just follow whatever the government tells them to do. It is not their fault -- they lack the intellectual capacity to do better than that and are more interested in social justice than in taking care of your child. It horrifies me daily as I continue to try to do my own small part -- but those are the facts.

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Thank you and it must be very difficult to work in that environment when you are "one of the good ones." We will be getting to the bottom of so many wrong calls.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Just outstanding observations and ruminations here Mark! You know, I’m beginning to turn my focus away from the very real mass formation angle, and more towards the individuals. It’s like a Wack a Mole game.... Things Covid simply elicited preexisting defects in the psyches of these vocal, pro vax kooks and modern humans generally. Like any crisis, it was/is a mirror showing us the current state of each of us.

Not a pretty picture at all.... But I’m still working on it!

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

It was never about health with the vaxxers. It was about power and money. The pharmas and Biden government pumped billions of dollars into the effort to get everyone ejected, commissions and gratuities were paid to institutions, media, nurses, and influencers to aggressively push injections. Another motivator is that all the mRNA products are made here and in the EU by Chinese-controlled companies, which are not allowed to bring the same to...China. Bioweapon. There is, as you point out, a certain rough justice to be applied to the vaxxers like your nurse, as they sicken and die, as many will. It is sad these people were not more circumspect and understanding. And this is all just starting, as things will get worse. About 260,000,000 U.S. citizens took one or more injections. Thanks for your clarity of writing and gumption in what you write.

Danny Huckabee

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Weird how so many authoritarians killed or injured themselves in the process. As if turning a blind eye to others' suffering kept them from seeing threats to their well being.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

It's not over. Make a list of people you know offline who can be trusted. Stick with them. They are friends to be counted on.

Those who played for Team Vitriol and are pretending it never happened or gave half-baked Emily Oster style requests for "amnesty" should not be allowed back into your inner circle.

For the next emergency we can expect them to pull the same thing. Forgiveness and charity do not equal trusting the untrustworthy.

I don't call the Covidians sheep. While sheep are easily scared and dumb, they're also gentle, sweet tempered, and love to be around each other. Timid but friendly. True herd animals. They love head rubbing though it involves sharing parasites. They scatter when scared but would never willingly break up the flock to gain social standing with the local wolf pack.

Herd animals' greatest strength is sticking together.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

This is right-on. Some people showed their true colors as little snitch enforcers; these same people will go around with an armband and a radio to turn you in to the authorities for poltical contraband, a bible, guns, oh I don't know, hiding jews?

During the scamdemic/lockdowns (I refuse to say pandemic) some of our "kind enlightended open-minded science-loving lawn science 'educated' West coastal 'friends'" attempted an intervention to turn my wife of almost 20 yrs against me, among other things, for my political views and suspected Trumpism. It was a weird time.

They're oddly quiet now. But I haven't forgot. It's actually fortuitous, in a way, to know what peoples' true colors are.

This is in a community where it seems everyone is getting divorced, talks about "eastern spiritualism" without being able to define it, hates America, is transing the youth, etc.

Suffice it to say we don't live there anymore.

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I have to truly dig deep to find compassion for smugnurse. She was responsible for destroying people’s livelihoods.

I’m still digging.

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Oh they are still out there. But now that the scam is confirmed in so many places they speak a lot less loud and more in private as if it is your fault and yours only. They blame you still for it all.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023

That's a really interesting point at a personal level. Some of these people really still do believe this and simple select information to create a respective narrative. Eg the masks saved us.

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Last week I talked to a former friend. She still waves newspapers that tell you millions died from the virus. They still proclaim millions were saved by the jab. No word about the people that you see in newspapers dying everywhere. Yesterday the italian press cited 3 dropped dead on the beach. At least a dozen dropped dead in stores, in their shower, in their living room, or died driving their cars. Most blame it on the heat. One newspaper is starting to mention the jabs - but there is no proof! All these dead people are proof enough for me!

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It is kind of weird to see the opposing side go so silent after their COVID mania, to see the faces of people who were behind masks two years ago now seemingly unafraid, and nobody avidly pushing the clotshot anymore, at least outside of the Church of the Holy Vaccine, represented by their devout and purchased doctors, medical schools and hospitals. Perhaps evidence of harms has bombarded a critical mass of the public painfully close to home.

Even terrorists Gates and Fauci seem to be taking a summer break before they cook up the next scamdemic.

Their next project: trying to convince us that it is so urgent to reduce human population, 'climate doncha know,' that food production will be reduced for the good of the planet, and they will commence slaughtering cows and blocking the sun now for the good of all.

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To your point re: population reduction, Kamala the braying klown let it slip in a speech just a couple of days ago that population reduction was ahead.

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to my amazement this morning at the store still one employee masked. I have such a hard time not laughing in her face, I usually just can't keep a straight face. All it does now is make her look totally wacky.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Smugnurse- seems like she labeled herself quite appropriately. Mark, your latest story reminded me of my experience with my Dad. He passed away in early March of complications from a cold that progressed into pneumonia- he was 91. The official DC said cause of death was Covid. That was a lie. He chose to quit fighting because he was tired and ready to go- he decided to stop eating and drinking- he died because he was old and ready to go. He told us- don't try to force me to get better, I'm ready! Our family had the help of some wonderful nurses in that last week of his life- they had much compassion.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

As a retired nurse practitioner, I’m flummoxed by the mass lack of critical thinking among so many (not all, thank God) supposedly highly-educated “health care professionals”. I no longer give credence to my masters-level+ health “education”, but to my high school debate career (consider ALL the information, not just what the upper echelon tells you) for my questioning of the lunacy of the “pandemic” debacle. I pray for your healing, smugnurse, but mostly that you might grow into humble&kindnurse. You’d make a much bigger impact for good, as would we all.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Mark I've said this before but you are such an excellent writer, but this time I know how to up the compliment: the scamdemic has been awful, I've had to work overtime to help my two amazing daughters stay focused on good things (and away from the jabs, which luckily was easier than I thought it might be), but a few good things emerged from the otherwise awful morass of darkness, and one is some people found a talent or skill that perhaps they wouldn't have focused on if not for the need, and time, to burn off a simmering anger, or frustration, or anxiety, or some other close cousin that's not super fun, and maybe you've found that you like writing, and just know that I always look forward to your next stack cuz you have a way of making similar experiences and thoughts I've had over the last few years feel more communal and (therefore) less lonely, and I've needed that quite a bit because I cannot share a 60 year old man's thoughts with my 2 college daughters, they'd be too scared to know about my near total loss of faith in our great country's "powers that be" and my furious loss of respect for my best friends of 30 years who I can almost hear mewling like the weak little sheep that I've found them to be... how the hell could some idiot like ME, a nobody, see it all so clearly about one month in, and how could my many friends see every one of my predictions come true, one after another after another, and have this not be enough to shatter their faith in their own fear or desire to be compliant and even in some cases complicit?? Ok this is getting away from the compliment I meant it to be: good article, again, I'm so glad you continue to publish!

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

The only thing smugnurse got right was her Tik-Tok name. Toxic masculinity is only bad when men exhibit it. When women do they are encouraged and celebrated. It's "female empowerment." They are "boss bitches." The one-note stridency of the female leads in much entertainment today is unwatchable.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

It's significant that the self-styled vigilante enforcers of covid public policy were dubbed Karens, not Kens.

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Team Vitriol was highly influenced by the non-stop crisis propaganda about the virus on TV and in other media. You know ... the stuff they called news. And the powers-that-be have halted that non-stop propaganda, at least for now. That's why you don't hear anything from Team Vitriol lately. They have been turned off. My guess is that Team Vitriol will reemerge as soon as the non-stop crisis propaganda starts up again. And the crisis propaganda doesn't have to be about a virus. It could be about a foreign war or climate change or something else entirely. The crisis propaganda just has to on all their "news" sources and non-relenting. They will be ready to do whatever they are told, like the unwitting assassin in "The Manchurian Candidate".

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Those entities have been stirring up the climate change war.

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My gas clothes dryer died about a month ago here in the Midwest. There was no reason to make a special trip to Nebraska Furniture Mart for a replacement, because they only carry one gas dryer, a G.E., so we ordered it online for delivery. I guess we feel lucky to get it!

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Yes, the climate change propaganda is definitely intensifying.

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Have you or anyone here ever paid attention to Project Veritas, especially when O'Keefe was at the helm? If so, you may recall when one of the reporters with a hidden camera recorded some producer at CNN saying that the next manufactured, or words to that effect, crisis, was going to be about climate change? If you've been paying attention, the chatter has been ratcheted up to very scary levels.

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Yes, I agree. The climate change chatter is being ratcheted up. It's hard to believe that it will get to the level of the covid propaganda, but it may. And as you say, it will be "manufactured" by the legacy news media and backed up by google and facebook with attacks on and censorship of any climate scientists that disagree with their narrative. Many gullible Americans will fall for that as hard as they fell for the covid scam.

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Prepare for food and fuel shortages.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Thanks for writing Mark. Let’s keep their memory alive.

Reminds me of more opened minded pro vaxxers whose memory is the only thing that can be kept alive sadly. Bodybuilders, Doug Brignole and the German guy with a huge social media following along with countless others.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Another excellent essay Mark.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

Years ago, in a book called The Closing of the American Mind, Prof Allen Bloom discusses this very phenomenon. Basically the replacement of reason with indignation in American academia and culture. He quotes Aristotle; "Indignation is the soul's defense against doubt about itself. To understand indignation is to understand the soul."

I think Smug Nurse does get it and is terrified of that. She knows it's all a lie. She'll do anything to avoid acknowledging it. Including, but not limited to screaming and yelling, cancelling you, and getting you fired. If she and her like minded friends could go further, they would.

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Prof. Allan Bloom was my teacher's teacher. There are a couple of his books next to my desk in my office.

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If you have time, you should read The Closing of the American Mind. Amazing foreshadowing of what we are living through now.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Mark Oshinskie

“Many medical personnel are self-centered, not patient-centered. Their message is, “Listen to us superior people in scrubs: roll up your sleeve and take the shots, or pills, that we tell you to take.””

I HATE this. The smugness of the medical “professionals.” I also really hate not being given any credit for knowledge of anything medical because I’m not a “Doc-tor.” I spend many hours reading and studying about health issues...most likely MORE than the sacred Doc-tors but know one cares or listens because what could I possibly know?

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Jul 22, 2023·edited Jul 22, 2023

As a lawyer, I've always looked down on doctors. They're stupid herd creatures who kill people with their ignorance and apathy.

On a couple of occasions, doctor-acquaintances would complain to me about med-mal insurance. My response was always the same: stop killing people and you wouldn't have to worry about it.

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Naomi Wolf just wrote an excellent essay about the comparison to the holocaust. She helped me understand that likening what just happened to us to the atrocities against the Jews is not hyperbolic. She is Jewish and she gets it. Thanks again Mark for another excellent well-considered opinion piece. https://open.substack.com/pub/naomiwolf/p/this-jewess-says-rfk-jr-is-right?r=pfmd8&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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